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Placidus Weak Orbs

Time Zone: 6:00W Summer Time: 0:00
39N49 86W08
11/18/1953 9:20:09 AM
ndianapolis ndiana






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World of Wisdom - Birth Analysis for BARBELO GNIGHT
Registered: UNREGISTERED Page 2
Life Path
Ascendant In Capricorn
You are ambitious and powerfully motivated to attain
professional success. However in the first 30 years of your life
you struggle hard to overcome a lack of self-confidence and a
tendency to have dark thoughts about the future. You have a
need to prove yourself, you have low expectations, and you
expect to fight for every little success. As you get older the
efforts you invest in your career pay off, and you inevitably rise
to a position of responsibility. Other things being equal, you will
be a trusted employee, or a respected manager, known for your
reliability and conscientiousness. You drive yourself hard, are
dynamic, and keep your long-term goals in sight. You may
however be a hard master, and if you expect other people to be
as motivated as you, you will be disappointed. Learn from them
by setting more time aside to play and enjoy the pleasures of
family life.
You have a serious and reserved facade, and during your early
years you developed the commitment and self-discipline to rise
above many difficulties and obstacles in your family life. You
carry a burden of high expectations and are often afflicted by
gnawing doubts concerning your ability. You probably work too
hard and give yourself too little time to express your emotions.
Conversely you tend to attract the emotional type of partner
who is looking for security and is attracted by your responsible
and hard-working nature. Frustrated by your inhibited and
formal nature, your partner will make many emotional
demands. The more you soften up and trust your feelings, the
more your partner will feel stabilised emotionally. The fewer
burden you take on, the less dependant your partner will be.
Ascendant Semisquare Mercury
t may be difficult for you to discern the influence of this
combination of planetary energies as it is not a strong
configuration in your chart.
The influence of this planetary connection is subtle and
unconscious. You can however expect quite acute periodic
crises when the negative effects of the aspect manifest
You are a person of many talents, chiefly in the field of
information and communication. Meeting people and creating
contacts are a part of your professional life-style - you have a
message to deliver, and you do so in a flurry of activity.
ntelligent and informed, you keep yourself up-to-date on all the
latest developments.
PERSONAL - LFE PATH: The messenger
You are easy to make contact with, and always willing to
exchange the time of day with anyone you meet. Easily
distracted, you can find yourself getting involved in many things
at the same time - but then you hate to be bored. You give the
impression of being a person on the move. Being gregarious
and talkative, you are an excellent catalyst for getting people
together. You fascinate people with your ideas.
Ascendant Opposition Jupiter
This aspect is of medium strength and its influence will often be
felt, though not acutely.
This aspect shows a strong polarisation in your chart, and
difficulty in integrating the principles described. There may be
travel and separation in connection with the principles
described below.
PROFESSONAL - LFE PATH: The counsellor
You are not interested in trivia, and therefore seek a profession
which gives some kind of overall meaning. You are probably
destined for success, and can exert considerable influence
through the power of your opinions or good judgement. You
have a tendency to overestimate the importance of your ideas,
and may be unreceptive to the views of others. Generally,
however, you maintain a fine perspective on the important
issues. You are an excellent adviser.
PERSONAL - LFE PATH: The counsellor
You are a larger than life character with strong views on most
issues, and a deep interest in spiritual issues. You are open
and willing to expand your philosophical horizons. Generally
blessed with good fortune and an optimistic frame of mind, you
have the ability to expect the best of the future. There may be a
tendency to overindulge or be too extravagant. People value
your ability to understand in depth the things that move them.
Ascendant SextiIe Saturn
You will often feel the influence of this aspect, though stronger
influences may predominate in other areas of your chart.
When reading the following description, please bear in mind
that you are a fast learner and overcome any difficulties
involved very quickly. You can expect to use this aspect
constructively and harmoniously.
PROFESSONAL - LFE PATH: The hard school
You take your professional life very seriously, rising to the
many challenges that arise during the course of your career. As
you convey an air of efficiency and self-discipline, you will
gravitate towards positions of authority. Lack of self-confidence,
and a certain shyness in relation to others can hinder your
progress, but the older you get the better you are able to
overcome your fears.
PERSONAL - LFE PATH: The hard school
You can be rather an inhibited person - at least in the early
stages of your life. Experience has made you wary in your
dealings with others, and rather taciturn in style. You may feel
uncomfortable about your personal appearance, and you have
low expectations as regards your potential in life. Nevertheless
you can inspire trust in others because of your considered,
serious nature. The older you get, the more you lighten up.
Ascendant SextiIe Neptune
t may be difficult for you to discern the influence of this
combination of planetary energies as it is not a strong
configuration in your chart.
When reading the following text, please bear in mind that you
will for the most part experience only the positive effects of this
aspect. You are particularly stimulated to learn and
communicate, as regards the matters concerned.
PROFESSONAL - LFE PATH: The spiritual path
You are rarely motivated by purely ambitious interests, and
World of Wisdom - Birth Analysis for BARBELO GNIGHT
Registered: UNREGISTERED Page 3
therefore you function best when engaged in a job in which you
can invest your ideals and dreams. Ordinary goals can hardly
satisfy your needs, which are more orientated towards feelings
and sensitivity, or music and creativity. You need to feel moved
by influences beyond the personal.
PERSONAL - LFE PATH: The spiritual path
t is important for you to overcome a subtle feeling of
dissatisfaction or sorrow in your life - both in connection with
the direction your life takes, and in connection with partners.
This involves finding a sense of meaning in your existence.
Creative or spiritual interests, and the pursuit of inner purity,
can bring much needed inner harmony. You are very
impressionable and easily influenced by the vibrations of other
people, so you need to indulge in periods of withdrawal.
Ascendant Trine PIuto
This aspect is of medium strength and its influence will often be
felt, though not acutely.
Please remember when reading this section, that the
harmonious nature of this contact means that you can use the
energies creatively, for the most part without negative effects.
PROFESSONAL - LFE PATH: Aura of mystery
You are attracted to positions of power in which you can exert
control over your environment and professional relations. You
have the power to deal with unpleasant confrontations, and you
can make difficult decisions under pressure. There may be a
ruthless streak to your character, as you often imagine threats
to your position. This means that you can exhaust your
resources in battles for power.
PERSONAL - LFE PATH: Aura of mystery
You have a magnetic personality and tend to exert a powerful
influence on your environment. Secret efforts to feel secure in
your personal relationships can be exhausting - both for you
and for others. Though you have psychological talents and an
ability to penetrate facades, you tend to allow an obsessive
ideologies or opinions to poison your relationships. When you
relinquish control you discover peace.
Saturn In Scorpio
Saturn was in Scorpio in the years 1923-26, 1953-56 and 1982-
85. At this time there was great concern about threats, whether
social, economic or military, and a deep interest in hidden
issues, power and corruption. There was an element of
paranoia in society. nasmuch as you express this influence in
your choice of career, you will be capable of dealing with power
at the highest level, and may have a talent for rooting out
corrupt or inefficient practices in society. On the other hand you
may feel that you are subject to unfair misuse of power
yourself, and this can especially manifest itself in your contact
with authority figures or institutions in society. So you may find
yourself on either side of the balance of power. Should you deal
with finance, then you will work at some point in some
rationalisation process, or have to deal with economic loss or
bankruptcy. You may be involved in secretive institutions, or
you could work on a deeper psychological level in your career.
You were born at a time when there was a heaviness in the
collective spirit, with many irrational fears, and you have
probably integrated this spirit into your own emotional nature.
There is a sense of controlled power and deep emotional
discipline. ntimate emotional relationships are extremely
important to you, but you may have great difficulty lowering the
floodgates of your own emotions. Fear of emotional loss drives
you to exert an almost hypnotic control in intimate partnership.
You are both driven to investigate the deepest emotional
motivations of others, and rather paranoid about revealing your
own. There is a particular fascination with sexual taboos, and a
great need to overcome your own sexual blockages. t is
important for you to replace fear with trust, and to cultivate a
relaxed emotional attitude instead of exhausting yourself trying
to control the uncontrollable.
Saturn In 10th House
Achieving professional success and a respectable status will be
a lifelong goal for which you will strive in your life. You would
achieve success quicker by working a bit smarter instead of
working a bit harder. On your way up the ladder of achievement
you will meet many obstacles - particularly from older people in
positions of power. nstead of being frustrated, see these
obstacles as important tests which subtly strengthen you so
that you will be able to meet future challenges. t is unlikely that
you will experience success in the first 30 years of your life, but
the decisions you make around the age of 30 will change your
professional destiny. mportant career restructuring will take
place around the age of 44 and 52. At the age of 59 it is wise to
replace professional goals with existential considerations. You
may never notice the success you have already achieved,
because you constantly set higher goals for yourself. As a long-
term planner, you must be able to see how this kind of
motivation eventually will lead to frustration.
PERSONAL - SELF-RELANCE: Assume authority.
You make high demands on yourself, and this is probably due
to early parental expectations which are not easy to live up to. f
you strive to fulfil other people's expectations, you may never
be satisfied, and you may forget to relax and enjoy the results
for which you have worked so hard. Relationships suffer from
too much emphasis on ambitions. Success can also be
measured by your ability to cater for and respect the needs of a
partner. However, you have a certain destiny to fulfil, and your
personal drive and sense of responsibility means that you can
have considerable impact on the society you live in. People will
automatically respect you and invest you with authority.
Sun In Scorpio
PROFESSONAL - DENTTY: Develop emotional insight
There is a strong inner intensity to your character which makes
a quiet impression on others. You have powerful feelings and
beliefs, but you like to keep your inner nature private. Only
those very close to you can get a glimpse of your essential
nature. You do not like to show any weaknesses because there
is an inner anxiety about being vulnerable. You function well in
a stable position - economic security and an element of
prestige are important to you. You are generally good at
wielding power, although you have no objection to holding a
low profile. You are loyal and committed to your work, but you
will never forget an injustice. You can become passionately
engaged in a cause, and nothing will deflect you, once you
have made up your mind. You would have a lot of talent as a
negotiator because you never give up, and you never show
World of Wisdom - Birth Analysis for BARBELO GNIGHT
Registered: UNREGISTERED Page 4
your hand.
PERSONAL - DENTTY: Develop emotional insight
Being able to trust someone, and being sure that nothing is
hidden from your considerable perceptive talents are essential
ingredients for a good relationship. And intense emotional
relationships are very important to you - you do not like
superficiality at all. Turning points in your life come in the form
of psychological breakthroughs which shake your emotional
foundations. Often this will be connected with the
transformation of a deep emotional bond, which wakens your
latent anxiety connected with emotional security. By giving up
the illusion of being able to control others emotionally, you are
confronted with your own vulnerability. Your facade of
inscrutability is transformed and a softer and more
understanding side of your character is evoked. Your greatest
talent is your ability to strengthen others by your emotional and
mental support.
Sun In 11th House
PROFESSONAL - DENTTY: Group consciousness
You have fine leadership qualities because you know how to
integrate yourself into a group without dominating it. As a result
people will automatically respect you because they do not feel
threatened by you. You function best in a team. You give the
impression that the well-being of others is important to your
heart - and it is. You have humanitarian instincts, believing in
the power of consensus and group enterprise. Obviously these
talents are best used through having some kind of social
power: you can represent people, act as a spokesman or be a
group leader of some sort. Over and above social and political
interests, you may have some untraditional talents connected
with mental development.
PERSONAL - DENTTY: Group consciousness
Some of the most important personal developments for you
come through your experiences in groups and with friends.
Your social life is central. You set great store on being
accepted and respected in the social scene, and you are in
general a loyal and warm-hearted friend. Your social
connections have such a high priority that they may affect the
harmony of intimate relationships. Your partner may feel that
you are avoiding emotional intimacy, but it would be wise to
encourage you in your social interests, because you become a
more whole person through contact with others. You have a
fascination and talent for working in consciousness-raising
groups, and benefit greatly from contact with untraditional
people from international backgrounds.
Sun Conjunction Mercury
Though not especially strong, you will be able to feel the
influence of this aspect under many circumstances.
This connection between two planets shows a fusion of two
principles for good or ill. You integrate quite different energies
and express them as one process. This manifests as a strong
personal character trait.
As Mercury is never more than 28 degrees from the Sun, the
only aspect possible between them is the conjunction - the
closer they are together, the stronger this aspect will be. There
is a great mental talent and a restless desire to learn more and
gain experience. You would thrive in a job which gave you the
opportunity to be on the move and meet people, as
communication is definitely one of your strong points. You hate
to be stuck in any job, and you need constant mental
stimulation. This can of course lead to a number of radical job
changes. Alternatively you can satisfy your need for stimulation
by going on courses or undertaking study projects. You have
good teaching abilities and would prosper in any position in
which you had to get a message across. Your strong points are
your versatility, curiosity and a youthful enthusiasm. Your
weaknesses are connected with restlessness and lack of
concentration - and a tendency to be very subjective in your
evaluations. You are overconcerned with making an impression
and like to have the last word. You hate being wrong, and have
difficulty admitting it when you are.
PERSONAL - DENTTY: Subjectivity
ntelligence and communication are important issues for you in
your personal relationships. You identify strongly with what you
say, and it can be a blow to your personal pride if you are
ignored or misunderstood. As are result you tend to be forceful
in your opinions and at times unreceptive to what other people
say and think. You are overly subjective, and you can spend a
great deal of time running an inner dialogue in which you talk to
yourself. By nature you exude a youthful spirit and a certain
naivet, or immaturity. People might call you flighty - even a
Peter Pan figure. Unless other influences in the horoscope
contradict this, you may lack staying power and skip from one
relationship to another. You need the stimulation of travel and
contact with interesting people to keep you occupied and burn
off all your surplus energy. Your father may have been an
intelligent or talkative person, with a nervous or skittish nature.
