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Scope of International Marketing International Marketing Vs Domestic
Marketing Motivation to Export Special difficulties in International
Marketing International Marketing Environment Features of
Globalization Essential onditions !ros and ons"
Marketing Selection and Entr# Decision $verseas Marketing %esearc&
ompetitive Intelligence Standard lauses of Sales ontract
International 'rade policies 'ariffs( Subsidies and )uotas"
ounter 'rade *orld ommodit# Markets *orld 'rade in Services+
G,'' *'$ Institutional Infrastructure for Export promotion in India
E-IM .ank EG"
!rocedure for execution of Export order Export of Goods Export b# ,ir
and Sea Export Documents /)ualit# control and !res&ipment Inspection0
Marine Insurance"
'erms of !a#ments 1etter of redit t#pes process advantages
overvie2 of E-IM !olic#" Foreign Exc&ange Exc&ange %ate
Determination Exc&ange %ate S#stem Fixed and Flexible Exc&ange
,dvantages and Dis advantages"
I3'E%3,'I$3,1 .4SI3ESS E3VI%$3ME3' F%,3IS 5E%43I1,M
I3'E%3,'I$3,1 .4SI3ESS !" S4.., %,$
E-!$%' M,%6E'I3G %,'5$%E
I3'E%3,'I$3,1 M,%6E'I3G M,3,GEME3' %1" V,%S53E7 ,3D
Kotler defines maretin! as "#$man a%ti&it' dire%ted at satisf'in! needs and (ants
t#ro$!# e)%#an!e *ro%ess+" International maretin! %an ,e defined as -maretin! %arried
on a%ross national ,o$ndaries-+
International maretin! #as also ,een defined as " t#e *erforman%e of ,$siness
a%ti&ities t#at dire%t t#e flo( of !oods and ser&i%es to %ons$mers or $sers in more t#an in
one nation"+ It is different from domesti% maretin! in as m$%# as t#e e)%#an!e taes
*la%e ,e'ond t#e frontiers. t#ere,' in&ol&in! different marets and %ons$mers (#o mi!#t
#a&e different needs. (ants and ,e#a&ioral attri,$tes+
Scope of International Marketing:
T#o$!# international maretin! is in essen%e e)*ort maretin!. it #as a ,roader
%onnotation in maretin! literat$re+ It also means entr' into international marets ,'/
O*enin! a ,ran%#0 s$,sidiar' a,road for *ro%essin!. *a%a!in!. assem,l' or e&en
%om*lete man$fa%t$rin! t#ro$!# dire%t in&estment+
Ne!otiatin! li%ensin!0 fran%#in! arran!ements (#ere,' forei!n enter*rises are
!ranted t#e ri!#t to $se t#e e)*ortin! %om*an'"s no(1#o("s. &i2+. *atents.
*ro%esses or trademars (it# or (it#o$t finan%ial in&estment+
Esta,lis#in! 3oint &ent$res in forei!n %o$ntries for man$fa%t$rin! and or
maretin! and
Offerin! %ons$ltan%' ser&i%es and $ndertain! t$rne' *ro3e%ts ,road+
De*endin! $*on t#e de!ree of firm4s in&ol&ement. t#ere ma' ,e se&eral &ariations of
t#ese arran!ements+
International Marketing vs Do!estic Marketing:
T#ere are a n$m,er of similarities and differen%es ,et(een international and
domesti% maretin!+
5+ 6ot# in domesti% maretin! and international maretin! s$%%ess de*end $*on
satisf'in! t#e ,asi% re7$irements of %ons$mers+ T#is ne%essaril' in&ol&es findin!
o$t (#at t#e ,$'ers (ant and meetin! t#eir needs a%%ordin!l'+
8+ It is ne%essar' to ,$ild !ood(ill ,ot# in t#e domesti% maret and international
maret+ If a firm is a,le to de&elo* !ood(ill of %ons$mers or %$stomers. its tass
(ill ,e sim*ler t#an t#e one. (#i%# #as not ,een a,le to do so+
9+ Resear%# and de&elo*ment for *rod$%t de&elo*ment and modifi%ation is
ne%essar' ,ot# for international maretin! and domesti% maretin!+
:o(e&er. t#ere are some salient feat$res of differen%e ,et(een international
maretin! and domesti% maretin!+ T#e' are as follo(s/
1. Sovereign Political Entities: Ea%# %o$ntr' #as is a so&erei!n *oliti%al entit' and !oods and
ser&i%es #ad to mo&e a%ross national ,o$ndaries+ S a res$lt. t#e' ma' #a&e to fa%e a
n$m,er of restri%tions+ T#is m' fall in an' of t#e follo(in! %ate!ories;
Tariffs and %$stoms d$ties
<$antitati&e restri%tions
E)%#an!e %ontrols
=o%al Ta)es+
2. Different Legal Systems: Ea%# %o$ntr' #as its o(n le!al s'stem and it differs from
%o$ntr' to %o$ntr'+ T#e e)isten%e of different le!al s'stems maes t#e tas of
,$sinessmen more diffi%$lt as t#e' are not s$re as to (#i%# *arti%$lar s'stem (ill a**l'
to t#eir transa%tions+ In t#e %ase of domesti% maretin! t#e ,$'ers are a(are of t#e le!al
s'stems in t#eir %o$ntr'+
3. Cultural Differences/ In domesti% maretin! t#ere is onl' one nation. same lan!$a!e and
%$lt$re (#ere as at international maretin! man' lan!$a!es and different %$lt$res+
4. Different Monetary Systems: Ea%# %o$ntr' #as its o(n monetar' s'stem and t#e e)%#an!e
&al$e of ea%# %o$ntr'"s %$rren%' is different from t#at of t#e ot#er+ T#e e)%#an!e rates
,et(een %$rren%ies fl$%t$ate e&er' da'+ In %ase of domesti% maretin! t#ere is onl' one
%$rren%' *re&ailin! in t#e %o$ntr'+
5. Differences in the Marketing infrastructure: T#e a&aila,ilit' of t#e maretin! fa%ilities
a&aila,le in different %o$ntries ma' &ar' (idel'+ >or e)am*le. an ad&ertisement medi$m
&er' effe%ti&e in one maret ma' not ,e a&aila,le or ma' ,e $nder de&elo*ed in anot#er
6. Trade Restrictions: Trade restri%tions. *arti%$larl' im*ort %ontrols are a &er' im*ortant
*ro,lem (#i%# an international mareter fa%es+
7. Transport Cost: In International trade. trans*ort %ost is a ma3or maretin! e)*ense (#ere
as in domesti% trade trans*ort %ost infl$en%es onl' to %ertain e)tent+
8. Procedures and Documentations: Ea%# %o$ntr' #as its o(n *ro%ed$res and do%$mentar'
re7$irements and traders #a&e to %om*l' (it# t#ese re!$lations if t#e' (ant to e)*ort or
im*ort !oods from forei!n %o$ntries+
9. Degree of Risk: T#ere is a !reater de!ree of ris in&ol&ed in international maretin! t#an
in domesti% maretin! d$e to
8 =ar!e &ol$me of transa%tions
8 :i!#er &al$e of transa%tion
8 =on!er time *eriod
8 More time of transit
8 =on!er %redit *eriod
8 Com*arati&el' less no(led!e
8 E)%#an!e fl$%t$ations+
10. Stability in Business Environment: In domesti% maretin! t#ere is relati&el' sta,le
,$siness en&ironment+ At international maretin! m$lti*le en&ironments. man' of (#i%#
are liel' insta,le+
T#e De%ision to enter forei!n marets m$st ,e ,ased on stron! e%onomi% fa%tors+
Tem*eramental de%ision to e)*ort is transient in %#ara%ter and totall' $ns$ita,le for
e)*ort maretin!+ S$%%ess in e)*ortin! re7$ires total in&ol&ement and determination.
(#i%# %an %ome onl' o$t of ,asi% e%onomi% ne%essit' as *er%ei&ed ,' t#e %or*orate $nit+
T#e' !ro$*ed as Pre1e)*ort ,e#a&io$r and Moti&ation to E)*ort+
# $re%E&port 'e(avio)r:
E&er' firm at some *oint of time starts as a non1e)*orter+ T#e *oint to ,e st$died
is (#at made some of t#ese firms !et in&ol&ed in e)*ort ,$siness+ T#is m$st !i&e a %l$e
to t#e 7$estion as to (#et#er a *resent non1e)*orter (ill ,e%ome an e)*orter and if so
(#' and (#en+ T#e fa%tors. (#i%# infl$en%e a non1e)*ortin! firm"s de%ision to !o in for
e)*ort ,$siness. %an ,e %lassified $nder t#e follo(in! %ate!ories/
?a@ >irm %#ara%teristi%s/ >irm %#ara%teristi%s in%l$de *rod$%t %#ara%teristi%s; si2e
and !ro(t# of t#e domesti% maret. o*tim$m s%ale of *rod$%tion. and
*otential e)*ort marets+ If t#e firm is man$fa%t$rin! a *rod$%t. (#i%# is
internationall' mareta,le. and t#e *resent and f$t$re maret *ros*e%ts in t#e
domesti% maret are not m$%# en%o$ra!in!. t#e moti&ation of t#e firm to !et
in&ol&ed in e)*ort ,$siness (ill ,e %onsidera,le+
?,@ Per%ei&ed E)ternal E)*ort Stim$li/ T#is (ill in%l$de fort$ito$s order. maret
o**ort$nit' and !o&ernment"s stim$lation in t#e form of in%enti&es and
?%@ Per%ei&ed Internal E)*ort Stim$li/ T#is refer to t#e mana!ement"s
e)*e%tations a,o$t t#e effe%ts of e)*orts on t#e firm"s ,$siness+ T#is %o&ers
t#e le&el of %a*a%it' $tili2ation. t#e #i!#er le&el of *rofits and t#e !ro(t#
o,3e%ti&es of t#e firm+
?d@ =e&el of Or!ani2ational %ommitment/ T#e de%ision maers m$st a!ree on t#e
le&el of %ommitment+ T#is is %r$%ial ,e%a$se it (ill determine (#et#er
ade7$ate reso$r%es (ill ,e made a&aila,le for em,arin! on international
maretin!+ Reso$r%es (ill ,e re7$ired for #irin! ne( staff s*e%iali2ed in
international maretin!. #irin! of %ons$ltants for %arr'in! o$t o&erseas maret
*otential st$dies et%+.
*Motivation to E&port: +Econo!ic reasons,
T#ere are some ,asi% e%onomi% reasons (#i%# mi!#t infl$en%e a firm de%ision
re!ardin! e)*ort ,$siness/ T#ese are $nder/
8 Relati&e Profita,ilit'/ T#e rate of *rofit to ,e earned from e)*ort ,$siness ma' ,e
#i!#er t#an t#e %orres*ondin! rate on t#e domesti% sales+
8 Ins$ffi%ien%' of Domesti% Demand/ T#e le&el of domesti% demand ma' ,e
ins$ffi%ient for $tili2in! t#e installed %a*a%it' in f$ll+ E)*ort ,$siness offers a
s$ita,le me%#anism for $tili2in! t#e $n$sed %a*a%it'+ T#is (ill red$%e %osts and
im*ro&e t#e o&erall *rofita,ilit' of t#e firm+ Re%ession in t#e domesti% maret
often ser&es as a stim$l$s to e)*ort &ent$res+
8 Red$%in! ,$siness riss/ A#en a firm is sellin! in a n$m,er of marets. t#e
do(n(ard fl$%t$ations in sales in one maret. (#i%# ma' ,e t#e domesti% maret.
ma' ,e f$ll' or *artl' %o$nter ,alan%ed ,' a rise in t#e sales in ot#er marets+
Se%ondl'. !eo!ra*#i% di&ersifi%ation also *ro&ides t#e moment$m to !ro(t# in as
m$%# as a sin!le or fe( marets (ill #a&e onl' limited a,sorti&e %a*a%it'+
8 =e!al restri%tions/ Go&ernments ma' im*ose %ertain restri%tions on f$rt#er
!ro(t# and %a*a%it' e)*ansion of some firms (it#in t#e domesti% maret in order
to a%#ie&e %ertain so%ial o,3e%ti&es+ 6$t t#ere ma' not ,e an' s$%# restri%tions. if
t#e additional %a*a%it' is $tili2ed for e)*orts+ T#en t#e firm ma' ,e tem*ted to
e)*ort its *rod$%ts a,road+
8 O,tainin! im*orted in*$ts/ Nations #a&e to *a' for im*orts of materials.
te%#nolo!' or *ro%esses not a&aila,le (it#in t#eir national ,o$ndaries+
Go&ernments. t#erefore. ma' ,e %om*elled to im*ose e)*ort o,li!ations on t#e
firms. es*e%iall' t#ose in need of im*orted in*$ts+ In ot#er (ords. in order to
im*ort. t#e firms (ill #a&e to e)*ort+
8 So%ial res*onsi,ilit'/ Sometimes ,$sinessmen t#emsel&es feel a sense of
res*onsi,ilit' and %ontri,$te to(ards t#e national e)%#e7$er ,' in%reasin! t#eir
e)*orts+ T#e' also ,$ild $* t#eir ima!e in domesti% maretin! ,' t#eir e)*ort
a%ti&ities+ T#e' also loo at e)*ortin! to attain stat$s and *resti!e+
8 In%reased *rod$%ti&it'/ In%reased *rod$%ti&it' is ne%essar' for $ltimate s$r&i&al
of a firm+ T#is (ill lead t#e firm to in%rease *rod$%tion and t#en mo&e to e)*ort
,$siness+ To meet t#e in%reased %osts of Resear%# and De&elo*ment. lar!er
marets ,e%ome a ne%essit' and e)*orts ,e%ome $na&oida,le+
8 Te%#nolo!i%al im*ro&ement/ Entr' to e)*ort maret ma' ena,le a firm to *i% $*
ne( *rod$%e ideas and to add to *rod$%t line. im*ro&e its *rod$%t. red$%e %osts
and dis%o&er ne( a**li%ations for its *rod$%t+
T#ere are a n$m,er of diffi%$lties in $ndertain! international ,$siness+ Some of
t#em t#e s*e%ial diffi%$lties are as follo(s/
8 <$antitati&e restri%tions to *rote%t lo%al ind$stries+
8 Go&ernment re!$lations restri%tin! im*orts ,' (a' of im*ort li%enses. et%+
8 E)%#an!e %ontrols+
8 =o%al ta)es lie sales ta)es on im*orted !oods+
8 Different monetar' s'stems lie Dollars in USA. Sterlin! in UK. YEN in
8 Different le!al s'stem re!ardin! im*ort and e)*ort of !oods+
8 Differen%es in *ro%ed$res and do%$mentation+
8 Differen%es in maret %#ara%teristi%s+
8 =o(er mo,ilit' of fa%tors of *rod$%tion+
8 C$lt$ral dimensions of international maretin!+
8 E%onomi% Unions+
8 Trade ,arriers 1 Tariff and non tariff ,arriers+
8 =a% of e)*ort in%enti&es to e)*orters+
8 =a% of ade7$ate e)*ort finan%in! es*e%iall' for small s%ale ind$stries+
8 Com*li%ations of E)*ortin!+
8 Pa*er (or is more in e)*ort ,$siness+
8 Com*etition from lo%al e)*orters. %om*etition from e)*orters from ot#er
%o$ntries and %om*etition from *rod$%ers of !oods in t#e im*ortin!
8 S#i**in! and frei!#t *ro,lems+
8 Non1a&aila,ilit' of latest information a,o$t t#e maret %onditions. et%+
It is ne%essar' to no( t#e %on%e*ts of -%ontrolla,le- and -$n%ontrolla,le fa%tors-
in international maretin!+ T#ere are some fa%tors (#i%# %an ,e %ontrolled ,' t#e
mana!ement ma' not ,e a,le to #a&es an' %ontrol o&er t#em+ No( let $s dis%$ss t#ese
fa%tors as follo(s/
"ontrolla-le Factors:
Control (ill #a&e to ,e defined (it# referen%e to a %om*an'"s mana!ement+ T#e
%om*an' is in a *osition to %ontrol and desi!n maretin! mi) elements i+e+ *rod$%t. *ri%e.
e)*ort to an' *la%e ,' %#oosin! an' distri,$tion %#annels and follo( an' *romotional
.ncontrolla-le Factors:
T#ere are some fa%tors on (#i%# t#e %om*an' %an not #a&e an' %ontrol+ S$%#
$n%ontrolla,le fa%tors in international maretin! are des%ri,ed #ere+
T#e so%ial0%$lt$ral en&ironment of a nation0maret ma' *rofo$ndl' infl$en%e
,$siness in different (a's and dimensions+ T#e attit$de of (orers. la, o$r1mana!ement
relations. !o&ernment1,$siness relations. entre*rene$rial nat$re and attit$de. *oliti%al
*#iloso*#ies and s'stems. le!al en&ironment. ,$siness et#i%s. !o&ernan%e. !o&ernment
*oli%ies et%+ %o$ld #a&e a so%ial infl$en%e of t#em Mana!ement ma' $nder!o a so%ial
transformation. for e)am*le . a n$m,er of famil' o(ned ,$siness !ro$*s in India #a&e
$s#ered in *rofessional mana!ement+ T#e need for !ood %or*orate !o&ernan%e is !ettin!
more and more re%o!nition+
In s#ort. t#e t'*e of *rod$%ts to ,e man$fa%t$red and mareted. t#e maretin!
strate!ies to ,e em*lo'ed. t#e (a' t#e ,$siness s#o$ld ,e or!ani2ed and !o&erned. t#e
&al$es and norms it s#o$ld ad#ere to. are all infl$en%ed ,' so%ial str$%t$re and t#e %$lt$re
of a so%iet'+ T#e tastes and *referen%es. *$r*ose of %ons$m*tion. met#od of
%ons$m*tion. o%%asion of %ons$m*tion. 7$antit' of %ons$m*tion. &al$es asso%iated (it#
%ons$m*tion. et% of a *rod$%t ma' s#o( (ide &ariations ,et(een %$lt$res+
6e%a$se of %$lt$ral differen%es. a *romotion strate!' t#at is &er' effe%ti&e in one
maret ma' $tterl' fail in anot#er. or ma' e&en res$lt in so%ial or le!al re*risals+
Eti7$ettes differ from %$lt$re to %$lt$re+ T#e (a's of meetin! and !reetin! *eo*le.
e)*ression of a**re%iation or disa**ro&al. met#ods of s#o(in! res*e%t. (a's of
%ond$%tin! meetin!s and f$n%tions. ta,le manners et%+ &ar' 7$ite (idel' ,et(een
%$lt$res+ So familiarit' (it# %$lt$ral is ne%essar' for s$%%ess+
T#e ot#er so%ial fa%tors (#i%# infl$en%es t#e international maretin! in%l$si&e of
8 National le!al re!ime
8 Politi%al and >inan%ial s'stem
8 Maretin! infrastr$%t$re
8 =an!$a!e. Reli!ion and Climate
T#e follo(in! *oliti%al and !o&ernment fa%tors m$st ,e taen into %onsideration
,' an international mareter (#ile *lannin! to entr' an' maret a,road/
8 Consisten%' of !o&ernment *oli%ies+
8 T#e nat$re of *oliti%al relations#i* ,et(een t#e tar!et %o$ntr' and e)*orter"s
8 T#e *resen%e or a,sen%e of %ontrols on forei!n e)%#an!e. im*orts. *
in t#e tar!et %o$ntr'+
8 =e!al restri%tions on forei!n in&estments and t#e *atent a,ilit' of t#e *rod$%t
in t#e tar!et maret+
T#e %om*an' #as no %ontrol o&er all t#e a,o&e fa%tors mentioned and #en%e t#e
e)*orter #as to ad3$st #im to t#ese fa%tors+
I+ Commer%ial *oli%' &aria,les e+!+ tariffs. 7$otas. li%ensin! or an' ot#er
non1tariff ,arriers+
II+ C$rren%' restri%tions 1 de*endin! on t#e *oli%' of t#e %entral ,an of t#e
III+ Internal demand mana!ement *oli%ies and instr$ments follo(ed ,' t#e
T#e e)*orters #a&e to ,e t#oro$!# (it# t#e a,o&e *oli%ies and ad3$st t#em a%%ordin!l'+
Demo!ra*#i% fa%tors s$%# as si2e of t#e *o*$lation. *o*$lation !ro(t# rates. a!e
%om*osition. et#i% %om*osition. famil' si2e. famil' life %'%le. in%ome le&els. #a&e &er'
si!nifi%ant im*li%ations for ,$siness+ T#e demo!ra*#i% en&ironment differs from %o$ntr'
to %o$ntr' and from *la%e to *la%e (it#in t#e same %o$ntr' or re!ion+ >$rt#er. it ma'
%#an!e si!nifi%antl' o&er time+ 6e%a$se of t#e di&ersit' of t#e demo!ra*#i% en&ironment
%om*anies are sometimes %om*elled to ado*t different strate!ies (it#in t#e same maret
Com*etition (ill also infl$en%e t#e international maretin!+ As lie domesti% maretin!
t#e trader al(a's a(are of #is %om*etitors+ 6$t t#e 7$ant$m of %om*etitors is more in
international maretin! t#an domesti% maretin!+ Normall' ,' t#e follo(in! (a's t#e
international mer%#ant (ill fa%e t#e %om*etitors+
8 Com*etition &is1C1&is *rod$%ers in t#e im*ortin! %o$ntr'+
8 Com*etition &is1C1&is e)*orter from t#e %om*etin! %o$ntries+
8 Com*etition &is1C1&is ot#er e)*orters from one"s o(n %o$ntr'+
T#e e)*orters #a&e no %ontrol o&er t#ese t'*es of %om*etition and #en%e t#e' #a&e to
%om*ete (it# all t#e t#ree t'*es of %om*etitions+
=o!isti%s is t#at *art of t#e s$**l' %#ain *ro%ess t#at *lans. im*lements. and
%ontrols t#e effi%ient. effe%ti&e for(ard and re&erses flo( and stora!e of !oods. ser&i%es.
and related information ,et(een t#e *oint of ori!in and t#e *oint of %ons$m*tion in order
to meet %$stomers" re7$irements+ T#e %on%e*t of lo!isti%s *la' &ital role in international
maretin! ,' t#e (a's sense+
8 T#e mer%#ant #as to see t#e a&aila,ilit' of re7$ired t'*e of trans*ort s$%#
as sea. air free2er s*a%e. et%+
8 Cost of trans*ortation+
Unless t#e e)*orters are in a *osition to meet t#e a,o&e re7$irements of trans*ort
fa%ilities and %osts t#e' %annot e)*ort t#eir *rod$%ts to t#e tar!et marets+
T#ere is a !reater de!ree of ris in&ol&ed in international maretin! t#an in
domesti% maretin! d$e to
8 =ar!e &ol$me of transa%tions
8 :i!#er &al$e of transa%tion
8 =on!er time *eriod
8 More time of transit
8 =on!er %redit *eriod
8 Com*arati&el' less no(led!e
8 E)%#an!e fl$%t$ations+
8 Politi%al riss
8 Commer%ial riss
8 A%t of nat$re
8 A%t of enemies
T#e e)*orters #a&e to fa%e t#ese riss in t#e international marets+ T#ese riss %an ,e
%o&ered ,' tain! ins$ran%e *oli%ies from t#e ECGC and General Ins$ran%e+
-Glo,ali2ation means t#e *rod$%tion and distri,$tion of *rod$%ts and ser&i%es of a
#omo!eneo$s t'*e and 7$alit' on a (orld (ide ,asisD+ Glo,ali2ation also means
!lo,ali2in! t#e maretin!. *rod$%tion. in&estment. te%#nolo!' and ot#er a%ti&ities+ :o(
do t#ese #a**enE Glo,ali2ation does not tae *la%e in sin!l' instan%e+ It taes *la%e
!rad$all' t#ro$!# and e&ol$tionar' a**roa%#+
8 O*eratin! and *lannin! to e)*and ,$siness t#ro$!#o$t t#e (orld+
8 Erasin! t#e differen%es ,et(een domesti% maret and forei!n maret+
8 6$'in! and sellin! !oods and ser&i%es from0to an' %o$ntr' in t#e (orld+
8 Esta,lis#in! man$fa%t$rin! and distri,$tion fa%ilities in an' *art of t#e (orld
,ased on t#e feasi,ilit' and &ia,ilit' rat#er t#an national %onsideration+
8 Prod$%t *lannin! and de&elo*ment are ,ased on maret %onsideration of t#e entire
8 So$r%in! of fa%tors of *rod$%tion and in*$ts lie ra( materials. ma%#iner'.
finan%e. te%#nolo!'. #$man reso$r%es. mana!erial sills from t#e entire !lo,e+
8 Glo,al orientation in strate!ies. or!ani2ational str$%t$re. or!ani2ational %$lt$re
and mana!erial e)*ertise+
8 Settin! t#e mind and attit$de to &ie( t#e entire !lo,e as a sin!le maret+
T#ere s#o$ld not ,e $nne%essar' !o&ernment restri%tions (#i%# %ome in t#e (a' of
!lo,ali2ation. lie im*ort restri%tion restri%tions on so$r%in! finan%e or ot#er fa%tors fro
,road forei!n in&estments et%+
T#e e)tent to (#i%# an enter*rise %an de&elo* !lo,all' from #ome %o$ntr' ,ase de*ends
on t#e fa%ilities a&aila,le lie t#e infrastr$%t$ral fa%ilities+
Alt#o$!# $nne%essar' !o&ernment interferen%e is a #indran%e to !lo,ali2ation.
!o&ernment s$**ort %an en%o$ra!e !lo,ali2ation+ Go&ernment s$**ort ma' tae t#e
form of *oli%' and *ro%ed$ral reforms. de&elo*ment of %ommon fa%ilities lie
infrastr$%t$ral fa%ilities. R and D s$**ort. finan%ial maret reforms and so on+
Reso$r%es is one of t#e im*ortant fa%tors (#i%# often de%ides t#e a,ilit' of a firm to
!lo,ali2e+ Reso$r%ef$l %om*anies ma' find it easier to t#r$st a#ead in t#e !lo,al maret+
T#e %om*etiti&e ad&anta!e of t#e %om*an' is a &er' im*ortant determinant of s$%%ess in
!lo,al ,$siness+ A firm ma' deri&e %om*etiti&e ad&anta!e from an' one or more of t#e
fa%tors s$%# as lo( %osts and *ri%e. *rod$%t 7$alit' *rod$%t. *rod$%t differentiation.
te%#nolo!i%al s$*eriorit'. after sales ser&i%e. maretin! stren!t# et%+
A !lo,al orientation on t#e *art of t#e ,$siness firms and s$ita,le !lo,ali2ation strate!ies
are essential for !lo,ali2ation+
>ree >lo( of Ca*ital/ Glo,ali2ation #el*s for free t#e flo( of %a*ital from one %o$ntr' to
t#e ot#er+ It #el*s t#e in&estors to !et a fair interest rate or di&idend and t#e !lo,al
%om*anies to a%7$ire finan%e at lo(er %ost of %a*ital+ >$rt#er Glo,ali2ation in%reases
%a*ital flo(s from s$r*l$s %o$ntries to t#e need' %o$ntries. (#i%# in t$rn in%reases t#e
!lo,al in&estment+
>ree flo( of Te%#nolo!'/ Glo,ali2ation #el*s for t#e flo( of te%#nolo!' from ad&an%ed
%o$ntries to t#e de&elo*in! %o$ntries+ It #el*s t#e de&elo*in! %o$ntries to im*lement
ne( te%#nolo!'+
In%rease in Ind$striali2ation/ >ree flo( of %a*ital alon! (it# t#e te%#nolo!' ena,les t#e
de&elo*in! %o$ntries to ,oost1$* ind$striali2ation in t#eir %o$ntries+
S*read $* Prod$%tion fa%ilities t#ro$!#o$t t#e Glo,e/ Glo,ali2ation of *rod$%tion. leads
to s*read $* man$fa%t$rin! fa%ilities in all t#e !lo,al %o$ntries de*endin! $*on t#e
lo%ational &ario$s fa&ora,le *rod$%tion fa%tors+
6alan%ed de&elo*ment of (orld e%onomies/ Ait# t#e flo( of %a*ital. te%#nolo!' and
lo%atin! man$fa%t$rin! fa%ilities in de&elo*in! %o$ntries. t#e de&elo*in! %o$ntries
ind$striali2e t#eir e%onomies+ T#is in t$rn leads to t#e ,alan%ed de&elo*ment of all t#e
In%rease in Prod$%tion and Cons$m*tion/ In%reased ind$striali2ation in t#e !lo,e leads
in%rease in *rod$%tion and t#$s res$lts in ,alan%ed ind$strial de&elo*ment alon! (it#
in%rease in in%ome (#i%# en#an%es t#e le&els of %ons$m*tion+
=o(er *ri%es (it# #i!# 7$alit'/ Indian %ons$mers #a&e alread' ,een !ettin! t#e *rod$%ts
of #i!# 7$alit' at lo(er *ri%es+ In%reased ind$striali2ation s*read $* of te%#nolo!'.
in%reased *rod$%tion and %ons$m*tion le&el ena,le t#e %om*anies to *rod$%e and sell t#e
*rod$%ts of #i!# 7$alit' t lo(er *ri%es+
C$lt$ral e)%#an!e and demand for &ariet' of *rod$%ts/ Glo,ali2ation red$%es t#e
*#'si%al distan%e amon! t#e %o$ntries and ena,les *eo*le of different %o$ntries to a%7$ire
t#e %$lt$re of ot#er %o$ntries+ T#e %$lt$ral e)%#an!e. in t$rn maes t#e *eo*le to demand
for a &ariet' of *rod$%ts (#i%# are ,ein! %ons$med in ot#er %o$ntries+ >or e)am*le.
demand for Ameri%an Pi22a in India and Masala dosa and :'dera,ad 6ri'ani and Indian
st'led !arments in USA and E$ro*e+
In%rease in Em*lo'ment and In%ome/ Glo,ali2ation res$lts in s#ift of man$fa%t$rin!
fa%ilities to t#e lo( (a!e de&elo*in! %o$ntries+ As s$%#. it red$%es 3o, o**ort$nities in
ad&an%ed %o$ntries and alternati&el' %reates 3o, o**ort$nities in de&elo*in! %o$ntries+
:i!#er Standards of =i&in!/ >$rt#er. !lo,ali2ation red$%es *ri%es and t#ere,' en#an%es
%ons$m*tion and li&in! standards of *eo*le in all t#e %o$ntries of t#e (orld+
6alan%ed :$man De&elo*ment/ In%rease in ind$striali2ation on ,alan%ed lines in t#e
!lo,e. im*ro&es t#e sills of t#e *eo*le of de&elo*in! %o$ntries+ >$rt#er. t#e in%reased
e%onomi% de&elo*ment of t#e %o$ntr' ena,les t#e !o&ernment to *ro&ide (elfare
fa%ilities lie #os*itals ed$%ational instit$tes et%+ (#i%# in t$rn %ontri,$tes for t#e
,alan%ed #$man de&elo*ment a%ross t#e !lo,e+
In%rease in t#e Aelfare and Pros*erit'/ T#e ,alan%ed ind$strial. so%ial and e%onomi%
de&elo*ment of t#e (orld nations %onse7$ent $*on t#e !lo,ali2ation alon! (it# t#e
(elfare meas$res *ro&ided ,' t#e !o&ernments lead to in%rease in t#e (elfare of t#e
*eo*le and *ros*erit' of t#e (orld %o$ntries+
Glo,ali2ation ills Domesti% 6$siness/ T#e MNCs from ad&an%ed %o$ntries $tili2e t#e
o**ort$nities %reated ,' !lo,ali2ation. esta,lis# man$fa%t$rin! and maretin! fa%ilities in
de&elo*in! %o$ntries+ T#e domesti% ,$siness of t#e de&elo*in! %o$ntries fails to %om*ete
(it# t#e MNCs on t#e te%#nolo!' and 7$alit' front+
E)*loits :$man Reso$r%es/ T#e forei!n %om*anies (#i%# are lo%ated in de&elo*in!
