Anything Differently Next Time?

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1. Write down what you think went well in the lesson. Explain why. Would you do
anything differently next time?
2. Write down what you were not happy with in the lesson. Explain why. What would
you do differently next time?

Previously I would tell my school background for the service learning that is TK AL-Ittihad
DUA (world hereafter). Here the children in a village Jurang Pelen Gempol Pasuruan in
Penaggungan mountains for away for the urban of city because most of the villages used to sand
mining. TK Al-Ittihad DUA is the foundation built by my friends at the boarding school in
Mojokerto. He has an inspiration to make this foundation because past experience, in childhood
he difficult to get education in the village, before he make this foundation children in that village
to kindergarten or elementary school, students have to pass through the forest and village the
distance approximately 5 KM. And the road conditions and even then very inappropriate for
pass the vehicle. For that reason many children the village rarely enter the world of education,
this makes my friend first opened a foundation kindergarten for the children of the village. Why
am I learning in a formal place? Whether they need a teacher? Yes very need, because teachers
in these places is a student who is still active in the Malang, the teacher cannot teach
continuously as a teacher in general because she had to study in his campus. Therefore, when I
asked foundations owner actually the foundations need teacher. Age students between 5-7 years.
The positive side of my teaching here is his son already available and do not have to collect as
my time service learning in Ngagel Surabaya. Since time in Ngagel Surabaya students do not
want to learn unless they take a walk in to the park Bungkul this is struggle of our group:
Rosyidah and siska and some other groups from Ngagel to walk Bungkul distance - + 5 KM. The
test here all about patience, physical strength and our willingness to teach them. Teaching in
Ngagel Surabaya, I get many lessons and I learn is very much a social message them even
though they are in an environment that is less good, but they have high ideals, proved while on
the road to park Bungkul, one of them say that want to get out of that location and go to the
village safe and comfortable, that's words touched my heart, this is the positive side of my
teaching in Ngagel. Okay, in my teaching in TK AL-Ittihad DUA there are several things
including the first, students respond well to any teach. Why? Because the students are trained to
listen to the explanations of the teachers who teach them in school time. So this becomes a good
value for service learning because in the previous Ngagel site with situation teaching that cannot
be controlled. Yes I would do something different with the other teaching might be able to
control the students. Second, teaching tool, why? Because teaching tool that I use including cool
according to the students, because the images are not foreign material in their daily lives like
watching television cartoon, yes I will continue this student material with improve the material
so make student more easily and happy in receive what teachers teach. There are not happy in
my teach in service learning is when I know many shortage with what I teach such as less
exercise that I use teaching in practice. I am not Creative teaching to make an exercise which can
be used to teach, I will be more creative solution is again making exercise like to search in a
books or on the internet. Then when too many less in lead-in when opening a lesson I fell very-
very nervous because it was my first time teaching the English language. Therefore, I had several
times while teaching blank upon I fell in entry into practice and produce it is so bad from my
first teaching. Maybe next time with my frequent practice my teaching will be more relaxed and
at ease in teaching. Then also the time between presentations to practice, practice to produce it
feedback so the students are very difficult to remember that vocabulary presentation. And in end
of time I do a lesson feedback I feel that they have forgotten with what they are study. Other
teaching I would improve on this section. Also at the time of the presentation I feel something is
missing so many students who do not understand. This is because I was nervous, because it was
the students are also confused with what I described. Maybe next time I'll be training myself and
training process so can easily understand it word by the students. The less of previous
communication also includes less in my learning that makes the students more familiar fear but
after a better atmosphere for the teachers who usually teach them to introduce teacher to them so
make they are not afraid. There are also other teaching less is there of one of the students who do
not know the color, it makes my vocabulary lesson about color quite difficult for them even
though they know the songs about the color but the application they do not know the color.
Maybe for my next teaching will first explain about the colors, like which the white, which is
black and which are red. Because then the lesson will be more easily understood by students.
Last is the video resolution back and forth because this may go round technical error. So through
this reflection I'm sorry because my ugly video.

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