You will judge the relationship you had with him through your
ability to understand him and establish mental contact, and
subsequently you judge yourself through your ability to
establish mental contact with others.
Sun Semisquare Mars
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope, and will
be a major feature of your character.
The semisquare aspect shows a difficult streak in your
character, which may manifest as an unconscious
stubbornness in the matters concerned.
You are an extremely dynamic person with an excellent sense
of when to grasp opportunities. You thrive on competition and
love a good fight. You are no diplomat, but in situations which
require courage and decision, you are the right person. Women
with this aspect may early in life experience many conflicts with
dominating or aggressive men, but ultimately these problems
are solved by learning to be more self-assertive in a confident
manner. You are suited to a job which provides you with a
challenge. You have a pioneering spirit and are willing to take
on the necessary confrontations to get ahead. You get bored
easily, and when you get bored, you can get into trouble. When
you encounter an obstacle you tend to bang your head against
it until it gives way. t would pay for you to plan more before you
act, and strive to be less impulsive. f you find yourself getting
into unnecessary conflicts, try to cultivate a spirit of
compromise. Winning is a little too important for your ego.
PERSONAL - DENTTY: Competition
You are the kind of person who likes action, excitement and
adventure. Being easily bored you tend to be rather
provocative. Women with this aspect may have had a young or
immature father, and in the more extreme cases there may
even have been physical violence in childhood. Alternatively
World of Wisdom - Birth Analysis for BARBELO GNIGHT
Registered: UNREGISTERED Page 5
the woman with this aspect will have had a "buddy" relationship
to the father and become involved with masculine pursuits.
Later in life there will be a tendency to be attracted to a very
masculine type of man. t may be important for the woman to
really respect and look up to the man - but there is often an
attraction to rather immature males, who never quite got out of
adolescence. Subsequently the man may have great difficulty
living up to masculine archetypes which basically exist within
the woman's character, and this will lead to conflicts or battles
of power, until the woman accepts a more personally assertive
Men with this aspect are very concerned about their masculinity
and take pride in their ability to compete in the world. Sexual
performance and the ability to take on a classic male role in
relation to a woman are essential elements in the character.
This Tarzan syndrome has its drawbacks. Problems can arise
because of lack of sensitivity to the emotional needs of the
woman. The man's over-identification with the male role can be
perceived as faintly comical by the woman who would probably
set greater store by demonstrations of tenderness and
affection. The woman tends to be the prize which the man wins
and later guards and protects.
Sun Quincunx Jupiter
t may be difficult for you to discern the influence of this
combination of planetary energies; it is weak and may be
outweighed by stronger influences.
t is difficult for you to integrate the energies of these two
planets, as they relate to different sense systems in your body.
You should make some progress with this after the age of 30.
One of your greatest professional assets is your optimism and
ability to envision and empower the future. You have the
capacity to occupy a high profile position in which your
charisma and personal identity play a leading role. As you are
strongly motivated to acquire insight in your life, and rather
philosophically minded, you would function well as an advisor,
counsellor or simply as a leader figure, whom people turn to for
advice and a sense of direction. t is essential that your
profession offers you the opportunity for growth. You need wide
horizons and you will probably find that you travel a lot in your
work. You are cosmopolitan by nature, and enjoy the cultural
aspect of your work. You have very strong convictions indeed,
and may be rather morally high-minded. This side of your
character can lead to ideological confrontations with influential
people. You have great difficulty in admitting your mistakes,
and although you have vision and prophetic sense, you can be
wildly optimistic about the future, and are often to be seen
chasing dreams of prosperity. nasmuch as vision is necessary
for success, you will generally reach your goals, but greater
attention to planning, more realism and more patience would
help you consolidate your position.
You are an inspiring person with a wonderful capacity for
positive thinking and looking on the bright side. You are a
seeker of wisdom, and this search will lead to many studies and
many travels to widen your intellectual horizons. During the
course of your life, you acquire a set of opinions and personal
convictions which play rather a dominating role in your
environment. Gaining understanding of the meaning of your
own life is important, and you identify strongly with the
conclusions you come to. You have a great need to find a
mentor or wise person who can instruct you, but few people will
have the capacity to impress you on an intellectual or spiritual
level. f you do not cultivate a sensitivity to the ideas of others
you can become opinionated and arrogant. Others can find you
mentally dominating or over-forceful in discussions. There is
more dignity in giving your opinion only when asked, than in
foisting your beliefs on others. Generally however, you will
create a good impression because of the wide span of your
mind, and a tolerant attitude towards others.
t is very likely that your father was a man of strong beliefs and
convictions. These convictions may have been cultural, political
or religious, and you will have had trouble as a child in standing
up to the intellectual challenges your father set you. At worst he
will have pontificated a lot and have been very unreceptive to
argument. At best he will have been a jovial, humorous and
warm figure, who really encouraged you to develop
intellectually. He may have been a well-travelled man, and
expanded your horizons with stories from foreign climes. You
may have felt put in the shade by his larger than life character
when young, but this will have inspired you to live up to some
grand vision of yourself later in life.
Factors in your childhood have given you a hunger for
knowledge and understanding which can be quite desperate at
times. You are concerned about being able to define your
identity and explore the boundaries of your being. With this
aspect there can often be some anxiety about establishing the
circumference of your identity, and manic phases can arise in
which the boundary overflows into other people, nature, the
cosmos. Often some kind of religious philosophy is important,
because you discover that your ego alone is not sufficient in
itself to explain the mystery of existence.
Sun Trine Uranus
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope; every
action you take will be coloured by this energy.
Please bear in mind that the contact between these planets is
harmonious, which means that you will rarely be troubled by
their negative influences. They represent a resource you can
draw from.
PROFESSONAL - DENTTY: Consciousness change
Your chief contribution to society is your ability to entertain
original ideas and experiment with new ways of doing things.
You need to work in an independent position or with a company
which respects and encourages your originality. You quickly
become bored if you have to perform the same functions day in
day out. You need to meet people - and you thrive on unusual
challenges, especially if they involve travel and dealing with
radically different cultures. You may travel long distances to
exotic countries, or work with advanced technology.
Alternatively you will go your own unique direction in your
professional life, developing unconventional talents - perhaps
connected with consciousness development in one form or
another. You are not one to stand on ceremony either - you
hate stuffy protocol and thrive on contacts with young and old,
rich and poor. t is your job to pave the way to the future with
new ideas and an original life-style.
PERSONAL - DENTTY: Consciousness change
You are a true individual and other people may regard you as
rather eccentric. You like to express yourself through actions
which surprise others in some way, and you enjoy embracing
ideas which are provocative. You do not like to feel tied down,
and function best in a relationship which gives you a lot of
World of Wisdom - Birth Analysis for BARBELO GNIGHT
Registered: UNREGISTERED Page 6
personal freedom. Often your friends will seem more important
than your family, and as a result partners can feel that they are
unable to establish an intimate contact with you, though you are
usually quite open and fair-minded. During certain periods of
your life you will choose to change your direction radically.
These personal revolutions are often accompanied by new
interests of an untraditional nature - for example astrology,
electronics and technical matters, or mental powers. You have
an electric and rather unstable aura around you, and often your
nerves are on edge. People feel uncertain around you as they
feel that anything can happen, so you would be wise to put
them at ease about your intentions.
DENTTY - DENTTY: Consciousness change
Your father was probably unusual in some way, and he will
have brought a sense of unpredictability into your life - perhaps
because he travelled a lot, perhaps because he was an
outsider in some way, or simply because he acted irrationally
so that you never quite knew what he would do next. You may
have had a friendly - not fatherly - relationship to him, or you
may have felt totally alienated. Whatever, there was an aura of
tension or excitement in your relationship.
Later in life this evokes a need for you to develop
unconventional habits and be different in some way. Moreover,
you can adopt a rather distant attitude to your feelings. At its
most extreme, there can be a lack of grounding with very little
sense of contact with the physical body, and far too much
mental activity. Success in your life depends on you coming
down to earth with your visions. Factors in your upbringing can
lead you to feel that you are an outsider. Actually you would
prefer not to run with the crowd, so why worry about being
different? This feeling can be utilised positively by helping
people who feel they are outsiders.
Sun Square PIuto
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope, and will
be a major feature of your character.
There will be great difficulty in integrating these two planetary
influences, and the promised harmonious results will only arise
after you have expended time and effort.
PROFESSONAL - DENTTY: Transformation of identity
t is important for you to make a strong impression on people,
and you invest a lot of energy in this - more than you are aware
of. Much can be gained by toning down your personal energy.
You are suited to positions requiring the use of power and
psychological insight. Whatever you do, you like to be deeply -
sometimes fanatically - involved. This may often lead to battles
of will, and you tend to win, basically because you cannot
contemplate personal defeat. More flexibility would actually
benefit you and help you avoid tiring power games.
Personal power is a natural asset - as you will discover after a
number of significant personal crises which lead to a
revaluation of your role. These crises are centred around
achievement at all costs, or fanatical attachment to a particular
role which outlives its meaning for you. When you learn to tone
down your sensitivity about self-esteem, and invest your
considerable willpower into projects which really mean
something to you, and to others, you can achieve success. You
may have a talent for psychology or dealing with the powers of
the unconscious.
PERSONAL - DENTTY: Transformation of identity
Early personal experiences have made you sensitive about
your identity, and anxious about self-esteem. However this
means, paradoxically, that you often overwhelm others with
your presence. Thus you tend to be a dominating figure in
intimate relationships. You need a partner who is not superficial
and who shares your intense approach to life. To achieve
harmony here you should relax instead of asserting yourself,
otherwise relationships will become very exhausting. t is
important to realise that power battles are related to inner fears
about your identity. Women with this influence will often be
attracted to a dominating man, only to find that he does not
match her own strength which was acquiring through trying
times in childhood. More intimacy can achieved by daring to
show vulnerability.
DENTTY - DENTTY: Transformation of identity
t has not been possible for you to cement any truly deep bond
to your father. Perhaps he disappeared when you were young,
and a stepfather took his place, perhaps he was at home but
unreachable or distant in some way. Because intimacy was
impossible to attain, you feel a inner chasm of emptiness
connected with your identity.
You have felt that you were not recognised as an individual -
hence your deep need to manifest yourself strongly later in life.
Although some of the fault almost certainly lies with your father,
you have a tendency to compound the problem by withdrawing
yourself totally when you feel ignored or unappreciated. This
was your way of protecting yourself psychologically as a child,
but in the long run these tactics lead to a profound alienation.
The enormous efforts you make to gain self-acceptance
ultimately lead to great personal power and psychological
insight. Psychic or intuitive powers can enrich your life and give
strength to others.
Sun SextiIe N. Node, Sun Trine S. Node
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope; it will
dominate many areas of your life.
When reading the following description, please bear in mind
that you are a fast learner and overcome any difficulties
involved very quickly. You can expect to use this aspect
constructively and harmoniously.
PROFESSONAL - DESTNY: The illusion of being
There may be a number of advantages for you in assuming a
high profile in connection with specific groups of people. You
may be elected as a figurehead, and your personal character
can filter down to those you are connected to and have a
profound affect on their lives. How to deal with the ensuing
recognition or fame may, however, be something of a dilemma
for you. Victories can ring hollow, and honour may bring
disillusion, although you have a role to play in other people's
PERSONAL - DESTNY: The illusion of being
Contacts with other people will play an important role in your
search to get into touch with your inner identity. Father figures -
through their presence or through their disappearance - will
force you to ask a lot of questions about the nature of your
existence, and this will in time lead to new spiritual growth and
vision. nfluential people and - later in life - spiritual authorities,
may be eclipsed through sudden inner realisations. Times of
inner darkness alternate with the blinding light of Truth.
World of Wisdom - Birth Analysis for BARBELO GNIGHT
Registered: UNREGISTERED Page 7
Moon In Aries
PROFESSONAL - EMOTONS: Be inspired, take action
You are undoubtedly a dynamic person - the type to take action
immediately when you are emotionally involved in something.
Whilst this dynamism is a virtue, it will often manifest as
impatience - even as a sharp temper, which of course can have
a negative effect on the people you work with. You hate being
pushed around, and thus it can be difficult for you to take on a
subordinate role - you would prefer to be ahead of the field.
You will often set yourself the challenge of achieving short-term
goals in record time, and though you work well under stress,
this tactic may not be good for your health in the long run.
Learning to relax and let others come first is a part of your
maturing process.
PERSONAL - EMOTONS: Be inspired, take action
You will thrive in relationships which give you the freedom to
take independent action. Some of your most painful memories
are connected with times when you were robbed of this
freedom. To enjoy a harmonious relationship you need to
establish control over your temperament. You have a tendency
to be short-tempered, and this comes from frustrations or a
tense atmosphere in your childhood. You tend to use the threat
of creating a bad atmosphere through your temper or through
being huffy to get what you want. With time you learn patience.
As a partner, however, you are fun to be with and you know
how to create an exciting atmosphere in which things happen.
Moon In 4th House
PROFESSONAL - EMOTONS: Attachment to the home
Security is a major preoccupation for you, and you may wish to
work in areas concerned with the home, land and property, or
with areas connected with caring for others, or perhaps on
environmental issues. You may have a talent for gardening.
You function best when there is peace on the home front, but
often find yourself distracted by family worries. Parental bonds,
or a reluctance to get away from the family can limit your
possibilities to advance professionally. However you are
appreciated at work because of your concern for others, and
ability to create a comfortable atmosphere. You may like to
work from home, or have a job not far from your house.
