Section 1. Example: Major Goals of A Disaster Recovery Plan

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The objective of a disaster recovery plan is to ensure that you can respond to a disaster or other
emergency that affects information systems and minimize the effect on the operation of the business.
When you have prepared the information described in this topic collection, store your document in a safe,
accessible location off site.
Section 1. Example: Major goals of a disaster recovery plan
Here are the major goals of a disaster recovery plan.
To minimize interruptions to the normal operations.
To limit the extent of disruption and damage.
To minimize the economic impact of the interruption.
To establish alternative means of operation in advance.
To train personnel with emergency procedures.
To provide for smooth and rapid restoration of service.
Section 2. Example: Personnel
You can use the tables in this topic to record your data processing personnel. You can include a copy of the
organization chart with your plan.
Data processing personnel
Name Position Address Telephone

Data processing personnel
Name Position Address Telephone

Data processing personnel
Name Position Address Telephone

Data processing personnel
Name Position Address Telephone

Section 3. Example: Application profile
You can use the Display Software Resources (DSPSFWRSC) command to complete the table in this topic.
Application profile
Application name
Yes /
asset Yes
/ No Manufacturer Comments

Comment legend:
Runs daily.
Runs weekly on ____________.
Application profile
Application name
Yes /
asset Yes
/ No Manufacturer Comments
Runs monthly on ____________.

Section 4. Example: Inventory profile
You can use the Work with Hardware Products (WRKHDWPRD) command to complete the table in this
Application profile
Manufacturer Description Model
leased Cost

This list should be audited every ____________ months.
This list should include the following items:Processing units System printer
Disk units Tape and optical devices
Models Controllers
Workstation controllers I/O Processors
Personal computers General data communication
Spare workstations Spare displays
Telephones Racks
Air conditioner or heater Humidifier or dehumidifier
Miscellaneous inventory
Description Quantity Comments

Application profile
Manufacturer Description Model
leased Cost

Note: This list should include the following items:
Tapes CDs and DVDs
PC software Emulation packages
File cabinet contents or documentation Language software (such as COBOL and RPG)
Tape vault contents Printer supplies (such as paper and forms)
Optical media

Section 5. Information services backup procedures
Use these procedures for information services backup.

o System i environment
Daily, journals receivers are changed at ____________ and at
Daily, a saving of changed objects in the following libraries and directories is
done at ____________:
The preceding procedure also saves the journals and journal receivers.
On ____________ at ____________ a complete save of the system is done.
All save media is stored off-site in a vault at ____________ location.
o Personal Computer
It is suggested that all personal computers be backed up. Copies of the personal
computer files should be uploaded to the System i environment on
____________ (date) at ____________ (time), just before a complete save
of the system is done. It is then saved with the normal system save procedure.
This provides for a more secure backup of personal computer-related systems
where a local area disaster can wipe out important personal computer systems.

Section 6. Disaster recovery procedures
For any disaster recovery plan, these three elements should be addressed.
Emergency response procedures
o To document the appropriate emergency response to a fire, natural disaster, or any other
activity in order to protect lives and limit damage.
Backup operations procedures
To ensure that essential data processing operational tasks can be conducted after the disruption.
Recovery actions procedures
o To facilitate the rapid restoration of a data processing system following a disaster.
Disaster action checklist
This checklist provides possible initial actions that you might take following a disaster.
Recovery startup procedures for use after actual disaster
Consider these recovery startup procedures for use after actual disaster.

