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The present-day trends and tendencies on the part of individuas and nations hod the
vie! that "speed and success# are synony$ous %oth in content and conte&t' Opinions
$ay differ a$on( )no!ed(ea%e persons on the su%*ect of "fast ife+ fast %uc) and fast
food#' For so$e the hectic pace of ife is headin( to!ards a priceess possession+
!hereas for so$e it is a du%ious drift to!ards peris or pro%e$s' ,oe$ics apart+ i)e
nations+ individuas too have to (rasp the %asic or ri(orous reaity that !e ive in a
hi(hy co$petitive !ord in !hich the rise or decine of individuas is deter$ined %y the
rapid pace of speed !ith !hich they respond to ne! chaen(es and constanty
chan(in( circu$stances' The a%iity to )eep pace !ith the $o%iity and $o$entu$ of
fast $ovin( ti$es+ as aso the deter$ination to s!eep aside odds and o%staces and
press ahead !ith refor$ and restructurin( is the )ey to success'
-Necessity is the $other of invention'. If today the re/uire$ents of co$%atin( forces
ini$ica to pro(ress and prosperity are ur(ent and pressin(+ so is the ur(ency to
acceerate the te$po of our concepts and concrete actions' It is due to the rapid pace
of ife and other co$pusions that !e are o%i(ed to !in the race a(ainst ti$e and
adopt a possi%e $eans to rush hep to those peopes !ho are in dire straits' Since
there is no (ain !ithout pain+ it is %ut natura that the $ore !e e&ert to %rea) previous
records and acco$pish tar(ets+ the $ore !e suffer the i effects of our %urnt out
It is not ony individuas !ho have %enefited the $ost fro$ rapid strides $ade on the
path-%rea)in( para$eters of "speed and success#+ %ut the !ord as a !hoe has
achieved unprecedented supre$acy over "ti$e and space#' The speed !ith !hich !e
can trave across the (o%e+ and even pro%e space and other panets+ is a tein(
tri%ute to the tone and te$per of ife that has ad*usted itsef so !e !ith $ind-
%o((in( $iraces %rou(ht a%out %y "$an+ $ind and $achine#'
0ndou%tedy+ speed offers thri' The a&io$ "so! and steady !ins the race# has ost
$uch of its reevance' The need of the hour is to stea a $arch over others+ %e they
natura pheno$ena or hu$an hindrances+ and re(ister success stories !ithout deay'
There is no denyin( that rapid pace of ife has contri%uted a ot to pro(ress and
prosperity 1that !e see around2 in patches and pouches'
No other era stands out for its conspicuous contradictions and papa%e parado&es as
ours' If there are path-%rea)in( success stories+ fuy %ac)ed %y race a(ainst ti$e+
there are innu$era%e instances of an(er+ an(st and aienation starin( us in the face'
3e are ivin( in the %est of ti$es+ as aso in the !orst of ti$es' 3e are a ivin( !itness
to enthrain(+ enchantin(+ deicious+ deecta%e parado&ica ironies and ironica
"S)y is the i$it# has %eco$e %oth a $otive and a $arve' ,assions and pursuits are
directed to!ard tac)in( $any a pro%e$ that confronts us' The state of hepessness
in the face of coossa upheavas is a thin( of the past' Tar(ets and deadines no on(er
pose serious chaen(es+ %ecause hu$an %ein(s+ !ith their hearts in "proper pace# and
$inds in "$eticuous $oud#+ have earnt to outs$art or out!it the$'
To say or assert !ith authority that the spectru$ of ife is a coourfu and there are no
dar) spots+ is ony haf-true' The other haf is ittered !ith the fearso$e findin(s of
psychiatrists and psychoo(ists+ !ho see the e$er(in( trends a$on( the $ost
successfu and %usy %odies hi(hy distur%in(' A thri in senses and a thorn in fesh4
this is ho! one can descri%e the curves and contours of the rapid pace of present-day
5iven the pressure of the !or) pace and stiff deadines and tar(ets+ heath is not a
priority at this eve' Spondyitis+ hi(h %ood pressure+ and %ac)ache+ ucers that are
directy reated to stress+ even a ni((in( cardiac pro%e$+ are !orries that today#s
%a%y %oo$ers are (rappin( !ith' No dou%t+ the re!ards offered for (ood !or) have
(one up' So there is an ur(e to outperfor$ others' There is certainy a trend for peope
!ho are at the top and financiay co$forta%e to venture out into other unreated
areas+ !hich they had $issed out %ecause of their hectic ife stye' There is a $assive
trend and is visi%e $ore and $ore' The a$ent:
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
W.H. Davies
is %oth ti$ey and tein('

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