9th English Lesson2 PDF

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English - Lesson 2
Prose Gaia tells her tale
1. Who is Gaia?
Gaia is our mother earth. It is a Greek word.
2. What are the other names given to her?
The Greeks call her Gaia. The Indians call her
Bhoomi Matha. The English call her Earth.
3. What is Pangea and Panthalassa?
Pangea is the land mass and Panthalassa is the
water mass of the Earth.
4. How did Gaia feel when man stepped into the scene?
When man arrived Gaia was very happy. She was
proud that he would protect her and take care of her.
5. What was the fall out of mans development?
When man began to develop he became greedy.
He exploited all natural resources recklessly.
6. When did the trouble begin?
The trouble began when man began to
develop. He became greedy.
7. What is the result of global warming?
Days are getting hotter. Forests are burning.
Glaciers are melting. The rivers are drying up and
the animals are dying.
8. How can you conserve power and water at home?
Electrical appliances should be switched off
when not in use. We should maximize the use of
natural light. Rain water should be harvested.
Waste water should be used for kitchen garden.

Paragraph Questions:
1. Highlight the importance of forest conservation?

Forests are important for our survival.
They bring rain. They give fresh air.
But man goes on cutting the trees.
Forest area is reduced day by day.
Animals in the forest become homeless.
To set things right we should conserve forest.
We should plant more and more trees.

2. List the measures you can implement in your daily life to
protect your environment.
We must use eco-friendly vehicles such as bicycles and
solar cars.
We should use public transport to private vehicles.
We should plant saplings to commemorate any celebration.
We should use bio-degradable products.
We should save power by switching of electrical and
electronic appliances when not in use.
We should harvest rain water.
We should not waste water. Waste water can be used for
kitchen garden.

Poem: Earth
How beautiful you are Earth, and how sublime aaaaq _ ,a0+ : aaaaq _+++:
How perfect your obedience to the light and how noble
is your submission to the sun
aaaaq +,++m a+_ m + n_o: am0m +,q
m ,n-n, +_,a_++++

I have walked over your plains. m +a6aa+ao +m .__++0m
I have climbed your stony mountains m +,[_,.+m ao+ao +m j+_++0m
I have descended into your valleys m na a_ _++ _+ao +m ++_+ +0m .
I have entered into your caves m _++ao +m __++0m
On the plains I have discovered your dreams, +a6aa+ao m +mq+a +m +- [n_ __++0m
On the mountains I have admired your splendid presence ao+ao m 6++aa +m +m a+__++0m
And in the valleys I have observed your tranquility naa__++_+ao m a_+m +am___++0m
In the caves I have touched your mysteries. _++ao m _+++a_ 6_+. _+ +0m

You are the mouth and lips of Eternity _aoo+a+m a+a _[+_a _+m
The strings and fingers of Time ++o__m ,a,+_a a,o+_a (_+m)
The mystery and solution of life a+am a0m+_+_a _,q+_a (_+m)
How generous you are, Earth, and a_m _+,+a _-a 6++-.aa ,a0+:
How strong is you yearning for aaaaq a++ ++ 6++a+++
Your children lost between a+ a 6_+o_ _ m __+_++++
That which they have attained a,+a ++___a+_a
And that which they could not obtain a, +a ++_+ + +o+_a + _a .+o

We pierce your bosom with swords and spears
++a +__+a+_a +.+a+_a m a+,n_ a++0+a
And you dress our wounds with oil and balsam
m+o 0++ a +a ++++_+_ a- 6-+ , n+ a_+a
.[ +++
We plant your fields with skulls and bones
++a a-.0++[+a+_a a_a,+a+_a m a+o+a
And from them you rear cypress and willow trees
0++ ao_ +n,a, ao0o+ a,+a aa,+++
We empty our wastes in your bosom, and you fill
++a a+a _nn+a m a+,no 6++.[+0+a
Our threshing floors with wheat sheaves,
m+o a+a _a+a 0++a _a+o+a+o ,n,+++
And our wine presses with grapes
a+a n+++ 0++nn+a _,+.+++o ,n,+++.

