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European football teams CSR engagement impact on customer- based brand equity

The study discussed many topics about the role of corporate social responsibility inside sport
market. The writer provides the readers with some imperial studies include hypothesis and
results in order to proof his ideas. the article assure that the brand management has great effect
upon sport industries. All the hypotheses and approaches assure aim to estimate consumers
perception and behavior or purchasers.
The article start with clear ideas about the classification of sports especially football as brand
which discussed in many approaches by Keller, Aaker and Kapferer who provide better
understanding about the facts that sport industry has a big brand, brand equity and customer
based brand equity where sport has strong brand equity which based on customer loyalty,
recognition and perceived quality.
Moreover; the article discussed the corporate social responsibility which sport activities applied
it completely between 1950 and 2000. the writer mention that the main aim for corporate social
responsibilities where society doesnt involve in benign manner and sport value also change
accordingly. generally organizations divided in four CSR include profitable, to be legal, to be
ethical and to be good, so, in the field of sport and club as a business need to meet the
shareholders perceptions and expectations so it intend to be profitable and acquire to abide by the
legislations and sport law, so clubs business tend to be legal.
The article discussed also the perception of CSR such as clubs engagement with their region, the
importance of the club to the city and region lies on, also the role of the club to spread the
reputation of the region, moreover the engagement and the social responsibility of the club
toward the region , another role is the role of club in engagement with ethical partners and
The main method and .hypothesis of the student go around three categories, first product related
attributes, second non product related attributes, third; benefits and fourth; spectators CSR
ethical responsibilities. The first hypotheses of the study are about the football clubs brand
image. Second; the effect of brand image on sport spectators behavior, third hypothesis is the
CPE impact on sport spectators behavioural intentions. the writer chose to club to be sample for
the research design located in Brittany, France. Stade Rennais Football Club (SRFC) and
Football Club de Lorient (FCL) .
The result of the hypothesis found that there are 73% of the SRFC are the age between 30 and
59, while Lorient 62% of the spectators is older than 40 years. The two clubs show and elevated
percentage of liberal professions represented in their respective data sets. for the clubs brand
images found the French team sports is good perceived performance on the factors game team.
Successful and players for the FCL club. For the SRFC is also supposed ranked on the second
half of league to first league. Moreover; the product related attributes showed the main part of
spectators brand perception for FCL as 31.390 percent out of 84.263 percent. Both clubs
entertainment factor remains unsatisfactory for additional entertainment.
Again; the result of the hypothesis testing which shown that the football clubs brand image is
strong and blow on spectators behavior. Also; if the CSR is a logical and reliable category in
spectators brand associations they dont automatically link purchase intentions to club attitude.
Second the clubs media exposure, spectators profile and clubs of CPE on purchase.
Finally the whole research suggests that customer experience is associated to the match on the
field. Also; brand attributes, especially product related attributes are the heart of spectators
brand perceptions. Second; the main atmosphere in the stadium adds to positive customer
experiences, third; spectators enjoy stadium attendance, fourth; the stadium is a significant
entertainment instrument for the football clubs and finally the CPE is part of the brand image for
both clubs researched.

Defining corporate social responsibility
The article is an empirical study to explore how large German and British companies publicly
define the corporate social responsibility. also; the study examines how CSR is defined from a
corporate perceptive by looking at the actual nations of CSR that large companies broadcast in
its websites. the study also mentioned many previous studies about the CSR such as Aupperle et
all study, Carrolls study which divided in four part CSR definition. Another study in Moore and
Richardson and Cowton who found that the economic component continued to be stressed in the
UK where producing goods and services and obeying the law.
Again; the article mentioned the factors influencing corporate definitions of CSR where the
evidence suggest that the CSR develop in interactions between organizationally framed values
and external influences. the methodology of the study began with a content analysis of 40
corporate websites CSR statement so to examine how German and British companies publicly
define CSR. From the two countries the author chose 20 companies through their websites
through developing using a combination of techniques suggested by Neuendorf modifying an
existing CSR conceptualization advance by Maignan and Ralston.
The main findings show how the CSR is understood in UK and German companies where the
CSR processes designed the managerial procedures and instruments employed by businesses to
bring their motivational principles in to practices. The differences between German and British
showed a noticeable for the processes corporate governance and compliance with law. the
average for the sampled companies found that the mean= 9.55. German companies mean= 9.00.
Shareholder mean= 0.4 or supplier issues mean = .23. The German companies emphasize
cultural diversity and especially arts and culture. While British companies discussed equal
opportunities and especially about health and safety. German firms refer more recurrently to
learning and development and employee care issues, while British companies still pay clearly
more attention to these stakeholder groups than German firms.
The study showed also that the industry sector emerged as main external factor as with idea of
CSR principles environmentally oriented companies focus on the performance aspect. the
empirical study showed that the food and agriculture mean= 14 followed by wholesale/retail
mean 13 while transportation industry is very low care about CSR came as 4.00.
The study also showed the influence of governments and regulations which generally perceived
as low. Within the company specific networks, the public relations function played a significant
role. Also the result suggests that turnover plays a role, while top 20 companies emphasize as the
value driven and performance CSR principle. the study arrived also to conclusion that increase in
number of CSR processes which has indeed quadrupled in comparison with Maignan and
Ralston. The study also showed a shift within the British sample from performance to values as
motivational principle. also the study found that there is a reflect increase in the number of CSR
processes, however some statements clearly suggest that long term sustainability and profitability
retain precedence in case of a conflict of interests.
The study also showed that according to the internal influences, corporate culture appears to
identify the general attitude towards CSR and how the nation is advanced. The author also
showed how both Challenging Heath and Ryan which found that communications practitioners
played a significant internal and external role which may be due to the general direction which
the nation of CSR has taken. Also emphasis on the company size and turnover influence that
presented CSR notion. finally assure on that the long term question is whether this trend will lead
to the development of sustainable capitalism, and social welfare and long term business success
may well depend upon these changing nations of sustainability.

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