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Silvertip Shark ( Carcharhinus albimarginatus )

( from www.sdnhm.org )
Size : Born 63 – 68 cm . Max 3 m .
Identification : Dark grey or bronze – tinged body . White below .
Habitat : Coral reefs , sometimes found offshore banks .
Behavior : Adults often scarred when hunting .
Bignose Shark ( Carcharhinus altimus )

( from www.flmnh.ufl.edu )
Size : Born 70 – 90 cm . Max 300 cm .
Identification : Grey above but white below . Body extremely large .
Habitat : Offshore . Sometimes can be seen on surface .
Behavior : Poorly known .
Graceful Shark ( Carcharhinus amblyrhynchoides )

( from http ://personal5.iddeo.es )

Size : Born 52 – 55 cm . Max about 170 cm .
Identification : Large grey shark with white flank mark and black – tipped fins .
Habitat : Continental or insular shelves .
Behavior : Unknown .
Grey Reef Shark ( Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos )

( from www.worldwildlife.org )
Size : Born 45 – 75 cm . Max 255 cm .
Identification : Grey above but white below .
Habitat : Continental , and insular shelves .
Behavior : Active . Sometimes can be dangerous to divers .
Pigeye shark ( Java Shark ) ( Carcharhinus amboinensis )

( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Born 71 cm . Max 280 cm .
Identification : Large thick head , short body , small eyes , grayish but white on
Underside .
Habitat : Continental or insular shelves .
Behavior : Poorly known .
Copper Shark ( Bronze Whaler ) ( Carcharhinus brachyurus )

Size : Max 3 m .
Identification : Bronzy on above , white below .
Habitat : Close to inshore .
Behavior : Very active . Considered one of a dangerous species .
Spinner Shark ( Carcharhinus brevipinna )

( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Born 70 cm . Max 2.78 m .
Identification : Fins have black tips , underside white . Slender shark .
Habitat : Continental and insular shelves .
Behavior : Active , one of the schooling sharks .
Whitecheek Shark ( Carcharhinus dussumieri )

( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Max 100 cm .
Identification : Small grey – brown shark with spot on second dorsal fin .
Habitat : Tropical seas .
Behavior : Unknown .
Pondicherry Shark ( Carcharhinus hemiodon )
( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Max 1 m .
Identification : Grey on above but white at below . The snout is fairly long .
Habitat : Coastal .
Behavior : Unknown .
Bull Shark ( Cub Shark or Zambezi Shark ) ( Carcharhinus leucas )

( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Born 56 – 81 cm . Max 340 cm .
Identification : Grey body , underside white .
Habitat : Close to shore , sometimes found at rivers and lakes .
Behavior : Very aggressive .
Blacktip Shark ( Carcharhinus limbatus )
( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Born 38 – 72 cm . Max 255 cm .
Identification : Big shark with grey – brown body .
Habitat : Continental or insular shelves .
Behavior : May be aggressive when being disturbed .
Oceanic Whitetip Shark ( Carcharhinus longimanus )

( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Born 60 cm . Max 395 cm .
Identification : Huge and round first dorsal fin . Grey or brownish body .
Habitat : Open sea .
Behavior : Active but slow – moving shark .
Blacktip Reef Shark ( Carcharhinus melanopterus )

( from www.fishbase.org )
Size : Born 33 cm . Max 2 m .
Identification : Blacktip on every fin tips .
Habitat : Shallow water on coral reefs .
Behavior : Active swimmer .

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