Skandian History Era3

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1. Introduction
2. Arcadia City
a. Beginning of Era 3
b. Rise of Cities
c. Emergence of Capitalism
d. War Economics
3. World War 1
a. Increased Tension
b. PvP Involvement
c. Skandian PvP
d. War for Freedom
e. Defeat of Pentagram
f. Operation Free PvP
4. Foreign Policy
a. Rise of Surreal
b. Fear of Genocide
c. Fall of Surreal
d. TechDragons & TheApples
e. OmegaInc & Void
f. The Arcadia Plan
5. Superpower Skandia
a. Government Reform
b. Arcadia City
c. Peak of Skandia
d. Population Issues
e. Fall of Dictatorship
f. Rising Hatred

The Dawn of Era 3
Era3 is often considered the Golden Age of Skandia. It was a 43 day period, which
finalized Skandias current form of government, as well as a period where Skandia truly became
a Superpower. Skandias population grew significantly in Era3 to a size unprecedented by any
faction in DNT History, with a 32% growth from 37 to 49. The internal politics of Skandia as
well as its foreign policy towards other factions dramatically changed with the beginning of
Era3. Yet despite being called the Golden Age of Skandia, Era3 had its fair share of difficulties
and problems, and many of them were long-lasting that would not only cripple Skandias image
it had built for itself, but the faction itself.

Era3 Skandia
Era3 presented a major change in the way Skandia was viewed by factions and people
around the server. The faction essentially lost its respect that it had once had, and became an
enemy to most factions, where if they were to act kind it was generally simply out of fear then
actual sympathy. There are generally two reasons for this swap by people in their view of
For starters, Skandias recruiting policy had been largely successful in Era 2. However,
this success had only been studied for brief periods of time, and long term effects of the
recruitment process had never been seen. This recruiting process caused two major things to
occur in Skandia. With Skandia absorbing more and more factions that began to rise up in
members, the server began to fear Skandia would attack them or absorb them as well. Although
the leaders of these factions may have relished the idea of joining Skandia, the actual members
themselves were generally left to deal with a Chaotic Event which destroyed them. Therefore,
for both the people in those factions and those watching, it essentially appeared as if Skandia was
legally destroying them in PvE.
Next, because the recruiting process was entirely based off of Chaotic Events, it meant
that individual members were never accessed thoroughly, and odds are they might not have been
suited to join Skandia. This proved true enough for a large amount of people joining Skandia
from merges with other factions. During Era3, nearly 75% of all of Skandias faction merges
were done. This means, that Skandia was receiving a large amount of members, and almost not
looking into any of them. Several were kicked for griefing, others betrayed, others were kicked
for inappropriate behavior, but because Skandia had never gotten the chance to individually
analyze these members, and several troublemakers still remained in Skandia and ruined its image
verbally through chat.

Internal Problems
Among the problems that Skandias recruiting process gave were problems from the Pre-
Era3 Skandians. Several players from Era1 and Era2 were beginning to lose interest in Tekkit
Classic and were leaving, this meant that Skandia was having a difficult time to keep its
population and even enlarge it a bit. Estimates show that by the end of Era3, almost 75% of all
Skandians were Era3 Skandians. Furthermore, because of the need to stay large and to maintain
its status as a World Power, several internal problems of Skandia were ignored.
For instance, several players who at the time were having suspicious / abusive behavior
were generally treated without any sign of suspicion despite their activities. Nothing was done to
stop these activities, and it was hardly looked into by Skandias government, which was, if
anywhere, where more corruption was occurring than the rest of Skandia. Many of the people
who were showing these behaviors during Era3 such as: Spence2345 (Era2), SkyAndAtomMC
(Era2), Mike201212 (Era1), and TheBosnianGamer (Era1), all would in Era4 betray Skandia in
one way or another. Of those listed, the first three people were involved in Skandias
government, which consists of only five members including its leader, and all were faction
(Era 1)
SkandiaMushy (Era
Rubicon (Era 1)
Surreal (Era 3)
TechDragons (Era 3)
SwagsClique (Era
NCRFuelCo (Era 3)
OmegaInc (Era 3)
Void (Era 3)
DksKnights (Era 3)
Illuminati (Era 4)
Ellesmera (Era 4)
Solo Recruit (Era 4)
Solo Recruit (Era 5)
Illuminati (Era 2)
Ghosts (Era 1)
TheApples (Era 3)
Cassassins (Era 1)
FartCo (Era 2)
DarkLotus (Era 3)
StreetHunt (Era 2)
Solo Recruit (Era 3)
Doom3d (Era Pre-0)
Skandian Pre-Joining Loyalties
As of June 2014
The list itself only contains people who were in Skandia Pre-Era3 as well, and none of
the ones post Era3 both in Skandia currently, and would join Skandia later. Ignoring these
problems and failing to take precautions against them in the future led to Skandias eventual fall
in Era4. As of Era5, no Era2 members remained in Skandia. Era2 Corruption covered in Era4

