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How can we distinguish between alkenes and alkanes?

Teachers Notes
Aims of sheet and practical
The aims for pupils are to: -
Follow simple instructions.
Distinguish between a good test and a poor test.
Learn the test to distinguish between alkanes and alkenes.
Apparatus and chemicals
Microspatulas (for stirring).
Bromine water.
ither c!clohe"ane or he"ane.
ither c!clohe"ene or he"#$#ene.
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Bromine water
&he bromine water is corrosi-e and contact should be a-oided.
*f an! is spilt on the skin it should be washed off immediatel! with plent! of water.
*t is desirable to ha-e some sodium thiosulphate read! as it will react with the bromine.
*f swallowed.# *f an! bromine water gets into the mouth wash out the mouth
thoroughl! with water and gi-e plent! of water to drink.
%eek medical attention.
*f li/uid gets in e!es.# *f there is an! contact with the e!es and irrigate thoroughl!
with water for at least $0 minutes.
*f discomfort persists seek medical attention.
*f spilt on skin or clothes.# *f the bromine water gets on to skin wash it off thoroughl! with
)emo-e contaminated clothing and washed before reuse.
*n se-ere cases seek medical attention.
Distinguish between alkenes and alkanes Page 1 of 4
&he c!clohe"ane is a fire ha1ard and is e"tremel! flammable2 therefore2 it should not be
used near an! naked flames.
C!clohe"ane is irritating to skin2 e!es and the respirator! s!stem and appropriate care
should be taken when using it.
*f swallowed.# *f an! gets into the mouth2 wash out thoroughl! with water and
gi-e plent! of water to drink.
%eek medical attention.
*f li/uid gets in e!es.# *f an! gets in the e!es irrigate thoroughl! with water for at
least $0 minutes.
*f spilt on skin or clothes.# *f an! gets onto the skin wash off thoroughl! with water.
)emo-e contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.
&he same precautions appl! to c!clohe"ene. &he products of the reaction should be
washed down the sink (fume cupboard sink if possible) with plent! of water.
Comments on the sheet
&he data on the burning of the h!drocarbons is there to help students appreciate
that addition of bromine water is a good test.
&he e/uation used is the relati-el! eas! ethene and bromine.
C345 6 Br3 C345Br3
Distinguish between alkenes and alkanes Page 2 of 4
7sing bromine water
$. 7sing the micropipette put 8 drops of c!clohe"ane into well A$.
3. 9ut 8 drops of c!clohe"ene into well A:.
:. Add 8 drops of bromine water to both wells A$ and A:.
5. %tir both wells using the thin end of a microspatula.
8. ;rite down !our obser-ations in the table below.#
$. 4ow can alkenes be distinguished from alkanes using bromine water<
3. *n another e"periment a student burned the alkane and alkene separatel! and
obtained the following results.#
7sing !our results and bromine water2 which test would !ou use to distinguish
between alkanes and alkenes<
"plain wh!
Distinguish between alkenes and alkanes Page 3 of 4
:. Complete the e/uation below for the reaction between ethene (the simplest alkene)
and bromine.
Distinguish between alkenes and alkanes Page 4 of 4

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