Water Usage and Total Waste (Solid and Liquid) 1a

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Design Document

Waste Generation, collection and


Document Title

Fauji Fresh n Freeze
Lahore Trade Centre


Document Number

SCBS Pvt. Ltd
Frozen Fruits & Vegetables Plant
Page : 1/1 Date: 21.04.2014 Customer: Fauji Fresh n Freeze Site: SWL

Data for the Design of
Waste Management System

Design Document

Waste Generation, collection and

Document Title

Fauji Fresh n Freeze
Lahore Trade Centre


Document Number

SCBS Pvt. Ltd
Frozen Fruits & Vegetables Plant
Page : 1/1 Date: 21.04.2014 Customer: Fauji Fresh n Freeze Site: SWL

1. Introduction ... 3
2. Process Water Usage and Solid Waste . 3
2.1. French Fries Line 3
2.2. Fruits and Vegetable Line ..... 5
3. Utilities ... 6
3.1. Boiler .... 6
3.2. RO Plant .. 6
3.3. Condensers .. 6
4. Water for Sanitation . 7
4.1. Offices and Industrial Usage Including Food Preparation in Kitchen ..... 7
4.2. Future Requirements ...... 8
5. Washing and Cleaning .... 8
5.1. Processing Facility and IQF Hall .... 8
5.2. Kitchen, offices and Change Rooms 8
5.3. Water for Laundry ..... 8
6. Quality of Influent and Effluent Water ... 8
7. Local Laws to be Implemented . 9

Design Document

Waste Generation, collection and

Document Title

Fauji Fresh n Freeze
Lahore Trade Centre


Document Number

SCBS Pvt. Ltd
Frozen Fruits & Vegetables Plant
Page : 1/1 Date: 21.04.2014 Customer: Fauji Fresh n Freeze Site: SWL

1. Introduction
In order to design the waste treatment plant, 3W Systems requested the data regarding the waste
(liquid and solid). The data required includes the quantities of waste (solid and liquid), type of solid
wastes and their generation points along with various operations being performed in process halls.
The Sanitary water from offices and industrial buildings, Master layout of the plant along with road
network and existing or proposed sewer network. Keeping in view the environmental effects, final
specification of water and any local or national laws to be implemented.

2. Process Water Usage and Solid Waste
Like a typical food processing industry, water is being used to wash and clean vegetables and fruits
before further processing to avoid any contamination of pollutants which can affect the end user if
go untreated. Hygiene is most important factor in food processing industries. Various operations are
being performed on vegetables and fruits and water requirement for each step varies accordingly.
Water after being used contains stones, particles of dust and starch and plant sugars and must be
disposed of.
The process of French Fries (FF) line and water usage along with organic solid waste is as follows.
2.1. French Fries line Water Usage (Capacity 2 ton/hr) (Reference: JBT Manual)
Design Document

Waste Generation, collection and

Document Title

Fauji Fresh n Freeze
Lahore Trade Centre


Document Number

SCBS Pvt. Ltd
Frozen Fruits & Vegetables Plant
Page : 1/1 Date: 21.04.2014 Customer: Fauji Fresh n Freeze Site: SWL

Process Water Usage
1 Pre Washing/De-stoning (For removal of Stones and dirt) 5.8 380 0
2 Abrasive Peeling + Sorting (To Remove the skin of Potato
+ Reject the undesired potatoes)
52 11560 2320
3 Trimming (For Peeled Potato Inspection) 0 1080 0
4 Cutter (To cut potato in strips of specified Length and
22.4 2280 460
5 Blancher (To remove Reducing Sugars and Ascorbic acid) 22 440 80
6 Frying 0 0 0
Total 102.2 15740 2860

IQF (FS1) Freezer
Defrosting (FF line)
Water required is 2.25m/day.
Freezer belt is rinsed with 1 m/day water.
Cleaning with Chemicals and Rinsing.
Evaporator is rinsed after defrosting with 0.750 m/day clean water. Then a 5% of Diverclean VF7 or
equivalent chemical detergent in water is applied. The water used in foam making is 125 liters and
air 2125 liters. Composition of detergent can be obtained by material safety data sheet given in
annexure 1. After 5 minutes freezer is rinsed with 750 liters clean water. The belt is rinsed with 1 m
water. Then a 5% of Diverclean VF7 detergent in water is applied. The water used in foam making is
125 liters and air 2125 liters. Then a disinfectant of 1% Divosan VS1 (Quatdet SU 321) or equivalent
chemical foam is applied. The water used in foam making is 125 liters and air 2125 liters. The
composition of disinfectant can be obtained by annexure 2. The belt is rinsed with 1 m clean water
Process Water Usage (m/day)
Water Rinse 0.750
Detergent Application 0.125
Design Document