PERSONAL - EMOTONS: Attachment to the home
You were profoundly influenced by the emotional atmosphere
as a child, and you were very sensitive to parental moods,
especially your mother's. This has made you into a sensitive
and rather vulnerable person, and you will be strongly
motivated to create a caring and secure family environment
later in your life. t would be wise to view the ups and downs of
family life in a more objective way, rather than allowing your
own mood to be constantly affected by changes. Your home is
a haven for you, and you become very attached to it. When
radical changes effect your home however, you will discover
that you have a remarkable capacity to adjust. You need to
spend a lot of time at home, and may find great pleasure in
looking after your children, cooking, making home
improvements etc.
Moon SextiIe Jupiter
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope; it will
dominate many areas of your life.
When reading the following description, please bear in mind
that you are a fast learner and overcome any difficulties
involved very quickly. You can expect to use this aspect
constructively and harmoniously.
You would thrive in a profession which offered you the
opportunity to travel and explore different cultures. You could
easily work or settle in a foreign country. Being restless in spirit,
you get rather bored in a job which does not have an element
of exploration - culturally, intellectually or geographically. You
are essentially a very curious person, and the pursuit of
knowledge is food for your soul. You can also be very caring,
and your generous disposition can give you a talent for working
with the public, especially as regards public opinion, marketing,
or broadcasting values of some sort or another. Children would
be especially benefited by your attention, and you have both
the humour and educational drive to be a good teacher. You
are not the kind of person to stay in any one job for a great
length of time, unless it offers opportunities for growth and
Foreign environments may have played an important role in
your upbringing, and generally speaking you will enjoy the
cultural stimulation of travel and new horizons. You have very
strong empathy, and your emotional life exerts a powerful
influence on your environment. You feel things very strongly,
especially as regards what is right and what is wrong. You react
powerfully to perceived injustice, and instinctively flare up or get
upset when you think something is unfair. Above all, you dislike
restrictions on your personal freedom, and you can manifest a
strong independence if you feel encroached upon. You may
often overreact to quite normal expectations on the part of the
partner, as regards commitment and responsibility. Generally
however, your optimistic and light-hearted nature brings a lot of
joy and happiness to personal relationships, just as long as you
are allowed to feel free, travel and pursue your intellectual
Your mother had a strong influence on your personal
convictions about life for better or worse. Perhaps she was
religious or moralising, with extremely dominating opinions
about what was best for you and the world. On the other hand
she may have had an extremely beneficial effect on you -
widening your horizons, stimulating you intellectually, and
providing you with a strong moral foundation. Your mother was
probably not the type to let herself be restricted by
relationships, and she will have inspired in you the desire to
expand your horizons and see the world.
Because of these childhood influences, freedom to pursue your
dreams and visions is important for you. You have strong
convictions about your personal rights, but these may not be
realistic when you decide to commit yourself to a relationship.
You often get into emotional arguments on matters of principle
when you feel you are being treated unjustly, but perhaps you
need to overcome a certain emotional irresponsibility. t is
essential for you to re-examine and adjust your moral
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Moon Opposition Saturn
t may be difficult for you to discern the influence of this
combination of planetary energies as it is not a strong
configuration in your chart.
As these two planets are on opposite sides of your horoscope
they indicate that you are split between two quite different
drives. As a result you tend to imagine other people with the
negative qualities described.
PROFESSONAL - EMOTONS: Self-sufficiency
You are a very responsible and dutiful person who is very
motivated to live up to your commitments to society. You can
work well in a role which requires hard work and a lot of
responsibility, especially if this entails formal relations with the
public in some way. You can function effectively as a buffer
between the public and the authorities. You may have a special
talent for working with old people, or with people who have
emotional problems or very difficult life circumstances. You
have a measured response to the people you meet and can
evoke considerable respect from others, just as long as you do
not allow yourself to be crippled by shyness. You can perform
monotonous tasks patiently, and are good at systematising
things and creating order. Professionally you are strongly
motivated by job security and continuity at work. You are not
very flexible, and tend to stick to long-term habits and work-
patterns. On the other hand you are reliable and conscientious.
PERSONAL - EMOTONS: Self-sufficiency
You are extremely sensitive emotionally, but present a very
solid facade to the outer world, giving the impression that you
are quite cool, even invulnerable. Behind your formal manners
is a person who was never fully allowed to enjoy a carefree
childhood. At an early age you took responsibility in the family,
repressing your own spontaneity and lowering your
expectations because of emotional hurt. n later relationships
you have difficulty letting down your protective barriers, even
though you have a deep desire for intimacy. f you do get hurt
emotionally you rarely let on, and you close the shutters on
your feelings so that your loved one has no chance to make
amends. After the age of 30 you learn more successful
strategies for intimacy. First of all it is essential for you to be
emotionally self-sufficient - if you sell yourself for security, you
will end up in a prison. From a position of inner strength you
can then allow yourself to be more trusting and vulnerable - you
have nothing to lose and everything to gain by opening up
emotionally without making any demands.
EMOTONS - EMOTONS: Self-sufficiency
Your childhood was probably rather difficult. You may well have
felt rejected by your mother, perhaps because she worked too
hard and had no time for you, perhaps because she had
problems of her own, perhaps because she was blocked
emotionally. Whatever the cause you have reacted to rejection
by withdrawing behind a protective barrier so that you can't be
hurt. Moreover you may also have a tendency to try to win love
and acceptance by doing duties taking on family
responsibilities. Emotional responsibilities founded on guilt are
not wise, particularly if they carry on into middle age.
The situation is perhaps more complex than you imagine. You
were born with a strong emotional hunger and need for
security, and it is possible that your mother could not fulfil your
demands. You may have interpreted her reactions as rejection,
and in turn rejected her when she wanted to be warm. Whether
this is true or not, you are very difficult to approach now when
you are hurt, and you have the emotional resilience and
determination to withdraw emotionally for quite long periods of
time. However, as time goes by experience will teach you the
importance of cultivating an open emotional attitude - it is much
less painful in the long run. Ultimately you can be of great
assistance to other people who have emotional problems, and
you can be quite unselfish in giving time and assistance.
Moon Square Uranus
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope, and will
be a major feature of your character.
There will be great difficulty in integrating these two planetary
influences, and the promised harmonious results will only arise
after you have expended time and effort.
PROFESSONAL - EMOTONS: Unpredictability
You are something of a gipsy, and this means you can adjust to
extremely unusual professional environments. You would thrive
in a job in a foreign country for example - the more exotic the
better. You are well-suited to working with people who are
alienated from society in some way, especially if they come
from a different culture. On the other hand you function very
badly in a conventional place of work, where the same
functions have to be performed day in, day out. You have a
very low threshold for boredom, so you are suited to a job
which brings exciting changes and variation during the course
of the day - preferably meeting people. You have an advanced
intuition and very sensitive antenna - this may give you some
talents in the New Age sphere.
PERSONAL - EMOTONS: Unpredictability
You do not have conventional desires as far as domestic
harmony is concerned. n your childhood there were many
unsettling influences and a general atmosphere of
unpredictability , excitement or stress. You need to feel that
something is happening around you. This means that you can
get very restless in relationships, and if you feel bored - and
you often do - then you start getting provocative. You are best
suited to relationships which keep you occupied with new daily
challenges - and you have a strong need to express your
emotional energy in group scenarios. Your partner will not be
able to satisfy your need for stimulation on his or her own. You
thrive in unusual domestic relationships - for example
communal living, flat-sharing or residence abroad. For
partnership to function satisfactorily it is essential that you stop
distancing yourself emotionally - this gives the impression that
you do not care for your loved one.
EMOTONS - EMOTONS: Unpredictability
Extraordinary circumstances regarding your relationship to your
family - particularly your mother - and your general upbringing,
have evoked a very detached emotional attitude in you. n all
probability your relationship to your mother was characterised
by a sense of equality or of friendship, rather than traditional
patterns of dependence. From one point of view you were
never allowed to feel a natural dependence and you protected
yourself by developing detachment, but from another point of
view you rejected your mother whenever she tried to assume
the traditional maternal role. There may also have been an
element of unpredictability about your mother's behaviour - a
situation in which you never quite knew what she was going to
do next.
Later in life you display this inherited tendency to detach
yourself when encountering emotional challenges. You send
the unconscious message that you are quite prepared to leave
if there is going to be too much trouble, and that you can
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handle your own freedom. Of course you can, but this means
that you end up in half-relationships in which you are neither
living with, nor quite living without the partner. When you
discover that your love of freedom and independence is partly a
device to protect you from getting hurt emotionally, you learn to
express feelings of commitment with greater warmth, and this
in turn creates more security for the partner, who will
reciprocate by showing greater commitment.
Moon Opposition Neptune
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope; it will
dominate many areas of your life.
You will have to work hard to attain the beneficial results of this
aspect. Partnership matters are central for your gaining an
understanding of the principles involved and integrating them in
your nature.
PROFESSONAL - EMOTONS: Develop intuitive sensitivity
You are a supremely sensitive and impressionable person, and
this will express itself as a moodiness and indefinable
dissatisfaction. Yet you will almost certainly have creative and
caring sides to your nature which can stand you in good stead
professionally, as long as your job is not monotonous or
meaningless. You have a capacity for being very sympathetic
and understanding, and this may be a part of your work. You
have spiritual talents - perhaps you can work with dreams or
the unconscious in some way. You are powerfully influenced by
your environment, and including the mood of the people around
you. t is wise to choose environments free from pollution,
spiritually, emotionally and physically.
PERSONAL - EMOTONS: Develop intuitive sensitivity
The greatest challenge for you is to attain emotional
satisfaction, and this is best done by understanding the nature
of your childhood. t is essentially for you to avoid the tempting
pleasure of indulging your emotions and sentimentality. You so
easily fall into negative emotional states, and this can make life
miserable for the people around you. Your emotional
impressionability creates serious problems in partnership
matters - you simply have difficulty distinguishing the
boundaries between yourself and your loved one. You take on
the moods of others or absorb negative vibrations from the
environment. The older you get the more you realise that this is
just a bad habit, based on early conditioning. Avoid jumping
into emotional swamps! Having said this, you have a wonderful
talent for tuning in to other people emotionally and
understanding them in depth. You are a very sympathetic
EMOTONS - EMOTONS: Develop intuitive sensitivity
As a child you were profoundly influenced by the mood of your
mother. You may feel the bond is close, you may idealise your
mother, but there are strong indications that she sucked you in
to her negative moods, enlisting your support and care. At
worst she may have been something of a martyr, or in bad
health, at best she was probably rather sad at times. This
evoked guilt feelings in you, and an unconscious need to make
things better.
Actually you are born to be concerned and helpful, so your
mother could not really help evoking these feelings in you. The
essential thing in your life is to realise how profoundly you were
influenced by the emotional atmosphere of your childhood. By
making conscious use of the creative side of your imagination,
you can learn to avoid the old traps and create a positive
environment for yourself and those close to you.
Moon Trine PIuto
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope; every
action you take will be coloured by this energy.
Please bear in mind that the contact between these planets is
harmonious, which means that you will rarely be troubled by
their negative influences. They represent a resource you can
draw from.
PROFESSONAL - EMOTONS: Deep emotional involvement
You are strongly motivated on an unconscious level by a need
for security - a need which is very difficult to fulfil. However
when you turn outwards and concern yourself with others, you
will discover a special talent for helping other people find
security. This may manifest as social consciousness. You also
have a talent for dealing with people in crisis, possessing an
inborn psychological ability to transform how people feel. You
are suited to work which requires a deep personal involvement
combined with a certain power and distance. You have the
power to investigate deep emotional states in other people, and
this can be connected with psychology or the occult.
PERSONAL - EMOTONS: Deep emotional involvement
You are a person who feels everything very deeply, although
people who only know you superficially might not be aware of
this. Your need to protect yourself emotionally comes from a
number of disturbing childhood experiences which mean that
you tend to play it cool in times of crisis. Problems arise in
intimate relationships because you never let on how you really
feel - if you had the courage to show your vulnerability, people
would treat you better. You cling to emotional bonds with great
intensity, yet in times of crisis you can suddenly amputate your
feelings and become ice-cold. t is unwise to deal with crises by
giving ultimata. t is essential to overcome these destructive
defence mechanisms, if you want to enjoy warm relationships.
EMOTONS - EMOTONS: Deep emotional involvement
You are profoundly marked by traumatic childhood
experiences, in which you lost trust in family security. Your
bond to your mother is at best complicated, and at worst non-
existent. For some reason she was unable to nurture you -
perhaps you were removed from her at some time, perhaps she
was unable to breast-feed you, perhaps she was under such
psychological pressure herself and did not have the resources
to take care of you.
Whatever the reason, you sought to protect yourself from the
resulting vulnerability by amputating your emotional bonds so
as not to feel pain. Effective though this may have been to
ensure your emotional survival as a child, it becomes a deep
and unconscious habit which sabotages emotional bonds later
in life. t is particularly painful for other people to experience the
icy atmosphere you create when you withdraw your feelings.
Experiences later in life lead you to transform your drastic
emotional survival tactics and in doing so accept greater
responsibility for family problems. This transformation evokes a
deep psychological understanding of others who also are
tormented by extreme emotions.
Moon Square N. Node,
Moon Square S. Node
This aspect is of medium strength and its influence will often be
felt, though not acutely.
There will be great difficulty in integrating these two planetary
influences, and the promised harmonious results will only arise
after you have expended time and effort.
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You can play an important role channelling the hopes and
dreams of on the one hand large numbers of people, and on
the other more intimate groups - especially females. You may
feel a strong indentification with your country - or a pull away
from it. Your unusual intuitive power can give you certain
talents as regards tuning in to changes that happen on a
collective plane - especially in connection with the world of
Nature. You are the channel through which group feeling is
Negotiating the twists and turns of your emotional relationships
is a full-time occupation for you. As a woman you will be moved
by the primitive archetypal urges of the female energy in
Nature; as a man you will be attracted to earth divas because
you need to feel the full force of emotional power flowing
through you. You will lose your footing more than once because
of the universal power of emotional attraction or dependence,
and plunge into the emotional maelstrom. Sudden changes can
take you far from home, and growth in life finally comes when
you learn to orientate yourself in the world of your feelings and
your unconscious mind.