Section 7. Recovery plan for mobile site
This topic provides information about how to plan your recovery task at a mobile site.
1. Notify ____________ of the nature of the disaster and the need to select the mobile
site plan.
2. Confirm in writing the substance of the telephone notification to ____________ within
48 hours of the telephone notification.
3. Confirm all needed backup media are available to load the backup machine.
4. Prepare a purchase order to cover the use of backup equipment.
5. Notify ____________ of plans for a trailer and its placement (on ____________ side
of ____________).
6. Depending on communication needs, notify telephone company (____________) of
possible emergency line changes.
7. Begin setting up power and communications at ____________.
a. Power and communications are prearranged to hook into when trailer arrives.
b. At the point where telephone lines come into the building (____________),
break the current linkage to the administration controllers
(____________). These lines are rerouted to lines going to the mobile site.
They are linked to modems at the mobile site.The lines currently going from
____________ to ____________ would then be linked to the mobile unit via
c. This can conceivably require ____________ to redirect lines at
____________ complex to a more secure area in case of disaster.
8. When the trailer arrives, plug into power and do necessary checks.
9. Plug into the communications lines and do necessary checks.
10. Begin loading system from backups.
11. Begin normal operations as soon as possible:
a. Daily jobs
b. Daily saves
c. Weekly saves
12. Plan a schedule to back up the system in order to restore on a home-base computer when
a site is available. (Use regular system backup procedures).
13. Secure mobile site and distribute keys as required.
14. Keep a maintenance log on mobile equipment.
o Mobile site setup plan
You can attach the mobile site setup plan here.
o Communication disaster plan
You can attach the communication disaster plan, including the wiring diagrams here.
o Electrical service
You can attach the electrical service diagram here.
Section 8. Recovery plan for hot site
An alternate hot site plan should provide for an alternative (backup) site. The alternate site has a backup
system for temporary use while the home site is being reestablished.
1. Notify ____________ of the nature of the disaster and of its desire for a hot site.
2. Request air shipment of modems to ____________ for communications. (See
____________ for communications for the hot site.)
3. Confirm in writing the telephone notification to ____________ within 48 hours of the
telephone notification.
4. Begin making necessary travel arrangements to the site for the operations team.
5. Confirm that you have enough save media and that it is packed for shipment to restore on
the backup system.
6. Prepare a purchase order to cover the use of the backup system.
7. Review the checklist for all necessary materials before departing to the hot site.
8. Make sure that the disaster recovery team at the disaster site has the necessary
information to begin restoring the site.
9. Provide for travel expenses (cash advance).
10. After arriving at the hot site, contact home base to establish communications procedures.
11. Review materials brought to the hot site for completeness.
12. Start to load the system from the save media.
13. Begin normal operations as soon as possible:
a. Daily jobs
b. Daily saves
c. Weekly saves
14. Plan the schedule to back up the hot-site system in order to restore on the home-base
o Alternate-site system configuration
You can attach the alternate-site system configuration here.
Section 9. Restoring the entire system
You can learn how to restore the entire system.
To get your system back to the way it was before the disaster, use the procedures in Checklist 20:
Recovering your entire system after a complete system loss.
Before you begin: Find the following save media, equipment, and information from the on-site
tape vault or the offsite storage location:
o If you install from the alternate installation device, you need both your save media and
the CD-ROM media containing the Licensed Internal Code.
o All save media from the most recent complete save operation
o The most recent save media from saving security data (SAVSECDTA or SAVSYS)
o The most recent save media from saving your configuration, if necessary
o All save media that contains journals and journal receivers that you saved since the most
recent daily save operation
o All save media from the most recent daily save operation
o PTF list (stored with the most recent complete save media, weekly save media, or both)
o Save media list from most recent complete save operation
o Save media list from most recent weekly save operation
o Save media list from daily saves
o History log from the most recent complete save operation
o History log from the most recent weekly save operation
o History log from the daily save operations
o The Installing, upgrading, or deleting i5/OS and related software PDF. You can order a
printed version of this PDF (SC41-5120; feature code 8006) with i5/OS software upgrade
orders or new hardware orders.
o The Recovering your system PDF. You can order a printed version of this PDF (SC41-
5304; feature code 8007) with i5/OS software upgrade orders or new hardware orders.
o Telephone directory
o Modem manual
o Tool kit
Section 10. Rebuilding process
The management team must assess the damage and begin the reconstruction of a new data center.
If the original site must be restored or replaced, the following questions are some of the factors to
o What is the projected availability of all needed computer equipment?
o Will it be more effective and efficient to upgrade the computer systems with newer
o What is the estimated time needed for repairs or construction of the data site?
o Is there an alternative site that more readily can be upgraded for computer purposes?
After the decision to rebuild the data center has been made, go to Section 12. Disaster site rebuilding.
Section 11. Testing the disaster recovery plan
In successful contingency planning, it is important to test and evaluate the plan regularly.
Data processing operations are volatile in nature, resulting in frequent changes to equipment, programs,
and documentation. These actions make it critical to consider the plan as a changing document.
Table 1 should be helpful for conducting a recovery test.
Table 1. Checklist for testing the disaster recovery plan
Item Yes No Applicable
applicable Comments
Conducting a Recovery Test
1. Select the purpose of the test. What
aspects of the plan are being evaluated?
2. Describe the objectives of the test.
How will you measure successful achievement
of the objectives?
3. Meet with management and explain the
test and objectives. Gain their agreement and
4. Have management announce the test
and the expected completion time.
5. Collect test results at the end of the
test period.
6. Evaluate results. Was recovery
successful? Why or why not?
7. Determine the implications of the test
results. Does successful recovery in a simple

Table 1. Checklist for testing the disaster recovery plan
Item Yes No Applicable
applicable Comments
case imply successful recovery for all critical
jobs in the tolerable outage period?
8. Make suggestions for changes. Call for
responses by a given date.
9. Notify other areas of results. Include
users and auditors.
10. Change the disaster recovery plan
manual as necessary.

Areas to be tested
11. Recovery of individual application
systems by using files and documentation
stored off-site.
12. Reloading of system save media and
performing an initial program load (IPL) by
using files and documentation stored off-site.
13. Ability to process on a different
14. Ability of management to determine
priority of systems with limited processing.
15. Ability to recover and process
successfully without key people.
16. Ability of the plan to clarify areas of
responsibility and the chain of command.
17. Effectiveness of security measures and
security bypass procedures during the
recovery period.
18. Ability to accomplish emergency
evacuation and basic first-aid responses.
19. Ability of users of real time systems to
cope with a temporary loss of online
20. Ability of users to continue day-to-day
operations without applications or jobs that
are considered noncritical.
21. Ability to contact the key people or
their designated alternates quickly.
22. Ability of data entry personnel to
provide the input to critical systems by using
alternate sites and different input media.
23. Availability of peripheral equipment
and processing, such as printers and
24. Availability of support equipment, such
as air conditioners and dehumidifiers.
25. Availability of support: supplies,
transportation, communication.
26. Distribution of output produced at the
recovery site.
27. Availability of important forms and

Table 1. Checklist for testing the disaster recovery plan
Item Yes No Applicable
applicable Comments
paper stock.
28. Ability to adapt plan to lesser disasters.
Section 12. Disaster site rebuilding
Use this information to do disaster site rebuilding.
o Floor plan of data center.
o Determine current hardware needs and possible alternatives.
o Data center square footage, power requirements and security requirements.
Square footage ____________
Power requirements ____________
Security requirements: locked area, preferably with combination lock on one
Floor-to-ceiling studding
Detectors for high temperature, water, smoke, fire and motion
Raised floor
o Vendors
You can attach the vendors information here.
o Floor plan
You can include a copy of the proposed floor plan here.
Section 13. Record of plan changes
Keep your plan current, and keep records of changes to your configuration, your applications, and your
backup schedules and procedures.
You can get print a list of your current local hardware by typing the following command:

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