My Baking Journey

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a blog that tells you about my baking journey, food culinary and also cooking adventure of me
My Baking Journey
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tira Miss You
Hi, long time no see...
Yep, it's been a while since my last "english post". Someone was complaining about my KBB post
which was written in bahasa... yeah it was an important post for me, so that I prefer to write it in
Now, I am writing again, yes and it's in english. Wohoo enough for un-important prolog, we'll go to
the main topics okay.
So, I will tell you about one easy dessert to make, originated from Italy. People call this
tremendously delicious dessert with TIRAMISU... I wrote it Tira miss you as it's been a long time
that I didn't write in this blog and it is also been a while since my last Tiramisu making, thus... I
miss You
I've got an order, and it became two, from two friends that I met at K-Chan's school. Frankly, they
both have husbands with the same birth date. So both were ordering this Tiramisu for their
husband's birthday. Again, I am using NCC recipe, which has passed the most difficult tester
which are my campus mates... the yummy mommies. This dessert has become their favourite,
and I am so proud as one of them was the first person who introduced Tiramisu to me, and now
she is the one who often ask me to make and bring Tiramisu for all of us when we have the chance
to meet.
Here is the recipe, it is reaaally easy :
Recipe : By Fatmah Bahalwan NCC
250 gr of mascarpone cheese
300 ml whipped cream
100 gr powdered sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
4 egg yolks
50 gr castor sugar
Additional Ingredients
2 tbs instant coffee plus 1 tbs of sugar, dilute with 150 ml of warm water
20 pcs lady fingers
Whipped cream and chocolate powder as much as you like
How To
Soften mascarpone cheese using balloon whisk, only to form a soft mixture
Whip cream and powdered sugar to form a thick cream, set aside in the refrigerator
Mix egg yolks, castor sugar and vanilla essence to thick, continue mixing on boiled water to warm
the eggs, bring to room temperature while continuing mixing.
Mix whipped cream, mascarpone cheese using balloon whisk, spatula or mixer set on the lowest
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6/30/2014 My Baking Journey 2/10
Diposkan oleh Ajeng di 9:20 PM 6 comments: Link ke posting ini
Label: baking, order
Add egg yolks mixtures, mix thoroughly and set aside
Dip lady fingers in the coffee and put all over the bottom of a springform pan.
Add mascarpone mixture, flat the surface and put another layer of dipped lady fingers on top of it.
Repeat this step until you get the height of cakes that you want or until all the mixture are finish. :)
Garnish with whipped cream and chocolate powder.
Freeze in refrigerator for 4 hours before served
There you go, you are ready to enjoy the Tiramisu. Trust me you will never find a better Tiramisu
than this one. It is still good though it is alcohol free.
Happy Friday
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Thursday, November 18, 2010
KBB#20 Biskuit Tradisional : Kue Bangket Susu
Pucuk dicinta ulam tiba, akhirnya... KBB buka lagi
pendaftaran untuk anggota baru dan dengan
membulatkan tekad... aku mendaftar, hihihi, wish me
luck ya, semoga bisa memperkuat komitmen aku
dalam dunia perbakingan, amiin... halah serius
banget... :)
Daan, akhir oktober, datanglah si surat cinta dari host
tantangan KBB#20. Oh iya, statusku sekarang masih
calon anggota, untuk diterima sebagai anggota, harus
memenuhi dua tantangan dulu. You see bahwa ini
bukan klub baking biasa... :)
Owkeh, tantangan bulan ini adalah bikin "Kue
Bangket". Tilik punya tilik, sebenernya sejak lebaran
udah salin2 resepnya dari blognya mbak riana
ambarsari, cuma ngga dikerja-kerjain. Nah ini nih
fungsinya ikut KBB jadi tiap dua bulan at least aku
harus tetep baking, semangat ga semangat, bete ngga bete, biar tetep konsisten bow.
Dari dua resep yang dikirim, akhirnya aku prefer bangket susu aja. Karena liat komposisi
bahannya seems lebih cocok dengan selera lidahku dan lidah little k. Jadi ini dia resepnya :
500 gr sagu
100 gr margarine
150 gr gula halus
75 gr susu kental manis
1. Sangrai tepung sagu dengan daun pandan yang dirobek-robek (api kecil) sampai daun
pandan mengering.
