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The Lord took Elvi Zapata in the spirit many times, to show him many events of the

end of times. Including the tribulation and events that is going to happen before the
church is raptured.
God showed him three main signs that we will see right before the rapture. These
signs are not to scare the people of God, but a calling for repentance of this nation.
Obedience is everything to God. God showed him that God sees this nation at this
present time as Nineveh. Sin has multiplied even in the churches. There is no
holiness anymore in many churches. This is a calling for repentance!
Brother Zapata saw in vision that huge Tsunami will hit the East-Coast, destroying
Florida, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts and others. The water
will become contaminated, the Lord advises him to tell the people to store water and
food. He also saw a vision of great earthquake in California. The church should pray
for the many who will die from the earthquake and tsunami. He saw that millions will
die in Puerto Rico and in the cities of the East Coast due to Tsunami. The Lord
confirms the tsunami to him again and again. He saw that New Jersey almost
covered by water, and only a few survived this great tsunami.
The Lord has shown and confirmed this many times, because He wants people to
repent. This is an opportunity He is giving this nation. Like He did with Nineveh and
the prophet Jonah.
Moreover, a war between Israel and Iran and its allies. However, he does see that
God gives Israel the victory.
These are the main three signs before the rapture which are the Tsunami in the east
coast, the earthquake in California and the war between Iran and Israel. Be ready,
following these events the rapture will come. God is showing these things to His
people, so we can be prepared.
Jesus appeared to Brother Zapata and took him to heaven to show him his plan for
his church. He saw a bright golden table with His plans on it. God is going to
bring a great revival. All people will have the opportunity to meet the Lord. A mighty,
powerful revival will come, and it will happen shortly after the tsunami hits the U.S.
God showed him in a dream the fruit that we are going to collect. Millions will be
saved through this coming revival.
Joel 2:28-32, And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and
daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see
visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those
days. I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows
of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the
coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
God will put wealth in His people hands to help the needy. He is going to do justice
to his people and restore everything that has been taken away from the church by
the enemy.
God will use his people. Everyone that is willingly obedient to Him and surrender to
God will be used in the last harvest.
Brother Zapata, also saw in a time soon to come, a collapse in the U.S economy. In
vision, he saw people crying because the government had cut medical assistance
and they needed it for their children. Others stealing for food, because no more
welfare program. The government had no more money to fund the millions in
welfare, causing them to go into riots. He saw many crying desperately, complete
chaos. Power outages in New York City and throughout the nation. All those things
are going to happen because of sin with no repentance. The nations wicked ways is
bringing Gods judgment.
These catastrophic events are the judgment of God that is coming to the U.S.
Because of the sin that has multiplied, even though, the Lord has given this nation
chances. Abortion rates are sky rocking, teenagers are lining up for abortion
procedures, homosexual marriages is being widely accepted even among churches.
God was holding his judgment. However, He will no longer hold it, if there is no

He was taken in the days to come, to a FEMA camp. All the people from the city in
these camps. He saw the National Guard, and the army, they all had weapons with
them. People were kept in these fenced camps. No one could come out of there.
People that were in the camps were divided by nationality. Everyone was fighting
and arguing with each other. The government already planned this. Food has
already been ordered. Guns has been taken away from the people, so they will not
be able to protect themselves. It is all ready for those camps. Martial law will be
implemented very soon. The government will take advantage of peoples right.
Probably right after the tsunami. The Lord warned him that, this is coming soon.
He was shown that the government, CIA and the Vatican has direct contact with
aliens, which are demons. This false teaching or idea will come out, the demons
created religion to keep harmony throughout the world. Christian persecution will
increase. These demons have been giving new technology to certain governments.
This is time to seek for wisdom from God and be closer to Him than ever before.
Repent from our sins. Gods judgment is not for his church! He will protect His
people. We should not be afraid. God does not want anyone to be afraid of Him, the
fear of the Lord, is not the fear that the enemy confuses people with, saying that God
is too holy for us. We should come to Him through His son Jesus. The fear of the
Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
After these events happen, and the revival come upon the world Jesus will come and
rapture his bride.
Jesus took Brother Zapata to the tribulation, in the spirit, like in a calendar; he saw
month by month passing by. It was in 2014 and he was in the great tribulation
already at that time in his vision. By the looking of peoples clothes, he guess the
time was just before starting summer. He heard the huge cracks noise, because of
the earthquakes; people everywhere were really scared and desperate. The people
that he saw looked like business people that did not had time to seek God.
He saw boys and girls 8 years and older, thousands of them, desperate looking for
places to hide, robbing and even killing others. Why is that? He asked the Lord. So
many young kids doing horrible things. We have to pray for the children. If not they
will stay behind.
He was taken in the spirit, to a C.I.A. chamber, where he saw them putting people in
a sort of computer and implanting something in their brains, that would allow them to
even know their thoughts, mind control them.
He saw demons chasing people, and killing them with no mercy. Those demons
were up to 30 feet tall. In a different vision, he also saw demons chasing and killing
people, but he did see Jesus in a cloud giving orders to His angels to protect certain
people. The devil does not have control over everything. Everything he does he has
to have permission from God. The Lord Jesus has all the power and control.
The first half of the tribulation will be bad; however, the second part will be a lot
The signs are here. There are earthquakes already happening all around the world.
The false prophet is already in place. God reveled to him that the pope is the false
prophet. There is evil in this man and people are not seeing. Pope Francis is the last
It was revealed to him that president Obama is the first beast, and Pope Francis the
second beast.

