Chaves Vs Gonzales

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ROSENDO O. CHAVES, plaintiff-appellant, vs.


Civil la! O"li#ati$ns! Nat%&e and effe't $f
$"li#ati$ns! O"li#ati$n $f a pe&s$n $"li#ed t$ d$
s$(et)in# and fails t$ d$ it.*Unde& A&ti'le
++,- $f t)e Civil C$de, a pe&s$n )$ is $"li#ed
t$ d$ s$(et)in# and fails t$ d$ it s)all "e lia"le
f$& t)e '$st $f e.e'%tin# t)e $"li#ati$n in a
p&$pe& (anne&.
Sa(e! Sa(e! Sa(e! Sa(e! C$st $f $"li#ati$n!
Case at "a&.*T)e '$st $f e.e'%ti$n $f t)e
$"li#ati$n t$ &epai& a t/pe&ite& is t)e '$st $f t)e
la"$& $& se&vi'e e.pended in t)e &epai& $f t)e
t/pe&ite&. 0n additi$n, t)e $"li#$&, %nde& A&ti'le
++-1 $f t)e C$de, is lia"le f$& t)e '$st $f t)e
(issin# pa&ts "e'a%se in)is $"li#ati$n t$ &epai&
t)e t/pe&ite& )e is "$%nd t$ &et%&n t)e
t/pe&ite& in t)e sa(e '$nditi$n it as )en )e
&e'eived it.
Sa(e! Sa(e! O"li#ati$n it) pe&i$d! 2)e&e
$"li#ati$n d$es n$t fi. a pe&i$d! 2)en a
pe&i$d is (e&e f$&(alit/.*2)e&e t)e defendant
vi&t%all/ ad(itted n$n-pe&f$&(an'e "/ &et%&nin#
t)e t/pe&ite& )e as $"li#ed t$ &epai& in a n$n-
$&3in# '$nditi$n, it) essential pa&ts, (issin#,
)e 'ann$t inv$3e A&ti'le ++4- $f t)e Civil C$de.
T)e ti(e f$& '$(plian'e )avin# evidentl/
e.pi&ed, and t)e&e "ein# a "&ea') $f '$nt&a't "/
n$n-pe&f$&(an'e, it as a'ade(i' f$& t)e
plaintiff t$ )ave fi&st petiti$ned t)e '$%&t t$ fi. a
pe&i$d f$& t)e pe&f$&(an'e $f t)e '$nt&a't "ef$&e
filin# )is '$(plaint in t)is 'ase. T)e $f a
pe&i$d $%ld t)%s "e a (e&e f$&(alit/ and $%ld
se&ve n$ p%&p$se t)an t$ dela/.
Sa(e! Da(a#es! Clai(s f$& da(a#es and
att$&ne/5s fees (%st "e alle#ed and p&$ved.*
Clai(s f$& da(a#es and att$&ne/5s fees (%st "e
pleaded, and t)e e.isten'e $f t)e a't%al "asis
t)e&e$f (%st "e p&$ved. 2)e&e t)e&e is n$
findin#s $f fa't $n t)e 'lai(s f$& da(a#es and
att$&ne/5s fees in t)e l$e& '$%&t5s de'isi$n,
t)e&e is n$ fa't%al "asis %p$n )i') t$ (a3e an
aa&d t)e&ef$&.
D0RECT A66EAL f&$( a de'isi$n $f t)e C$%&t
$f Fi&st 0nstan'e $f 7anila. Vas8%e9, :.
T)e fa'ts a&e stated in t)e $pini$n $f t)e C$%&t.
C)aves, Eli$, C)aves ; Ass$'iates f$&
S%lpi'i$ E. 6lat$n f$& defendant-appellee.
RE<ES, :.=.L., :.>
T)is is a di&e't appeal "/ t)e pa&t/ )$ p&evailed
in a s%it f$& "&ea') $f $&al '$nt&a't and &e'$ve&/
$f da(a#es "%t as %nsatisfied it) t)e de'isi$n
&ende&ed "/ t)e C$%&t $f Fi&st 0nstan'e $f
7anila, in its Civil Case N$. ,?+4@, "e'a%se it
aa&ded )i( $nl/ 64+.+1 $%t $f )is t$tal 'lai(
$f 6,A1.11 f$& a't%al, te(pe&ate and ($&al
da(a#es and att$&ne/5s fees.
