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PART 1: Answer the following questions using the answer sheet at the end of this


1. Circuit Switching and Connection Oriented mean the same thing .(T)
2. A computer program is a complete specification of the processes to be performed.(T)
3. In packet switched networks all the packets follow the same route between the sender and
the destination. (F)
4. The more Linguistics we use, the easier is the process of speech recognition. (T)
5. The communication between people and ICT systems is called Human to Computer
interaction. (F)
6. A technical specification that forms a standard does need to state how the functional
characteristics are to be implemented in a particular product. (T)
7. A system is a collection of component parts which together perform some task or tasks. (T)
8. The mobile telephone is one-to-many asynchronous system. (F)
9. A handheld PDA belongs to the category of general-purpose computer system. (T)
10. Design activities are the way of presenting the requirements of a system. (T)
11. STAIR is a method for design strategy. (T)
12. The hierarchical task decomposition (HTD) is a technique that helps in developing a design
solution. (T)
13. Standards are needed when a product needs to interact with other products, including those
from other manufacturers. (T)
14. Decimal numbers are often represented as binary codes simply by converting each number
to its binary equivalent: Thus 3 (decimal) is 01 in binary code. (F)
15. An octet is another name of a bit. (F)
16. Error correction and error detection are completely independent processes. (F)
17. In one-to-one communication systems the recipient may not be identified. (F)
18. A digital signal is restricted to a set of values. (T)
19. Multiplexing is the process of combining a number of signals so that they can share a single
transmission channel. (T)
20. Flowcharts consist of a number of predefined symbols that are linked together with arrows.
21. A spectrum is a graph showing the amplitudes present in a signal. (F)
22. The bandwidth of an analogue signal is equal only to the highest frequency present in the
signal. (F)
23. The time domain view of a sound signal describes the amplitudes of the frequency present
in the signal over a specified interval time. (F)
24. Half-duplex is a mode in which each computer can send and receive data simultaneously.
25. Slot time can be expressed in bits. (T)
26. The time it takes a packet to travel between two nodes is called propagation delay. (T)
27. A channel of bandwidth 52 MHz can carry no more than 8 frequency-division multiplexed
signals if each signal has a bandwidth of 6 MHz. (T)
28. Frequency Hopping can be used to combat fading problems. (T)
29. Transferring 200 Kbyte over a link with a bandwidth of 10 Mbit/s takes 163.84 ms. (F)
30. WAP is the de facto standard for providing internet services to mobile phones and other
types of wireless devices. (T)
31. A connectionless service requires the user to set up a connection before sending any data.
32. An Ethernet LAN can have only one collision domain. (T)
33. CRC is an algorithm that corrects errors. (T)
34. In cell handover, the mobile phone will keep using the same frequency so that it does not
lose the signal. (F)
35. Network management includes only network manager and network management system.
36. SNMP is a standard protocol that specifies how information is carried between an agent and
the managed network element. (F)
37. The MIB is used to hold information about the managed network element. (T)
38. The maximum bit rate that a channel can handle is called band limit. (F)
39. How computers are connected together is described as network topologies. (T)
40. Medium access control is a protocol that specifies how computers are to share a common
communication channel. (T)
PART 2: Answer the following questions using the answer sheet at the end of this document.

1- A user built a design in RAD with a multiple port generic object where
choices are among: ‘Go Home’, ‘Go to School’, and ‘Go to Work’. If the user
chooses ‘Go Home’, then the confirmation message will be stored in (note that
$response is the variable):

a. $response
b. ‘$response’
c. $$response
d. ‘response’
e. None of the Above

2- What is the representation of 128 in Binary:

a. 10000010
b. 10000000
c. 11001100
d. 11101111
e. 10101010

3- When an email message is sent through the Internet which one of the
following queries the DNS?

a. All the MTAs

b. User Agent of the sender
c. User Agent of the receiver
d. Both User Agents

4- The role of the Processor is to:

a. Load Data
b. Store Data
c. Manipulate Data
d. Send Data to the I/O
e. All the above

5- Multiplexing is the process of :

a. Combining several channels in one channel

b. Combining several signals in one signal
c. Combining several signals in one channel
d. Combining several channels in one signal
e. all the above
6- Industry-Wide Standards

a. These standards are published and can be adopted by any

b. Are called de jure standards
c. These standards are designed by a single manufacturer and are not
available to others
d. These standards appears from common usage and are often
originate from a single manufacturer who encourages other to use them
e. b and c

7- Which one of the following symbols represents a subroutine in the flowchart?

a. b. c. d. e.

