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Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrcola e Ambiental, v.3, n.3, p.367-379, 1999

ampina !rande, "B, #EAg$%&"B
Kuruvilla Josep
" Ro#il$o Dias Tol%$o Filo
" Bee'a Ja#es
" Sa)u To#as
+ Laura , $e Carvalo
'he global demand (or )ood as a b*ilding material is steadil+ gro)ing, )hile the
availabilit+ o( this nat*ral reso*rce is diminishing. 'his sit*ation has led to the
development o( alternative materials. ,( the vario*s s+nthetic materials that have been
e-plored and advocated, pol+mer composites claim a ma.or participation as b*ilding
materials. 'here has been a gro)ing interest in *tili/ing nat*ral (ibres as rein(orcement
in pol+mer composite (or ma0ing lo) cost constr*ction materials in recent +ears.
1at*ral (ibres are prospective rein(orcing materials and their *se *ntil no) has been
more traditional than technical. 'he+ have long served man+ *se(*l p*rposes b*t the
application o( the material technolog+ (or the *tili/ation o( nat*ral (ibres as
rein(orcement in pol+mer matri- too0 place in comparativel+ recent +ears. Economic
and other related (actors in man+ developing co*ntries )here nat*ral (ibres are
ab*ndant, demand that scientists and engineers appl+ appropriate technolog+ to *tili/e
these nat*ral (ibres as e((ectivel+ and economicall+ as possible to prod*ce good 2*alit+
(ibre rein(orced pol+mer composites (or ho*sing and other needs. Among the vario*s
nat*ral (ibres, sisal is o( partic*lar interest in that its composites have high impact
strength besides having moderate tensile and (le-*ral properties compared to other
lignocell*losic (ibres. 'he present paper s*rve+s the research )or0 p*blished in the
(ield o( sisal (ibre rein(orced pol+mer composites )ith special re(erence to the str*ct*re
and properties o( sisal (ibre, processing techni2*es, and the ph+sical and mechanical
properties o( the composites.
Ke0 1or$s2 sisal (ibre, pol+mer, composites, str*ct*re, properties
,3"456',5 ",7638R6,5 RE&,R9A#,5 ,3 &6BRA5 #E 565A7
, *so da madeira como material de constr*:;o contin*a crescendo m*ndialmente
en2*anto a disponibilidade deste rec*rso nat*ral est< dimin*indo. Esta sit*a:;o tem
cond*/ido ao desenvolvimento de materiais alternativos. #entre os v<rios materiais
sint=ticos 2*e t>m sido e-plorados, os comp?sitos polim=ricos reivindicam e b*scam
*ma maior participa:;o como material de constr*:;o. 1os @ltimos anos tem se
observado *m crescente interesse na *tili/a:;o de (ibras nat*rais como re(or:o de
matri/es polim=ricas para a prod*:;o de materiais de bai-o c*sto. As (ibras nat*rais
s;o re(or:os com grande potencialidade e se* *so tem se dado de (orma mais
tradicional do 2*e cient(ica. Elas t>m se prestado a in@meras aplica:Aes ao longo do
tempo, mas a aplica:;o da tecnologia dos materiais
Bisiting "ro(essor, #epartment o( 3aterials Engineering, &ederal %niversit+ o( "araiba,
%&"B$'$#E3a, Av. Aprgio Beloso CCD, E" EC1F9 - 97F, ampina !rande, "B, &oneG HFC3I
31F 117C. "ermanent addressG #epartment o( hemistr+, 5t. BerchmansJ ollege,
hanganacherr+, Kerala, 6ndia, E-mailG .osephLdema.*(
"ro(essor o( the ivil Engineering "rogram-,""E, &ederal %niversit+ o( Rio de Maneiro, " 6CEF6,
E" D19NE - 97F, Rio de
Maneiro, RM, &oneG HFD1I E6F E31E, &a-G HFD1I DCF 9ENE, E-mailG toledoLlabest.coc.*(
5t. 3ar+Js, O. 5. 5chool, hamba0*lam, Alapp*/ha, Kerala, 6ndia, &oneG 91 NC1 E96NE9, &a-G 91 NC1
Reader in "ol+mer 5cience and 'echnolog+, 5chool o( hemical 5ciences, 3ahatma !andhi
%niversit+, "ri+adarshini Oills ".,., Kotta+am, Kerala, 6ndia
"ro(essor, #epartment o( 3aterials Engineering, &ederal %niversit+ o( "araiba,
%&"B$'$#E3a, Av. Aprigio Beloso CCD, E" EC1F9 - 97F, ampina !rande, "B, &oneG HFC3I
31F 11CD, E-mailG la*raLdema.*(
A REB6EP ,1 565A7 &6BER RE61&,RE# ",7Q3ER ,3",56'E5
visando a s*a *tili/a:;o como re(or:o de matri/es polim=ricas = relativamente
recente. As di(ic*ldades econRmicos e sociais observadas em m*itos dos pases em
desenvolvimento, onde as (ibras nat*rais s;o ab*ndantes, re2*erem 2*e cientistas e
engenheiros apli2*em tecnologias apropriadas para *tili/ar estas (ibras da (orma
mais e(iciente possvel, de tal maneira 2*e se possa prod*/ir materiais comp?sitos
polim=ricos de boa 2*alidade visando a atender a demanda da pop*la:;o por
habita:Aes e componentes habitacionais. #entre as v<rias (ibras nat*rais, a (ibra de
sisal = de partic*lar interesse *ma ve/ 2*e os comp?sitos 2*e a *tili/am como
re(or:o apresentam alta resist>ncia ao impacto al=m de poss*rem moderada
resist>ncia S tra:;o e S (le-;o. , presente artigo apresenta *ma revis;o dos
trabalhos de pes2*isa p*blicados no campo dos comp?sitos polim=ricos
ecol?gicos, especialmente no 2*e se re(ere aos comp?sitos re(or:ados com (ibras
de sisal , visando se* *so como material de constr*:;o. Tn(ase especial = dada S
micro-estr*t*ra e propriedades da (ibra de sisal, Ss t=cnicas de processamento e Ss
propriedades (sicas e mecUnicas dos comp?sitos polim=ricos re(or:ados com
(ibras de sisal.
Palavras4-aveG sisal, polmero, comp?sitos, estr*t*ra,
6n o*r ever+da+ li(e timber pla+s a signi(icant
role. Oo)ever timber reso*rces are getting depleted
contin*o*sl+ )hile the demand (or the material is
ever increasing. According to the literat*re, b+ the
beginning o( the ne-t cent*r+ the )ood )ill be
scarce (or the )hole )orld H5ingh, 19CDI. 'his
sit*ation has led to the development o( alternative
material. Among the vario*s s+nthetic materials that
have been e-plored and advocated, plastics claim a
ma.or share as )ood s*bstit*tes. "lastics are *sed
(or almost ever+thing (rom the articles o( dail+ *se
to the components o( complicated engineering
str*ct*res and heav+ ind*strial applications HRai V
Mai 5ingh, 19C6I. "lastics (ind an e-tensive
application in b*ildings as (looring material
beca*se the+ are resistant to abrasion, have a lo)
heat cond*ctivit+ and lo) )ater absorption,
s*((icient hardness and strength. 'he+ (ail to s)ell
)hen moistened, readil+ ta0e on varnishes and
paints. Oard)are items li0e door and )indo)
(rames, (l*shing cisterns, overhead )ater storage
tan0s and )ater (ittings are commerciall+ available
and are (inding acceptance in the b*ilding ind*str+.
"lastics are *sed to man*(act*re vario*s sanitar+
)ares, )hich incl*de )ash basins, batht*bs, sin0s,
sho)er cabins, )ashing rac0s and others. "lastic
pipes are )idel+ *sed in the installation o( vario*s
ind*strial p*rposes, )ater s*ppl+ etc.
