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2014/6/-21 -NO.

Al-Kurdi resigns from Coastal operation room
No consensus yet on coalition president, Safi
ISIL evacuates
Aleppo countryside
Islamic Front
restricts visits to
Mansour: Refugee
crisis to be solved by
militias withdrawal
FSA, ISIL deal to
storm Euphrates riv-
er bank
Page NO.2 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (515) 2014/6/21
Al-Kurdi resigns from Coastal operation room
Syrian Arab Army withdraws from
Rankous Plain
Opposition takes over Abu al-Sanasel
Islamic Front restricts
visits to Turkey
Coastal operation room
Commander, colonel Malek
al-Kurdi resigned from his
position.Ineffciency of
general staff and defense
ministry in securing the sup-
port necessary to implement
prepared military plans, al-
Kurdi posted on Facebook.
One particular faction has
monopolized money and
ammunition sent by coali-
tion, violating rules of in-
stitutional work in spite of
all attempts made to settle
things right, he added.
Spokesman of al-Nabek
media center in Damas-
cus countryside Ameir
al-Nabeki reported that
SAA withdrew from two
vital positions near Rank-
In Homs countryside, oppo-
sition fghters took over Tal
Abu al-Sanasel located in
west of Talbeisah city after
ferce battles with SAA.
Public directorate linked
to Islamic front of Bab al-
Salamah border crossing on
Syrian-Turkish borders is-
sued a resolution to permit
access of every Syrian car to
Turkey once every 15 days.
According to the directorate,
the resolution came in re-
sponse to Turkey`s decision
to decrease the number of
cars entering from Syria. The
resolution enters into force
starting Tuesday 24 of June.
ous plain, just off Talftta.
Al-Nabeki attributed this
action to recurrent rebel
offensives, as well as en-
hancing the position of
pro-government militia.
Page NO.3
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (515) 2014/6/21
Mansour: Refugee crisis to be solved by militias
Member of SNC political body
Alia Mansour appealed inter-
national community to spare
no efforts to settle the crisis of
Syrian refugees and condemn
systematic crimes perpetrated
against Syrians.In World Ref-
ugee Day, she affrmed that the
refuges crisis shall not be ad-
dressed through providing aids
only, but it by applying a Se-
curity Council resolution.SC
resolution should force for-
eign terrorist militias to get
out from Syrian territories,
ISIL evacuates Aleppo
FSA, ISIL deal to enter Euphrates river bank
No consensus yet on coalition president, Saf
Interim government to
patronize martyrs and
ISIL reportedly took over
wide areas in southern
bank of Euphrates River in
Deir Ezzor eastern coun-
Spokesman of Syrian oppo-
sition coalition Loay Saf as-
serted that no candidate have
yet been offcially nominat-
ed to head the coalition. He
pointed out that many names
are being circulated, exclud-
ing possibility of amend-
ing the rules of procedure
to grant the incumbent Ah-
mad Jarba a third presiden-
tial term.He added that SNC
presidential elections will be
Syrian interim government
will be taking care of martyrs`
families as well as wounded
employees, naming them as
martyrs of the homeland
and duty.The government
pledged to pay salaries of
workers who were injured
during performing their du-
ties.The resolution does not
involve the injured employ-
ees before its issuing date.
tryside under its deal with
Free Army command there.
ISIL dominated completely
al-Mouhsan city, al-Boua-
mar and al-Bouleil towns
in eastern countryside.The
agreement stated on enter
the region by ISIL without
shedding blood and protect-
ing Free Army commanders.
carried out in general body
meeting in the frst week of
July.The Regulations does
not allow launching electoral
campaigns, but the names of
candidates has been chosen
by general body members.
ISIL gives townspeople of
Ikhtrin, Turkam and Dudian
among others in Aleppo coun-
tryside 48 ultimatum to evac-
uate the towns if they want to
spare their lives as Muslims.
because theses militias are the
only to blamed for Syrian ref-
ugees crisis whether inside or
out Syria, Mansour said.She
added that arming FSA with
qualitative weapons, securing
green zones inside Syria by
imposing No Fly zone.

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