Baoba As Bonsai

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Kremetart /

Baobab as
Watering Baobabs
- Once the leaves are turning yellow at the beginning of autumn slow
watering gradually down. Stop watering when plus minus 50% of leaves turn
yellow yellow.
- Stop completely before the tree have lost all its leafs.
- Do not water trees during the dormant (winter) period.
- However, some people do water in winter but according to experience the
chances are very good that trees might rot and die chances are very good that trees might rot and die.
- Slowly start watering again when the trees are sprouting new buds, usually
during September.
- Do not over water during this period but gradually increase water as more
and more leafs develop.
- Only once the tree is full of leafs can it receive as much water as other trees.
Always let the surface soil dry out a bit before watering again.
- Adjust watering during rainy periods.
Where to keep my Baobab
- Baobabs like direct sunlight for as long as possible during the active
growing period. The more sun the better they grow.
- Preferably keep under a hail net or not more than 30% shade net.
- Never keep indoors during growing period a day or two during
bonsai exhibitions or when the family comes and visit for a day and bonsai exhibitions or when the family comes and visit for a day and
you want to show off your tree will do no harm.
- During winter the tree can be kept anywhere indoors, on a wall unit During winter the tree can be kept anywhere indoors, on a wall unit
or even under the bed or in a cupboard. The tree does not need any
sunlight during the cold winter months as it is completely dormant.
P t t th t f ld d f t k i th i d l - Protect the trees from cold and frost keeping them indoors solves
this problem and winter is the best time to display your tree indoors
for your friends to see. Be careful of a very cold breeze coming
through an open window when kept indoors during the winter.
- Remember NOT TO WATER the tree during this dormant period!!!
Transplanting Baobabs
- Baobabs are easy to transplant as long as you stick to the basics.
- Best time to transplant baobabs is when they are beginning to bud
during end September, beginning October. However, I have
t l t d b b b d i b i i f D b ith t transplanted baobabs during beginning of December without a
problem but the foliage were drastically reduced to compensate for
loss in roots.
- Baobabs have potato like roots it is edible (some very sweet, others p ( y ,
- Always make sure the cut through the root is done with a sharp tool
and the cut is clean the cut should be at a right angle (90 degree) to
the root to keep the surface of the cut as small as possible the root to keep the surface of the cut as small as possible.
- Always treat the cut with sulphur of flower to prevent rotting of the
root. Some bonsai growers burn the freshly cut root but personally I
would not recommend it.
Pl th t t ft th li ti f th l h f fl i di t - Place the cut root after the application of the sulphur of flower in direct
sunlight to dry out for about an hour.
- Transplant in a deep bonsai pot and make sure the tree is anchored if
a lot of roots were removed. a lot of roots were removed.
- Water for first time only a few days after transplanting but water very
sparingly in the beginning until the tree is full of leaves.
- Baobabs prefer a well drained soil mixture. Soil mixture of 2 parts
coarse ri er sand one part sand soil and one part compost coarse river sand, one part sandy soil and one part compost.
Baobabs as Bonsai
To obtain the quickest results from seeds the young seedlings should - To obtain the quickest results from seeds the young seedlings should
be transplanted in a big container. The bigger the better.
- The container should stand on the ground to give the roots the
opportunity to grow through the drainage holes into the ground This opportunity to grow through the drainage holes into the ground. This
will result in very fast developing trees. The roots inside the pot must
be watered to keep them alive. When the tree is transplanted the
roots in the ground will be sacrificed and only the roots inside the
i t ill b d Th t th d t b t i d b k t growing pot will be used. The top growth need to be trimmed back to
compensate for the loss in roots. In areas where there is very cold
and frost conditions during the winter months, the trees must be
moved indoors to protect them from the cold The roots should be cut moved indoors to protect them from the cold. The roots should be cut
of just below the container and the cuts treated with flower of sulphur.
- The disadvantage of this method is that the roots are heavily
disturbed every year and the wild growth of the plant is slowed y y g p
down. However, the growing pots can be placed on top of another
big growing pot full of soil. The baobab can still grow wild but into
the pot below make sure the drainage holes of the top container is
made bigger for the roots to easily grow through them The advantage made bigger for the roots to easily grow through them. The advantage
is that when the tree is moved indoors for protection from the cold, the
roots is not disturbed and the tree can start growing the next season
without disturbing the roots. The only problem is that with two g y p
containers full of soil and the tree it becomes heavy to move around.
This process should be repeated year after year until the desired
development is reached.
Diseases of Bonsai
- Very few pests.
- Be careful of root rot to much water at the - Be careful of root rot to much water at the
wrong time. The tree can be rescued if
discovered early need to cut back until there is y
no more sign of rot (white colour) and treat the
same as a newly transplanted tree. It is
important to regularly feel the base of the trunk,
because rotting always start from the roots
upwards and the base of the trunk should always upwards and the base of the trunk should always
be firm.
1992 2003
2007 Th b t l t d f d i 1968 d i 2007 The above tree was planted from seed in 1968 and is
currently 39 years old. Tree belongs to Johan and
Berrie Ras from Warmbaths.
C t t d t il Contact details:
Danie de Bruin Danie de Bruin
Mabula Game Reserve
(W b th ) (Warmbaths - area) @
Tel. no. 014734 1789 (H)
082 755 2952 (Cell)

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