2. Kocok mentega sampai lembut, kemudian campurkan sisa bahan.
3. Cetak dengan cetakan kue satu
4. Panggang dalam oven bersuhu 140 C selama 10 menit
5. Pindahkan ke dalam toples setelah kue benar-benar dingin
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6/30/2014 My Baking Journey 3/10
Diposkan oleh Ajeng di 3:44 PM 8 comments: Link ke posting ini
Label: baking, KBB, snack
Oh iya, waktu awal dapet resep ini sempet bingung sama seperti apa bentuk cetakan kue satu.
Nyari-nyari di beberapa toko, akhirnya pilihan jatuh sama bentuk cetakan yang gepeng-gepeng
seperti gambar di atas, karena biasanya kalo dioleh2in kue satu dari Banyumas bentuknya
gepeng2. Ternyata waktu dipake nyetak, karena terlalu tipis, ngga ada kue yang utuh... hiks
ancur semua. Untungnya, beli juga cetakan versi lain, yang kaya di bawah ini :
Dan akhirnya bisa dicetak, dipanggang, difoto terus dimakan... dan mmm yummy, just like what
I expected. Hampir serupa dengan kue sagu keju my fav cookie (dan bikin kepikiran pingin
nambahin keju sekalian di adonannya next time). Rasanya tetep tradisional, tapi ga kalah nagih
dengan kue-kue internasional.
Okay, I'm done with my first bangket cookie... and will wait for the next challenge of KBB. Wish
me luck... :)
Searah JarumJam: Tepung Sagu dan Pandan, Mentega kocok, Bahan siap cetak, Cetakan kue satu #1
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Black Forest for Naomi
6/30/2014 My Baking Journey 4/10
Diposkan oleh Ajeng di 6:49 PM 4 comments: Link ke posting ini
Label: baking, order
Yaay, out of nowhere, three days ago I've got an order for making a birthday cake for Naomi, a 4
years old girl living next door. She will celebrating her birthday in her school this afternoon.
Request from the birthday girl, the cake must be a chocolate cake, heart shaped, and topped with
looots of chocolate. So, I made a blackforest cake, filled and covered with whip cream and
decorated with grated chocolate. Hope she'll like it.
By the way, last night when I was about to decorate the cake, suddenly, the electricity went off.
Hiks, I was panic since I covered the cake already with whipcream, and afraid that it will melt and
ruin everything. But, with all the optimistic I have in the middle of a dark night, I continue to
decorate while wishing the electricity will be recover soon. Decorating cake with only aided by a
candle light in the middle of silent night was sooo romantic :P, I put piece by piece of cake while
wondering would the birthday girl love the cake, I hope she will, crossing my finger now. Everything
were still dark even after I finished decorating. I put the cake back in refrigerator, hoping that the
cake will still look as nice as when I finished at the time I wake up the next morning. And, voila, as
you see in the picture above it is still looks OK and ready to deliver.
Moral of story, when there is a will there will be a way... never give up no matter what happened. :)
Will deliver the cake to the birthday girl soon... wish me luck!!!
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Saturday, October 9, 2010
Cheesy Tuna Pasta
Hi Saturday,
It's weekend already, and I am extremely happy. I was quite sad on few last days, and so happy
after had a short chat with my dearest mate Mutiara this morning. Thanks Muti for encouraging me
and keeping my feet on the ground.
Ok, enough for the prologue now let's go to the cooking matter. Again, I've got a magazine from
Myrna when she came home last week from Australia, and it really makes me happy because
beside getting a lot of recipes I can get lots of inspiration by seeing nice unique food photos from
it. I browse the magazine fastly and look at this healthy pasta and cheese recipe. I believe that my
daughter, K, would love it too. So after the lovely chatting with Mutiara I then prepared this food for
breakfast on a rainy happy Saturday. By the way, sorry for the bad picture. Later on I will try to
take a better picture if I remake this food (and I know I will).
