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Jackleg Preachers
Ruining the Church
By Stanley Green

Jackleg Preachers Ruining the Church Jackleg Preachers Ruining the Church Jackleg Preachers Ruining the Church Jackleg Preachers Ruining the Church
Jackleg preachers are ruining the Church. They think that building
a magnificent edifice to worship God has made him or her worthy
of Gods praise. He or she isnt aware that the most important
ministerial duty is to administrate Jesus Last Will and Testament.
The role of each licensed minister is to serve as either executor or
executrix to notify each new convert that through baptism he or
she shall be named as a joint heir to Jesus Christ New Testament.
Each beneficiary shall inherit eternal salvation, because Jesus
Christ Crucifixion has obliterated the debt of sin owed to God.
He who hesitates is a damned fool He who hesitates is a damned fool He who hesitates is a damned fool He who hesitates is a damned fool
Mae West has coined the quotation, He who hesitates is a
damned fool! Whether she knew it or not that is what the
gospel of Jesus Christ is about. Any sinner that hesitates to
receive baptism is a damned fool, because he or she must
stand before God on Judgment Day to be condemned to
eternal damnation in hell fire. Each born again Christian is
covered under the blood of Jesus Christ and God will pass
over his or her judgment and condemnation into hell fire!

Mega Church Mega Business Mega Church Mega Business Mega Church Mega Business Mega Church Mega Business
Mega churches have evolved as mega trillion dollars business
industry. IRS has waived all churches and religious organizations
filing 990 Annual Reports with What this
means is any Jackleg preacher with business marketing skills
may take advantage of tax free donations to amass fortunes.
On top of collecting offerings and/or donations these Jackleg
preachers are marketing their Christian books, audio/video
tapes and charging the congregations for paying tithes.
Camel go through the eye of a needle Camel go through the eye of a needle Camel go through the eye of a needle Camel go through the eye of a needle
The ruse of each Jackleg preacher is to convince the congregation
how to amass wealth by giving their money to God. The proof that
it works is they become rich and blame each member that is living
in a state of poverty that its his or her fault for not obeying God.
The truth of the matter is that church members are up to their
heels sinking in debt, because the Jackleg preachers have attached
a lock and key to take ten percent ownership of his or her bank
account. The damned fools who have bought into this marketing
scam have relinquished his or her salvation by allowing these
Jackleg preachers lure them to become debtors in Gods eyesight.
All debtors who still owes God have been condemned to hellfire.

Corruption overseeing Corruption overseeing Corruption overseeing Corruption overseeing God God God Gods flock s flock s flock s flock
Jackleg preachers have turned Gods house into a den of
thieves. There is absolutely no way for IRS to track the trillion
dollars that have been circulating through church treasuries.
Church officers have been lining their pockets with majority of
the money going to pastors. Some have openly flaunted his or
her wealth while others may camouflage his or her prosperity.
A church is a nonprofit institution meaning that individual
officers cant profit to become wealthy millionaires.
Jesus was a good shepherd Jesus was a good shepherd Jesus was a good shepherd Jesus was a good shepherd
Jesus was a good shepherd. He gave his life for his sheep. So,
he wasnt out to fleece his own flock. Instead, Jesus has
watched over his flock to protect his sheep from being preyed
upon by evil wolves. Jesus has even foretold of hirelings as
professional shepherds coming to watch over Gods flock. He is
talking about these Jackleg preachers who arent like Jesus
Christ. Jackleg preachers have invaded Gods house to fleece
Gods flock of sheep. These Jackleg preachers have portrayed
themselves as good shepherds when all along their sole
ambition has to become wealthy off tax free money. The sad
news is that you may be a sheep they have been fleecing.

Send a Facebook message to friends Send a Facebook message to friends Send a Facebook message to friends Send a Facebook message to friends
If you want to help me to get these Jackleg preachers out of
Gods house then send a Facebook message to your friends.
Instructions: Forward a copy of the message I send you to
your friends list. If you havent created a message list, then
here is an alternate technique. Click new message. In the
address bar type the letter a and hit enter. Repeat this step
it will add each name that begins with a or have a in them.
Repeat with the letter b thru z until u finish your list.
Facebook friends list Facebook friends list Facebook friends list Facebook friends list
If each person in my friends list cooperate to send a message to
your friends list eventually, everyone on Facebook will learn the
truth about these Jackleg preachers fleecing Gods flock. Jesus
Christ will bless you for cleaning up the corruption of Gods house.
I foresee in the very near future that our younger generation will
produce good shepherds like Jesus Christ; who arent money
hungry using the church as a stepping stone to material wealth. I
will continue to send message to my friends list and pray that my
friends will join with me to rid our churches of Jackleg preachers.

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