%o$ntries in&aria,l' &iolate t#e la,or and en&ironmental la(s in order to #a&e t#e %ost
ad&anta!e+ T#ese %om*anies em*lo' %#ild la,or. *oll$te en&ironment. and i!nore
(or*la%e safet' and #ealt# iss$es+ :o(e&er. it is &ie(ed t#at. !lo,ali2ation ena,les t#e
de&elo*in! %o$ntries to ,e%ome ri%# and enfor%e t#e la,or and en&ironmental re!$lations+
=eads to Unem*lo'ment and Underem*lo'ment/
MNCs *rod$%e t#e *rod$%ts in t#eir #ome %o$ntries or in some ot#er forei!n %o$ntries
and maret in de&elo*in! %o$ntries+ T#erefore. t#e domesti% %o$ntr'4s o*erations are to
,e red$%ed+ T#is in term leads to red$%tion in em*lo'ment o**ort$nities *arti%$larl' in
less de&elo*ed %o$ntries+
De%line in demand for domesti% *rod$%ts/ Sellin! of #i!# 7$alit' forei!n *rod$%ts at lo(
*ri%es ,' MNCs red$%es t#e demand for t#e domesti% *rod$%ts+
De%line in In%ome/ Unem*lo'ment and de%line in demand for domesti% *rod$%ts of ,ot#
ind$strial a!ri%$lt$ral !oods leads to red$%tion in in%ome of t#e *eo*le+
Aidenin! !a* ,et(een ri%# and *oor/ Glo,ali2ation not onl' res$lts in de%line in in%ome
,$t (idens t#e !a* ,et(een ri%# and *oor+ T#is is ,e%a$se. %om*etent *eo*le. *eo*le
(it# inno&ati&e sills. effi%ien%' et%+. !et a,normal in%ome. (#ile ot#er a&era!e *eo*le
#a&e to stri&e for e&en a minim$m (a!e+ T#is res$lts in (idenin! t#e !a* ,et(een #a&e
and t#e #a&e1nots.
Transfer of nat$ral reso$r%es/ MNCs esta,lis# t#eir man$fa%t$rin! fa%ilities in
de&elo*in! %o$ntries e)*loit t#eir nat$ral reso$r%es and sell t#e *rod$%ts in ot#er
%o$ntries+ T#ro$!# t#ese means. t#e nat$ral reso$r%es of de&elo*in! %o$ntries are
transferred to ot#er %o$ntries+
In de&elo*in! a forei!n o*eration. t#e mareter #as to tae fo$r de%isions+ T#ese are/
8 Maretin! De%ision
8 Maretin! sele%tion de%ision
8 Maret entr' de%ision
8 Maretin! Mi) De%ision
Maretin! De%ision/
All t#e ,$siness in&ol&es ris+ One of t#e ris element is s$dden fall in demand+ In s$%#
%ir%$mstan%es t#e firm (#i%# %on%entratin! onl' domesti% maret (ill find t#read a,o$t
its s$r&i&al+ At t#e same time if t#e %om*an' is doin! international trade t#e' %an
%on%entrate for international maret to ,alan%e t#e fall in demand in domesti% maret+
A#en a firm t#ins of enterin! into an international maret. it s#o$ld de&elo* a
maretin! strate!' to ,e $sed for ,ot# domesti% and forei!n ,$siness+ 6efore tain! t#e
maretin! de%ision of enterin! into international maret it s#o$ld satisf' itself for t#e
follo(in! 7$estions+
5+ Are t#ere an' o**ort$nit' o*en to firm and its *rod$%t in a,roadE+
8+ A#et#er it %an meet t#e demand in domesti% as (ell as in international
9+ A#et#er it %an ada*t t#e *rod$%t a%%ordin! to t#e needs of t#e %ons$mersE
F+ A#et#er it %an form$late and im*lement a *oli%' and re!$lations *ertainin! to
e)*orts and im*ortsE
E&en if t#e o**ort$nities a**ear fa&ora,le. t#e firm m$st #a&e t#e reso$r%es in men.
mone' and materials to %a*itali2e t#em+
To ,e s$%%essf$l in initial e)*orts. t#e first ste* is to %#oose t#e ri!#t *la%e for t#e
initial e)*ort &ent$re. so t#at t#e ret$rns ma' ,e 7$i%er and %ertain. and t#e riss ma' ,e
minim$m+ No firm #as $nlimited reso$r%es+ A *ro*er sele%tion of marets (o$ld ens$re
t#at time and efforts are not (asted+
A#ile sele%tin! initial marets for e)*orts. t#e trader s#o$ld %onsider t#e
follo(in! *oints %aref$ll'/
8 Sele%t one or t(o marets initiall' so t#at is t#e a%ti&it' ma' ,e (it#in
mana!ea,le $nits/
8 Smaller less o,&io$s marets s#o$ld not ,e o&erlooed+ It (o$ld ,e $n(ise to sell
in t#e more %om*etiti&e E$ro*ean maret. (#en a less %om*etiti&e Ara, or
Afri%an maret is a&aila,le;
8 It is ad&isa,le to s*end some time and mone' on &isitin! t#e o&erseas maret+
T#is (ill ena,le t#e mareter to sol&e man' *ra%ti%al *ro,lems+
8 Enter t#e e)*ort ,$siness onl' (#en t#e mareter is s$re of its *rofita,ilit'+
8 Do not enter t#ose marets (#ere t#ere are a lot of im*ort restri%tions;
8 Tae !$idan%e from !o&ernment and non1!o&ernment instit$tions+
8 Colle%t t#e latest data on e)*ort s$r&e's and %ommer%ial intelli!en%e from India"s
Commer%ial Re*resentati&es a,road;
8 Colle%t t#e address of *otential %$stomers a,road and start %orres*onden%e (it#
t#em; a&oid an' trade dis*$tes; ,$t if s$%# dis*$tes arise. settle t#em ami%a,l'+
8 Mae %ertain at t#e start t#at 'o$r e)*ort ,$siness is !oin! to ,e *rofita,le+
8 >ind a need and fill it. t#is (ill ens$re s$%%ess+
T#e %om*an' in t#is %onne%tion #as to tae t#e follo(in! ste*s so t#at it %an
$ltimatel' %#oose one or t(o marets of its %#oi%e/1
5@ T#e %om*an' s#o$ld e)amine e)*ort statisti%s of t#e *rod$%t from its %o$ntr'+
T#e %om*an' %an loo into t#ese statisti%s and find o$t (#ere t#e *rod$%ts are
e)*orted+ T#e %on%erned e)*ort *romotion %o$n%il also *$,lis#es s$%# statisti%s+
8@ It s#o$ld e)amine im*ort statisti%s of t#e *rod$%t in t#e tar!et marets+
9@ T#e %om*an' %an also &isit some Go&ernment offi%es. li,raries. trade asso%iations
to find o$t t#e *oli%'. names of im*orters et%+
F@ T#e %om*an' also #as dis%$ssion (it# some s$%%essf$l e)*orters+
G@ It %an also #a&e dis%$ssions (it# Commodit' ,oards. ECGC. et%
H@ It ma' also %onta%t o$r Trade re*resentati&e lo%ated in o$r Em,assies and :i!#
%ommissions a,road+
I@ It ma' also %onta%t >orei!n Em,assies and :i!# Commissions lo%ated in India+
J@ T#e %om*an' %an also send some offi%ers to t#e tar!et marets to find o$t t#e
maret %onditions t#ere+
K@ It %an tae *art in trade fairs and e)#i,itions %ond$%ted ,' ITPO and ot#er
5L@ It m$st also find o$t e%onomi%. so%ial and %$lt$ral fa%tors in t#e tar!et marets+
55@ It m$st also de%ide (#et#er it s#o$ld %#oose one maret or a fe( marets+
After e)aminin! &ario$s details as a,o&e t#e e)*orters #a&e to a&oid a maret in t#e
follo(in! %ases/
5@ If s#i**in! %osts (ill ,e far too #i!#
8@ If t#e in&estment re7$ired is more
9@ T#ose marets (#ere t#ere are a lot of im*ort restri%tions;
T#e maretin! firm s#o$ld #a&e a set of de%ision %riteria for sele%tin! t#e tar!et
marets+ A#ile t#e %om*lete set (ill #a&e to tae into a%%o$nt t#e *rod$%t and maretin!
%#ara%teristi%s of s*e%ifi% *rod$%ts. some of t#e %ommon elements are/
?i@Si2e of t#e Maret/
T#e tar!et territor' s#o$ld ,e one (#i%# is or #as t#e *otential to ,e a si2a,le maret+ It
is easier to %a*t$re a G *er %ent of a ,i! maret t#an to %a*t$re a 8G *er %ent s#are of
smaller maret+
It is eno$!# t#at t#e maret is e)istin! ,$t it s#o$ld also ,e in t#e !ro(t# sta!e+ :i!#er
s%ales o&er time ,e%ome easier (#en t#e o&erall demand is in%reasin!+ It is not eno$!# if
additional sales %ome at t#e %ost of t#e %om*etitions+
?iii@ =o!isti%s/
Dis*at%#in! t#e !oods to t#e ri!#t *la%e at t#e ri!#t time is t#e essen%e of all maretin!.
in%l$din! international maretin!+ Inade7$ate lo!isti% s$**ort %an *la' #a&o% in t#e
*lannin! of e)*ort s#i*ments. (#i%# (ill 3eo*ardi2e an' maretin! efforts+ >$rt#er . in
t#e %ase f %ertain *rod$%ts. s*e%ial t'*es of lo!isti% infrastr$%t$re is ne%essar'+
?i&@ Distan%e/
T#e trans*ort %ost and distan%e are intimatel' %orrelated+ >or lo(1&al$ed items. t#e
in%iden%e of #i!#er trans*ort %ost ma' red$%e e)*ort %om*etiti&eness 7$ite a**re%ia,l'+
T#e sele%tion *ro%ess of t#e tar!et maret (ill #a&e to tae t#is fa%tor into a%%o$nt+
?&@ Com*etition/
T#e nat$re and e)tent of %om*etition is a &er' %r$%ial fa%tor to re%on (it#+ A t#oro$!#
st$d' (ill #a&e to ,e made to determine #o( t#e firm"s *rod$%t *rofile %om*ares (it#
t#at of t#e %om*etiti&e *rod$%t line+ T#e firm (ill #a&e to e&al$ate (#et#er it is in a
*osition to mat%# s$%# %om*etition onsla$!#t+
?&i@ Distri,$tion S'stem/
T#e a&aila,ilit' of a %a*a,le a!ent or distri,$tor is a &er' im*ortant %onsideration.
es*e%iall' for *rod$%ts re7$irin! *re1sellin!. s$%# as demonstration and *ost1sellin!. s$%#
as after1 sales ser&i%es+ A !ood distri,$tor is essential+ E&en if a maret is ot#er(ise
*romisin!. if no !ood distri,$tor or a!ent is a&aila,le. t#e %om*an' s#o$ld t#in t(i%e
,efore de%idin! to enter t#at maret. $nless it is in *osition to set $* its o(n offi%e t#ere+
On%e t#e tar!et maret #as ,een identified. t#e ne)t ste* relates to t#e de%isions
re!ardin! t#e alternati&e met#ods of entr'+ T#e &ario$s met#ods of maret entr' o*en to
firm in a !i&en %o$ntr' are/
8 Indire%t e)*ortin!
8 Dire%t E)*ortin!
8 =i%ensin!
8 >ran%#isin!
8 Boint Ment$re
8 >orei!n s$,sidiaries
8 S*e%ial Modes
T#e indire%t (a' of e)*ortin! is almost e7$i&alent to domesti% sales+ T#e firm
sells its *rod$%ts in its %o$ntr' to anot#er *art'. (#o taes t#e res*onsi,ilit' of a%t$al
e)*ort+ T#is %an ,e done ,'/
a@ Sellin! to Mer%#ant E)*orter :o$se in India and
,@ Sellin! to &isitin!0resident ,$'ers
Sellin! to Mer%#ant E)*orter or E)*ort :o$ses in India/
T#ere are man' mer%#ant e)*orters and or re%o!ni2ed e)*ort #o$ses in India.
(#i%# are (illin! to ,$' !oods from t#e Indian man$fa%t$rers and sell t#em a,road+
Mer%#ant e)*orters or e)*ort #o$ses sell and ,$' on t#eir a%%o$nt and t#$s ass$me t#e
riss in&ol&ed in e)*ortin!+ A mer%#ant e)*orter is free to de%ided (#at #e (ill ,$'.
(#ere #e (ill ,$' and at (#at *ri%e+ Mer%#ant e)*orters are $s$all' (ell finan%ed and
maintain t#eir ,ran%#es at *ort to(ns and in im*ortant %enters a,road+ T#e' $s$all' #a&e
a s'stem of !at#erin! maret information and ee* a %lose (at%# on maret trends+ T#is
met#od of e)*ortation is $sef$l (#en t#e %om*an' is small and. t#erefore. not in *osition
to start an e)*ort de*artment to lie after e)*orts sales+
Sellin! to Misitin!0Resident 6$'ers/
Man' ,i! forei!n %om*anies #a&e t#eir resident ,$'in! re*resentati&es in India
and ot#er %o$ntries (#o are entr$sted (it# t#e 3o, of *ro%$rement+ Some ot#er
%om*anies re!$larl' send ,$'in! teams for t#e same *$r*ose+ T#e amo$nt of ,$siness
t#at is %ond$%ted ,' s$%# ,$'in! o*erations is s$,stantial+ T#e ad&anta!e of sellin! in
t#is (a' is similar to (#at #ad ,een mentioned for e)*ortin! t#ro$!# e)*ort #o$ses+
Ad&anta!es of Indire%t E)*ortin!/
It in&ol&es little time or effort ,e%a$se t#e mer%#ant e)*orter taes %are of all t#e
diffi%$lties in&ol&ed and ass$mes all t#e sales and %redit riss;
It re7$ires less in&estment and t#e firm"s %a*ital is not tied $*;
It %arries less ris. and t#e firm does not #a&e to s*end mone' on maret resear%#
or on settin! $* ,ran%#es a,road;
It maes *ossi,le t#e $tili2ation of t#e no(1#o( and e)*erien%e of middlemen;
T#e man$fa%t$rin! firm is free to %on%entrate on *rod$%tion+
Disad&anta!es of Indire%t E)*ortin!/
>or *ra%ti%al *$r*oses. t#e man$fa%t$rer %annot ,e %alled an e)*orter. and #e
%annot %laim or a&ail of e)*ort in%enti&es !i&en on a fairl' li,eral s%ale;
Indire%t e)*ortin! *ro&ides little %ontrol o&er t#e o*erations of middlemen+
E)*ort mer%#ants ma' %on%entrate on t#e *rod$%ts. (#i%# offer t#em t#e !reatest
*rofit+ T#e small man$fa%t$rer"s *rod$%ts ma' ,e i!nored+
T#e middleman. *arti%$larl' t#e a!ent on %ommission ,asis. ma' not ,e
a!!ressi&e. (it# t#e res$lt t#at sales ma' s$ffer;
E)*ort mer%#ants middlemen ma' not ,e a&aila,le for all t#e marets+
In %ase t#e firm de%ides not to o*erate t#ro$!# an' of t#e intermediaries des%ri,ed
in t#e earlier *ara!ra*#s. and o*ts for dire%t e)*ortin!. it (ill #a&e to %#oose most
%aref$ll' ,et(een one and or t#e ot#er ind of e)*ort sales or!ani2ation to ,e %reated+ If
its e)*ort *lans are am,itio$s and t#e *ros*e%ts of sellin! in a n$m,er of marets are
*romisin!. it ma' mae a modest start1 a**oint an e)*ort mana!er *l$s a %ler+
De*endin! $*on t#e firm"s e)*ort sales t$rno&er. e)istin! and *otential. it ma' %reate0set
$* a se*arate e)*ort de*artment or e&en a se*arate e)*ort %om*an'+ Dire%t E)*ortin!
ma' also ,e $ndertaen ,'/
8 Settin! $* a sales ,ran%# or a s$,sidiar' sales or!ani2ation in a forei!n %o$ntr'.
(#i%# ma' ,e a s$,stit$te for. or a s$**lement to t#e #ome or!ani2ation;
8 A**ointin! #ome1,ased sales re*resentati&es. (#o (o$ld tra&el a,road and ,oo
8 Sele%tin! s$ita,le distri,$tors in a forei!n %o$ntr' (#o (o$ld ,$' #is *rod$%t and
sell it t#ere. or s$ita,le a!ents in t#at %o$ntr' (#o (o$ld sell it on %ommission
,asis (it#o$t tain! an' title to it+
Ad&anta!es of Dire%t E)*ortin!/
8 T#e man$fa%t$rer (ill #a&e ,etter no(led!e of %$stomers" re7$irements
and maret %onditions+
8 :e (ill #a&e dire%t %ontrol o&er t#e maretin! o*erations+
8 :e %an en3o' t#e f$ll ret$rns on e)*orts+ :is *rofits (ill ,e more t#an
sellin! t#e !oods t#ro$!# middlemen+
8 Dire%t e)*ortin! is t#e onl' %#oi%e for %ertain *rod$%ts and not alternati&e
to !et s$%%ess. es*e%iall' in t#e follo(in! %ases/
1 If t#e *rod$%t is te%#ni%all' $ni7$e
1 If middlemen de%line
1 If im*orters (ants onl' dire%t e)*ort
1 If %osts in%rease ,e%a$se of tariffs
1 If after sales ser&i%e is a m$st
Disad&anta!es of Dire%t E)*ortin!/
8 =ar!e finan%ial reso$r%es needed
8 Mana!erial a,ilit' is essential and more staff is re7$ired
8 In%reased distri,$tion %ost
8 More ris
8 Greater initial o$tla' ,efore *rofit ,e!ins to flo( in+
Under t#is met#od. t#e man$fa%t$rer enters into an a!reement (it# a li%ensee in
t#e forei!n %o$ntr' and t#is !i&es #im t#e ri!#t to $se t#e man$fa%t$rin! *ro%ess. a *atent
desi!n or a trademar. te%#ni%al information or some fa%ilit' in ret$rn for some fee or
ro'alt'+ It is often t#e 7$i%est (a' of enterin! o&erseas marets 1 sometimes t#e onl'
*ossi,le (a' as in %entrall' *lanned e%onomies+ It is %learl' a met#od t#at in&ol&es little
e)*ense. and a&oids all distri,$tion %osts+
A/vantages an/ Disa/vantages of Licensing
Ad&anta!es Disad&anta!es
=i%ensin! mode %arries lo( in&estment on
t#e *art of t#e li%ensor+
=i%ensin! a!reements red$%e t#e maret
o**ort$nities for ,ot# li%ensor and
=i%ensin! mode %arries lo( finan%ial ris
to t#e li%ensor+
6ot# t#e *arties #a&e t#e res*onsi,ilities to
maintain t#e *rod$%t 7$alit' and *romotin!
t#e *rod$%t+ T#erefore one *art' %an affe%t
t#e ot#er t#ro$!# t#eir im*ro*er a%ts+
=i%ensor %an in&esti!ate t#e forei!n maret Costl' and tedio$s liti!ation ma' %ro* $*
(it#o$t m$%# effort on #is *art+ and #$rt ,ot# t#e *arties and t#e maret+
=i%ensin! !ets t#e ,enefits (it# less
in&estment on resear%# and de&elo*ment+
T#ere is s%o*e for mis$nderstandin!
,et(een t#e *arties des*ite t#e
effe%ti&eness of t#e a!reement+
=i%ense es%a*es #imself from t#e ris of
*rod$%t fail$re+
T#ere is a *ro,lem of leaa!e of t#e trade
se%rets of t#e li%ensor+
T#e li%ensee ma' sell t#e *rod$%t o$tside
t#e a!reed territor' and after t#e e)*ir' of
t#e %ontra%t+
>ran%#isin! is also a form of li%ensin!+ T#e fran%#isor %an e)er%ise more %ontrol
o&er t#e fran%#ise %om*ared to t#at in li%ensin!+ Under fran%#isin!. an inde*endent
or!ani2ation %alled t#e fran%#ise o*erates t#e ,$siness $nder t#e name of anot#er
%om*an' %alled fran%#isor+ T#e fran%#isor *ro&ides t#e follo(in! ser&i%es to t#e
8 Trade mars
8 O*eratin! s'stem
8 Prod$%t re*$tations
Contin$o$s s$**ort s'stems lie ad&ertisin!. em*lo'ee trainin!. reser&ation ser&i%e. and
7$alit' ass$ran%e *ro!ramme et%+
Ad&anta!es and Disad&anta!es of >ran%#isin!
Ad&anta!es Disad&anta!es
>ran%#isor %an enter !lo,al marets (it#
lo( in&estment and lo( riss+
International fran%#isin! ma' ,e more
%om*li%ated t#an domesti% maretin!+
>ran%#isor %an !et t#e information
re!ardin! t#e marets. %$lt$re. %$stomers
and en&ironment of t#e #ost %o$ntr'+
It is diffi%$lt to %ontrol t#e international
>ran%#isor learns more lessons from t#e
e)*erien%es of t#e fran%#isees. (#i%# #e
%o$ld not e)*erien%e from t#e #ome
>ran%#isin! a!ents red$%e t#e maret
o**ort$nities for ,ot# t#e fran%#isor and
%o$ntr'4s maret+
>ran%#isee %an earl' start a ,$siness (it#
lo( ris as #e sele%ts an esta,lis#ed and
*ro&en *rod$%t and o*eratin! s'stem+
6ot# t#e *arties #a&e t#e res*onsi,ilities to
maintain *rod$%t 7$alit' and *rod$%t
>ran%#ise !ets t#e ,enefit of R & D (it#
lo( %ost+
T#ere is a *ro,lem of leaa!e of trade
>ran%#ise es%a*es from t#e ris of *rod$%t
A 3oint &ent$re in&ol&es a %a*ital *artners#i* and ma' ,e arran!ed for
man$fa%t$rin! a%ti&ities. maretin! a%ti&ities. or ,ot#+ T#is taes *la%e (#en/
8 T#e domesti% in&estor ,$'s an interest in a man$fa%t$rin! $nit sit$ated in
a forei!n %o$ntr';
8 An' in&estor of a forei!n %o$ntr' ,$'s an interest in a man$fa%t$rin! $nit
of t#e domesti% in&estor alread' e)istin! in t#at %o$ntr'; or
8 A domesti% in&estor and an in&estor in a forei!n %o$ntr' to!et#er start a
ne( &ent$re in t#at forei!n %o$ntr'+
T#e mareter esta,lis#es a s$,sidiar' man$fa%t$rin! $nit in a forei!n %o$ntr'+ :e
is its e)%l$si&e o(ner and %ontroller. t#e monar%# of all t#at it %ontains+ T#is is t#e
%$lmination of international maretin!+ It is international *rod$%tion1%$m maretin!+
A#en a %om*an' en!a!es in s$%# *rod$%tion in a n$m,er of %o$ntries. it is %alled
m$ltinational %om*an'+
A+ Contra%t Man$fa%t$rin!/
Some %om*anies o$tso$r%e t#eir *art of or entire *rod$%tion and %on%entrate on
maretin! o*erations+ T#is *ra%ti%e is %alled t#e %ontra%t of man$fa%t$rin! or
6+ Mana!ement Contra%ts/
T#e %om*anies (it# lo( le&el te%#nolo!' and mana!erial e)*ertise ma' see t#e
assistan%e of a forei!n %om*an'+ T#en t#e forei!n %om*an' ma' a!ree to *ro&ide
te%#ni%al assistan%e and mana!erial e)*ertise+ T#is a!reement ,et(een t#ese t(o
%om*anies is %alled t#e mana!ement %ontra%t+
C+ T$rne' *ro3e%ts/
A t$rne' *ro3e%t is a %ontra%t $nder (#i%# firms a!rees to f$ll' desi!n. %onstr$%t and
e7$it' a man$fa%t$rin!0,$siness0ser&i%e fa%ilit' and t$rn t#e *ro3e%t o&er to t#e *$r%#aser
(#en it is read' for o*erations for a rem$neration+ International t$rne' *ro3e%ts in%l$de
n$%lear *o(er *lants. air *orts. oil refiner'. national #i!#(a's. rail(a' lines et%+
Maret resear%# is a %om*lete anal'sis of t#e maret+ Information re!ardin! t#e
nat$re. si2e. or!ani2ation. *rofita,ilit' of different marets. %#an!es in marets and
&ario$s fa%tors. s$%# as e%onomi%. so%ial and *oliti%al. affe%tin! t#ose %#an!es are st$dies
&i!oro$sl'+ T#e main *$r*ose of maret resear%# is to no( a,o$t t#e %ons$mers and
marets of t#e e)*orter"s *rod$%ts and ser&i%es+ T#e resear%# is mainl' %on%erned (it#
details re!ardin! %ons$mers+ T#e resear%# is mainl' %on%erned (it# details re!ardin!
Maretin! resear%# %o&ers all as*e%ts of t#e maretin! a%ti&ities s$%# s marets.