Cheesy Tuna Pasta Bake
Source : Austral i an Good Food Magazi ne wi th some modi fi cati on by me
6/30/2014 My Baking Journey 5/10
Diposkan oleh Ajeng di 3:09 AM 2 comments: Link ke posting ini
Label: baking
250g macaroni
60g butter
35g plain flour
1 tsp curry powder (I skipped this)
625 ml low fat milk (any kind milk will do)
120g of frozen peas (I used frozen peas, carrot and corn)
90g grated reduced fat-cheddar (I used regular cheddar)
pinch of grated nutmeg
425 g can tuna in water, drained, flaked
2 slices white bread, roughly torn
2 tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley (I skipped this)
200g salad greens, to serve (I skipped this)
How To
1. Preheat oven to 230C, grease a 6 cup capacity ovenproof dish.
2. Cook macaroni, according to package directions. Drain.
3. Meanwhile, melt butter in a pan on meium heat. Add flour, and curry powder if using and
cook. Stirring for 1 minute until colour lightens. Gradually stir in milk and cook, stirring for 2-
3 minutes until sauce boils and thicken (I turned off the fire, until all portion of milk were
added, to reduce heat).
4. Add frozen vegetables, 1/2 cup of cheddar cheese and nutmeg. Season and stir for 1
minute until cheese melts.
5. Add macaroni and tuna and stir to combine. Pour into prepared dish. Combine bread
pieces, remaining cheddar and parsley and scatter over pasta mixture. Bake for 15 mintues,
until golden. Serve with salad.
This was a "tongue spoiling" breakfast for us. The taste is just right in our mouth.
It is easy to make, only half an hour preparation time and 20 minutes baking time. Will give you
sufficient calory to start the day, and yet, really healthy for our lil daughter K and also for you, yes
you.... so why don't you try it and have a perfect morning as we had.

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Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sambal Tempeh
Have you ever been in a day, when any food in front of you looks "yuck" instead of "yummy". I
mean, do you often had a bad appetite day which make you refuse any food that offered to you? I
(seldom) did, :).
During those appetite problem, I would prefer an easy and spicy food to eat. This type of food
would be something that is reaaally hard to refuse. Hot food will cover all the miscomposition of
spices which usually would make the food taste bad, too salty, too sweet, and etc.
I have a favourite sambal that I and my dear husband love during those bad bad day. It is Sambal
Tempeh. Really easy to make, fast, and surprisingly healthy.
Here is the recipe :
Sambal Tempeh
Ori gi nal Reci pe of Ki rana
5 sliced of tempe (100 grams)
2 chili
2 clove of garlic
1 tsp cooking oil (vegetable/palm oil)
pinch of salt
6/30/2014 My Baking Journey 6/10
Diposkan oleh Ajeng di 9:31 PM No comments: Link ke posting ini
Label: cooking
How to :
1. Season tempe with pinch of salt, and fry in a hot palm oil to brown.
2. In a mortar, crush garlic and chili using pestle until smooth.
3. Add pinch of salt and mix.
4. Put tempe inside mortar, mash tempe but do not over mash.
5. Mix tempe and spices with the aid of spoon.
6. Voila, sambal tempe ready to serve.
I have a story on serving this sambal for eat. My mom usually serve sambal tempeh over dining
table on the mortar.... :), and we scooped directly from the mortar. But nowadays I always move it
to a cuter plate, as my husband kind of see it as something strange to have a mortar over a dining
table. Though if I may say, I personally love to scoop it directly from the mortar on originality
reason... :).
I hope today is not your "bad appetite" day but if it does, then you may give this recipe a try, and
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Monday, October 4, 2010
Mayo Risol
Risol filled with smoked beef, egss and mayonaise used to be my favourite snack during the....
CUSTOMER AUDIT. Yep, you do not read it wrong, I said, customer audit. This snack is one of
the thing that could make me, at least, felt more relax in the middle of full of tension faces. :P
Now, no nightmare such that anymore, but still I love this type of risol. I sometimes sneaked out
and went to Tanjung, a small bakery which have the best mayo risol in the town. But during those
lazy walking time, I prefer to make it by myself at home. Though, I admit, I still need to learn how
to make a really thinny wrapper as they have.
As always, I have got the recipe from NCC website. I write it down for you below :
Mayo Risol
(American Risoles)
Source : Fatmah Bahalwan, NCC
100 gr flour
1 tsp salt
3 pcs eggs
250 ml milk
1 tbs butter, melt
margarine to spread
How to
1. Shieve flour, put inside a bowl with salt. Make a hole in the middle, break eggs in it and stir
uni directionally.