Moon Opposition MC
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope; it will
dominate many areas of your life.
You will have to work hard to attain the beneficial results of this
aspect. Partnership matters are central for your gaining an
understanding of the principles involved and integrating them in
your nature.
Your career can be profoundly influenced by the world of
feeling, by public mood, by the sea, the food industry, property
or other issues which absorb public interest. Your family may
play a role in your success - particularly your mother. As you
are acutely aware of matters of public interest, you may choose
to involve yourself in a caring profession. n the choice between
career and family, emotional considerations win out.
Your emotional life and your family bonds have high priority in
your life. You manifest inconstancy as far as your goals are
concerned, because you tend to turn to the past for security,
and often allow your feelings to play a decisive role as far as
your life-direction is concerned. On a positive level it could be
said that you are guided by the forces of the soul. You have an
intuitive contact with the unconscious mind.
Mercury In Scorpio Retrograde
This planet is retrograde, and in the areas concerned you have
a tendency to go against the grain, harvesting experiences of
an intensely personal nature and drawing your own special
Your perspicacious nature and investigative talents can be an
advantage in many professional areas. You are a person who
can be entrusted with a secret - your lips are sealed. You are
also a person who can discover secrets, therefore there is a
talent for research and investigation. Your need to pierce to the
roots of an issue gives a predisposition for psychological or
occult interests. There may also be a talent for working with
computers. Your talent for seeing weaknesses in others can
help you be of mental support to them if you share your
insights. t is important for you to be more open in your dealings
with others - otherwise people get the impression you are
plotting something. People need to be reassured that your
motives are pure.
You are a deep-thinking and silent type. Superficiality is
anathema to you; when you say something, it normally strikes
deep and is delivered with considerable intensity. Experiences
early in life may have made you somewhat suspicious, inclining
you to look for secret motives in others. This can be unnerving
for those close to you. You often feel that communication can
be achieved through eye-contact alone, and that the great
truths are unspoken. Remember that people also use words to
make contact, and that everything doesn't have to be deeply
meaningful. Scientific studies show that 55% of all
communication is through body language - a fact that you have
been instinctively aware of most of your life, having observed
the way people react under your gaze.
Mercury In 10th House
PROFESSONAL - MENTALTY: Get your message across
You have certain specific professional talents which will lead
you to work in several different areas in your life. Basically
however your greatest professional asset are your mental
talents and your special communication abilities. Contact with a
variety of people, both locally and internationally, and a sense
of being in touch with others - whether it is being up to date on
what goes on inside the office or faxing and telephoning outside
are essential ingredients for professional success and
satisfaction. You may do a good deal of local travelling, and
work for you will be a constant learning and teaching process.
New mental challenges are essential for your well-being -
otherwise you will get bored. Develop your communication
abilities through courses and improving communication
PERSONAL - MENTALTY: Get your message across.
You are a busy person, and your ceaseless search for the good
professional opportunity distracts you rather from personal and
emotional issues. Sensing your destiny is to communicate, you
have a tendency to feel that relationships make you deviate
from your path - unless you have a partner who can share your
interests in your career. Professional worries and a chronic
tendency to plan ahead mean that you set too little time aside
for domestic pleasures. A partner who was active in the home
would be the ideal counterpoint for you because when you
come home from work you need an atmosphere which
encourages relaxation.
Mercury Conjunction Sun
Please read page 5: "Sun Conjunction Mercury"
Mercury Conjunction Venus
Though not especially strong, you will be able to feel the
influence of this aspect under many circumstances.
This connection between two planets shows a fusion of two
principles for good or ill. You integrate quite different energies
and express them as one process. This manifests as a strong
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personal character trait.
You are a very versatile person, combining good judgement
with taste and the ability to convey information in a pleasant
manner. Success comes when you work with communication in
one form or another. You may excel in the arts or in public
speaking. You bring a human element into your professional
dealings, and advancement will often come through the
goodwill of others. Your mild manner and diplomatic nature
leaves a good impression on others. You would function well in
a position with lots of contact with people, for example dealing
with personnel. You are very concerned about justice and make
a strong effort to see both sides of any issues. You can secure
agreement because you are willing to listen to others, and you
are careful not to alienate people with impulsive remarks.
Obviously with these talents you will prefer a harmonious
professional environment to one in which there was too much
trouble or competition.
You have a gentle and sensitive nature, and strive to maintain
harmony in your personal relationships, going a long way to
meet the needs or demands of another, before you allow
yourself to feel provoked. n love relationships communication
is the single most important factor. This may stem from a very
close relationship to a brother or sister when you were a child.
Even now, you probably cultivate a brotherly or sisterly manner
in your relationships, where games and the element of play
have an important role. As mental stimulation is so important
for you, you can get bored with your partner, and for some
people this may mean a tendency to become romantically
involved on the side, though there is rarely any malice involved,
should this be the case. Erotic desire is hardly a motivating
factor for you, but you do have a tendency to flirt, and this can
make your life more complicated than you would wish.
Mercury Trine Uranus
This aspect is of medium strength and its influence will often be
felt, though not acutely.
Please remember when reading this section, that the
harmonious nature of this contact means that you can use the
energies creatively, for the most part without negative effects.
You have some mental qualities that border on genius. Being
receptive to signals in the environment which go over the head
of the average person, you know how to integrate radical new
ideas into your work. You have the inventor spirit, and you are
always willing to experiment with new methods. By developing
your knowledge of the scientific functioning of the mind, you
can be a driving force for renewal at work. You may be skilled
at technical matters, computers or untraditional, even
provocative subjects. t is important for you to learn to put your
ideas across in a constructive manner however. You have a
tendency to talk at cross purposes, without ensuring the other
person is following you. Coupled with this you may also be
impatient with people as they fumble with old concepts and
ideas. You can be provocative, or go off at a tangent - and this
may only serve to alienate you. Clarify your intentions when you
communicate. You have a talent for exotic languages.
PERSONAL - MENTALTY: nventiveness
Other things being equal you have a very quick mind, and you
attract attention through your ability to give conversations a
surprising turn. You are quickly bored by conventional waffling
and you are prepared to say anything, repeat anything, to give
conversation more interest. Although at times you can be very
amusing, this tendency easily leads to confusion and
misunderstandings in relationships. You break the flow of
communication - a habit you learned in childhood - and this
leads to a rather stressful atmosphere in intimate relationships.
You need to involve yourself with friends or groups which have
similar interests to you, rather than expecting to get all the
mental stimulation you desire from your partner. When you get
bored in intimate relationships, you tend to say and do the
opposite of what is expected, just to get results. You also tend
to make provocative statements. This can be exasperating for
the partner.
THE MND - MENTALTY: nventiveness
You experienced an unusual mental environment as a child.
This may have been due to siblings who were different in some
way, or living in a foreign environment, perhaps hearing
another language spoken. There is also a strong possibility that
you had difficulty being heard as a child. You may have been
interrupted a lot before completing what you had to say, or you
may have developed the habit of interrupting others as the only
way your voice or ideas could be heard. Perhaps in school
there were special learning problems.
The result of these experiences is that your mind has
developed in an unusual direction. You are both more open to
the unconventional, the provocative, the surprising, yet you
may feel misunderstood by people. You will often alienate
people through interrupting or being provocative, or simply
coming with crazy ideas which are neither here nor there. Many
of these communication techniques have been developed to
get attention - but is this the kind of attention you want? You
also have a tendency to live too much in your head. Get into
your body and down to earth. When you use your inventive or
intuitive talents on a practical level, you can serve as a fountain
of inspiration for others.
Mercury Square PIuto
t may be difficult for you to discern the influence of this
combination of planetary energies; it is weak and may be
outweighed by stronger influences.
n your chart there is disharmony between these two planetary
influences, and this will be reflected by many struggles both
within your mind, and out in the world.
PROFESSONAL - MENTALTY: From secrecy to openness
You have an investigative mind and considerable talent for
finding out about hidden issues and analysing things in depth.
You are also good at keeping secrets. As such you are a
natural detective and are able to find the root cause of
problems. This is a useful talent in psychological matters, when
working with computers or anything requiring fanatical attention
to detail. There is an ability to tap hidden sources of
information. n your professional life, however, you are inclined
to be suspicious, fearing that important information is being
kept from you. People can feel that you interrogate them, and
they tend to clam up. Sometimes you express yourself far too
forcefully and do not allow people to come with their views.
Success comes when you overcome communication problems
connected with anxiety.
PERSONAL - MENTALTY: From secrecy to openness
You are a rather secretive person; you think hard and deeply,
and sometimes you are plagued by compulsive ideas and
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fears. Much of this is a result of childhood anxiety connected
with lies, secrets or lack of communication. Because you do not
always let on what you are thinking, you can easily be
misunderstood. Put people's minds at rest by clearing up these
misunderstandings and strive to be as open as circumstances
permit. When your feelings are hurt you can be silent for long
periods. And when you are insecure, you tend to be suspicious
of your partner. Harmony in relationships comes when you
resist the tendency to argue for hours at a time, or to use
silence as a weapon, and instead learn to be open and trusting.
THE MND - MENTALTY: From secrecy to openness
As a child you were deeply affected by secretive behaviour on
the part of parents or siblings. You had a strong intuition that
important facts were kept secret from you - you may indeed
have been lied to in connected with some profound truth. Later
in life you may well have discovered the details of what has
been kept from you - this can for example have something to
do with secret connections your parents had - for example half-
brothers or sisters you never knew about. There is a strong
possibility that a family member was extremely non-
communicative or silent in a rather disturbing manner. Perhaps
you too felt that it was difficult to make your voice heard.
Whatever the actual circumstances, the result of this is a
gnawing doubt concerning the truth of what you hear, so that
you are often driven to deeply question the motives or actions
of others. Sometimes your tendency to cross-examine will drive
a partner behind a protective wall of silence for long periods of
time; sometimes you too will clam up as a way of applying
pressure in a relationship.
As you overcome these difficulties you learn to relax more in
communication matters. By giving people the time and space to
respond to your questions without anxiety, and by allowing
people to have their secrets if they so wish, you can attain
peace of mind. Ultimately your life will be enriched by the
discovery of quite unique mental abilities on a deep
psychological level.
Venus In Scorpio
PROFESSONAL - VALUES: Relationship depth
You are a private person, loyal by nature, with considerable
perspicacity in personal relations. You are not suited to
employment which demands that you relate superficially to
other people, although you certainly know how to maintain an
aura of privacy around you if you have to. One or two strong
professional bonds to which you are very loyal is more your
style. You can deal with many issues, but often some
secretiveness is required, especially as regards financial
matters. You have a talent for administrating finance. n the first
part of your life, you may be strongly attracted to material
success and personal prestige, as your personal worth is a
central issue for you and a good salary does wonders for self-
esteem. This may change later because of a financial crisis,
which forces you to re-evaluate what is important to you.
PERSONAL - VALUES: Relationship depth
Emotionally you would prefer to mate for life - love is a serious
issue for you, and you are inclined to be faithful, though
possessive. There is considerable anxiety in relationships, and
often a powerful jealousy, which in reality is testimony to the
intensity of your love. Women with this position expect 100%
emotional involvement from their mate, and the erotic element
of the relationship will be a major factor. ndeed sexual
satisfaction may serve as a barometer for the relationship. Men
are attracted to the silent type of women, the aura of mystery
and the sense of fated attraction. There is a tendency to
become enslaved by the passions. t is important to avoid
economic and emotional co-dependency. t is difficult for a
relationship to survive unfaithfulness - love is all or nothing.
Venus In 10th House
PROFESSONAL - VALUES: Professional taste
You use your profession as a platform for expressing your
personal values, and your taste and judgement can have
considerable impact on others professionally. Quite apart from
aesthetic sensitivity, you are especially good at creating
harmony in your working environment, both in your physical
surroundings, and especially amongst colleagues. This talent
can express itself on a social level, where you can deal with
people as part of your job, or even on a physical level, where
you can work to beautify people, or deal with precious items.
Your ability to appreciate the value of the material world and
social connections can bring you the professional status which
you desire, if you are prepared to make the effort. You hope
success will come the easy way, and if you are lucky, it will.
You will be helped on your way by influential women, and you
may work with women.
PERSONAL - VALUES: Professional taste
Relationships have a high priority from the point of view of
personal status - perhaps because you were powerfully
influenced by the values of your mother, or perhaps because of
the example of a sister. Your self-esteem is a little too bound up
with outside appearances as regards your relationships. You
are attracted to people who have influence and success and
tend to marry upwards. Love blossoms in your professional life,
and you tend to be romantically attracted to your superiors at
work. Later in life you would have great pleasure working with
your partner, supporting his or her professional ambitions, or
being supported by the partner in yours.
Venus Conjunction Mercury
Please read page 12: "Mercury Conjunction Venus"
Venus Sesquisquare Jupiter
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope; every
action you take will be coloured by this energy.
As there is tension between these two planetary influences in
your chart, it will be very difficult for you to achieve the
promised beneficial results before the age of 30.
You have excellent aesthetic judgement, and strong personal
values and convictions. You are suited to any profession which
can make use of your ability to evaluate and compare -
especially if this is connected to cultural or artistic projects. You
also have a great ability to impress others with your charm and
insight. You would be wasted in a job which did not allow you
the opportunity to meet and influence people. You can deal with
cultural issues or artistic objects, you can travel in your career,
you have diplomatic talent, you have a great sense of style.