Revelation 13:15-17, The second beast was given power to give breath to the
image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to
worship the image to be killed. It also forced all people, great and small, rich and
poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so
that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the
beast or the number of its name.
Brother Zapata saw zombies in the end time. After four oclock, people had to get out
of the streets, because they would come and chase them to eat their flesh. The Lord
showed him that the cause of people turning onto zombies is a virus that will ruin a
persons DNA, with any type of contact with it. They already have that virus set up to
be released, and it will be released in the Great Tribulation. Great evil will be upon
the earth.
Mark 13:19, For there will be greater anguish in those days than at any time since
God created the world. And it will never be so great again.
In the tribulation, people still can be saved. Only if they remain faithful until the very
end. Therefore, no matter what happens do not get the mark of the beast, which the
Lord showed to be the RFID chip. If you do, the Lord will not receive as His son or
daughter. Those who get the mark of the beast will not defeat death. If you take the
mark, you cannot be saved. You lose the seal of the Holy Spirit, and the devil will
defeat you. God has showed Brother Zapata in vision, people giving up for the RFID
chip in the tribulation, because they could not take it anymore. They were starving,
eating from the garbage, or whatever they could get a hold of. They were giving up.
If for any reason, you happen to stay in the tribulation, Do Not take the mark,
because it will have no return. Gods plan is to people go to eternity. The Lord wants
us to focus in going home. We cannot change what is about to happen. It is in the
Word. Rapture will happen soon and the tribulation is coming.

The Lord shows him, North Korea releasing nuclear missiles against the U.S. that
cannot be detected by the U.S. radars. He saw that North Korea has received this
new technology by demons, which are principalities to deceive the U.S. and other
countries in Europe. He saw when N Korea would launch those missiles and hit
different cities in the U.S. He could see the CIA panicking because they could not
figure out, where it was coming from. As a result of all the damage that is to come,
the dollar is going to collapse. Brother Zapata inquires of the Lord if we are going to
see all this, and the Lord tells him, no. Jesus is taking his bride, before all this
The rapture is near! Closer than ever before! It is time to be prepared at all time. The
Lord Jesus is coming for His bride for the rapture for those who are obedient and
faithful. Tribulation will begin; great evil will be upon this world. After seven years of
the tribulation, the Lord will come and put an end on the tribulation. Ceasing the
enemy and throwing the beast and the false prophet into the Abyss; locking them for
a thousand years.
God took Brother Zapata to the millennium. Where the church and everyone who did
not accepted the mark of the beast during the tribulation will reign with Jesus. In the
millennium, Jesus is the law. Everything will run according to the way that He wants
to run. It is going to be very beautiful. This earth by the end of tribulation is going to
be destroyed. None of the technology that we have now, will be used in the
millennium. Everything is brand new.
Everyone is young and beautiful. They are very happy. Fruits regrow in the same
day they are picked. There is no season for fruits.
In the millennium there will be night and day, but not in Jerusalem. There will be no
sea dividing the land; it will be a new earth.

There will be cars, buildings, roads, planes and highways. Brother Zapata saw this
amazing machine, with an incredible technology; building the roads. A single
machine builds from beginning to end. The technology is beyond what we know.
Nothing compares to what we see today in the world. Because the wisdom comes
from God. The science that we have is a fraction of its totality. As Daniel prophesies,
the science will increase. All of this is nothing to our God. He is the almighty, all -
powerful. All we have to do is believe His word, His promises.
Everything in the millennium look like it can last for thousands of years. The weather
will be always perfect, around 70 degrees. The sun will be brighter. There will be
abundance of everything. No one is going to lack of anything.
There will be ministries in the millennium. There will be churches, but there will be no
pastors, only evangelists. Jesus is the pastor of the church. There will be people
playing instruments. Jesus took Brother Zapata to a service, and he saw Jesus
imparting gifts to the church, people were full of the Holy Spirit, rejoicing in the Lord.
The glory of God was tremendous.