We extract your elements to make ++a m 6n+_.+ao_ 6+++0+a
Cannons and bombs but out of n ,++aa 6a_-[+aa
Our elements you create lilies and roses m+o 0++ a +a 6n+_.+ao_ ooo 0,+_+
ao,+a _a++_+++
How patient you are Earth, and how merciful! aaaaq 6n+_a++o ,a0+: aaaaq ,++_aaaa:
Are you an atom of dust raised by _ t++m _
The feet of God when He journeyed from +.qam ++o+o _a+maa a, n+-a 6+m 0n+
The East to the West of the Universe! n,n_+__ +++o_ 0a+++ +.+_a 0n+

Who are you, Earth, and what are you? ++, ,a0+? amma++ _++++?
You are I, Earth! _+m +m ,a0+? ( a +_a 0aoo)
You are my sight and my discernment _+m am ++.+: am +a:
You are my knowledge and my dream _+m am q: am +mq:
You are my hunger and my thirst. _+m am n+: am _++a:
You are my sorrow and my joy am ++_a 0+: a++a 0+:
You are the beauty that live in my eyes am +-+_+_a a+a _a 0+:
The longing in my heart, the everlasting life in my soul! am _+__m j++_a: am ma+am ++ +_a:
You are I Earth, _+m ,a0+:
Had it not been for my being am +, ___+++_ooa+?
You would not have been! o o+ _ __ _+o :

Poem Comprehension:
1. How beautiful you are, Earth and how sublime!
How perfect your obedience to the light.
a) What does the poet say about the earth?
The poet says that the Earth is beautiful and sublime.
b) What is the light referred to?
It is the light of the sun.
2. On the mountain I have admired you splendid presence
And in the valleys I have observed your tranquility.
a) What does the poet admire when he climbed up the mountains?
The poet admires the beautiful scenery of mountains.
b) What does he see in the valleys?
In the Valleys he sees tranquility.
3. You are the mouth and lips of Eternity
The strings and fingers of Time
a) What is the Earth identified with?
The Earth is identified with Eternity and Time.
b) What do strings and fingers stands for?
It stands for playing music
4. We pierce your bosom with swords and spears
And you dress your wounds with oil and balsam
a) Who pierce whose bosom?
Man pierces the bosom of the earth with swords and spears.
b) How does Earth react when its bosom is pierced?
The earth is not get angry. It dresses our wounds by applying medicines like oil and balsam.
5. We plant your fields with skulls and bones.
And from them you rear cypress and willow trees.
a) Who do we and you refer to?
We refers to man. You refers to the earth.
b) Whose skulls and bones are planted?
It is the skulls and bones of dead people killed in the war.
6. We empty our wastes in your bosom, and you fill
Our threshing floors with wheat sheaves,
And our wine presses with grapes
a) Where do we empty our wastes?
We empty our wastes on the earth.
b) What do people do to the earth?
People throw away their wastes on the earth.

c) How does the earth react?
The earth gives them wheat and grapes.
7. Are you an atom of dust raised by the feet of God.
a) Who does you refer to?
You refers to the earth.
b) Who is the atom?
Atom is the earth when it is compared to the universe.
c) How was the atom raised?
The atom of dust is changed into the earth.
8. You are I Earth
Had it not been for my being
You would not have been.
a) What does the poet mean by you are I?
The poet means that man and the earth are one and the same.
b) What do the last two lines signify?
The show that we would not live if the earth does not exist

Literary Appreciation:
1. How beautiful you are Earth, and how sublime
How perfect your obedience to the light What is the figure of speech?
2. You are the mouth and lips of Eternity
The strings and fingers of Time What is the figure of speech?
3. I have walked over your plains
I have climbed over you stony mountains Find out the rhyming words.
4. We pierce your bosom with swords and spears Find out the words that are alliterated.
Swords Spears
5. On the plains I have discovered your dreams Find out the words that are alliterated.
Discovered - Dreams
Paragraph Question:
1. Write the substance of the poem in about 100 words.
The earth is beautiful and sublime to the sun. Man discovers dreams on its plains. He admires its beauty
in mountains. He sees peace in the valleys and mysteries in the caves. The earth is speech of Eternity and the
music of Time. Man pierces the Earth with various tools. But Earth gives him medicines. Man empties his
wastes and skulls in the Earth. But Earth grows trees and wheat from them. Man makes Cannons and bombs
from the elements of Earth. But Earth grows lilies and roses from the elements of man. Thus Earth is patient
and merciful. The poet concludes that Man and the Earth are one and the same.