Arcadia City
Beginning of Era3
Similar to the past, Era3 of Skandia began with the merge of multiple factions. A solo-
recruit known as BoDu was added in Era3, as well as the faction Rubicon, longtime allies of
Skandia since Era1. Similar to Skandia, Rubicon was a large faction, and had a tough recruiting
procedure to get inside. They placed more emphasis on their buildings and city though, and
therefore with the addition of Rubicon, Skandia acquired a large and talented workforce for
Arcadia City as it would soon be known. The project was, unlike in Era1 and 2, to be ran by
Rubicons leader samness7 due to his ability to create extremely organized and unique cities.

Rise of Cities
Sure enough, this proved to be true as time would show. Arcadia City would become the
beacon of hope for Skandians everywhere, and was a crown jewel of how far they had come
since the dark times of Era1 when Civil War threatened Skandia. The city expanded hundreds of
Skandian Era Origins
As of June 2014
chunks to reach an end size of nearly 700 chunks in part due to Skandias population growth that
accompanied Era3. The city was organized into 20x20 and 40x40 plots, expanding across the
entire island that was to be considered Skandia and into other lands beyond the rivers that
marked Skandias borders. Homes, Businesses, Roads, and Skyscrapers ruled throughout the
city marking the accomplishment of Skandia to become a country, so to say.
Trade networks and Power lines ran throughout the city interconnecting all the homes
and businesses. The design of the city allowed for it all to be organized and for proper networks
to be built without interfering with other projects. Government Facilities were made to help
people with their needs, while similarly offering protection to Skandias city and areas abroad.
These buildings generally made supplies themselves through secret underground facilities, or
shipped them in from Skandias growing market of businesses created by its members.

Emergence of Capitalism
Unlike in the past, Skandia had managed to develop a huge market inside its country
without splitting it into pieces like in Era1. Businesses such as FartCo, owned by previous
FartCo owner Loyd, and BosCo, owned by TheBosnianGamer, became the two most major
businesses in Skandia among other smaller ones made by its members. These businesses
generally made businesses and factory complexes throughout the faction to make products to
sell. Along with the addition of Rubicon in Era3, Skandia acquired long-time shop rivals
SwagsClique to the faction to run Skandias economic goals.
The emergence of businesses helped make cheap prices for items to be bought and sold
for in Skandias market. These businesses also helped to expand the city of Skandia as they built
power plants to fuel their own factories, as well as the neighboring homes in the city. Daily
supplies were made necessary for everyday life, and they were sold cheaply as to allow
Skandians to get objects otherwise hard to obtain, almost instantaneously. The most important
thing that businesses did for Skandia though during Era3, was help to fuel Skandias military.

War Economics
During the past two eras, tension was increasing in Skandia between longtime foe,
Malahostias. As Skandias government began to increase its presence in the world, they needed
a strong military to do it. As the need for war products increased in Skandia, companies began to
offer products for Skandias government to make weapons to protect its citizens. These
generally included power supplies, swords, guns, rings, armor, etc Products were shipped in
endlessly to create a massive arsenal should Skandia get into a giant war, and due to how rich
Skandia was getting from donations and its shop, the cost of the weapons was inconsequential.
One of the most major events of the period was when BosCo signed a contract with
Skandia to create AWoMD (Advanced Weapons of Mass Destruction). This contract had BosCo
supply Skandia with a giant amount of items to create a massive Nuclear Arsenel, as well as to
cover costs of testing new weapons and training members in combat to challenge talented foes.
By the end of Era3 over 50,000+ Nuclear bombs were made in this contract, the brand new NCE
device was made for warfare, and a good portion of Skandia was trained and well-equipped for