8- Continuous Speech Recognizers consist of:

a. Speaker Independent Systems and Isolated Word Recognizers

b. Speaker Independent Systems and Speaker Enrollment Systems
c. Speaker Enrollment Systems and Isolated Word Recognizers
d. None of the Above

9- In a system with 32-bit Data Words, how many data words would we have if
the size of the Main Memory is 1024 Bytes?

a. 256
b. 528
c. 128
d. 512
e. 356

10- Phonemes can be classified as:

a. Lexicon and Semantics

b. Phonology
c. Vowels and Consonants
d. All of the Above
e. None of the Above
PART 3: Answer the following questions in the space given below each question

1) Explain the problem of multi path propagation or fading in mobile systems.

The direct radio signal from the base station to the mobile is accompanied by reflections or
echoes from buildings or natural features. Because they have traveled further, the reflected
waves are delayed with respect to the direct path. The mobile receives signals both directly
from the transmitter and by reflection off buildings and natural features

2) Complete below the diagram Shannon used in his theory of communications.

Transmitter Receiver Destination

Noise source

3) Given that radio waves propagation time is 6 μs for a path length of 2 KM, what will be the
velocity of the radio waves?

Velocity=Distance/Time=2*1000m/6.10-6 s= 3.33*108 ms-1

4) Explain the concept of frequency modulation (FM) while focusing on the relation between the
carrier frequency and the message signal.

In frequency modulation (FM), it is the frequency of the carrier which is changed, and it is
changed in accordance with amplitude of the message signal. So when the message signal has
large amplitude, the frequency of the FM signal will be higher than when the message signal
has smaller amplitude.
5) What is the design goal of the third generation (3G) mobile communication systems?

It is the delivery of multimedia services to the user in the mobile domain. This requires the
provision of user data rates that are substantially higher than those provided by today’s second
generation (2G) network.

6) The STAIR design strategy consists of many steps; list them and explain briefly two of them.

Statement: Prepare a clear statement of the requirements

Tools: Review your tools and select the most appropriate for the task
Actions: Deciding the what, when and how.
Implementation: executing the action plan.
Review: verifying that your solution fulfils the requirements.

7) An analogue-to-digital converter has an input voltage range of 1.2 V. If the resolution of the
converter is 4 bits, what is the quantization interval?

16 code word for 4 bits. The quantization interval is 2.4/16=0.15 V

8) Explain what WAP is and what does stand for.

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) is the de facto standard for providing internet services to
mobile phones and other types of wireless devices
9) What are the two main categories of an ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) system and
explain one of them.

• Isolated Word Recognition:

 These systems try to recognize individual words or short phrases, often
called ‘utterances’.
 Pauses at the beginning and end of an utterance make the recognition process
much easier because there are no transition stages between utterances.

• Continuous-Speech Recognizers:
 Here the words are spoken at a normal speech rate without the need for short
 Recognition is more difficult because the end of one word runs into the
beginning of the next.

10) Mention the three stages of an isolated word recognizer system

Stage 1: Capturing the data (capture the digital representation of the spoken word:

Stage 2: Phoneme extraction (Convert the waveform into a series of elemental sound units:

Stage 3: Word estimations (Uses various form of mathematical analysis to estimate the most
likely word consistent with the series of recognized phonemes.)

11) Define the term Technical Specification.

It’s the description of the functional characteristics of the products which is going to be
standardized with emphasis on how the product will interact with other products.
NB: The technical specification will not mention how the functional characteristic will be
implemented in the product.

12) Explain what DNS stands for and how it works.

DNS stands for Domain Name Service/Server; it allows us to relate an IP address to a name. In
fact it is used to translate a name (which is easier to use) to an IP address. No single computer
knows all the Internet addresses. In fact, DNSs are in contact with each other. If one doesn’t
know he will ask his neighbour; if the neighbour also doesn’t know he will ask his neighbour
and so on until the answer is answered (the IP address).

13) Define the term HTD.

HTD stand for Hierarchical Task Decomposition also known as the Top down technique; it’s a
technique which allows reducing the size of the problem by decomposing it into a number of
smaller problems

14) Explain the SNMP protocol

Simple Network Management protocol (SNMP) is used to carry information between the
management software and the agent within the managed element. SNMP sits above the
transport layer in the OSI reference model. It uses User Datagram Protocol (UDP) to transport
the messages.

15) List the essential constitutes of the network management structure.

1- A network manager
2- A network management system
3- A network
PART 4: Answer the following questions in the space given below each question

1) Run-length coding is used in many compression algorithms. This involves detecting

sequences of 0s or 1s in a stream of bits and replacing each sequence with a number that specifies
the number of zeros or ones that are in sequence. Assume that we have a stream of 200 bits, the
first 10 are 1s and the 180 that follows are zeros and the last 10 are again 1s.

a) What is the compressed version of the message

In binary (00001010)1(10110100)0((00001010)1
In decimal 10(1) 180(0)10(1)

b) What is the compression ratio?

The compression ratio is the number of bits in the original message divided by the
number in the compressed message, which is 200/27=7.4

c) Is it a lossless compression or a lossy compression and if so, why?

