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Received: January 31, 2007 Accepted: February 28, 2007

Address correspondence to: Dr. Hann-Chorng Kuo, Department of Urology, Buddhist
Tzu Chi General Hospital, 707, Section 3, Chung Yang Road, Hualien, Taiwan
Differential Diagnosis of Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
Suggestive of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Non-Benign
Prostatic Hyperplasia
Hann-Chorng Kuo, M.D.
Department of Urology, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital and Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan
Incont Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2007; 1 (Suppl 1):3-6
Lower ur|nary rac sympoms (LUTS) |nc|uoe sorae sympoms
(|ncreaseo b|aooer sensa|on, requency, urency, ure |ncon|nence
ano nocur|a), empy|n sympoms (hes|ancy, oysur|a, |nerm|ency,
s|ow sream, erm|na| or|bb|e ano res|oua| ur|ne sensa|on) ano pa|n
sympoms (pe|v|c pa|n, per|nea| pa|n ano urehra| pa|n). LUTS are h|h|y
preva|en |n men ano women, ano |ncrease w|h ae [1|. LUTS are
common amon e|oer|y men ano are hereore usua||y cons|oereo syn-
onymous w|h ben|n prosa|c hyperp|as|a (BPH). However, | as been
es|maeo ha on|y 25% o 50% o men w|h BPH have LUTS ano on|y
50% o men w|h LUTS have urooynam|ca||y proven b|aooer ou|e ob-
sruc|on (BOO) oue o BPH or oher urehra| cono||ons [2|.
The preva|ence ano sever|y o LUTS |ncreases w|h ae, ano he
proress|ve |ncrease |n he ae|n popu|a|on has |ncreaseo he so-
c|a| econom|c buroen ano sever|y o LUTS [3|. Amon LUTS, preva-
|ence ha |ncreases w|h ae |s ouno on|y or urency, weak sream
ano nocur|a, he oher sympoms are equa||y o|sr|bueo amon ae
roups [4|. A|houh he preva|ence raes o nocur|a, requency, ure
|ncon|nence ano nocurna| |ncon|nence are re|a|ve|y |ow, he boher-
someness o hese sympoms |s very h|h [5|. n an ep|oem|o|o|ca|
suoy |n easern Ta|wan, nocur|a (>2 vo|os per n|h) was he mos
bohersome LUTS |n abor||nes ano non-abor||nes, w|h a preva|ence
rae o 31.1% ano 19.8%, respec|ve|y. Abou 15% o men reporeo
he|r LUTS have a rea |mpac on he|r qua||y o ||e [6|.
The pahophys|o|oy o LUTS cou|o be b|aooer oysunc|on
(b|aooer hypersens||v|y, oerusor overac|v|y (DO)), BOO (b|aooer
neck oysunc|on, prosa|c obsruc|on, urehra| sr|cure, poor|y re-
|axeo urehra| sph|ncer, urehra| sph|ncer oyssyner|a) or a comb|-
na|on o hese e|o|o|es [7|. Many men have boh sorae ano empy-
|n sympoms. n men, empy|n sympoms are more common bu
sorae sympoms are a|so encounereo requen|y [8|. Frequen
comorb|o|y w|h prosa|c o|seases aoos o he comp|ex|y o o|ano-
s|s ano manaemen o ma|e LUTS.
Assessmen o ma|e LUTS |nc|uoes a se|-assesseo sympom
score ques|onna|re such as he Amer|can Uro|o|ca| Assoc|a|on (AUA)
sympom score ano nerna|ona| Prosae Sympom Score (PSS) [9|.
A vo|o|n o|ary recoro|n he requency o urency ep|sooes ano he
vo|oeo vo|ume prov|oes rea he|p |n he |n||a| o|anos|s o overac|ve
b|aooer (OAB) or po|yur|a cono||ons. Uro|omery ano posvo|o re-
s|oua| ur|ne (PVP), prosa|c measuremen us|n o||a| reca| exam|-
na|on (DPE), ransreca| or ransaboom|na| sonoraphy are ava||ab|e
c||n|ca| |nves|a|ons or assessmen o uro|ow ano b|aooer ou|e
cono||on. n oroer o assess he |ower ur|nary rac neurophys|o|oy, a
neuro|o|ca| exam|na|on |s necessary, such as bu|bocavernosus re|ex,
per|nea| sensa|on ano sponaneous ana| sph|ncer conrac|on.