Be prepared the time is coming very soon. Jesuss bride will soon be raptured.
Rapture is imminent. Jesus Christ is coming for the spotless brides. Unfortunately,
most who consider themselves Christians will be left behind. Your will alone cannot
rid you of all your wrongful desires. Get close to Christs love and sinful desires will
lose their hold and fall away. Seek Him with all your heart. The days are very short.
After the rapture, the Holy Spirit that held back the forces of evil will be departed
from the earth, and evil will rule. Tribulation will be the worst time on earth. Get
committed now. Repent your sins! Prepare for the rapture!
The Tribulation
The first sign will be the coming earthquake in California. This earthquake will happen any
day now. The United States is under severe judgment from The Holy Lord Jesus Christ. The
state of California will cease to exist as well as the majority of the west coast. It will be hit
with a very large earthquake and Tsunami. It will cause total devastation the likes of which
has never been seen before.
This earthquake will spread across the entirety of The United States.
This will cause a world wide crisis as the whole world will be in total shock. The debtor
nations such as China of the world will panic and force The United States into bankruptcy as
they will not be able to pay the debtor nations the money they owe them. The US dollar will
collapse and hard currency such as gold and silver will be king.
This will eventually turn into a one world currency as the nations of the world will have no
choice but to replace the dollar as the world currency.
Upon seeing the world in total chaos Arab nations such as Iran and Syria will see a golden
opportunity and form an Arab coalition and attack the state of Israel.
Israel will completely destroy and obliterate this Arab coalition with an arsenal of weapons
never seen before in the history of the world. This will be a very short war. The whole world
will be in total shock as they never thought Israel had that kind of firepower.
They will call on the anti-christ Barack Obama to negotiate a peace agreement with the help
of the false prophet Tony Blair between Israel and the Arab coalition.
The signing of this peace agreement will signal the start of the tribulation.
The great tribulation will be like no other time in the history of mankind. Before the
tribulation starts The Holy Lord Jesus Christ will rapture his church to the safety of Heaven.
The Holy Spirit will depart with the church in the rapture. Then and only then will we finally
realize all the work that The Holy Spirit has done for us holding back all this evil in the
From the start of the tribulation the people left behind will see all satan's daemons that now
roam the world undetected. This will be beyond frighting it will be total terror. As those left
behind will be under constant attack form satan and his demons. People will run in total terror
from these demons as all these demons want to do is kill seek and destroy humanity.
Christians will be hunted down by these demons,police,the military and bounty hunters.
There will be portals to hell all around the world where these demons will drag live humans
to these portals and throw them alive straight into hell.
Earthquakes. tornadoes,hurricanes and Tsunamis will reek total destruction on the world.
What are you to do? Turn NOW to The Holy Lord Jesus Christ now in total sincere
repentance. Get on your knees NOW dont wait and ask The Holy Lord Jesus Christ to have
mercy on you and to please save you from the coming holocaust that is soon to descend upon
the world.
If you are left behind dont run from these demons make your peace with The Holy Lord
Jesus Christ and be martyred for his glory. This will be very difficult to do but eventuality
you will be caught and tortured and it will turn out much worse in the long run.
What ever you do DO NOT get the mark of the beast I say again DO Not get this mark it will
be some semblance of the numbers 666. This mark will condemn you to eternal damnation
with no chance of ever getting into heaven.
All people should now put away as much food and water as possible. We have been shown
right from the start of the tribulation and the pre tribulation there will be no food or water.
You will not be able to find any food or water. All the people will be doing is looking for
food and water that will be the essence of there whole day just looking for any food just to
I cant emphasis how important it is to start NOW to put a supply of food and water away it
will be a matter of life and death for you.
The great deception of the enemy
When these earthquakes start people will flock to churches in droves as they did in 9-11 only
more so. It will be total pandemonium as people who never stepped foot in a church will rush
in droves to any church.
DO NOT do this I repeat DO NOT do this stay at home and seek The Holy Lord Jesus Christ
and read the Holy Bible every day and pray continually and repent.
This is the great deception of the enemy he has infiltrated all of the churches with his demons
and is waiting for you right now as we speak.
These pastors and clergy have either sold their souls to the devil or are demonically
possessed. They will lead you on a path straight to hell.
The first thing that will happen is you will be attacked by the spirit of confusion and the
enemy will continue the attack from there and before you know what hit you he will have you
going in circles.
DO NOT listen to any Christian TV or radio as in churches the enemy has complete control
of these pastors and clergy.
The Holy Lord Jesus Christ has told us that less than one percent of christian pastors will be
raptured. That in of itself has to tell you something.
The last church service we went to had 8 demonic principalities attacking the pastor and the
people in attendance. The church before that we attended satan himself showed up with his
gang of principalities and demons and was throwing fiery darts at us. But we were under the
protection of The Lord as he had granted us protective hedges (job 1:10).
After that we finally got the message stay home and pray read the bible and seek The Holy
Lord Jesus Christ.
I know this is very hard to believe but please this is very important to The Lord seek him in
prayer and fasting and he will verify this to you. Please stay out of these churches as this is
truly the great deception of the enemy.
May The Holy Lord Jesus Christ bless and watch over each and every one of you reading this
word. This word was written completely under the direction of The Holy Spirit.
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