Oo)ever, d*ring the last decade, the st*d+ o(
(illed plastic composites has sim*lated immense
interest in meeting the (*t*re shortage o( plastic
materials H7ightse+, 19C3I. 6n (act, s+nthetic (ibres
s*ch as n+lon, ra+on, aramid, glass, pol+ester and
carbon are e-tensivel+ *sed (or the rein(orcement
o( plastics HErich et al., 19CNW 7a)rence et al.,
199EI. 1evertheless, these materials are e-pensive
and are non-rene)able reso*rces. Beca*se o( the
*ncertainties prevailing in the s*ppl+ and price o(
petrole*m based prod*cts, there is ever+ need to
*se the nat*rall+ occ*rring alternatives. 6n man+
parts o( the )orld, besides the agric*lt*ral
p*rposes, di((erent parts o( plants and (r*its o(
man+ crops have been (o*nd to be viable so*rces o(
ra) material (or ind*strial p*rpose. 6n recent +ears,
pol+mer composites containing vegetable (ibres
have received considerable attention both in the
literat*re and in ind*str+. 'he interest in nat*ral
R. Bras. Eng. Agrc. Ambiental, ampina !rande, v.3, n.3, p.367-379, 1999
K. M,5E"O et al.
cheaper, pose no health ha/ards and, (inall+, provide
a sol*tion to environmental poll*tion b+ (inding
ne) *ses (or )aste materials. &*rthermore, nat*ral
(ibre rein(orced pol+mer composites (orm a ne)
class o( materials )hich seem to have good
potential in the (*t*re as a s*bstit*te (or scarce
)ood and )ood based materials in str*ct*ral
&ibres obtained (rom the vario*s parts o( the
plants are
0no)n as vegetable (ibres. 'hese (ibres are
classi(ied into three categories depending on the
part o( the plant (rom )hich the+ are e-tracted.
1. Bast or 5tem (ibres H.*te, mesta, banana etc.I
D. 7ea( (ibres Hsisal, pineapple, scre) pine etc.I
3. &r*it (ibres Hcotton, coir, oil palm etc.I
3an+ o( the plant (ibres s*ch as coir, sisal, .*te,
banana, palm+ra, pineapple, talipot, hemp, etc. (ind
applications as a reso*rce (or ind*strial materials
H5at+anara+ana et al., 199FbW 'homas V %do, 1997W
Ro)ell et al., 1997I. 'able 1 presents the properties
o( some plant (ibres. "roperties o( plant (ibres
depend mainl+ on the nat*re o( the plant, localit+ in
)hich it is gro)n, age o( the plant, and the
e-traction method *sed. &or e-ample, coir is a hard
and to*gh m*lticell*lar (ibre )ith a central portion
called Xlac*naY. 5isal is an important lea( (ibre and
is ver+ strong. "ineapple lea( (ibre is so(t and has
high cell*lose content. ,il palm (ibres are hard and
to*gh, and sho) similarit+ to coir (ibres in cell*lar
str*ct*re. 'he elementar+ *nit o( a cell*lose
macromolec*le is anh+dro-d-gl*cose, )hich
contains three alcohol h+dro-+ls H-,OI HBled/0i et
al., 1996I. 'hese h+dro-+ls (orm h+drogen bonds
inside the macromolec*le itsel( Hintramolec*larI
and bet)een other cell*lose macromolec*les
Hintermolec*larI as )ell as )ith h+dro-+l gro*ps
(rom the air. 'here(ore, all plant (ibres are o( a
h+drophilic nat*reW their moist*re content reaches
6n addition to cell*lose, plant (ibres contain
di((erent nat*ral
s*bstances. 'he most important o( them is lignin.
'he distinct cells o( hard plant (ibres are bonded
together b+ lignin, acting as a cementing material.
'he lignin content o( plant (ibres in(l*ences its
str*ct*re, properties and morpholog+. An important
characteristic o( vegetable (ibre is their degree o(
pol+meri/ation H#"I. 'he cell*lose molec*les o(
each (ibre di((er in their #" and conse2*entl+, the
(ibre is a comple- mi-t*re o(
rein(orced pol+mer composites is gro)ing rapidl+ d*e to the pol+mer homolog*e H O , I . Bast (ibres commonl+ sho) the
6 1F E n
high per(ormance in mechanical properties,
processing advantages, lo) cost and lo) densit+
H5at+anara+ana et al., 199Fa,bI. 1at*ral (ibres are
rene)able reso*rces in man+ developing co*ntries
o( the )orldW the+ are
highest #" among all the plant (ibres H [1F,FFFI.
these (ibres have been *sed (or ma0ing t)ines,
ropes, cords, as pac0aging material in sac0s and
g*nn+ bags, as carpet-bac0ing and more recentl+, as
a geote-tile material.
R. Bras. Eng. Agrc. Ambiental, ampina !rande, v.3, n.3, p.367-379, 1999
'able 1. "roperties o( some nat*ral (ibers H3* V 5at+anara+ana, 19CNI
&iber #iameter #ensit+ ell*lose 7ignin l$d ell 3icro(ibrilla
'+pe H
Hg cm
ratio\ 'hic0ness
Angle HdegI
5isal 1FF-3FF 1.NEF 7 1 1FF 1D.E DF-DE
Banana EF-DEF 1.3EF C
E 1EF 1.DE 11-1D
oir 1FF-NEF 1.1EF 3
\ell length HlI$ ell breadth HdI ratio
Begetable (ibres can be considered as nat*rall+ occ*rring
composites consisting mainl+ o( cell*lose (ibrils embedded in
lignin matri-. 'hese cell*lose (ibrils are aligned along the
length o( the (ibre, irrespective o( its origin, i.e. )hether it is
e-tracted (rom stem, lea( or (r*it. 6t appears that s*ch an
alignment renders ma-im*m tensile and (le-*ral strengths, in
addition to providing rigidit+ in that direction o( the (ibre as
observed in the case o( bamboo. &*rther, these (ibres e-hibit
high electrical resistance in addition to being thermall+ and
aco*sticall+ ins*lating. 6t can there(ore be e-pected that )hen
these (ibres are incorporated in lo) mod*l*s pol+mer
matrices, the+ )o*ld +ield materials )ith better properties
s*itable (or vario*s applications.
5ince vegetable (ibres are strong, light in )eight,
ab*ndant, non-abrasive, non-ha/ardo*s and ine-pensive, the+
can serve as an e-cellent rein(orcing agent (or plastics.
5everal cell*losic prod*cts and )astes s*ch as shell (lo*r,
)ood (lo*r and p*lp have been *sed as (illers in pol+mers,
primaril+ to achieve cost savings and also to impart some
desirable properties li0e decreasing shrin0age a(ter molding,
increasing elastic mod*l*s and creep resistance H7ightse+,
19C3W "rasad et al., 19C3W Ko0ta,
19CCW 3aldas V Ko0ta, 1991I. otton-pol+mer composites are
reported to be the (irst (iber rein(orced plastics *sed b+ the
militar+ (or radar aircra(t H"iggot, 19CFW 7*bin, 19CDI.
Oo)ever, over the past decade, cell*losic (illers o( a (ibro*s
nat*re have been o( greater interest as the+ )o*ld give
composites )ith improved mechanical properties compared to
those containing non-(ibro*s (illers H"aramasivam V
Abd*l0alam, 197NW Moseph et al., 1993a,bW arvalho, 1997W
"avithran et al., 19C7, 19CCI. Begetable (ibres posses
moderatel+ high speci(ic strength and sti((ness and can be
*sed as rein(orcing materials in pol+meric resin matrices to
ma0e *se(*l str*ct*ral composites materials.
7ignocell*losic (ibres li0e .*te, sisal, coir, and pineapple
have been *sed as rein(orcements in pol+mer matrices. Among
these (ibres, sisal is o( partic*lar interest in that its composites
have high impact strength besides having moderate tensile and
(le-*ral properties compared to other lignocell*losic (ibres
H"avithran et al., 19C7I. Oo)ever, a large 2*antit+ o( this
rene)able reso*rce is being *nder-*tili/ed. 5isal (ibre is
mainl+ *sed (or the man*(act*re o( ropes (or *se in marine
ind*str+ and agric*lt*re, (or ma0ing t)ines, cords, padding,
mat ma0ing, (ishing nets, (anc+ articles s*ch as p*rses, )all
hangings, table mats etc. 'he *se o( sisal (ibre as a te-tile
(ibre b+ man0ind began )ith PeindlingJs )or0 d*ring (orties
HPeindling, 19N7I. Along )ith the st*d+ o( agronomic and
ind*strial aspects, a thoro*gh and (*ndamental investigation
on the sisal (ibre )as carried o*t b+ Pilson H1971I. Oe also
paid attention to the possibilit+ o( chemicall+ modi(+ing the
(ibre and p*t (or)ard arg*ments (or re.ecting the idea d*e to
the sacri(ies that have to be allo)ed (or the loss in strength as
a res*lt o( chemical treatments. ,ver last (e) decades,
several st*dies have been reported on the *se o( sisal (ibres as
rein(orcements in pol+mer matrices HBar0a0at+, 1976W Bisanda
Ansell, 1991W Moseph et al., 199D, 1993ab, 199NW 3attoso et
1997I. 'here(ore, a detailed and s+stematic s*rve+ has been
carried o*t on the *se o( sisal (ibre as rein(orcement in
pol+mer composites.
