PG Diploma in Embedded Systems Design (PG-DESD) Course Focus

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PG Diploma in Embedded Systems Design(PG-DESD)

Course Focus
Realizing the growth of embedded systems in day-to-day life and the need for trained manpower in this
promising area, C-DAC has launched a Post gradauate Diploma in Embedded Systems Design (PG-
DESD) for Engineers in computers, electronics and IT. Embedded Systems is a unique field, where
engineers need to have sound knowledge in hardware and software design. Keeping this aspect in view,
C-DAC has designed the diploma giving equal emphasis to hardware and software, enabling engineers
to face challenges in the design and development of state of the art embedded systems. The latest
curriculum includes a module on wireless embedded systems design, specifically focusing on wireless
technologies and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN).

Course Structure
Post Graduate Diploma in Embedded Systems Design (PG-DESD) is a 24 weeks full-time course
consisting of 7 modules, an industry relevant project and a seminar. Daily sessions comprise two hours of
lecture followed by four hours of lab work.

1. Graduate in Engineering or equivalent (eg. BE/ B.Tech/ 4 years B. Sc Engg./ AMIE/ AIETE/ DoEACC B
level etc) in Electronics/ Electrical/ Computer Science Engineering (CSE) or related areas.
2. PG in Engg. Sciences (eg. MCA/ M.Sc. Engg, M.Sc.(CS, IT, EE, Electronics, Instrumentation etc)
3. The candidates must have secured a minimum of 55% marks in their qualifying examination.

Course Fee
The total Fee of PG DESD course is of Rs. 79,000 (Rupees Seventy nine thousand only) inclusive of
service tax.

PG-DESD Course Syllabus
Introduction to Embedded Systems Design
Trends in Embedded Systems, Challenges and Design Issues in Embedded Systems,
Assemblers, Compilers, Linkers, Loaders, Debuggers, Embedded In-Circuit Emulators and JTAG,
Profilers and Test Coverage Tools, Build Tools for Embedded Systems, Configuring and Building
GNU Cross-Toolchain

Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS)
Introduction to OS, Process Management and Inter Process Communication, Memory
management, I/O subsystem, File System Organization, POSIX Thread Programming, POSIX
Semaphores, Mutexes, Conditional Variables, Barriers, Message Queues, Debugging and
Testing Multi-Threaded Applications
OOPIntroduction to Real-Time / Embedded Operating Systems, Performance Metrics of RTOS,
Real Time Scheduling, Task Specifications, Schedulability Analysis, Real Time Linux Internals,
Configuring and Compiling Real Time Linux, Programming in Real Time Linux

Embedded Systems Programming
Porting RTOS and Embedded Operating Systems, Building RTOS / EOS Image for Target
Hardware, Time, Space and Power aware Programming
Introduction to Bootloaders and Board Support Packages, Embedded File Systems, Embedded
Linux Kernel Internals, Embedded Linux Device Drivers

8/16/32 bit Microcontrollers and Interfacing
Introduction to 8-bit Microcontrollers, RISC / CISC and Harvard / Princeton, Architectures,
Embedded Memory, Timers / Counters, UART, SPI, PWM, WDT, Input Capture, Output
Compare Modes, I2C, CAN, LED, Switches, ADC, DAC, LCD, RTC, Emerging Bus Standards
(USB, PCI), Programming in Assembly and Embedded C
Introduction to 16 / 32-bit Processors, ARM Architecture and Organization, ARM/THUMB
Programming Model and Instruction Set, ARM Exception Handling, ARM/THUMB Assembly and
C Programming, ARM/THUMB Interworking, ARM Peripheral Programming, Introduction to
Cortex-M3 Architecture and Programming
Introduction to Multi-Core Embedded Systems, Introduction to FPGA