World War 1
Increased Tension
Era3 was a great time for Skandia and for DNT in general, but this Golden Age brought
with it the largest and most publicized war in DNT History, World War 1. Skandia had been
gradually increasing its presence in PvE since the end of its Civil War in Era1, and by Era3 that
presence was evident throughout the server. Therefore, it is only natural, that the ruler of PvP,
being Malahostias, would feel threatened by the massive superpower known as Skandia.
When Era3 began, tensions between the two almost immediately increased. Actions of
war had been made in the past, but after both sides had been literally a snap away from Nuclear
War, a treaty was signed to keep the two forces apart. Yet, even with this treaty, Skandias
increased involvement in PvP in part because of its increase in Warlords, and tension in the chat,
caused the treaty to essentially break down causing World War 1 to break out.

PvP Involvement
Skandia had always been minutely involved in the PvP Server in the past, but its presence
in PvP was almost never public, and was only if they felt threatened by a faction there. In Era3
however, Skandia boosted its PvP Activities and began to raid factions more often, and
ultimately Skandia would create an outpost there to harbor War Activites for the faction. This
increased involvement, including helping a few factions in PvP by sending them aid, supplies,
and money to fight and defend from Malahostias, helped to shatter the already deteriorating
treaty between the two factions.
As the involvement increased, inevitably, the conflicts between the two increased.
Eventually skirmishes between the two factions occurred in both PvE and PvP and Skandians
were killed in battle. These losses were generally ignored at first because the people shouldnt
have been there in the first place, but eventually Malahostias decided to attack a group of people
at Skandias PvP Base clearly violating the treaty between the two. War had been declared.

Skandian PvP
When War broke out between the two superpowers, everyone originally assumed Skandia
would dominate. How could 1 man stand against a faction of 50? The answer was fairly
simple when the first major skirmish occurred; Malahostias knew tricks to fight in PvP where
most Skandians did not. He could easily fight all of Skandia at once and win all of them because
Skandia simply did not know how to fight. Therefore, when the first skirmish resulted in the
deaths of 7 Skandians, much of the armor and weaponry created from BosCo for a possible war
was put into action, to help in the war and to train Skandians.
A training program was made to help teach every Skandian how to fight, and the long
time secret of Malahostiass PvP strength was at last revealed to a good portion of Skandia.
With the training, Skandians learned how to 2hit people and likewise avoid being 2-hitted in
return from this threat. Indeed, during a skirmish with newly trained Skandians, Malahostias
barely won with 1 heart remaining, as Malahostias stated. What forces might have stood no
chance fighting in the past against this threat, now could nearly beat him if they simply ganged
up on him with the proper equipment. Sure enough, the entire rest of the war would go with no
fighting outside of Malahostiass base where he refused to leave after the encounter.

War for Freedom
As the war between the two forces increased, it expanded from a war simply between the
two factions, to a war about the server. News of the war spread throughout the forums as the
Skandian Chronicles covered news about the war,,
and Malahostias began to accept allies to help him fight the war,
announcement. Furthermore, both sides began to consider it a war for their ideals to control the
server. Where Skandia promised a war without fear from Malahostias and Anarchism, see
Skandian Chronicles, Malahostias wished for a war filled with PvP. Needless to say, the war
began to include and divide factions as they struggled to choose what they preferred.
The War for Freedom as it became known expanded the war into both PvE, PvP, and
the DNT Forums. Factions terrified of both factions ordered their members to remain neutral,
and generally kicked those that helped one or the other side. Among those kicked was Zach123
who became a future important figure in Skandian History. Other factions were split by whos
side they would take, as Surreals Riderx26 stated Id love to help Malahostias, but my faction
is an ally of Skandia. Meanwhile others were less timid and united, generally the factions
abused by Malahostias, which decided to help Skandia. The war efforts expanded to the point
that Malahostiass base was sieged by multiple factions, being attacked by multiple factions, and
having a giant ring of claimed land from factions hoping to show their support of Skandia and to
stop expansion of his tyranny.

