Agnes Musa

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Agnes Frias Musa

____________________________________________ ______________________
146 Pancho Villa St., Corazon De Jesus, San Juan City
Cel no:0928822698
!"ail: a#nes$""
&o o'tain a (osition )herein * )ill a((ly "y s+ills an, enthusias" in 'usiness an,
"eet the nee,s o- a (ro#ressi.e co"(any.
Educational Attainment:
&ertiary : Polytechnic University of the Philippines - San Juan ampus
/achelor o- Science in 0otel an, 1estaurant 2ana#e"ent
2008 to 2012
Employment !istory:
"ourdo#s $nc%
3ssistant Store Su(er.isor
3u#ust 2012 to January 2014
"loria &aris 'estaurant
4reenhills , San Juan City
5oo, 3tten,ant
(ur)oo: American (ar and 'estaurant
6nit 1 7e.el 2 Pro"ena,e 2all, 4reenhills Sho((in# Center
8itchen Sta--: 9n:the:Jo' &rainin#
9cto'er 2;, 2009 to January 10, 2010
$mperial Palace Suites
&i"o# 3.enue Corner &o"as 2orato, <uezon City
8itchen Sta--: 9n:the:Jo' &rainin#
January 1, 2012 to 2arch 6, 2012
Seminars Attended:
=(ed (ar Orientation* (ed (ar +ocus* ustomer Service and Salesmanship,
/roa,)al+ 1, 5unte Circle !ast)oo, City
January 1, 2009
-Seminar on (evera)e: offee and .ine,
-loor, 2anila 1oo", P6P 0as"in 0ostel Sta. 2esa, 2anila
3u#ust 18, 2009
-(ar E/posure Pro)ram,
&.4.* 5ri,ay>s &o"as 2orato
Se(te"'er 11, 2010
-!otel Seminars, 0+ront Office* +ood 1 (evera)e and !ouse2eepin)3
Cro)n 1e#ency 0otel ?2actan Ce'u@
2arch 4, 2011
Achievements* A4ards and Affiliation:
5ean#s 6ister
Se"ester 2009 A 2010
June 22, 2010 A P6P San Juan Ca"(us
Place* hef .ars
-loor, 2anila 1oo", P6P 0as"in 0ostel Sta. 2esa, 2anila
0os(itality 2ana#e"ent Society
SB 2011:2012
ulinary E/cellence A4ard
P6P, San Juan Ca"(us
3(ril 2;, 2012
8ational ertificate $$
5oo, an, /e.era#e Ser.ices
3(ril 18, 2012
Personal $nformation:
3#e : 2 years ol,
4en,er : 5e"ale
Citizenshi( : 5ili(ino
Date o- 'irth : January 04, 1991
Place o- 'irth : San Juan City
2arital Status : Sin#le
5aryl Ace ornell
Pro-essor, P6P 0as"in 0ostel Sta. 2esa 2anila
Contact no.: 09228862;1
!aydn alabi)
Pro-essor, P6P 0as"in 0ostel Sta. 2esa 2anila
Contact no.: 09228292;1
+loyd (% abacun)an
Cler+, Philrice.
Contact no.: 0942C49C404
=* certi-y that all state"ent "a,e 'y "e in this resu"e are true an, correct to the 'est o- "y 'elie-
an, +no)le,#e.D
A)nes +rias &usa

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