FSA Staff Swear Allegiance To Isis: Agreements Between ISIS, Shura Council To Be Soon Held

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2014/6/19 -NO.

Negotiations held in Jarrod of Kalamoon
Agreements between ISIS, Shura Council to be soon held
Brahimi refuses
to intervene in
detainees file
ISIS claims
Zakat`s money
New battle
launched to liber-
ate Kafr Nboda
FSA staff swear
allegiance to
Page NO.2 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (513) 2014/6/19
FSA staff swear allegiance to ISIS
ISIS claims Zakat`s money
Several FSA commanders in Deir ez-Zour have just joined ISIS.A sources close to ISIS
confrmed this allegiance, it is a natural result of ISIS`s conquests, the source added.
Anti-government sources
in Manbej, Aleppo coun-
tryside, said that delegates
from ISIS including Emirs
and high-ranking off-
cials started are meeting
chiefs of Saaed, Albou-
chamis, Ghanem and Aoun
tribes in Aleppo eastern
countryside.ISIS asked
clan sheikhs to pay Za-
kat (alms-giving), encour-
age young men to join the
State, give in all weap-
ons, promising them to
spend millions of dollars
of oil revenues and loots
on substansive services.
Page NO.3
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (513) 2014/6/19
Agreements between
ISIS, Shura Council to
be soon held
Brahimi refuses to intervene in detainees fle
In Deir ez-Zour countryside,
ISIS militants have retreated
to al-Ma`amel area, with few
remained for surveillance.
An agreement between ISIS
and Shura Council may be
held soon, in which the cross-
ing of Jisr Al-Syasiah will
be reopened within the next
two days to secure access of
relief aid for civilians who
must be neutralized from the
fght.A source close to ISIS
dismisses reaching an agree-
ment on this matter, stressing
at the same time that the Is-
lamic State is keen to recon-
cile between Muslims.
According to informed
sources from the Offce of
the Former UN envoy to Syr-
ia Lakhdar Brahimi recur-
rently refused to intervene
in the fle of the detainees in
Syrian, an informed source
told reporters. Brahimi has
been pressed on to handle
such issue, however, he was
turned down by Syrian au-
thorities, the source add-
ed, his mission is confned
purely political
New battle launched to
liberate Kafr Nboda
Negotiations held in Jarrod of Kalamoon
Deadly battles broke out in
Jarod of Kalamoun and Ar-
sal and nearby rebel-held
redoubts. Several high-rank-
ing rebel offcials have been
wounded and killed includ-
ing al-Nusra chief Abu Mal-
lik al-Tally, Mazen Khal-
louf and Ammar Wardeh
Several fghting factions in
Hama countryside are start-
ing Alikhlas Lilah Devo-
tion to God battle to liberate
Kafr Npodh town in north-
ern countryside of Hama.
among others. According
to sources, negotiations are
reportedly being carried out
between the two warring
parties, whereby Syrian reb-
els will turn themselves in to
the Army, while non-Syrian
fghters seek a UD-spon-
sored way out.

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