*rod$%ts. %ons$mers. ad&ertisements. sales *romotion te%#ni7$es. %#annels of
distri,$tion. (are#o$sin!. trans*ort. *a%in! *ro,lems et% relatin! to firm"s *rod$%t (#ile
on t#e ot#er #and maret resear%# em*#asis resear%# on t#e maret and maret se!ments
and %ons$mers and t#eir ,e#a&io$r+ T#$s t#e maret resear%# is onl' a *art of maretin!+
8 Maret resear%# is re7$ired to identif' (#i%# marets s#o$ld ,e sele%ted as t#e
tar!et. ,ased on t#e maret si2e. !ro(t#. a%%essi,ilit' and %om*etiti&e fa%tors+
8 Identifi%ation of s$ita,le *rod$%ts is also de*endent $*on resear%#+ Detailed field
resear%# in&esti!ations are re7$ired to determine t#e e)tent of *rod$%t ada*tation
re7$ired to mae t#e *rod$%t a%%e*ta,le in a !i&en maret+
8 Resear%# %an #el* *re&ent t#e $se of ina**ro*riate maret entr' met#od+
8 Resear%# %an #el* to determine t#e *ositionin! of t#e *rod$%t. tain! into a%%o$nt
t#e so%io1%$lt$ral fa%tors+
8 Promotional %am*ai!ns s#o$ld ,e de%ided onl' (#en *ro*er resear%# #as ,een
%arried o$t re!ardin! t#eir a%%e*ta,ilit' in a !i&en en&ironment+
8 Resear%# also #el*s in tain! a**ro*riate *a%a!in! de%isions+
8 Considera,le amo$nt of data %olle%tion and anal'sis are re7$ired to arri&e at
*ri%in! de%isions+ Pri%in! is %r$%ial for s$%%ess in international maretin! and a
,l$nder %an mar all *ros*e%ts+
8 It is $sef$l in %on&ertin! $n%ertaint' into %ertaint'+ Maretin! resear%# ,'
*ro&idin! information on maret information on maret en&ironment. red$%es
$n%ertaint' in it and maes t#e en&ironment no(n+ T#e $n%ertaint' is miti!ated+
8 T#e resear%# ,e%omes ine&ita,le (#en t#e in%ome. fas#ion. #a,its and
*referen%es are %#an!in! &er' fast+
8 T#e needs for resear%# also arise (#en t#e sale of t#e *rod$%t is s#o(in! a
do(n(ard trend and t#e reason for t#e fall %o$ld not ,e esta,lis#ed+
Maret resear%# in almost all %ases is %arried o$t into t(o *#ases/ &i2+. Des
resear%# and field resear%#+ Ste*(ise form$lation of a resear%# *lan %om*risin! ,ot#
des and field resear%# (ill ,e as follo(s/
8 Identif' t#e *ro,lem+
8 Identif' t#e information re7$irements to find o$t a sol$tion to t#e *ro,lem+
8 Identif' t#e so$r%es ?*rimar' and se%ondar'@ from (#ere s$%# information
%an ,e o,tained+
8 Colle%t and anal'se t#e se%ondar' so$r%e materials+
8 Identif' t#e !a*s in information still remainin!+
8 Pre*are a resear%# ,rief for field resear%# to %olle%t information on t#e !a*s+
8 Desi!n a 7$estionnaire+
8 Pre*are t#e sam*le of res*ondents+
8 Inter&ie( t#e res*ondents+
8 Anal'se and e&al$ate t#e res$lts+
Des resear%# is t#e first *#ase of t#e maretin! resear%#+ It in&ol&es %olle%tion of all
rele&ant information from no(n *$,lis#ed and $n*$,lis#ed do%$mentations a&aila,le
(it#in and o$tside t#e or!ani2ation+
Inside or Internal so$r%e of information/
T#is information %an ,e !at#ered from t#e follo(in!/
1 *ast sales re%ord
1 en7$ires re%ei&ed from a,road
1 re*orts from its ,ran%#es and a!ents a,road and its offi%ers dealin!
in e)*ort trade+
1 Com*laints re%ei&ed from forei!n %$stomers et%+
E)ternal So$r%e of Information/
T#is information %an ,e #ad from an' *$,lis#ed do%$ments (#i%# ma' *ro&ide data on
t#e *ro,lems to ,e anal'sed+ :o(e&er ,efore rel'in! on an' *$,lis#ed do%$ments t#e
resear%#er s#o$ld %onsider t#e follo(in! *oints/
o E)a%tl' (#at *rod$%ts are in%l$ded in t#e statisti%al %lassifi%ation
o A#o ori!inall' %olle%ted t#e data for (#at *$r*ose. and (#et#er t#ee
mi!#t an' moti&e for misre*resentation;
o >rom (#om t#e data (ere %olle%ted. and #o( relia,le t#e met#odolo!'
mi!#t #a&e ,een and
o :o( %onsistent t#e data are (it# ot#er lo%al or international statisti%s+
T#e follo(in! ta,le s#o(s t#e a!en%ies (#i%# %an f$rnis# t#e re7$ired information for
des resear%#+
Im*ort statisti%s UN.OECD. national trade statisti%s
Prod$%tion statisti%s UN. Offi%ial statisti%al so$r%es
Tariffs and 7$otas Em,assies. C#am,er of Commer%e
C$rren%' restri%tions 6ans and Em,assies
:ealt# restri%tions Em,assies and %#am,er of %ommer%e
Politi%al sit$ation 6an re*orts. *ress re*orts and IM> 'ear ,oo
Domesti% %ons$m*tion Offi%ial statisti%s of %#am,er of %ommer%e and
%ommodit' ,oards+
Identifi%ation of a!ents Dire%tories. Re*orts of em,assies and Bo$rnals
Credit and *a'ment terms 6ans
Trans*ort %ost >rei!#t for(arders and %learin! a!en%ies
Pri%es Pre&io$s maret s$r&e' re*orts. %om*an'
%atalo!$es. dail' e%onomi% ne(s*a*ers on
%ommodit' *ri%es+
An anal'sis of data %olle%ted from des resear%# (o$ld re&eal t#e !a*s in
information t#at still remain+ Generall' s*eain! *rod$%t s*e%ifi% maretin! in
formations are not a&aila,le from se%ondar' ?des@ so$r%es+ Goin! dire%tl' to t#e maret
ma' %o&er t#e !a*s in information+ T#ere are t(o s*e%ifi% im*ortant ste*s ,efore field
resear%# %an ,e $ndertaen &i2+. desi!n and testin! of a 7$estionnaire and *re*aration of a
sam*le of res*ondents+ In order to se%$re t#e ,est *ossi,le ret$rn on t#e limited time t#at
%an ,e s*ent on e)*ort maret resear%#+
>ield resear%# %an ,e %ond$%ted t#ro$!# *ersonal inter&ie(s. tele*#one
inter&ie(s and stores %#e%s+ Of t#e t#ree met#ods. *ersonal inter&ie( is t#e most
de*enda,le if relia,le data are to ,e re7$ired+ Unfort$natel'. #o(e&er. in man'
de&elo*in! %o$ntries. t#e *ersonal inter&ie( *resents s*e%ial *ro,lems for t(o main
reasons+ >irst t#e re%r$itment of inter&ie( is diffi%$lt and ins some %$lt$res it is
im*ossi,le to re%r$it female inter&ie(ers at all+
Te%#ni7$es of >ield Resear%#/ Inter&ie( met#ods. <$estionnaire and O,ser&ation
?Refer Resear%# met#odolo!' ,oo for f$rt#er details for t#e a,o&e said te%#ni7$es@
Modern maretin! is &er' %om*etiti&e+ Modern ,$siness is a man' sided !ame in
(#i%# ri&als and o**onents %ontin$o$sl' tr' to form$late strate!ies to !ain ad&anta!e
o&er one anot#er+ Predi%tin! t#e ,e#a&io$r of one"s %om*etitors and o$t!$essin! of t#e
%om*etitor (ill need t#e ser&i%es of maretin! intelli!en%e+ A mareter %annot s$r&i&e
$nder een %om*etitions (it#o$t $* to date maret information *arti%$larl' re!ardin! t#e
nat$re. %#ara%ter and si2e of %om*etition to ,e met+ It is t#erefore. ne%essar' for t#e
e)*orter to o,tain %om*etiti&e intelli!en%e and mae a st$d' a,o$t %om*etitions for #is
*rod$%ts+ Re!ardin! t#at t#e trader s#o$ld #a&e ans(er for t#e follo(in! 7$estions a,o$t
#is %om*etitors/
6asi% >a%tors/
A#at are t#e %om*etiti&e *rod$%ts are sold in t#at *arti%$lar %o$ntr'E
A#o are t#e %om*etitorsE
A#at fa%ilities do t#e' #a&e and (#ere are t#e' lo%atedE
A#o are t#eir lo%al offi%ers. and #o( !ood are t#e'E
A#at *ro,lems do t#e fa%e. and #o( are t#e' tr'in! to sol&e t#emE
Are t#e' in&ol&ed in liti!ationE A#at indE
A#at relation do t#e' #a&e (it# !o&ernmentE
Do t#e' en3o' in%enti&es or fa&o$rsE
A#at is t#e %$rrent finan%ial *osition of t#e %om*etitorsE
A#at are t#eir in&estment *ro!rammesE
A#at fees and ro'alties do t#e' $seE
A#at are t#eir finan%ial reso$r%es and #o( do t#e' finan%e e)*ansionE
A#at di&idend *oli%ies do t#e' *$rs$eE
Are t#e' sa%rifi%in! lon!1term ad&anta!e for s#ort term !ainsE
A#at *lans do t#e %om*etitors #a&eE
A#at *rod$%tion te%#nolo!ies are $sedE
:o( effi%ient are t#e *lantsE
A#at %a*a%it' of e)istin! *lant is ,ein! $sedE
Do t#e' #a&e an' la,o$r *ro,lemsE
A#at"s t#eir so$r%e of man*o(erE
A#at is t#eir man$fa%t$rin! %ostE
:o("s t#eir *rod$%t 7$alit'E
A#at maretin! %#annels t#e' #a&eE
T#eir *ri%in! strate!'+
T#eir *romotional strate!ies+
A#at"s t#eir maret s#areE
:o( (as it %#an!ed o&er t#e *eriod of timeE
A#at are t#eir ad&ertisin! mediaE :o( m$%# %ost is in%$rred re!ardin! t#atE
S$**l'in! t#e maret/
:o( do t#e %om*etiti&e *rod$%ts !et to t#e maretE
A#o are t#e im*orters and #o( do t#e' o*erateE
A#at %redit. *ri%in!. and ot#er terms are e)tended ,' forei!n s$**liersE
One of t#e distin%ti&e feat$res of international maretin! is t#at e)*orters #a&e to
deal (it# different le!al s'stems+ An Indian e)*orter sellin! #is *rod$%t to an im*orter.
sa' in t#e USA. m$st %ontend (it# t#e fa%t t#at US la(s ma' (ell #a&e some infl$en%e
eit#er on t#e %ontra%t$al terms to ,e a!reed $*on ,et(een #im and t#e im*orter. or on t#e
settlement of dis*$tes. if an' arisin! o$t of t#e %ontra%t+ T#e f$n%tion of a sales %ontra%t
is to set fort# in (ritin! (#at one *art' a!rees to do for t#e ot#er and (#at ea%# ma'
e)*e%t of t#e ot#er+
T#e elements or t#e %la$ses of an e)*ort %ontra%t &ar' de*endin! $*on t#e nat$re
of *rod$%t ,ein! e)*orted+ T#ere are. #o(e&er. some elements t#at are almost $ni&ersal
in t#eir a**li%ation+ T#ese elements are as follo(s/
8 Names and addresses of t#e *arties 1 e)*orters and im*orters
8 T#e des%ri*tion of t#e *rod$%t+
8 <$alit' of t#e *rod$%t+
8 Pri%e *er $nit+
8 Total &al$e+
8 C$rren%'
8 Ta) and %#ar!es
8 Pa%in! s*e%ifi%ations
8 Mode of trans*ort
8 Deli&er'/ Pla%e and s%#ed$le
8 Marin! and la,elin!+
8 Ins$ran%e+
8 Ins*e%tion+
8 Do%$mentations+
8 Mode of *a'ment+
8 Credit *eriod. if an'
8 Aarranties 1 ass$rin! re*airs o&er a *eriod+
8 Passin! of ris+
8 Passin! of *ro*ert'+
8 A&aila,ilit'0 non1a&aila,ilit' of e)*ort and im*ort li%enses+
8 Settlement of dis*$tes+
8 Pro*er la( of %ontra%t+
8 B$risdi%tion+
Mana!in! an' ,$siness strate!i%all' needs an $nderstandin! of t#e ,$siness *oli%ies+ 6$t
in %ase of !lo,al %om*anies. an $nderstandin! of trade *oli%ies is more essential+
International trade *oli%ies deal (it# t#e *oli%ies of t#e national !o&ernments relatin! to
e)*orts of &ario$s !oods and ser&i%es to &ario$s %o$ntries eit#er on e7$al terms and
%onditions or on dis%riminator' terms and %onditions+
Go&ernment anno$n%es t#eir trade *oli%ies (it# re!ard to t#e follo(in! from time
to time+ T#e' are also %alled t#e instr$ments of trade *oli%'+ T#e' are/ Tariffs. S$,sidies
and Im*ort 7$otas+
Tariff refers to t#e ta) im*osed on im*orts+ It is a d$t' or ta) im*osed on internationall'
traded %ommodities (#en t#e' %ross t#e national ,orders+ T#e o,3e%ti&es of Tariffs are
8 To *rote%t domesti% ind$stries from forei!n %om*etition
8 To !$ard a!ainst d$m*in!
8 To *romote indi!eno$s resear%# and de&elo*ment
8 To %onser&e forei!n e)%#an!e reso$r%es of t#e %o$ntr'
8 To mae t#e ,alan%e of *a'ments *osition more fa&ora,le and
8 To dis%riminate a!ainst %ertain %o$ntries+
Tariff affe%t on e%onom' in different (a's+ An im*ort d$t' !enerall' #as t#e follo(in!
Protective effect:
An im*ort d$t' is liel' to in%rease t#e *ri%e of im*orted !oods+ T#is in%rease in t#e
*ri%e of im*orts is liel' to red$%e im*orts and in%rease t#e demand for domesti% !oods+
Im*ort d$ties ma' also ena,le domesti% ind$stries to a,sor, #i!#er *rod$%tion %osts+
T#$s. as a res$lt of t#e *rote%tion ,' tariffs. domesti% ind$stries are a,le to e)*and t#eir
Consumption Effect:
T#e in%rease in *ri%es res$ltin! from t#e le&' of im*ort d$t' $s$all' red$%es t#e
%ons$m*tion %a*a%it' of t#e *eo*le+
Redistribution Effect;
If t#e im*ort d$t' %a$ses an in%rease in t#e *ri%e of domesti%all' *rod$%ed !oods. it
amo$nts to redistri,$tion of in%ome ,et(een t#e %ons$mers and *rod$%ers in fa&or of t#e
*rod$%ers+ >$rt#er a *art of t#e %ons$mer in%ome is transferred to t#e e)%#e7$er ,'
means of t#e tariff+
Revenue Effect:
As mentioned a,o&e. a tariff means in%reased re&en$e for t#e !o&ernment+
Income and Employment Effect;
T#e tariff ma' %a$se a s(it%# o&er from s*endin! on forei!n !oods to s*endin! on
domesti% !oods+ T#is #i!#er s*endin! (it#in t#e %o$ntr' a' %a$se an e)*ansion in
domesti% in%ome and em*lo'ment+
Competitive Effect:
T#e %om*etiti&e effe%t on t#e tariff is. in fa%t. an anti1%om*etiti&e effe%t in t#e sense t#at
t#e *rote%tion of domesti% ind$stries a!ainst forei!n %om*etition ma' ena,le t#e
domesti% ind$stries to o,tain mono*ol' *o(er (it# all its asso%iated e&ils+
Terms of trade effect:
In a ,id to maintain t#e *re%io$s le&el of im*orts to t#e tariff im*osin! %o$ntr'. if t#e
e)*orter red$%es #is *ri%es. t#e tariff im*ortin! %o$ntr' is a,le to !et im*orts to a lo(er
<$ota is dire%t restri%tion on t#e 7$antit' of !oods (#i%# are im*orted into a %o$ntr'+
T#ese restri%tions are im*osed ,' iss$in! im*ort li%enses to %ertain firms and indi&id$als
to im*ort %ertain 7$antit' of t#e !oods+ India #ad 7$otas of im*orts of &ario$s !oods lie
%ars. motor %'%les. mil et%+ $* to 95st mar%# 8LL5+ Im*ort 7$otas *ro&ide t#e *rote%tion
to t#e domesti% firms from t#e forei!n %o$ntries+
Balance of Payment Effect:
As 7$otas ena,le a %o$ntr' to restri%t t#e a!!re!ate im*orts (it#in s*e%ified limits.
7$otas are #el*f$l in im*ro&in! its ,alan%e of *a'ments *osition+
Price Effect:
As 7$otas limit t#e total s$**l'. t#e' ma' %a$se an in%rease in domesti% *ri%es+
Consumption Effect:
If 7$otas lead to an in%rease in *ri%es. *eo*le ma' ,e %onstrained to red$%e t#eir
%ons$m*tion of t#e %ommodit' s$,3e%t to 7$otas or some ot#er %ommodities+
Protective Effect:
6' !$ardin! domesti% ind$stries a!ainst forei!n %om*etition to some e)tent. 7$otas
en%o$ra!e t#e e)*ansion of domesti% ind$stries+
Redistributive Effect:
<$otas also #a&e a redistri,$ti&e effe%t if t#e fall in s$**l' d$e to im*ortant restri%tions
ena,les t#e domesti% *rod$%ers to raise *ri%es+ T#e rise in *ri%es (ill res$lt in t#e
redistri,$tion of in%ome ,et(een t#e *rod$%ers and %ons$mers in fa&o$r of t#e
Revenue Effect:
<$otas ma' also #a&e a re&en$e effe%t+ As 7$otas are administered ,' means of li%en%es.
t#e !o&ernment ma' o,tain some re&en$e ,' %#ar!in! a li%en%e fee+
Terms of Trade Effect;
<$otas ma' affe%t t#e terms of trade of t#e %o$ntr' im*osin! t#em+ T#e effe%t of 7$otas
on t#e terms of trade de*ends $*on t#e elasti%it' of t#e forei!n offer %$r&es+
T#e differen%es ,et(een tariffs and 7$otas (ill ,e %lear ,' t#e follo(in! (a' of
Let us first examine the superiority of quotas to tariffs:
8 As a *rote%ti&e meas$re. a 7$ota is more effe%ti&e t#an t#e tariff+ A tariff sees to
dis%o$ra!e im*orts ,' raisin! t#e *ri%e of im*orted arti%les+ It #o(e&er fails to
restri%t im*orts (#en t#e demand for im*orts is *ri%e inelasti%+
8 A#en %om*ared to tariffs. 7$otas are m$%# *re%ise and t#eir effe%ts m$%# more
%ertain+ T#e rea%tions or res*onses to tariffs are not %lear and a%%$ratel'
*redi%ta,le; ,$t t#e effe%t of 7$otas on im*orts is %ertain+
8 It #as ,een ar!$ed t#at 7$otas tend to ,e more fle)i,le; more easil' im*osed and
more easil' remo&ed instr$ments of %ommer%ial *oli%' t#an tariffs+ Tariffs are
often re!arded as relati&el' *ermanent meas$res and ra*idl' ,$ild *o(erf$l
&ested interests. (#i%# mae t#em all t#e more diffi%$lt to remo&e+ <$otas #a&e
man' %#ara%teristi%s of a more tem*orar' meas$re. are desi!ned to deal onl' (it#
a %$rrent *ro,lem. and remo&a,le as soon as %ir%$mstan%es (arrant+
<$otas. #o(e&er. s$ffer from %ertain effe%ts+ Tariffs in some res*e%ts are s$*erior to
8 T#e effe%ts of 7$otas are more ri!oro$s and ar,itrar' and t#e' tend to distort
international trade m$%# more t#an t#e tariffs+ T#at is (#' GATT %ondemns
7$otas and *refers tariffs to 7$otas for %ontrollin! im*orts+
8 <$otas tend to restri%t %om*etition m$%# more t#an tariffs ,' #el*in! im*orters
and e)*orters to a%7$ire mono*ol' *o(er+ If im*ort 7$otas are allo%ated onl' to a
fe( im*orters. t#e' ma' ena,le t#em to amass fort$nes ,' e)*loitin! t#e maret+
Similarl'. 7$otas tend to *romote t#e %on%entration of e%onomi% *o(er amon!
forei!n e)*orters+
8 <$otas ma' s$**ort inflationar' *ress$res (it#in t#e %o$ntr' ,' restri%tin!
s$**l'+ Tariffs also s$ffer from t#e same defe%t+
8 <$otas offer !reater s%o*e for %orr$*tion t#an tariffs+
In order to en%o$ra!e domesti% *rod$%tion or to *rote%t t#e domesti% *rod$%er from t#e
forei!n %om*etitors. !o&ernment *a's to a domesti% *rod$%ers red$%in! o*erations %ost+
S$%# *a'ments are %alled s$,sidies+ S$,sidies are in different forms+ T#e' are/ Cas#
!rants. loans and ad&an%es at lo( rate of interest. ta) #olida's. !o&ernment *ro%$rement
of o$t *$t at a #i!#er rate. e7$it' *arti%i*ation and s$**l' of in*$ts at lo(er *ri%es+
Co$nter Trade refers to an' one of se&eral different arran!ements ,' (#i%# !oods and
ser&i%es re traded for ea%# ot#er. on eit#er ,ilateral or m$ltilateral ,asis+ T#ere are a
&ariet' of forms of %o$nter trade+ 6asi%all' it is a ,arter ?e)%#an!e of one t'*e of !oods
for anot#er t'*e of !oods@ or 7$asi1,arter a!reement. (#ere %as# ma' not in&ol&e ,$t
t#ere is al(a's a lin ,et(een t#e im*orts and e)*orts transa%tions+ In ot#er (ords
im*orts are *aid o$t of e)*orts in %o$nter trade+ >or e)am*le India e)*orts iron and steel
a!ainst im*ort of #ea&' ma%#iner' $nder a %ontra%t it is %alled a %o$nter trade
T#ere are a n$m,er of forms of %o$nter trade+ Ae ma' e)amine t#em in detail in
detail as in t#e follo(in! *ara!ra*#s+
'arter/ In t#e ,arter a!reement. t#e e)*orter sells s*e%ified !oods to t#e im*orter in
e)%#an!e for s*e%ified !oods+ In ot#er (ords ,arter in&ol&es tradin! !oods for !oods+ In
t#is %ase no %as# in in&ol&ed+ P$re ,arter of t#is t'*e is rare in no( a da's+
"o!pensation co)nter tra/e/ Under %om*ensation arran!ement t#e e)*orter a!rees to
a%%e*t a *art of %onsideration in %as# and t#e ,alan%e in inds. ,$t t#e e)*orter transfers
t#e *$r%#asin! %ommitment to a t#ird *art' (#o ma' ,e an end $ser of *rod$%ts or a
tradin! #o$se+ T#is t'*e of %o$nter trade is not &er' %ommon as it taes %onsidera,le
time to find a s$ita,le t#ird *art' to (#om t#e e)*orter %an transfers t#e *$r%#asin!
')3 -ack arrange!ent: T#is t'*e of arran!ement sis t#e most *o*$lar arran!ement
in&ol&in! a relati&el' lar!e &ol$me of trade+ Under t#is arran!ement. t#e e)*orter.
$s$all' an ind$strial firm. *ro&ide *lant. e7$i*ment or te%#nolo!' to an im*orter and
a!rees to a%%e*t. in f$ll or *art %onsiderations. t#e !oods to ,e *rod$%ed ,' t#e im*orter
(it# t#e e)*orter s" e7$i*ment or te%#nolo!'+ T#e %ontra%t *eriod of ,$' ,a%
arran!ements is. ,' ne%essit'. %onsidera,l' lon!er t#an t#at of %o$nter *$r%#ase
"o)nter p)rc(ase arrange!ent: T#is t'*e of %o$nter trade arran!ement is also
%ommon ,$t it is %om*li%ated+ Under t#is arran!ement. t#e e)*orter sells t#e !oods.
ser&i%es or te%#nolo!' to a forei!n im*orter a!ainst t#e *$r%#ase of a s*e%ified total &al$e
of !oods sele%ted from a list t#at e)%l$des t#ose !oods *rod$%ed ,' t#e te%#nolo!' ,ein!
e)*orted. (it#in a s*e%ified *eriod+ T#e !oods *$r%#ased (ill not ,e $sed ,' t#e
e)*orter #imself and #e (ill #a&e to arran!e for t#eir sale (it# a t#ird *art' (#o ma'
maret t#em+
S4ap: In a s(a* %ontra%t t(o %o$ntries a!ree to trade. *rod$%ts from different lo%ations
(it# a &ie( to sa&e trans*ortation %ost+ T#is is ideall' s$ited for %ommodities s$%# as
s$!ar. %#emi%als and oils+ In s(a* transa%tions differen%es in 7$alit' of t#e !oods ,ein!
s$,stit$ted are (ored o$t in s(a* %ontra%t+
S4itc(: T#is met#od of %o$nter trade is $sef$l (#en international %$rren%' flo( is
sl$!!is# or $ne&en+ One %o$ntr' t#at is a *art' to a ,ilateral trade a!reement (ill transfer
its im,alan%e to a t#ird *art' or nation+ One e)am*le of s(it%# is (estern firm t#at sold
a *lasti% man$fa%t$rin! *lant to t#e t#en USSR (#i%# #ad no %as# to *a'+ :o(e&er.
R$ssia #ad a %learin! a!reement (it# A$stralia (#i%# (as ,$'in! nat$ral !as to R$ssia.
it *aid to t#e (estern firm dire%t t#e amo$nt e7$al to t#e *ri%e of t#e *lant sold to R$ssia+
T#$s in a s(it%# a!reement. t#e amo$nt is *aid or a%%e*ted t#ro$!# a t#ird %o$ntr' or
*art'+ T#is met#od of %o$nter trade is $sef$l (#en international %$rren%' flo( is
sl$!!is# or $ne&en+
Evi/ence Acco)nts: Under e&iden%e a%%o$nts. t#e %om*an' sells its *rod$%ts or ser&i%es
to a lo%al forei!n trade or!ani2ation and *$r%#ases !oods and ser&i%es of its re7$irements
form anot#er lo%al forei!n trade or!ani2ation of t#e e7$al amo$nt+ T#ese inds of
transa%tions are set to o%%$r o&er a s*e%ified *eriod. !enerall' one 'ear+ S$%# a%%o$nts
are monitored ,' t#e %o$ntr'"s ,an of forei!n trade t#at deals in forei!n e)%#an!e and
(#ere t#e %om*an' maintains its a%%o$nts+
T#e reasons to en!a!e in %o$nter trade in%l$de t#ose ,asi% to ,$siness; t o enter
ne( marets. sell *rod$%ts and !ain an ed!e o&er %om*etition+ Co$nter trade is
%onsidered a (a' of o&er%omin! of $n%ertaint' of domesti% *rod$%tion *lans and. at t#e
same time. of a%#ie&in! ,ilateral ,alan%in! of trade1an im*ortant o,3e%ti&e of forei!n
trade *oli%' in t#e %entrall' *lanned East E$ro*ean %o$ntries+ s#orta!e of forei!n
e)%#an!e and t#e desire to stim$late forei!n te%#nolo!' inflo(s moti&ated East
E$ro*ean %o$ntries to enter into %o$nter trade arran!ements+ T#e de&elo*in! %o$ntries.
*arti%$larl' t#ose maintainin! o&er&al$ed e)%#an!e rates. #a&e resorted to %o$nter trade
for t#e reasons s$%# as ,alan%e of *a'ments diffi%$lties. %reation of o&er%a*a%it' et%+
Some ot#er reasons for t#e !ro(t# of %o$nter trade are as follo(s/
1 T#e desire to %on%eal from t#e domesti% *$,li% t#e fa%t t#at t#e sale is ,ein!
made ,elo( its %osts+ T#is moti&e for %o$nter trade is im*ortant for man' de&elo*in!
%o$ntries and also for a n$m,er of %omm$nist %o$ntries+
1 A %o$nter trade transa%tion ma' *ro&ide some sli!#t additional %ertaint' in an
$n%ertain (orld+
1 A %o$nter trade transa%tion *ermits %on%ealed dis%o$ntin! in a *eriod of (ea
marets+ In ot#er (orlds %o$nter trade *ermits *ri%e dis%rimination amon! %$stomers+
1De&elo*in! %o$ntries (ill #a&e %onfident to e)*ort t#eir *rod$%ts to ot#er
Co$nter trade transa%tions are often e)tremel' %om*le) and diffi%$lt as %om*ared (it#
strai!#tfor(ard trade+ T#is re7$ires *lannin! and %ommitment+
8 It ,e%omes %ostl' as t#e man$fa%t$rin! firms (ill #a&e to set $*
s$,sidiaries to #andle %o$nter trade arran!ements or em*lo' t#e ser&i%es
of tradin! %om*anies s*e%iali2in! in s$%# a%ti&ities+
8 It is f$ll of riss and $n%ertainties+ Riss in%rease as %o$nter trade
arran!ements e)tend o&er se&eral 'ears+
8 It is time %ons$min! to %on%l$de t#e arran!ements+ >or e&er' 5L to 8L
deals t#at are taled a,o$t. *er#a*s one !ets done+
"O.NTER TRADE IN INDIA: T#e State Tradin! Cor*oration of India (as in&ol&ed
sin%e 5KH5 in one for or ot#er of %o$nter trade me%#anism ,' (a' of trade *romotion
a!reements. ,arter deals. s*e%ial tradin! arran!ements. et%+ India #ad lon! a lon!er
#istor' in t#e $se of ,$'1,a% arran!ements+ T#is te%#ni7$e is ,ein! in%reasin!l' a**lied
for im*ortin! te%#nolo!'. es*e%iall' for e)*ort1oriented *ro3e%ts+
T#e General A!reement on Tariff and Trade is a m$ltilateral treat' t#at la's do(n a!reed
r$les for %ond$%tin! international trade+ It %ame into for%e in Ban$ar' 5KFJ+ 55K
!o&ernments (#i%# to!et#er a%%o$nt for KL *er %ent of t#e (orld mer%#andise trade
s$,s%ri,e it to+ Its ,asi% aim is to li,erali2e trade and for t#e last FG 'ears it #as ,een
%on%erned (it# ne!otiatin! t#e red$%tion of trade ,arriers and (it# international trade
relations+ T#e ra*id and $ninterr$*ted !ro(t# in t#e &ol$me of international trade till
5KK8 *ro&ides a !ood testimon' for t#e s$%%ess of t#e GATT+
'asic $rinciples of GATT:
# Tra/e 4it(o)t /iscri!ination: Trade m$st ,e %ond$%ted on t#e ,asis of
All %ontra%tin! *arties are ,o$nd to !rant to ea%# ot#er treatment
as fa&o$ra,le as t#e' (o$ld to an' %o$ntr' ?most fa&o$red nation@ in t#e
a**li%ation and administration of im*ort and e)*ort d$ties and %#ar!es+
E)*e%tations to t#is ,asi% r$le are allo(ed onl' in t#e %ase of re!ional tradin!
arran!ements and t#e de&elo*in! %o$ntries+
* $rotection onl3 t(ro)g( tariff: Prote%tion s#o$ld ,e !i&en to domesti%
ind$stries onl' t#ro$!# %$stoms tariffs and not t#ro$!# ot#er %ommer%ial
meas$res+ T#e aim of t#is r$le is to mae t#e e)tent of *rote%tion %lear and to
Mae %om*etition *ossi,le+ E)%e*tion is. #o(e&er. made in t#e %ase of
de&elo*in! %o$ntries (#ere t#e demand for im*orts ,' de&elo*ment ma' re7$ire
t#em to maintain 7$antitati&e restri%tions in order to *re&ent an e)%essi&e drain on
t#eir forei!n e)%#an!e reso$r%es+
6 A Sta-le -asis of tra/e: T#e ,indin! of t#e tariff le&els ne!otiated amon! t#e
%ontra%tin! %o$ntries *ro&ides a sta,le *redi%ta,le ,asis for trade+ 6indin! of
tariffs means t#at t#ese %annot ,e in%reased $nilaterall'+ Alt#o$!# *ro&ision is
made for t#e rene!otiation of ,o$nd tariffs. a ret$rn tariffs is dis%o$ra!ed ,' t#e
re7$irement t#at an' in%rease ,e %om*ensated for+
7 "ons)ltation: A ,asi% *rin%i*le of GATT is t#at mem,er1%o$ntries s#o$ld
%ons$lt one anot#er on trade matters and *ro,lems+ T#e' %an %all on GATT for a
fair settlement of %ases in (#i%# t#e' feel t#at t#eir ri!#ts $nder t#e GATT are
,ein! (it##eld or %om*romised ,' ot#er mem,ers+
T#e a!reement %onsists of fo$r *arts/
Part I/ Main o,li!ations of t#e %ontra%tin! *arties;
Part II/ A %ode of fait trade *ra%ti%es to !$ide mem,ers in t#eir %ommer%ial *oli%ies;
Part III/ Conditions for mem,ers#i* and (it#dra(al; and
Part IM/ E)*ansion of trade of de&elo*in! %o$ntries t#ro$!# s*e%ial %on%essions+
Tra/e Negotiations )n/er GATT:
Ei!#t ma3or trade ne!otiations too *la%e $nder t#e GATT a$s*i%e as follo(s/
5+ T#e first ro$nd in 5KFI ?Gene&a@ sa( %reation of t#e GATT+
8+ T#e se%ond ro$nd in 5KFK ?Anne%'. >ran%e@ in&ol&ed ne!otiation (it# nations
t#at desired GATT mem,ers#i*+ T#e *rin%i*al em*#asis (as on tariff
9+ T#e t#ird ro$nd in 5KG5 ?Tor7$a'. En!land@ %ontin$ed a%%ession and tariff
red$%tion ne!otiations+
F+ T#e fo$rt# ro$nd in 5KGH ?Gene&a@ *ro%eeded alon! t#e same tra% as earlier
G+ T#e fift# ro$nd in 5KHL1H5 ?Gene&a. Dillon Ro$nd@ in&ol&ed f$rt#er re&ision
of t#e GATT and t#e addition of more %o$ntries+
H+ T#e si)t# ro$nd in 5KHF1HI ?Gene&a Kenned' Ro$nd@ (as #',rid of earlier
*rod$%t ,' *rod$%t a**roa%# (it# a%ross t#e ,oard tariff red$%tions+
I+ T#e se&ent# ro$nd in 5KI91IK ?Gene&a. To'a Ro$nd@ %entred on t#e
ne!otiation of additional tariff %$ts and de&elo*ed a series of a!reements
!o&ernin! t#e $se of non1tariff meas$res+
J+ T#e ei!#t ro$nd ?Ur$!$ar' Ro$nd @ started in 5KJH and (as %on%l$ded in
A*ril 5KKF+
As a res$lt of t#ese ne!otiations. t#e tariff rates for t#o$sands of items enterin! into (orld
trade (ere red$%ed or ,o$nd a!ainst in%rease+ T#e a&era!e le&el of tariffs on
man$fa%t$red !oods in ind$strial %o$ntries (as ,o$t 9 *er %ent no( as %om*ared to a,o$t
FL *er%ent in t#e immediate se%ond (orld (as 'ears+ De&elo*in! %o$ntries (ere
disa**ointed (it# Kenned' ro$nd and t#e To'o Ro$nd+ :o(e&er. !i&en its *ro&isional
nat$re and t#e limited field of a%tion. t#e s$%%ess of GATT in *romotion and se%$rin!
li,eralisation of m$%# of (orld trade o&er FI 'ears (as in%ontesta,le+
T#e (eaness of GATT is t#at its ,enefits #a&e mainl' !one to t#e ind$striali2ed
%o$ntries+ Under GATT. Most ne!otiations and tariff red$%tions #a&e taen *la%e in
res*e%t of man$fa%t$red !oods+ So t#e trade !a* for t#e de&elo*in! %o$ntries #as ,e%ome
more $nfa&o$ra,le+ A sear%# for a ne( instit$tional arran!ement. es*e%iall' one (#i%#
one (o$ld ta%le t#e *ro,lems of t#e !lo,al trade of de&elo*in! %o$ntries. led to t#e
formation of $nited Nations Committee on Trade and De&elo*ment in 5KFH+
Esta,lis#ed on Ban$ar' 5. 5KKG ATO is t#e em,odiment of t#e Ur$!$ar' Ro$nd res$lts
and t#e s$%%essor to GATT+ T is not a sim*le e)tension of GATT; it %om*letel' re*la%es
its *rede%essor and #as a &er' different %#ara%ter+ As on Ht# No&em,er 8LLL. t#e
mem,ers#i* of t#e ATO stood at 59K+ IH Go&ernments ,e%ame mem,ers of t#e ATO on
its first da'+ T#e *resent mem,ers#i* a%%o$nts for more t#an KL *er %ent of (orld trade+
Man' more %o$ntries #a&e re7$ested to ATO+ T#e ATO is ,ased in Gene&a.