Success often comes easily for you, and you may thrive in the
company of women, and have their professional support.
Normally you are lucky, and a great deal of money can flow
through your hands. How fast it flows is another question
altogether. Your warm personality and optimistic view of the
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future are your greatest assets.
You are an extremely loving and romantic person, and this
brings both benefits and problems. Often you fall in love with
love, and have difficulty settling into stable relationships
because of your hunger for romance and emotional stimulation.
You are however a great lover, and your attention makes your
loved one blossom. There is a tendency to be attracted to a
person who comes from a different culture or country - perhaps
this is because of a need to widen your emotional horizons.
There is a tendency to marry upwards in society. The most
important value for you in a relationship is intellectual or cultural
stimulation. You need to be able to respect your partner for his
or her intelligence. A woman with this aspect has a great need
for attention and appreciation, and particularly values the
mental stimulation the partner can give. A man with this aspect
has a great appetite for the opposite sex, and whilst intelligence
is important, there is often a taste for exotic or good-looking
women. Faithfulness may not be a strong point, though sooner
or later there will be a tendency to tighten up moral values
regarding love.
LOVE - VALUES: Fortune
The issue of love or romance plays a dominant role in your life.
Early intimacy with a sister, or a strong awareness of your
parent's love relationship may be the foundation on which you
build romantic expectations. Perhaps your mother was the
romantic type, widely travelled or with pronounced cultural or
artistic interests. f so, she may have expressed exaggerated
views connected with love and relationships, inspiring in you a
longing to indulge a cornucopia of romantic desires.
Whatever these early influences were, you may find later
relationship experiences not quite living up to your inflated
expectations. t is important to be realistic, as romance and
glamour last only a short time. ntellectual growth and mutual
stimulation through shared interests or travel can however bring
lasting pleasures. You can bring tremendous warmth and
passion to a relationship, and you are probably a very giving
person - but it would be wise to remember that your partner
probably does not have this same capacity to express love.
Spiritual or religious values may play an important role later in
your life.
Venus Conjunction Saturn
This aspect is of medium strength and its influence will often be
felt, though not acutely.
Two energies are unified into one in this planetary aspect, and
you will express this energy in a very personal way, for good or
ill depending on other factors in your chart.
You have a strong sense of responsibility regarding your
professional relationships, and you value trust and stability
most of all. You can therefore function well in long-term
business partnerships, and you are especially good at relating
to the public in a friendly, though formal manner. You have a
pleasing diplomatic nature and a fine sense of protocol. Job
security and a strong economy are important to you, and other
things being equal you are very careful with money. This may
give talents connected with the financial world, banking,
investment etc. Women with this aspect can be especially
ambitious and willing to endure considerable hardship to get on
in a career. n general there is more emphasis on the
professional life than on the personal. As time goes by you
grow to learn exactly what you are worth, and expect to get paid
for it.
t is unlikely that you will be completely fulfilled in your love
relationships during the first 30 years of your life. You may have
a rather low sense of self-worth and a correspondingly low
threshold of expectation as far as romance is concerned. You
prefer to play it safe, having burned your fingers in your young
days. You may be attracted to an older partner, who can
provide structure and security in a relationship, although
security of this kind can prove restrictive in the long run.
ntimacy does not come easily to you because of a strong fear
of rejection. You maintain a cool facade as a protective
measure, though this only makes your world a little colder. As
you get older you learn that it pays to be a little more
vulnerable, it pays to take a risk with your emotions. First you
need to build up a strong sense of personal self-worth. Then by
showing your own feelings without demanding exaggerated
demonstrations of love in return, you can create a safe space
for the mutual exchange of love.
LOVE - VALUES: Formality
Early in your life you experienced love as conditional on your
behaviour. Love was measured out to you on a basis of
whether you deserved it or not - thus you now often feel
undeserving. Perhaps you felt that there was little love between
your parents, perhaps you had an older sister who made life
difficult, and very probably around the age of 15 you may have
had an unhappy love affair which ended painfully. As a result
you became very cautious about expressing your feelings. You
may choose a relationship with someone you can be sure of,
but do not love, to avoid being hurt again. Or you may miss
romantic opportunities because you wait too long not daring to
show your feelings.
When you do fall in love you become initially very open and
vulnerable and extremely hungry for demonstrations of
affection. mmature romantic demands can lead to rejection
because no individual can satisfy your deep hunger for love.
However if you feel rejected you react by becoming cold and
remote, thus creating even more distance between you and
your loved one. Men with this pattern have difficulty showing
their feelings, though they may be quite effective at making
formal romantic gestures. This emotional restraint evokes the
feeling in the female partner that she is not loved, and as time
goes by she will feel unattractive and wilt like a plant without
water. Women with this aspect have difficulty believing that
they are attractive, no matter how good-looking they may be.
Fear of rejection prevents them from giving a spontaneous
display of emotion.
These relationship difficulties can be solved by patient work
over a period of time. By lowering expectations, by giving
instead of demanding, by resolutely refusing to blame the
partner for personal unhappiness, by commitment and loyalty,
you can develop a relationship which ultimately becomes warm
and fruitful, especially in the latter part of life.
Venus Conjunction Neptune
t may be difficult for you to discern the influence of this
combination of planetary energies; it is weak and may be
outweighed by stronger influences.
This conjunction shows a fusion of energies in you. Both the
positive and negative sides of this aspect will be an integral
part of your character.
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You have an extraordinarily refined aesthetic sense.
Disharmony evokes an almost physical unease in you, so you
are strongly motivated to recreate balance in your inner and
outer world. Professionally this can manifest in a career where
matters of taste are important, or diplomatic talents necessary.
You are especially suited to public relations matters, but your
genuine compassion for other people may incline you to work
helping others in some way. Although you may be strongly
inspired by items of physical beauty, you will rarely be satisfied
by material well-being alone. You have musical and artistic
You are willing to make sacrifices for love, and as an incurable
romantic you are skilled at creating circumstances for personal
disappointment, either through poor judgement regarding
potential partners, or unrealistic expectations. You are looking
for more than a worldly love - you need to feel as if your soul is
touched by your partner, you need to feel a spiritual bond. To
be happy in this area of your life you must understand and
accept so-called imperfections in others. The perfect partner
does not exist and you will never find him or her. t is important
to choose an equal - not someone you idealise or want to save
and it is important that the chosen one shares ideals and
dreams which transcend conventional relationship needs.
Unhappiness and dissatisfaction in love is actually the result of
unconscious impressions from your distant past, and these
feelings actually have a spiritual purpose now.
LOVE - VALUES: Acceptance
You have the capacity to develop a deep spirituality and
compassion of an almost religious nature. Worldly relationships
will never fulfil all your needs, though spiritual or creative
practice might. You tend to start love relationships with
tremendous dreams and ideals, yet after a few months you will
often feel let down by the partner. Actually the partner - not
wishing to disappoint you -tries to live up to your ideals in the
first stage of the relationship, but reverts in time to his or her
true nature. Men with this influence will often give the female
partner the impression that she is imperfect in some way and
this can lead to her losing self-confidence and ultimately
become very unhappy. Both sexes tend to imagine that the
ideal relationship is just around the corner, or idealise an old
relationship which never became actualised....all the better to
dream about.
f you examine your past carefully you will find that this pattern
of unrealistic expectations arises from childhood experiences.
One of the parents - most probably the mother (and possibly a
sister) - will have expressed a deep dissatisfaction and longing
for another kind of relationship than the one she had. This may
well have been expressed non-verbally. The unconscious
message to you was that the ideal relationship exists but is
unattainable. Thus you are on the alert for flaws in your chosen
partner - and miraculously they arise. This is a complex
projection based on an unconscious disappointment
programme. As awareness dawns about this, you learn to
resolutely avoid false expectations, and see both your own
weaknesses and those of others in a compassionate light.
Mars In Libra
PROFESSONAL - DRVES: Manifest your judgement.
You have a strong sense of justice and are strongly motivated
to create balance in your working environment. Your greatest
asset is your aesthetic sense, and this can manifest in
employment where matters of taste are important - for example
fashion, decoration and other areas where a good judgement is
required. Your manners are most probably rather refined.
There can be an element of indecisiveness as far as decision-
making is concerned. First of all you are not comfortable
offending others, and secondly you have a true ability to see
both sides of an issue. By coming down on one side or another
imbalance is created, and this brings a sense of discomfort. So
you will tend to make compromises and generally get by on
your charm. This can be a disadvantage in situations where a
firm stance is required. People feel nervous when they don't
know what position you take - this can give an untrustworthy
impression. t can be an advantage for you to jump sometimes,
instead of staying on the fence.
PERSONAL - DRVES: Manifest your judgement.
Other things being equal, you will have a gentle manner and
controlled temperament, except in situations where you feel an
injustice is being done. n these circumstances you fight hard to
get a fair hearing for yourself and others. You have a natural
flair for handling public relations, and this can certainly give you
success when dealing with the opposite sex. Men with this
position of Mars have a tendency to flirt, and may take
advantage of women through being manipulative. Women are
attracted to men with good taste, poise and style, though there
is a tendency to be deceived by appearances and smooth talk.
Conflicts in relationships can arise over unfaithfulness or
differences in opinions as regards taste and judgement.
Though you are strongly motivated to enjoy partnership,
contention often arises in one area or another. You are on the
one hand reluctant to get into conflict, yet on the other quite
sharp in your judgement of others.
Mars In 9th House
PROFESSONAL - DRVE: ntellectual pioneer
Your opinions and convictions are an important part of your
professional life. You have a strong desire to increase you
knowledge and understanding , but you function better when
you are self-taught. Too many intellectual conflicts arise when
other people try to foist their opinions on you. You are
extremely powerful - perhaps too dominating - in putting
forward your point of view. Nevertheless you can have success
as a teacher or working in some field which necessitates
persuasion or the spreading of information and ideas. You are
very dynamic in your outreaching to others and may travel a
considerable amount in connection with your work.
PERSONAL - DRVE: ntellectual pioneer
You are a fearless searcher for truth and understanding, and
this search may well bring you to foreign lands. You are an
explorer type, constantly striving to increase your horizons and
develop your interests. Women with this position of Mars are
often attracted to men from a different culture or country, men
may discover partnership abroad. You have strong opinions
and these probably arose because you had to hold your own
against an intellectually dominating brother, father or perhaps
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teacher in your early days. As a result you tend to be too
aggressive when defending your own convictions. Your spiritual
development may be profoundly affected by a mentor of some
kind, though you have little inclination to subjugate yourself to
the principles or convictions of anybody else. You may see your
God as wrathful or severe, but you are inspired to rise to meet
spiritual challenges in your journey to find truth.
Mars Semisquare Sun
Please read page 5: "Sun Semisquare Mars"
Mars Semisquare PIuto
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope; every
action you take will be coloured by this energy.
The influence of this planetary connection is subtle and
unconscious. You can however expect quite acute periodic
crises when the negative effects of the aspect manifest
PROFESSONAL - DRVE: Cutting through decay
This influence has a major effect on your career. n your life you
are confronted with the issue of power - and powerlessness.
You may not be aware of how forceful you are, and therefore
you often encounter confrontations and get involved in power
battles. Your strength in this area equips you to deal with crisis
situations which other people would rather avoid. Thus you can
get involved politically or socially, perhaps in trade union
activity or in the corridors of power. Although you have a lot of
abilities in this respect you may not find great satisfaction in
these areas. You have a good deal of psychological talent, and
may find fulfilment in helping people in crisis, or people who
have adjustment problems. You may have psychic or healing
You work hard and very intensely, often into the late hours, and
actually you may have difficulty knowing when to stop. t is
important to identify this obsessive quality, otherwise you can
drive yourself to collapse. By structuring your working hours,
you can avoid exhaustion. Life would be easier for you if you
were more relaxed. You are very sensitive to what you consider
the misuse of power - this is connected with humiliating
situations connected with will and power in childhood. Later in
life you run into similar situations, especially with authoritarian
or dominating - even tyrannical - men, and you tend to
overreact. This leads to battles of the will which are quite
exhausting - even more for others than yourself. These
situations are best defused by seeing them in a different light.
By clearly showing others the limits you are prepared to accept,
and by sticking to them diplomatically, you can win respect and
avoid power games. Remember, if your motives are straight,
you will attract people who will be straight with you. t is
important for you to think positively about others. You are a
powerful ally and a dangerous enemy.
PERSONAL - DRVE: Cutting through decay
You have experienced a number of deep traumas in your
childhood through events which may be secret or repressed.
This can be linked to the influence of men - particular your
father or a brother. Often a stepfather or half-brother plays an
important role. Sometimes a sexual theme is involved. You may
also have been deeply affected by someone who had a deep
psychological problem. n some way your will was totally
overridden at some point in your childhood, and you are
profoundly affected by the humiliation this incurred. t is also
possible that you experienced your father - who was
dominating, but weak - being humiliated in some way.
Later on, intimate relationships are characterised by great
intensity and power games. There is a need for a strong partner
who can stand up and fight his or her own battles. Women with
this aspect are profoundly attracted to magnetic and powerful
men. Such a relationship develops predictably: where the man
initially starts as the dominating figure, the woman begins to
discover weaknesses as time goes by, and in doing so loses
respect. When the relationship ends, the roles have been
reversed and the man often ends up in a humiliating position.
Men put too much focus on sexuality and the need to
demonstrate masculinity. Jealousy and control can be
dominating, though concealed, factors in love. The relationship
tends to be marred by criticism of weaknesses and bitter
discussions over influence. Often therapy can solve difficulties
connected with the complex psychological projections involved
in this kind of relationship. As time goes by you will discover the
benefits of your enormous energy resources and latent power.
