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As our knowledge of surgical and diagnostic techniques has increased with tie! so has the
success rate of organ trans"lants. #owe$er! the nu%er of "atients who require organ trans"lants
e&ceeds the nu%er of organs a$aila%le! "articularl' if the "atient has a rare %lood t'"e(1) or
%elongs to an ethnic inorit' where organ donations are e$en lower than noral(*). +or e&a"le!
although %lack "eo"le are three ties ore likel' than the general "o"ulation to de$elo" kidne'
failure! and the Asian counit' has a "articularl' high deand for organs! organ donation
within these grou"s is relati$el' low. ,t is i"ortant for the donor and reci"ient to ha$e the sae
%lood t'"e and siilar genetic ake-u" in order to inii.e the change of the recei$er/s %od'
re0ecting the organ.
An a$erage of 11 "eo"le die a da' on the waiting list for trans"lants. 2oething ust %e done.
3he current s'ste is not working4 too an' "eo"le are d'ing. 3he onl' wa' to close that ga" is
to oti$ate li$ing donors 5who a' %e in a financial situation6 to donate and sa$e a life while
doing it.
,f soeone wanted to sell "art of their %od' then the' should ha$e the choice. Also it would %e
safer and %etter for the seller and the client if it were done legall'. ,t would hel" an' "eo"le li$e
ha""' and full li$es. And if there was a certain aount of one' needed to %e gi$en to the seller
and co"ensation! then what would the "ro%le %e. ,t sees that the wait tie for a kidne' is
'ears. And wouldn7t 'ou want these "eo"le to %e a%le to %e healthil' and ha""' than li$e 'ears
attached to dial'sis.8
*. D9+,N,3,ON
2ale of huan organs eans selling one of our organs to others.
:e would legali.e the sale of huan organs in 9ngland! 3he organ donor can "eo"le who
ha$e died and those still ali$e. ,f the donor is a "erson who is still ali$e! it will not gi$e an'
harful side effects to the donor
;. ARGU<9N3
A. GO=9RN<9N3
boost the supply of org!s help"!g to sol#e the !t"o!l shortge
<ore than 1>!>>> "eo"le in the UK currentl' need a trans"lant! and 1!>>> "eo"le die e$er'
'ear while on the waiting list(?). ,n the U2! o$er 1>>!>>> "eo"le are still on the waiting list(@).
Although these figures are astonishing in thesel$es! the genuine figure is "ro%a%l' higher!
inflated %' the deaths of "atients who are ne$er waitlisted for a trans"lant. 2oe "atients are
ne$er "laced on the waiting list %ecause the' ha$e certain ha%its A such as soking(B) A and the
"recious few organs a$aila%le are "rioritised for "atients who fit reci"ient categories.
3he sale of huan organs offers a "ossi%le solution to this cri""ling shortage of organs.
3here is alread' an esta%lished %lack arket trade in organs(1)(C). 9ntre"reneurs offer British and
:estern "atients the o""ortunit' to recei$e "ri$atel' financed trans"lants in countries such as
,ndia and <ala'sia(1>). ,n *>>@! in$estigators disco$ered that Chinese hos"itals were "ro$iding
organ trans"lants using the organs of e&ecuted "risoners(11). ,n 1C1;! Dr. Barr' Daco%s requested
that the U2 go$ernent should create a fund to co"ensate the failies who donate the organs of
their deceased relati$es.(1*) #e also "ro"osed a %usiness "lan to %u' kidne's fro li$ing donors
to trans"lant to Aerican "atients(1;).
Organ trans"lants in nu%ers
*!>1B Nu%er of donors in the UK last 'ear! of who 1!>?1 were ali$e! and C?C were dead
;!@C1 3otal nu%er of organs trans"lanted last 'ear! e&cluding corneas
1!E1* Nu%er of kidne's trans"lanted last 'ear fro deceased donors. 1!>;1 cae fro
li$ing donors
1B.B Nu%er of "eo"le on the organ donor register
B!1C* 3otal nu%er of "eo"le waiting for a trans"lant. Of those! @!BE1 are waiting for a
1!>>>F Nu%er of "eo"le waiting for an organ trans"lant who will die %efore one %ecoes
E#ery people hs the"r o$! r"ght
3he "ro"osition line could argue that organs are the "ro"ert' of the donors! and so the' ha$e
a right to do with the as the' wish. ,n this case of %u'ing huan organs! it is uch easier to
argue that the "rofits would go to the donor rather than 5for e&a"le6 hos"itals or go$ernents
which a' not ha$e a $ested interest in those concerned. ,t would %e useful to outline in the
echanis that these organs will %e transferred through a unique edical grou" or %usiness
which has the technolog' a$aila%le to atch u" donors to "otential reci"ients and so a$oid
"otential edical co"lications as far as "ossi%le. After this! it would %e like an' other financial
Geading surgeons are calling for the Go$ernent to consider the erits of a legalised arket
in organs for trans"lant. A "u%lic discussion on allowing "eo"le to sell their organs would! the
doctors sa'! allow a %etter-infored decision on a atter of such oral and edical significance.
