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Dear Reader,
We have written this ebook because we believe that we can help you as web marketing beginner
to launch your business online. Our goal is to share the most basic but effective web marketing
strategies that will help you to make the very first steps online.
This ebook covers basic web marketing techniues used by the most successful web marketers.
!o we can say that this e"book is created for web marketing beginners. We did our best to write
the book with little or no #argon so the book is easy to read from everyone. We recommend you
after reading it to take time to search around the web for detailed information about each topic of
the book if you want detailed understanding and proficiency of the sub#ect.
We are going to share with you first the basics of $T%& and Website creation. On the second
stage we are going to share with you the basics of the web marketing techniues and strategies
and after this we are going to put all this together. 't the end of the book you will read more
about how you can manage and the finance part of your business. 't the very end we have
selected for you a download list of the most used apps that will help you to manage your
business online(
!o lets go ...
Table of )ontent
*. $ow to setup a hosting and domain +
,. -asics of $T%& +
/. -asics of creating a simple website 0
+. -asics of creating a simple ecommerce website 1
2. The basics of creating web copy and the basics of
!3O.............................................................................. page 1
0. 45cebook %arketing *6
1. 3mail %arketing */
7. Online 'dvertising *2
8. $ow to put all this together in one marketing strategy *1
*6. $ow to manage our small business finances *7
**. )onclusion ,6
*,. Downloads 9 'pps ,*
*. $ow to setup a hosting and domain
In order to have a website online you need to have a hosting and domain that works together.
4irst let:s e;plain with few words what hosting and domain are.
$osting is the place where you can store your files <website= online to be able to share them with
your audience. This is like virtual folder where you can upload your files and your audience can
reach them. To make it able to your audience to reach your files <site= they need to know the
address to them. This is what domain is. !o all you need is a hosting and domain that work
4or the very basic usage we recommend you to buy your hosting and domain from one place so
you can ask the support stuff to make them work together. One of the most good service
providers in the hosting and domain services are $ost>ator. They provide the service on a very
good price and they provide e;cellent uality. Read more here(
In order you use your hosting you will need a 4T? program <files transfer program= what will
make it able to upload your files on your hosting <server=. The most used 4T? program is
4I&3@I&&'. Aou can download it for free from here.
4or the very basic usage you can edit your $T%& web files using #ust notepad. -y The way for
advanced usage you will need a professional te;t editor like B3ditCB or BDote?ad CCB.
Ok now we know how to buy and setup a hosting and domain that works together now we will
see how to make some basic web content using $T%&.
,. -asics of $T%&
Why do you need to learn $T%&E 's selling online, you will find it necessary sometimes to
3dit web pages. %ost of the web te;t editors has a rich te;t format option but there are still many
places where you can use your html skills to make your content to stands much better. I canFt
emphasiGe enough how easy $T%& is.
!o let:s get startedH
How to open an HTML file?
Iust open the B.htmlB file with notepad. Or if you want to create an B.$T%&B file you can start a
new document in notepad and save it as B.$T%&B.
!o now when you know how to openJcreate a html file we can go with some simple coding.
How to create title in HTML?
simply use this tagH BKh*LKJh*LB like thisH BKh*LAour title hereKJh*LB where you have to replace
BAour title hereB with your title.
How to move text on next row?
!imply use this tag at the end of your rowH KbrL . The content after KbrL will go on the ne;t row.
How to bold text?
To bold some te;t you can use this simple html tagsH BKbLKJbLB or BKstrongLKJstrongLB, where
you can put some te;t between BKbLsome te;t hereKJbLB or BKstrongLsome te;t hereKJstrongLB.
4inal result will be thisH some text here.
How to underline text?
!imply use this html tagsH BKuLKJuLB and put some te;t between like thisH BKuLsome te;t
hereKJuLB. The final result will be like thisH some te;t here.
How to make text italic?
!imply use this html tagsH BKiLKJiLB and put some te;t between like thisH BKiLsome te;t hereKJiLB.
The final result will be like thisH some text here.
How to combine them?