5isal (ibre is obtained (rom the leaves o( the plant Agave
sisalana, )hich )as originated (rom 3e-ico and is no)
mainl+ c*ltivated in East A(rica, Bra/il, Oaiti, 6ndia and
6ndonesia H1ilsson, 197EW 3attoso et al., 1997I. 6t is gro*ped
*nder the broad heading o( the Xhard (ibresY among )hich
sisal is placed second to manila in d*rabilit+ and strength
HPeindling, 19N7I. 'he name XsisalY comes (rom a harbor
to)n in Q*catan, 3a+a, 3e-ico H1ilsson, 197EI. 6t means
cold )ater. Agave plants )ere gro)n b+ the 3a+a 6ndians
be(ore the arrival o( the E*ropeans. 'he+ prepared the (ibres
b+ hand and *sed it (or ropes, carpets and clothing. 5ome
clothes )ere called Xne2*enY, and this is )here the present
name o( 3e-ican agave, hene2*en, probabl+ originates. 6t is
one o( the most e-tensivel+ c*ltivated hard (ibre in the )orld
and it acco*nts (or hal( the total prod*ction o( te-tile (ibres
H7oc0, 196DW Pilson, 1971I. 'he reason (or this is d*e to the
ease o( c*ltivation o( sisal plants, )hich have short rene)ing
times, and is (airl+ eas+ to gro) in all 0inds o( environments.
A good sisal plant +ields abo*t DFF leaves )ith each lea(
having a mass composition o( NZ (ibre, F.7EZ c*ticle,
CZ other dr+ matter and C7.DEZ moist*re. 'h*s a normal lea(
)eighing abo*t 6FFg +ields abo*t 3Z b+ )eight o( (ibre )ith
each lea( containing abo*t 1FFF (ibres HKallap*r, 196DI. 'he
(ibre is e-tracted (rom the lea( either b+ retting, b+ scraping
or b+ retting (ollo)ed b+ scraping or b+ mechanical means
*sing decorticators HKB6, 19CFI. 'he diameter o( the (ibre
varied (rom
1FF m to 3FF m H3* V 5at+anara+ana,
'he str*ct*re and properties o( sisal (ibre have been
investigated b+ several researchers HBar0a0at+, 1976W
3c7a*ghlin, 19CFW K*l0arni et al., 19C1W !ram, 19C3W
V 5at+anara+ana, 19CNW 3attoso et al., 1997I. 5*ch
*nderstanding o( str*ct*re ]propert+ relationship )ill not onl+
help open *p ne) aven*es (or these (ibres, b*t also emphasi/e
the importance o( this agric*lt*ral material, )hich (orm one o(
the ab*ndantl+ available rene)able reso*rces in the )orld.
'he characteristics o( the sisal (ibres depend on the
properties o( the individ*al constit*ents, the (ibrillar str*ct*re
and the lamellae matri-. 'he (ibre is composed o( n*mero*s
elongated (*si(orm (ibre cells that taper to)ards each end. 'he
(ibre cells are lin0ed together b+ means o( middle lamellae,
)hich consist o( hemicell*lose, lignin and pectin. According
to !ram H19C3I, a sisal (ibre in cross-section is b*ilt *p o(
abo*t 1FF (ibre cells. K*l0arni et al. H19C1I state that the
n*mber o( cells in cross-section o( a cocon*t (ibre ranges (rom
D6F to ECN depending on the diameter o( the (ibre.
&ig*res 1 and D sho) bac0 scattered image and scanning
electron micrographs o( the microstr*ct*re o( sisal
respectivel+. As can be seen, the cross section o( sisal (ibres is
neither circ*lar nor (airl+ *ni(orm in dimension. 'he l*men
varies in si/e b*t is *s*all+ )ell de(ined. 'he longit*dinal
shape is appro-imatel+ c+lindrical. "h+sicall+, each (ibre cell
is made *p o( (o*r main parts, namel+ the primar+ )all, the
thic0 secondar+ )all, the tertiar+ )all and the l*men. &ig*re 3
sho)s a schematic s0etch o( a (ibre cell. 'he cell )alls consist
o( several la+ers o( (ibrillar str*ct*re consisting o( (ibrillae. 6n
the primar+ )all, the (ibrillae have a retic*lated str*ct*re. 6n
the o*ter secondar+ )all H5 I, )hich is located inside the
primar+ )all, the (ibrillae are arranged in spirals )ith a spiral
angle o(
H(or sisal (ibreI in relation to the longit*dinal
a-is o( the cell. 'he (ibrillae in the inner secondar+
)all H5 I o( sisal (ibres have a sharper slope, 1C to
. 'he thin, innermost, tertiar+ )all has a parallel
(ibrillar str*ct*re and encloses the l*men. 'he
(ibrillae are, in t*rn, b*ilt *p o( micro-(ibrillae )ith
a thic0ness o( abo*t DF nm. 'he micro(ibrillae are
composed o( cell*lose molec*lar chains )ith a
thic0ness o( F.7 nm and a length o( a (e) m
H!ram, 19C3I.
&ig*re 1. Bac0 scattered image o( the cross-section
o( sisal (iber embedded in cement matri- H'oledo
&ilho, 1997I
&ig*re 3. 5chematic s0etch o( a sisal (iber cell )ith
appro-imate dimensions H!ram, 19C3I
According to 3* V 5at+anara+ana
H19C6I the micro(ibrillar or spiral angle in the
secondar+ )alls o( the cells o( cocon*t (ibres are o(
abo*t 3F - NE
. hemicall+ the vegetable (ibres
comprise cell*lose, hemicell*lose, lignin, pectin
and a small amo*nt o( )a-es and (at. #in)oodie
H19C1I s*mmari/es the pol+meric state, molec*lar
derivatives and (*nction o( cell*lose, hemicell*lose,
lignin and e-tractives as in 'able D. Bar0a0at+
H1976I has reported the str*ct*ral aspects o( sisal
(ibre. Oe has st*died the molec*lar str*ct*re o( the
paracr+stalline cell*lose, )hich (orms the ma.or
constit*ent o( the (ibre b+ --ra+ di((raction
techni2*e. Oe also st*died the m*lticell*lar
str*ct*re, s*r(ace topolog+, and (ract*re
morpholog+ and the e((ect o( chemical treatment on
sisal (ibre. 3attoso et al. H1997I have reported the
e-traction methods, morpholog+ and chemical
modi(ications o( sisal (ibre and its application as
rein(orcement agents in pol+mer composites.
3* V 5at+anara+ana H19CNI have st*died
the mechanical properties o( sisal (ibre s*ch as
initial mod*l*s Hthe e-tent to )hich the (ibre resists
the de(ormation in the lo) strain region is called the
initial mod*l*s o( the (ibreI, *ltimate tensile
strength, average mod*l*s and percent elongation
as a (*nction o( (ibre diameter, test length and the
speed o( testing. 6t )as reported that tensile
properties o( (ibre var+ )ith test length o( the (ibre.
'ables 3 and N list the observed variation o( tensile
properties )ith test lengths and speed o( testing
respectivel+. 6t can be seen (rom the 'able 3 that
both tensile
'able D. ell*lose, hemicell*lose, lignin and
e-tractives, pol+meric state, molec*lar derivatives
and (*nction H#in)oodie, 19C1I
ontent "ol+meric 5state 3olec*lar #erivatives &*nction
ell*lose r+stalline
highl+ oriented
large molec*le
!l*cose X&iberY
Oemicell*loses 5emi-cr+stalline
smaller molec*le
3annose, ^ilose
7ignin Amorpho*s large
3-# molec*le
"hen+l propane
&ig*re D. 5canning electron micrographs H5E3I o(
the o( sisal
(iber H'oledo &ilho, 1997I
E-tractives 5ome
strength and percent elongation decrease )ith test
length, )hereas, Qo*ngJs mod*l*s and average
mod*l*s increase )ith test length. 6n nat*ral (ibres,
since the (la)s or )ea0 lin0s are irreg*larl+ spaced
in the (ibre, the strength )ill depend on the length
o( the (ibre *sed (or the tensile test H3c7a*ghlin,
'able 3. Bariation o( tensile properties o( sisal (iber
)ith test length Hdiameter o( (iberG DFF mI,
H3* V 5at+anara+ana, 19CNI
Ol compared to other acids. 'he (ibres treated
)ith 1CZ sol*tion o( 1a,O sho)ed more tensile
load than the other chemicall+ modi(ied (ibres.