S(it2erland+ Its essential f$n%tions are as follo(s+
5+ To administer t#e trade *oli%' me%#anism+
8+ To a%#ie&e !reater %o#eren%e in !lo,al e%onomi%1*oli%' main! in
%oo*eration (it# Aorld 6an and IM>+
9+ To *ro&ide a for$m for ne!otiations amon! its mem,ers %on%ernin! t#eir
m$ltilateral trade relations in matters dealt (it# in t#e a!reements+
F+ To administer t#e $nderstandin!s on R$les on Pro%ed$res !o&ernin! t#e
settlement of dis*$tes+
G+ To introd$%e t#e idea of "s$staina,le de&elo*ment" in relation to t#e o*timal
$se of t#e (orld reso$r%es and t#e need to *rote%t and *reser&e t#e
en&ironment in a manner %onsistent (it# t#e &ario$s le&els of national
e%onomi% de&elo*ment+
H+ To re%o!ni2e t#at t#ere is a need for *ositi&e efforts to ens$re t#at t#e
de&elo*in! %o$ntries. es*e%iall'. t#e least de&elo*ed %o$ntries se%$re a ,etter
s#are of t#e !ro(t# of t#e international trade+
?a@ T#e GATT (as a set of r$les. a m$ltilateral a!reement (it# no
instit$tional fo$ndation (it# onl' a small asso%iated se%retariat+ T#e ATO is a
*ermanent instit$tion (it# its o(n se%retariat+
?ii@ T#e GATT (as a**lied on a -Pro&isional ,asis- e&en if. after more t#an FL
'ears. !o&ernments %#ose to treat it as a *ermanent %ommitment+ T#e ATO
%ommitments are f$ll and *ermanent+
?iii@T#e GATT r$les a**lied to trade in mer%#andise !oods+ In addition to !oods.
t#e ATO %o&ers trade in ser&i%es and trade related as*e%ts of intelle%t$al
?i&@A#ile GATT (as m$ltilateral instr$ment ,' t#e 5KJLs man' ne( a!reements
#ad ,een added of *l$rilateral. and t#erefore sele%ti&e. nat$re+ T#e a!reements
(#i%# %onstit$te t#e ATO are almost all m$ltilateral and t#$s in&ol&e
%ommitments for t#e entire mem,ers#i*+
?&@T#e ATO dis*$te settlement s'stem is faster. more a$tomati% and t#$s m$%#
less s$s%e*ti,le to ,lo%a!es t#an t#e old GATT s'stem+
?&i@T#e ATO is more !lo,al in its mem,ers#i* t#an t#e GATT+
ATO is a (at%#do! of international trade. re!$larl' e)amine t#e trade re!imes of
indi&id$al mem,ers+ Trade dis*$tes t#at %annot ,e sol&ed t#ro$!# ,ilateral tals are
ad3$di%ated $nder t#e ATO dis*$te settlement "%o$rt"+ T#e ATO is also a mana!ement
%ons$ltant for (orld trade+ It e%onomists ee* a %lose (at%# on t#e *$lse of t#e !lo,al
e%onom' and *ro&ide st$dies on t#e main trade iss$es of t#e da'+ T#e mandate of t#e
ATO in%l$des trade in !oods. trade in ser&i%es. trade related in in&estment meas$res and
trade related intelle%t$al *ro*ert' ri!#ts+
A n$m,er of sim*le and f$ndamental *rin%i*les r$n t#ro$!#o$t all of t#e
instr$ments (#i%#. to!et#er. mae $* t#e m$ltilateral tradin! s'stem + T#e' are/
1 Trade (it#o$t dis%rimination
1 Predi%ta,le and !ro(in! a%%ess to marets+
1 Promotin! fair %om*etition+
1 En%o$ra!in! de&elo*ment and e%onomi% reform+
T#e ind$strial se%tor %an ,e %lassified as *rod$%tion se%tor and ser&i%e se%tor+ Prod$%tion
se%tor refers t#e ind$stries t#at are en!a!ed in *rod$%tion and s$**l' of !oods+ Ser&i%e
se%tor refers *ro&idin! ser&i%es and e)%#an!in! ser&i%es to t#e *$,li% as (ell as so%iet'+
T#e !ro(in! im*ortan%e of ser&i%es is refle%ted in t#e international trade also+ T#e &al$e
of t#e international trade in ser&i%es %omes to a,o$t one fo$rt# of t#e &al$e of t#e &al$e
of t#e trade in !oods+ Ser&i%es mae $* a ma3or s#are of t#e in&isi,le a%%o$nt in t#e
6alan%e of *a'ments of a %o$ntr'+ T#e most im*ortant ser&i%es in international trade
8 Trans*ort
8 Tra&el
8 Comm$ni%ation
8 Media
8 6$siness ser&i%es
8 Ins$ran%es
8 En!ineerin! and %onstr$%tions ser&i%es
8 6anin! >inan%ial Ser&i%es
"(aracteristics an/ "ategories of Services:
An im*ortant %#ara%teristi%s of ser&i%es t#at #as far rea%#in! im*li%ations for
maretin! of ser&i%es is t#eir inse*ara,ilit'+ T#at is ser&i%es %annot ,e se*earated from
t#eir *ro&iders. (#et#er t#e' are *ersons or ma%#ines+ T#is does not. #o(e&er mean t#at
all ser&i%es re7$ire t#e *#'si%al *ro)imit' of t#e *ro&ider and $ser+
?a@T#ose t#at ne%essaril' re7$ire t#e *#'si%al *ro)imit' of t#e *ro&ider and t#e
$ser; and
?,@ T#ose t#at do not. t#o$!# s$%# *#'si%al *ro)imit' ma' ,e $sef$l+
T#e ser&i%es (#ere *#'si%al *ro)imit' is essential fall into t#ree %ate!ories/
1T#e mo,ile *ro&ider and immo,ile $ser %ate!ori2e t#e first %ate!or'+ In t#is %ase
t#e *ro&ider !oes into t#e *la%e of $ser and doin! ser&i%es+ >or e)am*le t#e te%#ni%al
*eo*le of = & T Com*an' in India !oes to Srilana and do t#e %onstr$%tion (or+
Similarl' a te%#ni%ian ma' #a&e to !o a *lant a,road to re%tif' a *ro,lem (it# t#e *lant+
1 Mo,ile $ser and immos,ile *ro&ider %#ara%teri2es t#e se%ond %ate!or'+ I+e+ $ser
!oes to(ards t#e *ro&ider+ >or e)am*le a *atient (#o (ants an o*en1#eart s$r!er' (ill
#a&e to !o to a #os*ital (#ere t#e re7$ired fa%ilities are a&aila,le+
1T#e t#ird %ate!or' %onsists of of mo,ile $ser and mo,ile *ro&ider+ In t#is %ase
eit#er t#e *ro&ider !oin! to t#e $ser or t#e $ser !oin! to t#e *ro&ider ma' a%#ie&e
*ro)imit'+ >or e)am*le dr'1do%in! fa%ilities for s#i*s+
D$e to t#e s*e%ial %#ara%teristi%s and t#e so%io e%onomi% and *oliti%al
im*li%ations of %ertain ser&i%es. t#e' are !enerall' s$,3e%t to &ario$s t'*es of national
restri%tions+ Prote%ti&e meas$res in%l$de &isa re7$irements. in&estment re!$lations.
maretin! re!$lations. restri%tions on t#e em*lo'ment of forei!ners. %om*$lsion to $se
lo%al fa%ilities et%+ :ea&il' *rote%ted r restri%ted ser&i%es in different %o$ntries in%l$de
,anin! and ins$ran%e; trans*ortation. tele&ision. radio. film and ot#er forms of
%omm$ni%ations and so on+
T#e Go&ernment of India #as set $* a n$m,er of instit$tions (#ose main f$n%tions are to
#el* an e)*orter in its e)*ort efforts+ It is t#erefore. ne%essar' for t#e e)*orters to
a%7$aint t#emsel&es (it# t#ese instit$tions and t#e nat$re of #el* t#e' %an render to t#em
so t#at t#e' %an initiall' %onta%t t#em to !et (#ate&er #el* t#e' %o$ld !et from t#ese
instit$tions in e)*ortin! t#eir *rod$%ts+
T#e De*artment of %ommer%e in t#e Ministr' of Commer%e and Ind$str' is t#e
Primar' Go&ernment a!en%' res*onsi,le for e&ol&in! and dire%tin! forei!n trade *oli%'
and *ro!rammes. in%l$din! %ommer%ial relations (it# ot#er %o$ntries+ T#is de*artment
is #eaded ,' a Se%retar' and #e is assisted in t#e dis%#ar!e of d$ties ,' a S*e%ial
Se%retar' . Additional se%retaries and a n$m,er of ot#er senior offi%ers f$n%tionin! as
Di&isional #eads+ T#e de*artment %onsistin! of t#e follo(in! Di&isions %on%ernin! (it#
&ario$s s$,3e%ts %onne%ted (it# e)*orts and im*orts+
International Trade Poli%' Di&ision
>orei!n Trade Territorial Di&ision
E)*ort Prod$%ts Di&ision
E)*ort ind$stries Di&ision
E)*ort Ser&i%e Di&ision
E%onomi% Di&ision
6oard of Trade / T#e 6oard of Trade is t#e #i!#est ad&isor' ,od' $nder t#e
De*artment of %ommer%e to deli,erate on *oli%' matters+ It #as its mem,ers as follo(s/
a+ Presidents of >ICCI. ASSOC:AM and >ASSI
,+ =eadin! ind$stries
%+ Se%retaries of Commer%e and ind$str'. >inan%e. E)ternal Affairs and
d+ C#airman of ITPO0MD of ECGC
E)*ort Promotion 6oard/ $nder t#e %#airmans#i* of %a,inet Se%retar'+
a+ Dire%torate General of >orei!n Trade
,+ Dire%tor General of %ommer%ial Intelli!en%e and Statisti%s
%+ E)*ort Pro%essin! Nones
d+ Indian Go&ernment Commer%ial Re*resentati&es A,road
+I, E&port $ro!otion "o)ncils/
T#ere are 8L e)*ort *romotion %o$n%ils %o&erin! t#e follo(in! *rod$%ts/
A**arels. %#emi%als. *#arma%e$ti%als and %osmeti%s. %ar*et. %as#e(. %otton te)tiles.
ele%troni%s and %om*$ter soft(are. !em and 3e(eller'. #andi%rafts. #andlooms. leat#er.
*o(eerloom. %onstr$%tion. *lasti%s. s#ella%. sil. s'nt#eti% . s*orts !oods and (ool and
(oolens+ T#ese %o$n%ils are re!istered $nder t#e %om*anies A%t as non1*rofit main!
a!en%ies+ T#e de*artment of %ommer%e *ro&ides ne%essar' finan%ial assistan%e in
relation to t#eir e)*ort *romotion (or+
T#ese %o$n%ils ad&ise t#e Go&ernment re!ardin! %$rrent de&elo*ments in t#e
e)*ort se%tor and meas$res t#e ne%essar' to fa%ilitate f$t$re !ro(t# in e)*orts. assist
man$fa%t$rers and e)*orters to o&er%ome t#e &ario$s %onstrains and e)tend to t#em t#e
f$ll ran!e of ser&i%es for t#e de&elo*ment of maret o&erseas+ T#e %o$n%ils also *erform
%ertain re!$lator' f$n%tions as t#e' #a&e t#e *o(er to re!ister and iss$e Re!istration
%$m1mem,ers#i* %ertifi%ate $nder t#e E)*ort and Im*ort *oli%' and also de1re!ister
errant or defa$ltin! e)*orters+
T#e %o$n%ils also %ond$%t maret s$r&e's. assist in *rod$%t de&elo*ment.+
S*onsor trade dele!ations and !$ide ne(%omers in t#e e)*ort trade+
+II, "o!!o/it3 'oar/s:
T#ere are K Stat$tor' 6oards for t#e follo(in! %ommodities/ :andi%rafts and
:andloom. Sil. Po(er loom. %offee. %oir. r$,,er. tea. to,a%%o and s*i%es+ T#e
%ommodit' ,oards del (it# t#e entire ran!e of *ro,lems of *rod$%tion. de&elo*ment.
maretin! et%+ In res*e%t of %ommodities %on%erned. t#e' a%t t#emsel&es as if t#e' (ere
t#e E)*ort Promotion Co$n%ils+ Some of t#ese 6oards #a&e o*ened t#eir ,ran%# in
forei!n %o$ntries in order to *romote t#e %ons$m*tion of t#e %ommodities $nder t#eir
+III, Marine $ro/)cts E&port Develop!ent A)t(orit3:
T#e main f$n%tions of t#e A$t#orit' are/
5+ De&elo*ment of off1s#ore and dee*1 sea fis#in! in all its as*e%ts and
%onser&ation and mana!ement of off1s#ore and dee*1sea fis#eries;
8+ Re!istration of fis#in! &essels. *ro%essin! *lants. stora!e *remises and
e)*orts (it# a &ie( to *romote a #ealt#' de&elo*ment+
9+ =a'in! do(n standards and s*e%ifi%ations for marine *rod$%ts for t#e *$r*ose
of e)*ort+
F+ Renderin! finan%ial assistan%e+
G+ Arran!in! for trainin! in different as*e%ts %onne%ted (it# e)*ort (it# s*e%ial
referen%e to fis#in!. *ro%essin! and maretin!+
+I0, Agric)lt)ral an/ $rocesse/ Foo/ $ro/)cts E&port Develop!ent A)t(orit3
+0, In/ian Instit)te of Foreign Tra/e
T#e Indian Instit$te of >orei!n Trade is f$n%tionin! $nder t#e Ministr' of
%ommer%e+ T#is is re!istered $nder t#e So%ieties A%t+
+0I, In/ia Tra/e $ro!otion Organi;ation
+0II, National "entre for Tra/e Infor!ation +N"TI,:
T#e main f$n%tions of NCTI in%l$si&e of
1 Create data,ase at national and international le&els for e)*ort
1 Colle%t information on &ario$s as*e%ts of trade and %ommer%e on
different %o$ntries+
1 Esta,lis# lina!es (it# trade *romotion ,odies. re!$lator' ,odies.
%#am,er of %ommer%e et%+
1 Or!ani2e trainin!. seminars and %onferen%es on matters related to
trade and %ommer%e+
1 P$,lis# *a*ers. *eriodi%als and ot#er literat$re #a&in! a ,earin! on
trade and %ommer%e+
+0III, E&port cre/it an/ G)arantee "orporation:
T#e ECGC a Go&ernment of India $ndertain! #as ,een esta,lis#ed for
minimi2in! t#e ris element in e)*ort ,$siness and to fa%ilitate t#e flo( of finan%e from
t#e ,ans to e)*orters+ In addition to t#e normal ris *oli%ies. t#e %or*oration assists t#e
e)*orters t#ro$!# s*e%ial s%#emes s$%# as *a%in! %redit !$arantee. *ost s#i*ment %redit
!$arantee and e)*ort *rod$%tion finan%e !$arantee+ To s$it &ar'in! needs of e)*orters.
t#e %or*oration *ro&ides different t'*es of %o&er (#i%# ma' ,e di&ided into t#e follo(in!
t#ree ,road !ro$*s/
Standard *oli%es
>inan%ial !$arantees
S*e%ial *oli%ies
Under its *oli%ies intended o *rote%t t#e e)*orters a!ainst o&erseas %redit riss. ECGC
,ears t#e main riss and *a's t#e e)*orter KLO of #is loss on a%%o$nt of %ommer%ial riss
and Politi%al riss+
+I9, E&port%I!port 'ank:
T#e EXIM 6an (as esta,lis#ed on Ban$ar' 5. 5KJ8 for t#e *$r*ose of finan%in!.
fa%ilitatin! and *romotin! forei!n trade of India+ It e)tends finan%e to e)*orters of
%a*ital and man$fa%t$red !oods. e)*orters of soft (ares and %ons$ltan%' ser&i%es and
o&erseas 3oint &ent$res and %onstr$%tion *ro3e%ts a,road+ T#e ,an is t#e *rin%i*al
finan%ial instit$tion in India for %oordinatin! t#e (or of instit$tions en!a!ed in
finan%in! e)*ort and im*ort trade+ T#e EXIM ,an %on%entrates mainl' on medi$m and
lon! term %redit for e)*ort of !oods and ser&i%es on deferred *a'ment terms+
+9, E&port Inspection "o)ncils:
<$alit' %ontrol and *re s#i*ment ins*e%tion is one of t#e im*ortant fa%tors in t#e
e)*ort maretin!+ In order to ens$re t#e 7$alit' of t#e *rod$%ts e)*orted. a le!islation
entitled -E)*ort ?<$alit' %ontrol and Ins*e%tion@ A%t- (as ena%ted ,' t#e Indian
Parliament in 5KH9+ As *er t#is a%t T#e Go&ernment of India #as esta,lis#ed t#e E)*ort
Ins*e%tion Co$n%il+ T#e f$n%tions of t#is %o$n%il are !enerall' to ad&ise t#e %entral
!o&ernment re!ardin! t#e meas$res for t#e enfor%ement of 7$alit' %ontrol and ins*e%tion
in relation to %ommodities intended for e)*ort and dra( $* a *ro!ramme t#erefore+
+9I, In/ian Instit)te of $ackaging
+9II, In/ian "o)ncil of Ar-itration
+9III, Fe/eration of In/ian E&port Organi;ation
Ot(er Instit)tions concerne/ 4it( e&port pro!otion:
1 Offi%e of t#e Te)tile Commissioner. 6om,a'
1 Offi%e of t#e B$te Commissioner. Kolatta
1 Indian B$te Mill Asso%iation. Kolatta+
T#e E)*ort1Im*ort 6an of India (as set $*P t#e Go&ernment of India in 5KJ8 as
a *$,li% se%tor finan%ial instit$tion $nder an A%t *assed in t#e *arliament for t#e *$r*ose
of finan%in!. fa%ilititatin! and *romotin! forei!n trade of India+ T#e ,oard of dire%tors
mana!es t#e EXIM 6ANK (it# re*resentation from !o&ernment finan%ial instit$tions.
,ans and ,$siness %omm$nit'+
=endin! Pro!rammes to Indian E)*orters/
8 S$**liers %redit/ T#is ena,les t#e e)*orters to e)tend %redit to o&erseas im*orters
of eli!i,le Indian !oods+
8 >inan%e for %ons$ltan%' and te%#nolo!' ser&i%es; T#is ena,les Indian e)*orters
of %ons$ltan%' and te%#nolo!' ser&i%es to e)tend term %redit to o&erseas
8 Pre1s#i*ment %redit/ T#is ena,les Indian e)*orters to ,$' ra( materials and ot#er
in*$ts for f$lfillin! e)*ort %ontra%ts in&ol&in! %'%le time e)%eedin! si) mont#s+
8 >inan%e for deemed e)*orts+
8 >inan%e for EOU and EPN Units
8 Soft(are Trainin! Instit$tes
8 E)*ort maretin! finan%e
8 E)*ort1Prod$%t De&elo*ment >inan%e/ T#is Indian firms to $ndertae *rod$%t
de&elo*ment. R & D for e)*orts+
Services Offere/ to In/ian E&porters:
8 Under(ritin!/ T#is ena,les t#e Indian e)*orters to raise finan%e from %a*ital
marets (it# t#e ,a%in! of EXIM 6an"s $nder(ritin! %ommitment+
8 >orfeitin!/ T#is Indian e)*orters to %on&ert sale to %as# on (it#o$t re%o$rse
8 G$arantee >a%ilit'/ To e)e%$te e)*ort %ontra%ts and im*ort transa%tions+
8 6$siness Ad&isor' and Te%#ni%al assistan%e
8 Coo*eration arran!ement (it# Afri%an Mana!ement Ser&i%es+
For "o!!ercial 'anks:
8 Refinan%e of E)*ort %redit
8 6$l im*ort finan%e
8 G$arantee %$m Refinan%e s$**lier"s %redit
Ot#er a%ti&ities/
8 T#e ,an #el*s Indian %om*anies !o !lo,al ,' settin! $* s$,sidiaries and 3oint
&ent$res a,road+
8 It *ro&ides information to *otential e)*orters a,o$t *ro3e%ts a,road s*e%iall'
a,o$t m$ltilaterall' a!en%ies+
8 It also #el*s %om*anies in *re*arin! ,ids a%%ordin! to stri%t %ondition *res%ri,ed
,' t#e m$ltilateral a!en%ies+
8 It also entertains *ro*osals for &ario$s fa%ilities $nder #e E$ro*ean Comm$nit'
In&estment Partners lie feasi,ilit' st$dies for settin! $* e)*ort $nits+
8 T#e ,an introd$%ed t#e -%l$ster of E)%ellen%e- *ro!ramme for $* !radation of
7$alit' standards and o,tainin! ISO %ertifi%ation+
T#e s%#eme of 5LL EOU"s (ere introd$%ed in 5KJL (it# a &ie( to !eneratin!
additional *rod$%tion %a*a%it' for e)*orts ,' *ro&idin! an a**ro*riate *oli%' frame
(or. fle)i,ilit' of o*erations and in%enti&es+ In order to ena,le t#em to o*erate
s$%%essf$ll' in t#e international maret s$%# $nits are allo(ed to im*ort ma%#iner'. ra(
material. %om*onents and %ons$ma,le at free of %$stom d$ties+ T#ese $nits #a&e to
o*erate $nder %$stom ,ond and a%#ie&e t#e le&el of &al$e addition fi)ed ,' t#e 6oard of
A**ro&al+ At *resent more t#an GLL $nits are in o*eration $nder t#e EOU s%#eme++
Some of t#e modifi%ations done to fa%ilitate t#e e)*ortin! $nits in t#e EOUs are as
8 Sim*lifi%ation of %$stoms0e)%ise *ro%ed$res
8 A$tomati% a**ro&al $nder %ertain %onditions to *ro*osal for settin! $* $nits+
8 =easin! of %a*ital !oods from domesti% %om*anies ,' EPNQEOU #as ,een
8 En%o$ra!ement of a!ro and ele%troni% $nits ,' *ro&idin! #i!#er domesti% a%%ess+
T#e follo(in! *ri&ile!es are en3o'ed ,' t#e E)*ort Oriented Units/
8 An EOU $nit ma' e)*ort all !oods and ser&i%es e)%e*t t#e items *ro#i,ited ,' t#e
e)im *oli%'+
8 An EOU $nit ma' im*ort (it#o$t *a'ment of d$t' for all t'*e of !oods. in%l$din!
%a*ital !oods re7$ired ,' it for its a%ti&ities *ro&ided t#e' are not *ro#i,ited items
of im*orts+
8 EOU $nits ma' im*ort0*ro%$re from Domesti% Tariff Area (it#o$t *a'ment of
8 Se%ond #and %a*ital !oods ma' also ,e im*orted d$t' free (it#o$t an' a!e limit+
8 EOU $nit s#all ,e *ositi&e net forei!n e)%#an!e earner+
Onl' *ro3e%t #a&in! an in&estment of Rs+5 %rore and a,o&e in ,$ildin!. *lant and
ma%#iner' s#all ,e %onsidered for esta,lis#ment $nder EOU s%#eme+ A**li%ation for
settin! $* of $nits $nder EOU s%#eme ma' ,e a**ro&ed ,' t#e $nits A**ro&als
Committee (it#in 5G da's+
T#e entire *rod$%tion of EOU $nits s#all ,e e)*orted s$,3e%t to t#e follo(in!/
8 Re3e%ts ma' ,e sold in t#e domesti% tariff area on *a'ment of d$ties on *rior
intimation to t#e %$stoms a$t#orities+
8 S%ra*0(aste arisin! o$t of *rod$%tion *ro%ess or in %onne%tion t#ere(it# ma'
,e sold in t#e domesti% tariff area on *a'ment of d$ties (it#in t#e o&erall
%eilin! of GLO >O6 &al$e of e)*orts+
8 6' *rod$%ts ma' also ,e sold in t#e domesti% tariff are s$,3e%t to a%#ie&ement
of *ositi&e net forei!n e)%#an!e on *a'ment of a**li%a,le d$ties (it#in t#e
o&erall entitlement+
T#e ris element in e)*ort ,$siness is !reater t#an t#e ris in&ol&ed in domesti%
trade,e%a$se t#e t(o *arties of t#e e)*ort %ontra%t ?e)*orter and im*orter@ ,elon! to
different %o$ntries+ In t#e %onte)t of !ro(in! %om*etition no e)*orter %an mana!e
(it#o$t sellin! !oods on %redit+ Gi&in! %redit *oses t(o *ro,lems to an e)*orter/
1 :e s#o$ld #a&e eno$!# mone' to offer %redit to #is o&erseas ,$'ers and
1 :e s#o$ld ,e *re*ared to tae t#e %redit riss+
E)*ortin! on %redit is not (it#o$t ris+ T#e o&erseas ,$'er ma' defa$lt; #e
ma' !o ,anr$*t; t#ere ma' ,e eart#7$ae or t'*#oon. a (ar in #is %o$ntr'. (#i%# ma'
(re% #is fort$nes+ T#e ECGC. a Go&ernment of India $ndertain!. %o&ers t#e e)*orts
a!ainst t#ese riss+ T#e ECGC also *ro&ides !$arantees to t#e finan%in! ,ans to ena,le
t#em to *ro&ide ade7$ate finan%e to t#e e)*orters+
"O0ERS ISS.ED ': E"G":
T#e %o&ers iss$ed ,' ECGC ma' ,e di&ided ,roadl' into fo$r !ro$*s as follo(s/
a@ Standard *oli%ies iss$ed to e)*orters to *rote%t t#em a!ainst t#e ris of not
re%ei&in! *a'ments (#ile tradin! (it# o&erseas ,$'ers on s#ort term %redit+
,@ S*e%ifi% *oli%ies desi!ned to *rote%t Indian >irms a!ainst t#e ris of not re%ei&in!