!ometimes you need to combine them. $ow they will work togetherE !imply useH
BKbLKuLKiLKJiLKJuLKJbLB like thisH BKbLKuLKiLsome te;t hereKJiLKJuLKJbLB . The final result will
beH some text here.
How to center the text?
!imply use thisH BKcenterLKJcenterLB like thisH BKcenterLsome te;t hereKJcenterLB and your te;t
will be centered.
How to display image in html text?
Often we need to use image in our te;t. $ow it worksE
4irst " you have to upload your image on a web server. Aou can upload your image on 4acebook,
instageam, flikr and so on. Then you need to copy the url of the image. !imply use the right click
of your mouse and then choose Bcopy the image urlB.
!econd " use the following codeH Kimg srcMBhttpHJJwww.yoursite.comJtheNpath"
toNyourNimage.#pgB widthMB,66B heightMB*66BL and replace BhttpHJJwww.yoursite.comJtheNpath"
toNyourNimage.#pgB with the url of your image. Aou can set numbers for width or height in pi;els.
There are many options for styling the imageH to align it the one side or the other, to put some
space between the te;t and the image and so on but this reuires some )!! knowledge that we
will not cover in this book. -ut you can always google it or #ust contact your team for some
How to use link in HTML text?
Osing link in html te;t is very simple. Iust type thisH Ka hrefMBhttpHJJwww.yoursite.comJtheNpath"
toNyourNsiteBLsome te;t hereKJaL and all you have to do is to replace
BhttpHJJwww.yoursite.comJtheNpath"toNyourNsiteB with the link where you want to redirect your
user and replace Bsome te;t hereB with the te;t that you want to be active link. That:s it.
How to create a HTML table?
$ow it worksE The open and closing tag for the table isH BKtableLKJtableLB. The open and closing
tag for table row isH BKtrLKJtrLB. The open and closing tag for a cell isH BKtdLKJtdLB.
&et:s put this together. $ere is the codeH
KtdL)olumn * " row *KJtdL
KtdL)olumn , " row *KJtdL
KtdL)olumn / " row *KJtdL
KtdL)olumn * " row ,KJtdL
KtdL)olumn , " row ,KJtdL
KtdL)olumn / " row ,KJtdL
'll you have to do is to put the te;t that you want in every table:s cell between BKtdLKJtdLB . Aou
can have as many row and columns as you want to.
OP, Dow we have a hosting and we know the basic of $T%& now we can see how we can
create a simple website.
/. -asics of creating a simple website
In the past we used to have advanced knowledge inH $T%&, )!!, ?$?, %A !Q& to be able to
create a website. Dova days, creation of simple website is so easy. There are ready to use
platforms that can be used to create and manage your website with eise. !o called )ontent
%anagement !ystem <)%!= areH Wordpress Ioompla, Drupal, and many more.
Wordpress is the most common and used )%! program, and this is what we recommend you to
Dow we are going to e;plain to those of you who has some basic working e;perience with
)?'D3& of your website how to install Wordpress. If you need a Wordpress site but, you can:t
work with )?'D3& contact your team we can do the installation of Worpress for you for #ust R/6.
!o how to do it by yourselfH
*. >o to and download the latest version of wordpress.
,. Open the )?'D3& of your site and create a new Database with a username and password.
/. 3;tract the Wordpress files.
+. Opload the e;tracted Worpress files on the root directory <?ublicN$T%& folder= of your server
or any other directory of your server the you want the Wordpress installation on.
2. Than open your favorite browser and go to the directory where you have your Wordpress files
<enter your domain or subdirectory=.
0. On the screen now you should provide the details to connect the files to the database asH
database name, username, and password. Aou should provide info how you want to be the
name of your website and so on. 'll you have to do is to follow the screen instruction.
1. Once you have your Wordpress site registered, you can go and log in for very first time.
4or the sub#ect of this e"book we are not going to cover how to use Worpress because this could
be described in ten books for e;ample, but all we will recommend you is to go and google it
everything you want to know.
If you need any support contact our team we can do anything you want.
't the end of this chapter you may ask Why WordpressE Well we recommend you Wordpress
because this is to most powerful and user"friendly )%! platform that ever been made.
!o go ahead play around with your Wordpress site.