At stake are the li$es of thousands of "eo"le who a' die %efore a suita%le donor can %e
found. 9ight thousand "eo"le are on the trans"lant waiting list! ore than ?>> of who die each
'ear %efore the' o%tain an organ! and the nu%ers are rising %' 1 "er cent a 'ear.
, think , should %e allowed to donate ' organs. ,f the' want an organ and , want the one'! ,
see no har in it. ,t7s ' %od' and , should %e a%le to decide what to do with the "arts. ,t7s not
illegal to kill 'ourself so wh' should it %e illegal to gi$e a organ to soe%od' who needs itH Ilus!
let7s face it! we AGG know that killing 'ourself is a lot ore daaging to 'our health than gi$ing
an organ.
3he' are ' organs and no one can tell e what to do with the. , would sell ' organs for
one' definitel'.
3here are loads of "eo"le out there suffering or e$en d'ing %ecause the' need an organ. 3here
would %e no "ro%le gi$ing 'our O:N organ to soeone else not onl' does it hel" other "eo"le
%ut it akes 'ourself feel good and "roud. ,t is "eo"les choices what the' do.
,t is ' %od'! therefore it should %e ' choice to do whate$er , want with it. ,f , want to gi$e a
kidne' to a d'ing si%ling! then , should %e a%le to. ,f , want to sell ' heart to get a fail'
e%er or friend out of de%t! that7s ' choice.
,f , a stra""ed for cash and , decide to sell a "riceless fail' heirloo! that would %e no
different than selling ' own kidne'. Both are $er' $alua%le and dear to e %ut <J I9R2ONAG
IROI9R3J. Although , would "ro%a%l' %e ore likel' to sell the kidne'! since , ha$e one to
An'%od' should %e a%le to sell his own organs or %od' "arts! total freedo to decide what to
do and when. Out of free will and in the %est interest of the "erson that wants to sell his own
organs! e$en if it eans the death of that "erson. 2"eciall' when that "ersons decides to sacrifice
his life for a %etter future for his children and K or fail'
,f soeone decides to sell their organ! no other "erson can sa'! L'ou cannot sell 'our
organsML A "erson has his or her own anatoical rights to do whate$er the' want to do with their
As huans we were gi$en rights! one %eing the right to ha$e a choice in what we do for a li$ing!
what we wear! what we sa' and what we do to our own %odies. Allowing the sale of huan
organs not onl' akes ore organs accessi%le to the ill %ut it also gi$es co"ensation to those
who are gi$ing u" a "art of the to hel" others. Are ales not allowed to sell their s"er awa'
for one'H And are feales not allowed to gi$e u" their %od' as a surrogate for a "rofitH 2o wh'
is the C#O,C9 to sell our own organs illegalH Kee"ing this illegal is not onl' taking awa' one of
our god gi$en rights %ut it is also taking awa' an' $ital organs that could %e hel"ing 'our child!
or 'our "arents! or e$en 'our hus%and or wife. 3ake a oent and think a%out it! are we not
allowed to fill our %odies with "iercings or tattoos if we chose to! and are we not allowed to
terinate a "regnanc' if we chose! also are we not a%le to "u" are %od' with loads of harful
foods and fill our fill our lungs with clouds of soke! we are the controllers of our own %odies we
ake the choice of what ha""ens to it inside and out! if we let the go$ernent take awa' this
right we are 0ust going %ack E> 'ears to roe $s. :ade! where e$en than freedo of choice
triu"hed all. Not is this a natural right we were gi$en! %ut this would also shut down the %lack
arket! reduce crie! a and ost of all it sa$es li$es. , don7t know a%out all of 'ou %ut as "erson i
know ' rights and i will not stand to see the taken awa'. 3here was a reason these rights were
gi$en to us! don7t let the start taking the awa' one %' one.