*a'ments in res*e%t of
1 E)*ort on deferred *a'ment terms
1 Ser&i%es rendered to forei!n *arties and
1 Constr$%tion (or1$ndertaen a,road+
%@ >inan%ial !$arantees iss$ed to ,ans a!ainst riss in&ol&ed in *ro&idin! %redit to
e)*orters; and
d@ S*e%ial s%#emes &i2/ Transfer G$arantee. Ins$ran%e %o&er for ,$'er"s %redit. =ine
of %redit. Boint &ent$res and o&erseas in&estment+
Under its *oli%ies to *rote%t t#e e)*orters a!ainst o&erseas %redit riss. ECGC
,ears t#e main ,r$nt of t#e riss and *a's t#e e)*orter KL *er %ent of #is loss on a%%o$nt
of %ommer%ial and *oliti%al riss+
Commer%ial Ris/
a+ T#e insol&en%' of t#e ,$'er
,+ T#e ,$'er"s *rotra%ted defa$lt to *a'
%+ In some s*e%ial %ir%$mstan%es s*e%ified in t#e *oli%'. ,$'er"s fail$re to a%%e*t t#e
!oods. (#en non1a%%e*tan%e is not d$e to t#e e)*orter"s a%tions+
Politi%al Ris/
a+ Restri%tion on remittan%e in t#e ,$'er"s %o$ntr' or an' !o&ernment a%tion (#i%#
ma' ,lo% or *a'ment to t#e e)*orter;
,+ Aar. re&ol$tion or %i&il dist$r,an%es in t#e ,$'er"s %o$ntr'
%+ Can%ellation of e)*ort li%ense or im*osition of ne( e)*ort li%ensin! restri%tions
in India ?$nder %ontra%ts *oli%'@
d+ Ne( im*ort li%ensin! restri%tions or %an%ellation of a &alid im*ort li%ense in t#e
,$'er"s %o$ntr'/
e+ Additional #andlin! trans*ort or ins$ran%e %#ar!es d$e to interr$*tion or
di&ersion of &o'a!e (#i%# %annot ,e re%o&ered from t#e ,$'er/ and
f+ An' ot#er %a$se of loss o%%$rrin! o$tside India. not normall' ins$red ,'
%ommer%ial ins$rers+ And ,e'ond t#e %ontrol of ,ot# t#e e)*orter and t#e ,$'er+
ECGC. #o(e&er. does not %o&er riss of loss d$e to/
a+ Commer%ial dis*$tes. in%l$din! 7$alit' dis*$tes raised ,' t#e ,$'er $nless t#e
e)*orter o,tains a de%ree from a %om*etent %o$rt of la( in ,$'er"s %o$ntr' in #is fa&o$r+
,+ Ca$ses in#erent in t#e nat$re of !oods/
%+6$'er"s fail$re to o,tain im*ort or e)%#an!e a$t#ori2ation from t#e a**ro*riate
d+Insol&en%' or defa$lt of an' a!ent of t#e e)*orter or of t#e %olle%tin! ,ans/
+e+!+ =oss or dama!e to !oods (#i%# %an ,e %o&ered ,' !eneral ins$rers/
f+>l$%t$rations in e)%#an!e rates ?e)%e*t $nder E)%#an!e >l$%t$ation Ris o&er
!+>ail$re of t#e e)*orter to f$lfill t#e term of %ontra%t or ne!li!en%e on #is *art+
Contra%ts for e)*ort of %a*ital !oods or *ro3e%ts for %onstr$%tion (ors and for
renderin! ser&i%es a,road are ins$red ,' ECGC on %ase to %ase ,asis $nder s*e%ifi%
*oli%ies+ S*e%ial mention ma' ,e made of t#e ser&i%es *oli%' to *rote%t Indian firms
a!ainst *a'ment for t#eir ser&i%es *oli%' to *rote%t Indian firms a!ainst *a'ment for t#eir
ser&i%es *oli%' o *rote%t Indian firms a!ainst *a'ment for t#eir ser&i%es and t#e
%onstr$%tion (ors *oli%' to %o&er all *a'ments t#at fall d$e to a %ontra%tor $nder a
%om*osite %ontra%t for e)e%$tion of ser&i%es as (ell as s$**l' of material+
T#e small e)*orter"s *oli%' is ,asi%all' t#e Standard Poli%'. in%or*oratin! %ertain
im*ro&ements in terms of %o&er. in order to en%o$ra!e small e)*orters to o,tain and
o*erate t#e *oli%'+ It (ill ,e iss$ed to e)*orters (#ose anti%i*ated e)*ort t$rno&er for
t#e ne)t 58mont#s does not e)%eed Rs+8G laes+ T#e *remi$m *a'a,le for a small
e)*orter"s *oli%' is less t#an t#e standard *oli%'+
Timel' and ade7$ate %redit fa%ilities. at t#e *re1s#i*ment as (ell as *ost1s#i*ment
sta!e+ Are essential for e)*orters to reali2e t#eir f$ll e)*ort *otential+ E)*orters m' not.
#o(e&er. ,e a,le to o,tain s$%# fa%ilities from t#eir ,aners for se&eral reasons+ T#e
E)*ort Credit G$arantee Cor*oration. ?ECGC@ #as desi!ned a s%#eme of G$arantees to
6ans (it# a &ie( to en#an%in! t#e %redit (ort#iness of t#e e)*orter so t#at t#e' (o$ld
,e a,le to se%$re ,etter and lar!e fa%ilities from t#eir ,aners+
To meet t#e &ar'in! needs of e)*orters+ T#e Cor*oration #as e&ol&ed t#e
follo(in! t'*es of G$arantees;
5+ Pa%in! Credit G$arantee/
8+ E)*ort Prod$%tion >inan%e G$arantee;
9+ Post1s#i*ment E)*ort Credit G$arantee/
F+ E)*ort >inan%e G$arantee
G+ E)*ort Performan%e G$arantee/
H+ E)*ort >inan%e ?O&erseas lendin! @ G$arantee
An' loan !i&en to an e)*orter for t#e man$fa%t$re *ro%essin!. *$r%#asin! or
*a%in! of !oods meant for e)*ort a!ainst a firm order or letter of %redit 7$alifies
for *a%in! Credit G$arantee+
T#e G$arantee is iss$ed for a *eriod of 58 mont#s a!ainst a *ro*osal made
for t#e *$r*ose and %o&ers all t#e ad&an%es t#at ma' ,e made ,' t#e ,ans d$rin!
t#e *eriod to a !i&en e)*orter (it#in an a**ro&ed limit+
To ,ans. (#i%# $ndertae to o,tain %o&er for *a%in! %redit ad&an%es.
!ranted to all its %$stomers on an all India ,asis+
T#e *$r*ose of t#is G$arantee is to ena,le ,ans to san%tion ad&an%es at
t#e *re1s#i*ment sta!e to t#e f$ll e)tent of %ost of *rod$%tion (#en it e)%eeds t#e
>O6 &al$e of t#e %ontra%t0order. t#e differen%e re*resentin! in%enti&es re%ei&a,le+
T#e e)tent of %o&er and t#e *remi$m rate are t#e same as *a%in! Credit
G$arantee+ 6ans #a&in! ATPCG are eli!i,le for %on%essionar' *remi$m rate
and #i!#er *er%enta!e %o&er+
Post1s#i*ment finan%e !i&en to e)*orters ,' ,ans t#ro$!# *$r%#ase.
ne!otiations or dis%o$nt of e)*ort ,ills or ad&an%es a!ainst s$%# ,ills 7$alifies for t#e
G$arantee+ It is ne%essar' #o(e&er. t#at t#e e)*orter %on%erned s#o$ld #old s$ita,le
*oli%' of ECGC to %o&er t#e o&erseas Credit riss+
T#e Premi$m rate for t#is G$arantee is I *aise *er Rs+ 5LL01*er mont#
T#e *er%enta!e of loss %o&ered $nder t#e indi&id$al *ost1s#i*ment G$arantee is IGO
T#is !$arantee %o&ers *ost1s#i*ment ad&an%e !ranted ,' ,ans to
e)*orters a!ainst e)*ort in%enti&es re%ei&a,le in t#e form of d$t' dra(,a%. et%+
T#e Premi$m rate for t#is G$arantee is I*aise *er Rs+ 5LL *er mont# and
t#e %o&er is IG *er%ent+ 6ans #a&in! ATPSG are eli!i,le for %on%essional rate of
*remi$m and #i!#er *er%enta!e of %o&er+
E)*orters are often %alled $*on to e)e%$te ,onds d$l' !$aranteed ,' Indian ,ans
at &ario$s sta!es of e)*ort ,$siness+ An e)*orter (#o desires to 7$ote for a
forei!n tender ma' #a&e to f$rnis# a ,an !$arantee for t#e ,id ,ond+ If #e (ins
t#e %ontra%t. #e ma' #a&e to f$rnis# ,an !$arantees to forei!n ,$'ers to ens$re
d$e *erforman%e or a!ainst ad&an%e *a'ment or in lie$ of retention mone' or to
a forei!n ,an in %ase #e #as to raise o&erseas finan%e for #is %ontra%t+
If a ,an finan%in! an o&erseas *ro3e%t *ro&ides a forei!n %$rren%' loan to t#e
%ontra%tor. it %an *rote%t itself from t#e ris of non1*a'ment ,' t#e %ontra%tor ,'
o,tainin! E)*ort >inan%e G$arantee+ Premi$m rate (ill ,e L+LKO *er ann$m for
IGO %o&er and 5+LJO *er ann$m for KLO %o&er+ Premi$m is *a'a,le in Indian
R$*ees+ Claims $nder t#e !$arantee (ill also ,e in Indian r$*ees+
E)*ort assistan%e #as ,e%ome an im*ortant tool in an' de&elo*in! %o$ntr' to moti&ate
t#e man$fa%t$rer and ,$sinessmen to enter t#e international maret+ Most de&elo*in!
%o$ntries #a&e resorted to a n$m,er of e)*ort *romotion meas$res+ India #as also ,een
*ro&idin! e)*ort assistan%e for t#e *ast a,o$t fort' 'ears+ >rom 5K88. e)*ort in%enti&e
s'stem in India #as ,een made &er' sim*le+ T#ere are essentiall' t#ree ma3or in%enti&es.
a&aila,le to e)*orters+ T#ese are
+i,Market%-ase/ E&c(ange Rate: Sin%e Mar%# 5KK9 t#e e)%#an!e rate of t#e r$*ee is
f$ll' determined ,' t#e demand and s$**l' %ondition in t#e maret as t#e r$*ee (as
made f$ll' %on&erti,le for e)*ort1im*ort transa%tions in Mar%# 5KK9+ Under t#e
=i,ralised E)%#an!e Rate Mana!ement S'stem ?=ERMS@ e)*orters (ill !et ,enefit (#en
r$*ee de*re%iates (#ile im*orters (ill lose+ A#en r$*ee a**re%iates t#e ,alan%e of
,enefits (ill t#e 3$st t#e re&erse+
+ii, Fiscal concession: T#e different t'*es of fis%al %on%essions are as follo(s/
In t#e %om*$tation of total in%ome Se%+JL+ ::C of t#e In%ome Ta) A%t allo(s a
ded$%tion of t#e (#ole of t#e *rofit deri&ed from t#e e)*ort of !oods or mer%#andise+
T#is ,enefit is also a&aila,le to s$**ortin! man$fa%t$rers e)*ortin! t#ro$!# E)*ort0
Tradin! :o$ses *ro&ided t#at t#e amo$nt of ded$%tion %laimed is retained as a reser&e
for t#e *$r*ose of t#e ,$siness of t#e assessee+ :o(e&er. t#e ,$d!et for t#e 'ear 8LLL1
8LL5 #as red$%ed t#is e)em*tion ,' 8LO e&er' 'ear to ,e *#ased o$t in fi&e 'ears+
1 E)em*tion from ta)ation of t#e *rofits from o&er seas *ro3e%ts to t#e e)tent of
GL *er%ent+
1E)em*tion from ta)ation GL *er %ent of ro'alt'. %ommission. fees or an' similar
*a'ment o,tained from t#e e)*orts of te%#ni%al no(1#o( and te%#ni%al ser&i%es+
1 A 5L 'ear ta) #olida' for 5LL *er %ent e)*ort oriented $nits and for $nits
lo%ated in >ree trade 2one0E)*ort *ro%essin! 2ones+
1Con%essional rate of %$stoms d$t' on im*orts of sele%ted items of ma%#iner' for
e)*ort *rod$%tion $nder EPCG s%#eme+
+iii,Facilities availa-le )n/er t(e E&port%I!port $olic3 for E&port:
a+ EPCG S%#eme
,+ D$t' E)em*tion S%#eme
%+ E)*ort :o$ses0Tradin! :o$ses
d+ E)*ort *ro%essin! Nones
e+ 5LL O E)*ort oriented $nits
?i&@Ot#er fa%ilities a&aila,le to e)*orters/
In addition to t#e a,o&e mentioned in%enti&es. t#e Central Go&ernment is offerin! t#e
follo(in! fa%ilit' to e)*orters+
?a@D$t' Dra(,a%/ T#is is a ref$nd of im*ort d$t' or e)%ise d$t' *aid on t#e ra(
materials and %om*onents. (#i%# #a&e !one into t#e *rod$%tion of e)*orted *rod$%ts+
?,@Re,ate of e)%ise d$t'/ If t#e !oods e)*orted attra%t %entral e)%ise d$t' eit#er t#e d$t'
is e)em*ted or ref$nded if alread' *aid
RE)*ort >inan%e/ E)*orters are allo(ed to !et e)*ort finan%e ,ot# *re1s#i*ment and *ost
s#i*ment %redit at %on%essional rate of interest+
?d@Ins$ran%e of %redit ris/ T#e ECGC is (illin! to %o&er KLO of t#e *oliti%al and
%ommer%ial riss of e)*ort o*erations+ T#e %ommer%ial ,ans (#i%# !i&e %redit to
e)*orters %an also !et !$arantee from ECGC+
?e@Deemed e)*orts; Certain transa%tions in (#i%# !oods s$**lied do not lea&e t#e
%o$ntr' and t#e *a'ment for t#e !oods (#i%# is re%ei&ed ,' t#e s$**liers sin India #a&e
,een treated as deemed e)*orts and are entitled some ,enefits s$%# as d$t' e)em*tion in
res*e%t of deemed e)*ort %ate!ories. deemed e)*ort dra(,a%. ref$nd of terminal e)%ise
d$t'. s*e%ial im*ort li%ense. et%
6$sinessmen. ind$strialists and ot#ers re7$ire finan%e for t#eir da'1to1da'
a%ti&ities+ In e)*ort ,$siness also finan%e *la's an im*ortant role+ E)*ort finan%e starts
as soon as t#e e)*orter !ets an order to e)*ort+ An e)*orter needs finan%e for *ro%essin!
or man$fa%t$rin! or assem,lin! or *ro%$rin! or *a%in! t#e !oods for e)*ort. Pres#i*ment
finan%e is *ro&ided to t#e e)*orter to meet s$%# re7$irements+ After t#e
s#i*ment is made e)*orter (ill #a&e to !i&e %redit t#e e)*orter #as to (ait till t#e
do%$ments rea%# t#e im*orter and #e maes t#e *a'ment+ It (ill tae some more time
,efore t#e ad&i%e of *a'ment is finall'. %omm$ni%ated to t#e e)*orter+ Post1s#i*ment
finan%e is t#erefore *ro&ided to t#e e)*orter to meet #is needs for f$nds d$rin! t#e
inter&enin! *eriod ,et(een t#e s#i*ment of t#e !oods and t#e re%ei*t of *a'ment
E)*ort *a%in! %redit is a loan or an' ot#er %redit !i&en ,' a ,an to an e)*orter
for finan%in! ?a@ *ro%$rin! ra( materials and %om*onents to man$fa%t$re t#e *rod$%t or
?,@ *ro%essin! or assem,lin! or *a%in! t#e !oods for e)*ort+ T#e ,ans on t#e ,asis of
t#e follo(in! !i&e t#e *a%in! %redit+
A letter of Credit ?=0C@ o*ened in fa&o$r of t#e e)*orter ,' t#e im*orter"s ,an/ A
%onfirmed or irre&o%a,le order for t#e e)*ort of !oods from India #a&in! ,een *la%ed on
t#e e)*orter. or An' ot#er e&iden%e of an order for e)*orts of !oods from India #a&in!
,een *la%ed on t#e e)*orter or Rele&ant *oli%' iss$ed ,' t#e ECGC; or Personal ,ond in
t#e %ase of *art'"s alread' no(n to t#e e)*orter+
Pre1s#i*ment finan%e (o$ld normall' %o&er t#e follo(in! %osts;
Cost of *$r%#ase or *rod$%tion
Pa%in! in%l$din! an' s*e%ial *a%in! for e)*ort
Costs of s*e%ial ins*e%tion or tests re7$ired ,' t#e im*orter
Internal trans*ort %osts
Port. %$stoms and s#i**in! a!ent"s %#ar!es
>rei!#t and ins$ran%e %#ar!es if t#e %ontra%t is eit#er CI> %ontra%t or C&>
%ontra%t and E)*ort d$t' or ta). if an'+
Post1s#i*ment finan%e is re7$ired ,' t#e e)*orters to ,rid!e t#e !a* ,et(een t#e
time of s#i*ment of !oods and t#e a%t$al *a'ment for t#e !oods e)*orted+ Post 1
s#i*ment %redits are !i&en ,' %ommer%ial ,ans
A!ainst t#e se%$rit' of a**ro&ed s#i**in! do%$ments tendered a!ainst1letters of
%redit or ot#er(ise+ It is also *ro&ided at %on%essional rate of Interest+ T#e ,ans
normall' finan%e t#e *ost1s#i*ment %redit in one t#e follo(in! (a's/
?i@ Ne!otiatin! e)*ort ,ills $nder letter of %redit
?ii@ Dis%o$ntin! of ,ills dra(n a!ainst s#i*ment of !oods1dis%o$ntin!
of $san%e ,ills ?D0A 6ills @ dra(n a!ainst s#i*ment of !oodsdis%o$ntin!
of ,ills is $s$all' done $nder limits san%tioned to
different %$stomers. and
?iii@ An ad&an%e a!ainst ,ills $nder %olle%tion+
6ans $s$all' %#ar!e a %ommission a%%ordin! to t#e rates *res%ri,ed ,' t#e
>orei!n E)%#an!e Dealer"s Asso%iation of India+ T#e rate of interest on *ost1s#i*ment
%redit is also %#ar!ed at %on%essional rate+
Post s#i*ment %redit ma' ,e of t#ree t'*es/
?i@ S#ort term/ T#e s#ort term %redit is $s$all' for H mont#s and *ro&ided ,'
?ii@ Medi$m term/ Medi$m term loans are offered for a *eriod ,e'ond H mont#s
and $* to G 'ears+ T#ese loans are also *ro&ided ,' %ommer%ial ,ans in
%olla,oration (it# EXIM 6an of India+ Medi$m term loans are *ro&ided for
in t#e %ase of d$ra,le %ons$mer !oods and li!#t %a*ital !oods+
?iii@ =on! term/ =on! term loans are *ro&ided in t#e %ase of sale of %a*ital !oods
%om*lete *lants and t$rne' 3o,s+ T#e *eriod of %redit is $s$all' more t#an G
6ans en3o' %ertain ,enefits for ad&an%in! loans to e)*orters. T#e' are as
?i@ Refinan%e ,' EXIM 6an of India+
?ii@ G$arantees *ro&ided ,' ECGC (#ere a s$,stantial *art of t#e ris is
%o&ered ,' t#e ECGC+
>orfaitin! ena,le an e)*orter to %on&ert an o&erseas %redit sale into a %as# sale
t#ro$!# t#e *ro%ess of dis%o$ntin! of e)*ort re%ei&a,les+ T#e ,ill of e)%#an!e a%%e*ted
,' t#e im*orter is s$rrendered to t#e forfeitin! a!en%' (#i%# *a's #im in %as# after
ded$%tin! a fee+ T#e $nderstandin! is t#at t#e a!en%' (ill %olle%t t#e d$es from t#e
im*orter on e)*ir' of t#e said *eriod+
O$r e)%#an!e %ontrol re!$lations sti*$late t#at e)*orter s#o$ld reali2e t#e
forei!n e)%#an!e for t#eir e)*orts (it#in 5JL da's from t#e date of s#i*ment+ Contra%ts
for e)*ort of !oods a!ainst *a'ment to ,e re%ei&ed f$ll' or *artl' after t#e e)*ir' of t#e
sti*$lated *eriod for t#e reali2ation of e)*ort *ro%eeds are treated as deferred *a'ment
e)*ort %ontra%t+ E)tension of lon! term e)*ort %redit #as ,e%ome an a%%e*ted e)*ort
maret strate!' and t#erefore. *ro&ision #as ,een made for t#e e)tension of medi$m and
lon! term %redit to finan%e t#e sale of Indian %a*ital !oods and related ser&i%es+
T#ese are also referred to as E)*ort Pro%essin! Nones. are set $* (it# t#e
intension of *ro&idin! an internationall' %om*etiti&e d$t' free en&ironment for e)*ort
*rod$%tion. at lo( %ost+ T#is ena,les t#e *rod$%ts of EPN to ,e %om*etiti&e. ,ot# 7$alit'
(ise and *ri%e (ise. in t#e international maret+
India #as se&en EPN at different *arts of o$r %o$ntr'+ EPN o*eratin! $nits ,roadl'
$nder t#e *rod$%t !ro$*s of ele%troni%s. en!ineerin! items. %#emi%als and allied *rod$%ts.
!ems and 3e(eller'. te)tiles. !arments. *lasti%s and r$,,er *rod$%ts+
T#e o,3e%ti&es of t#ese $nits are/
5+ To earn forei!n e)%#an!e
8+ To !enerate em*lo'ment o**ort$nities
9+ To fa%ilitate transfer of te%#nolo!' ,' forei!n in&estment and ot#er means+
F+ To %ontri,$te to t#e o&erall de&elo*ment of t#e e%onom'+
Entitlement for EPN Units/
Ea%# of t#e 2ones *ro&ides ,asi% infrastr$%t$re s$%# as de&elo*ed land for
%onstr$%tion of fa%tor' s#eds. standard desi!n fa%tor' ,$ildin!s. roads. *o(er. (ater
s$**l' and draina!e+ In addition %$stoms %learan%e is arran!ed (it#in t#e 2one at no
e)tra %#ar!e+ Pro&ision is made for lo%atin! ,anin!Q*ost offi%e fa%ilities and offi%es of
%learin! a!ents in t#e ser&i%e %enters lo%ated in ea%# of t#e 2ones+
>orei!n e7$it' $* to 5LLO is *ermissi,le in t#e %ase of EPN $nits
Pro%$rement of ra( materials. %om*onents and %ons$ma,les and e)*ort of
finis#ed *rod$%ts s#all ,e e)em*t from %entral le&ies+
E)em*tion from ind$strial li%ensin! for man$fa%t$re of items reser&ed for SSI
T#e follo(in! t#e *arties and a!en%ies in&ol&ed in e)e%$tin! an e)*ort order/
5+ E)*orter
8+ Im*orter+
9+ T#e ne!otiatin! ,an
F+ S#i**in! %om*an'
G+ Ins$ran%e %om*an'
H+ Reser&e 6an of India
J+ Dire%torate General of >orei!n Trade
K+ C$stoms :o$se
5L+ Port Tr$st
55+ Ins*e%tion A!en%'
58+ Clearin! A!ents
$roce/)re for e&ec)ting an e&port or/er:
T#e e)*orter #as to *ro%ess t#e e)*ort order in t#e follo(in! manner/
5+T#e e)*orter s#o$ld s%r$tini2e t#e e)*ort order (it# referen%e to t#e terms and
%onditions of t#e %ontra%t+ T#e order s#o$ld s*e%if' t#e mode of *a'ment s$%# as letter of
%redit. do%$ment a!ainst a%%e*tan%e or do%$ment a!ainst *a'ment. and t#e terms of
%onditions as s*e%ified in t#e letter of %redit+ T#e follo(in! do%$ments #a&e to ,e
8 6ill of E)%#an!e ?if D0A or D0P ,ill@
8 Commer%ial in&oi%e
8 6ill of ladin!
8 Marine ins$ran%e
8 Pa%in! list
8 Certifi%ate of or!in
8 E)*ort ins*e%tion %ertifi%ate
8+A deli&er' note ?in d$*li%ate@ is to sent to t#e (ors mana!er or fa%tor'
mana!er !i&in! t#e des%ri*tion of !oods to ,e e)*orted alon! (it# t#e %o*' of t#e
instr$%tion !i&en ,' t#e im*orter+
9+As soon as t#e !oods are man$fa%t$red and e*t read' for s#i*ment t#e
follo(in! #a&e to ,e done/
Clearan%e of t#e e)%ise a$t#orit' #as to ,e o,tained+
E)*ort ins*e%tion a!en%' s#o$ld ,e a**roa%#ed+
Goods s#o$ld ,e dis*at%#ed to t#e *ort of s#i*ment+
AR1F form #as to ,e *re*ared+
F+T#ereafter t#e (ors mana!er sends a dis*at%# ad&i%e to t#e e)*ort de*artment+
T#e' (ill o,tain t#e marine ins$ran%e %o&er for t#e !oods+ T#en t#e e)*orts de*artment
sends t#e follo(in! do%$ments to its %learin! and for(ardin! a!ents alon! (it# detailed
Commer%ial in&oi%e
Ori!inal e)*ort order
Ori!inal =0C
Pa%in! list
Certifi%ate of ins*e%tion
Endorsement re!ardin! floor *ri%e
G+ T#e %learin! and for(ardin! a!ent taes deli&er' of t#e %onsi!nment and
arran!es its stora!e in t#e (are#o$se+ T#ereafter #e *re*ares re7$isite %o*ies of s#i**in!
,ill and s$,mits t#em to t#e E)*ort De*artment of t#e C$stoms #o$se alon! (it#
ne%essar' do%$ments mentioned a,o&e+
H+ After t#e s#i**in! ill #as ,een *assed ,' t#e %$stoms. t#e %learin! and
for(ardin! a!ents *resents t#e Port Tr$st %o*' of t#e s#i**in! ,ill to t#e res*e%ti&e
a$t#orities+ T#ereafter. in t#e %ase of s#ed %ar!o. t#e Do% %#allan is *re*ared+ A#ere t#e
s#i* loads o&erside. t#e do% %#ar!es are indi%ated in t#e s#i**in! ,ill itself and
t#erefore. no do% %#allan is *re*ared+
I+T#e *assed S#i**in! 6ill in%l$din! do% %#allan (ill ,e s$,mitted to t#e Port
J+ In res*onse to t#at t#e S#i*"s E)*ort Cler %alls for %ar!o from s#ed or ,oat and
after loadin! *re*ares t#e Mate Re%ei*t+ A mate re%ei*t is a re%ei*t iss$ed ,' t#e
%ommandin! offi%e of t#e s#i* (#en t#e %ar!o is loaded on t#e s#i* and %ontains
information a,o$t t#e name of t#e &essel. ,ert#. date of s#i*ment. des%ri*tion of
*a%a!es. mars and n$m,ers. %ondition of t#e %ar!o at t#e time of re%ei*t on ,oard t#e
s#i* et%+ T#e mate re%ei*t is first #anded o&er to t#e Port Tr$st a$t#orities so t#at t#e
e)*orter ma' *a' all t#e *ort d$es+ After *a'in! all t#e *ort d$es. t#e %learin! a!ent
%olle%t t#e mate re%ei*t from t#e Port Tr$st A$t#orities+
K+ T#e %learin! and for(ardin! a!ent for(ards t#e follo(in! do%$ments to t#e
e)*orter/ >$ll set of ,ill of ladin!. e)*ort *romotion %o*' of t#e ,ill. %o*ies of %$stoms
in&oi%e. ori!inal e)*ort order+
5L+ As soon as t#e e)*orter re%ei&es t#e a,o&e do%$ments from t#e %learin! and
for(ardin! a!ent. #e %om*letes t#e remainin! formalities+ :e (ill *resent t#e follo(in!
do%$ments to t#e ne!otiatin! ,an+
8 GR >orm. C$stoms in&oi%e. Certifi%ate of ori!in. Pa%in! list. Marine
ins$ran%e *oli%' and 6an %ertifi%ate
55+ T#e ne!otiatin! ,an transmits d$*li%ate %o*' of t#e GR form to t#e e)%#an!e
%ontrol de*artment of t#e Reser&e 6an of India after re%ei*t of t#e e)*ort *ro%eeds+
58+T#e ori!inal %o*' of t#e ,an %ertifi%ate alon! (it# attested %o*ies of t#e
%ommer%ial in&oi%e are ret$rned to t#e e)*orter+ T#e d$*li%ate %o*' of t#e ,an
%ertifi%ate is for(arded to t#e offi%e of t#e DG>T in t#e area+
59+>inall' t#e e)*orter (ill !et t#e &al$e of t#e &al$e of e)*ort %onsi!nment
a!ainst t#e a,o&e1mentioned do%$ments+
An o$tline of t#e im*ortant ste*s in e)*ortin! t#e !oods is as follo(s/
E&er' *erson im*ortin! or e)*ortin! !oods re7$ire and Im*orter1E)*orter Code
n$m,er+ T#e re!ional li%ensin! a$t#orities normall' allot t#e IEC n$m,er+ T#is %ode
n$m,er is re7$ired to ,e in%or*orated in t#e &ario$s e)*ort do%$ments s$,mitted to t#e
a$t#orities for *$r*oses of e)*ort+
Mem,ers#i* of %ertain ,odies (ill #el* t#e e)*orters in a n$m,er of (a's+ T#ere
are s*e%ified E)*ort Promotion Co$n%ils . %ommodit' ,oards and e)*ort de&elo*ment
a$t#orities for &ario$s *rod$%ts+ Mem,ers of EPC (ill re%ei&e different ind of assistan%e
and ser&i%es in res*e%t of t#e e)*ort ,$siness+
E)*orters are ad&ised to ,e%ome mem,ers of lo%al %#am,er of %ommer%e.
*rod$%ti&it' %o$n%il or an' ot#er trade *romotion or!ani2ation re%o!ni2ed ,' t#e
Ministr' of Commer%e+ Mem,ers#i* of s$%# ,odies (ill #el* t#e e)*orters in different
(a's. in%l$din! o,tainin! t#e %ertifi%ate of or!in. (#i%# is ne%essar' do%$ment re7$ired
for e)*ort to %ertain %o$ntries+
An in7$ir' is a re7$est from a *ers*e%ti&e im*orter to ,e informed of t#e terms
and %onditions of sale+ It ma' %ontain f$ll details of t#e !oods re7$ired. t#eir des%ri*tion.
