CV, Paul Hodge (Author, Digital Learning Resources)

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A dynamic, enthusiastic and motivated project manager and author of
technology and paper-based educational products with a wealth of
experience in tailoring content to the needs of the user. Particular strengths
in IC with ten years spent developing award-winning interactive and
differentiated learning materials for the Primary curriculum.
Address: 16 Eastleigh Road
Fair Oak
SO50 7JB
Telephone: 07828 1688 !"o#ile$ Email: phodge1%gmail&'om
Date of birth: (0
O'to#er 166 Nationality: British
LA SAINTE UNION OLLE!E of "I!"ER EDUATION# So)thampto* 18 + 10
,& -& .& E /*0a*t !1 + 7 2ears old$ ,& -& .& E pass 3ith 4isti*'tio*
SOUT"A$PTON UNI%ERSIT&# So)thampto* 185 5 188
BS' !Ho*s$ Biolog2 4egree 'lass 2&1
ENTRAL 'OUNDATION S"OOL# 6o*do* 178 5 185
789 6e:els Biolog2; "aths; ,h2si's; .hemistr2 -rades< 8; 8; B; B
A(thor of $aths materials for $y$aths )OUP*# pro:ider o0 "aths o*li*e i*tera'ti:e lesso*s a*d home3orks
0or => a*d i*ter*atio*al s'hools& !Septem#er 201( + .)rre*t$
8)thori*g *e3 i*tera'ti:e lesso*s a*d re:isi*g ')rre*t 'o*te*t to #ri*g "2"aths i* li*e 3ith the *e3
re:ised ?atio*al .)rri')l)m&
A(thor of En+lish and $aths materials for I A$ LEARNIN!# the o*li*e games #ased re:isio* a*d
assessme*t s2stem !"ar'h 2012 + .)rre*t$
.reati*g high @)alit2 E*glish a*d "aths 'o*te*t 0or /86 o*li*e assessme*t& See :ideo 1; :ideo 2
.reati*g high @)alit2 E*glish 'o*te*t 0or IAL $alaysia< de:elopi*g pho*i' skills; k*o3ledge o0 spelli*g
a*d grammati'al r)les a*d eAte*di*g topi'5#ased :o'a#)lar2& See :ideo
Primary Prod(,er at ESPRESSO EDUATION# London !"a2 2000 + "ar'h 2011$
8)thor o0 >S1B2 m)ltimedia mod)les i*'l)di*g -riters. /or0shop; Poetry !6itera'2$; $aths $ansion
!'al')latio*s$; Li+ht and dar0 !S'ie*'e$; 'loren,e Ni+htin+ale and $ary Sea,ole a*d E+yptians
!Histor2$& Ea'h mod)le 3as 'reated i* part*ership 3ith lo'al a)thorities a*d 'omprises *e3s :ideo 3ith
:oi'e5o:ers appropriate to >S1B2; Flash game m)ltimedia a*d 3orksheets&

S'ript3riter a*d st)dio re'ordi*g dire'tor 0or :oi'e5o:ers 0or >S1 a*d >S2 *e3s ser:i'e 'o:eri*g a
ra*ge o0 'hild50o')sed; topi'al *e3s stories !a st2le similar to that o0 BB.9s .hildre*9s ?e3sro)*d$
1ey a,hie2ements:
,rod)'er o* ,rimar2 Editorial Ceam that 3o* a .hildre*9s 3A'TA a3ard i* 2007
200 BECC a3ard 0or Earl2 Dears Sol)tio*s; 2008 a3ard 0or /*'l)sio*; 2007 a3ard 0or ,rimar2 /.C
8)thor o0 t3o arti'les p)#lished i* ed)'atio*al magaEi*e p)#li'atio*s< each Primary a*d ! o "
OT"ER: $ay 4566 7 $ar,h 4568

5 ,ri:ate C)tor 0or a home5ed)'ated 0amil2 !"ar'h 2012 + .)rre*t$
5 "ater*it25'o:er Cea'her at F/"BOR?E F/RSC S.HOO6; 4orset !"ar'h 2011 + 4e' 2011$
5 Cea'her at -6E?F/E64 /?F8?C S.HOO6; So)thampto* !12 + 2000$
.o5ordi*ator 0or E*glish; "aths; /C; Earl2 Dears; S'ie*'e; ,E a*d 4rama; 11 5 1&
Se*ior "a*ageme*t Ceam respo*si#ilit2 0or de:elopi*g s'hool e*:iro*me*t a*d reso)r'es; mo*itori*g
sta*dards i* se:eral ')rri')l)m areas a*d orga*isi*g a*d leadi*g sta00 trai*i*g a*d pare*t 3orkshops&
8ssessme*t; e:al)atio* a*d impleme*tatio* o0 di00ere*tiated lear*i*g targets a*d ke2 skill progressio*s
#e*e0i'ial to lear*ers&
1ey a,hie2ements:
8)thor o0 Earl2 Dears lear*i*g poli'2 that re'ei:ed Hampshire /*spe'torate re'omme*datio*&
4esig* a*d deli:er2 o0 short 'o)rses 0or s'hool sta00 0o')si*g o* )si*g simple i*ter*et te'h*ologies a*d
'omp)ter so0t3are a*d hard3are to deli:er a*d e*ha*'e the /.C ')rri')l)m&
S'ript3riti*g 0or 'hildre*9s tele:isio* *e3s s'ripts + 6o*do*; 200
Cea'hi*g s'ie*'e )si*g the /*ter*et 17 + So)thampto* .o)*t2 .o)*'il; O00site sta00 trai*i*g
/ 3rite short stories #ased o* British Folklore a*d ha:e had a* a*tholog2 o0 s)'h tales p)#lished& / e*Go2 lo*g
r)ral 3alks a*d pla2 g)itar&

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