2. Add milk gradually, to create a smooth batter
3. Add melted butter and mix thoroughly
4. Close batter with plastic, set aside for 30 minutes
5. Grease 12 cm omelette pan with margarine and heat up
6. Pour 1/2 cup of batter on pan, spread batter evenly. Cook for 2-3 minutes.
4 pcs of smoked beef, cut 1x3 cm
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Diposkan oleh Ajeng di 11:05 PM 2 comments: Link ke posting ini
Label: snack
100 gr of grated cheddar cheese
4 pcs of boiled egg, cut into small pieces
1 pcs egg beaten
250 gr of bread crumb
1/2 kg of palm oil
1. Lay one skin/wrapper on a flat plate.
2. Put smoked beef, cheese and egg on top of it as much as you like... :P
3. Fold wrapper to make an envelope shape
4. Set aside
5. Repeat with remaining wrapper and filling
6. Dip risol in beaten eggs, then roll over on bread crumbs.
7. Cool in refrigerator for an hour
8. Heat oil for deep-frying .
9. Add risol in small batches and fry, turning occasionally, about 2 minutes or until golden
10. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels.
Serve warm with tomato or chili ketchup. Yummy....
So go get the ingredients, fill, fry, and enjoy them with a sip of sweet lemon tea on a warm
afternoon. Trust me, you will never regret.
Enjoy........ :)
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Cheddar Cheese Cake
I am a slave of cheese. I believe cheese have some magic on the tongue. I was in love with cheese
cake for the first time at the time I tried cheese cake from Cizz in Bandung (a city in west java
Indonesia). Since I moved to this industrial city, I rarely had the chance to come and visit that cozy
store of Cheese Cake which sells lots of variety of cold cheese cakes. Luckily I am in love with
baking now, and I started to look for the best cheese cake recipe. I found several recipes, this
recipe that I will share to you is one of the recipe I've found. It was, again, submitted by a member
of NCC, Mama Aljo. This is an economic version of Japanese Cheese Cake. She used cheddar
cheese as substitute of cream cheese and milk as substitute of whipping cream. This type of
cheese cake is a au ban marie baked cheese cake. It means that you have to bake it in a
waterbath, so that you will have a moist cotton cheese cake that no one could ever resist.
Here is the recipe :
Cheddar Cheese Cake
Source : Aljo's Mom of NCC
with some modification by me
A Ingredients
130ml of milk
40gram of Butter
125gram of grated Cheddar Cheese
B Ingredients
20gram flour
15gram corn starch
1 tsp of grated lemon
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Diposkan oleh Ajeng di 8:29 PM 2 comments: Link ke posting ini
Label: baking
C Ingredient
3 egg yolks
D Ingredient
3 egg whites
1 tsp of lemon zest
100gram castor sugar
E Ingredient
Appricot jam
How To
1. Prepare a 18 cm round baking pan, line with baking sheet and grease butter.
2. Mix A ingredients in a stainless steel pan, heat over a shimmering water. Heat to blend.
3. Add shifted B ingredients, mix thoroughly
4. Add C ingredients one by one, and mix thoroughly
5. Mix D ingredients to form a soft peak, add 1/3 part into the mixture mix thoroughly
6. Transfer the mixture into the rest part of white eggs
7. Pour batter into the pan, put the pan over another pan*
8. Put the pan inside the oven, and add boiled water into the below pan
9. Close the oven, baked for around 60 minutes with 150 C temperature
10. Once the top side turned golden yellow, turned the oven off, and cool the cake inside the
oven (do not open the oven door until cakes are completely cooled)
11. Spread appricot jam diluted by hot water over the cakes, and decorate the cake as you
wish (I sprayed whipcream over and topped mandarin orange on each cake)
*) Use a pan which height is not more than 1/3 of the main pan.
I made this cake for Big Bee Club eid meeting last week, and two moms said it tastes good....
happy to hear that (and did not get any feedback from the rest of them). However I personally think
this cake is almost as good as the Japanese Cheese Cake though it's using a much cheaper
You really have to try this recipe, and later on please tell me do you like it as much as I do... :)
Thanks for reading and have a good day.
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Diposkan oleh Ajeng di 5:15 PM No comments: Link ke posting ini
Label: baking
My First Fondant Covered Cake
Hai there... it's a really nice morning. Seems like the sun smiling at me since it doesn't give a too
harsh heat as I often had in this industrial city.
