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Model Question Paper

SP 206 Wavelet Transforms: Theory and applications

Time: 3 hours Marks: 50

Module 1

1. A) State and interpret the conditions for a signal to be admitted as a mother wavelet.
3 marks
B) Compute the CWT of the following signal using the Haar wavelet. 7 marks

1, 0 1
( )
f t



2. A) Prove that the linear combination of wavelets is another wavelet 3 marks
B) Derive the expression for the ICWT. - 7 marks

Module 2

3. A) Derive the analysis and synthesis filter bank implementation structure for the Haar
Wavelet - 5marks
B) Consider the signal [10,15, 5, 20, 20,15, 5,10] x = applied as the input to a 2 level
Mallat analysis filter bank structure employing the Haar Wavelet. Find the output of each
filter. If the detail coefficients exceed 9, they are to be rounded off to 9. Find the output
of the two level Haar synthesis filter bank in this case.
- 5marks
4. A) What are the axioms of MRA? What are the properties of scaling function?
- 3 marks
B) Derive the relation between decomposition and reconstruction filters of QMF filter
banks using wavelets -7 marks

Module 3

5. A) Derive the expression for getting
, pair given
j j j
s d s

, indicate the approximation and detail coefficients at level
j j
s d j

in biorthogonal
wavelet decomposition of a signal. - 6 marks
B) What are the advantages of the biorthogonal wavelet decomposition compared to
orthogonal wavelet decomposition? What are the disadvantages? - 4 marks

6. A) Derive the expressions for biorthogonal synthesis for
given , pair.
j j j
s s d

- 5 marks
B) Draw the filter bank representation for one level decomposition and reconstruction of
an image. Label the subbands. What do the individual subbands represent? -5 marks

Module 4

7. A) Describe the different steps for forward and inverse lifting in detail. wavelet
decomposition of a signal. - 7 marks
B) How is signal boundary dealt with in wavelet decomposition of signals? - 4 marks

8. Find the scaling and wavelet filters corresponding to the lifting scheme shown below

1 2
3 4
( ) (1 ), ( ) (1 )
( ) (1 ), ( ) (1 ),
1.58613432, 0.05298011854
0.8829110762, 0.4435068522
Q z z Q z z
Q z z Q z z

= + = +
= + = +
= =
= =

10 marks

Module 5

9. Explain the various steps in SPIHT Image compression 10 marks
10. A) Explain the application of scaling functions as signaling pulses in digital
communication. 5 marks
B) Explain the principle of signal denoising using wavelets 5 marks

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