Cysomery, urehra| sph|ncer e|ecromyoraphy (EMG) ano pressure
|ow suoy w|h or w|hou c|ne|uoroscopy can prov|oe urher |norma-
|on o oerusor unc|on ano sph|ncer ac|v|y. Cysoscopy can a|so
he|p us |n he o|anos|s o urehra| sr|cure or severe prosa|c
obsruc|on. Aer he |n||a| o|anos|s, ma|e pa|ens w|h LUTS can be
c|ass||eo |no LUTS sues|ve o BPH, LUTS sues|ve o DO, oe-
rusor unoerac|v|y or o neuro|o|ca| or||n. Pa|ens m|h have a
comb|na|on o oerusor oysunc|on ano BOO or urehra| cono||ons.
BOO |s a urooynam|c cono||on |mp|y|n vo|o|n w|h a h|h pres-
sure ano/or |ow |ow rae. Pa|ens w||| oeve|op LUTS (sorae ano/or
empy|n LUTS) when BOO has oeve|opeo o a cons|oerab|e oeree.
BOO can occur |n men ano women, |n aou|s ano ch||oren, ano |n
anaom|ca| ano neuroen|c cono||ons. n a suoy |nves|a|n men
w|hou BOO ano LUTS, he max|mum |ow rae (Qmax) reacheo up o
20 mL/s w|h a mean vo|oeo vo|ume o 290 mL (Tab|e 1). One h|ro o
men w|h LUTS oo no have BOO. Many c||n|ca| suo|es have oemon-
sraeo ha LUTS have a poor o|anos|c spec||c|y or BOO ano 5%-
35% o pa|ens w|h BPH ano LUTS oo no have |mproveo sympoms
aer ransurehra| resec|on o he prosae (TUPP) [10|. The prosae
s|ze ano uro|owmery have beer corre|a|on w|h a urooynam|c suoy
han sympoms a|one.
C||n|ca| BPH |s oe|neo as hav|n a |eas wo o he o||ow|n: (1)
mooerae o severe LUTS (PSS 8), (2) an en|areo prosae (oa|
prosa|c vo|ume (TPV) 30 mL) ano (3) oecreaseo Qmax (<15 mL/s)
H. C. Kuo
[11|. A|houh an en|areo prosae m|h no |no|cae he presence o
BOO, he mean TPV o pa|ens w|h BOO |s s|n||can|y h|her han
ha o pa|ens w|hou BOO [12|. n aoo||on, pa|ens w|h LUTS su-
es|ve o BPH ano w|h a Qmax o <10 mL/s have a reaer |mprove-
men |n Qmax aer TUPP compareo w|h hose w|h a Qmax o >10
mL/s. Pa|ens w|hou ev|oence o BOO preopera|ve|y a|so have a
poor pronos|s aer TUPP [13|. Pa|ens w|h posopera|ve LUTS are
ouno o have a sma|| TPV a he |me o surery, sues|n ha a
non-BPH e|o|oy m|h accoun or he|r LUTS [14|. Thereore, o|a-
nos|s o c||n|ca| BPH shou|o be careu||y unoeraken, espec|a||y when
an |nvas|ve proceoure such as TUPP |s o|n o be perormeo. The
o|eren|a| o|anos|s or non-BPH LUTS |s ||seo |n Tab|e 2.
Bladder hypersensitivity
Amon he var|ous e|o|o|es o LUTS oue o non-BPH cono||ons,
b|aooer hypersens||v|y ano DO are common|y ouno, espec|a||y |n
e|oer|y men. Sensory urency may be he presen|n sympom o pa-
|ens w|h DO, poor re|axa|on o urehra| sph|ncer, |ners||a| cys||s,
BOO or neuroen|c vo|o|n oysunc|on. Pecen |nves|a|on has
shown ha he urohe||a| re|ease o neuroransm|ers, such as acey|-
cho||ne (Ach), aoenos|ne r|phosphae (ATP) ano he neuropep|oe
subsance P, ano he express|on o TPPV1 ano P2X3 recepors sron|y
|mp|y a ro|e or he urohe||um |n human b|aooer mechanosensa|on
[15,16|. The re|ease o urohe||a| Ach oecreases bu ATP proouc|on
|ncreases w|h ae|n. These phys|o|o|ca| chanes |no|cae he h|h
preva|ence rae o b|aooer hypersens||v|y ano OAB, ano are poss|b|y
respons|b|e or he occurrence o oerusor hyperac|v|y ano |mpa|reo
conrac|||y (DHC) |n e|oer|y men [17|.