+. -asics of creating a simple ecommerce
Once you have your Wordpress installed you may decide that you need to sell some products or
services online.
The most easier way to turn your website into a online store is #ust to install a ecommerce plugin
on your wordpress website.
$ere are list of Wordpress ecommerce plugins that you can useH
" W? e"commerce
" Woo )ommerce
" Iill!$op
" and so on.
Them most common one is Woo )ommerce but is all up to you to decide witch one you are
going to use they all can turn your website into a great ecommerce website.
If you need a really professional ecommerce website you can use a professional ecommerce
platform as %agento or Open)art, but you may have to pay couple of thousands dollars to have
a professional ecommerce site installed.
If you need a simple or professional ecommerce site contact our team and we will create one for
you on a very good price.
It`s time for some marketing ...
2. The basics of creating web copy and the
basics of !3O
-efore to start to create a te;t for your website you have to know some very important rules. -y
creating a web copy you have to write it in the way to be good for reading and easy for google to
find it. These are some !3O basics.
-ut first " What is !3OE !3O stands fromH !earch 3ngine Optimisation " these are simple
manipulations that push your site higher in the search results ranking.
-ut first how google worksH >oogle has so called bots <spiders= that search for fresh content in
the web. They finds content by indicating keywords in the pagesH titles, te;t, page keywords and
descriptions. !o if you want your pages to rank good in the search engines you should use more
keywords in your te;t that describes your topic.
- Google adwords tool
One of the main things about >oogle !3O is to make the >oogle to like your site. That means to
place the right words in your te;ts. Right words are those which your potential customers are
searching in the search engines to find a site like yours. 4or e;ample if you are selling cars you
have to place in your te;ts as much as possible the words car, cars, car dealer and so on. This
keywords should be no more than 2 to ,6S of the te;t. -ut how you will know which are the
most searched keywords in your businessE The answer is in >oogle adwords tool. This tool can
help you to create a list with the most searched keywords in your business nish. To use google
keyword tool " go sign up for google adwords and use google keyword tool.
Aou can look for ideas for keywords based on terms that are relevant to your product, service,
landing page or different product categories. Ose statistics , the volume of demand to decide
which keywords to use. >et estimates , as estimated number of clicks to get an idea of what
could be the efficiency of a list of keywords in your web site for the >oogle !3O. 'sk AouTube
how to use google 'dwords tool, there are some good videos.
- The importance of the title - the most important thing
!o as we have shared above google search the web for titles that has the particular keywordJs.
Aou have to make sure that the title of your te;t has the most used keywordJs that describes the
content of your website. Aou have to try to place this keywords in the beginning of your title for
the best results.
- The importance of the content
In your content of the te;t should include as many as possible the keywords for your web site
something between 2",6S. %ake sure that you have to most important keywordJs in every
paragraph on your te;t. The main idea is to write te;ts that are relevant to your keywords for the
site. The keywords should be bolded. Aes we know that itFs not very beautiful for your web site
but itFs important for >oogle !3O. If you donFt like the idea at all you can use this tip only for blog
articles but not for the main pages of your site. Aou should use the main keyword of the te;t in
each paragraph. In this way you will say to >oogleH TThis te;t covers this topicU.
- The importance of the first sentence in your texts
3very first sentence of your te;ts should include the main words from the title. 4or e;ample if you
are writing an article or te;t for email marketing and the title is email marketing the first sentence
should begin with email marketing. This tip is very important for >oogle !3O so donFt dismiss it.
- The importance of the internalexternal links
Internal links
Internal links are links that go from one page on a domain to a different page on the same
domain. They are commonly used in main navigation.
Internal links are helpful for your website for two reasonsH
" They allow users to navigate in the website
" They are optimiGing your >oogle !3O "
With internal links you are helping >oogle web crawlers to navigate in your website. 4or e;ample
the crawler find your page T'U and if you have links for pages T-U and T)U you are inviting him to
visit them and to improve your !3O.
3;ternal links
3;ternal &inks are hyperlinks that point at <target= any domain other than the domain the link
e;ists on <source=.
If another website links to you, this is considered an e;ternal link to your site. !imilarly, if you link
out to another website, this is also considered an e;ternal link.