To re%u&e bl&' (r'et "! org!s
Irofessor Nade' #aki! a #arle' 2treet surgeon! and one of the world7s leading trans"lant
surgeons! %elie$es that a "ro"erl' regulated arket should %e "eritted so that the %lack arket
in organs is! if not destro'ed! at least draaticall' reduced.
#e sees the effects of the %lack arket in "atients so des"erate to ha$e a trans"lant o"eration
that the' tra$el a%road for an organ.
3his Ltrans"lant tourisL! he said! often results in %otched o"erations requiring further
surger' when the "atient returns to Britain. ,t would ake %etter sense for organ sales to %e
allowed in the UK under a strictl' regulated regie! he said! addingN LGet7s ha$e a s'ste that
doesn7t allow organs with #,= or whate$er.L
Irofessor Dohn #arris! an ethicist at the Uni$ersit' of <anchester! %elie$es a de%ate and the
introduction of an organ arket are long o$erdue. L<oralit' deands it!L he said. L,t7s tie to
consider it %ecause this countr'! to its eternal shae! has allowed a co"letel' unnecessar'
shortage for ;> 'ears. 3housands of "eo"le die each 'ear (internationall') for want of organs.
3hat7s the easure of the urgenc' of the "ro%le.
LBeing "aid doesn7t nullif' altruis A doctors aren7t less caring %ecause the' are "aid. :ith
the current s'ste! e$er'one gets "aid e&ce"t for the donor.L
Irofessor #arris has de$elo"ed "ro"osals for an ethical arket in organs in which donors
would %e "aid as "art of a regulated s'ste. 2uch a s'ste! he said! would ha$e to %e controlled
within a strictl' defined counit'! "ro%a%l' the UK %ut "ossi%l' e&tended to the 9U! so e$er'
organ could %e accounted for. No i"orts would %e allowed. 3he N#2 would %e the sole su""lier
and would distri%ute organs as it does other treatents A a%ilit' to "a' would not %e a factor.
Consent would %e required for e$er' donation and would ha$e to %e rigorousl' carried out to
ensure no donor was su%0ected to untoward "ressure.
Gegalisation of the sale of organs will eliinate the corru"tion that has led to re"orted e&ecutions
and Othefts/ of organs. A successful trans"lant o"eration is de"endent u"on knowledge of certain
characteristics of the donor. 3herefore the origin of the organ ust %e known. 3he %lack arket
cannot %e regulated! %ut its "ur"ose would %e defeated once the sale of organs %ecae lawful.
,f "eo"le could easil' access organs for decent rates 5,7 sure the go$ernent would regulate
the6! there would %e no need to engage in criinal acti$it' which takes ad$antage of the "oor.
3his wa' e$er'one wins. 3he "oor aren7t cheated %' greed' organ %rokers and soeone gets to
li$e a %it longer.
)ro#"%e E&o!o("& *e!ef"ts
Recent edical ad$ances! he said! now ake it reasona%le to allow a kidne' arket and
"erha"s the sale of li$er donations!
L,f soeone wants to alle$iate a financial "ro%le wh' shouldn7t he do thatH ,t7s his choice!L
he said.
Irofessor Bell suggested a fee of P?>!>>> to P1>>!>>> for each kidne'! the equi$alent of one
or two 'ears on dial'sis! and addedN LKidne' donation has now %ecoe so safe it7s soething 'ou
could ethicall' 0ustif' and it would sto" all this illegal trafficking.L
<r Rigg "ointed out that in the last two 'ears there has %een a stee" rise in donations!
es"eciall' fro li$e donors which ha$e now o$ertaken deceased donors in nu%er. 3here were
1!>?1 li$e donations in the last 'ear co"ared to C?C fro dead "atients. :ith an a$erage of *.B?
organs fro each donor! surgeons were a%le to carr' out ;!B>> trans"lants in the last 'ear.
+igures show that *1 "er cent of the "o"ulation has signed u" to the organ donor register! %ut
onl' 1 "er cent die in circustances where their organs can %e used.
3he donor of an organ! or his fail'! will stand to %enefit considera%l' fro the sale. 9$en the
ost i"o$erished indi$idual will not choose to donate their heart or lung and thus die. Neither
would a surgeon %e "re"ared to conduct such an o"eration. Jet! %oth a kidne' and a "iece of li$er
can %e reo$ed without significant detrient. ,t is "atronising to consider that the indi$idual
cannot ake a reasoned decision to donate or sell these organs. 3he fail' of a relati$e recentl'
deceased ought also to %e a%le to choose to sa$e the life of another and siultaneousl' recei$e
soe reuneration.