Anyway, I would like to share a picture of my birthday cake. I made this Sacher Torte Gateau for
my birthday on last august, and covered it with fondant (plastic icing) to make it beautiful. This is
my first fondant project and I am happy for it. I am quite satisfied but I don't really like the taste of
fondant which is way too sweet for me :P
However, I looove working with fondant and planning a next project, a more chalenging project. I will
happily share it to you once I've finished... so wish me luck ok.
Here is my lovely cute birthday cake, hope you like it too as I do
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6/30/2014 My Baking Journey 9/10
Monday, September 20, 2010
Diposkan oleh Ajeng di 5:02 PM 3 comments: Link ke posting ini
Label: baking
Apple Tart (tarte fine aux pomme)
On May, my dearest mate in Australia sent me a magazine with Curtis Stone in it... yes he is my
favourite chef who has really hypnotizing eyes. But then, it was not him that attracted me. I found
this recipe of apple tart which looked so nice topped with ice cream, and I can't help my self to try
it. It was really easy to make, since I bought a ready made puff pastry for the taart base. I skipped
the vanilla bean ice cream, but still it tastes super... :)
Here is the picture
Not bad right?
It becomes our simple, healthy and favourite dessert of all time.
I wrote the recipe for you if you'd like to give a try and pamper your tongue with this wonderful
Apple Tart
By Guillaume Brahimi
Source : Delicious Magazine, April 2010
4 golden delicious apple
a squeeze of lemon juice (to keep apples from discoloring)
2 sheets frozen puff pastry, thawed
1 egg, beaten
unsalted melted butter, to brush
3 tbs caster sugar
How to
1. Preheat the oven to 180 degree celcius and line 2 baking trays with baking paper. Peel,
core and quarter the apples, then cut into very thin slices (a mandoline is ideal). Toss the
slices in a little lemon juice to keep from discolouring.
2. Using a round 12 cm cutter, cut pastry into 8 rounds and divide between trays, leaving
plenty of space between each pastry round. Brush pastry with egg.
3. Arrange apple slices on pastry in a circle, ensuring the slices overlap slightly.
4. Brush apples with melted butter and sprinkle each with 1 tsp sugar. Bake for 25-30
minutes, sprinklling with remaining sugar for the final 5 minutes of cooking time, until pastry
is crisp and apples are golden and crisped at the edges. Serve warm, topped with a scoop
of vanilla bean ice cream (I skipped this)
There you go, enjoy the picture and hope you like it.
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Cheese Sago Cookies
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Diposkan oleh Ajeng di 2:06 AM 5 comments: Link ke posting ini
You can't imagine how happy I was when finally I could make this really delicious crunchy
unbearable yummy cookies. This used to be my favourite cookie of all time, and I could finish one
jar on my own.
I had the recipe once from my mother in law, but at that time I didn't have passion on baking like
now. Later on I asked my office mate to copy the recipe for me, but I didn't hesitate to try since
she told me that you'll need a lot of efforts to spuit the batter into a baking pan... SIGH
Fortunately I found NCC, a really helpful cooking club filled with really nice experts and fellows of
baker. I've got the recipe and red all the posting about how to succesfully make this cookies.
Now I can make this cookie on my own, finish it by myself, took a picture, and share it to you...
One hint that I got from Mrs. Dewi Anwar of NCC... if you want to reduce the effort while spuiting
the batter... mix cheese with the help of a hand mixer so that they will be crushed into small piece
and won't clog your spuit head.
Here is the recipe which I've got from NCC :
300 gr of sago flour
2 pcs of pandan leaves
100 gr margarine
50 gr of butter
150 gr of castor sugar
1 egg yolk
100 gr of grated edam (old) cheese
50 ml of coconut milk
How to :
- Heat over a pan, sagoo flour and pandan leaves, with low heat until pandan leaves turned to dry.
Set aside.
- Mix margarine and butter to soft and white batter, add sugar and yellow eggs mix thoroughly.
- Add sagoo flour and gratted cheese one at a time, mix and add coconut milk.
- Put batter into a pastry bag fitted with star shaped spuit. Spray the batter into a baking pan.
- Bake for 40 minutes with temperature around 150 degree celcius
source : ncc indonesia (fatmah bahalwan)
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