Berne Knox Westerlo - 2014 Drill - Final Plan - 6/30/14

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Berne-Knox-Westerlo School Drill

June 30 2014
Dispatch and estimated arrival sequence
7:00 pm: Albany County dispatches Berne Fire, Knox Fire and Westerlo Fire to Berne-Knox-
Westerlo (BKW) high school for a fire in the auditorium. Dispatch advises that a play was in
progress and people are evacuating.
7:03: 3-10 arrives, lays 4 LDH in from the corner between the two schools, sets up to flow
two 1-3/4 lines to simulate the initial attack on the fire in auditorium. When GC ladder EA49
arrives, shut down and move the 4 LDH from 3-10 to EA49.
7:04: 3-20 arrives, lays 4 LDH from the storage tank hydrant east. Proceeds to drop its
portable pond at planned 3-29 location and couples to 3-10. After emptying to 3-10, 3-20 will
leave and head to the fill site on CR1.
7:05: Albany County dispatches Rensselaerville, Onesquethaw, and New Salem
7:05: Altamont, Guilderland Center, Gallupville, and Huntersland self-dispatch and roll.
7:07: 3-19 arrives, lays 4 LDH in from the corner, sets up to flow two 1-3/4 lines for 10
minutes. After 10 minutes, shut down the two 1-3/4 and switch to deck gun at full flow.
When Guilderland Center EA49 arrives, shut down deck gun and switch back to two 1-3/4
hand lines for the remainder of the drill.
7:08: 3-29 arrives, drops pond adjacent to 3-20s pond, sets up to draft, couples to the two
previously laid 4 LDH, and immediately begins to supply 3-10 and 3-29 with the its 3k on
7:09: Helderberg Ambulance arrives, stages in front of the High School, north side of parking
lot, toward the west corner. Rehab will be on this corner, which will keep interior firefighters
from both entry points out of the tanker traffic.
7:10: 16-22 arrives, positions at original front entrance to high school, sets up to flow two
1-3/4 hand lines for the duration of the drill.
7:11: 16-42 goes to fill site on CR1 and immediately sets up to fill tankers
7:11: 16-32 arrives at scene, drops its portable pond at 16-22, proceeds full to 3-29 and
dumps its first load at 3-29, which is already engaged in supplying 3-10 and 3-19.
7:14: 8022 arrives at fill site on CR1 and immediately sets up to fill tankers.
7:15: 39-30 arrives at scene, drops its pond at 16-22, dumps at 16-22, and proceeds to the
fill site on CR1. 39-30s initial entry will be into the center access road, turn right toward 16-
22 for left exit of the portable pond off the truck. After filling, join the tanker rotation in the
clockwise loop (see below).
7:15 to 7:25: 23-31, Altamont ETA14, 9041, 8041, and 27-20 arrive. Tankers are to
enter the west-most entrance (just east of the storage tank hydrant), proceed east to dump
at either 3-29 or 16-22, depending on orders from 16-02 (IC water operations-scene).
7:15: 39-20 arrives on scene, tags the hydrant across from the bus garage, couples up the
4 LDH, and begins supplying 3-29.
7:15: 39-23 goes to fill site and sets up to fill tankers.
7:20: 39-52 with rehab trailer arrives. Stage in front of high school, in front of 16-22, at the
far west end. Line up behind Helderberg Ambulance.
7:30: GC EA49 arrives on scene, turns at the first right after the Lutheran church, goes
around the back of the high school, and takes position in the center of the parking lot,
between 3-10 and 3-19. 3-29 will then shut down the 4 LDH feed to 3-10, crews will then
move that LDH to EA49, and EA49 will begin pumping at maximum delivery rate through the
Fire Police units: Berne 3-52, Berne 3-59, Knox 16-52, Onesquethaw 25-54, and Westerlo
Major Intersections fire police controlled: CR1 and SR443 (FP1) CR1 and CR9 (FP2), CR9
and SR443 (FP3). Additional fire police controlled locations will be 39-20s location at the
hydrant, which is also the entry point for the tankers to the school (FP4), the center access
road (FP5), and the exit point for the tankers back to SR443 (FP6).
Incident Command and major Assignments
Incident Command 3-01, Rich Guilz, Berne District Chief
Operations, Front, 16-01, Bill Vinson, Knox Chief
Operations, Rear, 3-03, Scott Duncan, East Berne Chief
Water Supply, Scene, 16-02, Rich Loucks, Knox 1st Asst. Chief
Water Supply, Fill Site, 3-05, Jason Smith, East Berne Asst. Chief
Master Safety Officer, 39-01, Kevin Flensted, Westerlo Chief
Interior Operations Coordinator, 3-07, Dave Wright, Berne (EBFD Captain)
Interior / SCBA staging, Josh Gebe, East Berne Lieutenant
Rehab Leader, 53-01, Dave Tiffany, Helderberg Ambulance Captain
Accountability Officer at the accountability base, Joanne Wright, East Berne
Accountability Officer, front operations, Bob Tanner (27-01), Rensselaerville
Accountability Officer, rear operations, Eric Gardner (3-04), Berne
Accountability Officer, rehab, Mary Alice Molgard, Berne
Fire Police Captains, Jack Norray Sr. and Vernon Wagoner, Berne