3here is alread' a %lack arket for illegall' har$ested organs. <aking it legal is not going to
create ore the actual $alue of the organs will %e less co"ared to the "rice off %lack arket
organs. 3here cannot %e a %lack arket when it is legal. <edical insurance would hel" %u' the
organs. Not e$er'one has edical insurance toda'. 2o the "oor are alread' doing with out si"le
health care. ,f a "oor "erson could not afford to %u' then the' could sell or one of there fail'
e%ers would %e a%le to sell their organs to "a' for it. Jou would %e a%le to sell 'our organs to
edical %usinesses while 'ou were still ali$e. Dust like organ donating is know acce"t 'ou can get
soe cash to "a' for 'our "ossi%le edical %ills or to 0ust fatten 'our wallet. 3he econo' would
%e %etter.
<an' of the arguents for the right in$ol$e the "oor not %eing a%le to get organs %ecause
the' can7t afford it. :hat the'7re failing to reali.e is that the once the "eo"le who can %u' organs
get the! the'7ll %e taken off the list! shortening it! and allowing the "eo"le who can7t afford it a
%etter chance at getting a donate organ. ,f there7s *?!>>> "eo"le on a list for kidne's! %ut onl'
C!>>> donations! and 1>!>>> of the ha$e enough one' to %u' one! then once those "eo"le are
off the list the nu%er dro"s down to 1?!>>> needing a trans"lant. 2o the chances that one of
those 1?!>>> L"oorL "eo"le will get a kidne' goes fro ;@Q to @>Q.
Sfe people+s l"fe
:e alread' acce"t the ethic of "ri$ate healthcare. ,t is not unreasona%le that the seriousl' ill %e
entitled to s"end their own one' on sa$ing their own li$es. ,t is "refera%le that soe indi$iduals
recei$e organs! and sur$i$e! than none at all. 3here is a s"urious equalit' in e$er'%od' d'ing.3he
wealth' will not %e the sole %eneficiaries of a "olic' of organ "urchase. +or each successful
kidne' trans"lant o"eration! $alua%le hours on a dial'sis achine will %e left $acant. 3he e&"ense
of "alliati$e care for an indi$idual requiring a trans"lant o"eration will %e eliinated.
, ha$e a right to ' own %od' , should %e a%le to do with it as , "leaseM 3here are en woen
and children in this countr' who are d'ing %ecause the'7re in need of a donor! let us hel" the
%efore its too late! we care so should 'ouM
The org!s !ee% to be teste% for %"sese before they,re use%- so people re sure they,re !ot
buy"!g %"sese plus the org!- $hy !ot.
3here are an' "eo"le who aren7t diseased drug a%users who are willing to sell their organs.
<a'%e the "eo"le ha$e two of soething and the' think the' can do it! or a'%e the' want to
"erfor a needed ser$ice. <a'%e that "erson is suicidal and the' want to do soething good
%efore the' go. :hate$er the reason! there should %e nothing sto""ing the fro doing whate$er
the' want with their own %od'.
If you &! help s#e l"fe !% re $"ll"!g to $hy shoul% "t be "llegl.
, think it should %e legal to sell organs. ,f a huan wants to donate their organs and hel" sa$e
another "erson7s life wh' should that %e illegalH ,t is co"letel' $oluntar' so it7s not as if the
go$ernent would force 'ou to donate organs. , 0ust don7t understand wh' it would %e illegal to
hel" sa$e li$es.
,f , can ha$e the o""ortunit' to gi$e an organ and , knew that it would sa$e soeone7s life then ,
would %e ore than willing to gi$e it u".
+or e&a"le! if there was an elderl' woan that would die toorrow %ecause there7s no atch on
the donor list her life would coe to an end and ines would kee" going! %ut if , decide to gi$e
u" one of ' kidne's toda' , could sa$e that woan7s life and gi$e her a second chance so she
can li$e to see her grandchildren grow u" and ake the ost of the tie she has left and ' life
would still %e going on the sae.
, ight %e loosing a kidne'! %ut what ,7 gaining fro sa$ing a life is so uch ore rewarding.
3he legali.ation of organ sales will decrease crie! increase the nu%er of organs for sale! and
increase the general health of the nation.