Defeat of Pentagram
Pentagram fell after a final assault from Skandia and its allies on the day of February
, 2014. Several of Skandias allies and members waited in Malahostiass base for when he
logged in to ambush and end the tyrant. Although he never showed up because he was away
from home, as hed later state, the siege did something even more important than vanquishing
the undying foe. In part due to a discovery from Zach123, Skandia learned how to pop
Malahostiass power system by blowing up all of his Nuclear Reactors.
As the giant power grid guarding the base was destroyed, and the interior of the base
heavily damaged from the destruction of over 50 nuclear reactors, Malahostiass power supply
dwindled to the point that his shield was gone. With the base completely crippled, Malahostias
surrendered the next day in a DNT Post,
news-server/post/62406617#p62406617, claiming it was a sad day for the server to have the
dictatorship of Skandia rule. He was never seen again, and the war for Freedom had been won,
the threat of Malahostias was no more.

Operation Free PvP
Following the defeat of Malahostias, Skandia began the Free PvP program dedicated to
rebuilding PvP after its long suffering at the hands of Malahostias. Sure enough, factions began
to roam into PvP again, and rebuild due to supplies and aid given from Skandia. All PvP
operations from Skandia ceased to continue by its members as a new policy which stated
Skandia will only attack a faction in PvP if they become a threat to the freedom of PvP as a
whole, meaning, they attempt to take it over as Malahostias did.
The program was mostly successful, and few instances occurred where PvP was ever
threatened by a dominant power. Sure enough, Riderx26 the sole supporter of Malahostias
would become problematic, as shown later, and attempt to conquer PvP in the name of
Pentagram. For the most part though, he was shut down by Skandia and the only other time
Anarchy threatened the server was during the Coup of Skandia in Era4 which almost was
immediately shut down. The goal of Skandia was completed, and PvP was freed for the
remainder of its existence before it was discontinued in Era5 and replaced with a Voltz server.

Foreign Policy
Notice: The following section may be somewhat hard to understand because Skandias Foreign Policy extended
throughout all of Era3 instead of a specific time. Therefore, to reduce the size of the article, much of the
information has been compressed to save you misery.
Rise of Surreal
Era3 saw the rise and fall of more factions than any other period in DNT History. Never
before had an era constituted to such a rise in factions of size, power, and ultimately, threat, to
Skandian freedom. One of the first, and ultimately, largest factions, was Surreal. Surreal grew
to over twenty members during its highest peak, and had generally active and loud members in
the chat. Many of these members were applying for staff, and even more, they had a city which
rivaled that of Arcadia City.
Both factions knowing that both were too large and too powerful for a war between them
to exist, held an alliance to end possible hostilities between the two of them. Although this
worked for the most part, it also, failed ultimately to assure peaceful cooperation between the
two factions. One of the most important reasons for this was the fact that Surreal was split
among its leaders. It had its true leader, Jesus_Troll, Riderx26, and xXRavana, who had their
members split for power. Similar to Era1 Skandia, generally the sub-leaders were more powerful
than its actual leader, and an eventual civil war or coup appeared to be in the near future. What
feared Skandia the most though, was not the faction itself, but a member in it being Riderx26.

Surreal Enemied 1

Fear of Genocide
Riderx26 was an extremely powerful leader in Surreal, ultimately he was the one most
likely to take power of the faction if he decided to. More so, he had large resources at his
disposal, in the form of cash (Premium), and had a thirst for power. This power one day led him
to pursue for the moderator rank, and he had gained the backing of a member of staff. Knowing
that Riderx26 had a hatred of Skandia because he was denied entry multiple times, the fear that
he might become staff, and likely, a very powerful member of staff, feared Skandia.
The ultimate fear was one of genocide. Riderx26 believed that Skandia shouldve been
eradicated from this server, and the only way to do so wouldve been to essentially ban the entire
faction. With hysteria building up, many Skandians feared this genocide and tried to prevent
him from being moderator, and even, infiltrated Surreal so that should such an event occur both
factions would collapse. It was not so much the fear of losing the Superpower status that worried
Skandia, as much as the fear that they would be eradicated. These threats led to a major
government reform in Era3, which will be discussed later.