3;ternal links are helpful because two reasonsH
" 3;ternal links are the most important source of ranking power according to most of the top
>oogle !3O specialists.
" 3;ternal links improve ranking power differently than internal links because the search engines
consider them as third"party votes.
In nowadays the ma#or search engines use many metrics to determine the value of e;ternal links
like relevancy, popularity, anchor te;t, the amount of domains that links to the target page and
many others.
In addition to these metrics, e;ternal links are improving your ranking power with popularity and
relevancy and this two metrics are maybe the most important for search engines.
!o our tip is to make connections with relevant sites and e;change links.
%ost important thing for the links is that the te;t of the link should have the keyword that you are
writing for, but not for e;ample Tread moreU.
!lack "#$ tactics %&$ '$T &$ TH#M(
- &on)t copy*
!earch engines hates you when you copy( If you want to improve your ranking position and
power you need to make a uniue and relevant to your website te;ts in every page.
In other case you are making to yourself black !3O " in the worst scenario >oogle will stop
ranking your page and you will be invisible in the search engines.
-lack !3O tactics are popular from several years and they are made from competitors in your
market niche. They are pasting your site link into websites with very bad reputation for >oogle
and the result is " bad ranking.
The good news are that there is a tool to help you. The tool is made from >oogle and is called
Disavov tool. Aou only need to instal it to your website.
- &on+t use links, and text keyword with the same color as your background
>oogle is not stupid and can find it that you are trying to scam it.
- &on+t spam google with too many links in one day
If you are making backlinks to your site try to do it everyday, but not one day boom. If you want
to make *66 backlinks, try to submit them in 2 days by ,6 but not *66 in a day. >oogle is not
stupid. One of the best tools for back link creation is !ocial %onkey. $ave a look on it.
0. 45cebook %arketing
4acebook is maybe the best online environment for -,) marketing. It is allowing you to
establish a very closer relation with your potential customer. -ut to be able to
communicate with your potential customers you have to register a 4acebook -usiness
page <so called 4an ?age=.
" $ow to create 4acebook fan page
To create a 4acebook fan page you #ust need to have a 4acebook profile. 4rom the
Dropdown menu on the right site of your profile <where you can &og out and find !ettings=
you will find menu )reate ?age. When you enter in the menu you have to choose what
kind of page your will be " &ocal -usiness, -rand or ?roduct and so on.
Then you have to fill in the fields with the reuired information and you are ready. We
recommend you to really think about how you will name your page, and what you will write
for your short descriptions. These / the title, short description and cover photo are those
who sell <of course after the content that you will post later on=. It will be good to fill out the
other fields too in Tedit pageJupdate page infoU.
The essential for your fan page is the design. !hould be relevant to your website and your
market niche. Aou should brand it( >ood e;ample for nice design and branded 4acebook
fan page is &ive %edio fan page " httpsHJJwww.facebook.comJ&ive%edio. 4rom opening of
the page you will understand what is &ive %edio market niche " Online %arketing
!et up your cover image and profile picture of the page. Osually on the profile picture you
can put the logo of your business, but on the cover photo you can use it as banner to
promote something for your business. Aou can see the siGes on the ne;t image.
" $ow to create 4acebook content
4irst lets say that 4acebook page is the perfect way to have closer contact with your
customers. This is the best place where you can ask your audience what they think about
your business or brand, what they would be interesting to buy from you, where you can be
better in. This is the best place where testimonials for your service are happening live on
your page wall. Do matter if you have positive or negative comments on your page you
have to talk to everybody.
-ut how to make my business page interesting to the audienceE
4acebook is designed so that the priority display pictures of people close to us. Dow
imagine how it looks 4acebook Dews4eed of your potential client V complete with family
photos or any of the gatherings , #okes from friends, shared moments in the daily lives of
his family , etc. Dow imagine that among these sincere statuses you need to place your
advertising message and the client to notice it.
!o how to attract attention to your postsE
Well you should post related to your business images too. >ood e;ample is to post
information with images for your latest pro#ects, products, services, promotions and so on.