As a result you stop struggling against imagined power misuse,
and simply no longer feel threatened. Deep satisfaction comes
from discovering psychological and psychic talents.
SEX & POWER - DRVE: Cutting through decay
Sexual relationships are an important battlefield for you. The
man with this aspect will often demand sex several times a day
or alternatively cultivate an incredible sexual control - and
strangely enough this is more because of a need to prove
something to himself, than because of true desire. There is a
kind of mechanical perfection with the sex act, and a deep
obsession with sexual desire and taboos. The man's partner
will naturally enough find these demands exhausting, and feel
that tenderness is lacking.
For a woman, the fear of being powerless makes it extremely
difficult for her to surrender to the pleasures of sex. This can
lead her to take the initiative in sexual matters, yet
paradoxically there will be a secret desire to be rendered totally
helpless by a masterful lover.
There is a deep need to have a spiritually transforming sexual
relationship. This may be possible through some kind of tantric
sexual practice, but ultimately happiness in this area is based
on a restraint which allows sexual energy to build up over a
period of time, and the ability to enjoy passively and surrender.
Jupiter In Gemini Retrograde
At birth this planet appeared to be moving backwards relative to
the Earth. You will learn special lessons in connection with
attachments to people and things from the distant past, and a
turning point will arise, at some point in your life, in the matters
PROFESSONAL - WSDOM: Positive thoughts - positive
You were born in a year in which there was renewal and
expansion in the world of education, travel and communication.
As such you can be an agent for these changes - and this will
manifest in your nature as an insatiable desire to acquire
knowledge and create contact with people. nterest in
languages, schooling and all forms of mental activities can be a
major part of your professional life. There may be talent for
writing or working in the media, and you have the ability to
maintain your perspective when working with a mass of
information. By harnessing the power of your thoughts, you can
shape your future the way you want it. Defining how you want it
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may be more difficult, and this requires mental discipline and
planning which is something you have to consciously train, as it
may not come naturally.
PERSONAL - WSDOM: Collective ideas
Because you have a wide spread of interests you may lack the
capacity to concentrate on one subject for any length of time.
You get easily distracted and seem to want to occupy your
mind all the time and have an opinion about everything.
Perhaps you need to discriminate between what is useful to
know, and what isn't. Your talents lie more in understanding the
actual workings of the mind, and you can contribute to personal
success by learning and applying mental techniques. When
you harness this influence positively you can be a veritable
encyclopaedia of information. What is more, you may have a
particular talent for humour, and can be at your best when
exchanging pleasantries socially.
Jupiter In 6th House
PROFESSONAL - WSDOM: Daily significance
You have good judgement and executive ability, and have the
ability to create a well-functioning working environment. This is
probably because you spread an atmosphere of tolerance and
optimism about the future around you. Colleagues will
appreciate your buoyant disposition and considerable insight at
work, and you will be well-loved in a managerial position. Your
ability to grasp the main issues suits you for a position in
middle-management in which you delegate work. You can
function independently but it is also important for you to feel
that you are of service to, or in, a larger enterprise. Career
developments will often take a fortunate turn and may bring
travel or an international environment. You may have a talent
for working with judicial matters - your superior judgement
should at least be put to good use in one form or another.
PERSONAL - WSDOM: Daily significance
Other things being equal, you are a kind and helpful person,
and you know how to get the best out of everyday life in a
relationship. You are efficient when working but at the same
time you know how to create time to relax and enjoy life. Where
other people often get weighed down by daily tasks, you find
enjoyment in them and even gain insight into larger issues
through daily rituals. You are magnanimous in offering help and
caring when you encounter people in need. You may have a
special talent for health matters, and you are specifically good
at harnessing the power of positive thinking to benefit the mind
and body.
Jupiter Quincunx Sun
Please read page 6: "Sun Quincunx Jupiter"
Jupiter SextiIe Moon
Please read page 8: "Moon Sextile Jupiter"
Jupiter Sesquisquare Venus
Please read page 14: "Venus Sesquisquare Jupiter"
Jupiter Trine Saturn
t may be difficult for you to discern the influence of this
combination of planetary energies as it is not a strong
configuration in your chart.
Please bear in mind that the contact between these planets is
harmonious, which means that you will rarely be troubled by
their negative influences. They represent a resource you can
draw from.
PROFESSONAL - WSDOM: Cultural values
You have the capacity to attain a meaningful and powerful
position in society. Having the ability to sense the right time,
and be in the right place, you know how to take advantage of
professional trends to create expansive conditions for
professional growth. f all goes well you can consolidate your
position after a period of expansion, and from this new
foundation go on to create further growth. The main issue as
regard success is the ability to have faith in the future and act
on it. Periodically you may be overwhelmed by pessimism and
lack of confidence. At these times the future can seem dark
indeed. At other times you can be overoptimistic as regards
future possibilities, and fail through lack of judgement or
preparation. Courses which train your ability to plan, combined
with training positive thinking, will greatly benefit you. You can
work in central positions in organisations because you inspire
the feeling of stability and trust. You may have a talent for
planning, consultancy and organisation - and you have the
capacity to create structures in society which bring lasting
PERSONAL - WSDOM: Cultural values
When this influence manifests positively you can create an
environment around you full of confidence and certainty about
the future. n difficult circumstances however, you can feel
great despair as regards what the future will bring for you. This
is especially strong in respect to your need to fulfil the
expectations of society and those closest to you. Your moods
tend to swing from optimism to pessimism. You are especially
concerned as to whether you have the necessary training or
experience to realise your ambitions. Obviously you will benefit
from training courses to increase your skills, but you still have
to struggle with nagging doubts regarding your competence
and intelligence. t is precisely this insecurity which leads to
great personal development as you constantly strive to gain
insight and understanding. You can have rather dominating
opinions, and it is worth asking yourself whether they truly are
your own opinions. You often allow your views to be swayed by
parental convictions or current opinion. However you tend to
mature like a good wine in this area, and your own ideas may
end up having a major influence on your environment.
COLLECTVE - WSDOM: Cultural values
Saturn and Jupiter are the giants of the solar system, each with
their own systems of moons. As Saturn's orbit of the Sun takes
nearly 30 years, and Jupiter's 12 years, they meet precisely
every 20 years. This cycle is reflected by vast structural
readjustments in society, inaugurating new periods of hope and
growth. Every fifth American president is elected under this
influence, the last two being Ronald Reagan, and John F.
The principle idea of this planetary aspect-cycle is initiating and
building on new ideas and concepts about the future. As this
influence can last up to a year, everyone born in this period will
play a role in realising a future vision of structural growth in
society, and some individuals will personalise the influence to
become pillars of this new society. deas about banking and
finance, building and construction, teaching and education,
foreign and domestic policy, the rule of the law etc., will all be
formulated, developed, run into trouble or bear fruit, during the
different aspect phases. As Jupiter represents a new vision of
the future, as well as justice and the law, whilst Saturn
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represents the executive, tradition and the structure of society,
the interaction of these planets brings upheaval and adjustment
on every level, as the past collides with the future.
Jupiter Trine Neptune
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope, and will
be a major feature of your character.
Please remember when reading this section, that the
harmonious nature of this contact means that you can use the
energies creatively, for the most part without negative effects.
PROFESSONAL - WSDOM: Expansive dreams
As these planets are relatively slow-moving their influence is
felt most on a collective level. nsofar as you channel their
influence in your profession you will wish to work on the
collective effect of knowledge, the intellect and social influence.
There may be a talent for marketing or advertising or selling a
dream or vision. There can also be a drive to evangelise on a
social, religious or political level. You can be strongly motivated
by altruistic ideals and identify with some kind of vision or
dream that transcends your own dreams. On a more down to
earth level there can be a talents for dealing with oil and related
products - particularly plastics. There may also be an interest in
oceans, the film industry and anything which enchants on a
collective level. You can be hopelessly overoptimistic - heed
realistic advice!
PERSONAL - WSDOM: Expansive dreams
This influence shows that you can be moved by dreams and
visions. There will be some aspect of your life in which you are
touched by something magic that completely transcends your
everyday life. This can bring great happiness, if you choose to
cultivate your intellectual drive towards greater spiritual
understanding through creative, artistic or meditative interests.
At the same time there may be a total lack of grounding, or a
tendency to be completely absorbed by unrealistic ideas. There
are dreamers of dreams who achieve nothing, and weavers of
dreams, who can bring visions down to earth. Ultimately people
will be disappointed in you, if you are the former. You have the
capacity to make faith and hope guiding lights for your actions.
COLLECTVE - WSDOM: Expansive dreams
As Jupiter takes 12 years to go around the Sun and Neptune
165 years, the two planets meet in a conjunction cycle every 13
years. t is a time of spiritual progress. At this time humanity is
gripped by great hopes concerned with an ideal future of some
sort. People work to achieve Utopia - and though as a rule
disillusion comes, there will be a period when people are joined
in unselfish love for a shared ideal. This is a time when the
bubble expands, when optimism exceeds all bounds, when the
balloon rises to the greatest heights. Before everything comes
down to earth again the human soul is enriched and touched by
the divine. ntangible things become tangible in a magical way -
there can be a special emphasis on music, art and the media.
Jupiter SextiIe PIuto
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope; it will
dominate many areas of your life.
When reading the following description, please bear in mind
that you are a fast learner and overcome any difficulties
involved very quickly. You can expect to use this aspect
constructively and harmoniously.
PROFESSONAL - WSDOM: Transformation of beliefs
This influence is often felt more collectively than personally.
This is a combination that shows power in one form or another:
big money, the power of ideology, the law. You will have very
strong convictions and a intense sense of justice, and as such
will often find yourself getting involved in issues connected with
beliefs, righteousness, power and the misuse of power -
especially as far as large organisations are concerned.
Success comes when you encourage tolerance in yourself, and
flexibility concerning your views, thereby overcome a tendency
to be unreceptive to the opinions of others. Systems of positive
thinking can transform your life.
PERSONAL - WSDOM: Transformation of beliefs
Your beliefs will undergo a profound transformation during the
course of your life. t is important for you to bear this in mind, as
you often defend your convictions with an compulsive
persuasiveness which can be dominating in personal
relationships. You may be aware of an obsessive need to be
right, or a consuming hunger to acquire insight, and this can be
rather exhausting for those closely involved with you. By
resisting the temptation to impose your beliefs on your partner,
and by being open and curious about other people's opinions,
you can attain harmony. You will certainly develop considerable
psychological insight in your life, and this may benefit you both
privately and professionally.
COLLECTVE - WSDOM: Transformation of beliefs
Jupiter orbits the Sun every 12 years, whilst Pluto takes 246
years. Consequently Jupiter catches up with Pluto
approximately every 13th year and. After 6 years, Jupiter is in
opposition to Pluto, and every 3 years Jupiter is square Pluto.
This planetary cycle is reflected in events which affect the world
on a global scale. But if you have an aspect between these two
planets in your birth horoscope, your personal efforts can be
very significant in carrying out collective transformations. You
will often experience major change at the conjunction, square
and opposition - at these times you will discover what your
destiny is in relation to this planetary cycle and society.
This 13 year cycle show the ebb and flow of ideological and
financial power. Mass changes of consciousness occur at the
start of each new cycle inaugurating new collective beliefs.
There will often be enormous ideological power battles in
society. Jupiter/Pluto shows the disproportionate power exerted
by small secret groups, for good or ill.
Jupiter Trine MC
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope; every
action you take will be coloured by this energy.
Please bear in mind that the contact between these planets is
harmonious, which means that you will rarely be troubled by
their negative influences. They represent a resource you can
draw from.
Your foresight and understanding are important assets in your
career. You can work in an advisory capacity, and may function
well in areas concerned with publishing, travel, law or
international affairs. Superiors tend to support you and ensure
your promotion. Your chief weakness is a tendency to
overestimate your own importance, and to foist your own views
on colleagues. You need meaningful goals, and when you
follow them you are destined for success.
PERSONAL - GOALS: Counsellor
Fortune smiles on you in family and professional matters. Your
upbringing was probably quite enlightened, and many of the
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strong views and convictions you have stem from the example
of your parents early in life. You want to achieve a position of
importance in your community. You appreciate space around
you in your home environment. You may have a tendency to be
showy, and when it comes to property, this can be expensive.
Saturn In Scorpio
Please read page 4: "Saturn n Scorpio"
Saturn In 10th House
Please read page 4: "Saturn n 10th House"
Saturn Opposition Moon
Please read page 9: "Moon Opposition Saturn"
Saturn Conjunction Venus
Please read page 14: "Venus Conjunction Saturn"
Saturn Trine Jupiter
Please read page 17: "Jupiter Trine Saturn"
Saturn Conjunction Neptune
Though not especially strong, you will be able to feel the
influence of this aspect under many circumstances.
This connection between two planets shows a fusion of two
principles for good or ill. You integrate quite different energies
and express them as one process. This manifests as a strong
personal character trait.
PROFESSONAL - SELF-RELANCE: Dissolution of structure
These two slow-moving planets form rare aspects as part of a
36-year conjunction cycle. nsofar as you express this influence
in your professional life, you will be concerned with making
dreams real, and bringing visions down to earth. This may be
expressed politically, through concerned social work, or
perhaps your career will be touched by some other form of
contact with the pressing social issues that this aspect
symbolises. This can mean dealing with suffering in one form or
another, for example loneliness or poverty, old age, alcoholism
etc. As regards your own ambitions, you will often feel that you
are driven by a deep sense of professional dissatisfaction, and
even the goals you attain may seem empty once they are
achieved. True meaning is found in some form of service in
which you sacrifice personal ambition for a universal cause.