T)e appealed B%d#(ent, )i') is "&ief, is
)e&e%nde& 8%$ted in f%ll>
C0n t)e ea&l/ pa&t $f :%l/, +A,4, t)e plaintiff
delive&ed t$ t)e defendant, )$ is a t/pe&ite&
&epai&e&, a p$&ta"le t/pe&ite& f$& &$%tine
'leanin# and se&vi'in#. T)e defendant as n$t
a"le t$ finis) t)e B$" afte& s$(e ti(e despite
&epeated &e(inde&s (ade "/ t)e plaintiff. T)e
defendant (e&el/ #ave ass%&an'es, "%t failed t$
'$(pl/ it) t)e sa(e. 0n O't$"e&, +A,4, t)e
defendant as3ed f&$( t)e plaintiff t)e s%( $f
6,.11 f$& t)e p%&')ase $f spa&e pa&ts, )i')
a($%nt t)e plaintiff #ave t$ t)e defendant. On
O't$"e& D,, +A,4, afte& #ettin# e.aspe&ated it)
t)e dela/ $f t)e &epai& $f t)e t/pe&ite&, t)e
plaintiff ent t$ t)e )$%se $f t)e defendant and
as3ed f$& t)e &et%&n $f t)e t/pe&ite&. T)e
defendant delive&ed t)e t/pe&ite& in a &apped
pa'3a#e. On &ea')in# )$(e, t)e plaintiff
e.a(ined t)e t/pe&ite& &et%&ned t$ )i( "/ t)e
defendant and f$%nd $%t t)at t)e sa(e as in
s)a("les, it) t)e inte&i$& '$ve& and s$(e pa&ts
and s'&es (issin#. On O't$"e& DA, +A,4, t)e
plaintiff sent a lette& t$ t)e defendant f$&(all/
de(andin# t)e &et%&n $f t)e (issin# pa&ts, t)e
inte&i$& '$ve& and t)e s%( $f 6,.11 EE.)i"it DF.
T)e f$ll$in# da/, t)e defendant &et%&ned t$ t)e
plaintiff s$(e $f t)e (issin# pa&ts, t)e inte&i$&
'$ve& and t)e 6,.11.
COn A%#%st DA, +A,G, t)e plaintiff )ad )is
t/pe&ite& &epai&fed "/ F& =%siness
7a')ines, and t)e &epai& B$" '$st )i( a t$tal $f
6@A.@?, in'l%din# la"$& and (ate&ials EE.)i"it
C F .
COn A%#%st D4, +A,?, t)e plaintiff '$((en'ed
t)is a'ti$n "ef$&e t)e Cit/ C$%&t $f 7anila,
de(andin# f&$( t)e defendant t)e pa/(ent $f
6A1.11 as a't%al and '$(pensat$&/ da(a#es,
6+11.11 f$& te(pe&ate da(a#es, 6?11.11 f$&
($&al da(a#es, and 6?11.11 as att$&ne/5s fees.
C0n )is anse& as ell as in )is testi($n/ #iven
"ef$&e t)is '$%&t, t)e defendant (ade n$ denials
$f t)e fa'ts na&&ated a"$ve, e.'ept t)e 'lai( $f
t)e plaintiff t)at t)e t/pe&ite& as delive&ed t$
t)e defendant t)&$%#) a 'e&tain :%li$ =$'alin,
)i') t)e defendant denied alle#edl/ "e'a%se
t)e t/pe&ite& as delive&ed t$ )i( pe&s$nall/
"/ t)e plaintiff.
CT)e &epai& d$ne $n t)e t/pe&ite& "/ F&
=%siness 7a')ines it) t)e t$tal '$st $f 6@A.@?
s)$%ld n$t, )$eve&, "e f%ll/ ')a&#ea"le a#ainst
t)e defendant. T)e &epai& inv$i'e, E.)i"it C,
s)$s t)at t)e (issin# pa&ts )ad a t$tal val%e $f
$nl/ 64+.+1.
C2HEREFORE, B%d#(ent is )e&e"/ &ende&ed
$&de&in# t)e defendant t$ pa/ t)e plaintiff t)e
s%( $f 64+.+1, and t)e '$sts $f s%it.
T)e e&&$& $f t)e '$%&t a 8%$, a''$&din# t$ t)e
plaintiff-appellant, R$send$ O. C)aves, is t)at it
aa&ded $nl/ t)e val%e $f t)e (issin# pa&ts $f
t)e t/pe&ite&, instead $f t)e )$le '$st $f la"$&
and (ate&ials t)at ent int$ t)e &epai& $f t)e
(a')ine, as p&$vided f$& in A&ti'le ++,- $f t)e
Civil C$de, &eadin# as f$ll$s>
CART. ++,-. 0f a pe&s$n $"li#ed t$ d$ s$(et)in#
fails t$ d$ it, t)e sa(e s)all "e e.e'%ted at )is
CT)is sa(e &%le s)all "e $"se&ved if )e d$es it in
'$nt&aventi$n $f t)e ten$& $f t)e $"li#ati$n.