This is the best way to remind the people what your business is for. Do not forget to write
something catchy. Quotes in images are good way to engage your audience but make
sure that the te;t will be less than ,6 S of the image because 4acebook has a software
that can catch this and it will remove it automaticly. Quotes are good because often people
are sharing them.
'nd as we said that people sharing the uotes this is good because as many likes, shares
and comments you have of your posts this will increase the number of Ttalking about thisU
and by increasing this parameter 4acebook will display your posts more on your fans
In the past it was so easy. Whatever you post on your page was visible for everyone of
your fans. Today an average 4acebook user has so many subscriptions and now this is
&ater on, it was important to have good lavaridge between your 4acebook fans number
and the talking about this number. -ut to be honest to you, if you want your posts to reach
huge audience Today you should promote them with paid advertising. Aes 4acebook is not
for free H=
!o if is all about advertising budget, how you can spend it in the best way to attract more
fans to your page and to hold their attention for long termE
" 4acebook )ampaigns and 4acebook marketing apps
When you use 4acebook with business purpose only the posts on the timeline are not
effective enough. !o there is some other tools and marketing solutions you should use on
your fan page as 4acebook marketing app " used to create and advertising campaign on
The main idea of the 4acebook campaign is to engage your fans with the new product,
promotion or marketing campaign. The basic mechanism of the 4acebook app is very
simple V make your 4acebook fans to subscribe to a form through 4acebook and to
participate for prises in and other interesting facebook activities. The main goal for
4acebook marketing campaign is to turn your 4acebook page visitors into a 4acebook fans
and email subscribers by using these facebook applications. The strategy is to use a 4an
gate app with minimum investition and you will be able to collect a huge 4acebook fan
base and to make your business visible in biggest social media later on. We are able to
help you with ideas, design and strategy. 'll you have to do is to lead your potential
customers to the 4acebook %arketing 'pp by facebook advertising, radio, video
commercials, brochures and etc.
's we said social media marketing solutions are so good because 4acebook provides
targeted advertising tools which means that you can reach the right people and turn them
into 4acebook fans and paid customers later on.
'fter the end of the 4acebook campaign you will have a huge email database list and this
is the perfect moment to start email marketing campaign. ItFs time to turn your 4acebook
traffic to money.
4rom years we are using our specially designed 4acebook %arketing 'pplications to
engage our 4acebook audience and to turn in in real client database <-ou can have a
look here =.
Do not make the mistake to #ust advertise your products without at least grab your
potential:s customer like, email or phone. -ecause having them makes your ne;t
campaigns cheaper and much more effective.
!o now we have collected huge database of potential customers but how we can turn
them into a paid customersE
1. 3mail %arketing
The most effective way to turn your emails list into paid customers is to create so called email
marketing campaign( -ut to understand how powerful is it nowadays first you have to know what
is email marketing.
3mail marketing is a direct marketing based on commercial messages to a targeted group of
people through email messages. Osually these emails are kind of advertising a product . 's a
variation 3mail marketing is divided into two types H Dewsletter and direct emails. Dewsletter are
commercial messages from the advertiser to e;isting clients in order to introduce them to a new
product or service. The other type direct messages provide customers a new company, its
product or service that consumers could benefit.
In this chapter of the book we are going to share with you the essentials of every email
marketing campaign " how to collect a email database with interested in your business
subscribers, how to make the content for the message and how to send a mass mail with bulk
" )ollecting 3mail Database
!tart building your own email database is difficult we know( ItFs taking time we know( -ut this is
essential if you want to start a great email marketing campaign after some time. ?romotion that
will boost your sales to the top.
3mail list with the names of subscribers their age, address, telephone, gender is called opt"in
database. The real benefit from opt"in database is that the subscribers are ready for your
message because they are interested in your business and thats why the open rate and all
others metrics are good <for ,6*/ good open rate is ,6S or more=. Other benefits that you will
have from your own database with opt"in emails areH
" Aou will be able to customiGe your campaign from different metrics like age, gender, location
and what other info you have for subscribers.
" Aou will be able to safe your brand from the spam bo;.
To collect opt"in email database you have to grab every chance you have. That means in every
marketing promotion you make.