PERSONAL - SELF-RELANCE: Dissolution of structure
Though this aspect is felt mostly on a collective level, there will
be times in your life when you are struck by a deep sense of
sadness or tragedy. n some peripheral area of your existence
you will encounter deep suffering which will make a lasting
impression on your attitude to life - particularly as regards the
drive for personal achievement. This kind of experience may
tend to make you escapist in one form or another, or you may
feel a strong drive to find personal meaning through work,
service and sacrifice. During the course of your life you learn to
find hope, when things seem most hopeless. You are very
aware that personal status and material achievement give no
lasting answers to human dissatisfaction; it is the inner, spiritual
qualities in existence which count. f you have personal planets
contacting this aspect, you will feel the influence very strongly.
COLLECTVE - SELF-RELANCE: Dissolution of structure
As Saturn takes a little under 30 years to go around the Sun,
and Neptune 165 years, they meet every 36 years. This
conjunction cycle is experienced powerfully on a political level
as the dissolution of government structures which have outlived
their usefulness. This cycle is strongly related to socialism, and
the last 3 conjunctions - in 1917, 1953, and 1989 - have seen
major changes in Russia for example. f there are serious
leaks, the ship of state sinks under this aspect. t evokes in the
collective spirit the need to take concrete action to improve the
situation of the underprivileged, thus much work will be done on
hospitals and the social services at this time. The same
combination also has to do with imprisonment, suffering and
Uranus In Cancer Retrograde
This planet is retrograde, and in the areas concerned you have
a tendency to go against the grain, harvesting experiences of
an intensely personal nature and drawing your own special
COLLECTVE - ORGNALTY: Universal family
Uranus takes 84 years to orbit the Sun and is in this sign for 7
years, representing a collective influence on a whole
generation. t shows how you are most influenced by
revolutionary attitudes in society. When the Ascendant is in
Aquarius this influence will be expressed in a more personal
Uranus went through this sign from 1949 to 1956, and will do
so again from 2033 to 2040. Politically this brings new concepts
of patriotism, with isolationist tendencies on the one hand, and
new political alliances and loyalties on the other. On the social
front there are great changes in the public view about the family
unit and challenges to the traditional idea of family as a stable
f this influence happens to be personalised in your horoscope,
you will have experienced dramatic and unpredictable
developments in your own upbringing, which will affect your
attitude to social and family bonds later in life. You may
manifest your uniqueness through some unusual event or
personal style in connection with your own family - in particular
a tendency for communal living. You may also have the ability
to take in your stride radical change in the family or sudden
moves of home.
Uranus In 7th House
You have the ability to change other people through daily
contact with them. You may have many abrupt meetings with
people during your work and actually you like the distraction of
seeing new faces during the course of the day. You have a
talent for dealing with people who are outsiders in society,
whether because of social inequality or because they come
from another culture or land. You are at your most inspired
when you can shock people into action or raise their
consciousness in some way. As you rather dislike being limited
by conventional relationships, you function best in an
independent position in which you can choose who you want to
be with and who you don't. Business partnerships can end
suddenly and unpredictably because your criteria for co-
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operating with others are centred around interest and novelty
rather than stability.
PERSONAL - ORGNALTY: Unconventional relationships
You have a need for relationships which run contrary to
conventional expectations. Partners can be much older or
much younger, from another land or culture, have an
extraordinary position in society, or simply be socially
provocative in one way or another. This is because you sense
that being with someone totally different is very stimulating for
your awareness. f you make the mistake of a conventional
marriage early in life, the likelihood of divorce is strong. As you
tend to break accepted conventions in relationships, the
stability of your relationship is not protected by the usual strict
taboos of marriage. ndeed you may prefer an informal to a
formal relationship, even living apart or in separate places.
Periodic separations actually suit your style, so if the partner
travels a lot or is away for some other reason, this need not
have a negative influence.
Uranus Trine Sun
Please read page 7: "Sun Trine Uranus"
Uranus Square Moon
Please read page 9: "Moon Square Uranus"
Uranus Trine Mercury
Please read page 12: "Mercury Trine Uranus"
Uranus Square Neptune
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope; every
action you take will be coloured by this energy.
As there is tension between these two planetary influences in
your chart, it will be very difficult for you to achieve the
promised beneficial results before the age of 30.
PROFESSONAL - ORGNALTY: Spiritual revolution
This long-lasting aspect will be shared by everyone born in any
particular 4-year period, but if you express its influence in your
career you will be able to channel a talent for working with the
electronic media on one level, or personal consciousness on
another. There is an electric idealism with this aspect and very
little grounding. Some people may be able to tune into latent
telepathic and clairvoyant powers, and use them in their job.
Contact with international companies which have strong cross-
border communications brings good fortune. Work with
advanced technology, especially connected with instantaneous
communication is another possibility. There is an inbuilt tension
between the principles of freedom and service which can be
expressed in irrational political and social convictions.
PERSONAL - ORGNALTY: Spiritual revolution
This aspect has an influence on a particular generation, but you
may personally feel and express its power through an interest
in aspects of human consciousness which are on a very subtle
level. This can relate to the power of dreams, clairvoyance etc.
in fact the whole spectrum of the New Age movement. f
personal planets also aspect these distant planetary giants, you
will feel a deep longing to transcend yourself through some
kind of spiritual interest. Drastic changes will occur in the
pursuit of your dream, and you may be willing to abandon the
secure structures you have built up to follow your ideals.
Needless to say you will often be disappointed, but the whole
process enhances your awareness and spiritual
consciousness. You can be deluded by the allure of
charismatic personalities - take care.
COLLECTVE - ORGNALTY: Spiritual revolution
These two planets conjoin once every 172 years, so aspects
between them are rather rare. There was a trine during World
War , and a square in the mid-fifties. Most recently they were
in conjunction in 1993 for the first time since 1821. As Neptune
was only discovered in 1846 this last conjunction is the first to
take place with the knowledge - and after Voyager 2's flypast -
participation of humanity. This aspect brings deep-seated
change to the consciousness of humanity. On one level the
advanced technology of the period transcends border and race
to join all nations together. Global communication warps and
undermines accepted notions of time and space. Revolutionary
change comes to governments as they integrate the very
disparate need to be individual and independent with the need
to belong to a greater whole. This signals a growth period for
electromagnetic energy and the media, as well as all forms of
electronic communication. On an inner level there is a spiritual
revolution, with the flowering of esoteric interests.
Uranus Opposition N. Node,
Uranus Conjunction S. Node
This aspect is of medium strength and its influence will often be
felt, though not acutely.
This aspect shows a strong polarisation in your chart, and
difficulty in integrating the principles described. There may be
travel and separation in connection with the principles
described below.
PROFESSONAL - DESTNY: The lightning rod
Exciting things happen around you, wherever you are, and you
are destined to galvanise into action the groups and
organisations you are involved with. You are a force for renewal
in those situations that have ground to a halt, and you can
channel a message of inspiration or revolution. On the other
hand, you tend to light the bomb and walk away, often being
seduced by the idea of change for its own sake, and rarely
having the ability to handle the consequences. There may be
an element of extremism in your nature, and an attraction to
extremist groups, or to people on the fringes of society.
PERSONAL - DESTNY: The lightning rod
You are possessed of a magnetic aura which can be very
inspiring for the people who meet you. Nevertheless you are
also an upsetting influence, so that although people may look
to you for inspiration, they may feel a certain discomfort in the
long run. ndeed it is your fate to be something of a provocateur
you do not believe in people getting too comfortable. You are a
force for change, and may have a particular ability for New Age
interests, dealing with subtle energies etc. Dramatic
consciousness change at intervals in your life can sweep the
ground from beneath your feet and carry you off with your head
in the clouds.
Uranus Square MC
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope; it will
dominate many areas of your life.
n your chart there is disharmony between these two planetary
influences, and this will be reflected by many struggles both
within your mind, and out in the world.
PROFESSONAL - GOALS: Radical goals
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Strange and sudden changes of direction can sweep you from
one career to another, until you gravitate towards a job which
satisfies your need for excitement and unconventionality. You
have a talent for consciousness-raising matters, but there may
also be technical interests, or a fascination with exotic lands or
cultures. Your relationship to authorities can be rather strained,
as you hate being categorised or ordered about. Your
independence is very dear to you.
PERSONAL - GOALS: Radical goals
Unusual circumstances connected with your parents or your
childhood have stimulated an interest in an unorthodox career
or family life-style. You may be attracted to a form of communal
existence, or you may choose to settle in an unusual
environment. The urge for excitement descends on you
unexpectedly at intervals in your life, and at these times you
can enact radical career or domestic changes.
Neptune In Libra
Neptune takes 165 years to orbit the Sun, and approximately
14 years to go through one sign. ts influence affects a whole
generation, and is associated with a new sensory and spiritual
awareness, and greater compassion, in connection with the
sign it is in. For most people this influence is experienced on a
collective level, but those who have their Ascendant in Pisces
will express it in a personal way in their lives.
Neptune was in Libra from 1778 to 1793, and again from 1942
to 1955. There was an especial concern with justice and equal
rights in these periods, with a strong idealism concerning
equality before the law, and between the sexes. There was a
strong tendency to over-idealise partnership in the media,
whilst the institution of marriage was undermined in public life.
Politically there is a strong emphasis on the balance of power,
with grotesque distortion of opposing factions.
f you channel this collective influence in a personal way, you
will have many unrealistic ideals about love combined with
great hopes for happiness in relationships. You will however be
profoundly influenced by the dissolution of relationships around
you, and a need will arise to redefine the importance of
partnerships in your own life. You may however have a very
refined talent for dealing with other people, partly because you
have a compassionate nature and genuine interest in others.
You believe in being on an equal level with others.
Neptune In 10th House
Professional satisfaction can be a very elusive quality for you -
at least in the early part of your life. Whilst other people identify
strongly with their profession, for you it can be difficult to see
the meaning of working in a nine-to-five job all your life. Your
goals are Life-goals - designed to give you deep inner
fulfilment. As such you would be happiest in a creative
profession, or working helping other people, or realising
idealistic visions. There may be
some connection with the oil or chemical industry, or welfare
programmes. Strangely enough you have a tendency to
encounter a boss who is unreliable in some way, perhaps
because of a health or alcohol problem. You can easily find
yourself working in an ordinary job, while you just daydream
about what you would really like to do. However, if you used
your visualising talents in a disciplined way, you could easily
achieve your dreams. You can make decisive changes around
the age of 40 - 41 in this respect.
PERSONAL - TRANSCENDENCE: Realise your dream
You are a person with unfulfilled dreams, and satisfaction in life
probably will involve become more practical and realistic.
Eliminate undefined longings about what you can do, or who
you can be and try to define what really will give meaning in
your life. You have a tendency to attach yourself to an
impossible goal as a way of getting out of doing anything. This
is related to the early experience of a parent who felt
professionally thwarted in some way. Partners will grow tired of
you blaming those in authority for preventing you achieving
your goals. The first step towards achieving results is to
abandon blame or a tendency to martyrdom. You achieve true
satisfaction when you can work with something that gives
nourishment to the souls of others.
Neptune Opposition Moon
Please read page 10: "Moon Opposition Neptune"
Neptune Conjunction Venus
Please read page 15: "Venus Conjunction Neptune"
Neptune Trine Jupiter
Please read page 18: "Jupiter Trine Neptune"
Neptune Conjunction Saturn
Please read page 19: "Saturn Conjunction Neptune"
Neptune Square Uranus
Please read page 20: "Uranus Square Neptune"
Neptune SextiIe PIuto
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope, and will
be a major feature of your character.
The sextile aspect is favourable, and stimulates your capacity
to learn from experience. You can expect the negative effects
to be minimal.
These aspects are very rare and last a very long time. ndeed,
as Pluto moves within the orbit of Neptune in the closing years
of the 20th century, the present sextile aspect between the two
planets lasts from 1940 to 2040 - one hundred years - so
almost everyone has it! f you are able to manifest this
influence on a personal and professional level (through
powerful contacts in your own horoscope), it may be connected
with a deep spirituality and creativity. There can be talent for
dealing with the media and wide-ranging themes connected
with the masses. Material issues will be less important for you
than the realisation of a collective dream. There can be
clairvoyant powers, and abilities connected with dreams,
symbols and visualising. n industry there can be a talent for
dealing with oil, the film industry or the transforming power of
collective visions.
f you have this influence powerfully evoked by other factors in
your horoscope, you will be deeply affected by spiritual issues,
and constantly seeking to refine your consciousness. At these
times you are likely to experience great personal disorientation
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and confusion, as old dreams and visions are replaced by new,
deep psychological insights. nner growth will have major
priority in intimate relationships. During periods of your life you
will undergo deep transformations in which your fantasy and
imagination will play a powerful role. t is essential to learn to
use your imagination in a positive way by learning about the
power of the unconscious.
The Neptune/Pluto planetary cycle is connected with spiritual
evolution on Earth and whole generations share this present
harmonious aspect which - lasting as it does from 1940 - 2040 -
is connected with a deep spiritual transformation process
affecting the whole of human consciousness.
Neptune catches up with Pluto every 492 years, in what can be
considered a spiritual seeding period for our planet. New
collective ideas emerge at the start of this cycle, evoked by
sudden developments of the technology and discoveries of the
time. The major conjunctions since the birth of Christ were 411
AD, (disintegration of Roman empire), 904 AD, 1398, and 1891
2. This last conjunction in the sign of Gemini may therefore
partly relate to the revolution of transport (flight and
automobiles) and communication (radiowaves) which has such
immeasurable effects on our consciousness today.
Neptune Square N. Node,
Neptune Square S. Node
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope; it will
dominate many areas of your life.
n your chart there is disharmony between these two planetary
influences, and this will be reflected by many struggles both
within your mind, and out in the world.