%atalo!$e n$m,ers or !rades. si2es. (ei!#ts or ot#er distin!$is#in! feat$res. time and
met#od of deli&er' et%+
As soon as t#e e)*orter re%ei&es a ,$siness in7$ir' from *art' a,road. it s#o$ld
,e *rom*tl' attended to+ T#e e)*orter s#o$ld ,ear in mind t#at t#e forei!n ,$'er #a&e a
lar!e n$m,er of *ros*e%ti&e s$**liers in a n$m,er of %o$ntries and t#$s #e is in a &er'
%om*etiti&e sit$ation+ Serio$s and sin%ere %are s#o$ld. t#erefore. ,e e)er%ised in dealin!s
(it# forei!n %o$ntr' %$stomers+
As a startin! *oint of t#e ne!otiations. t#e e)*orter (o$ld #a&e to mae an offer
to t#e forei!n %$stomer+ An offer is a *ro*osal in (#i%# an e)*orter s$,mits. ma' ,e in
t#e form of a letter. #is 7$otation and ot#er rele&ant information+ T#e offer. (#en
a%%e*ted ,' t#e forei!n ,$'er. ,e%omes an order+
On%e t#e ne!otiations are %om*leted and t#e terms and %onditions are a%%e*ta,le
to t#e ,$'er and seller. t#e ,$'er ma' *la%e an order (it# t#e e)*orter+ T#e e)*orter
s#o$ld immediatel' %onfirm t#e order ,' sendin! t#is a%%e*tan%e+ >or t#e %onfirmation of
t#e order. t#e *roforma in&oi%e is !enerall' sent in tri*li%ate to t#e ,$'er. and t#e ,$'er is
ased to ret$rn t(o %o*ies si!ned ,' #im+ T#e e)*orter s#o$ld a!ain send on%e %o*' to
t#e im*orter (it# t#e e)*orter"s si!nat$re to %onfirm t#e a%%e*tan%e of t#e order+ T#e
%onfirmation of t#e order $s$all' taes t#e form of a %ontra%t+
T#ese e)*orts of some items are ,anned and of some items %ontrolled ,' means
of li%enses. t#o$!# man' items are *ermitted to ,e e)*orted freel'+ Needless to sa'. t#e
e)*orter s#o$ld mae s$re t#at t#e item so$!#t to ,e e)*orted is not one. (#i%# falls in
t#e ,anned list+ If t#e item to ,e e)*orted re7$ires a li%ense. it is ne%essar' to o,tain it
,efore finali2in! t#e %ontra%t+
If t#e e)*orter re7$ires *re1s#i*ment finan%ial assistan%e. #e s#o$ld tae t#e
ne%essar' ste*s to o,tain it+
On%e t#e order is %onfirmed. t#e e)*orter s#o$ld tae ne%essar' ste*s to ens$re
t#e timel' a&aila,ilit' of t#e !oods of t#e s*e%ifi%ations re7$ired and e)e%$te t#e e)*ort
order *rom*tl'+ If t#e e)*orter is not a man$fa%t$rer. #e s#o$ld %ontra%t (it# #is
s$**liers and ens$re timel' a&aila,ilit' of t#e !oods of t#e ,$'er"s s*e%ifi%ations+
As soon as t#e e)*ort order is %onfirmed. t#e e)*orter s#o$ld %ontra%t t#e
s#i**in! %om*anies (#i%# #a&e sailin!s for t#e *ort to (#i%# !oods #a&e ,e sent and
,oo t#e re7$ired s#i**in! s*a%e+ On t#e e)*orter"s a**li%ation or on t#e a**li%ation of
t#e frei!#t ,roer on t#e e)*orter"s ,e#alf. t#e s#i**in! %om*an' iss$es sits a%%e*tan%e if
t#e s*a%e a**lied for is !i&en+
On%e t#e !oods re read'. t#e' are mared and mared *ro*erl'+ If t#e ,$'er #as
!i&en instr$%tions a,o$t *a%in! and marin!. t#e' s#o$ld ,e follo(ed a%%ordin!l'+ If
t#ere are no s$%# instr$%tions. it s#o$ld ,e ens$red t#at t#e *a%in! and marin! are of
t#e standards re%ommended or s*e%ified+
T#ereafter !et t#e !oods ins*e%ted ,' t#e ins*e%tin! a$t#orities $nder t#e
%om*$lsor' 7$alit' %ontrol and *re1s#i*ment ins*e%tion+ T#e' are as follo(s/
8 E)*ort Ins*e%tion A!en%'
8 AGMARK A$t#orities
8 Te)tile %ommittee 1 for te)tile !oods+
8 An' ot#er a$t#orities a$t#ori2ed for t#is *$r*ose+
As a matter of *oli%'. t#e !o&ernment #as !ranted e)%ise d$t' e)em*tion for t#e
e)*ort *rod$%ts+ E)%isa,le !oods ma' ,e e)*orted eit#er $nder %laim for re,ate of e)%ise
d$t' or in ,ond+ In t#e %ase of e)*ort $nder %laim for ref$nd of e)%ise d$t'. t#e d$t' is
first *aid and its ref$nd is %laimed+ Some times (it# s*e%ifi%ation t#e !oods are allo(ed
to e)*ort (it#o$t *a'ment of d$t' on e)e%$tion of a ,ond (it# s$ffi%ient s$ret' and
se%$rit' in t#e *res%ri,ed ,ond+
Goods ma' ,e s#i**ed o$t of India onl' after t#e %$stoms %learan%e #as ,een
o,tained+ >or t#is *$r*ose. t#e e)*orter ?or t#e %learin! and for(ardin! a!ent on ,e#alf of
t#e e)*orter@ s#o$ld *resent t#e follo(in! do%$ments to t#e %$stoms a$t#orities+
1 S#i**in! 6ill
1 De%laration re!ardin! tr$t# of statement made in t#e s#i**in! ,ill
1 In&oi%e
1 GR form
1 E)*ort li%ense ?if re7$ired@
1 <$alit' %ontrol
1 Ori!inal %ontra%t
1 =etter of %redit ?if a**li%a,le@
1 Certifi%ate from 7$alit' %ontrol a$t#orities
1 Marine ins$ran%e *oli%'
1 Certifi%ate of or!in
1 Mate re%ei*t or ,ill of ladin!
1 Pa%in! list
1 AR1F >orm
1 An' ot#er do%$ments
T#e %$stoms a$t#orities s%r$tini2e t#e s#i**in! ,ill and ot#er re7$isite do%$ments.
and if. *rima1fa%ie. satisfied. t#e' *ass it for e)*ort. s$,3e%t to a *#'si%al e)amination ,'
t#e staff of t#e %$stoms+ T#e s#i**in! ,ill *assed ,' t#e e)*orter de*artment #as to
*resented to t#e %ar!o s$*er&isor or t#e steams#i* %om*an' or t#e s#ed mana!er. (#o is
t#e *ort offi%ial. for *ermission to ,rin! in t#e %ar!o for e)*ort+
On%e all t#e said a,o&e *ro%ess are o&er and as and (#en !oods are loaded into
%ar!o or s#i*. t#e e)*orter (ill inform t#e im*orter a,o$t t#e dis*at%# of !oods and
de*art$re of t#e s#i*+ So t#at t#e im*orter !et read' for #is a%tions+
After s#i**in! t#e !oods. t#e e)*orter s#o$ld arran!e to o,tain *a'ment for t#e
e)*orts ,' ne!otiation (it# t#e rele&ant do%$ments t#ro$!# t#e ,an+
T#en a**ro*riate ste*s to ,e taen ,' (a' of a**l'in! to !et t#e D$t' Dra( ,an
from %$stoms and ot#er assistan%e. if an' from Go&ernment+
In international trade t#e $se of air1frei!#t is in%reasin! da' ,' da'+ No(a1
da's all t'*es of *rod$%ts lie food. read'made !arments. finis#ed leat#er and leat#er
*rod$%ts. !ems and 3e(eller'. ele%troni% *rod$%ts et%+. are sent ,' air frei!#t+
International Air Trans*ort Asso%iation (as set $* in 5KFG+ IATA #as made ra*id
e)*ansion ,e%a$se of t#ree de&elo*ments for (#i%# it #as ,een res*onsi,le+ T#e' are as
1 A $niform s'stem of do%$mentation for air %ar!o+
1 A standard s'stem of rate main! and inter airline a!reements on
1 A %learin! #o$se+
6asi%all'. t#ere are ten reasons (#i%# %an mae total distri,$tion %osts %#ea*er
t#ro$!# t#e $se of air trans*ort. at least for %ertain %ate!ories of mer%#andise+ T#e
reasons are as follo(s+
8 =o( in&entor' %arr'in! %osts
8 De%reased %a*ital %osts of !oods in transit
8 =ess *a%in! lo(ers %ost and red$%es %#ar!ea,le (ei!#t+
8 Related s$rfa%e trans*ort %osts are red$%ed+
8 T#e loss d$e to ro$!# #andlin! and *ilfera!e is red$%ed to t#e minim$m+
8 6reaa!e is ne!li,le+
8 Deterioration is a&oided+
8 O,solen%e is eliminated+
8 Ins$ran%e *remi$m is red$%ed+
8 Costs related to administration. orderin! et%+ are minimi2ed+
T#$s t#e ad&anta!e of e)*orts ,' air ma' ,e s$mmari2ed as follo(s/
5+ S*eed of deli&er'
8+ Sa&in!s in %ost
9+ Good ser&i%e to %$stomers (it#o$t #a&in! an' (are#o$se+
F+ Greater se%$rit' and *rote%tion d$rin! transit+
G+ A satisf'in! %$stomer+
If t#e !oods are sent ,' sea t#e e)*orter #as to o,tain0s$,mit t#e follo(in!
6ill of =adin!
Marine Ins$ran%e Poli%'
An in&oi%e is t#e seller"s ,ill for mer%#andise and %ontains *arti%$lars of !oods.
s$%# as t#e *ri%e *er $nit at a *arti%$lar lo%ation. 7$antit'. total &al$e. *a%in!
s*e%ifi%ations. terms of sale. identifi%ation mars of t#e *a%a!e . ,ill of ladin! n$m,er.
name and address of t#e im*orter. destination. name of t#e s#i* et%+
Some im*ortin! %o$ntries insist t#at t#e im*ortin! %o$ntr'"s %ons$l lo%ated in t#e
e)*orter"s %o$ntr' s#o$ld si!n t#e in&oi%e+ S$%# in&oi%es are no(n as %ons$lar in&oi%e+
T#e main *$r*ose of a %ons$lar in&oi%e is to ena,le t#e a$t#orities of t#e im*ortin!
%o$ntr' to %olle%t a%%$rate information a,o$t t#e &ol$me. &al$e. 7$alit'. !rade. so$r%es
et%+ of its im*orts for *$r*ose of assessin! im*ortin! d$ties and also for statisti%al
T#e differen%e ,et(een *a%in! note and a *a%in! list is t#at t#e *a%in! note
refers to t#e *arti%$lar of t#e %ontents of an indi&id$al *a%. (#ile t#e *a%in! list is a
%onsolidated statement of t#e %ontents of a n$m,er of %ases or *a%s+
A *a%in! note s#o$ld in%l$de t#e *a%in! note n$m,er. t#e date of *a%in!. t#e
name and address of t#e e)*orter. t#e name and address of t#e im*orter. t#e order
n$m,er. date. s#i*ment *er ,i. ,ill of ladin! n$m,er and date. marin! n$m,ers. %ase
n$m,er to (#i%# t#e note relates. and t#e %ontents of t#e !oods is in terms of 7$antit' and
(ei!#t+ A*art from t#e details in t#e *a%in! note. a *a%in! list s#o$ld also in%l$de item
(ise details+
A %ertifi%ate of or!in. as t#e name indi%ates. is a %ertifi%ate. (#i%# s*e%ifies t#e %o$ntr'
of t#e *rod$%tion of t#e !oods+ T#is %ertifi%ate #as also to ,e *rod$%ed ,efore %learan%e
of !oods and assessment of d$t'. for t#e %$stoms la( of t#e %o$ntr' ma' re7$ire t#is
*ro%ed$re+ T#is %ertifi%ate is a ne%essit' (#ere a %o$ntr' offers a *referential tariff to
India and t#e former is to ens$re t#at onl' !oods of Indian Or!in ,enefit from s$%#
%on%ession. A %ertifi%ate of or!in ma' ,e re7$ired (#en !oods of a *arti%$lar t'*e from
%ertain %o$ntries are ,anned+ A %ertifi%ate of or!in from ma' ,e o,tained from %#am,ers
of %ommer%e. e)*ort *romotion %o$n%ils. and &ario$s trade asso%iations t#at #a&e ,een
a$t#ori2ed ,' t#e !o&ernment+
A mate re%ei*t is a re%ei*t iss$ed ,' t#e %ommandin! offi%e of t#e s#i* (#en t#e
%ar!o is loaded on t#e s#i*. and %ontains information a,o$t t#e &essel. ,ert#. date of
s#i*ment. des%ri*tion of *a%a!es. mars and n$m,ers. %ondition of t#e %ar!o at t#at time
of re%ei*t on ,oard t#e s#i*. et%+ T#e mate re%ei*t is first #anded o&er to t#e Port Tr$st
a$t#orities so t#at all t#e *ort d$es ma' ,e *aid ,' t#e e)*orter.+ After *a'in! all t#e *ort
d$es. t#e mer%#ant or t#e !ent ma' %olle%t t#e mate re%ei*t from t#e Port Tr$st
a$t#orities+ T#e ,ill of ladin! *re*ared ,' t#e s#i**in! a!ent after t#e mate re%ei*t #as
,een o,tained+
T#e s#i**in! ,ill is t#e main do%$ment on t#e ,asis of (#i%# t#e %$stoms"
*ermission for e)*ort is !i&en+ T#e s#i**in! ,ill %ontains *arti%$lars of t#e !oods
e)*orted. t#e name of t#e &essel. master or a!ents. fla!. t#e *ort at (#i%# !oods are to ,e
dis%#ar!es. t#e %o$ntr' of final destination. t#e e)*orter"s name and address. et%+ It also
%ontains details of t#e *a%a!es and t#e !oods. s$%# as n$m,er and des%ri*tion. mars
and n$m,ers. 7$antit' details a,o$t ea%# %ase. real &al$e as defined in t#e sea %$stoms
a%t. (#et#er Indian or forei!n mer%#andise to ,e re1e)*orted. total n$m,er of *a%a!es.
t#eir total (ei!#t and &al$e et%+
A %art ti%et also no(n as a %art %#it. &e#i%le and !ate *ass. is *re*ared ,' t#e
e)*orter and in%l$des details of t#e e)*ort in terms of t#e s#i**er"s name. t#e n$m,er of
*a%a!es. t#e s#i**in! ,ill n$m,er. t#e *ort of destination and t#e n$m,er of t#e &e#i%le
%arr'in! t#e %ar!o+ T#e dri&er of t#e &e#i%le %arr'in! %ar!o s#o$ld *osses t#e ti%et. and
(#en t#e &e#i%le is ,ro$!#t at t#e *ort !ate. it s#o$ld ,e *resented to t#e !ate
(arden0ins*e%tor alon! (it# ot#er s#i**in! and *ort do%$ments+ T#e ins*e%tor. after
satisf'in! #imself t#at t#e &e#i%le is %arr'in! t#e %ar!o as mentioned in t#e do%$ment.
allo(s it to *ass t#e !ate+
>rei!#t is %#ar!ed eit#er on t#e ,asis of (ei!#t or meas$rement+ A#en it is
%#ar!ed on t#e ,asis of (ei!#t. t#e (ei!#t de%lared ,' t#e s#i**er ma' ,e a%%e*ted+
:o(e&er. a %ertifi%ate of meas$rement from t#e Indian %#am,er of %ommer%e or ot#er
a**ro&ed or!ani2ation ma' ,e o,tained ,' t#e s#i**er and !i&en to t#e s#i**in!
%om*an' for %al%$lation of t#e ne%essar' frei!#t+
T#e 6ill of ladin! is a do%$ment (#ere in t#e s#i**in! %om*an' !i&es its offi%ial
re%ei*ts of t#e !oods s#i**ed in its &essel and at t#e same time %ontra%ts to %arr' t#em to
t#e *ort of destination+ It is also an do%$ment of title to t#e !oods. and. as s$%#. is freel'
transfera,le ,' endorsement and deli&er'+
A 6ill of ladin! ser&es t#ree main *$r*oses/ I@ As a do%$ment of title to t#e
!oods" ?ii@ as a re%ei*t from t#e s#i**in! %om*an'"; and ?iii@ as a %ontra%t for t#e
trans*ortation of !oods+
Ea%# s#i**in! %om*an' #as its o(n 6ill of ladin!+ T#e e)*orter *re*ares t#e 6ill
of ladin! in t#e forms o,tained from t#e s#i**in! %om*an' or from t#e a!ents of t#e
s#i**in! %om*an'+ T#e information %ontained in t#e 6ill of ladin! in%l$des t#e date and
*la%e of s#i*ment; t#e name of t#e %onsi!nor; t#e name and destination of t#e &essel; t#e
des%ri*tion. 7$alit' and destination of t#e !oods; t#e mars and n$m,ers; t#e in&oi%e
n$m,er and t#e date of e)*ort; t#e !ross ei!#t and net (ei!#t; t#e n$m,er of *a%a!es;
t#e amo$nt of frei!#t et%+
A 6ill of ladin! a%no(led!in! re%ei*t of t#e !oods a**arentl' in !ood order and
%ondition and (it#o$t an' 7$alifi%ation is termed as a %lean ,ill of ladin!; if a 6ill of
ladin! is 7$alified (it# %ertain ad&erse remars s$%# as "!oods ins$ffi%ien%' *a%ed in
a%%ordan%e (it# %arria!e of !oods ,' Sea A%t-. -one ,o) dama!ed- et%+. it is termed as a
%la$sed ,ill of ladin!+
An air(a' ,ill. also %alled an air %onsi!nment note. is a re%ei*t iss$ed ,' an
airline for t#e %arria!e of !oods+ As ea%# s#i**in! %om*an' #as its o(n ,ill of ladin!.
ea%# #as its o(n air(a' ,ill+
T#e E)*ort Ins*e%tion %o$n%il of India (as set $* ,' t#e Go&ernment f India in
5KH9 to *ro&ide for so$nd de&elo*ment of e)*ort trade t#ro$!# 7$alit' %ontrol and
ins*e%tion+ T#e E)*ort Ins*e%tion Co$n%il ?EIC@ %onsists of a C#airman
a**ointed ,' t#e Central Go&ernment. F e)1offi%io mem,ers and 5G mem,ers nominated
,' t#e %entral !o&ernment+ T#e main f$n%tions of EIC as assi!ned are/
To ad&ise t#e %entral !o&ernment re!ardin! meas$res for enfor%ement of
7$alit' %ontrol and ins*e%tion in relation to %ommodities intended for
e)*ort and to dra( $* *ro!rammes t#erefore; and
To arran!e *re1s#i*ment ins*e%tion of notified %ommodities for e)*ort+
A,o$t 5LLLitems $nder *rod$%e !ro$* #eads of en!ineerin!. %#emi%als and allied
*rod$%ts. food and a!ri%$lt$ral *rod$%ts. 3$te and 3$te *rod$%ts. foot(ear and foot(ear
%om*onents. %as#e(. fis# and fis#er' *rod$%ts et%+. are $nder t#e %om*$lsor' 7$alit'
%ontrol ins*e%tion s'stem+
>or %arr'in! o$t *re1s#i*ment ins*e%tion of e)*ort of !oods. t#e Go&ernment of
India #as esta,lis#ed fi&e e)*ort ins*e%tion a!en%ies one ea%# at Cal%$tta. %#ennai.
%o%#in. Del#i and M$m,ai $nder t#e te%#ni%al and administrati&e %ontrol of t#e EIC+ T#e
E)*ort ins*e%tion a!en%ies #a&e also ,een a$t#ori2ed ,' t#e Go&ernment of India to
iss$e %ertifi%ates of or!in $nder t#e Generalised s'stem of *referen%es for e)*ort to
Ba*an. EEC. USA and East E$ro*ean %o$ntries+
Go&ernment #as also re%o!ni2ed 85 *ri&ate ins*e%tion a!en%ies and I !o&ernment
ins*e%tion a!en%ies to s$**lement t#e (or of 7$alit' %ertifi%ation+
T#ree S'stems of ins*e%tion are in o*eration at *resent+ T#e' are/
5+ Consi!nment1Aise Ins*e%tion
8+ In1Pro%ess <$alit' Control
9+ Self1%ertifi%ation
Under %onsi!nment1(ise ins*e%tion. ea%# e)*ort %onsi!nment is ins*e%ted and
tested ,' t#e re%o!ni2ed ins*e%tion a!en%ies ,' sele%tin! %onsi!nments on t#e ,asis of
statisti%al sam*lin! *lan to satisf' %onformit' of t#e *rod$%ts (it# t#e *res%ri,ed
T#is s'stem la's em*#asis on t#e res*onsi,ilit' of t#e man$fa%t$rers and
*ro%essors in ens$rin! %onsistent 7$alit' d$rin! ea%# sta!e of *rod$%tion ,' e)er%isin!
%#e%s on materials. %om*onents t#ro$!# ins*e%tin! *ro%ess %enters+ T#e %ertifi%ations of
ins*e%tion in fa&o$r of $nits a**ro&ed $nder t#e s%#eme are iss$ed ,' t#e E)*ort
Ins*e%tin! A!en%ies+ T#ese $nits are $nder t#e s$*er&ision ,' t#e E)*ort Ins*e%tion
A!en%ies t#ro$!# random s*ot %#e%s+
Under t#is s'stem t#e man$fa%t$rin! $nits f$lfillin! t#e norms *res%ri,ed are
a$t#ori2ed ,' t#e %entral !o&ernment to iss$e %ertifi%ates of ins*e%tion $nder t#e A%t ,'
t#emsel&es for t#eir *rod$%ts+
A letter of %redit is a do%$ment %ontainin! t#e !$arantee of a ,an to #ono$r
drafts dra(n on it ,' an e)*orter. $nder %ertain %onditions and $* to %ertain amo$nts .
*ro&ided t#at t#e ,enefi%iar' f$lfils t#e sti*$lated %onditions
T#e Ne!otia,le Instr$ments A%t. 5JJ5. defines t#e ,ill of e)%#an!e as - an
instr$ment in (ritin! %ontainin! an $n%onditional order. si!ned ,' t#e maer. dire%tin! a
%ertain *erson to *a' a %ertain s$m of mone' onl' to. or t t#e order of. a %ertain *erson or
t#e ,earer of t#e instr$ment+ T#ere are fi&e im*ortant *arties to a ,ill of e)%#an!e/
T#e Dra(er
T#e Dra(ee
T#e Pa'ee
T#e Endorser
T#e Endorsee
If t#e im*orter is $na,le to tae *ossession of t#e do%$ments ,' main! t#e
*a'ment on t#e D0P ,ill follo(in! t#e arri&al of t#e !oods. t#e mer%#andise ma' ,e made
a&aila,le to t#e im*orter ,' #is ,an $nder an arran!ement (#ere,' t#e im*orter si!ns a
tr$st re%ei*t+ Under t#is arran!ement. t#e im*orter is allo(ed to sell t#e im*orted !oods
,' a%tin! as an a!ent of t#e ,an; ,$t t#e retains o(ners#i* of t#e mer%#andise $ntil t#e
im*orter #as made f$ll settlement; all s$ms re%ei&ed from t#e sale of !oods m$st ,e
%redited to t#e ,an $ntil s$%# settlement is made+
A letter of #'*ot#e%ation is a do%$ment si!ned ,' t#e %$stomer %on&e'in! to a
,aner t#e f$ll o(ners#i* of !oods at t#e *ort of destination in res*e%t of (#i%# #e #as
made ad&an%es eit#er ,' loan or ,' a%%e*tan%e or ne!otiation of ,ills of e)%#an!e+ T#is is
a sort of ,lanet do%$ment (#i%# s#i**in! do%$ments. demands from a %$stomer to !i&e
#im re%o$rse son t#e ,ills and %ontrol of t#e do%$ments+
It is a %ertifi%ate iss$ed ,' t#e ne!otiatin! ,an of t#e e)*orter %ertif'in! t#at t#e
,ill %o&erin! *arti%$lar %onsi!nments #as ,een ne!otiated and t#at t#e *ro%eeds re%ei&ed
in a%%ordan%e (it# e)%#an!e %ontrol re!$lation in t#e a**ro&ed manner+
Ins$ran%e !ranted to %o&er loss or dama!e to s#i*s or !oods in transit eit#er ,'
sea. air or land is %alled Marine Ins$ran%e+ Ins$ran%e of s#i*s is %alled - :$ll Ins$ran%e-
(#ile %o&er *ro&ided in res*e%t of !oods sis termed as %ar!o ins$ran%e+
T#e f$ndamental *rin%i*les of marine ins$ran%e are e)*lained ,elo(//
I$%&a'( I)(&($): A *erson #as an ins$ra,le interest in a t#in! if #e (ill ,e ,enefited ,'
its safet' or d$e arri&al or ,e *re3$di%ial ,' its loss. dama!e or detention or in%$r in
res*e%t t#ereof+
U)*+$) G++, Fai)-/ It is t#e d$t' of t#e *ro*oser to dis%lose %learl' and a%%$ratel' all
material fa%ts related to t#e ris+
I,(*i)!: Marine ins$ran%e is a %ontra%t of indemnit' (#ere,' t#e $nder(riter or
ass$rer or t#e ins$ran%e %om*an' a!rees for a stated %onsideration no(n as *remi$m. to
*rote%t and indemnit' t#e s#i**er or t#e o(ner of t#e !oods a!ainst loss or dama!e or
e)*ense in %onne%tion (it# t#e !oods at t#e ris. if t#e dama!e is %a$sed ,' *erils
s*e%ified in t#e %ontra%t no(n of *oli%' of t#e ins$ran%e+
S%.&+/a)i+/ T#e ins$rer $*on *a'ment of loss is entitled to t#e ,enefits of an' ri!#ts
a!ainst t#ird *arties t#at ma' ,e #eld ,' t#e ass$red #imself+
C+)&i.%)i+/ If t#ere are more t#an one ins$rer it is desira,le not onl' to ens$re t#at t#e
ins$red does not re%ei&e more t#an indemnit' ,$t t#at an' loss is fairl' s*read ,et(een
all t#e ins$rers in&ol&ed+
P&+0i*a)( Ca%$(/ Pro)imate %a$se means t#e a%ti&e effi%ient %a$se t#at sets in motion a
train of e&ents. (#i%# ,rin!s a,o$t a res$lt. (it#o$t t#e inter&ention of an' for%e started
and (orin! a%ti&el' from a ne( and inde*endent so$r%e+
1o4 to Ins)re:
Under marine ins$ran%e t#e *oli%' (ill ,e taen ,' t(o (a's+ One is o*en *oli%' and
anot#er one is s*e%ifi% *oli%'+ In o*en *oli%' t#e ins$ran%e (ill ,e made for all t#e
s#i*ments made in a *eriod+ A#ereas in s*e%ifi% *oli%' t#e ins$ran%e (ill ,e made ,'
s#i*ment (ise+
Perils of t#e Sea/ It in%l$des o$t1of1t#e ordinar' (ind and (a&e a%tion. li!#tnin!.
%ollision and dama!e ,' sea (ater (#en %a$sed ,' *erils s$%# as o*enin! of t#e seams of
t#e &essel ,' %ollision+
Fi&(: >ire in%l$des ,ot# dire%t fire dama!e and also %onse7$ential dama!e as ,' smoe or
stream. and loss res$ltin! from efforts to e)tin!$is# a fire+
A$$ai1i/ )-i(2($/ T#is refers to a for%i,le tain! rat#er t#an %landestine t#eft or mere
3())i$+: Bettison is t#e t#ro(in! of arti%les o&er ,oard. $s$all' to li!#ten t#e s#i* in
times of emer!en%'+
Ba&&a)&!/ 6arratr' is t#e (illf$l mis%ond$%t of master or %re( and (o$ld in%l$de t#eft.