Another thing , see a lot of on the right side are stateents like LDonating an organ can hel" sa$e
a child. ,f 'ou were a atch to a child would 'ou let the die %ecause their "arents couldn7t "a'
'ou enough one' for itHL. ,f ,7 donating ' organs! a lot of the can7t %e taken and used until
,7 dead. ,7 not going to kill 'self so little Di' can ha$e ' heart! and when it coes to the
ones that can %e taken while 'ou7re still ali$e! are 'ou R9AGGJ gonna donate it to a kid 'ou don7t
know or are 'ou going to sa$e it in case a fail' e%er needs itH ,n all honest' e$en if a fail'
e%er needs it! it7s huan nature to not want to gi$e u" what we see as ours! es"eciall' if it7s
soething that we a' need later. Jou gi$e u" one kidne' now %ut find out in ? 'ears the other
one7s failing and there7s nothing the doctors can do e&ce"t "ut 'ou on the trans"lant and ho"e for
the %est is the reason we all aren7t going out right now to our local 9R and gi$ing u" one of our
kidne'7s for donation. <ost "eo"le don7t want or like the idea of gi$e u" soething until the'
don7t need it an'ore! es"eciall' if it7s going to soeone the' don7t know. But 'ou %ring one'
into the equation and! as 'ou can see fro things like urder for hire and "rostitution! "eo"le will
do an'thing to get it. :h' not use that to an ad$antageH Ieo"le who wantKneed one' %ad
enough are going to sell their organs on the %lack arket an'wa'! wh' not legali.e it and ha$e
rules and regulations on organ retrie$al and sales so "eo"le aren7t going in to a L%od' cho" sho"L
to donate their kidne' and ending u" donating their whole %od' instead %ecause of a %otched %ack
all' surger'H
2al$ation for all and huan actions
<an' of the arguents for the right in$ol$e the "oor not %eing a%le to get organs %ecause
the' can7t afford it. :hat the'7re failing to reali.e is that the once the "eo"le who can %u' organs
get the! the'7ll %e taken off the list! shortening it! and allowing the "eo"le who can7t afford it a
%etter chance at getting a donate organ. ,f there7s *?!>>> "eo"le on a list for kidne's! %ut onl'
C!>>> donations! and 1>!>>> of the ha$e enough one' to %u' one! then once those "eo"le are
off the list the nu%er dro"s down to 1?!>>> needing a trans"lant. 2o the chances that one of
those 1?!>>> L"oorL "eo"le will get a kidne' goes fro ;@Q to @>Q.
We $!t for you !e$ l"festyle- !e$ e/per"e!&e of l"fe- !% I %o!+t e#e! fr"% to use
the phrse 0 !e$ l"fe- $here you !o (ore "! !ee% of %"ly p"!ful %"lys"s1 2use you+ll be
ble to tr#el- to $or'- ble b&' to bus"!ess !% truly to be $"th lo#e% o!es1
E!&ourg"!g people to sell prts of the"r bo%"es "s (orlly $ro!g !% $oul% l(ost
&ert"!ly le% to e/plo"tt"o! of the poor1
the National Organ 3rans"lantation Act of 1C1E still "rohi%its the sale of huan organs fro
%oth dead and li$ing donors
there are serious concerns that introducing "a'ents for "eo"le who donate their organs
would result in "oor and $ulnera%le "eo"le coing under se$ere "ressure to alle$iate their
financial "ro%les %' selling a "art of their %od'.
Other o""onents to the creation of a arket in organs sa' it would cross a0or ethical
%arriers A and there are less radical easures that could %e looked at first. L, don7t %elie$e we
should %e coercialising "arts of our %odies!L said Irofessor Anthon' :arrens! Dean of
9ducation at 3he Gondon 2chool of <edicine and Dentistr'! adding that Lthe ost
disad$antagedL "eo"le would end u" selling "arts of their %odies! "otentiall' with disregard for
the risks in$ol$ed. L,t7s 0ust $er' risk' if it7s legalised!L said Kenneth Bo'd! "rofessor of edical
ethics at the Uni$ersit' of 9din%urgh.
3here is no question of a state financed health ser$ice %eing a%le to afford the "rohi%iti$e
cost of "urchase of organs. ,t is %elie$ed that a single kidne' has a %lack arket "rice of R*>!>>>.
Consequentl'! the sale of organs will condone the ost gross discriination %etween rich and
"oor. 3he o""ortunit' for those una%le to afford to "urchase to recei$e a donated organ will %e
eliinated. :hich fail'! if "re"ared to donate the organs of a relati$e! would decide to decline
an e& gratia "a'ent of tens of thousands of "ounds H3here will not %e a two-tier arket
consisting of sale and donation. 3he donations will disa""ear and onl' the rich will sur$i$e.