The main tool is subscribe form. Aou can use them in your web site for people with are interested
in your business, in your 4acebook games and promotions, in your store for clients that want to
know everything new about you, in a game with benefits from your e"store.
&anding pages are other popular tool for collecting emails. The mechanism with landing pages is
almost the same like with subscribe form " you should use them in every marketing campaign
you make. The trick is that the landing pages are more professional but only if you make them
properly and following some rulesH
" OR& of the landing page should includes company private domain so that customers can see
trusted brand names through the OR&s.
" The page is specific with the sort of email subscribers it is selling to.
" )lear call to action te;t and a big button to subscribe.
" !hort landing page V #ust get to the point.
" !ocial proof is really useful in some cases. We prefer to use one every time.
" Depends on your business you can try various views of your landing pages for perfect result.
Our advice about collecting opt"in email database with landing pages or subscribe form is to take
from clients the basic personal data like name, age, gender, email of course and location. This is
because some of the potential clients can be afraid to give you his personal data if you are
asking too much from him. Include 4acebook registration option or the best choice " both of them
<4acebook and handwriting=.
The most easier and effective way to collect huge email database if to use a professional
software, which allows you to collect the data from your websites landing pages, facebook
marketing apps, and subscription forms from your web site at one place. We recommend you to
try one very useful software that combines all of this at one place. The software is developed by
Dew !oft )om and is one of the most powerful web marketing applications nova days. Aou can
read more about it here.
" -uying 3mail Database
If you donFt collect email in the last years this is normal because the social media
marketing boom in the last + years but you can use an old one if you have of course. %aybe a lot
of the leads will be useless because subscribers are changing their email with the new #ob or
with new email provider but you have to try. In other hand if you are a new company, website or
blog and you want to boost your sales from the beginning what is your optionE To buy targeted
email list. This is not the best option for you and your brand in long term of period but you should
try to send emails to hundreds and maybe millions of potential new clients.
In httpHJJlivemedio.comJ you can find a gread number of targeted email leads <up to / 266 666=
and they will provide with the option to download a free one with * 666, , 666 or + 666. )lick
here for more info.
" )reating a mass mail te;t
'fter you collect the email database and sign up for bulk mailer sender like %ailer&ite <we
are going to talk about $ow to send mass mails in the ne;t topic= is time to think about the
content of the email because this is one of the most important factors if you want to successes
with the promotion.
4irst of all is the sub#ect line. If you want to have big open rate to your email campaign you have
to write it really nice and !mart . Dever use words like 4R33 and !'W3 %OD3A or something
like that. Do one opens email with sub#ect line like this( If your emails goes directly to TR'!$
folder and you better don:t lose your time in email marketing. %ake it )'&&"TO"')TIOD te;t.
4or e;ample, if the sub#ect line is a uestion, the preview te;t is the answer. Or if the sub#ect line
is a command, the preview te;t seems like the ne;t logical thought right after it. 'nd our tip is V
when you make the sub#ect line, read it and ask yourself the uestion TWill I open this message
in my in"bo;EU
The content itself must be short and relevant to your targeted group of person you send the
email campaign. ?rovide a uick summary of the information contained within the email. Write
the information in short bullet points if there are more than three points you plan to bring up
within the email. 'nd in the last plays try to make your email campaign beautiful designed.
" $ow to send %ass %ail
One of the main goals after the email marketing promotion is saving the brand. Dobody knows
how customers will react to your emails so the campaign has to be professional in every aspect.
!o to send the email marketing promotion you need a special bulk sender to complete the task.
We use one trusted bulk mail sender called %ailer &ite <read more about %ailer &ite here=.
The main benefit from mass mail bulk sender is to make sure that your message will go into a
customers inbo; but not in the smam bo;. 'lso if you want to use a regular email as Aahoo or
>mail there are many restrictions and for e;ample you can send in yahoo ,66 per hour and in
>mail +66. With the professional softwares you can send a tousands emails per hour. The user
friendly interface and the intuitive web design are benefits that should help you to action and to
be able to send the first campaign after minutes.
