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Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (EEE)

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati

May 2014 to FRIDAY, 30
May 2014
The different A#EAS of research of the Dept$ of EEE% IIT Guwahati as gi&en in the
announcement are 'roadly grouped into the following FIVE 'road categories(
)$ Signal Processing( Biomedical signal and image processing; Speech and handwriting
processing; Image / Video processing and computer vision; Pattern recognition and machine
learning; Multimedia security;
*$ +,SI( +,SI- MEMS; Solid State Devices; and High Perormance !omputing"
.$ /ommunication Engineering( #ireless !ommunications; Inormation $heory and
!oding; !ommunication %etwor&s; 'ptical !ommunication and %etwor&s; Photonics;
Electromagnetics; () and Microwave* 'ptoelectronics"
0$ /ontrol and Instrumentation( !ontrol Systems; Instrumentation;
1$ Power( Power Systems; Power Electronics; Electrical Machines; !ontrol o Electrical
Drives; Smart +rids and Electric Vehicles; High Voltage Engineering; !ondition Monitoring o
Power ,pparatuses"
The 2ritten Test 3 Inter&iew 3 /ounselling for selecting candidates for possi'le
admission to *4)05)1 academic session is scheduled from 2ED"ESDA6% *7
*4)0 to 8#IDA6% .4
ay *4)0$
The list o sho!tliste" #a$"i"ates %ill &e a$$o'$#e" sho!tly$ The
prospecti&e candidates are ad&ised to plan the trip to reach IIT Guwahati latest
'y T9ESDA6% *:
ay *4)0 and lea&e IIT Guwahati after 8#IDA6% .4
ay *4)0$
The accommodation for shortlisted A,E /andidates will 'e arranged in the
institute ;!6S hostel from *:
Afternoon to .)
8orenoon ay *4)0$
The accommodation for shortlisted 8EA,E /andidates will 'e arranged in the
institute GI#,S hostel from *:
Afternoon to .)
8orenoon ay *4)0$
The "etails o a##o((o"atio$ %ill &e a$$o'$#e" late!)
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (EEE)
I$"ia$ I$stit'te o Te#h$olo*y +IIT, -'%ahati
.ATTERN o .hD A"(issio$ W!itte$ Test /'estio$ .a0e!
)$ The <uestion paper will ha&e the following three parts(
)$ General aptitude (GA)( 2eightage is .4=
*$ athematics (A)( 2eightage is .4=
.$ Su'>ecti&e Specific( 2eightage is 04=
*$ All the <uestions are of multiple choice type and 3 or fill in the 'lan?s type$
.$ The ma@imum mar?s for the paper (including all three sections) is )*4 and
is di&ided in the following way(
)$ GA( .A mar?s% B <uestions% each of 0 mar?s$
*$ A( .A mar?s% B <uestions% each of 0 mar?s$
.$ Su'>ect( 07 mar?s% )* <uestions% each of 0 mar?s$
0$ GA and A are compulsory sections for all the candidates$
1) 2$e o't o FIVE &!oa" #ate*o!ies (e$tio$e" a&o3e 2N4Y to &e
a$s%e!e" o! s'&5e#t s0e#ii# se#tio$)
A$ Detailed sylla'us and model <uestions will 'e anounced shortly$
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (EEE)
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati
Syllabus for General Aptitude Part of PhD Written Exam
1. Quantitative aptitude
2. Logical reasoning
3. Reading comprehension
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (EEE)
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati
Syllabus for Engineering Mathematics Part of PhD Written Exam
Linear Algebra algebra of matrices, system of linear equations, eigenvalues and
eigenvectors, diagonalization of matrices.
!alculus functions of single variable, functions of two variables, partial derivatives, maxima
and minima, sequence and series.

!omplex Analysis analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Cauchys integral
formula, aylors and !aurent series, Residue theorem.
"ector !alculus gradient, divergence and curl, "to#es, $auss and $reens theorems.
Differential E#uations first order equations, second order linear differential equations,
partial differential equations, separation of variables method.
Probability and Statistics probability, conditional probability, %ayes theorem, random
variables, discrete and continuous distributions.
$umerical Methods !-& decomposition, $auss-'ordan and $auss-"eidel (ethods,
)ewton-Raphson method, rapezoidal rule, "impsons rule.
Reference: Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley, 10
Ed, !010
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (EEE)
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati
Syllabus for Signal Processing Part of PhD Written Exam
!lassification of Signals and Systems* "ignals, systems and signal processing+
Classification of signals+ ,roperties of systems+ -iscrete time signals and systems+ analysis of
!. systems+ .mpulse response+ Convolution.
%ransforms* -efinitions and properties of /a0 continuous and discrete time 1ourier series and
transform+ /b0 !aplace transform and its inverse+ /c0 z-transform and its inverse+ 2nalysis of
discrete time systems in the z-domain.