,t is alread' a""arent that the %lack arket flows in one direction 4 fro the 3hird :orld to
the +irst. 3he relati$e a%sence of regulation! and the co"arati$e $alue of the rewards eans that
health' indi$iduals in Asia and Africa are $icti to sca$enging organ erchants. 3he financial
rewards ake the decision to sell an organ one of co"ulsion rather than consent.:here
colonialists ra"ed the land! the neo-colonialist surgeon steals fro %odies.
3he o""ortunit' for indi$iduals and go$ernents to gain considera%le ca"ital for organs sold
will lead to a""alling huan rights $iolations. Chinese 0udicial officials are re"orted to e&ecute
"risoners on account of the %lack arket $alue of their %od' "arts. 3he lawful sale of organs
would legitiise huan sacrifice.
3he sale of organs is a "oor solution to a "ressing "ro%le. 3he B<A has "ro"osed a s'ste
of O"resued consent/. 3his schee would allow doctors to assue that the organs of a deceased
"atient can %e used for trans"lant unless the "atient or his fail' ha$e ade a contrar' request.
Alternati$el'! the B<A has ad$ocated radical re$ision of the inefficient s'ste %' which "atients
are atched to donors. 3he U.2. De"artent of #ealth and #uan 2er$ices 5##26 has "ro"osed
the de$elo"ent of a we%site that would link "atients! surgeons and donors nationwide. 3he B<A
also en$isages the de"lo'ent of Oulti-organ retrie$al teas/ led %' hos"ital consultants! in
order to ensure that an' a$aila%le organs are not lost fro cada$eric donors.
3he arket in %od' "arts that thri$es in the United 2tates is neither successful nor to %e
welcoed. 3he sale of e%r'os! eggs and s"er in the United Kingdo is "rohi%ited %' the
#uan +ertilisation and 9%r'olog' Act 1CC>. 2urrogac' arrangeents are not "eritted. Blood
is collected %' $oluntar' donation. 3he U2 regularl' suffers the donation of infected %lood! gi$en
%' diseased citi.ens co"elled %' the a$aila%le reward. 3he "aternit' and aternit' litigation
concerning egg and s"er donors! and surrogate others is "er$asi$e and "ersistent. Iutting a
"rice on the huan %od' onl' in$ites e&"loitation %' the unscru"ulous.
Are 'ou cra.'HM
Can 'ou not R9ADHM 9$er'thing entioned on the right hand side is so $alidM A corru"t
societ' where the rich are health' and the "oor are d'ing and "eo"le are going around killing
%a%ies and stealing old "eo"le7s heartsM ,s 3#A3 the world 'ou wish 'our grandchildren and their
grandchildren etc. to li$e inH A dark and essed u" world like thatH :ith others cr'ing to the
hea$ens L:h'HM :#JHML Do JOU want to %e res"onsi%le for aking the world this wa'H , sure
don7t. 3herefore ,! as an intelligent intellectual who ha""ens to care for the future of this world!
will o"t against the sale of huan organs. And if 'ou ha$e an' coon sense 'ou will
do the sae.
,f organ selling %ecae legal! onl' the ones who could afford it would get it. <an' cant e$en
afford to go to the dr or %u' their edication. Can 'ou iagine! what the cost of organs would
%eH O"en 'our e'es and look at our gas "rices.........God for%id an'one who is not wealth' to need
a trans"lant.
#uan organs should not %e sold on the white arket as the' should not %e sold on the %lack
arket. #uan organs should %e gi$en freel' %ecause life is gi$en freel' to us. No one "a's for
their life when the' are %orn. Jour other and father gi$e it to 'ou freel'. ,f an organ is a$aila%le!
it should not go to the highest %idder %ut the "erson who needs it the ost. :e should not
oneti.e organs %ecause the gift of life should not cost 'ou an ar and a leg.
Jou know who7s going to %e selling their organsH Ioor "eo"leM 3he'7ll %e so des"erate for
one' that the'7ll sell their own kidne's. :ell! a kidne'. 3his is 0ust another wa' for the rich to
%u' thesel$es a %etter life at the e&"ense of the "oor. 2uch a law is dangerous.
,t7s co"letel' ioral.
3he horror of the Chinese go$ernent7s organ har$esting shows us what could coe of the
sale of organs. 3he crie rates would rise and it will lead an e$en greater di$ide %etween rich and
"oor. Rich "eo"le can 7%u'7 a longer life and "oorer "eo"le will %e forced into selling their organs.