Fall of Surreal
The fall of Surreal was a result of a combination of major events which were destroying
the faction. Generally, when viewing a factions data one will find that if it will hit its chaotic
event it is generally a period of inactivity. When Surreal collapsed, it was ultimately expected,
but followed a different pattern than other factions. Surreals collapse was generally a result of
three major events. One of which was the removal of its leader Jesus_Troll, another was when
Riderx26s mod application was denied due to intense Skandian pressure, and another was the
ultimate coup in Surreal.
Skandia had been working with Skandias leader Jesus_Troll in an attempt for peace
between the two factions. Later in negotiations, they decided to accept Jesus_Troll knowing that
this could create a possible merge between Surreal and Skandia in the future. Simultaneously,
Jesus_Troll had applied for moderator days before Riderx26 and was accepted a few days after
being invited to Skandia. Meanwhile, Riderx26s application was denied due to a chain of
crimes he had made which had turned much of the public against him, and ultimately, a few of
the crimes made the only staff that report him turn his back on Riderx as well.
The ultimate collapse of Surreal though was a result of a coup from XxRavada.
Gathering his followers, he griefed Surreal with everyone loyal to him and left the city and
people in ruins. With one of its leaders gone, another defeated, and another betraying, the
faction was in dis-array and collapsed. Many of the members of Surreal realizing that their
faction was doomed, left and were invited to Skandia following a request from Jesus_Troll. The
collapse of Surreal was a major step towards Skandias future foreign policy and world status,
but it was also a major step towards earning hatred from the server. Up to this point Skandia had
been liked by a majority of the server, and when Surreal fell a few eyes generally began to
question this worldly status, but overall, most were still content with Skandia. Despite Surreals
fall though, Riderx26 would still rise up from the fall and continue to plot a plan for power

TechDragons & TheApples
Similar to Surreals rise was the rise of TechDragons and TheApples. None of the
factions passed over 15 members, but both at one period were the 2
largest factions in the
server. Both factions eventually merged with Skandia over negotiations following their chaotic
events, and although few members joined and of the two only one member remained up to Era5,
they played major roles in Skandias history.
TechDragons was ran similarly to Surreal by a weak leader. Its collapse was ultimately a
devastating result of both inactivity and a coup staged by essentially all of its members. When
the faction finally collapsed only one member remained, and he was invited into Skandia
TheApples had a corrupt leader similar to Templars in Era2. The faction was ultimately a
much larger threat to Skandia yet also a much greater asset. A majority of the faction were
friends in real life, which essentially meant a group of people whom you knew you could trust.
Similarly, during the factions recruitment process they recruited Wilson2nd, Destroyer of Era1
Unity-Skandia Base. Having bypassed his IP-Ban on an alt account, when interrogated and
when he finally admitted to being Wilson and was banned, the faction generally disapproved and
therefore grew a sort of hatred towards Skandia.
From data graphed on the faction, they also showed almost no sign of collapse unlike
almost every faction previously, mainly because they were a faction with friends. Theyd all quit
at once or not at all, but TheApples eventually collapsed to an unexpected event. One day, their
leader griefed and destroyed the entire base leaving the faction destroyed. Later when he was
banned many of the members left to join Skandia, but none would remain active seeing as many
of their friends had left the server. Rather ironically, xgen applied for moderator shortly after
joining Skandia to become the only accepted 15yr old staff member, much to the disapproval of
Skandia itself who saw him as not ready. Sure enough, he never showed up for the position
which proved to be somewhat of a blow to MrLacis for accepting him for truly no reason.

OmegaInc & Void
OmegaInc and Void actually held two entirely different views of Skandia, and are only
grouped together because of the way history turned out. Both factions became large near the end
of Era3, and neither of them had a direct confrontation with Skandia. OmegaInc as a faction
generally held Skandia in good view, and were good allies with Skandia. Void, however, hated
Skandia and wished to have nothing to do with it and it wasnt until later that tensions between
the two decreased, although in Era4, Void would become put under siege and attacked by
Arcadia being the only faction to have that done to.
OmegaInc became allies with Skandia as a result of negotiations from DemonLucky
between the two groups. As a result of this, he became Skandias Head-Negotiator and worked
on making the two factions closer to each other so they could one day merge, which they would
in Era4, but in the meantime the two factions generally enjoyed each others company and
helped each other out.
Void, however, hated Skandia because it saw them as bullying on the other factions.
They generally attacked Skandia when they could, and promoted Anti-Skandianism. The harsh
struggle between the two factions has its history generally rooted in the fact that Voids leader
got in a fight with Tonymai1 over rules of the server, and thus made their leader hate him, and as
a result, Skandia. Void rapidly grew up in size up to a height of around 26 members before Era3
reset, the two factions never had a confrontation, however had the server reset a week later it was
likely they would have.

