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The Preposterous Plan for the CABAL. The NW-Order!

Part One. [ The three-stages of Chaos! ]

It is a required lawful contract, a signed Testimony of O!ediance " The
first two-letters O re#resenting a oscure sna$e-religeon% which the &'O Oath-
ta$ers must ta$e on their initiation! To fully understand the #re#arations for
(arthly demise is to com#rehend a &(' )eginning in oth *ife and lifes-
su##orting system! To degenerise the earths #olar-regions +ia magnetic-#ulse-
inductors, to ,change, the &orth and -outh .agnetic-fields, is a tas$ of the
utmost im#ortance I/ the &ew ruling )ody is to maintain ,cereral-control,. The
great '() which is co-ordinating #assi+e-fields of fluctuating wa+es of high
resonance, has nearly een estalished throughout the hemis#heres of (arth. The
0- Co+ert-order of the )lac$-$ni+es or )lac$-sna$e, has indeed infiltrated many
1reas of Continental-euro#e and eyond.
These lac$-o#erati+es [ &OT all human] wor$ ao+e ground " with the
CI1% and elow in the 2ee#-underground-ases. -ome of which it must e said
ha+e infiltrated ,other-ases, or worlds which for Time-infinitum ha+e $e#t
themsel+es relati+ely 0n$nown! The inter-action etween some of these ,other-
s#ecies, with the lac$-co+ert grou#s is at the least ,#recarious, and at the
worst suicidal! &o wonder certain high-ran$ing world-leaders and military
generals are ,worried,3 &o wonder some are e+en lowing the 'histle!
-ometimes it is wise to a+oid certain chess-mo+es3 The $night for instance
re#resenting ,4um#ing into un$nown s#ace,, or indeed 4um#ing at right angular
2imensional *anes3 -o these ,e5tra, eings wor$ing alongside the 0- 2ar$-
co+ert-grou#s are ,of course, e5#ecting something in return3 *ets e clear aout
one item on their agenda6 The (arths ,Ionisation-fields, and ,.agnetic-energy,
gi+en forth +ia the two #oles, need changing to ,accomodate, certain (T Craft
and li+ing-standards. -uch ,changes already eing im#lemented!, .other earth
has nearly ran-out of her #recious OI*-, which used to cool down the fissures
dee# in (arths suterranean-de#ths. 2o the Caal care aout this loss3 There
may well e an Im#losion on a certain #art of our #lanet, caused y roc$-
im#regnation and e5#losi+e-de+ices. 2O &OT e sur#rised to see a huge-
o#ening a##ear near the south-#ole, a +i+id light-show of &atures-anomalies!
*a$e-7osto$ holds a $ey, and this future im#losion 'I** allow a
functioning #ermanent ,Portal, to e created!
1t this #oint lets add u# the ,ongoing-#rogress, y this &'O, the
Chaos etween 1ra-states and Countries. The im#lementation of ,chemtrails, of
silent to5ic-s#rays which inhiit and ,change, ones healthy-cells into a
cancerous atch! 1nd the #rogressi+e infiltration y -ecurity-Protocal into our
daily li+es! The 'e-infiltration, the -#y-cameras, the dictorial 2o!s and 2onts
gi+en out y the , so-called go+ernmental, elite! The /(.1 cam#s and their
aode of strange-coffins3 1 .a4or source of utility energy ,2i+erted, elow
ground, 8999s of 0- Citi:ens 1ducted and ta$en ,elow-ground,! ;ell I-
)elow-ground in research-las which contain numerous 2&1 e5#eriments, ody
#arts and 1lien-scientists whom care-little for man$ind!! Part Two to follow.

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