One e&a"le of this is in ,ndia an' "eo"le sell their Kidne's so that their children can go to
school. , don7t %elie$e this is fair! in fact , %elie$e it is a $iolation of huan rights that soeone
has to sell "arts of thesel$es in order to do %etter in the world. 2houldn7t organ donation %e an
altruistic deed an'wa'H
3he $er' idea of de%ating whether or not to legali.e the sale of huan organs is offensi$e!
re"ugnant! and insaneM #as huanit' lost its huanit'H #a$e we %ecoe carni$ores where the
strong! the "owerful and the rich de$our the weak! the "oor and hel"less $ulnera%leH ,f we
continue in this "ath! we shall de$our oursel$es to e&tinction sooner than later.
3ell e where in the Constitution where it sa's we ha$e a right to do :#A39=9R we want
with our %od'. Jou are "resuing we ha$e that right and if an organ can cost hundreds of
thousands of dollars! no one is going to %u' the therefore this "lan will not acco"lish in sa$ing
Lan'L li$es.
Our %odies and our li$es are the ost "recious thing we ha$e.
God ade us in #is iage so that we could do wonderful things in #is nae. #e ade all
life! so how could we destro' it willingl'. #ow could we allow the "oor to go without safe organ
trans"lants while the rich "a' their wa' to wellnessH #ow could we ake a heart or a %rain worth
thousands onl' to allow ass urder to ake cash on the sideH 3his is a uch dee"er issue than
what it is ade.
,f 'ou sell 'our organs! 'ou ight need it later when the' are gone. Also! all surger' has
risks. 2elling 'our organs could also %e %ad %ecause the "erson who %u's it off of 'ou could sell
it for "rofit. Also! soeone 'ou lo$e ight need it later and 'ou won7t ha$e it.
I!&reses '"ll"!g rte1
,f the selling of organs was legali.ed! there would %e an increased rate of urders. 3here is
also the "ossi%ilit' that 'ou could recei$e a %ad organ! risking 'our life. Onl' the rich would %e
a%le to afford the organs if it was legal to "ut the u" on the arket. 3here are ulti"le risks of
infection! disease! %acteria! and e$en fatalities. 3here is a reason that selling organs isn7t legal!
the'7re onl' kee"ing it illegal for our %enefit.
,t7s wrong to get one' for soething 'ou should donate.
Jour donation can sa$e a life. 3hat7s soething s"ecial! to know 'ou sa$ed a life and didn7t
ask for an'thing in return. :hat if 'ou could sa$e a'%e soeone7s life %ut the' couldn7t "a' for
the organH :hat are 'ou going to doH Dust let that "erson dieH 3hat7s wrong.
, do not %elie$e that the sale of huan organs should %e legal %ecause the current s'ste is
the safest ethod for organ donation.
3he sale of huan organs should not %e legali.ed. 3he current ethod of o%taining organs
for trans"lant is the safest ethod for the reci"ient and the donor. :hile there is a great need for
donors! a %lack arket for huan organs would %enefit no one.
No! , disagree that the sale of huan organs should %e legal! %ecause there are an'
No! , disagree that the sale of huan organs should %e legal! %ecause there are an'
re"ercussions. +irst! e$er'one has the right to ha$e their life sa$ed. Ieo"le gi$e their organs as
charit'. ,f one can not afford an organ! then what o"tion do the' ha$e leftH 2econd! crie rates
will go u"! %ecause "eo"le7s organs are worth lots of one'.
Allowing "eo"le to sale huan organs will cause ore urder cases. +or e&a"le! re"orts
fro the :orld #ealth Organi.ation sa' that in ,ndia! a kidne' fetches around R*>!>>>! in China!
%u'ers will "a' RE>!>>> or ore and a good! health' kidne' fro ,srael! goes for R1@>!>>>. 3hat
%eing said will %e enough for soeone to kill and take other huan organs.
No! %ecause if there is a legal deand for a "roduct! then there has to %e a su""l' to fill that
,f selling huan organs %ecoes legal! it eans there has to %e soe legal wa' for a
co"an' to acquire those organs. Gi$en their rarit'! the "rice would %e high! and it would ean
no one would want to donate their organs for free an'ore. ,t would turn the alread' stressed
organ donor arket to dust! and go a ste" further to allowing onl' the rich to get organ
No! ore "eo"le will kill each other to sell the organs for one'.