Ed)ards et al. H1997I have st*died the application
o( &'-Raman microscop+ to the non-destr*ctive
anal+sis o( sisal (ibres. hand V Moshi H199EI have
investigated the e((ect o( gamma irradiation on
str*ct*re and dc cond*ctivit+ o( this sisal (ibre. 6t
)as (o*nd that e-pos*re o( sisal (ibre to gamma-
irradiation increased the dc cond*ctivit+, )hich has
been e-plained on the basis o( microstr*ct*re. 5ingh
et al. H199CI have st*died the adsorptive
interaction bet)een sisal (ibre and
n at
co*pling agents *sing contact angle meas*rements
and &o*rier trans(orm in(rared spectroscop+. 6t )as
(o*nd that high contact angle and red*ced h+dro-+l
gro*ps on titanate-treated (ibres
1E 1N.1E 793.CF C.1E 9.7N
DE 17.D6 7E7.1F E.7F 13.DC
3E 19.71 7DC.1F N.6E 1E.6N
EF DD.ED 63F.1F 3.9C 1E.C3
6E DE.36 6DF.C1 3.EF 17.C7
(avor its better h+drophobicit+ over the other treatments. 'he
presence o( adsorbed la+er o( co*pling agent on the
(ibre s*r(ace )as ascertained b+ appearance,
shi(ting, and decreased intensit+ o( absorption
bands. 'he lo)est polar component o( s*r(ace- (ree
energ+ (or 1-s*bstit*ted methacr+lamide-treated
indicates the (ormation o( ordered la+ers o(
organo(*nctionalit+ at the s*r(ace. 'he reason (or enhanced
'able N. Bariation o( tensile properties o( sisal (iber
)ith speed
o( testing Hdiameter o( (iberG DFF mW test lengthG

H3* V 5at+anara+ana, 19CNI
interaction bet)een sisal (ibre and 1-s*bstit*ted
methacr+lamide is s*ggested b+ the (ormation o(
h+drogen bond, besides e-tracting a s*r(ace-active
proton (rom the (ibre s*r(ace b+ al0o-+
5peed o(
Hmm min
H!1 m
H31 m
gro*p to (orm a covalent bond. An optim*m
treating condition o( (ibre (or e((ective adsorptive
interaction has been reported.
1 C.N1 NC1.FF
1F DD.1D 63F.1D
EF 3N.16 7E9.7F
EFF - NN1.6F
6( a (ibre having length 7 and strength is no)
changed in length b+ d7 a corresponding change in
strength d )ill be observed. 'he incremental
change can be related b+ the e2*ation given belo)G
dL L
)here, d7 represents the probabilit+ o( having an
imper(ection introd*ced or red*ced, 7 represents
the probabilit+ o( alread+ having an imper(ection in
7 and represents a meas*re o( the (re2*enc+ o(
occ*rrence o( )ea0 lin0s in the (ibre. 5o )ith an
increase in test length, the n*mber o( )ea0 lin0s or
imper(ections increases, th*s res*lting in red*ction
in tensile strength and percent elongation val*es.
'he stress-strain c*rve (or sisal (ibres )as
characteri/ed b+ an initial linear region (ollo)ed b+
a c*rvat*re indicating the viscoelastic nat*re o( the
(ibre. 'he applied stress is shared bet)een
cr+stalline and non-cr+stalline components in a
nat*ral (ibre, )hich is also basicall+ a (ibre-
rein(orced composite on a microscale. As the
applied stress increases, the )ea0 primar+ cell )all
collapses and decohesion o( cells begins (ollo)ing
decohesion o( cell*losic and non- cell*losic
molec*les mainl+ thro*gh )ea0 lin0s and
imper(ections. 'his leads to the c*rvat*re o( the
stress-strain c*rve. 'he applied stress also ca*ses
the *ncoiling as )ell as e-tensions o( the cr+stalline
(ibrils in the secondar+ )alls o( the cells.
"admavathi V 1aid* H199CI have st*died the
chemical resistance and tensile strength o( sisal
(ibres HAgave veracruzI. 6t )as noted that sisal
(ibres )ere more resistant to concentrated
'he deposition o( compo*nd in the (orm o( an
aggregate on the (ibre s*r(ace )as also observed
*nder scanning electron microscop+.
6ncorporation o( sisal (ibre into thermosetting
plastics have been reported b+ vario*s )or0ers
H"aramasivam V Abd*l0alam,
197NW "avithran et al., 19C7, 19CCW Moseph et al.,
1996aI. "aramasivam V Abd*l0alam H197NI have
investigated the (easibilit+ o( developing pol+mer
based composites *sing sisal (ibres d*e to the lo)
cost o( prod*ction o( composites and amenabilit+
o( these (ibres to )inding, laminating and other
(abrication processes. 6t )as (o*nd that the
(abrication o( these composites )as (airl+ eas+ and
cost o( prod*ction )as 2*ite lo). Pinding o(
c+linders )ith longit*dinal or helical and hoop
rein(orcement )as s*ccess(*ll+ carried o*t. 'ensile
strength o( sisal epo-+ composites )as (o*nd to be
DEF-3FF 3"a, )hich )as nearl+ hal( the strength o(
(ibre glass-epo-+ composites o( the same
composition. Beca*se o( the lo) densit+ o( the sisal
(ibre, ho)ever, the speci(ic strength o( sisal
composites )as comparable )ith that o( glass
composites. 'he *nidirectional mod*l*s o( sisal-
epo-+ composites )as (o*nd to be abo*t
C.E !"a. 'his st*d+ indicated the (easibilit+ o(
developing composites incorporating one o( the
ab*ndantl+ available nat*ral (ibres, to be *sed in the
(ield o( cons*mer goods, lo) cost ho*sing and civil
engineering str*ct*res. 5at+anara+ana et al. H19CNI
have st*died the mechanical properties o( chopped
sisal (ibre ] pol+ester composites. hopped sisal
(ibre-pol+ester composites )ere prepared b+ the
compression molding techni2*e. 6t )as (o*nd that
the speci(ic mod*l*s o( the composite )as 1.9F
compared )ith D.71 (or glass (ibre rein(orced
plastics, )hile the speci(ic strength )as o( the same
order as
that o( pol+ester resins H3N - N1 3"aI. 'he impact
strength )as
3F M m
, )hich is three times higher than that o(
pol+ester and
Por0 o( (ract*re HKM m
3FZ less than glass (ibre rein(orced plastics.
Accelerated testing revealed little change in initial
mod*l*s, and red*ctions o( EZ in *ltimate tensile
strength, 16Z in (le-*ral strength and E.NZ in
)ater absorption.