Waste Generation, collection and

Document Title

Fauji Fresh n Freeze
Lahore Trade Centre


Document Number

SCBS Pvt. Ltd
Frozen Fruits & Vegetables Plant
Page : 1/1 Date: 21.04.2014 Customer: Fauji Fresh n Freeze Site: SWL

Water Rinse 0.750
Belt rinse 1.000
Detergent Application 0.125
Water Rinse 1.000
Disinfectant Application 0.125
Water Rinse 1.000
Floor Wash 0.500

(Reference: Freezer Manual)

2.2. Fruit and vegetable (FnV) Line (Capacity 3 ton/hr) (Reference: JBT Manual)
Process Water Usage (m/day) Solid Waste (kg/day)
1 Pre Washing/Destoning 4
2 Peeling 24 36000
3 Trimming and Sorting 0 6000
4 Cutting + Hydro Transport 8 0
5 Blanching 16 0
6 Cooler 10 0
Total 62 42000

IQF (FS2) (FnV line)
Water used in defrosting is 4.5m/day.
The belt is rinsed with 1 m/day water.
Cleaning using Chemicals and Rinsing
Design Document

Waste Generation, collection and

Document Title

Fauji Fresh n Freeze
Lahore Trade Centre


Document Number

SCBS Pvt. Ltd
Frozen Fruits & Vegetables Plant
Page : 1/1 Date: 21.04.2014 Customer: Fauji Fresh n Freeze Site: SWL

Evaporator is rinsed after defrosting and 0.750 m clean water is used. Then a 5% solution of
Diverclean VF7 or equivalent chemical in water is applied to belt. Water used is foam formation is
125 liters. Composition of detergent can be obtained by material safety data sheet given in annexure
1. After 5 minutes freezer is rinsed with 0.75 m of water. The belt is rinsed with 1 m water. . Then a
5% solution of Diverclean VF7 in water is applied to belt. Water used is foam formation is 125 liters.
Then a disinfectant of 1% Divosan VS1 (Quatdet SU 321) or equivalent chemical foam is applied.
Water used is foam formation is 125 liters. The composition of disinfectant can be obtained by
annexure 2. After 10 minutes belt is washed with 1 m water again.
Process Water Usage(m/day)
Water Rinse 1.500
Detergent Application 0.125
Water Rinse 1.500
Belt rinse 1.000
Detergent Application 0.125
Belt rinse 1.000
Disinfectant Application 0.125
Belt rinse 1.000
Floor Wash 0.500

(Reference: Freezer Manual)
Gyro Freezer
Gyro freezer is defrosted and cleaned once a day. 2.175 m/day water is used for defrosting.
Gyro is rinsed with 0.5 m clean water.
Cleaning using Chemicals and Rinsing
Gyro is rinsed using 0.725 m clean water. . Then a 5% solution of Diverclean VF7 or equivalent
chemical in water is applied to belt. Water used is foam formation is 125 liters. Composition of
detergent can be obtained by material safety data sheet given in annexure 1. After 5 minutes freezer
is rinsed with 0.725 m clean water. Then a disinfectant of 1% Divosan VS1 (Quatdet SU 321) or
equivalent chemical foam is applied. Water used is foam formation is 125 liters. The composition of
Design Document

Waste Generation, collection and

Document Title

Fauji Fresh n Freeze
Lahore Trade Centre


Document Number

SCBS Pvt. Ltd
Frozen Fruits & Vegetables Plant
Page : 1/1 Date: 21.04.2014 Customer: Fauji Fresh n Freeze Site: SWL

disinfectant can be obtained by annexure 2. After belt disinfection belt is again washed with 0.5 m
clean water.
Process Water Usage (m/day)
Water Rinse 0.725
Detergent Application 0.125
Water Rinse 0.725
Belt Rinse 0.500
Detergent Application 0.125
Water Rinse 0.500
Disinfectant Application 0.125
Water Rinse 0.500
Floor Wash 0.500