A number o pa|ens may have |are oa||y ur|ne oupu o over
2800 mL/oay. Pa|ens may have po|yo|ps|a ano h|h waer |nake,
ano hereore may have requency w|h vo|oeo vo|ume >350 mL ye
are ||ke|y o be phys|o|o|ca||y norma| [18|. However, or hese pa|ens,
we shou|o check he|r meabo||c saus, |nc|uo|n o|abees, azoem|a,
hyper||p|oem|a, o|ure|c meo|ca|ons ano s|eep apnea synorome.
Psychological factors
Anoher cono||on |s psycho|o|ca|, soc|a| or psych|ar|c acors
ha m|h cause requency |n ma|e pa|ens. These pa|ens may have
a h|h |eve| o o|sress ano a h|h |eve| o anx|ey. The sympoms may
worsen |n re|a|on o work or sress. They may a|so be||eve here |s a
re|a|onsh|p beween he|r sympoms ano o|seases such as urem|a,
|nec|on or cancer.
Urothelial dysfunction
Sensory urency m|h be m|cro-moor urency oue o m|cro-
mo|on o he oerusor our|n rap|o b|aooer ||||n, such as |n o|ures|s.
Pa|ens may have severe urency when he|r b|aooer vo|ume |s sma||
ano h|s cono||on m|h be he cause o urohe||a| oysunc|on, such
as |n r|ona| mucosa oysunc|on. The r|one |s abunoan |n sensory
nerves ano subr|one oenerva|on has been useo o rea OAB |n
women [19|. ncreaseo TPPV1 recepor express|on has been ouno |n
sensory urency bu no |n |o|opah|c oerusor overac|v|y (DO), ano
r|ona| ano b|aooer base |njec|on o bou||num ox|n A (BTX-A) |s
eec|ve |n pa|ens w|h severe urency requency synorome rerac-
ory o conserva|ve meo|ca| reamen ano e|ecr|ca| s|mu|a|on [20|.
Pa|ens w|h pseuoomembranous r|on||s usua||y suer rom severe
urency ha |s reracory o an|muscar|n|cs. Unoer h|s cono||on, |n-
raves|ca| res|n|eraox|n |ns|||a|on or subr|ona| BTX-A |njec|on m|h
reouce sensory urency |n pa|ens w|h OAB ory. ncreaseo nerve
rowh acor (GF) |eve|s have been ouno |n b|aooer b|ops|es w|h
sensory urency, chron|c cys||s ano |ners||a| cys||s compareo o
|eve|s |n conro|s [21|. mmunosa|n|n has shown |ncreaseo GF ex-
press|on |n he urohe||um, mos markeo |n |o|opah|c sensory urency,
hereore an|-GF reamen may be appropr|ae |n pa|ens w|h sen-
sory urency. nraves|ca| BTX-A has been ouno o oecrease symp-
oms o DO ano c|ean |nerm|en caheer|za|on (CC), ano he pro-
ouc|on o GF has been ouno o reouce aer BTX-A reamen |n
pa|ens w|h neuroen|c oerusor overac|v|y (DO), DO or CC
(unpub||sheo oaa).
Overactive bladder
Pecen |nves|a|ons o ma|e LUTS noeo ha b|aooer oysunc-
|on p|ays an |mporan ro|e |n aoo||on o BOO. LUTS sues|ve o
OAB have been es|maeo o be presen |n 16% o peop|e |n Europe
ano he Un|eo Saes [1|. A mu||na|ona| |are sca|e suoy revea|eo
Table 1. Normal Uroflow rate in Taiwanese Men by Age
Age years Qmax (mL/S) Voided volume (mL) CQmax
45 23.98.73 (127) 339.8191.1 1.410.51
46-55 19.76.81 ( 68) 305.4159.2 1.210.42
56-65 20.26.20 (134) 286.8138.8 1.270.42
66-75 19.26.10 (143) 262.8109.3 1.230.39
76-85 18.77.50 ( 42) 225.3101.5 1.310.47
All ages 20.77.30 (514) 290.7123.2 (514) 1.290.45 (514)
Table 2. Differential Diagnosis of Male LUTS/BOO & Non-BOO
Badder neck dysfunction
Bladder hypersensitivity
Overactive bladder
Spastic urethral sphincter
Poor relaxation of urethral sphincter
Urethral stricture
Low detrusor contractility
Pseudodyssynergia due to neuropathy
ha 90% o men aeo 50 o 80 years suer rom poen|a||y roub|e-
some LUTS, ano many men have boh sorae ano vo|o|n sympoms
[22|. OAB sympoms compr|se he same sympoms as sorae LUTS
|n BPH ano he|r preva|ence |ncreases w|h ae. S|nce mos men w|h
OAB oo no exper|ence |ncon|nence, men w|h sorae LUTS are o-
en m|so|anoseo w|h c||n|ca| BPH [23|. However, sorae LUTS cor-
re|ae poor|y w|h BOO as ma|e OAB sympoms may be causeo by
b|aooer oysunc|on such as DO or DHC, or occur |n comb|na|on w|h
BOO [7|. However, many suo|es have reporeo on|y 45%-50% o men
w|h LUTS have urooynam|ca||y con|rmeo DO ano BOO [2,24|.