(ron!f$l %on&ersion. intentional %astin! a (a' of &essel or an' ,rea%# of tr$st (it#
dis#onest intent+
A11 +)-(& 4(&i1$/ T#is %la$se does not mean all t#e *erils t#at ,e fall a s#i*ment. ,$t sea
*erils of t#e sort listed in t#e %la$se+
Marine ins$ran%e does not %o&er t#e losses or dama!es e)*e%ted to o%%$r in t#e
follo(in! %ases/
U,(& N+&*a1 C+,i)i+$: 6e%a$se of t#e nat$re of !oods t#emsel&es t#eir
in#erent &i%e s$%# as ,reaa!e of fra!ile !lasses *a%a!ed inade7$atel'+ Dama!e %a$sed
,' ori!inal *a%in! is e)%l$ded no matter (#en t#e dama!e itself ma' o%%$r+
L(a5a/($ +& #oo losses on !oods *a%ed in ,a!s. solidifi%ation of *alm and
%o%on$t oil $nless #eated stora!e is *ro&ided+
D(1a!: T#is means t#at loss of maret and loss. dama!e or deterioration arisin!
o$t of dela' in transit are not %o&ered+
O&,ia&! %a2+i,a.1( T&a,( L+$$($: T#ese losses s$%# as s#rina!e and
e&a*oration in ,$l s#i*ment are also not %o&ered $nless s*e%iall' ins$red+
#a&$6 S)&i5($ a, C+**+)i+$: S$%# as t#ese *erils are %ommonl' e)%l$ded
$nless endorsed+
Da/(&+%$ D&%/$ C1a%$(: T#e dan!ero$s dr$!s %la$se sti*$lates t#at losses
%onne%ted (it# t#e s#i*ment of o*tim$m and ot#er dan!ero$s dr$!s (ill not ,e *aid for
$nless %ertain s*e%ified %onditions are met+
In a %ontra%t of marine ins$ran%e t#e follo(in! %onditions are im*lied/
i+ t#at t#e ass$red (ill e)er%ise $tmost !ood fait# in dis%losin! t#e a%t$al
ii+ T#at t#e !enerall' a%%e*ted $sa!es of trade a**li%a,le to t#e ins$red
s$,3e%t1matter are follo(ed; and
iii+ T#at t#e ass$red s#all not %ontri,$te to t#e loss t#ro$!# (illf$l fa$lt or
In a marine ins$ran%e t#e *oli%es are normall' "&al$ed"+ T#at is ins$ran%e is done
at t#e a!reed &al$e. i+e+ Cost of t#e *ri%e of t#e %ar!o *l$s frei!#t and all %#ar!es *l$s an
allo(an%e for normal e)*e%ted *rofit+ Normall'. t#e e)*e%ted *rofit is %al%$lated at 5LO
of CI> &al$e. ,$t t#is fi!$re ma' ,e in%reased $*on t#e %onsi!nee"s s*e%ifi% re7$est+In t#e
%ase of total loss. t#e a!reed *ri%e is *aid and in t#e %ase of *artial loss. a *er%enta!e of
t#e total ins$red &al$e is re%o&era,le+
D$ties of Ass$red/ 6efore main! a %laim t#e ass$red m$st *erform %ertain
d$ties+ T#e' are/T#e ass$red m$st mae reasona,le effort to minimi2e t#e loss+
o :e m$st immediatel' inform t#e nearest a!ent of #is $nder(riter. arran!e
for a s$r&e' of t#e dama!e and s$**l' t#e ne%essar' %ommer%ial
o :e m$st mae timel' (ritten %laim $*on t#e %arrier for t#e loss or dama!e
(it#in a reasona,le time (it# t#e ne%essar' do%$ments+
T#e follo(in! do%$ments are $s$all' sent (it# t#e %laim a**li%ation+
8 Ori!inal and d$*li%ate %o*ies of t#e marine ins$ran%e *oli%' or t#e
8 O%ean ,ill of ladin!
8 Ori!inal s#i**ers in&oi%e
8 Pa%in! list. (ei!#t %ertifi%ate or ot#er e&iden%e of t#e nat$re and
%onditions of t#e !oods at t#e time of s#i*ment+
8 S$r&e' re*ort of t#e $nder(riter"s rePre*resentati&e +
8 Claim ,ill/ T#is sets o$t t#e a%t$al %laim !i&in! t#e details of t#e loss or
dama!e of t#e %ar!o+
A total loss ma' ,e a%t$al or %onstr$%ti&e+ An a%t$al total loss ma' o%%$r (#en
t#e !oods are destro'ed or (#en t#e' arri&e so dama!ed as to %ease to ,e a t#in! of t#e
des%ri*tion ins$red+ A %onstr$%ti&e total loss o%%$rs (#en t#e e)*enses of re%o&erin! or
re*airin! t#e !oods (o$ld e)%eed t#eir &al$e after t#e e)*endit$re #as ,een in%$rred+
If loss is less t#an total it is %alled a&era!e in ins$ran%e term+ A&era!e ma' ,e
*arti%$lar or !eneral+
PARTIAL: T#ere are t(o t'*es of *arti%$lar a&era!e losses+i+e+ Total loss of a *art
of t#e !oods and !oods arri&ed in a dama!ed %ondition+ T#at means (#en a *art of t#e
total %onsi!nment is %om*letel' lost. t#e ins$red &al$e of s$%# !oods s#all ,e %al%$lated
*ro*ortionatel'+ T#e se%ond t'*e is t#at t#e *art !oods are arri&ed (it# dama!ed
T#e e)*orter #as to re%ei&e *a'ment for t#e !oods #e s$**lied to t#e im*orter+ :o( it is
to ,e *aid %an ,e de%ided ,' t#e e)*orter and im*orter ,efore t#e s#i*ment is made+
Generall' t#ere are fi&e met#ods of e)*ort *a'ment and t#e' are e)*lained ,elo(/
T#is t'*e of *a'ment is most $n%ommon+ :o(e&er. if t#ee is #ea&' demand for
t#e !oods and t#e !oods are tailor1made for t#e %$stomer. t#e e)*orter ma' !et *a'ment
in ad&an%e+ Under t#is met#od. t#e e)*orter re%ei&es a ,an or a ,an ad&i%e eit#er on
%onfirmation of t#e order or at an' time ,efore s#i*ment+ T#is is t#e most ad&anta!eo$s
form of *a'ment as t#e e)*orter does not #a&e an' ris ,$t. as (e #a&e alread' o,ser&ed.
it is not &er' %ommon+
Under t#is met#od. t#e e)*orter sends t#e do%$ments dire%tl' to t#e im*orter (it#
a %o&erin! letter asin! for t#e in&oi%e &al$e to ,e remitted to #im+ In t#is %ase t#e
e)*orter does not dra( an' ,ill of e)%#an!e+ :en%e. t#ere is no e&iden%e of t#e
o,li!ation to *a'+ T#o$!# t#is met#od is sim*le and less e)*ensi&e t#e e)*orter %arries
t#e ,$rden of finan%e and it also in&ol&es real ris for t#e e)*orter+ T#e e)*orter ma'
a%%e*t t#is met#od of *a'ment if t#ere is een %om*etition and t#ere is a lon! and
esta,lis#ed relations#i* ,et(een and t#e im*orter+
T#is met#od of *a'ment finan%es a lar!e *ro*ortion of o&erseas trade+ T#ese ,ills
a%t as a ,rid!e ,et(een t#e e)*orter"s (illin!ness to *art (it# #is mone' $nless #e is *aid
for and im*orter"s $n(illin!ness to *art (it# #is mone' $nless #e is s$re of re%ei&in! t#e
!oods+ T#e %ommer%ial ,ans t#at deal in forei!n e)%#an!e *ro&ide a &ia media ,'
!i&in! t#e ne%essar' ass$ran%es to ,ot# t#e *arties+ Under t#is met#od of *a'ment t#e
e)*orter a!rees to s$,mit do%$ments to #is ,an alon! (it# t#e ,ill of e)%#an!e+ T#e
do%$ments in%l$de ,ill of ladin!. in&ol&e and a marine ins$ran%e *oli%'+
Under t#is met#od t#ere are t(o t'*es of *a'ments &i2/ Do%$ments a!ainst
*a'ment ?D0P@ and do%$ments a!ainst A%%e*tan%e ?D0A@+ Under D0P ,ills. t#e e)*orter"s
,an (ill send t#e do%$ments to its %orres*ondent ,an in t#e im*orter"s %o$ntr'. (#i%#
(ill *resent t#e do%$ments to t#e im*orter and as #im to *a' t#e mone' for t#e !oods
e)*orted+ On *a'ment of t#e ,ill of e)%#an!e t#e ,an (ill deli&er t#e do%$ments to t#e
im*orter so t#at #e %an tae *ossession of t#e !oods+ In %ase of D0A ,ills. t#e
%orres*ondent ,an (ill s$,mit t#e ,ill of e)%#an!e to ,e si!ned ,' t#e im*orter t
indi%ate #is a%%e*tan%e of t#e *a'ment o,li!ation+ After t#e im*orter a%%e*ts t#e ,ill #e
(ill !et *ossession of t#e do%$ments for tain! deli&er' of t#e !oods+ On t#e d$e date of
*a'ment. t#e ,an (ill a!ain *resent t#e ,ill to t#e im*orter (#o t#en maes t#e
*a'ment+ T#e mone' re%ei&ed is remitted t#ro$!# $s$al ,anin! %#annels to ,e %redited
to t#e e)*orter"s a%%o$nt+
A letter of %redit is a do%$ment %ontainin! t#e !$arantee of a ,an to #ono$r
drafts dra(n on it ,' an e)*orter. $nder %ertain %onditions and $* to %ertain amo$nts.
*ro&ided t#at t#e ,enefi%iar' f$lfils t#e sti*$lated %onditions ?Detailed e)*lanation for
letter of %redit (as !i&en se*aratel'@+
In t#is %ase. t#e e)*orter maes s#i*ment to t#e o&erseas %onsi!nee0a!ent. ,$t
retains t#e title to t#e !oods as also t#e ris attendant t#ereto; e&en t#o$!# t#e o&erseas
%onsi!nee (ill #a&e t#e *#'si%al *ossession of t#e !oods+ T#e *a'ment for t#e !oods
s#i**ed is made onl' (#en t#e a!ent $ltimatel' sells t#e !oods to ot#er *arties+ If t#e
a!ent fails to sell t#e !oods. #e ma' ret$rn t#e !oods at an' time (it#o$t an' lia,ilit' and
at t#e seller"s e)*ense+
A letter of %redit is a do%$ment %ontainin! t#e !$arantee of a ,an to #ono$r
drafts dra(n on it ,' an e)*orter. $nder %ertain %onditions and $* to %ertain amo$nts.
*ro&ided t#at t#e ,enefi%iar' f$lfils t#e sti*$lated %onditions+ T#e letter of %redit offers
ad&anta!es to ,ot# t#e seller and ,$'er+ As far as t#e seller is %on%erned. a letter of %redit
ens$res #im *a'ment for t#e !oods #e sells. *ro&ided. of %o$rse. t#at #e follo(s t#e
instr$%tions+ T#o$!# t#e ,$'er #as to #a&e t#e ,ot#eration of arran!in! for t#e letter of
%redit. it ma' ena,le #im to o,tain more li,eral dis%o$nts and a lo(er *ri%e from t#e
seller+ >$rt#er. t#e ,$'er is ass$red t#at t#e s#i*ment (ill ,e made ,' t#e date s*e%ified
in t#e letter of %redit. or else t#e %redit (ill e)*ire+
5+ T#e O*ener/ T#e o*ener is t#e ,$'er?im*orter@+ T#e letter of %redit is o*ened
at t#e initiati&e and re7$est of t#e ,$'er+
8+ T#e Iss$er/ T#e iss$er. also %alled t#e o*enin! or iss$in! ,an. is t#e ,an in
t#e im*orter"s %o$ntr' iss$in! t#e letter of %redit at t#e re7$est of t#e im*orter+
9+ T#e 6enefi%iar'/ T#e ,enefi%iar' is t#e *art' in (#ose fa&o$r t#e %redit is
iss$ed; t#at is t#e ,enefi%iar' is t#e seller or e)*orter+
F+ T#e %onfirmin! 6an/ T#e %onfirmin! ,an is a ,an in t#e e)*orter"s
%o$ntr'. (#i%# !$arantees t#e %redit at t#e re7$est of t#e iss$in! ,an+ T#e
%onfirmin! ,an $ndertaes all t#e o,li!ations of t#e iss$in! ,an as a
*rimar' *art' to t#e %redit. and e&en if t#e iss$in! ,an fails d$rin! t#e
%$rren%' of t#e %redit. t#e %onfirmin! ,an is o,li!ed to #ono$r its
G+ T#e Notif'in! 6an/ T#e notif'in! ,an is t#e ,an. (#i%#. at t#e re7$est of
t#e iss$in! ,an. notifies t#e ,enefi%iar' t#at t#e %redit #as ,een o*ened in #is
fa&o$r+ If t#e letter of %redit is %onfirmed. t#e %onfirmin! t#e ,an ad&ises t#e
,enefi%iar' a%%ordin!l'+
H+ T#e Pa'in! 6an/ T#e *a'in! ,an is t#e ,an on (#i%# t#e draft or ,ill of
t#e e)%#an!e is to ,e dra(n $nder t#e %ommer%ial %redit+ T#e *a'in! ,an
ma' ,e t#e iss$in! ,an. t#e %onfirmin! ,an or t#e notif'in! ,an+
I+ T#e Ne!otiatin! 6an/ T#e ne!otiatin! ,an is t#e ,an. (#i%# *a's or
a%%e*ts t#e drafts of t#e e)*orter+ If no *a'in! ,an is s*e%ified in t#e %redit.
t#e ,enefi%iar' ma' !o t#e an' ,an and *resent t#e draft and related
do%$ments $nder t#e %redit; and if t#e ,an a!rees to ne!otiate t#e do%$ments.
it ,e%omes t#e ne!otiatin! ,an+
5+ Clean =etter of Credit/ T#is ind of letter of %redit ma' ,e ne!otiated a!ainst a
%lean draft+ A %lean draft is a draft (it#o$t an' do%$ments atta%#ed to it+
8+ Do%$mentar' =etter of Credit/ Under t#is. t#e draft m$st ,e a%%om*anied ,' t#e
do%$ments s*e%ified in t#e letter of %redit+
9+ Assi!na,le Credit; Under t#is ind of =0C. t#e ,enefi%iar' ma' assi!n #is ri!#ts to
anot#er ,enefi%iar'. eit#er (it#in a stated *eriod or ,efore t#e e)*ir' date of t#e
F+ Non1Assi!na,le Credit/ As o**osed to t#e assi!na,le %redit. t#e named
,enefi%iar' of a non1assi!na,le =0C %annot transfer #is ri!#ts to anot#er *art'+
G+ Cas# %redit; $nder t#e %as# %redit. t#e e)*orter ma' dra( a si!#t draft on t#e
,an+ T#e !reat ad&anta!e of t#is t'*e of %redit. t#erefore. is t#at t#e ,enefi%iar'
(ill re%ei&e %as# for #is draft as soon as t#e !oods are read' for s#i*ment and t#e
rele&ant do%$ments in *ro*er order are re*resented to t#e ,an+
H+ A%%e*tan%e Credit/ Under t#is arran!ement. t#e ,an merel' "a%%e*ts" t#e drafts
dra(n ,' t#e e)*orter+ After t#e ,an #as a%%e*ted it. t#e draft ,e%omes a ,an
a%%e*tan%e. (#i%# ma' ,e readil' dis%o$nted or sold ,' t#e e)*orter to t#e
a%%e*tin! ,an. to ot#er ,ans or to e)%#an!e dealers+
I+ Re&o%a,le %redit/ T#e re&o%a,le letter of %redit ma' ,e re&oed or %an%elled at
an' time (it#o$t t#e %onsent of. and (it#o$t noti%e to. t#e ,enefi%iar'+ As t#e
re&o%a,le =0C does not ade7$atel' *rote%t t#e ,enefi%iar' on t#e ,asis of t#is t'*e
of =0C are not %ommon+
J+ Irre&o%a,le Credit/ An irre&o%a,le =0C is one. (#i%# %annot ,e re&oed. amended
or modified ,' t#e iss$in! ,an (it#o$t t#e e)*ress %onsent of all t#e *arties
K+ Confirmed Credit/ If a ,an in t#e ,enefi%iar' %o$ntr' %onfirms t#e =0C. it
,e%omes a %onfirmed %redit+ In t#is %ase. t#e ,an iss$in! t#e =0C sends it t#ro$!#
its ,ran%# or %orres*ondent ,an lo%ated in t#e ,enefi%iar'"s %o$ntr' (it# t#e
re7$est to add its %onfirmation to t#e %redit+
5L+ 6a%1to16a% Credit/ A ,a%1to ,a% %redit is essentiall' a se%ondar' %redit.
o*ened ,' a ,an on ,e#alf of t#e ,enefi%iar' of an ori!inal %redit. in fa&o$r of a
domesti% s$**lier+ T#e ori!inal %redit ,a%s anot#er %redit and fa%ilitates t#e
*$r%#ase of t#e !oods from a lo%al s$**lier ,' t#e ,enefi%iar' of t#e ori!inal =0C+
55+ Re&ol&in! Credit/ A re&ol&in! %redit is desi!ned to o,&iate t#e need for
esta,lis#in! ne( %redit for ea%# s#i*ment (#en t#e transa%tions are more or less
%ontin$o$s+ Under t#e re&ol&in! %redit. *ro&ision ma' ,e made for main!
a&aila,le t#e %redit a!ain as soon as t#e im*orter reim,$rses t#e iss$in! ,an (it#
t#e drafts alread' ne!otiated ,' t#e *a'in! ,an+
58+ Red Cla$se Credit/ T#e red %la$se =0C ena,les t#e ,enefi%iar' to dra( a
*redetermined &al$e of t#e =0C as its esta,lis#ed+ T#e red %la$se is an a$t#orit' to
t#e ne!otiatin! ,an to mae ad&an%es to t#e ,enefi%iar' for t#e *$r*ose of
*$r%#asin! t#e rele&ant mer%#andise+ T#e %onditions on (#i%# s$%# ad&an%es
ma' ,e made are in%or*orated in t#e =0C+
In =etter of %redit. normall' fo$r *arties are in&ol&ed. &i2. t#e a**li%ant for t#e
%redit ?im*orter@. t#e ,enefi%iar' of t#e %redit ?e)*orter@. t#e iss$in! ,an and t#e
ad&isin! ,an in%ase of $n%onfirmed %redit or t#e %onfirmin! ,an in %ase of %onfirmed
%redit+ T#e ste*1,'1ste* *ro%ed$re in&ol&ed %an ,e dis%$ssed ,' tain! an e)am*le+
M0S Rain,o( limited+ C#ennai #as se%$red a %ontra%t for t#e s$**l' of 8LL
%eilin! fans to a Ni!erian im*orter+ It #as ,een de%ided t#at t#e terms of *a'ment (ill ,e
a %onfirmed irre&o%a,le letter of %redit+ T#e total &al$e of t#e %ontra%t is Rs+8. LL.LLL+
On%e t#e %ontra%t is d$l' si!ned t#e Ni!erian ,an t#en sends instr$%tions to its
%orres*ondent ,an to t#e %redit and t#e ad&i%e t#e Rain,o( limited a%%ordin!l'+ On
re%ei*t of t#is ad&i%e from t#e lo%al %orres*ondent ,an in India. t#e Rain,o( limited+.
maes t#e s#i*ment of #e %lin! fns and !ets t#e s#i**in! do%$ments and ot#er related
do%$ments+ :e *resents t#ese to t#e %orres*ondent ,an. (#i%# s%r$tini2es t#e
do%$ments+ If t#ese are in f$ll %onformit' (it# t#e terms of t#e %redit. it (ill a%%e*t t#e
do%$ments and mae t#e *a'ment to t#e e)*orter+ T#e do%$ments are t#en for(arded to
t#e iss$in! ,an. (#i%# reim,$rses t#e amo$nt to t#e %orres*ondent ,an+ T#e iss$in!
,an in t$rn *resents t#e do%$ments to t#e im*orter and de,its #is a%%o$nt for t#e
%orres*ondin! amo$nt+
T#e ste*s in&ol&ed. t#erefore. relate to t#ree distin%t a%ti&ities. &i2+. o*enin! of
%redit. *resentation of do%$ments and t#e *ro%ess of *a'ment+ T#e entire s%#eme of
o*eration %an ,e easil' &is$ali2ed (it# referen%e to t#e >lo( %#art !i&en ,elo(+
T#e strai!#t lines s#o( t#e flo( of t#e %redit+ T#e das#ed lines s#o(s t#e flo( of
t#e do%$ments and t#e dotted lines s#o( t#e *ro%ess of *a'ment+
5+ P$r%#ase (it#o$t %as#/ T#e im*orter %an *$r%#ase !oods on %redit from forei!n
mer%#ants. (#o do not no( #im and ma' rel' $*on #is standin!. on t#e ,aner"s %redit
iss$in! t#e letter of %redit+
8+ Pa'ment after satisf'in! %onditions/ T#e im*orter is ass$red in %ase of do%$mentar'
letter of %redit t#at t#e e)*orter %annot o,tain an' ,enefit $nder t#e letter of %redit
(it#o$t a%t$all' s#i**in! t#e mer%#andise and #andin! o&er t#e do%$ments to t#e ,an+
9+ 6etter terms of trade/ T#e iss$in! ,aner lends t#e ad&anta!e of #is o(n %redit to t#e
im*orter. (#o is a,le to se%$re terms of trade from t#e forei!n s$**lier. (#i%# is
ot#er(ise not *ossi,le+
F+ Release a!ainst tr$st re%ei*t/ A#en ,ans are (illin! to ass$me %redit ris of t#e
im*orter. s#i**in! do%$ments are s$rrendered to #im in ret$rn for #is tr$st re%ei*t. and
t#e !oods released+
G+ Certaint' of Pa'ment/ T#o$!# t#e im*orter and t#e e)*orter are not no(n ea%# ot#er.
t#e letter of %redit *ro&ides an a,sol$te ass$ran%e t#at t#e ,ills of e)%#an!e dra(n $nder
t#e letter of %redit (ill ,e #ono$red+
H+Credit fa%ilities/ T#e e)*orter %an se%$re loans from #is ,an to ,$' or man$fa%t$re t#e
!oods to ,e s$**lied on t#e stren!t# of t#e letter of %redit+
I+ Dis%o$nt fa%ilities/ T#e ,ills of e)%#an!e dra(n $nder t#e letter of %redit are readil'
dis%o$nted (it# t#e ad&isin!0%onfirmin! ,aner or an' ot#er ,aner. ,e%a$se of t#e firm
$ndertain! !i&en ,' t#e o*enin! ,aner+
T#e !o&ernment of India #as esta,lis#ed a n$m,er of %ommodit' ,oards
to ,e res*onsi,le for t#e *rod$%tion. de&elo*ment and e)*ort of some %ommodities lie
tea. %offee. r$,,er. to,a%%o s*i%es et%+ T#ese ,oards are stat$tor' ,odies+
T#e Tea 6oards #ead offi%e is in Cal%$tta+ T#e f$n%tions of t#ese ,oards in%l$des
1 It loos after t#e *rod$%tion and maretin! of tea in India+
1 In order to in%rease t#e *rod$%tion. t#e Tea 6oard r$ns &ario$s de&elo*ment
s%#emes+ Some of t#em are 5+Tea *lantation finan%e s%#eme.
Ne( tea $nit finan%e s%#eme. Small !ro(ers de&elo*ment s%#eme.S*e%ial
area de&elo*ment s%#eme et%+
1 Pro&ide finan%ial assistan%e and !rants for tea resear%# instit$tes
1 Promote resear%# a%ti&ities on t#e allied s$,3e%ts lie *a%a!in! of tea+
1 T#e e)*ort *romotion a%ti&ities are $ndertaen to *o*$lari2e Indian tea and
%ons$mer le&el (it# s*e%ial *romotion *ro!ramme to *romote India teas in
&al$e added for lie *a%et tea. tea ,a!s and instant tea+
1 >or *romotion of tea as ,e&era!e t#e tea ,oard also *arti%i*ates in t#e !eneri%
*romotion *ro!ramme %ond$%ted ,' tea %o$n%il at U+K+. German'. US. and
Canada and is also mem,er of t#e International Tea %ommittee+
"OFFEE 'OARD: T#e f$n%tions of %offee ,oard in%l$des
1 T#e %offee ,oard *arti%i*ates in sele%ted international e)#i,itions and trade
fairs for #i!#li!#tin! t#e #i!# 7$alit' and e)%ellent fla&o$r of Indian %offee
for t#e a(areness of im*orters and roasters from different %o$ntries+
1 S*e%ial ad&ertisements on t#e e)%ellen%e of t#e Indian %offee (ere released in
im*ortant %offee trade 3o$rnals and ma!a2ines in %o$ntries. (#i%# #a&e
*otential marets for Indian %offee+
1 St$dies on diseases of %offee and t#eir %ontrol (ere %arried o$t+
1 >or im*ro&in! t#e *rod$%ti&it' and 7$alit' of %offee. %onta%t *ro!ramme (as
la$n%#ed in F re!ions %o&erin! a total n$m,er of 5L5J !ro(ers+
1 Kee*in! &ie( t#e *rod$%tion of 7$alit' %offee at estate le&el. trainin!
*ro!ramme (as %ond$%ted+
TO'A""O 'OARD:T#e follo(in! are t#e f$n%tions rendered ,' to,a%%o ,oard to
*romote e)*ort of to,a%%o/
1 Allo(in! e)*orts to %o$ntries fa%in! forei!n e)%#an!e %r$n%# on lon! term
%redit terms+
1 Allo(in! e)*orts of to,a%%o to R$ssia t#ro$!# de,t re*a'ment ro$te+
1 S*onsorin! dele!ations a,road and *arti%i*ation in international trade fairs+
1 Im*ro&in! 'ield and 7$alit' of to,a%%o t#ro$!# %ontrol of diseases in to,a%%o
n$rseries. ,alan%ed fertili2ation. *est and disease %ontrol+
1 Im*ro&ement of %$rin! and storin! fa%ilities ,' %onser&ation of ener!' ,'
roof ins$lation of to,a%%o ,arns. s$**l' of tar*a$lins and s$**l' of %oal for
1 Im*ro&in! to,a%%o !radin! t#ro$!# esta,lis#ment of %omm$nit' !radin!
T#e S*i%es 6oard #as n$m,er of s%#emes of assistan%e to s*i%e e)*orters s$%# as
6rand *romotion. =o!o Promotion. !rant of S*i%e :o$se %ertifi%ate et%+ T#e' are
e)*lained ,elo(/
6rand Promotion/ Under t#is s%#eme. interest free lon!1term loans $* to a
ma)im$m of GLO of t#e *romotion %ost for a *eriod of t#ree 'ears are *ro&ided to t#e
e)*orters of s*i%es in %ons$mer *a%s for *romotin! t#eir indi&id$al ,rands in o&erseas
=o!o Promotion/ In t#e e)*orts of s*i%es. 7$alit' is a e' element+ T#e s*i%es
,oard #as a s%#eme to *romote a -lo!o mar- as a mar of 7$alit' and Indian ness of
s*i%es+ T#e lo!o mar is a(arded to e)*orters of s*i%es in %ons$mer *a%s (#o f$lfill
%ertain sti*$lated %onditions of #'!iene0*ro%essin!0*a%a!in! and *rod$%t 7$alit'+ =o!o
is re!istered in si) %o$ntries and (o$ld ,e re!istered in anot#er 5F %o$ntries+
S*i%e :o$se Certifi%ate/ T#e 6oard #as introd$%ed a %on%e*t of "S*i%e :o$se" and
it is a(arded onl' to t#ose e)*orters (#o f$lfill t#e *res%ri,ed 7$alit' standards and #a&e
ne%essar' *ro%essin! infrastr$%t$re for *rod$%tion of %lean 7$alit' *ro%ess+ Certifi%ates
#a&e ,een a(arded to man' man$fa%t$rers0*ro%essors of s*i%es+
A*art from t#ose s%#emes. s*i%es ,oard #as ,een s$**lementin! a%ti&ities of
Ministr' of A!ri%$lt$re (it# a n$m,er of s%#emes t#at in%l$de/
5+ Prod$%tion and s$**l' of 7$alit' material and rooted %$ttin!;
5+ Re*lantation of old and diseased *lants;
8+ Pro&idin! assistan%e to mar!inal !ro(ers in non1traditional areas;
9+ Or!ani2in! trainin! *ro!rammes for !ro(ers for 7$alit' im*ro&ement and
*ost1#ar&est te%#ni7$es+
T#e ,asi% o,3e%ti&e of E)*ort Promotion Co$n%ils is to *romote and de&elo* t#e
e)*orts of t#e %o$ntr'+ Ea%# %o$n%il is res*onsi,le for t#e *romotion of a *arti%$lar !ro$*
of *rod$%ts. *ro3e%ts and ser&i%es+ T#ere are 8L EPCs and a n$m,er of s*e%ified
a!en%ies0,oards (#i%# s#all ,e re!arded as EPCs $nder t#e E)*ort and Im*ort Poli%'+
T#e' iss$e Re!istration %$m mem,ers#i* %ertifi%ate to e)*orters+
T#e main role of EPC is to *ro3e%t India"s ima!e a,road as a relia,le s$**lier of
#i!# 7$alit' !oods and ser&i%es+ T#e ma3or f$n%tions of t#e EPCs are as $nder/
8 To *ro&ide %ommer%iall' $sef$l information and assistan%e to t#eir mem,ers in
de&elo*in! and in%reasin! t#eir e)*orts+
8 To offer *rofessional ad&i%e to t#eir mem,ers in areas s$%# as te%#nolo!' $*
!radation. 7$alit' and desi!n im*ro&ement. standards and s*e%ifi%ations. *rod$%t
de&elo*ment. inno&ation et%+
8 To or!ani2e &isits of dele!ations of its mem,ers a,road to e)*lore o&erseas
maret o**ort$nities+
8 To or!ani2e *arti%i*ation in trade fairs. e)#i,ition and ,$'er seller meets in India
and a,road+
8 To *romote intera%tion ,et(een t#e e)*ortin! %omm$nit' and t#e Go&ernment
,ot# at t#e Central and State le&els+
8 To ,$ild a statisti%al ,ase and *ro&ide data on t#e e)*orts and im*orts of t#e
%o$ntr'. e)*orts and im*orts of t#eir mem,ers. as (ell as ot#er rele&ant
international trade data+
T#e E)*ort *romotion %o$n%ils are non1*rofit or!ani2ations re!istered $nder t#e
Com*anies A%t or t#e So%ieties Re!istration A%t. as t#e %ase ma' ,e+
T#e s%#eme of 5LL EOU"s (ere introd$%ed in 5KJL (it# a &ie( to !eneratin!
