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What is sociology?

1. John J. Macionis and Ken Plummer (2005), 3rd edition, 'Social change and the origins
o sociolog!', in Sociology: A Global Introduction, "". 11#15, Pearson.
2. $iddens, %. (ed.) (2001) Sociology: introductory reading (re&. ed.), 'eading 1.1( )*he
Sco"e o Sociolog!+, 3#,, Polit! Press
3. $iddens, %. (ed.) (2001) Sociology: introductory reading (re&. ed.), 'eading 1.2( )*he
Sociological -magination and the Promise o Sociolog!+, .! /. 0right Mills, 1#2, Polit!
3. $iddens, %. (ed.) (2001) Sociology: introductory reading (re&. ed.), 'eading 1.3(
)*hin4ing Sociologicall!+, .! 5!gmunt 6auman, 10#13, Polit! Press
5. Peter 7. 6erger (2003) )%n -n&itation to Sociolog!+, in 7eonard /argan and Jeanne 8.
6allantine (eds.), Sociological Footprints: Introductory Readings in Sociology, "". 31 #
3,, Pu.lisher( 0ads9orth.
,. %le: *hio (1223), 2nd edition, 'Sociolog! and /ommon Sense, Sociolog! %s % Science',
in Sociology: A Brief Introduction, "". 5#1, 8ar"er /ollins /ollege Pu.lishers.
Overview on the early founders: Comte, Durkhiem, Marx, Weber
1. *on! 6ilton, Ke&in 6onnett, Pi" Jones, *on! 7a9son, ;a&id S4inner, Michelle Stan9orth
and %ndre9 0e.ster (2002, 3th ed.), Introductory Sociology, /ha"ter 11( /lassical social
theor!, eminism and modernit!, "". 3,1#3<1, Palgra&e Macmillan.
2. 'it=er, $eorge, $oodman, ;. J. (2003, ,
edition), )6iogra"gical S4etches( /omte,
;ur4hiem, Mar: and, in Modern Sociological Theory, "". 13#15, 1<#12, 22#23,
30#31, Mc$ra9 8ill.
mile Durkheim
1. 'oger %. Salerno (2003), Beyond the Enlightenment: i!es and Thoughts of Social
Theorists, /ha"ter 1( )>mile ;ur4heim( *he >cli"se o /ommunit!+, "". 51#51, Praeger
2. Ken Morrison (2
ed.), )*he ;i&ision o 7a.or in Societ!+, Mar:, ;ur4heim, "eber :
Formations of Modern Social Thought, 200,, "". 15<#111, Sage Pu.lications.
3. John J. Macionis and ?i@ole A. 6eno4raitis, (2003) Seeing #ursel!es: $lassic%
$ontemporary% and $ross&$ultural Reading in Sociology% 'eading 13( )%nom! and
Modern 7ie+, .! >mile ;ur4heim, "". 3<1#3<5, Pearson >ducation.
3. 7eonard /argan and Jeanne 8. 6allantine (eds.) (2003), Sociological Footprints:
Introductory Readings in Sociology, )0hat -s a Social BactC+, .! >mile ;ur4heim, "".
,#10, Pu.lisher( 0ads9orth.
Max Weber
1. 'oger %. Salerno (2003), Beyond the Enlightenment: i!es and Thoughts of Social
Theorists, /ha"ter <( )Ma: 'eason and 6ureaucrac!+, "". 52#,5, Praeger
2. Ken Morrison (2
ed.) (200,), )*he *heme o 'ationali=ation in's 0or4+, Mar'%
(ur)heim% "eber : Formations of Modern Social Thought, "". 21<#2<1, Sage
3. Ken Morrison (2
ed.) (200,), )/haracteristics o 6ureaucrac!+, Mar'% (ur)heim%
"eber : Formations of Modern Social Thought, "". 3<2#3<3, Sage Pu.lications.
3. John J. Macionis and ?i@ole A. 6eno4raitis, Seeing #ursel!es: $lassic% $ontemporary%
and $ross&$ultural Reading in Sociology, 'eading 55( )*he Protestant >thic and the
S"irit o /a"italism+, .! Ma:, "". 335#350
!arl Marx
1. 'oger %. Salerno (2003), Beyond the Enlightenment: i!es and Thoughts of Social
Theorists, /ha"ter ,( )Karl Mar:( /a"italism and 8uman >:"loitation+, "". 33#50,
Praeger Pu.lishers.
2. Ken Morrison (2
ed.) (200,), )*he $erman -deolog!+, Mar'% (ur)heim% "eber :
Formations of Modern Social Thought, "". 32#51, Sage Pu.lications.
3. John J. Macionis and ?i@ole A. 6eno4raitis, Seeing #ursel!es: $lassic% $ontemporary%
and $ross&$ultural Reading in Sociology, (2003) 'eading 12( )Maniesto o the
/ommunist Part!+, .! Karl Mar: and Briedrich >ngels, "". 50#51, 'eading 3,(
)%lienated 7a.or+, .! Karl Mar:, "". 212#2<2
Pu.lisher( Pearson >ducation.

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