It is lossless because after decompression of the received message we will recover the
original message without any change to the content.

d) How long does it take to transfer 20 MBytes of a compressed file over a link with a
bandwidth of 800Kbit/s

2) Draw a flowchart for a coffee vending machine that uses messages to give feedback
to the users. The flowchart is concerned only with the user interaction.

When the machine is turned on it displays the following message: “Working”

• The machine waits until a user inserts a coin, then it displays; “X coin inserted,
please make your choice”. In fact the user can choose Coffee, tea or espresso but this
does need to be reflected in our flowchart.

• The machine waits until the user has chosen his drink and then the machine starts
preparing the drink and enters in a loop waiting to finish the preparation of the drink
while displaying a message: “Please wait while preparing your drink”.
• After finishing the preparation of the drink the machine announces “You can take
your drink”, and than it displays immediately again the message” Working”.
Machine is one

”In function”

Coin preparatio
Inserte ?n

”Please take your drink”


”please wait while preparing your drink”

3) The following question’s parts are independent:

a) What is the reason behind multiplexing?

The full capacity of a telecommunications link is often greater than is required by any
individual signal being transmitted. Multiplexing is the process of combining a number of such
signals for transmission simultaneously over a single channel in order to exploit capacity to the
full. [The process of extracting the individual signals from the multiplexed combination is
known as demultiplexing].

b) What is frequency-division multiplexing (FDM)?

Using frequency-division multiplexing (FDM), two or more signals can be transmitted over
the same transmission channel by using different parts of the available frequency band for
each signal. It can be used for both analogue signals and digital signals

c) In an analogue system for mobile communication, each channel is carried by a

separate carrier. The carriers are separated by 20 KHz. The total bandwidth allocated to the
communication system is 22.825 MHz. How many channels are there?

The channels are separated by 20 kHz, so the bandwidth per channel is a notional 20 kHz. (It is
‘notional’ because a gap is usually allowed between the edge of one channel and the edge of the
adjacent channels. However, this does not affect the calculation.)

Number of channels = (total bandwidth) ÷ (bandwidth per channel)

=22.825 MHz ÷ 20 kHz

=1142 channels

d) An odd-parity code is to performed by adding a parity check bit at the end of the
message code word. What will be the resultant code word for each of the following: 0011,
1011, 1001, 0000?

00111 10110 10011 00001

4) The following question’s parts are independent:

a) How many links are required in a fully mesh topology in case of 8 computers:

Number of links = n(n-1)/2=8*(8-1)/2=28

b) What is the maximum round trip delay for an Ethernet frame (512 bits) operating in
a 1Gbit/s LAN?

Round trip delay=512/10x109=51.2 ns

c) A repeater introduces delay of 3.2 μs. What length of cable is this equivalent to, if
the propagation speed is 1.55x108 m/s?
Distance= speed x time
D= 3.2 x 10-6 x 1.55 x108m= 496m.

d) Given a propagation velocity of 1.66x108 m/s and a delay of 3.2 μs introduced by

each repeater, what is the round trip delay for two computers at either end of a 1500 m
link that includes two repeaters?

The signal travels 1500m. Using the formula: t=d/v t=1500/1.66x108 = 9 μs

The two repeaters add a further 2X3.2 μs delay, which is 6.4 μs. So that the total
one-way times is 9+6.4=15.4 μs
The round tripe delay is twice this vale: 30.8 μs
5) Answer the different question’s parts based on the graph below:

a) What does the graph show (explain briefly)?

The graph above shows that the samples are converted in 8 bit code words.

b) What is the quantization interval assuming that the signal amplitude

varies between +15 and -5 volts?

The range is 20 volts, and the number of levels is 256, so the quantization interval is
20/256 volts, or 0.078 volts.

c) If the sample taken is +8.025 volts (see the graph), what will be the
corresponding code word?
It will be 0000 1000 the same as for a +8 volt sample.

d) How many different samples (see the graph) can be represented by

code words?
The use of eight bits in this case determines the number of different sample
sizes that can be represented in binary form. 256,
True False-
Q# Answer Q# Answer Q# Answer
1 T 15 F 29 F
2 T 16 F 30 T
3 F 17 F 31 F
4 T 18 T 32 T
5 F 19 T 33 T
6 T 20 T 34 F
7 T 21 F 35 F
8 F 22 F 36 F
9 T 23 F 37 T
10 T 24 F 38 F
11 T 25 T 39 T
12 T 26 T 40 T
13 T 27 T
14 F 28 T

Multiple Choices-part2
Questions Answer
1 a b c d e
2 a b c d e
3 a b c d e
4 a b c d e
5 a b c d e
6 a b c d e
7 a b c d e
8 a b c d e
9 a b c d e
10 a b c d e

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