Programming Concepts and Data Communication
Basics of Program Writing, Coding Practices, Overview of C Programming language, Embedding
Assembly code in C program, Debugging and Optimization of C programs, handling portability
issues in C, Introduction to Data Structures, Algorithms and abstract data types, Complexity of
Algorithms, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Searching and Sorting Algorithms, Trees
OOPS Concepts, C++ Programming, Expressions & Functions in C++, Friend Functions, Default
arguments, Classes and Objects, Data members & member functions, Static members,
Constructors & Destructor, Operator overloading, Type conversions, Inheritance, Virtual base
class, Constructors in derived classes, Virtual functions and runtime polymorphism, VPTR &
Virtual table, Pure virtual functions and abstract class, Console and File I/O, Formatted I/O
operations, Manipulators, Sequential and Random file operations, Exception handling
mechanism, Runtime Type Identification (RTTI), Namespaces

Digital Signal Processing
Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing, DFT, IDFT, FFT, Convolution, FIR and IIR Filter
Design, Algorithm implementation using DSP, Digital Signal Processor Architecture, DSP based
software development tools, DSP based embedded system design process, DSP applications,
Introduction to Codecs

Data Communication and Mobile Programming
OSI Reference Model and TCP/IP Protocol Suite, LAN Protocol Suite, Application Layer
Protocols, Socket Programming
Wireless LAN: IEEE 802.11, Wireless MAN: WiMAX, Wireless PAN: Zigbee, 6LoWPAN,
Bluetooth, RFID, Cellular Communication: 2G & 3G
Mobile Development Platforms (Android, Symbian, JavaME), Mobile Programming Languages,
Design & Development of Mobile User Interfaces, Mobile Application Development &

Project and Seminar
The students are assigned a project work for the duration of one month. Also, as a part of the
curriculum, they are required to give a seminar on a topic relevant to the Embedded Systems
Design. Special credit is given for the project work and seminar.
*Topics in this module to be covered parallel to other relevant modules
** Parallel with Programming Concepts Sub-Module

All about CDAC hyderabad DESD
Modules of DESD course

CDAC - DESD -Hyderabad
Complete course of DESD is divided into following modules:
<Please Click on Modules to expand>
1.C Programming -2weeks
The content of the course was good and introduce with the hidden aspects of C . Especially pointers and
regular expressions in c , Memory management in C , File Ops. However for NON-IT people it seems to
be little fast and hard to absorb quickly. Lab session: Relating to each topic you will get plethora of
questions that some people might find hard to complete in given deadlines. But , this will actually help
you in later stage where c is must in placements and in remaining modules as well.

Books: Schaums Programming in C
2.Data Structures - 2weeks
Here you will know about the real implementation of C. Though they taught all the basic known data
structures some of the advance DS topics like splay tree, B-trees,234 trees and graphs are left for
students to learn by themselves.

Lab session: Questions based on each topic will be given that will dig deep in the concepts.
Mark Allen Weiss
3.MicroController - 2weeks
AVR -1 week
In this you will be taught about the basics of embedded system and a microcontroller specific study on
atmega8 board. It covers a wide range of programs from simple port controlling to peripheral
programming. Lab Session: An atmega8 kit will be provided to final run and execute your programs.
Intially you will write your code in Assembly and slowly you'll be asked to migrate to C. VmLab(IDE +
simulator) is used for writing and simulating your programs. Imp: Memory org. , Communication
protocols, Interrupts,Timers. Only this module help you teach about all type of memories and popular
communication protocols UART,SPI,I2C ARM - 1week In this module major concentration will be on
32-bit processors,RISC and CISC architecture, Lab session: Initially, you will be taught to write and
compile program using arm-gcc toolchain but later you will be using Keil IDE. For later experiments
LPC2378 ARM Board will be used. Imp: pls note that no Board is faulty, the only problem can be in your
improper burning.
Avr microcontroller programming by Mazidi.
ARM Development Handbook by Elsevier publication.
4.Operating System 2weeks
Most exhaustive module , it will take you on a journey which will start from thread programming then
shell programming, linux programming, linux kernel compilation(Contd..).


Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz,Galvin,Gagne
Beginning Linux Programming by Neil Matthew, Richard Stones
5.uCOS 1week
Guys, Please accomplish the long held task of porting uCos-II onto the ARM7 board. Initially,it seems to a
mammoth task but try to complete it. It is not an impossible task but it may take a long time.FYI, >3
groups in our batch completed this task and was able to run full-functional uCOS-II on ARM7 boards.
Following points can help you in overcoming the hurdles :
-Try to get the pre-written ports for other board/OS and analyse their execution flow.
-DO it by using breakpoints and step functions in keil.
-try to know about all the variables coming across in flow.
-try to shred off all the unnecessary part of mailbox,semaphore etc in case if your are not
using them.
-learn to distinguish between the assembly and c code and their transition during the execution flow.
Various types of Linux Device Drivers.
Linux Kernel Compilation and kernel configuration.
Creating a serial/parallel driver.
Linux Device Drivers by Alessandro Rubini, Greg Kroah-Hartman et al
GSM/Bluetooth/Wifi -1week -DCN 1week
8.C++ -2week
9.Android/JAVA 2week
10.DSP - 2week


Project will start in last days of your course so, pls pls do not underestimate the importance of it as
most of us did. If you do your project well and learn something in depth out of it then believe me your
placement interview will revolve around it and if you have done it sincerely nobody can stop the flow of
answers out of you.
While deciding your project please take care of following things:
1.Try to make your project in alignment with one or more modules which you learned in past 6 months.
2.Let your project not be an innovation (talking practically) but try to select something which can be
finished in that limited amount of time.
3.Never include the terms in goal/aim/title which are not the part of your project. Always try to attain all
the goals which you have mentioned as title.
4.Make it simple....Don't try to Impress the reader by using some Fancy words....always make it simple
to understand for you as well as for the reader.
5.During the tenure of the Project PLEASE take care that there should not be any communication
between you and your project will be good if you can give them report of what you have done
daily...otherwise once in a week is must.
6.While deciding your project don't be under the influence of someone, try to analyse by yourself and
ask for the feasibility from more than one source.
Common Influential Topics:
-Lets take the project of our guide...we will add something to it.
-One of my friend is willing to give his college project we will try to add something into it.
-Lets not waste our time into it better finish it in a week or so by making some cheapo thing.
7.PLS PLS DO YOUR PROJECT SINCERELY AND WHOLE HEARTILY as it may attain you a good job at
some respectable position.

milan i m in desd banglore present batch and first of all congrts..u will get ur pune/hyd/bang...which ever
may be ur 1st choice...but as per my advise u can go for hyd ofr desd...or if u are vey comfortable with
linux-os then only i will advise u to go with pune/bang as pune+bang has 1 common faculty called BABU
sir which is GOD of Operating System but for an average student will not be able to get from his has its
level is very high and truely speaking in my batch there are 88 students out of which only 7-8 are getting
from babu sir all others are not comfortable with that clearity in doubt he has very good
knowledge but its not worth untill u grasp it from him..which is very tough for many guys...i m not
putting him down but our level is not that much....u take my advise pune+bang both are good but pune
is strict and banglore isnt..knowledge + facukty are very good in both pune+bang for desd but as for desd
guy he shoukd be comfortable with os+rtos+esp(device drivers) which all is taught by one common
faculty babu sir...i also had 1 frnd in pune in desd only there babu sir is very strict and in small period of
time he teaches very fast in pune as he thinks that all cream students are in oune while in same amount
of time in banglore he teaches only 60% as banglore is not strict but if u have a good knowledge in os
then u got to pune and if u want to learn slowly then go for bang..also schedule in pune is worst as 2
modules are running at same time while in banglore only 1 module at a time..just think twice between
pune+bangalore also think hyderabad as it is hub for embedded and all papers for desd are set by hyd
and not pune+bang also in bangalore some modules are taken very lightly like andriod but for desd
os+rtos+esp is of luck..and think twice and then fill ur choice ...if u have any query abt
placement and centres then feel free to ask...

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