Supplementary Amrita Devi The Guardian Angel of Woods

Choose the best answer:
1. The Khejri trees were cut down for the construction of a .
a) fort b) hospital c) palace d) choultry
2. September 10, 1730 A.D was considered a black Tuesday because .
a) Amrita Devi and her daughters lost their lives
b) the Khejri trees were destroyed in wild fire
c) the minister arrested the tribal chief
d) the village was hit by a tidal wave
3. Amrita Devi objected to the cutting of Khejri trees as it was against their
a) chiefs order b) kings order c) religious belief d) sentiments
4. Colonel J ames had made a mention of the . in his book.
a) Chipko Movement b) Bishnoi community
c) Abhai Singhs decree d) Khejarli Massacre
5. The Chipko Movement was started in . in Chamoli District.
a) 1970 b) 1972 c) 1974 d) 1976

1. c) Palace
2. a) Amrita Devi and
her daughters lost
their lives
3. c) religious belief
4. d) Khejarli Massacre
5. c) 1974

Rearranging Sentences: Answers:
a. Her three daughters also gave their lives.
b. The king of J odhpur sent his men to cut down
Khejari trees in the village.
c. Amrita Devi lived in Khejarli with her three daughters.
d. He wanted to build a new palace.
e. Amrita Devi did not allow the men to cut trees.
f. She hugged the tree and offered her head instead.
g. The kings men cut Amrita Devis head

Comprehension Questions:
1. Who was the first Thakur of Khejardi?
Thakur Surat Singh of Kharda Thikana was the first Thakur of Khejardi.
2. Where is the tribal village of Khejarli located?
The tribal village of Khejarli is located at 26 km south east of the city of Jodhpur in Rajastan.
3. What was that village named after?
The village was named after the Khejri trees.
4. Why didnt Amrita Devi allow the kings men to cut the trees?
Felling Khejri trees was against her religious belief. So she didnt allow Kings men to the trees.
5. What was the mission of Giridhar Bhandari?
Cutting down the Khejri trees was his mission.
6. What is the tree worthy of?
A tree is worthy of being saved at the cost of a human life
7. How did the people of Bishnoi community try to save the trees?
People from 83 villages came there to stop felling trees. They hugged the trees and got killed. Thus they
tried to save the trees.
8. What did Kings men become tired of?
The kings men became tired of killing many people for a few trees.
9. What did the kings royal decree proclaim?
The decree proclaimed that felling of trees and hunting animals were banned in and round Bishnoi
village. Those how violated the law would be prosecuted severe penalty would be imposed on them. This
decree applied to the ruling family as well.
10. Which incident triggered the Chipko Movement?
The killing of Amrita Devi and daughters in Khejardi triggered the Chipko movement.

Grammar and Vocabulary
1. I am deeply concerned about the way .
a) wounded b) interested c) worried d) affected
2. The ozone gas acts like a canopy, protecting us.
a) galaxy b) cloud c) vacuum d) shelter
3. . It is may duty to warn you of the impending dangers.
a) eminent b) dominant c) prominent d) approaching
4. I shall suggest certain measures.
a) ideas b) ways c) problems d) areas
5. Seek to restore the harmony of bygone days.
a) previous b) present c) olden d) modern

1. I am known by many names in different languages.
a) strange b) similar c) diverse d) popular
2. . My glaciers are melting.
a) moving b) breaking c) freezing d) vanishing
3. There existed a natural rhythm.
a) artificial b) fake c) abnormal d) unpleasant
4. I a superior creature had come to protect me.
a) greater b) mediocre c) minor d) inferior
5. Dont you have the wherewithal to bring back the glorious past?
a) wonderful b) graceful c) shameful d) dreadful
a) Amrita Devi lived in Khejarli with her three daughters.
b) The king of J odhpur sent his men to cut down Khejari
trees in the village.
c) He wanted to build a new palace.
d) Amrita Devi did not allow the men to cut trees.
e) She hugged the tree and offered her head instead.
f) The kings men cut Amrita Devis head
g) Her three daughters also gave their lives.
1. concerned - worried
2. canopy - shelter.
3. impending - approaching
4. Measures - ways
5. bygone - olden
1. different x similar
2. melting x freezing.
3. natural x artificial
4. superior x inferior
5. glorious x shameful