F%&t)e&($&e, it (a/ "e de'&eed t)at )at )as
"een p$$&l/ d$ne "e %nd$ne.H
On t)e $t)e& )and, t)e p$siti$n $f t)e defendant-
appellee, F&%'t%$s$ G$n9ales, is t)at )e is n$t
lia"le at all, n$t even f$& t)e s%( $f 64+.+1,
"e'a%se )is '$nt&a't it) plaintiff-appellant did
n$t '$ntain a pe&i$d, s$ t)at plaintiff-appellant
s)$%ld )ave fi&st filed a petiti$n f$& t)e '$%&t t$
fi. t)e pe&i$d, %nde& A&ti'le ++A- $f t)e Civil
C$de, it)in )i') t)e defendant-appellee as
t$ '$(pl/ it) t)e '$nt&a't "ef$&e said
defendant-appellee '$%ld "e )eld lia"le f$&
"&ea') $f '$nt&a't.
=e'a%se t)e plaintiff appealed di&e'tl/ t$ t)e
S%p&e(e C$%&t and t)e appellee did n$t
inte&p$se an/ appeal, t)e fa'ts, as f$%nd "/ t)e
t&ial '$%&t, a&e n$ '$n'l%sive and n$n-
T)e appealed B%d#(ent states t)at t)e Cplaintiff
delive&ed t$ t)e defendant . . . a p$&ta"le
t/pe&ite& f$& &$%tine 'leanin# and se&vi'in#H!
t)at t)e defendant as n$t a"le t$ finis) t)e B$"
afte& s$(e ti(e despite &epeated &e(inde&s (ade
"/ t)e plaintiff! t)at t)e Cdefendant (e&el/ #ave
ass%&an'es, "%t failed t$ '$(pl/ it) t)e sa(eH!
and t)at Cafte& #ettin# e.aspe&ated it) t)e dela/
$f t)e &epai& $f t)e t/pe&ite&H, t)e plaintiff ent
t$ t)e )$%se $f t)e defendant and as3ed f$& its
&et%&n, )i') as d$ne. T)e infe&en'es de&iva"le
f&$( t)ese findin#s $f fa't a&e t)at t)e appellant
and t)e appellee )ad a pe&fe'ted '$nt&a't f$&
'leanin# and se&vi'in# a t/pe&ite&! t)at t)e/
intended t)at t)e defendant as t$ finis) it at
s$(e f%t%&e ti(e alt)$%#) s%') ti(e as n$t
spe'ified! and t)at s%') ti(e )ad passed it)$%t
t)e $&3 )avin# "een a''$(plis)ed, f$& t)e
defendant &et%&ned t)e t/pe&ite& 'anni"ali9ed
and %n&epai&ed, )i') in itself is a "&ea') $f )is
$"li#ati$n, it)$%t de(andin# t)at )e s)$%ld "e
#iven ($&e ti(e t$ finis) t)e B$", $&
'$(pensati$n f$& t)e $&3 )e )ad al&ead/ d$ne.
T)e ti(e f$& '$(plian'e )avin# evidentl/
e.pi&ed, and t)e&e "ein# a "&ea') $f '$nt&a't "/
n$n-pe&f$&(an'e, it as a'ade(i' f$& t)e
plaintiff t$ )ave fi&st petiti$ned t)e '$%&t t$ fi. a
pe&i$d f$& t)e pe&f$&(an'e $f t)e '$nt&a't "ef$&e
filin# )is '$(plaint in t)is 'ase. Defendant
'ann$t inv$3e A&ti'le ++A- $f t)e Civil C$de f$&
)e vi&t%all/ ad(itted n$n-pe&f$&(an'e "/
&et%&nin# t)e t/pe&ite& t)at )e as $"li#ed t$
&epai& in a n$n$&3in# '$nditi$n, it) essential
pa&ts (issin#. T)e $f a pe&i$d $%ld t)%s
"e a (e&e f$&(alit/ and $%ld se&ve n$ p%&p$se
t)an t$ dela/ E'f. Ti#la$, et al. v. 7anila
Rail&$ad C$., A@ 6)il. +@+F.