Drill Frequencies:
Rural Chiefs, channel 1 (Berne channel 7) apparatus/fire ground IC operations
channel, this will be truck-to-truck and IC officer main channel.
Berne Fire District, (Berne channel 8) interior operations rear interior firefighters
and accountability officers to use this channel
Knox Fire District, (Knox channel 4) - interior operations front interior firefighters
and accountability officers to use this channel
Notes: rural chiefs will be a busy channel, we will need to keep tanker chatter to a
minimum and focus on IC comms. Joanne Wright will need one Berne portable and
one Knox portable at the accountability base to communicate with Bob Tanner (27-01)
and Eric Gardner (3-04) at the entry points as well as the rehab accountability officer.

Hilltowns mutual aid and response coverage: Altamont E17 to Knox station with
full crew, to cover town of Knox for first response. Onesquethaw 25-30 to scene
staging area. Extra Onesquethaw FFs are welcome to participate in the interior
evolutions but I would like to leave a small crew on 25-30 for quick response for a
real call. Onesquethaw 25-32 with crew to East Berne station to cover east side of
Berne and Onesquethaw. Greenville will be on standby for Westerlo. Altamont,
Rensselaerville, Gallupville and Huntersland, please arrange coverage per your
3-48 will be used at the scene for bottle filling and SCBA support, but available for
motor vehicle accidents on the hill. 16-42 can break free as well if needed.
If a real call goes out for any of the companies during the drill, the standby engines
will roll first and loaded tankers in motion will be released as appropriate. Berne 3-02
(Dave Clark) is the designated responding Berne Chief for a call in Berne as he has
not been assigned to an IC assignment for this drill. Knox 16-01, 16-02, and 16-03 all
have drill IC assignments but 16-01 will be in a position where he could break free for
a call in Knox and Altamont Chief Bob White has not been assigned. Onesquethaw will
be well positioned for responses as well.

Drill Timing:
5:00 pm: set up command post and accountability system, 3-01
5:45 pm: begin positioning of training equipment and props. Pick
locations for victims and pre-planning of interior evolutions. Dave Wright,
Berne District line officers and Bullex.
6:15 pm: volunteer victims meet with Dave Wright and his assistants to
review the locations of victims for the evolutions and have a safety
meeting with Dave.
6:30 pm: all fire police meet Berne FP Captains Vern Wagoner and Jack
Norray Sr. at the bus garage for deployment assignments.
6:45 pm: fire police established in position at 6 locations
6:45 pm: disable alarm system in high school
6:50 pm: power up smoke machine(s)
7:00 pm: Berne, Knox, Westerlo and Helderberg Ambulance are
dispatched by Albany County Fire Control to the drill.
7:05 pm: Onesquethaw, New Salem, and Rensselaerville are dispatched
by Albany County.
7:05 pm: Gallupville, Huntersland, Guilderland Center and Altamont
automatically roll from your stations and deploy as per the plan
7:40 pm: water ops in full swing or close to it
8:30 to 8:45 pm: begin water ops wind-down, final tanker fills, top off
storage tank.
8:45: SCBA evolutions wrap up
9:00: crews start heading to Town Park for BBQ, fellowship, and a quick
drill evaluation.

Summary: As I stated at the planning meeting, the intent of this drill is
to be as realistic as possible in creating an operation that mimics a real
fire at the school. We want everyone to be involved and benefit from the
experience. A large scale water operation, multiple interior evolutions
from two entry points, real smoke, real victims, a huge mutual aide
involvement, and hands-on simulators from Bullex. I hope it proves to be
a fantastic drill!
I want to sincerely thank you all for helping in the planning process and
look forward to seeing you all on the 30

Rich Guilz
Berne Fire District Chief

- See last page for white board -

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