American English words

British English American English
Lift Elevator
Holiday Vacation
Film Movie
Autumn Fall
Petrol gasoline
Flat Apartment
Purse Wallet
Taxi Cab
Tap Faucet
Sweets candies

Replace the underlined word with its equivalent American English word:6++[++nn.. oo
0++.nn.. a+,__+_n 6n+___a+m 6a,++ +o a+,__+ a_ 0a-[a
1. Children like holidays.
2. If you take the lift to the tenth floor you will find the office.
3. Shall we go for a film.
4. My uncle brought me some sweets.
5. Close the tap when it is not in use.
6. Take a taxi to reach the railway station.
7. Fetch some petrol to wash my hands.
8. Where is your flat?
9. Open my purse and give him one rupee.
10. Give the American word for autumn
11. Give the American spelling for favour
12. Give the American spelling for peddler
13. Give the American spelling for offence
14. Give the American spelling for focussed
15. Give the American spelling for traveller
16. Give the American spelling for visualise
17. Give the American spelling for centre
18. Give the American spelling for metre
19. Give the American spelling for honour
20. Give the American spelling for realise

Abbreviation is a group of letters coined from the initial letters of an expansion.
Abbreviation amn _ a,am __o a_++a a.[a 6++-. +_++a.
a.++.. SBI (aan_)
Acronym is a word coined from the initial letters of an expansion.
Acronym amn _ a,am __o a_++a+o _a+++nn[a a+,__.
a.++. NASA (+a+)
(_n,. SBI amn_ _m__m a__++ aan_ am 6++o+0+a NASA amn_ +a+ am _
a+,__+++0a 6++o+0+a)

No Abbreviation Expansion
1 CFC Chloro Fluoro Carbon
2 WWF World Wide Fund
3 ZSI Zoological survey of India
4 GPM Green Peace Movement / General Post Master
5 WHO World Health Organisation
6 UNO United Nations Organisation
7 CWG Common Wealth Games
British Spelling American Spelling
Favour Favor
Honour Honor
Centre Center
Theatre Theater
Realise Realize
Visualise Visualize
Offence Offense
Traveller Traveler
Focussed Focused
Peddler Peddlar
1. holidays - vacation
2. lift - elevator
3. film - movie
4. sweets - candies
5. tap - faucet
6. taxi - cab
7. petrol - gasoline
8. flat - apartment
9. purse - wallet
10. autumn - fall
11. favour - favor
12. peddler - peddlar
13. offence - offense
14. focussed - focused
15. traveller - traveler
16. visualise - visualize
17. centre - center
18. metre - meter
19. honour - honor
20. realise - realize.

8 WWW World Wide Web
9 RBI Reserve Bank of India
10 SBI State Bank of India
11 NGO Non Governmental Oranisation
12 IAS Indian Administrative Service
13 BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
14 UPSC Union Public Service Commission
15 TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
16 UGC University Grants Commission
17 CBSE Central Board of Secondary Education
18 FAO Food and Agricultural Organisation / Finance and Accounting Outsourcing
19 NRI Non Resident Indian
20 ISF International Softball Federation
21 CPU Central Processing Unit
22 IPS Indian Police Service
23 MBA Master of Business Administration
24 MLA Member of Legislative Assembly
25 UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund (formerly United Nations International Children's
Emergency Fund)

Example Exercises
1. Give the Expansion of BBC.
2. Expand the abbreviation WHO
3. Expand the abbreviation UNO
4. Expand the abbreviation GPM
5. Expand the abbreviation WWW

_ +___m _nn+o -,_a 6++6+.,+a Idioms amnn[a. a[_+++..++ a,
,_+ a++++_ 6_+._++, amn_ He turns over a new leaf in his life am+0+a. a,
a..+, amn_ He kicked his bucket am+0+a