PROFESSONAL - DESTNY: Living a dream
Though you tend to keep yourself on the outskirts of the
organisations and groups which constitute society, you may be
able to exert a quiet influence on the collective mood through
your deep concern or high ideals about human life. You may
have Utopian principles with completely unrealistic dreams
about human nature and social relationships, but you do have a
guiding vision for humanity. You may have the ability to channel
collective visions through the power of the media. People
project their hopes and dreams onto you.
PERSONAL - DESTNY: Living a dream
Your life is a journey in search of the unattainable. You are
guided by feelings and intuitions which go completely beyond
your personal ego, and you may feel - or long for - a sense of
connection with eternal forces in the universe. During the whole
course of your worldly existence you are reminded of the
emptiness of so-called reality. Many disappointments arise to
remind you of the futility of worldly ambition, and the field of
human relationships is pervaded by an aura of dissatisfaction.
You are in the world, but not of it.
Neptune Conjunction MC
This aspect is extremely powerful in your horoscope; every
action you take will be coloured by this energy.
This connection between two planets shows a fusion of two
principles for good or ill. You integrate quite different energies
and express them as one process. This manifests as a strong
personal character trait.
PROFESSONAL - GOALS: Empty ambition
The traditional path to success is the road to disappointment for
you. You need to feel inspired by goals which are not dissolved
by the passage of time - goals which go beyond personal
ambition. You may be motivated by creative, artistic, musical or
film interests, or social ideals. Even when attaining these goals
you long to be a part of something greater or to be associated
with some universal sense of direction.
PERSONAL - GOALS: Empty ambition
Rocky foundations during the formative phases of your
childhood can undermine your sense of direction in life. An
inexplicable sense of confusion concerning your goals prevents
you from building up a secure professional or domestic
structure for yourself or your family. You tend to indulge
unrealistic fantasies about your potential instead of getting on
with the business of living. You need to have the space and
opportunity to retire from the stresses of career and family
pressures - and creative or musical interests can provide you
with refuge.
PIuto In Leo
Pluto has an irregular orbit around the Sun which takes about
248 years. When Pluto is closest to the Sun it takes only 12
years to traverse a sign. When it is furthest away, it takes
approximately 30 years. ts influence is felt collectively on a
very deep level in society, bringing trauma, transformation and
renewal in regard to the sign it is in. ndividuals with their
Ascendant in Scorpio may express this influence in a personal
way, otherwise its effect is expressed as an underlying
influence on a whole generation.
Pluto was in Leo from 1693 to 1711, and again from 1939 to
1957. These were times of power politics with charismatic
leaders wielding dictatorial power. This was a period in which
power was concentrated in the hands of an elite, and when
hero-figures played an important formative role on the national
psyche. Entertainment became a new force to sway the
masses, and a new freedom based on increased leisure put the
emphasis on individual development and self-realisation.
f you express this influence in your personal life, you will have
a forceful character and charismatic influence on others. You
have very strong personal convictions and principles, which you
will express in an uncompromising way. Being a natural leader,
you resent being bullied by anyone in authority, though you can
be rather autocratic yourself. A series of identity crises during
the course of your life - perhaps because of events concerning
children or love-affairs - will lead to radical changes in direction
as you redefine your goals in life and you attitude to personal
PIuto In 8th House
During the course of your professional life you will either wield
great power on an economic level, or be at the mercy of those
who do. f you have power, you tend to be secretive - even a
little dictatorial. You may adhere to the doctrine of the survival
of the fittest. You may be fanatically attached to economic
principles, at times there may be great gains, at times great
losses. You are good at disposing of resources, when this is
necessary, and realising assets after economic collapse. You
may be a power broker; perhaps you will even define yourself
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professionally by some crusade against power misuse. At some
point in your life your economic foundations will collapse - but
then, you are a great survivor. Perhaps this transformation will
bring a greater interest in emotional issues and psychological
You have the capacity to experience a great personal
transformation during the course of your life when you harness
the energy which is stored within you. Deep traumas or fears
early in your life tend to absorb your energy and resources. You
may fear being at the mercy of others, and may even
generalise and project this fear on people or organisations in a
position of power. t would certainly be foolish to tilt at the
windmills of power in society. Greater satisfaction comes
through an inner psychological transformation process. ntimate
relationships tend to be marred by power battles and control.
Sexuality in particular is characterised by your inability to let go
and trust your partner by being vulnerable and powerless. You
have to go to extremes to achieve satisfaction here. An
unconscious fear of ego-death may inhibit release through
sexuality, until you learn to transform primitive erotic drives into
a demonstration of emotional giving.
PIuto Square Sun
Please read page 7: "Sun Square Pluto"
PIuto Trine Moon
Please read page 10: "Moon Trine Pluto"
PIuto Square Mercury
Please read page 13: "Mercury Square Pluto"
PIuto Semisquare Mars
Please read page 16: "Mars Semisquare Pluto"
PIuto SextiIe Jupiter
Please read page 18: "Jupiter Sextile Pluto"
PIuto SextiIe Neptune
Please read page 22: "Neptune Sextile Pluto"
PIuto SextiIe MC
Though not especially strong, you will be able to feel the
influence of this aspect under many circumstances.
When reading the following text, please bear in mind that you
will for the most part experience only the positive effects of this
aspect. You are particularly stimulated to learn and
communicate, as regards the matters concerned.
PROFESSONAL - GOALS: Back to the roots
You are possessed by a compulsive urge to attain success or
power and you invest much of your energies into your
ambitions. A radical transformation in maturity will lead to a
total redefinition of what you want to achieve - perhaps through
the realisation that you have been trying unconsciously to fulfil
the ambitions of one of your parents. You have a talent for
dealing with psychology or psychic matters, but you are also
capable of wielding personal power - though you tend to be
PERSONAL - GOALS: Back to the roots
Parental and ancestral themes have a deep effect on your
sense of direction. You may feel the need to eliminate the pull
of inherited factors on your life. An obsessive urge to
reorganise your environment can mean that you uproot your
family and seek new professional challenges. Secrets and
power misuse during your upbringing can make you suspicious
of the motives of those close to you - both professionally and
N. Node In Capricorn, S. Node In Cancer
Achieving professional success in your case involves your
overcoming dependent tendencies and a feeling of being
vulnerable. Early in your career you may choose to work in a
caring profession, or in a job which affords you security. You
expect to be provided for and looked after. As time goes by you
find that the price of dependence is a feeling of being stifled. An
inner need to manifest your executive talents arises, and this
will often involve a powerful emotional transition in which you
demonstratively take responsibility for your life. At such times
you may even wish to start out for yourself as your own boss,
and you will manifest great determination and self-discipline in
this process. New businesslike tendencies replace the
vulnerable softness which previously characterised your nature.
You are strongly attached to the bonds of the past, and your
family can play an extremely important role in maintaining
feelings of dependence in you. At some point in your life these
bonds have to be cut, so that you have the opportunity to take
responsibility for you own life. When young you are tempted to
manipulate partners by appealing to their protective nature, and
this results in your being held in a childish role. n reality there
is a grown-up in you bursting to get out, and the sooner you
manifest your maturity in this respect, the more satisfaction you
will feel. Children and family represent something of a dilemma
for you, perhaps because you instinctively sense the great
responsibilities that parenthood will bring. Raising a family is
easier when you make the transition from dependence to self-
sufficiency. You are an emotional person, yet as you get older
you learn that there is greater dignity in self-control.
N. Node In 1st House, S. Node In 7th House
PROFESSONAL - DESTNY: Regain personal initiative
Finding the balance between whether to invest your energy in
your relationships rather than personal development is a major
life-theme for you. On a professional level this theme may
express itself in the fate of important partnerships, where
overdependence, and a tendency to compromise concerning
your personal convictions, can lead to failure. Success may
well depend on you having the courage to go it alone, although
you may be well into your thirties before you learn this. You will
learn that it is no use for you to play second fiddle, because this
tends to paralyse your autonomy. You cannot let your
professional fate rest in the hands of others, and this requires
shouldering a leadership role or being independent.
PERSONAL - DESTNY: Regain personal initiative
You have a tendency to involve yourself at an early age in a
fairly long-term intimate relationship. Whilst this at first offers
you considerable security, later on the loss of personal freedom
tends to grate. You will find that the more you give, the more
World of Wisdom - Birth Analysis for BARBELO GNIGHT
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you are taken advantage of. A turning point comes - particularly
at the age of 37 - when you find you no longer can accept living
on another person's terms. Happiness comes when you direct
your attention to fulfilling truly personal needs, even at the risk
of being thought selfish. By concentrating on self-development
you achieve an inner balance which makes relationships more
successful, and you break with inherited and old-fashioned
attitudes about partnership.
N. Node SextiIe Sun, S. Node Trine Sun
Please read page 7: "Sun Sextile N. Node, Sun Trine S. Node"
N. Node Square Moon,
S. Node Square Moon
Please read page 11: "Moon Square N. Node, Moon Square S.
N. Node Opposition Uranus,
S. Node Conjunction Uranus
Please read page 20: "Uranus Opposition N. Node, Uranus
Conjunction S. Node"
N. Node Square Neptune,
S. Node Square Neptune
Please read page 22: "Neptune Square N. Node, Neptune
Square S. Node"
World of Wisdom - Birth Analysis for BARBELO GNIGHT
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Planetary Symbols and their Meanings
ARES Spontaneous activity Mars
TAURUS Consolidation, stability Venus
] GEMN Duality, communication Mercury

CANCER Receptivity, nurturing Moon

) LEO Self-realization, creativity Sun
[ VRGO Organisation, analysis Mercury
Q LBRA Balance, relating Venus
# SCORPO ntimacy, penetration Pluto/Mars
, SAGTTARUS Knowing, expanding horizons Jupiter
CAPRCORN Responsibility, striving Saturn
/ AQUARUS Humanitarian, consciousness Saturn/Uranus
) PSCES Selflessness, spirituality Jupiter/Neptune
THE SUN dentity, individuality, the father
THE MOON nstincts, the unconscious, the mother
9 MERCURY Mentality, communication, siblings, travel
? VENUS Love, romance, partnership, values, women
MARS Drives, sexuality, men, brothers, desire
= JUPTER Wisdom, vision, expansion, convictions, space
1 SATURN Challenge, concentration, restriction, time
URANUS Originality, renewal, revolution, eccentricity
NEPTUNE Transcendence, spirituality, illusion, suffering
PLUTO Transformation, humiliation & power, underworld
NORTH NODE Destiny, group involvement, future potential
SOUTH NODE Past karma, deep experience, lessons learned
1st HOUSE Self absorption, personal projection, appearance
2nd HOUSE Values, self worth, finances and assets, security
3rd HOUSE Travel, local network, siblings, communication
4th HOUSE Foundations, family, ancestors, home atmosphere
5th HOUSE Self-expression, children, identity security, play
6th HOUSE Service, working environment, health, integration
7th HOUSE Partnership, dealings with others, adversaries
8th HOUSE Others' resources, inheritance, secret powers, death
9th HOUSE Long-distance travel, beliefs, higher education, law
10th HOUSE Ambitions, authorities, goals, professional expression
11th HOUSE Social affinities, groups, friendships, political visions
12th HOUSE Withdrawal, isolation, the divine, the inner worlds
- CONJUNCTON Fusion of energy, unity, singularity
e OPPOSTON Separation, projection, split, polarity
z TRNE Harmonious resources, creativity, insight
C SQUARE Disharmony, diverging needs, conflict
SEXTLE Mental and social resources, creative harmony
QUNCUNX Servility, compulsiveness, lack of integration
z SEMSQUARE Hidden tension, selfish antisocial tendencies
u SESQUSQUARE Compulsive behaviour, power trips
SEMSEXTLE Either material or spiritual drive for integration
World of Wisdom - Birth Analysis for BARBELO GNIGHT
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This horoscope is your personal cosmic fingerprint. No other
person will have exactly the same combination of influences,
unless they were born in the same second and exactly the
same place as you were.
With 10 planets, 12 signs of the zodiac and 12 houses there
are approximately 1500 simple combinations in the horoscope,
and when you add to that the different degrees and
combinations between planets there are tens of thousands of
influences which have to be weighed and juggled in any
astrological interpretation. No computer programme can do this
World of Wisdom is designed to simplify this process. t
indicates for example the relative strengths of different
planetary influences to help the reader's judgement.
Furthermore this written report is divided up into sections on
identity, emotions, mentality, love and sexuality to eliminate
apparent contradictions which arise in the character
description. But the reader must bear in mind that
contradictions will arise. People are complex and contain many
contradictory traits. Diametrically opposed character
descriptions will either reflect inner dilemmas or outer conflicts
reflected in the behaviour of others.
Each interpretation can be divided into two main sections: the
professional and the personal. The professional section
addresses the questions: "What talents do have?" and "How
can use this ability?". The personal section is concerned with
relationships and hidden psychological causes, and addresses
the question: "How can improve myself in this area?"
This basic module of World of Wisdom also contains a dynamic
module and therefore goes beyond a static analysis of personal
character. By activating the dynamic module the unfoldment of
the horoscope through time is described. By analysing the
current trends, it is therefore possible for the reader to gain
insight into events just past, events happening at the present
moment and trends in the future.
t is our hope that the written report will give those who do not
have the time to bury themselves in the study of astrology, the
opportunity of gaining insight into both their professional and
personal life.
2 Wheel + nfo
3 Life Path
4 dentity
8 Emotions
11 Mentality
13 Values
15 Drives
16 Wisdom
19 Challenges
19 Originality
21 Transcendence
22 Transformation
23 Destiny
25 Planetary Symbols and their Meanings
World of Wisdom
Horoscope nterpreter
WOW - World of Wisdom Ltd
805 Salisbury House
31 Finsbury Circus
London EC2M 5SQ
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Registered: UNREGISTERED Page 1

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