0t is 'lea& t)at t)e defendant-appellee
'$nt&avened t)e ten$& $f )is $"li#ati$n "e'a%se
)e n$t $nl/ did n$t &epai& t)e t/pe&ite& "%t
&et%&ned it Cin s)a("lesH, a''$&din# t$ t)e
appealed de'isi$n. F$& s%') '$nt&aventi$n, as
appellant '$ntends, )e is lia"le %nde& A&ti'le
++,- $f t)e Civil C$de, Ba( 8%$t, f$& t)e '$st $f
e.e'%tin# t)e $"li#ati$n in a p&$pe& (anne&. T)e
'$st $f t)e e.e'%ti$n $f t)e $"li#ati$n in t)is
'ase s)$%ld "e t)e '$st $f t)e la"$& $& se&vi'e
e.pended in t)e &epai& $f t)e t/pe&ite&, )i') is
in t)e a($%nt $f 6?@.-?. "e'a%se t)e $"li#ati$n
$& '$nt&a't as t$ &epai& it.
0n additi$n, t)e defendant-appellee is li3eise
lia"le, %nde& A&ti'le ++-1 $f t)e C$de, f$& t)e
'$st $f t)e (issin# pa&ts, in t)e a($%nt $f
64+.+1, f$& in )is $"li#ati$n t$ &epai& t)e
t/pe&ite& )e as "$%nd, "%t failed $& ne#le'ted,
t$ &et%&n it in t)e sa(e '$nditi$n it as )en )e
&e'eived it.
Appellant5s 'lai(s f$& ($&al and te(pe&ate
da(a#es and att$&ne/5s fees e&e, )$eve&,
'$&&e'tl/ &eBe'ted "/ t)e t&ial '$%&t, f$& t)ese
e&e n$t alle#ed in )is '$(plaint ERe'$&d $n
Appeal, pa#es +-?F. Clai(s f$& da(a#es and
att$&ne/5s fees (%st "e pleaded, and t)e
e.isten'e $f t)e a't%al "asis t)e&e$f (%st "e
p&$ved.D T)e appealed B%d#(ent t)%s (ade n$
findin#s $n t)ese 'lai(s, n$& $n t)e f&a%d $&
(ali'e ')a&#ed t$ t)e appellee. As n$ findin#s $f
fa't e&e (ade $n t)e 'lai(s f$& da(a#es and
att$&ne/5s fees, t)e&e is n$ fa't%al "asis %p$n
)i') t$ (a3e an aa&d t)e&ef$&. Appellant is
"$%nd "/ s%') B%d#(ent $f t)e '$%&t, a 8%$, "/
&eas$n $f )is )avin# &es$&ted di&e'tl/ t$ t)e
S%p&e(e C$%&t $n 8%esti$ns $f la.
t)e appealed B%d#(ent is )e&e"/ ($dified, "/
$&de&in# t)e defendant-appellee t$ pa/, as )e is
)e&e"/ $&de&ed t$ pa/, t)e plaintiff-appellant t)e
s%( $f 6@A.@?, it) inte&est at t)e le#al &ate
f&$( t)e filin# $f t)e '$(plaint. C$sts in all
instan'es a#ainst appellee F&%'t%$s$ G$n9ales.
C$n'ep'i$n, C.:., Di9$n, 7a3alintal,
Zaldiva&, Cast&$, Fe&nand$, Tee)an3ee and
Villa($&, ::., '$n'%&,
=a&&ed$, :., did n$t ta3e pa&t.
:%d#(ent ($dified.
N$tes.*EaF Lia"ilit/ f$& ne#li#ent pe&f$&(an'e
$f $"li#ati$n.*Unde& A&ti'le ++-1 $f t)e Civil
C$de, Ct)$se )$ in t)e pe&f$&(an'e $f t)ei&
$"li#ati$n a&e #%ilt/ $f f&a%d, ne#li#en'e, $&
dela/, and t)$se )$ in an/ (anne& '$nt&avene
t)e ten$& t)e&e$f, a&e lia"le f$& da(a#es.H And
%nde& A&ti'le ++-4, Ct)e fa%lt $& ne#li#en'e $f
t)e $"li#$& '$nsists in t)e $(issi$n $f t)at
dili#en'e )i') is &e8%i&ed "/ t)e nat%&e $f t)e
$"li#ati$n and '$&&esp$nds it) t)e
'i&'%(stan'es $f t)e pe&s$ns, $f t)e ti(e and $f
t)e pla'e .... 0f t)e la $& '$nt&a't d$es n$t
state t)e dili#en'e )i') is t$ "e $"se&ved in t)e
pe&f$&(an'e, t)at )i') is'ted $f a #$$d
fat)e& $f a fa(il/ s)all "e &e8%i&ed. IC)aves vs.
G$n9ales, 4D SCRA ?G-E+A-1FJ

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