To help you with the choice and to save you some time and money we will share you that
%ailer&ite have all of this specific and some more features that will be a great help for youH
" ItFs very simple to useX
" >ood price
" 3mail statistics
" 3asy design ?ersonaliGation V based on simple drag and drop systemX
" %obile"friendly emails.
We found the email marketing as very effective strategy, but is there any other advertising
7. Online 'dvertising
There are many advertising platforms. $owever we are going to talk about two of them in
the sub#ect of this ebook.
" 4acebook advertising
In the start of 4acebook era it was really easy to collect a lot of likes without any investition
of money. -ut that was a long time ago. Dow after so many updates of 4acebook algorithm
it:s impossible especially if you are a small company or a start up. The only chance you
have is to make an advertise campaign that can boost your likes and make people
engagement to you 4acebook page.
4acebook ads manager is really user friendly and you donFt even need to watch a video to
make an ad. The best thing about 4acebook ads is that they are very targeted by a lot of
To start a campaign you #ust need to click on your profile drop down menu and click create
ads. Then you have to choose what kind of results you want for your ads " ?age post
engagement, ?age likes, 'pp installs and so on. Aou have to choose what is relevant to
your needs in the moment. %ost popular for business page are " ?age post engagement
and ?age likes. The difference between the two is that with ?age likes you are promoting
your page with the profile picture <you can add up to 0 different pictures for the campaign=
and with ?age post engagement you are advertising with your post <new one or old one
from your page=. 'nd the last part of the making is to target your audience " the most
important part. 4rom the following image you will see an e;ample for targeted campaign.
On the right side of the page is the total reach. ItFs depends from the parameters you set
up. The price for the ad is depends from the how targeted your ad will be and how
competitive is the nish.
The ne;t menu is T'ccount and campaignU. 4rom this menu you are choosing the payment
method and daily budget. Our advice for daily budget is to be at least R*6 " R/6 if you want
good results for your campaign. 't the end you have to decide how to to be charged, by
impression or click. We recommend you to bid for a click.
When you are done with the ad you have to chose the payment method. 'll you have to do
is to fill out the details of your debit or credit card.
When you set the payment method you have to wait your ad to be approved by facebook
" >oogle 'dwords
To advertise in >oogle adwords is as easy and targeted as in 4acebook.
To start a campaign you #ust need a profile in >oogle and than to enter in To start a campaign #ust enter in T>et startedU and start setting your
ad. ItFs really similar with 4acebook ads " you have to set up your targeted group with the
same parameters as in 4acebook. The main difference is that you have to choose your
keywords. Aou have to use >oogle adwords tool to short list the potential keywords that
you might use in your ad title and description. Really take your time to figure how your ad
will look like because this can save you a lot of money. )heck out the options for image
and multimedia ads too. 'fter you set up and your budget you are ready to start. 4rom the
menu T)ampaign managementU you are able to see your stats and graphs.
!imilar to 4acebook you have to set your preferred payment method and you have to wait
your ad to be approved.
8. $ow to put all this together in one
marketing strategy
We have learned by now the basics of $T%&, how to create a website and e"store, how to
use the !3O techniues to write a web copy, how to use 4acebook as great marketing
canal, and how to advertise in 4acebook and >oogle. That:s great.
-ut how to put all this togetherE
's web marketing e;perts we can say that for every business you have to create different
web marketing strategy because of the difference of the products services and their
distribution. $owever there is basic plan that you can followH
4irst of all we have to separate the marketing strategies in two categoriesH &ong term
strategies and !hort term strategies.
Ok, long term strategy is the natural !3O of your website. We all know that there is no way
to start your site today and tomorrow your posts to rank in the first / positions in google.
!o you have to consider >oogle !3O as long term marketing strategy. 'll you have to do
about it is to write uality web copy on at least weekly basis and in the ne;t /"8 months
you will have a good results and natural traffic to your website.
-ut we want sales now, not in the ne;t the ne;t /"8 months. !o to have sales from your
very first day you have to do some paid advertising campaigns. Depends of your business
you have to consider to use the techniues that we have shared you in the previous
chapters of the e"book, to drive traffic to your landing pages where with call to action
techniues to collect the date of your customers, phone, email and so on and to contact
them via phone, email, sms and to turn them in paid customer.