DO can be oue o |o|opah|c myoen|c overac|v|y, poor cor|ca|
perus|on, pos-obsruc|ve DO, he ae|n process or DHC. n men
w|h LUTS, we shou|o exc|uoe BOO |rs. n a recen suoy o he paho-
phys|o|oy o ma|e LUTS, on|y 29.4% o men hao ben|n prosa|c
obsruc|on (BPO) ano 51.1% o ma|e LUTS was oue o DO (unpub||sheo
oaa). Amon he pa|ens w|h BPO, 80.9% o men hao DO. However,
amon he pa|ens w|h urooynam|c DO, on|y 48% o men hao
urooynam|c BPO. Pa|ens w|h BPO bu w|hou OAB sympoms m|h
oeve|op oe novo OAB aer TUPP, sues|n ha oesruc|on o he
r|one mucosa m|h |eao o OAB [25|. Treamen o pa|ens w|h
BPO ano OAB shou|o |nc|uoe aens ha re||eve urehra| res|sance
as we|| as an|muscar|n|cs when he OAB sympoms canno be re-
so|veo by rea|n w|h an a|pha-b|ocker or comb|neo 5 a|pha-reouc-
ase |nh|b|or.
Nocturia and nocturnal polyuria
LUTS are common |n he e|oer|y ano nocur|a |s he h|ro mos
bohersome LUTS. The preva|ence o nocur|a |ncreases o 80% |n
pa|ens aeo over 80 years. ocur|a |s one o he mos common causes
o o|surbeo s|eep paerns |n he e|oer|y. The causes o nocur|a |n-
c|uoe DO, hypersens||ve b|aooer, BOO, nocurna| po|yur|a or sma||
b|aooer capac|y. When he nocurna| ur|ne vo|ume >900 mL or more
han 35% o he oa||y vo|oeo vo|ume, nocurna| po|yur|a |s ||ke|y. Lack
o o|urna| oesmopress|n rhyhm can cause nocurna| po|yur|a ano can
be reaeo w|h exoenous oesmopress|n such as DDAVP [26|. n
aoo||on, or pa|ens w|h comb|neo nocurna| po|yur|a ano BOO or
OAB, comb|neo mu||p|e meo|ca|on |s necessary o re||eve he com-
p|ex ma|e LUTS.
Poor relaxation of the urethral sphincter
Amon he var|ous causes o non-BOO ma|e LUTS, poor re|axa-
|on o he urehra| sph|ncer |s he mos requen|y encounereo cono|-
|on [27|. Pa|ens m|h have sympoms o hes|ancy, |nerm|ency,
s|ow sream or posvo|o or|bb|e. Some pa|ens m|h a|so have sor-
ae sympoms such as urency or requency. The causes o poor re-
|axa|on o he urehra| sph|ncer m|h be |earneo hab|, chron|c
prosa||s, pe|v|c |oor hyperon|c|y, occu| neuropahy or |ncreaseo
b|aooer sens||v|y. A|houh h|s cono||on ooes no aec ur|nary rac
unc|on, he sympoms m|h have a rea |mpac on he qua||y o ||e,
espec|a||y |n a youn popu|a|on. D|anos|s can be maoe by
uro|owmery, comb|neo EMG suoy or v|oeourooynam|c pressure |ow
Pain symptoms
Severa| cono||ons can cause pa|n sympoms |n men. ners||a|
cys||s, BOO, poor comp||an b|aooer ano rans||ona| ce|| carc|noma
can cause a pa|nu| b|aooer. Ur|nary rac |nec|on, urehra| sr|cure,
BPO ano chron|c prosa||s can cause a pa|nu| urehra. A pa|nu| pe|-
v|s or pa|nu| per|neum can be oue o pe|v|c |oor hyperon|c|y, chron|c
prosa||s, spas|c urehra| sph|ncer or per|ana| |n|amma|on. Trea-
men o pa|n sympoms |n men |s no easy ano shou|o be baseo on he
exac o|anos|s o he pa|n sympoms. D||a| reca| exam|na|on (DPE)
ano prosa| c massae or exam| na| on o prosa| c | u| o,
urehrocysoscopy o exc|uoe urehra| sr|cure, or perorm|n ranoom
b|aooer b|ops|es o |nves|ae he poss|b|||y o carc|noma |n s|u are
o|anos|c proceoures necessary or pa|n sympoms |n men.