"avithran et al. H19C7, 19CCI have reported on the impact
properties o( oriented sisal (ibre-pol+ester
composites. %nidirectionall+ aligned sisal (ibre-
pol+ester composites containing F.E vol*me
(raction o( sisal (ibre )ere prepared (rom
*nsat*rated pol+ester pre-pregs. 6mpact strength o(
the composites )as meas*red b+ harp+ test in a
pend*l*m impact-testing machine *sing a
pend*l*m load o( F.N 0gs. 'he+ have compared the
)or0 o( (ract*re o( sisal (ibre pol+ester
composites to those o( composites containing other
3icro(ibrillar angle
(ibres. 'he )or0 o( (ract*re obtained in their st*d+
is presented in 'able E. 6t can be seen that sisal (ibre
composites have the ma-im*m )or0 o( (ract*re
(ollo)ed b+ pineapple (ibre composite. Banana and
coir (ibre composite have comparativel+ lo) )or0
o( (ract*re. 6t is a generall+ accepted (act that the
to*ghness o( a (ibre rein(orced composite is mainl+
depending on the (ibre stress-strain behavior. 5trong
(ibres )ith high (ail*re strain impart high )or0 o(
(ract*re on the composites. &rom the above table it
is interesting to note that, among sisal, pineapple
and banana (ibre rein(orced pol+mer composites,
sisal (ibre-pol+ester composites is li0el+ to give
high )or0 o( (ract*re beca*se o( the high to*ghness
o( sisal (ibre )hich is (o*nd in agreement )ith the
e-perimental res*lts. Oo)ever, the large di((erence
observed bet)een banana and pineapple (ibres is
not e-plained b+ ta0ing into acco*nt o( their
comparative mechanical properties. 5imilarl+, ver+
lo) to*ghness cannot be e-pected (or coir
composites beca*se o( the high to*ghness o( the
(ibre. 'he+ have also st*died the variation in impact
properties o( vario*s nat*ral (ibre composites )ith
micro(ibrillar angle o( the (ibre. &ig*re N sho)s the
in(l*ence o( micro(ibrillar angle o( the (ibre on the
)or0 o( (ract*re val*es o( di((erent nat*ral (ibre
rein(orced pol+mer composites. 6t can seen that
micro(ibrillar angle in plant (ibres pla+s an
important role in determining the impact behavior
o( these composites and this e((ect sho*ld be ta0en
into acco*nt along )ith the other parameters )hile
predicting the impact properties o( nat*ral (ibre
"avithran et al. H19CCI have compared the impact
o( *nidirectionll+ oriented sisal (ibre-pol+ester
composites )ith those o( composites having *ltra
high-densit+ pol+eth+lene _%O#"E` and glass
(ibres. 6t )as observed that sisal composites sho)s
)or0 o( (ract*re identical )ith that o( *ltra high-
mod*l*s pol+eth+lene composites and the
to*ghness o( sisal (ibre composites is onl+ DEZ
less than that o( glass (ibre composites )hen the
densit+ o( the latter is ta0en into acco*nt. 'he high
&ig*re N. Por0 o( (ract*re o( nat*ral (iber
composites plotted against micro(ibrillar angle o(
the (ibers H"avithran et al., 19C7I
)or0 o( (ract*re obtained (or the sisal (ibre
composite, in spite o( the (ibre having lo) strength
and mod*l*s con(irms their earlier arg*ment that
prediction o( impact behavior o( nat*ral (ibre
composites )ill not be valid *nless the contrib*tion
(rom the helicall+ )o*nd micro(ibrillar str*ct*re o(
the (ibre is ta0en into acco*nt. 6t is a generall+
accepted (act that the to*ghness o( a (ibre
composite is mainl+ dependent on the (ibre stress-
strain behavior. 5trong (ibres )ith high (ail*re
strain impart high )or0 o( (ract*re on the
Bisanda V Ansell H1991I have st*died the e((ect
o( silane treatment and al0ali treatment on the
mechanical and ph+sical properties o( sisal-epo-+
composites. 'he+ have reported that incorporation
o( sisal (ibres in an epo-+ resin prod*ces sti(( and
strong composite materials. 'he treatment o( the
sisal (ibres )ith silane, preceded b+ mercerisation,
provides improved )ettabilit+, mechanical
properties and )ater resistance.
Moseph et al. H1996aI have st*died the in(l*ence
o( inter(acial adhesion on the mechanical and
(ract*re behavior o( short sisal (ibre rein(orced
pol+mer composites o( several thermoset resin
matrices Hpol+ester, epo-+, phenol (ormaldeh+deI
and a thermoplastic matri- Hlo) densit+
pol+eth+leneI )ith respect to (ibre length and (ibre
loading. 'he+ observed that all the composites
sho)ed a general trend o( increasing properties
)ith (ibre loading. Oo)ever, the optim*m length o(
the (ibre re2*ired to obtain an increase in properties
varied )ith the t+pe o( matri-. 6t is )ell 0no)n that
di((erent degrees o( rein(orcement e((ects are
achieved b+ the addition o( h+drophilic (ibres to
di((erent pol+mers, even tho*gh the (lo) limits and
Qo*ngJs mod*li o( most o( the commercial plastics
are relativel+ close. 'his ma+ be d*e to the di((erent
adhesion strength bet)een matrices and (ibres. 'he
adhesion is *s*all+ strongest in polar
'able E. 3echanical properties o( nat*ral (ibers and )or0 o( (ract*re o( their composites H"avithran et al.,
&iber "roperties omposite "roperties
'ensile 5trength Elongation 'o*ghne &iber "*ll-o*t Por0 o(
H3"aI H
H31 m
7a+er HmmI HKM m
1DEF 3
.7 6NF D
97F D
.E ENF 3
C16 1
&iber '+pe
oir 1NF DE.F 3DFF 1.1 N3.E
pol+mers capable o( (orming h+drogen bonds )ith
h+dro-+l gro*ps available on the (ibre s*r(ace. 6t
)as observed that the (ibre p*ll o*t stress or
debonding stress o( sisal-pol+ester composites is
onl+ 166 3"a )hereas, the debonding stress o(
sisal-epo-+ matri- is abo*t DD6 3"a. 6t )as also
observed that, among pol+ester, epo-+ and phenol -
(ormaldeh+de composites o( sisal (ibre, a phenolic
t+pe resin per(ormed as a better matri- than epo-+
and pol+ester resins )ith respect to tensile and
(le-*ral properties d*e to the high inter(acial
bonding in phenolic composites. 'he+ concl*ded
that, compared to thermoset resin composites, sisal
(ibre-lo) densit+ pol+eth+len H7#"EI composites
sho)ed a better rein(orcing e((ect d*e to the high
matri- d*ctilit+ and high strength$mod*l*s ratio o(
sisal (ibres as compared to that o( 7#"E matri-.
5ingh et al.H1996I have st*died the e((ect o(
several chemical
treatments, s*ch as organotitanate, /irconate, silane,
and 1- s*bstit*ted methacr+lamide, on the ph+sical
and mechanical properties o( sisal (iber rein(orced
*nsat*rated pol+ester resin composites. An
improvement in the mechanical properties )as
observed )hen sisal (ibers )ere modi(ied )ith
s*r(ace treatments. %nder h*mid conditions, a
decrease o( 3F to NNZ in tensile and
EF to 7FZ in (le-*ral strength has been noted. 'he
strength retention o( s*r(ace-treated composites
He-cept silaneI is high compared )ith *ntreated
composites. 6t )as also observed that 1-s*bstit*ted
methacr+lamide-treated sisal composites e-hibited
better properties *nder dr+ as )ell as )et
A novel composite material o( tamarind seed
g*m and the cell*losic rich sisal plant (ibre )as
prepared and techni2*es )ere developed to increase
the strength o( the prepared composite material b+ a
process o( h*midi(ication and compression
HBel*ra.a et al., 1997I. 6t )as reported that the
prepared composite material have potential
ind*strial applications s*ch as (alse roo(ing and
room partitioning. 5isal (ibre rein(orced rigid (oam
s+stem based on plant pol+ols has been developed
b+ #ahl0e et al. H199CI. 'he+ have reported that the
properties o( the pol+*rethane-sisal (ibre s+stem
)ere comparable to pol+ether-based standard
s+stems. !*pta et al. H199CI have st*died the nat*re
o( inter(acial adhesion bet)een chemicall+
modi(ied sisal (ibre and pol+ester resin in
composites. Recentl+ Bai et al. H1999I have st*died
the (ail*re mechanisms o( contin*o*s sisal (ibre
rein(orced epo-+ matri- composites. 'he+ have
e-amined the micro-(ail*re behavior and inter(acial
debonding o( sisal (ibre b*ndle$epo-+ matri- *sing
scanning electron microscop+ a(ter (o*r points bend
tests. 6t )as reported that sisal (ibre b*ndle-epo-+
inter(ace had a moderate high strength, b*t the
adhesive strength bet)een the micro-t*b*lar (ibre
and the bonding material appeared to be small.
'hermoplastic pol+mers constit*te an important
class o( materials )ith a )ide variet+ o(
applications. Beca*se o( its increasing *se
combined )ith the high demand" the cost o( the
pol+mer has increased rapidl+ over the past decade.
