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2012 The World Bank Group, All Rights Reserved. Legal

DataDyne creates innovative enterprise information and
communications tools for healthcare and international
development-including the award-winnng Magpie
(formerly EpiSurveyor) mobile data collection system.

Magpi is a mobile data collecting electronic system on

mobile devices that has huge advantages over paper.
Used in health, agriculture, development, education,
conservation, governance, commerce and many, many
more sectors, Magpi leverages the cloud and the
explosion in mobile phones to provide a mobile data
system suitable for any phone, from $10 knockoffs
Nokia feature phones, as well as iPhone, BlackBerry
and Android smart phones. It requires little or no
training, dramatically decreases data collection costs,
and increases accuracy and reporting speed.

In 2009 DataDyne developed its Magpi web-based

mobile data collection software. In 2010, DataDyne
productized Magpie using a software-as-a-service
(SaaS) model with a freemium (free and premium)
payment system that has a basic, free version and paid
upgraded versions.
Headquaters: United States of America
Established: 2003
Impact Areas: All Countries
Business Type: For Profit
Sectors: Economic Development, Equality & Social
Staff Size: 9 staff
Annual Budget: $400,000
Major Funders: United Nations Foundation
Vodafone Foundation
World Bank Development Marketplace
2004World Bank Development Marketplace Award
2008The Tech Museum Award
2008The Stockholm Challenge Award
2009The Lemelson-MIT Award for Sustainability
2009The Wall Street Journal Technology Innovation
Award for Healthcare IT
2012The ComputerWorld 21st Century Achievement
Award for Collaboration
Target Market
DataDynes target market is comprised of NGOs, businesses and individuals
involved in the international development sector as well as education, agriculture,
governance, supply chain management, health, conservation, donors, multilateral
banks, and many more sectors. DataDyne estimates that there are at least one
million organizations worldwide that could benefit from its technology.
Value Proposition
Collect. Data. Fast. Reduce costs and increase efficiency of operations through low-
cost real-time data collection.

2012 The World Bank Group, All Rights Reserved. Legal

Milestones Achieved
2013 Double subscription revenue to $600,000
2014 Increase total user base from 11,000 to 50,000
2015 Exceed $1,000,000 in subscription revenue
Growth Plan
2009 Magpi was first made available online and after
justthree years, more than 11,000 users use the
product in more than 170 countries worldwide.
2011 The International Finance Corporation (IFC)
pledged a matching investment of $1M.
2012 The USAID/Kenya Mission mandated that its
entire portfolio of projects country-wide must use Magpi
to verify, monitor, evaluate and report data.
Impact to Date
As of January 17, 2013 a total of 10,000,045 data
uploads by 11,139 users have been registered in
the system since June 2009 per the automatic
counter in our website.
Over 175,000 indigenous people are served by
Guatemalas Ministry of Health Information
Management System in which surveys created in
Magpi are collected and quickly transmitted to
take preventive action while monitoring the
productivity of community health workers as
reported by TulaSalud.
Over 93,000 community health workers use
Magpi to manage up to 75 products reaching
children in the most difficult to access areas with
a wide variety of geographies as reported by John
Snow, Inc.
The most widely used mobile data collection software in the world,
trusted by more than 11,000 users in over 170 countries.
Dr. Joel Selanikio, CEOand Co-Founder
Affected populations need to be able to access timely, accurate and
well-targeted life-saving information. They have the right to know what
is happening, and what services are available for them; they have a
right to ask questions and get answers, and therefore become active
agents in their own relief and recovery.
Internews Humanitarian Communication and Information Needs
Assessment for refugees in Dadaab, Kenya
Investment Required by the Organization
Grant, Equity, Convertible Debt: $2,000,000 over the next two years in order to increase awareness and use of the product, and to
increase product utility according to input from users.
Project Profile adapted from the material prepared by Santa Clara University's GSBI
(Global Social Benefit Incubator) program.
The most widely used mobile data collection software in the world,
trusted by more than 11,000 users in over 170 countries.
Dr. Joel Selanikio, CEOand Co-Founder
Affected populations need to be able to access timely, accurate and
well-targeted life-saving information. They have the right to know what
is happening, and what services are available for them; they have a
right to ask questions and get answers, and therefore become active
agents in their own relief and recovery.
Internews Humanitarian Communication and Information Needs
Assessment for refugees in Dadaab, Kenya
Investment Required by the Organization
Grant, Equity, Convertible Debt: $2,000,000 over the next two years in order to increase awareness and use of the product, and to
increase product utility according to input from users.
Project Profile adapted from the material prepared by Santa Clara University's GSBI
(Global Social Benefit Incubator) program.
The most widely used mobile data collection software in the world,
trusted by more than 11,000 users in over 170 countries.
Dr. Joel Selanikio, CEOand Co-Founder
Affected populations need to be able to access timely, accurate and
well-targeted life-saving information. They have the right to know what
is happening, and what services are available for them; they have a
right to ask questions and get answers, and therefore become active
agents in their own relief and recovery.
Internews Humanitarian Communication and Information Needs
Assessment for refugees in Dadaab, Kenya

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