additional *rod$%tion %a*a%it' for e)*orts ,' *ro&idin! an a**ro*riate *oli%' frame
(or. fle)i,ilit' of o*erations and in%enti&es+ In order to ena,le t#em to o*erate
s$%%essf$ll' in t#e international maret s$%# $nits are allo(ed to im*ort ma%#iner'. ra(
material. %om*onents and %ons$ma,le at free of %$stom d$ties+ T#ese $nits #a&e to
o*erate $nder %$stom ,ond and a%#ie&e t#e le&el of &al$e addition fi)ed ,' t#e 6oard of
A**ro&al+ At *resent more t#an GLL $nits are in o*eration $nder t#e EOU s%#eme++
Some of t#e modifi%ations done to fa%ilitate t#e e)*ortin! $nits in t#e EOUs are as
8 Sim*lifi%ation of %$stoms0e)%ise *ro%ed$res
8 A$tomati% a**ro&al $nder %ertain %onditions to *ro*osal for settin! $* $nits+
8 =easin! of %a*ital !oods from domesti% %om*anies ,' EPNQEOU #as ,een
8 En%o$ra!ement of a!ro and ele%troni% $nits ,' *ro&idin! #i!#er domesti% a%%ess+
T#e follo(in! *ri&ile!es are en3o'ed ,' t#e E)*ort Oriented Units/
8 An EOU $nit ma' e)*ort all !oods and ser&i%es e)%e*t t#e items *ro#i,ited ,' t#e
e)im *oli%'+
8 An EOU $nit ma' im*ort (it#o$t *a'ment of d$t' for all t'*e of !oods. in%l$din!
%a*ital !oods re7$ired ,' it for its a%ti&ities *ro&ided t#e' are not *ro#i,ited items
of im*orts+
8 EOU $nits ma' im*ort0*ro%$re from Domesti% Tariff Area (it#o$t *a'ment of
8 Se%ond #and %a*ital !oods ma' also ,e im*orted d$t' free (it#o$t an' a!e limit+
8 EOU $nit s#all ,e *ositi&e net forei!n e)%#an!e earner+
Onl' *ro3e%t #a&in! an in&estment of Rs+5 %rore and a,o&e in ,$ildin!. *lant and
ma%#iner' s#all ,e %onsidered for esta,lis#ment $nder EOU s%#eme+ A**li%ation for
settin! $* of $nits $nder EOU s%#eme ma' ,e a**ro&ed ,' t#e $nits A**ro&als
Committee (it#in 5G da's+
T#e entire *rod$%tion of EOU $nits s#all ,e e)*orted s$,3e%t to t#e follo(in!/
8 Re3e%ts ma' ,e sold in t#e domesti% tariff area on *a'ment of d$ties on *rior
intimation to t#e %$stoms a$t#orities+
8 S%ra*0(aste arisin! o$t of *rod$%tion *ro%ess or in %onne%tion t#ere(it# ma'
,e sold in t#e domesti% tariff area on *a'ment of d$ties (it#in t#e o&erall
%eilin! of GLO >O6 &al$e of e)*orts+
8 6' *rod$%ts ma' also ,e sold in t#e domesti% tariff are s$,3e%t to a%#ie&ement
of *ositi&e net forei!n e)%#an!e on *a'ment of a**li%a,le d$ties (it#in t#e
o&erall entitlement+
Under t#e >orei!n Trade ?De&elo*ment and Re!$lation@ A%t. 5KK8 t#e Central
Go&ernment #as notified t#e E)*ort and Im*ort Poli%' for t#e *eriod 8LL818LLI (#i%#
%ame into for%e (it# effe%t from 5st A*ril 8LL8 and s#all remain in for%e $* to 95st Mar%#
8LLI+ T#e follo(in! are t#e salient feat$res of t#e *oli%' as amended $* to 95st Mar%#
T#e *rin%i*les o,3e%ti&es of t#is *oli%' are/
8 To fa%ilitate s$stained !ro(t# in e)*orts to attain a s#are of at least 5O of !lo,al
mer%#andise trade+
8 To stim$late s$stained e%onomi% !ro(t# of *ro&idin! a%%ess to essential ra(
materials. intermediates. %om*onents. %ons$ma,les and %a*ital !oods re7$ired for
a$!mentin! *rod$%tion and *ro&idin! ser&i%es+
8 To en#an%e t#e te%#nolo!i%al stren!t# and effi%ien%' of Indian a!ri%$lt$re.
ind$str' and ser&i%es. t#ere,' im*ro&in! t#eir %om*etiti&e stren!t# (#ile
!eneratin! ne( em*lo'ment o**ort$nities. and to en%o$ra!e t#e attainment of
internationall' a%%e*ted standards of 7$alit'+
8 To *ro&ide %ons$mers (it# !ood 7$alit' !oods and ser&i%es at internationall'
%om*etiti&e *ri%es (#ile at t#e same time %reatin! a le&el *la'in! field for t#e
domesti% *rod$%ers+
a@ E)*orts and Im*orts s#all ,e free e)%e*t in %ases (#ere t#e' are re!$lated ,'
*ro&isions of t#is *oli%' or an' ot#er la(+ T#e item (ise e)*ort and im*ort *oli%'
s#all ,e. as s*e%ified in ITC. *$,lis#ed and notified ,' DG>T+
,@ An' *erson (it#o$t an im*orter1e)*orter %ode n$m,er s#all mae no e)*ort or
im*ort $nless s*e%ifi%all' e)em*ted+ T#is n$m,er s#all ,e iss$ed ,' DG>T+
%@ T#e *ro&isions !i&en in :and,oo s#all !o&ern im*ort of sam*les+
d@ Im*ort of !ifts s#all ,e *ermitted (#ere s$%# !oods are ot#er(ise freel'
im*orta,le $nder t#is *oli%'+
e@ E)*ort of sam*les and >ree of %#ar!e !oods s#all ,e !o&erned ,' t#e *ro&isions
!i&en in t#e :and 6oo+
f@ All e)*ort %ontra%ts %$rren%' and in&oi%es s#all ,e denominated in freel'
%on&erti,le %$rren%' or Indian R$*ees ,$t t#e e)*ort *ro%eeds s#all ,e reali2ed in
freel' %on&erti,le %$rren%'+
!@ Goods in%l$din! edi,le items of &al$e not e)%eedin! Rs+5.LL.LLL01 in a li%ensin!
'ear. ma' ,e e)*orted as a !ift+
#@ Goods im*orted ma' ,e e)*orted in t#e same or s$,stantiall' t#e same form
(it#o$t a li%ense0%ertifi%ate0*ermission *ro&ided t#at t#e item to ,e im*orted or
e)*orted is not mentioned as restri%ted for Im*ort or E)*ort in t#e ITC+
i@ A li%ense s#all %ontain s$%# terms and %onditions as ma' ,e s*e%ified ,' t#e
li%ensin! a$t#orit' ma' in%l$de t#e 7$antit'. des%ri*tion and &al$e of !oods.
a%t$al $ser. t#e &al$e of addition to ,e a%#ie&ed if an'+
3@ E&er' li%ense s#all ,e &alid for t#e *eriod of &alidit' s*e%ified in t#e li%ense+
5+Central Assistan%e to States/
State !o&ernments s#all ,e en%o$ra!ed to f$ll' *arti%i*ate in en%o$ra!in! e)*orts from
t#eir res*e%ti&e states+ >or t#is *$r*ose. s$ita,le *ro&isions s#all ,e made in t#e Ann$al
Plan of t#e De*artment of %ommer%e for allo%ation of f$nds to t#e states on t#e t(in
%riteria of !ross e)*orts and t#e rate of !ro(t# of e)*orts from different states+ T#e states
s#all $tili2e t#is amo$nt for de&elo*in! %om*lementar' and %riti%al infrastr$%t$re s$%# as
rods %onne%tin! *rod$%tion %enters and %reation of ne( state le&el e%onomi% *ro%essin!
2ones. ind$strial *ars et%+
8+Maret A%%ess Initiati&e/
>inan%ial assistan%e s#all ,e a&aila,le $nder t#is s%#eme to t#e E%onomi% Pro%essin!
Nones. ind$str' and trade asso%iations et%+. on t#e ,asis of t#e %om*etiti&e merits of
*ro*osal re%ei&ed in t#is re!ard for maretin! st$dies on %o$ntr' *rod$%t fo%$s a**roa%#
,asis. *arti%i*ation in international trade fairs. seminars. ,$'er1seller meet et%+
9+To(ns of E)*ort E)%ellen%e/
T#e ind$strial %l$ster to(ns t#at e)*ort s$,stantial *ortion of t#eir *rod$%ts. (#i%# are
(orld %lass. s#o$ld ,e !ranted re%o!nition (it# a &ie( to ma)imi2e t#eir e)*ort *rofile+
T#e %ommon ser&i%e *ro&iders in t#ese to(ns s#o$ld ,e entitled for fa%ilit' $nder
different s%#emes offered ,' t#e Go&t+ for e)*ort *romotion+ Sele%ted to(ns *rod$%in!
!oods of Rs+5LLL %rores or more (ill ,e notified as To(ns of E)*ort E)%ellen%e on t#e
,asis of Potential for !ro(t# in e)*orts+
F+S*e%ial >o%$s on Cotta!e and :andi%raft se%tor/
T#e small1s%ale se%tor alon! (it# t#e %otta!e and :andi%raft se%tor #as ,een
%ontri,$tin! to more t#an #alf of t#e total e)*orts of t#e %o$ntr'+ T#e %otta!e and
#andi%raft se%tor. (#i%# mostl' em*lo's artisan and r$ral *eo*le. %ontri,$tes
si!nifi%antl' to t#is effort+ In re%o!nition of t#e e)*ort *erforman%e of t#is se%tor and to
f$rt#er in%rease its %om*etiti&eness. t#e follo(in! fa%ilities s#all ,e e)tended to t#is
8 T#e $nits s#all ,e eli!i,le for f$nds from Maret A%%ess Imitati&e s%#eme+
8 Under EPCG s%#eme. t#ese $nits (ill not ,e re7$ired to maintain a&era!e le&el of
8 T#e $nits s#all ,e entitled to t#e ,enefit of e)*ort #o$se stat$s on a%#ie&in! lo(er
total e)*ort0deemed e)*ort *erforman%e of Rs+5G %rores d$rin! t#e *re%edin!
t#ree li%ensin! 'ears+
8 T#e' are also entitled to d$t' free im*orts of s*e%ified items $*to 9O of >O6
&al$e of t#eir e)*orts+
G+A!ri E)*ort Nones/
T#e ser&i%es. rendered to A!ri E)*ort Nones (#i%# (o$ld ,e mana!ed and
%oordinated ,' state !o&ernment (o$ld in%l$de *ro&ision of *re0*ost #ar&est treatment
and o*erations *lant *rote%tion. *ro%essin!.+ Pa%in!. stora!e and related R & D et%+
Units A!ri e)*ort 2ones (o$ld ,e entitled for all t#e fa%ilities a&aila,le for e)*orts of
!oods in terms of *ro&isions of t#e res*e%ti&e s%#emes+
H+6rand Promotion and <$alit'/
T#e %entral !o&ernment (ill e)tend s$**ort and assistan%e to trade and ind$str' to
la$n%# a nation(ide *ro!ramme on 7$alit' a(areness and to *romote t#e %on%e*t of total
7$alit' mana!ement+ T#e Re!ional S$,1Committee on 7$alit' %om*laints s#all
in&esti!ate 7$alit' %om*laints re%ei&ed from forei!n ,$'ers+
I+Stat$s Certifi%ate/
Mer%#ant as (ell as man$fa%t$rer e)*orters. ser&i%e *ro&iders. E)*ort Oriented Units
s#all ,e eli!i,le for s$%# re%o!nition+ T#e stat$s #olders s#all ,e eli!i,le for t#e
follo(in! ne(Qs*e%ial fa%ilities/
8 =i%ense0%ertifi%ate0Permissions and %$stoms %learan%es for ,ot# im*orts and
e)*orts on self1de%laration ,asis+
8 >i)ation of in*$t1o$t*$t norms on *riorit'. (it#in HL da's+
8 E)em*tion from %om*$lsor' ne!otiation of do%$ments t#ro$!# ,ans+ T#e
remittan%e. #o(e&er. (o$ld %ontin$e to ,e re%ei&ed t#ro$!# ,anin! %#annels+
8 En#an%ement in normal re*atriation *eriod from 5JL da's to 9HL da's+
8 D$t' free im*ort entitlement for stat$s s$,3e%t to some %onditions+
Alls stat$s %ertifi%ates s#all ,e &alid from L51LF18LL8 to 951L918LLI+
J+Ser&i%e E)*orts/
T#e Ser&i%e *ro&iders s#all ,e entitled for all t#e fa%ilities mentioned in t#e *oli%'+
K+Ele%troni% Data Inter%#an!e/
A**li%ations re%ei&ed ele%troni%all' s#all ,e %leared (it#in 8F #o$rs+
A*art from t#e a,o&e *ro&isions. ,enefits and fa%ilities t#e ne( E)*ort and
Im*ort Poli%' s#o(ed its em*#asis t#ro$!# t#e follo(in! s%#emes/
8 D$t' E)em*tion S%#eme
8 D$t' Remission S%#eme
8 D$t' Entitlement Pass 6oo S%#eme
8 E)*ort Promotion Ca*ital Goods S%#eme
In s#ort. t#e EXIM *oli%' sin%e 5KK8 a%no(led!es t#at t#e trade %an flo$ris# in
a re!ime of s$,stantial freedom+ It also re%o!ninses t#e need for reasona,le sta,ilit' of
t#e *oli%'. ,' main! t#e d$ration of t#e *oli%' G 'ears+ T#e im*li%ation of t#e ne(
*oli%' is t#at s$r&i&al of a firm (ill de*end on its %om*etiti&eness in t#e !lo,alisin!
en&ironment and t#e %om*etiti&e firms (ill #a&e *lentif$l o**ort$nities+ Indian firms (ill
#a&e to !ear $* t#emsel&es to s$r&i&e and to ,e%ome s$%%essf$l in t#e emer!in!
,orderless (orld+
T#e im*ortin! %o$ntr' *a's mone' to t#e e)*ortin! %o$ntr' in ret$rn of !oods
eit#er in its domesti% %$rren%' or t#e #ard %$rren%'+ T#is %$rren%' (#i%# fa%ilitates t#e
*a'ment to %om*lete t#e transa%tion is %alled forei!n e)%#an!e+ T#is forei!n e)%#an!e is
t#e mone' in one %o$ntr' for mone' or %redit or !oods or ser&i%es in anot#er %o$ntr'+
>orei!n e)%#an!e in%l$des forei!n %$rren%'. %#e7$es and forei!n drafts+ S
>orei!n e)%#an!e is ,o$!#t and sold in forei!n e)%#an!e marets+ T#e
%om*onents of forei!n e)%#an!e maret rate in%l$de/ t#e ,$'ers. t#e sellers and t#e
intermediaries+ T#e maret intermediaries of forei!n e)%#an!e maret in%l$de E)%#an!e
,ans dealin! in forei!n e)%#an!e. ,ill ,roers. a%%e*tan%e #o$ses and Central 6an of
t#e %o$ntr'+
E&c(ange rate /eter!ination:
T#e transa%tions in t#e forei!n e)%#an!e maret. &i2+. ,$'in! and sellin! forei!n
%$rren%' tae at a rate (#i%# is %alled e)%#an!e rate+ E)%#an!e rate is t#e *ri%e *aid in
t#e #ome %$rren%' for a $nit of forei!n %$rren%'+ T#e e)%#an!e rate %an ,e 7$oted in t(o
(a's namel'
8 One $nit of forei!n mone' to a n$m,er of $nits of domesti% %$rren%'+
8 A %ertain n$m,er of $nits of forei!n %$rren%' to one $nit of domesti% %o$ntr'+
>or e)am*le. 5 UST U Rs+FJ or Rs+ 5 U UST L+L8
E)%#an!e rate in a free maret is determined ,' t#e demand and t#e s$**l' of e)%#an!e
of a *arti%$lar %o$ntr'+ T#e e7$ili,ri$m e)%#an!e rate is t#e rate at (#i%# demand for
forei!n e)%#an!e and t#e s$**l' of forei!n e)%#an!e are e7$al+ E7$ili,ri$m e)%#an!e
rate %an ,e determined ,' t(o met#ods/
8 T#e E)%#an!e rate ,et(een US dollars and Indian R$*ees %an ,e determined ,'
demand for and s$**l' of US dollars in India or ,' Indians+ T#e *ri%e of US T is
fi)ed in Indian R$*ees+
8 T#e e)%#an!e rate ,et(een Indian R$*ees and US T dollars %an also ,e
determined ,' demand for and s$**l' of Indian R$*ees ,' Ameri%ans or in USA+
T#e *ri%e of Indian R$*ee is determined in US dollars+ 6$t t#e *ri%es are same in
,ot# t#ese met#ods+
De!an/ for Foreign E&c(ange: T#e demand for forei!n e)%#an!e is determined ,' t#e
8 Im*ort of !oods and ser&i%es
8 In&estment in forei!n %o$ntries i+e+ esta,lis#ment of an ind$str' ,' Indians in
8 Ot#er *a'ments in&ol&ed in international transa%tions lie *a'ments of Indian
Go&ernment to &ario$s forei!n !o&ernments for settlement of t#eir transa%tions+
8 Ot#er t'*es of forei!n %a*ital lie !i&in! donations et%+
S)ppl3 of Foreign E&c(ange: S$**l' of >orei!n E)%#an!e of a *arti%$lar %o$ntr'
indi%ates t#e a&aila,ilit' of forei!n %$rren%' of a *arti%$lar %o$ntr' to t#e %o$ntr'
%on%erned ?i+e+ India@ in its forei!n e)%#an!e maret+ T#e s$**l' of forei!n e)%#an!e
8 Co$ntr'4s e)*orts of !oods and ser&i%es to forei!n %o$ntries+
8 Inflo( of forei!n %a*ital
8 Pa'ments made ,' t#e forei!n !o&ernments to Indian !o&ernments
for settlin! t#eir transa%tions+
8 Ot#er t'*es of inflo( of forei!n %a*ital lie remittan%es ,' t#e
Non1Resident Indians. donations re%ei&ed et%+
Fi&e/ E&c(ange Rates:
Under t#is s'stem. t#e !o&ernments $sed to fi) t#e e)%#an!e rate and t#e %entral ,an to
o*erate it ,' %reatin! Ve)%#an!e esta,lis#ment f$nd4+ T#e %entral ,an of %o$ntr'
*$r%#ases t#e forei!n %$rren%' (#en t#e e)%#an!e rate falls and sells t#e forei!n
e)%#an!e (#en t#e e)%#an!e rate in%reases+ T#e %o$ntries follo( fi)ed e)%#an!e rates
d$e to its ad&anta!es+ T#e' are/
>i)ed e)%#an!e rates ens$re %ertaint' and %onfiden%e and t#ere,' *romoters
international ,$siness+
>i)ed e)%#an!e rates *romote lon!1term in&estments ,' &ario$s a%ross t#e !lo,e+
Most of t#e (orld %$rren%' lie US dollar areas and sterlin! *o$nd areas *refer
fi)ed e)%#an!e rates+
>i)ed e)%#an!e rates res$lt in e%onomi% sta,ili2ation+
>i)ed e)%#an!e rates sta,iles international ,$siness and a&oid forei!n e)%#an!e
riss to a !reater e)tent+ As s$%# t#e small ,$t international ,$siness oriented
%o$ntries lie UK and Demar *refer fi)ed e)%#an!e rate s'stem+
Des*ite t#ese ad&anta!es. most of t#e (orld %o$ntries at *resent are not in fa&o$r of t#is
s'stem ,e%a$se of t#e follo(in! reasons;
8 D$e to *ro,lems (it# t#e fi)ed e)%#an!e rate s'stem. IM> *ermits
o%%asional %#an!es in t#e s'stem+ T#e s'stem is %#an!ed into mana!ed
fle)i,ilit' s'stem+ T#e mana!ed fle)i,ilit' s'stem needs lar!e forei!n
e)%#an!e reser&es to ,$' or sell forei!n e)%#an!e in order to mana!e t#e
e)%#an!e rate+ Maintenan%e of !reater reser&es a!!ra&ate t#e *ro,lem of
international li7$idit'+ >i)ed
e)%#an!e rates s'stem ma' res$lt in a lar!e s%ale desta,ili2in! s*e%$lation
in forei!n e)%#an!e marets+
8 =on!1term forei!n %a*ital ma' not ,e attra%ted as t#e e)%#an!e rates are
not *e!!ed *ermanentl'+
8 T#e e%onomi% *oli%ies and forei!n e)%#an!e *oli%ies of t#e %o$ntries are
rarel' %oordinated+ In s$%# %ase. t#e e)%#an!e rate s'stem does not (or+
8 Most of t#e e%onomies in re%ent 'ears are li,erali2ed and !lo,ali2e+ T#ese
e%onomies *refer fle)i,le e)%#an!e rate s'stem+
8 Defi%it of ,alan%e of *a'ments of most of t#e %o$ntries in%reases $nder
fi)ed e)%#an!e rate s'stem as t#e elasti%ities in international marets are
too lo( for e)%#an!e rate e)%#an!es+
Fle&i-le E&c(ange Rates:
>le)i,le e)%#an!e rates are also %alled floatin! or fl$%t$atin! e)%#an!e rates+
>le)i,le e)%#an!e rates are determined ,' maret for%es lie demand for and s$**l' of
forei!n e)%#an!e+ Eit#er t#e !o&ernment or monetar' a$t#orities do not interfere or
inter&ene in t#e *ro%ess of e)%#an!e rate determination+ Under t#is s'stem. if t#e s$**l'
of forei!n e)%#an!e is more t#an t#at of demand for t#e same. t#e e)%#an!e rate is
determined at a lo( rate and &i%e &ersa+ Most of t#e %o$ntries in re%ent times are in
fa&o$r of fle)i,le e)%#an!e rates d$e to t#eir ad&anta!es+
8 T#is s'stem is sim*le to o*erate+ T#is s'stem does not res$lt in defi%it or s$r*l$s
of forei!n e)%#an!e+ T#e e)%#an!e rate mo&es a$tomati%all' and freel'+
8 T#e ad3$stment of e)%#an!e rate $nder t#is s'stem is a %ontin$o$s *ro%ess+
8 T#e s'stem #el*s for t#e *romotion of forei!n trade+
8 Sta,ilit' in e)%#an!e rate in t#e lon!1r$n is not *ossi,le e&en in fi)ed e)%#an!e
rate s'stem+ :en%e. t#is s'stem *ro&ides t#e same ,enefit lie fi)ed e)%#an!e
rate s'stem for lon! term in&estments+
8 T#is s'stem *ermits t#e e)isten%e of free trade and %on&erti,le %$rren%ies on a
%ontin$o$s ,asis+
8 T#is s'stem also %onfers more inde*enden%e on t#e !o&ernment re!ardin! t#eir
domesti% *oli%ies+
8 T#is s'stem eliminates t#e e)*endit$re of maintenan%e of offi%ial forei!n
e)%#an!e reser&es and o*eration of t#e fi)ed e)%#an!e rate s'stem+
:o(e&er t#is s'stem is also not free from t#e disad&anta!es+ T#e disad&anta!es of t#is
s'stem in%l$de/
8 Maret me%#anism ma' fail to ,rin! a,o$t an a**ro*riate e)%#an!e rate+ T#e
e7$ili,ri$m e)%#an!e rate ma' fail to !i&e %orre%t si!nals to %orre%t t#e ,alan%e of
*a'ments *osition+
8 It is rat#er diffi%$lt to define fle)i,le e)%#an!e rate+
8 Under fle)i,le e)%#an!e rate s'stem. t#e e)%#an!e rate %#an!es 7$ite fre7$entl'+
T#ese fre7$ent %#an!es res$lt in e)%#an!e riss. ,reed $n%ertaint' and im*ede
international trade and %a*ital mo&ements+
8 Under fle)i,le rate s'stem. s*e%$lation ad&ersel' infl$en%es fl$%t$ations in s$**l'
and demand for forei!n e)%#an!e+
8 Under t#is s'stem a red$%tion in e)%#an!e rates leads to a &i%io$s %ir%le of
Des*ite t#e ad&anta!es of fi)ed e)%#an!e rate and t#e disad&anta!es of floatin! e)%#an!e
rate s'stem. it is &ie(ed t#at t#e fle)i,le rate s'stem is s$ita,le for t#e !lo,ali2ation
*ro%ess+ In addition. t#e %on&ert a,ilit' also #el*s t#e floatin! rate s'stem and t#e
!lo,ali2ation of forei!n e)%#an!e *ro%ess+
5+ Narrate t#e s%o*e of International Maretin!+
8+ Define International Maretin!+ :o( domesti% maretin! does differs
from international maretin!E
9+ A#at are t#e ad&anta!es t#at a firm %an deri&e ,' !oin! into
?Ans/ moti&ation for e)*orts and ad&anta!es of !lo,ali2ation@
F+ A#' t#e tas of international maretin! is is more diffi%$lt t#an t#at
of domesti% maretin!E ?Ans/ Diffi%$lties of international maretin!@
G+ :o( do %ontrolla,le and $n%ontrolla,le fa%tors affe%t t#e en&ironment
of international maretin!E
H+ E)*lain t#e %on%e*t of Glo,ali2ation+
I+ Arite a note on Pros and Cons of Glo,ali2ation+
5+ A#' more and more Indian man$fa%t$rers tain! re%o$rse to dire%t
?Ad&anta!es of dire%t e)*ortin! and limitations of indire%t maretin!@
8+ Dis%$ss t#e %riteria in&ol&ed in International Maretin! in res*e%t of
Sele%tion de%ision+
9+ Gi&e a %riti%al e&al$ation of &ario$s strate!' alternati&es for sele%tion
and entr' in
t#e international maretin!+
F+ =ist t#e im*ortan%e of 0$ses of0need for international Maretin!
G+ A#at are t#e &ario$s as*e%ts of International Maretin! Resear%#+
H+ A#at is meant ,' %om*etiti&e intelli!en%eE :o( do firms a%7$ire itE
I+ A#at are t#e different met#ods of *rote%tion made o$r !o&ernment for
t#e sae of domesti% mer%#antsE ?tariffs. s$,sidies and 7$otas@
J+ 6rin! o$t t#e im*a%t of Tariffs & <$otas+
K+ =ist o$t t#e standard %la$ses of International Sales Contra%t+
5L+ Arite a e)*lanator' not on trade ,arriers+
5+ A#at do 'o$ mean ,' %o$nter tradeE Is it ad&anta!eo$sE
8+ Arite a note on (orld trade ser&i%es+
9+ =ist o$t t#e f$n%tions of GATT+ A#at are its ,asi% *rin%i*lesE
F+ :o( (o$ld GATT a!reements #el* in red$%in! trade ,arriersE
G+ A#at are t#e different forms of %o$nter tradeE
H+ :o( ATO differ from GATTE
I+ E&al$ate t#e instit$tional and infrastr$%t$re fa%ilities a&aila,le for
e)*ort *romotion in India+
J+ Des%ri,e ,riefl' t#e &ario$s meas$res taen ,' Go&ernment of India
to #el* Indian E)*orters+?e)*ort assistan%e and e)*ort *romotion
K+ Criti%all' e)amine t#e %ontri,$tions ,' t#e %ommer%ial ,ans in
E)*ort *romotional efforts in India+?*ost s#i*ment %redit and *re
s#i*ment %redit@+
5L+ Mae a %riti%al a**raisal of (orin! of t#e E)*ort Credit and
G$arantee Cor*oration+
55+ Dis%$ss t#e role of EXIM ,an in International Trade %onte)t+
58+ Arite a note 5LLO E)*ort Oriented Units ?EOU@ and its o,li!ations+
59+ E)*lain t#e role of >TN+
5+ Des%ri,e t#e sta!es of *ro%essin! an e)*ort order+
8+ 6riefl' dis%$ss t#e f$n%tions of %ommodit' ,oards+
9+ Arite s#ort notes on
E)*ort ,' Air
E)*ort ,' sea
F+ A#at are t#e ad&anta!es of e)*ort of !oods ,' airE
G+ Present a detailed a%%o$nt of t#e *ro%ed$re for e)*ort of !oods+
H+ E)*lain t#e si!nifi%an%e of do%$ments $sed in e)*ort trade related to
s#i*ment of !oods and *a'ment+
I+ A#at are t#e ma%#ineries a&aila,le for 7$alit' %ontrol and ins*e%tionE
J+ A#at are t#e riss t#at are %o&ered $nder marine ins$ran%eE E)*lain
t#e *ro%ed$re and do%$ments $sed (#en t#e loss o%%$r
K+ E)*lain t#e f$ndamental *rin%i*les of marine ins$ran%e and dis%$ss
t#e e)tent of %o&era!e a&aila,le $nder different forms of marine
5+ E)*lain #o( *a'ments are settled in International Trade+
8+ A#at are t#e $ses of =etter of CreditE 6riefl' e)*lain t#e &ario$s
t'*es of =etter of Credit+
9+ State t#e ste*s in&ol&ed in t#e o*eration of =etter of Credit+
F+ E)amine t#e salient feat$res of India4s latest EXIM Poli%'+
G+ :o( t#e forei!n e)%#an!e rate (ill ,e determinedE
H+ Dis%$ss t#e ad&anta!es and disad&anta!es of different e)%#an!e rate
1. Trace the recent trends in Indian foreign trade.
2. Present an overview of Indias latest Export -Import
3. Explain the main featres of India!s foreign trade"
#. $rite short note on I%&.
'. (tate in yor opinion reasons for slggishness in
Indias &oreign Trade"
). $hat are varios assistance availa*le to Indian
+. $hat are the ma,or Exports of India"
-. Explain the advantages of .egional Economic gropings"
/. Explain the salient featres of the E0I% policy of or
contry 1ive sggestions to frther improve the
competitiveness of Indian Exports"
12.Examine the extent to which the direct Export
s*sidies have helped the Indian Exporters.what other
methods cold prove effective in encoraging more
11.3ritically examine the Indias export performance
.4escri*e the cases for the existing sitation and
give sggestions to improvement.
12.5ssess the impact of recent li*eralisation measres on
India!s International mar6eting"
13.&ormlate a stategy to increase exports of India!s ((I
1#.78ality improvements are essential to *oost
exports7.4iscss the validity of the statement in the
Indian context"
1'.Explain the role of export s*sidies in promoting
exports.$hat other methods do yo sggest"
1).9ow does International Trade contri*te to the
contries economy"
1+.$rite a detailed note on Pro,ect exports of India"
1-.$hat are the varios export incentives provided *y
1ovt.of India to *oost Exports"
1/.$hat are the main isses that shold *e considered
while framing the mltinational mar6eting plan.
22.Examine the extent to which the direct export s*sides
have helped the Indian exporters.$hat other methods
cold prove effective in encoraging more exports"
21.&ormlate a strategy to increase exports of India!s
small scale indstry sector.
22.7 8ality improvements are essential to *oost
exports7.4iscss the validity of the statement in the
Indian context.
23.5s a mar6eting manager :how will yo go a*ot the
pro*lems of finding overseas mar6et for a prodct of
yor choice.
2#.$hat do yo mean *y !%ar6eting mix :in the context of
International Trade"
2'.4istingish *etween !des6 research and field
2).;riefly descri*e the recent experience of <on tariff
2+.$hat are the different mar6et entry strategies
availa*le to %<3 to expand their international trade "
2-.4iscss the isse !standardisation =s localisation in
international mar6eting.
2/.>nder &?;contract :what are the dties of the exporter
and importer "
32.$hat do yo nderstand *y %edical Transcription
";riefly otline how it helps india in service
31.$hat are the ma,or export items of India " $ho are the
ma,or competitiors of these items "4iscss.

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