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... through Bertha Dudde

Re-transformation into love ....
Siritual sar! .... Outouring of the sirit ....
"ver# erson $arries the divine sar! %ithin himself& %hi$h is art
of '#self& Whose fundamental element is love .... (en$e a tin#
sar! of divine love is inside of #ou and is in inseara)le $onta$t
%ith 'e& the rimar# sour$e of the strength of love ....
*onse+uentl#& this sar! smoulders %ithin #ou %hen #ou start
#our life as a human )eing on earth& and #ou are a)le to fan it
into a )rightl# )urning flame of su$h radian$e that nothing
ins$ruta)le $an revail in it& sin$e this flame illuminates
ever#thing and is a)le to $omletel# ermeate a erson& so that
he %ill live in )rightest realisation as it %as in the )eginning&
%hen he $ame forth from 'e as a ra# of love and a suremel#
erfe$t )eing ....
"ver#thing that is intimatel# $onne$ted %ith 'e is in full
ossession of light and strength .... ,his is %h# the onl#
imortant thing in a human )eing-s e.isten$e is to restore this
connection .... %hi$h the )eing on$e voluntaril# severed .... and
re$isel# this is made ossi)le through this ver# siritual sar!&
%hi$h is intended to esta)lish the $onne$tion %ith the eternal
Father-Sirit in order attain a state of )rightest enlightenment
and $learest realisation %hi$h& at the same time& is a state of
strength and freedom.
/n#one having !indled this divine sar! %ithin himself %ill never
)e a)le to go astra# again& for he %ill then move %ithin the range
of '# divine light of love& he %ill have )e$ome a vessel into
%hi$h the flo% of '# love $an our& for love $aused this sar! to
ignite. ,hus& an#one %ho is lovingl# a$tive also esta)lishes the
)ond %ith 'e& )e$ause 0 /m 1ove 0tself& )e$ause .... 2Whoever
lives in love lives in 'e& and 0 in him ....-
1ove is the rin$ile of divine order& onl# love is imortant in
earthl# life& for 0 /m 1ove '#self and if #ou %ant to rea$h 'e
then it $an onl# )e done )# shaing #ourselves into love and
there)# )e$oming as one %ith 'e again ....
For #our fundamental nature %as love and it is onl# ne$essar# for
#ou to transform #ourselves into #our fundamental nature
again .... for this reason 0 la$ed a sar! of love into #ou&
)e$ause #ou had forfeited love $omletel# and %ithout '#
suort %ould never ever have )een a)le to $hange )a$! again&
%hi$h 0 thus )esto%ed uon #ou )# la$ing a art of '#self into
#ou %hi$h is eternall# $onne$ted to 'e ....
/nd no% #ou should use #our e.isten$e on earth to fan this sar!
into the )rightest glo% .... ,hen all imerfe$tion %ill fall a%a#
from #ou& #ou %ill have es$aed all unhainess& siritual
)lindness %ill give %a# to )rilliant light& #ou %ill !no% ever#thing
again& for love itself is the light %hi$h %ill illuminate #ou and
disel all dar!ness ....
,hrough love #ou a%a!en the siritual sar! in #ou to life& and
#ou %ill have evaded the state of death %hi$h ever# form of
heartlessness signifies for the on$e $reated living $reation. ,hen
'# ra# of love %ill )e a)le to ermeate #ou& and sin$e 0 /m all-
!no%ing #ou %ill also attain the state of !no%ledge& )e$ause #ou
%ill have entered the state of divine order %hi$h guarantees
)rightest light and $learest realisation .... %here #ou %ill )e$ome
as erfe$t again as #ou %ere in the )eginning.
Do #ou still find it in$omrehensi)le as to %hat is meant )# the
2outouring of the sirit23
Do #ou no% understand that it is a $omletel# natural ro$ess
%hen the sirit instru$ts #ou from %ithin3 /s soon as #ou
esta)lish a )ond %ith 'e through living a life of love 0 '#self %ill
)e a)le to %or! in #ou )# heling #ou attain the realisation again
%hi$h #ou on$e lost& %hi$h #ou voluntaril# forfeited %hen #ou
relin+uished all love and resisted '# illumination of love.
,o a$$omlish #our tas! on earth merel# means to $hange
#ourselves into love again& for %hi$h 0 gave #ou the oortunit#
)# la$ing a tin# sar! of divine love into #ou ....
/nd therefore onl# love needs to )e rea$hed to #ou& for if #ou
ra$tise this #ou %ill also gain a $omlete understanding of the
$onse+uen$es %hi$h the a$tivit# of love %ill have .... ,he ouring
out of the sirit %ill )e$ome a $omrehensi)le $on$et for #ou
and then #ou %ill also !no% %hat truth is and %here and ho% #ou
$an attain it .... For ever#thing originates from 'e and onl#
re+uires a $onne$tion %ith 'e so that #ou $an arta!e in it and
)e$ome as erfe$t as #our Father in heaven is erfe$t ....
(o%ever& as long as #ou la$! love #our sirit %ill remain dar!& it
%ill $ertainl# rest dormant %ithin #ou as a sar! )ut it %ill not )e
motivated into a$tion %hi$h al%a#s re+uires loving a$tivit#.
,herefore #ou $an $onsider #ourselves )lessed if this information
is imarted to #ou& if #ou a$$et it and then endeavour to live
#our life a$$ording to this !no%ledge .... that #ou let love flare u
in #ou and there)# re$eive the life again %hi$h %ill last
eternall# ....
4u)lished )# friends of ne% revelations of God 50nformation&
do%nload of all translated revelations& theme-)oo!lets at6


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