1. Nip in the bud - Stop at the very beginning (_a+0o0+ +aa a)
2. Fools errand - A fruitless undertaking (n+m _..a)
3. Raining cats and dogs - Raining heavily (+[a a)
4. Turn over a new leaf - Make a new beginning (,_+ __+++__ 6_+._)
5. Make a mountain out of molehill - Exaggerate a problem / make a big deal out of nothing
(++ a+++a o_ 6n,_++__o)
6. Let the grass grow under ones feet - Not to waste time by delaying /doing something
(_+a_nn_m_oa 0,__ a-++++ao j0__a 6++)
7. Under the sun - Anywhere on earth (,a+o a_ .___a)
8. Move heaven and earth - Do everything possible (_+m+o _++_ oo)
9. In deep waters - In big trouble. (a__ +,__o)
10. Thank ones luck stars - To be thankful for ones luck (_,._+_ m6++o)

1. BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
2. WHO World Health Organisation
3. UNO United Nations Organisation
4. GPM Green Peace Movement
5. WWW WorldWideWeb

Note-Making & Summery Writing:
6++[++nn.. n__+ m_ n_+ 6++-[ _m _n,+a a_ 0a-[a. n_ _m
_mo _ n__+++ +_++ a_ 0a-[a.
Note Making Tips:
a.++m (word / words /phrases /clauses)+ _++o+a. a+,__+_+_ .0+ ++
0++[ (With/without dash marks) 0n+.0.+ oo 0n+.+a0o+ a_o+a. a. a++++a++
_++ 0a-+ a++aoo(Not necessary in the form of the sentence).

a. aa _.
:. 6++[++nn.[aa n__+a m_ n_ ,, 6++aaqa.
z. _+++ +__+a +0++[.
1. 6n+___a+m _on, m a_qa.
|. +0++.. 6++6+.,+a .+o + 0++[ 0n+.[ (-) _n,+a++ a+qa oo
6++[++nn.. n__+o aa Auxiliary verbs(am, is, are, was, were, will, have) Articles (a, an ,
the) Linkers(and,but, so..) Prepositions (in, at, with, to, ..) aa n _+++a a+,__+a
++ a.[ _+++ +__+a (Main Ideas) a.[a a_ .+o oo ++nn..
a+,__+a __ .__o (-) ++ 0++[ (hyphen) 0n+.[+ 6++aaqa.
. m_ _n,aa+aa ++a.qa
a6+_ _.
:. 6++[++nn.[aa n__+a m_ n_ ,, 6++aaqa.
z. _+++ +__+a +0++[.
1. 6n+___a+m _on, m a_qa.
|. a -__on,+am + _n[_+.
. a _n,+a++ __+.
. a[_+++.[+a ++ a.[ _+++ +__+a a.[0a a+.
. 0_a++m

Example: (a6a+_ a++++__a _n,+a++ a+_o).
Given sentence Hint
The distribution of forests among different
districts of the state is very uneven.
Distribution of forests uneven
Charity no doubts means giving alms to people but charity
begins at home does not mean that you must give alms
first to the members of your family and charity is not
simply giving money or clothes to the needy and deserving.
It is a mental attitude.
Charity - giving alms - charity begins at
home - not mean - first to family members
- not giving money or clothes to needy - a
mental attitude

Summary writing - Tips
a. aa _

:. 6++[++nn.[aa n__+a m_ n_ ,, 6++aaqa.
z. __oo Rough Copy am a_qa.
6++[++nn.[aa n__+a + +_++ _+++ +__++a _+_a+ a_ _
6nm+o+o 0ao_ +, .a_ aoa++ _++o +++q+0++[ 0n+.[ _ a.qa.
|. nm Fair Copy am a_qa.
n__+a a_ oo ++,n n 6++oonn.[aa0_+ _0+ _onn++ a_qa.
0+aa+o :c a+,__+a __+o Fair copyo c a+,__+a (1o : n_) _+_a+
+_++ a_qa.
. _+o Words in the given Passage =120
Words in my summary = 40
am +a a+_+__ ___+0n+o a_qa.

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