The Arcadia Plan
The Arcadia Plan was a plan sponsored and began by Skandias leader Tonymai1 without
the knowledge of many. Although Skandian law generally forced all major discussions
involving Skandia to be brought to council, the Arcadia Plan having still been simply a theory
was never brought up until the Era3 Reset in which case it essentially became official.
The plan was an attempt to end the growing discontent with Skandia in the server, and
ultimately offered to create a new safe-haven for democracy and freedom. The idea was
originally brought up during negotiations with TechDragons, in which their leader wished to
have their base brought near Skandia where both could be factions living in harmony.
Furthermore, DksKnights leader Gashimahiron who was an insanely active and liked member of
the server had showed resentment towards Skandias dictatorship and ways, and wished for them
to create some sort of alliance with factions.
With both players helping to contribute to ideas for the plan, the Arcadia Plan was drafted
and brought before staff. In order for the plan to work however, it needed to be staff approved,
and when Mephalpha gave the approval, it was brought towards the public and factions were
gathered to begin work on Era4s Arcadia Plan.
The plan was simple yet something meant to revolutionize the server. Skandia and
several other large factions would form an alliance and become all part of Arcadia. No faction
would have more authority over the other, nor could they recruit from each other without both
sides agreeing. This allowed for factions to live in not only a safe-haven of democracy and
freedom, but without fear of Skandian oppression. Meanwhile, people that werent in the
alliance could become a territory and eventually join the alliance one day if they grew to a great
enough size, the idea was to unite the world under a single banner of peace.
The plan itself would have likely worked when Era4 came along if not for a coup which
left the alliance tattered and broken and shattered the freedom Skandia had so long fought for.
For more on the Arcadian Plan: Click Here

Superpower Skandia
Government Reform
Following the defeat of Malahostias, Skandia had an unprecedented era of global peace.
Even while in seclusion in Era1, Skandia had to deal with wars, the remainder of Era3 would see
Skandia without any conflict. They had successfully defeated the servers greatest foe in a way
he would never return. Peace ruled as PvP rebuilt itself, and PvE factions were beginning to
move back to the world realizing they were safe from Malahostias.
Due to the fact that this peace meant Skandia could focus on its own affairs, Skandia
began to reform its government off of new ideals based on the ideas of its current citizens. Up
until now Skandia ran off of a military government, where leaders simply inherited their
positions and there was no official government of Skandia. The system was old and invented
by their old leader Cloudioa9. Since then, Skandia had significantly changed, and as a result
Skandia gathered its members to discuss the reform of its government.
The meeting attracted a record of 16 Skandians to be on at once to discuss how their
government would be rebuilt. The end result was a change in the way Skandia was ran, and it
removed the power from the government to the people peacefully, yet this change itself had its
own issues which would hit Skandia in Era4. However, the government was changed to a
council where members were elected for lifetime positions; meanwhile a president would rule
over Skandia as a whole.
During votes about Skandia, the presidents vote counted as 2 and individual councilor
votes counted as 1. Meanwhile a system of departments was made where anyone could be leader
with government approval, and anyone could join a multitude of departments covering the needs
of Skandia. Generally, the departments simply specialized in something and were asked to do
little unless called on upon the government. Among other changes, the government reform
allowed Skandia to change the way it was run, and the way its members behaved and lived.