'his sit*ation made it necessar+ to *se lo) cost
(illers as means o( red*cing the cost o( the end
prod*ct. Oo)ever, the )idel+ *sed inorganic (illers,
s*ch as glass (ibre and mica are ver+ e-pensive
compared to )ood (ibres. 5everal cell*losic
prod*cts and )astes s*ch as shell (lo*r, )ood (lo*r
and p*lp have been *sed as (illers in thermoplastics
H7ightse+, 19C3W Ko0ta, 19CCW 3aldas V
Ko0ta, 1991I. 'he in(l*ence o( )ood (lo*r on the
mechanical properties o( pol+prop+lene )as st*died
b+ Ra. et al. H19C9I and the+ (o*nd that the cost o(
material co*ld be red*ced )itho*t too m*ch loss o(
elastic mod*l*s. Oo)ever, (ibro*s (illers are no)
gaining more importance over partic*late (illers d*e
to their high per(ormance in mechanical
properties. "*blished data sho) that vario*s
commercial )ood (ibres have good potential as
rein(orcements in thermoplastics. Pood (ibres are
non- abrasive so that relativel+ large concentrations
o( (ibres can be incorporated into pol+ole(ins
)itho*t ca*sing serio*s machine )ear d*ring
mi-ing and processing. Ra. V Ko0ta H19C9I have
st*died the mechanical properties o( )ood (ibre
(illed medi*m densit+ pol+eth+lene H3#"EI
composites. 'he+ observed a signi(icant increase
in mod*l*s )ith increase in (iller content. Oo)ever,
ver+ limited st*dies have been reported in the
literat*re on the *se o( sisal (ibre as a rein(orcing
agent in thermoplastic matrices.
Moseph et al. H199D,1993ab, 199NI have
investigated the
mechanical, rheological, electrical and viscoelastic
properties o( short sisal (ibre rein(orced 7#"E
composites as a (*nction o( processing method,
(ibre content, (ibre length and (ibre orientation.
'he+ have reported that the (ibre damage normall+
occ*rs d*ring blending o( (ibre and the pol+mer b+
the melt mi-ing method can be avoided b+ adopting
a sol*tion mi-ing proced*re. 'he+ have also
reported that *nidirectional alignment o( the short
(ibres achieved b+ an e-tr*sion process enhanced
the tensile strength and mod*l*s o( the composites
along the a-is o( the (ibre alignment b+ more than
t)o (old compared to randoml+ oriented (ibre
composites. 'he+ have compared the
e-perimentall+ observed tensile properties Htensile
strength and mod*l*sI o( short sisal (ibre
rein(orced-7#"E composites )ith the e-isting
theories o( rein(orcement s*ch and "arallel and
5eries, Oiesch, o-, Oalpin-'sai, 3odi(ied Oalpin-
'sai and modi(ied Bo)+er and Bader models
Kalaprasad et al. H1997aI. 'he+ concl*ded that
tensile properties o( short (ibre rein(orced
composites strongl+ depend on (ibre length, (ibre
loading, (ibre dispersion, (ibre orientation and (ibre
matri- inter(acial bond strength. 6n(l*ence o( short
glass (ibre addition on the mechanical properties o(
short sisal (ibre rein(orced 7#"E composites have
been reported b+ Kalaprasad et al. H1997bI. 'he+
observed that b+ the addition o( a small vol*me
(raction o( H F.F3I short glass (ibre into the above
s+stem enhanced the tensile strength o(
longit*dinall+ oriented composites b+ more than
CFZ. 6t )as also observed that )ater absorption
tendenc+ o( the composite decreases )ith the
process o( h+bridi/ation. 'he viscoelastic
properties, and rheological properties o( 7#"E
(illed )ith short sisal (ibre as a (*nction (ibre
length, (ibre content and (ibre orientation have been
investigated b+ Moseph et al. H199D, 1993 b, 199NI.
'he+ have reported that longit*dinall+ oriented
composites sho)ed ma-im*m storage mod*li and a
critical (ibre length o( 6 mm is necessar+ to obtain
ma-im*m d+namic mod*li. 'he electrical
properties o( coir (ibre and sisal (ibre rein(orced
7#"E composites have been st*died b+ "a*l V
'homas H1997I and "a*l et al. H1997I. 'he+ have
noticed that dielectric constant o( sisal-7#"E and
coir-7#"E progressivel+ increases )ith increase o(
(ibre loading in all (re2*encies ranging (rom 1 to
1F7 O/. 5el/er H199EI have st*died the e((ect o(
environmental in(l*ences on the mechanical
properties o( sisal (ibre rein(orced pol+mer
composites. #ependencies bet)een moist*re, acid
as )ell as al0ali attac0s )ere determined and
mechanical properties o( sisal (ibre-pol+prop+lene
)ere eval*ated. 'he+ have concl*ded that the
bending properties o( sisal (ibre-pol+prop+lene
composites )ere sensitive to environmental attac0.
'he ma.or dra)bac0s associated )ith the *se o(
nat*ral (ibres as rein(orcements in thermoplastics
matri- to achieve composite material )ith
improved mechanical properties and dimensional
stabilit+ are the poor )ettabilit+ and )ea0
inter(acial bonding )ith the pol+mer d*e to the
inherentl+ poor compatibilit+ as )ell as
dispersabilit+ o( the h+drophilic cell*lose (ibres
)ith the h+drophobic thermoplastics Harvalho,
1997W 3arcovich et al. ,1997I. 5o in order to
improve the (ibre-matri- adhesion a pre-treatment
o( the (ibre s*r(ace or the incorporation o(
s*r(ace modi(ier d*ring processing is re2*ired.
5everal st*dies have been reported based on the
in(l*ence o( vario*s t+pe o( chemical modi(ication
on the ph+sical and mechanical properties o( sisal
(ibre (illed thermoplastic composites HBisanda V
Ansell,1991W Moseph et al., 199Eb, 1996bW "a*l et
al., 1997I. !ra(t copol+meri/ation o( meth+l
methacr+late onto sisal (ibres *sing potassi*m
pers*l(ate initiator )as st*died b+ 5abaa et al.
H199EI. 'he+ have investigated the e((ect o( the
initiator concentration, monomer concentration,
reaction time, reaction temperat*re and pO, oil
gra(ting percentage, gra(ting e((icienc+ and total
conversion. 'he s*r(ace topolog+, as )ell as the --
ra+ di((raction patterns o( the modi(ied (ibres )ere
also st*died.
Moseph et al. H199Ea, 1996bI have st*died the
e((ect o( chemical treatment on the tensile, d+namic
mechanical, electrical and ageing properties o( short
sisal (ibre rein(orced 7#"E composites. 'he e((ects
o( vario*s chemical treatments on the tensile
properties o( sisal-pol+eth+lene composites are
presented in 'able 6. 'reatments *sing chemicals
s*ch as sodi*m h+dro-ide, isoc+anate,
permanganate and pero-ide )ere carried o*t to
improve the bonding at the (ibre-pol+mer inter(ace.
6t )as observed that the treatments enhanced the
tensile properties o( the composites considerabl+,
b*t to var+ing degrees. &ig*re E clearl+ indicates
the e-tent o( (ibre-matri- adhesion a(ter pero-ide
treatments on sisal (ibre.
6t has been observed that the '#6 Hcardanol
derivative o(
tol*ene diisoc+anateI treatment red*ced the
h+drophilic nat*re o( the sisal (ibre and thereb+
enhanced the tensile properties o( the sisal-7#"E
composites. 'he+ (o*nd that pero-ide treated
composites sho)ed an enhancement in tensile
properties d*e to the pero-ide ind*ced gra(ting. 6t
)as also (o*nd that permanganate treated
composites also sho)ed a similar trend
'able 6. Bariation o( tensile properties o(
longit*dinall+ oriented 7#"E-sisal composites
)ith di((erent (iber treatment H(iber length E.C
mm, (iber content 3FZI HMoseph et al., 1996bI
&ig*re E. 5canning Electron 3icrograph o(
pero-ide treated sisal (iber-7#"E composites
sho)ing better (iber-matri- adhesion HMoseph et
al., 1996bI
d*e to the permanganate ind*ced gra(ting. 6t )as
observed that the dielectric constant val*es o( the
composites )ere (o*nd to have decreased as a res*lt
o( chemical treatments "a*l et al. H1997I. 'his is
d*e to the (act that the h+drophilic nat*re o( nat*ral
(ibre decreases )ith chemical treatment. 6t )as
sho)n that vol*me resistivit+ val*es o( treated sisal
(ibre-7#"E composites )ere (o*nd to be greater
than those o( ra) sisal (ibre$7#"E composites.
'he+ have also reported that the e((ects o( (ibre-
matri- adhesion on the d+namic mechanical
properties o( the composites and (o*nd that the
increase in adhesion increases the storage mod*l*s.