Do not forget to use the other traditional marketing techniues to collect bigger customers
list. Aou can make brochures, radio and TW commercials, and many others to drive traffic
to your web or facebook landing pages and to turn your visitor to potential customer, and
then to paid customer.
'ttention. Do not make the mistake to not to collect your potential customer contact details
this is a big loss of money.
'nd remember if you canYt sell to your customer in the very first time with your very first
advertising campaign, learn your lessons and keep on going until they unsubscribe or buy
some day.
Dow you will make some good profits and you probably will make some e;penses, so in
the last chapter of our ebook will share with you how easy you can track your business
finances and to make the numbers to go to wright way.
*6. $ow to manage our small business
-usiness leaders and owners like you have to know and learn at least basic skills in finance
management. To e;pect outsource organiGations to manage everything in your company is
simply asking for trouble. Aou are the man that should know everything in your company finance
reality to make smart decisions and to grow your business. -asic skills in finance management
starts with cash management and bookkeeping process. 3verything should be done according to
certain financial controls to ensure integrity in the bookkeeping process. 4inancial analysis
shows the momentous situation of the business and thats why financial management is one of
the most important practices in management. This topic will help you to understand the basic
skills in finance management and to make your business a healthy one.
-udgeting and %anaging a -udget
' budget is a long time period or short time period plan of what you e;pect to spend <e;penses=
and earn <revenue=. 'mounts are categoriGed according to the type of business activities, or
accounts <for e;ample " telephone costs, etc.=. -udgets are useful for planning your finances and
then tracking them which will help you to operate according to plan. They are also useful for
pro#ecting how much money youYll need for a ma#or initiative, for e;ample " hiring a new
employee, buying a facility, etc. There are yearly <operating= budgets, pro#ect budgets, cash
budgets, etc.
%anaging )ash 4low
's a business, your biggest challenge is likely to be managing your cash flow " probably the
most important financial skill for business leaders is the cash flow statement management. The
overall purpose of managing your cash flow is to make sure that you have enough cash to pay
current bills. -usinesses can manage cash flow by e;amining a cash flow statement and cash
flow pro#ection. -asically, the cash flow statement includes total cash received minus total cash
spent. )ash management looks primarily at actual cash transactions.
%anaging working capital
%anaging your working capital can prevent you from crash crunch so is really important to have
a basic skills how to manage it. Aour level of working capital is intimately related to the flow of
cash into and out of your business. !imply stated, you need enough working capital to set up the
business, pay operating costs, and continue to operate until payment arrives. -ut if youYve used
a lot of that working capital to pay for fi;ed assets, you may come up against a crash crunch.
Aou have to maintain a level of working capital that allows you to make it through those crunch
times and continue to operate the business.
?rofit and &oss !tatements
These statements depict the status of your overall profits. These statements include much
money youYve earned and subtract how much youYve spent, resulting in how much youYve made
money <your profits= or lost money <your deficits=. -asically, the statement includes total sales
minus total e;penses. It presents the nature of your overall profit and loss over a period of time.
Therefore, the Income !tatement gives you a sense for how well the business is operating.
-alance !heets
Whereas the ?rofit and &oss statement depicts the overall status of your profits by looking at
income and e;penses over a period of time, the balance sheet depicts the overall status of your
finances at a fi;ed point in time. It totals your all your assets and subtracts all your liabilities to
compute your overall net worth <or net loss=.
If you are feeling lost in so much info and you are not sure that you can handle it by your own
you can always use a finance manager software for easy. There are many solutions on line or
like desktop software but only some of them can make the #ob done with easy. To make your
decision easier we are going to show you the app that we use from years and we are very
satisfied from it " httpsHJJmunggee.comJ. The platform is offering first / months for free and you
can use it from every of your devices with their 'ndroid app and %obile version.
In conclusion we want to thank you for your time to read this ebook. We hope so that you have
learned the basics of the Internet %arketing.
We are e;pecting to contact us if you think that we can help you with more information about the
sub#ect or if you need a professional web marketing touch to your business.
Ivan ?etrov 9 Wiktor 'tanasov
.ontact us at/
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