(Reference: JBT CIP Manual and working time is assumed)

3. Utilities
3.1. Boiler
The water being sent to drain is 0.1478 m/day. The TDS are 2500 PPM.
Water Blow down (m/day) TS (PPM)
0.1478 2500

3.2. RO Plant
408 m/day of rejected water is being sent to drain. Total solids are given as follows.
Water Type Flow (m/day) TS (PPM)
Inflow 1608 3850
Treated Water 1200 200
RO Water Reject 408 14585

3.3. Condensers
12 m/day of water is lost to drain from condensers.
Design Document

Waste Generation, collection and

Document Title

Fauji Fresh n Freeze
Lahore Trade Centre


Document Number

SCBS Pvt. Ltd
Frozen Fruits & Vegetables Plant
Page : 1/1 Date: 21.04.2014 Customer: Fauji Fresh n Freeze Site: SWL

Water Sent to drain (m/day) TDS (PPM)
12 1000

(Reference: Taylors Technologies Inc.)

4. Water for Sanitation
4.1. Offices and Industrial Usage including Food Preparation in Kitchen
The basis of this number is maximum number of people present in one shift and that is for
pomegranate. The basis of water per capita comes from hygiene uses and cooking water
requirements as given by Kochi University Japans Survey in Pakistan.
Number of
No. of
Water Usage
1 Industrial 900 30 3 81
2 Office 100 25 1 2.5


(Reference: A Survey Conducted by Kochi University Japan)

4.2. Future Requirements
For future expansion of plant, a similar facility of current capacity is expected.

5. Washing and Cleaning
5.1. Processing, receiving and IQF Hall.
Washing of food processing hall is required in order to avoid any contamination of foreign
matter that is detrimental to food quality. In case of no washing mold and biofilm formation are
big problems which harbor the bacteria that pollute the food. One cleaning per day is must for
these halls. Detergent is used in this water and concentration of detergent is 5%.
Total Water Usage = 4.725 m/day
(Reference: Calculated from nozzle size and pressure of water being used)
5.2. Kitchen, Offices and Change Rooms
Design Document

Waste Generation, collection and

Document Title

Fauji Fresh n Freeze
Lahore Trade Centre


Document Number

SCBS Pvt. Ltd
Frozen Fruits & Vegetables Plant
Page : 1/1 Date: 21.04.2014 Customer: Fauji Fresh n Freeze Site: SWL

The kitchen and change rooms are required to be cleaned once a day at least. The required
water is 1.5 m/day for kitchen and 1.5 m/day for change rooms cleaning. A 5% solution of
detergent with water is used. Common detergents are used. (Reference: Calculated)
5.3. Water Required for Laundry
No. of Persons Water Use (liter/capita) Water Usage (m/day)
900 30 27

Detergents are used for laundry purpose. The detergent is 0.5% solution in water i.e. 50 grams of
detergent in 10 liters of water. (Reference: Soaps and Detergents by K.R Janardhanan)

6. Quality of Influent and Effluent Water
Water which will be used in food processing must be potable water. The parameters of potable
water are acquired by EPA Pakistan for drinking water.

Influent Water Quality
Parameters for influent are given above and 3W team will calculate the parameters from data
Effluent Stream Water Quality
The parameters are in accordance with EPA Pakistan standards.

Effluent Stream
Parameters Quantity (mg/l)
COD 150
BOD 80
TSS 150
VSS To be obtained from EPA Pakistan
TKN 30-100
Phosphorous 1
Alkalinity To be obtained from EPA Pakistan
pH 6.0-10.0
Temperature 40 C
Design Document

Waste Generation, collection and

Document Title

Fauji Fresh n Freeze
Lahore Trade Centre


Document Number

SCBS Pvt. Ltd
Frozen Fruits & Vegetables Plant
Page : 1/1 Date: 21.04.2014 Customer: Fauji Fresh n Freeze Site: SWL

7. Local Laws to be implemented
Waste and Treatment Plant
a) The industries shall ensure management / disposal of effluents after required treatment as
per EPA/FDA regulations at their own cost.
b) The liquid waste from industries will be so rendered so as to be equivalent to normal
domestic sewerage. It shall be connected to the municipal sewer only after the quality and
quantity has been tested and certified to be within the permissible limits by the TMA.
All industrial managements shall be responsible for the disposal of solid waste themselves.
TDS 3500

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