'he e((ects o( (ibre length, (ibre orientation, and
(ibre loading on the viscoelastic properties have
also been investigated. 6t )as (o*nd that in all
cases, storage mod*li HEJI and loss mod*li HEYI
decrease )ith temperat*re and increase )ith (ibre
loading. 'he+ concl*ded that among the vario*s
t+pes o( treatments the+ emplo+ed, '#6 and
dic*m+l pero-ide treated composites sho)ed
ma-im*m ph+sical and mechanical properties.
'he e((ects o( aging on the mechanical
properties and dimensional stabilit+ o( '#6
treated and *ntreated sisal (ibre rein(orced 7#"E
composites have been st*died b+ Moseph et al.
H199EbI. 'he ageing properties o( sisal (ibre
composites )ere compared )ith those o( glass (ibre
composites aged *nder identical conditions. 'heir
res*lts sho)ed that '#6 treated composites
e-hibited s*perior mechanical properties and better
dimensional stabilit+ compared to *ntreated
composites *nder identical aging conditions d*e to
the e-istence o( an e((icient
n at
inter(acial bond bet)een (ibre and the pol+mer
matri-. 'he
a*thors also reported that the better dimensional
stabilit+ o((ered b+ glass$7#"E composite )as d*e
to the h+drophobic nat*re
%ntreated 31.1D 3FC6 D
Al0ali treated 3N. D7 33DC 1
6soc+anate treated N1.EF NF66 N
B" treated NF.9F NF1C 3
#" treated N1.CF N1E6 N

treated 3C.CF 3C16 3
o( glass (ibre. 'he+ concl*ded that )ith a s*itable (ibre
treatment, the mechanical properties as )ell as
dimensional stabilit+ o( sisal-7#"E composites
co*ld be improved.
7e'hi et al. H1996I have st*died the mechanical
properties o(
sisal (ibre rein(orced pol+prop+lene composites
prepared b+ a reactive e-tr*sion. 6t )as reported
that the gra(ting o( the (ibres b+ ""-gra(t- 3A
enhanced both the 6mpact strength and the
brea0ing stress o( the composites. 3ani0andan 1air
et al. H1996I have reported on the tensile properties
short sisal (ibre rein(orced pol+st+rene composites.
'he in(l*ence o( (ibre length, (ibre content, (ibre
orientation, and ben/o+lation on the tensile
properties o( the composites )ere eval*ated. 6t has
been reported that ben/o+lation on the (ibre
improves the (ibre matri- adhesion and thereb+
increased the strength considerabl+. 'he properties
)ere (o*nd to be almost independent o( (ibre length
altho*gh the *ltimate tensile strength sho)s
marginal improvement at
1F mm (ibre length. E((ect o( (ibre s*r(ace
treatment on the (ibre- matri- bond strength o( sisal
(ibre rein(orced pol+eth+lene composites )as
reported b+ Balade/-!on/ale/ et al. H1999I. 6t )as
observed that the inter(acial shear strength H6&55I
bet)een sisal (ibres and pol+eth+lene matri- has
been improved b+ the morphological and silane
chemical modi(ication o( the (ibre s*r(ace. 'he+
have *sed an al0aline treatment to enhance both the
matri--(ibre )etting and the chemical s*r(ace
modi(ication in order to improve the
ph+sicochemical interactions at the (ibre- matri-
interphase. 6t )as (o*nd that both s*r(ace
modi(ications, and pre-impregnation, improves the
(ibre-matri- 6&55. 6t )as also observed that, res*lts
obtained (rom the single (ibre (ragmentation test
seem to be better agreeing )ith the e((ective
mechanical properties meas*red (or the laminated
material than those obtained )ith the p*ll o*t test.
'able 7 sho)s the tensile properties o( sol*tion
mi-ed sisal (ibre rein(orced pol+prop+lene H""I,
lo) densit+ pol+eth+lene and pol+st+rene
composites HMoseph et al., 1999I. 6t is clear (rom the
table that in the case both ""-sisal and 7#"E-sisal
composites, the tensile strength and mod*l*s go on
increasing as the percentage o( (ibre content
increases (rom F to 3FZ, )hereas, the val*es
change in an irreg*lar manner in the case o( sisal ]
pol+st+rene composites. 5ince "" is more
cr+stalline than 7#"E, the increase in tensile
strength b+ the addition o( sisal (ibre, is less in the
case o( "" compared to 7#"E. B*t the strength o(
the composite (ormed b+ the addition o( (ibre is
more in the case o( "" compared to 7#"E. 6n the
case o( pol+st+rene at 1FZ (ibre loading, the
tensile strength is decreased b+ NFZ b*t in the case
o( "", it is increased b+ 3Z. Oo)ever, at high (ibre
loading, the tensile strength val*es are comparable
(or both "" and pol+st+rene. 'h*s, "" is (o*nd to be
a good matri- (or sisal pol+ole(in composites.
6n recent +ears, short (ibre rein(orced elastomers
have gained )ide importance d*e to the advantages
in processing and lo) cost co*pled )ith high
strength. 3an+ researchers have *sed short glass
(ibres (or rein(orcing r*bbers beca*se o( their high
mod*l*s, high strength and lo) creep. 3oreover,
rein(orcement )ith short (ibres o((ers some
attractive (eat*res s*ch as high mod*l*s, tear
strength etc. 3a.or (actors )hich a((ect the
per(ormance o( r*bber-(ibre composites are (ibre
loading, (ibre dispersion, (ibre orientation, (ibre to
matri- adhesion and the aspect ratio o( the (ibre.
'hese materials bridge the gap bet)een
conventional elastomers and (ibres b+ combining
the sti((ness o( short (ibres )ith the elasticit+ o(
r*bber. 'he ma.or applications o( these composites
are in t+re treads, roo(ingJs, hoses, sheetingJs, B-
belts, ind*strial r*bber prod*cts and comple-
shaped articles. Oo)ever, st*dies on composites
containing plant (ibres are important beca*se o(
their rene)able nat*re, lo) cost and amenabilit+ to
chemical and mechanical modi(ications. A
considerable amo*nt o( research )or0 has been
reported on plant (ibre rein(orced elastomer
composites HBhagavan et al., 19C7W Barghese et al.,
199D,199NW !eethamma et al., 199E. oran et al.
H197NI have st*died the properties o( cell*losic
(ibre-elastomer composites and (o*nd that aspect
ratio o( the (ibre has a ma.or role on composite
properties. 'he e((ects o( partic*late (illers on these
composites have also been reported. 6t )as (o*nd
that (ibre-matri- adhesion in this s+stem co*ld be
promoted b+ the addition o( de(inite proportions o(
silica$ resorcinol$he-ameth+lene tetramine and that
the addition o( either carbon blac0 alone or both
silica and carbon blac0 to a r*bber compo*nd
containing resorcinol and he-a )as associated to the
achievement o( a good adhesion bet)een (ibre and
r*bber- matri- and that the silica carbon blac0
s+stem e-hibit an improved adhesion. 6t )as also
reported that processing properties li0e green
strength and mill shrin0age )ere improved b+ the
addition o( (ibre and that (ibre addition also
improved the tear strength b+ obstr*cting the
development o( the tear path.
'able 7. omparison o( the tensile properties o( longit*dinall+ and randoml+ oriented sol*tion mi-ed sisal
(iber rein(orced pol+prop+lene H""I, pol+st+rene H"5I, and lo)-densit+ pol+eth+lene H7#"EI composites
H(iber length 6 mmI HMoseph et al., 1999I
Elongation at
7 R 7 R 7 R
F "" 3E.FF 3E.FF N
"5 3N.9F 3N.9F 3
9.FF 9.FF
"E 9.DF 9.DF 1
"" 36.FF D9.FF 7
"5 D1.3F 1C.16 6
9.FF 7.FF
"E 1E.61 1F.CF 1ND9 3
"" 39.1F 31.1N 9
7.11 7.33
"5 N3.DF DE.9C 9
"E D1.66 1D.EF DFFC N
3.FF 1F.FF
"" NN.NF 33.CN 1FNF 9
C.33 C.EF
"5 NE.F6 DF.ND 999C 6
"E 31.1D 1N.7F 3FC6 7
7 a longit*dinal and R a Random
,Jonor H1977I compared the mechanical properties o(
composites rein(orced )ith (ive 0inds o( (ibres and (o*nd that
their mechanical properties depend on the t+pe, vol*me
loading, aspect ratio, orientation and dispersion o( (ibre and
(ibre-matri- adhesion. Oe also reported that (or cell*losic
(ibres, a dicomponent dr+ bonding s+stem consisting o(
he-ameth+lene tetramine and resorcinol is s*((icient (or
getting good (ibre - r*bber adhesion, instead o( the normal
tricomponent dr+ bonding s+stem consisting o( he-a,
resorcinol and silica. !eethamma et al. H199EI have st*died
the e((ects o( (ibre length, orientation and al0ali treatment on
short coir (ibre rein(orced nat*ral r*bber composites. 'he
v*lcani/ation parameters, processabilit+ characteristics and
stress-strain properties o( these composites )ere anal+/ed.