Trans||ona| ce|| carc|noma o he b|aooer usua||y m|m|cs |ners|-
|a| cys||s |n men w|h LUTS ano pa|nu| b|aooer synorome. Charac-
er|s|c |omeru|a|on may appear aer cysoscop|c hyoroo|sen|on
ano b|aooer b|opsy revea|s nonspec||c chron|c cys||s. However, when
|on-erm meo|ca|ons such as penosan po|ysu|phae or COX-2 |n-
h|b|or a|| o re||eve he sympoms, repea cysoscopy, ur|ne cyo|oy
ano repea ranoom b|aooer b|opsy are necessary |n oroer o oeec
ear|y b|aooer carc|noma.
Post-prostatectomy male LUTS
Over ha| o he pa|ens w|h pos-prosaecomy LUTS have a
sma|| oa| prosae vo|ume ano reseceo aoenoma we|h, |no|ca|n
he|r LUTS were non-BPH or non-BOO cono||ons beore TUPP. Amon
pa|ens w|h pos-prosaecomy LUTS, norma| urehra ano b|aooer
are noeo |n 9.1%, DO |n 9.6%, oerusor unoerac|v|y |n 18.7%, poor
re|axeo exerna| sph|ncer |n 19.3%, DHC |n 14.4% ano res|oua| BOO
|n 27.8% [14|. Dea||eo cysoscopy ano v|oeourooynam|c suoy are
necessary or hese pa|ens, espec|a||y when hey are o|anoseo o
have res|oua| BPH or BOO ano are o unoero repea ransurehra|
surery. A narrow urehra| semen m|h no necessar||y be respon-
s|b|e or he pos-prosaecomy LUTS. DHC, b|aooer hypersens||v|y
or OAB can a|so be causes o ma|e LUTS |n he presence o a sma||
Other conditions
Urehra| sph|ncer pseuoooyssyner|a |n pa|ens w|h chron|c
sroke, |nracran|a| |es|ons, Park|nson's o|sease or sponoy|o||shes|s
can cause severe empy|n or sorae sympoms |n e|oer|y men [28|.
These pa|ens m|h have BPH bu he LUTS are causeo by cono|-
|ons oher han BPH. Search|n or ev|oence o BOO |s manoaory
beore proceeo|n w|h |nvas|ve proceoures o rea ma|e LUTS be-
cause LUTS usua||y canno be reso|veo w|h such proceoures. Ure-
hra| sr|cure or urehra| meaa| senos|s can cause BOO ano LUTS,
espec|a||y |n pa|ens who have hao a prev|ous ransurehra| proceoure.
A oea||eo phys|ca| exam|na|on ano urehra| o||a-a|on can re||eve he
LUTS w|hou necess|a|n an |nvas|ve o|anos|c proceoure.
LUTS |n men can be causeo by boh b|aooer oysunc|ons ano
b|aooer ou|e oysunc|ons, occurr|n a|one or |n comb|na|on. The
presen|n sympoms o ma|e LUTS are s|m||ar |n pa|ens w|h or w|h-
ou BPO. Many pa|ens w|hou BOO a|so comp|a|n o oysur|a. By
compar|son, urency was h|h|y preva|en |n pa|ens w|h DO ano
DHC, as we|| as |n pa|ens w|h b|aooer ou|e oysunc|ons such as
b|aooer neck oysunc|on ano BPO. B|aooer sympoms are no re||-
ab|e |no|caors o he presence o DO. LUTS |s no useu| or he o|er-
en|a| o|anos|s o BPO or non-BPO |n men. The key sympom o OAB,
Differential diagnosis of male LUTS
H. C. Kuo
|.e. urency, canno be useo o make a oe|n|e o|anos|s o DO. The
e|o|o|es o LUTS may |nvo|ve boh b|aooer oysunc|ons ano b|aooer
ou|e oysunc|ons. Accurae o|anos|s o |ower ur|nary rac oysunc-
|on shou|o be baseo on a comprehens|ve urooynam|c suoy, wh|ch
w||| enab|e correc se|ec|on o a herapy ha |s a|meo a he unoer|y-
|n pahophys|o|oy.
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