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Unknown regions of the Mind matrix! Part one.

( The borders of reason and perception.)

Little known profoundity has been cast forth by those whom judge themselves
"proffessors" of Science, in relation to the wonderments of human cerebrality! It
is a science unto itself, masquerading with some integrity as "human
conciousness"! " preheld theory taught as a secondary principle to what really
makes us humans tick# Lets disregard scientific principle as hogwash, for it
bases itself on this planet alone, formulated by scientists or proffs whom know
nothing of the $%"L internalworkings of the mind!
&ells, the formulation of distributedactivity within the 'rain "$%
linked to "other" stratas, other fields# Like common "doorways" they open up
when triggered by sentient activity or psychicdevelopment! Such "cells" have
"twins" throughout the cosmos, twins whom sometimes when "approached" give
forth imformation! (ou see, this little insignificantbrain of ours is )"$*L( used!
+rapped in its latentabilities by our own "immersion" in ,aterialforces! -f course
the elite of this world coverup the truth, blind us too perception, close our eyes
to the manifestinglight! 'rainwashing, the "rt of "drowning" the &ells from
recognition has been employed since the times of "tlantis! 'oo, hoo, time to
educate, time to eradicate the veils harbouring our brainsdefences! *reamstates
aquire imformation from these &ells to formulate the scenario the storyline within!
+hey "LS- if activated by psychicmeans allow the "invasion" of outsideforces!
.orces comparable to distantstar knowledge and earthlydimensionalrealms!
+o a large degree, knowledge can be attained by /redetermined
sleep or subconcious brainactivation! +he will is a powerful instrument, defining
that which is imaginative and that which can be achieved! (our goal in any
measure should be to "recognise" your responsibilities to mind, to the interaction
of your perception of "what is" and "what can be!" +he &ells, the lighted
doorways distribute imformation and "LL-0 access to -1+SI*%! +hat is to say
outside your normal conception2perception of reality! +here are for sure many,
many dimensions, which form or interact with spacialgateways! +he )imalayas
has portals 3seengateways or manifestgates4 amongst its mountanousregions!
+he antarticatoo! )owever, we can by certainmeans "manouvere" "negotiate"
some of these gates, via +155%LS! +here are certain formulae pertaining to
some "tunnels" beneath the kabbalah! +hey are known as the tunnelsofSet,
though their realhierarchy or ploy is closer to alien or deni6enactivitys!
,other used to say I "always walked where angels feared to
tread#! 7uite correct! &ertainly one "doesnot" attain a greaterknowledge by
being stagnant in morose materialism! -ne must be adventurous and willing to
open the doorways to the unknown to progress! So, the brain, the grey looking
bewilderment of manifest segments, of unknowninfinitecells and therefore
unboutifulknowledge! +he apparatus by which humanwill interplays between
reality and cosmicperception! +he allseeing %(% of 0ill and action! ,ake no
mistake there is a *evil and a 8od, but these names are neither powerful nor
near to the realnature of the word of that being! +o understand to
decrypt2decypher ancient grimoires one must be "activated" in various cellular
levels! outside is inside, as is above is below# +he great cosmicserpent whose
name is briefly mentioned in my book, manifests throughout eternity undulating
and awaiting any &"LL, which timehonoured ,agi have cause to invoke#
9oyous then our humanframe our capablestructure, our 0ILL, our cause to live
and passover for endless incarnations! *o not be falsely led by preachers by
churchfanatics by harbouring charlatans whom profoundly preach much of
spirituallaw but in truth know little! continued /art two

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