'he+ concl*ded that in general, the mechanical properties o(
the composites in the longit*dinal direction )ere s*perior to
those in the transverse direction, the optim*m length (or coir
(ibre in nat*ral r*bber s+stem )as (o*nd to be 1F mm in order
to achieve good rein(orcement in nat*ral r*bber compositesW
in order to achieve ma-im*m tensile properties, coir (ibre
sho*ld be immersed in
EZ sodi*m h+dro-ide sol*tion (or NC hW anisotripic s)elling
st*dies indicated the poor adhesion bet)een *ntreated coir
(ibre and nat*ral r*bberW the s)elling )as (o*nd smaller in
composites containing al0ali treated coir (ibre along )ith the
resorcinol-he-ameth+lene tetramine bonding agent.
Barghese et al. H199DI have st*died the mechanical
properties o( acet+lated and *ntreated short sisal (ibre
rein(orced nat*ral r*bber composites and (o*nd that
acet+lation improves the adhesion bet)een the r*bber and the
(ibre. 'he+ have investigated the e((ect o( di((erent bonding
agents on the ph+sical and mechanical properties o( sisal (ibre
rein(orced nat*ral r*bber composites. 'he treatments
emplo+ed incl*ded al0ali immersion at high temperat*re and
the *se o( bonding agent based on phenol-(ormaldeh+de and
resorcinol (ormaldeh+de precipitated silica at di((erent
concentrations. 'he+ concl*ded that, the al0ali treated (ibre
imparts better ph+sical properties to the r*bber mi-es than the
*ntreated (ibreW sisal (ibre acts as a rein(orcing agent onl+
)hen added above a vol*me loading o( 1F phr Hparts per
h*ndredIW the bonding bet)een sisal (ibre and r*bber matri- is
generall+ ver+ poor b*t can be enhanced b+ resorcinol-
(ormaldeh+de pre-treated silicaW the ageing resistance o( the
r*bber - coir composites is e-cellent (or a (ibre loading o( 3F
phr )ith bonding agents and mechanical anisotrop+ is
observed at (ibre loading in e-cess o( 1F phr. "rasantha V
'homas H199EabI have investigated the processing behavior
and mechanical properties o( short sisal (ibre rein(orced
st+rene b*tadiene r*bber H5BRI composites. 'ear strength )as
e-amined )ith special re(erence to the e((ects o( (ibre length,
(ibre orientation, (ibre concentration and bonding agent. 6t
)as observed that an increase in the concentration o( (ibre
increases the tear strength in both longit*dinal and transverse
directions. 6t )as also (o*nd that the tear strength val*es )ere
almost three to (o*r times higher than those o( the *n(illed
v*lcani/ates *nder similar conditions. 'he+ have determined
the green strength, mill shrin0age and 3oone+ viscosit+ o( the
composites to anal+/e the processing behavior.
'he e((ect o( adhesion on the e2*ilibri*m s)elling o( short
sisal (ibre rein(orced nat*ral r*bber composites in a series o(
normal al0anes s*ch as pentaneW he-ane, heptane and octane
have been st*died b+ Barghese et al. H199EI. 'heir res*lt
sho)ed that increased (ibre content and the adhesion o(
bonding agent red*ced the s)elling considerabl+. 6t )as also
(o*nd that )ith improved adhesion bet)een short (ibre and
r*bber, the (actor HB - B I $ B , decreases, )here B and B are
the vol*me (raction o( r*bber in dr+ and s)ollen samples
l ( l l (
'he increasing *se o( short (ibre composites in static and
d+namic applications led to the importance o( stress rela-ation
meas*rements. 5ince the behavior o( the r*bber-(ibre inter(ace
can be easil+ detected b+ stress rela-ation st*dies. B*lcani/ed
r*bbers )hen s*b.ected to constant de(ormation *ndergo a
mar0ed rela-ation o( stress both at lo) and high temperat*re.
'he stress *nder a constant de(ormation deca+s b+ an amo*nt
s*bstantiall+ proportional to the logarithm o( the period in the
de(ormed state. 'he stress rela-ation behavior o( short .*te
(ibre rein(orced - nitrile r*bber composites )ith respect to the
e((ect o( strain level, bonding agent, (ibre content, (ibre
concentration, temperat*re and pre-strain on the rela-ation
behavior has been st*died in detail b+ Bhaga)an et al. H19C7I.
'he+ concl*ded that in general, short (ibre increase the rate o(
stress rela-ation over the corresponding *n(illed v*lcani/atesW
composites containing bonding agent e-hibit slo)er rela-ation
than those )itho*t a bonding s+stem, the e((ect o( (ibre
orientation on the rela-ation behavior appears to be marginalW
pre-strain decreases the stress rela-ation rate considerabl+,
partic*larl+ (or composites )itho*t bonding agent. Barghese
et al. H199NI have st*died the stress rela-ation behavior o(
acet+lated short sisal (ibre rein(orced nat*ral r*bber
composites )ith special re(erence to the e((ects o( strain level,
(ibre loading, bonding agent and temperat*re. 'he+ reported
the e-istence o( a single rela-ation pattern in the *n(illed stoc0
and a t)o-stage rela-ation mechanism (or the acet+lated (ibre
(illed nat*ral r*bber composites. 6t )as also observed that, (or
the composites in the absence o( bonding agent, the rate o(
rela-ation increased )ith strain level, b*t in the presence o(
bonding agent, the rela-ation rate is almost independent o(
strain level, beca*se o( the strong (ibre-matri- inter(ace.
'he *se o( sisal (ibre as rein(orcing agent in pol+mer
based composites )ere revie)ed (rom vie)points o( stat*s
and (*t*re e-pectations o( nat*ral (ibres in general, str*ct*re
and properties o( sisal (ibre, (ibre s*r(ace modi(ications, and
ph+sical and mechanical properties o( sisal (ibre based
pol+mer composites. 5isal (ibres have good potential as
rein(orcements in pol+mer Hthermoplastics, thermosets and
r*bbersI composites. #*e to the lo) densit+ and high speci(ic
properties o( sisal (ibres, composites based on these (ibres
ma+ have ver+ good implications in the a*tomotive and
transportation ind*str+. 3ore over, red*ced e2*ipment
abrasion and s*bse2*ent red*ction o( re-tooling costs )ill
ma0e these composites more attractive. 'he *se o( sisal (ibres
as a so*rce o( ra) material in plastic ind*str+ not onl+
provides a rene)able reso*rce, b*t co*ld also generate a non-
(ood so*rce o( economic development (or (arming and r*ral areas. 5ince Bra/il is the one o( the largest
sisal (ibre prod*cing co*ntries in the )orld, sisal (ibre
rein(orced pol+mer composites and the s*bse2*ent
applications )o*ld be ver+ attractive (rom the economic point
o( vie). &rom the above descriptions, it became 2*ite evident
that ne)er composites *sing ab*ndantl+ available sisal (ibres
are on the hori/on, this brings ne) trends in composite
materials. 6t is )orth mentioning that these composites can be
*sed as a s*bstit*te (or )ood. Oo)ever, s*itable cost-e((ective
design and (abrication techni2*es (or man*(act*re sho*ld be
developed. 5isal (ibre pol+mer composites )ith and )itho*t
h+bridi/ation sho*ld be developed and characteri/ed so as to
arrive at a series o( composites )hich ma+ (ind *se in several
areas s*ch as marine, str*ct*ral, cons*mer articles and
ind*strials applications. 'h*s it can be concl*ded that )ith
s+stematic and persistent research there )ill be a good scope
and better (*t*re (or sisal (ibre ] pol+mer composites in the
coming +ears.
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