Ieo"le will tr' to kill each other for the organs! and ake one' off of it. But! if soeone
'ou know wants to kindl' do it for 'ou! let the. But! no offense! , would rather ha$e one "erson
die fro an organ "ro%le than to ha$e illions of "eo"le die %ecause "eo"le urdered the for
their organs. But! like , said if soeone 'ou know wants to kindl' donate to 'ou! the' should %e
a%le to without getting one' off of it. ,f the' get one' off of it! then "eo"le will kill.
,s it fairH
:ho7s to sa' "eo"le wont gi$e awa' a harful organ or e$en an organ fro soeone
urdered 0ust for the one'H Jou will alwa's ha$e in 'our ind that 'ou are ali$e %ecause
soeone was urdered.#ow would that feelH Ilus what ha""ens the the "oor failies that ha$e
%een waiting 'ears and running out of tieH 3he' cant afford it and 0ust %ecause the' don7t ha$e
that one' doesn7t ean 'ou should die. Jes i agree that 'ou wold do an'thing for 'our lo$e one
%ut i would ne$er want to risk the li$es of an' others and effect their lo$e ones. 3he' would %e
in the sae "osition 'ou were.
Getting organs fro "eo"le should not %e legal.
Getting organs fro "eo"le should not %e legal %ecause , consider it to %e $er' dangerous
and thoughtless. 3he reason , think this is %ecause if soeone donates an organ and then
soething goes wrong for whate$er reason such as a'%e the o"eration doesn7t go right! it would
%e the doctors and 'our fault. #owe$er it would ainl' %e 'ours %ecause 'ou allowed it to
,agine all the "ro%les that could occur if the sale of huan organs was legal. ,agine the
"oor selling the'7re own %od' "arts 0ust to ake soe cash! <urder could also "ossi%l' go u"!
"eo"le would %e killing others 0ust so the' could sell the'7re organs 5it does not ha$e to %e to the
Better wa's to do it would %e to 0ust kee" the waiting list we ha$e or "ut ore one' into
creating artificial %od' "arts. 3his also eans that the rich could 0ust %u' an' organs the' needed
right awa'! and the "oor would ha$e to sa$e u" or wait a long tie! , think the chances of %eing
sa$ed should %e equal for the rich and "oor. ,ts sick if 'ou ask e! , think the sale of huan
organs should reain illegal
Cannot guarantee the "ro"er usage
:ho can gi$e the assurance that the organ %eing donated is %eing used for a need' "ersonH
+urther these organs are sold at a higher "rice and the "erson ediating the transfer of organ fro
donor to the reci"ient is the one in "rofit. <an' donors are not infored a%out the side effects of
organ donation due to which the' suffer all their life.
,t can %e fatal
One should not e$en tr' to donate his internal as well as e&ternal organs at an' cost %ecause
it can %e serious.+or e&a"le a "erson donates an' one of his kidne's to another for *>>
dollars.#e has a "rofit.But later on he that he would not li$e longer without the donated
kidne'.3hen coes the situation when he cannot ask that "erson to return his donated kidne'.#e
can do onl' one thing.2it and wait for death.
3he sale of huan organs should not %e legal %ecause it would %e a%used.
,t7s ok for teachers to go on strike %ecause that right should not %e denied to an'one. Ioor
"eo"le who ha$e "oor access to healthcare would %e the ost $ulnera%le to te"tation to sell
their organs and what one' the' would gain in the short ter would not %e worth the cost to
their health in the long run. 3he' would %e taken ad$antage of %' unscru"ulous %rokers.
, o""ose the legali.ation of the sale of huan organs. 3his would lead to a situation where
onl' the rich could o%tain an organ trans"lant.
Currentl'! e&ce"t where organs are donated %' a atch or %' fail' e%ers! organs go to
the "erson who is at the to" of the list when organs %ecoe a$aila%le. ,f organs could %e
"urchased! the ost need' would not %e a%le to get a trans"lant unless the' had the cash to
"urchase the a$aila%le organ. 3his would result in organs going to "eo"le who ha$e no chance of
actuall' sur$i$ing! 0ust %ecause the "erson had one' to %u' an organ. 3his is! in ' o"inion! a
terri%le outcoe. ,f a "erson has no real chance of sur$i$ing! e$en with a new organ! the' will not
%e a%le to get an organ. ,f the' can %u' the organ! the "eo"le who would %e %est a%le to sur$i$e!
will die unless the' can %u' an organ.

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