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Technical Assistance Plan

Maine Roads to Quality Professional Development Network

Our mission is to promote and support professionalism in the field of early childhood education and improve the quality of early care
and education in Maine through the provision of a statewide system of professional development.

The ultimate goal is that all families and children will have access to a choice of high-quality child care options across diverse settings
that meet the unique developmental, cultural, and linguistic needs of families.
Program Name and Address:
Shining Star
60 Darling Ave. SoPo, Me. 04106
Primary Contact Name (Owner/Director/Family
Child Care Provider or Principal):
Lara Maloney
Primary Contact Information:
Work Phone: 772-7111
Consultant Name:
Michelle Belanger
Consultant Contact Information
TA Plan open date: 2/11/14
(MRTQ will determine close date based upon
nature of TA request)
Date of Initial Contact:
2/18/14 via email.


List other Agencies Providing Consultation Services:
Agreement in Place for Information Exchange Yes______ No_______

TA PLANNING PROCESS: *Overarching Goals are to be defined in one or more of the following areas:
licensing compliance, learning environments/developmentally appropriate practices, program evaluation,
staffing and professional development, administrative policies and procedures, parent and family involvement,
family resources and/or authentic assessment.
* Overarching Goals reflect the Quality for ME Standards

The TA Plan is made in collaboration with the Primary Contact and the TA Consultant. The role of the TA consultant is to support the development
and implementation of the TA plan in ways that promote program quality improvement and sustainable programmatic changes. Responsibility for
implementing the TA Plan is ultimately the responsibility of the Primary Contact.

Signature of Primary Contact Date

Signature of Consultant Date

*Quality for ME
Quality for ME Sub-Standard: Steps, Action Plan and Notes Who is
Timeframe for

Move from a Step 1 to a Step 2 Lara None

Staff Professional Development-Register staff for Infant
Toddler class. Go over I/T Guidelines with staff to become
familiar with domains.
2 Weeks

Environment- Go through ITERS to see what can be
improved/changed in a self-evaluation capacity.
2 weeks

Provide articles about professional development, survey for
self-evaluation, and directions on how to obtain resources.
Michelle Ongoing

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