Arcadia City
Following the defeat of Malahostias was the rise of Arcadia City to accelerate into a
bustling city of activity. Even in PvE, Malahostias had reigned terror upon Skandians and
stopped the growth of their great city. When he was defeated Skandia spread across the entire
width of its island, and even into some land neighboring in its massive expansion and growth.
Meanwhile skyscrapers began to rise out of the city, and government work began to pick up with
the rise of the departments.
Skandias location was still kept hidden, but overall the city successfully managed to
meet the needs of its citizens to create a utopia. As the citys train network rose up, and its
buildings, businesses, and mass production, it began to expand to something more. It expanded
to an icon of prosperity, and more so, a utopia for many of its members. Never before in history
had more Skandians been that active, and never since

Peak of Skandia
Skandia hit its peak following the defeat of Malahostias. Its max population was at 49
members, and during Era3 that number didnt necessarily fluctuate. Meanwhile it also it hits
peak height of superpower strength so to say. Skandia successfully was rebuilding PvP,
reigning in its members, living life with few to little internal strife for the first time in history,
and ultimately working on its relationships with other factions. Near the end of Era3 Skandias
home location became less of a secret and contractors were allowed to enter the site and help on
the construction of the city.
Skandias peak however, signaled something that would lead to the eventual fall of
Skandia. For, in order for you to hit your peak, you must be near your fall and sure enough,
Skandias fall became clear near the end of Era3. The reset was coming soon which in itself had
its series of problems, and more so, many of its members were losing interest now that the World
War was over and membership levels began to drop. More so, activity levels began to drop and
Skandia was beginning to enter an era of problems once again.

Skandian Funds 1

Population Issues
One such issue was the issue of Skandias population. Skandia had a city that was nearly
600 chunks in size, and despite this, it had managed to expand throughout all of this and ran out
of power to expand more. Therefore, the next logical explanation was to expand over and under
the city they currently had. The Elysium Project was began to create an underground city for
Skandians, and several other cities were forming under other parts of Skandia.
Furthermore, an Air project was began to create buildings in the air to deal with the
population issues of the city. Combining both projects together Skandia would be able to triple
the amount of space they had available to them. The plans ultimately though failed to work as
the Air project couldnt kick off, and the underground base was too laggy for many people to live

Fall of Dictatorship
Finally, continuing off of where we left when Surreal collapsed. Riderx26 was ultimately
unfinished when Surreal collapsed, and after the collapse in accordance to rules, Skandia let him
in the faction for trial-run. Sure enough, it was the wrong move when he griefed nearly 50
MFSUs and 500 Million EU in power from the faction. Following the griefing things got worse
as the Premium went rouge and attempted to further gain control over the server.
Riderx attempted to buy the position of ownership for nearly $1600 from Mephalpha,
only to be turned down, and staff disapproval of him reached an all-time high. This disapproval
was worsened by both staff and Skandia when he named himself MalahostiasV2.0 and recreated
the faction Pentagram with the pure purpose of re-enslaving PvP. Many Skandians believed a
second war would break out, this time against Riderx26, thankfully war was avoided as staff
intervened when Riderx26 crossed the borderline.
For the first time in Staff History, a Premium had, had two things happen to them. For
starters, they had been deranked for abusing their rank to PvP and harm others. Secondly, they
were declared Exiled essentially, meaning staff would ignore Riderx under every condition
unless it was something relating to their job. Furthermore, any attempt of faking a hacker, or
else what, to simply talk to staff, or breaking any rule in general, would lead to his permanent
end. After the Exile and Skandian pressure on Riderx26 increased, he eventually left the server
to never return. His attempted dictatorship over PvP ended.

Rising Hatred
Sure enough, Skandias interventions in the world changed following the defeat of
Malahostias. In hindsight, this hatred generally rooted in the fact that Skandia in itself had been
corrupted by a few members. The government reform had ultimately worked in a way towards
their favor, and they used the reforms to gain power over Skandia, and ultimately, to turn its
name into one of terror. How this corruption was missed is truly not a mystery, for at its core
were some of Skandias oldest, and most powerful members. They had proven themselves to be
trusted, with one of them even being a moderator of the server, yet despite this, they in
themselves were corrupt.
These warlords as they have become known used Skandias name as a terror weapon
for the server. With them, Skandias attempt to liberate the server had failed, they had become
the new dictators of the server. Therefore, the Arcadia Plan was put in action in Era4 when
Tonymai1 realized that Skandias role in the world must stop until they could control
themselves. Skandia went essentially into isolation similar to Era1 as they awaited the upcoming
chaotic event. Data was showing it was coming, and sure enough the arrival of this event would
be the same as it was for every faction, absolutely devastating. Skandia had hit its peak and had
fallen due to the failure of its government itself, and sure enough, Skandia hit its fall in Era4.


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