Sampling and &econstruction of Signals* .deal sampling and reconstruction of continuous
time signals+ -iscrete time processing of continuous time signals+ analog to digital and digital
to analog converters+ "ampling and reconstruction of continuous time bandpass signals+
"ampling of discrete time signals+ 3versampling 24- and -42 converters.
Discrete 'ourier %ransform (D'%)* 1requency domain sampling+ ,roperties of -1+ !inear
filtering methods based on -1, 1requency analysis of signals using -1+ 5fficient
computation of -1 6 1ast 1ourier transform, -ecimation in time /-.0 and -ecimation in
1requency /-.10+ 2pplication of 11 algorithms, !inear filtering approach to computation of
-1, 7uantization effects in the computation of -1.
Design of Digital 'ilters* -igital filter realization through pole-zero placements* 2ll pass
filters, )otch filters, %andpass, !owpass and 8ighpass filters+ ,aley-9iener criterion 6
conditions for realizability+ 1.R filters* !inear phase filter design by 9indowing, :ero
placements of !inear phase filters+ ..R filters from analog filters* "-to-: transformations 6
.mpulse invariance, %ilinear transformation+ 2nalog templates* %utterworth and Chebyshev
*mplementation of Discrete %ime Systems* "tructure for the relaization of discrete time
systems+ -irect, cascade and paralle relations for 1.R and ..R "ystems.
Reference: %r&a'is and Man&la'is, $igital (ignal %r&cessing: %rinci)les, Alg&rithms and
A))licati&ns, %ears&n *%E, +&,rth Editi&n, !00-
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (EEE)
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati
Syllabus for "LS* Part of PhD Written Exam
Electronic De+ices
5nergy bands in silicon, intrinsic and extrinsic silicon. Carrier transport in silicon* diffusion current,
drift current, mobility, and resistivity. $eneration and recombination of carriers. pCn ;unction diode,
:ener diode, tunnel diode, %', '15, (3" capacitor, (3"15, !5-, pC.Cn and avalanche photo
diode, %asics of !2"5Rs. -evice technology* integrated circuits fabrication process, oxidation,
diffusion, ion implantation, photolithography, nCtub, pCtub and twinCtub C(3" process.
Analog !ircuits
"mall "ignal 5quivalent circuits of diodes, %'s, (3"15s and analog C(3". "imple diode
circuits, clipping, clamping, rectifier. %iasing and bias stability of transistor and 15 amplifiers.
2mplifiers* singleCand multiCstage, differential and operational, feedbac#, and power. 1requency
response of amplifiers. "imple opCamp circuits. 1ilters. "inusoidal oscillators+ criterion for oscillation+
singleCtransistor and opCamp configurations. 1unction generators and waveCshaping circuits, <<<
imers. ,ower supplies.
Digital circuits
%oolean algebra, minimization of %oolean functions+ logic gates+ digital .C families /-!, !,
5C!, (3", C(3"0. Combinatorial circuits* arithmetic circuits, code converters, multiplexers,
decoders, ,R3(s and ,!2s. "equential circuits* latches and flipCflops, counters and shiftCregisters.
"ample and hold circuits, 2-Cs, -2Cs. "emiconductor memories. (icroprocessor/=>=<0*
architecture, programming, memory and .43 interfacing.
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (EEE)
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati
Syllabus for !ontrol and *nstrumentation Part of PhD Written Exam
!ontrol Systems
%asic control system components* bloc# diagrammatic description, reduction of bloc#
diagrams. 3pen loop and closed loop /feedbac#0 systems and stability analysis of these
systems. "ignal flow graphs and their use in determining transfer functions of systems.
ransient and steady state analysis of !. control systems and frequency response. ools and
techniques for !. control system analysis and design* Routh 8urwitz criterion, root loci,
principle of argument and )yquist stability criterion, )yquist and %ode plots. Control
system compensators* elements of lead and lag compensation, elements of ,roportional
.ntegral -erivative /,.-0 control.
"tate variable representation and solution of state equation of !. control systems.
5quivalence between frequency and time-domain representations. Canonical state-variable
models and similarity transformation. Controllability and observability. ,ole placement by
state feedbac#.
?. 3gata, (odern Control 5ngineering, ,rentice 8all .ndia, @>>A.
(. $opal, Control "ystems, B4e, ata (c$raw-8ill, @>>=.
%. C. ?uo, 2utomatic Control "ystems, =4e, 9iley, @>>@.
Static and dynamic characteristics of measurement systems% first order and
second order systems% error analysis- electromechanical indicating instruments(
ac3dc current and &oltage meters% loading effect% e@tension of instrument ranges%
measurement of power and energy- instrument transformers$ A/ D D/ 'ridges-
resisti&e% capaciti&e% inducti&e transducers% and their signal conditioning- digital
&oltmeter and multimeter% oscilloscope% fre<uency counter- analog5to5digital and
digital5to5analog con&erters$
D$ A$ ;ell% Electronic Instrumentation and easurements% .
ed$ !@ford
9ni&ersity Press% *4).$
5. 3. -eobelin, Measurement Systems Application and Design, <
ed., ata (c$raw-8ill,
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (EEE)
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati
Syllabus for !ommunication Engineering Part of PhD Written Exam
&andom signal analysis probability, random variables, probability density function,
autocorrelation, power spectral density
Analog !ommunication sytems* amplitude and angle modulation and demodulation
systems, spectral analysis of these operations, superheterodyne receivers+ signal-to-noise ratio
/")R0 calculations for amplitude modulation /2(0 and frequency modulation /1(0 for low
noise conditions.

Pulse modulation schemes* "ampling theorem and reconstruction, quantisation ,2(, ,9(,
,C( ,,(.
Digital modulation schems* amplitude, phase and frequency shift #eying schemes /2"?,
,"?, 1"?0, matched filter receivers, bandwidth consideration and probability of error
calculations for these schemes.
*nformation theory and coding* (easure of information, entropy, source coding theorem,
channel coding theorem.
Wireless communication* -(2, 1-(2 and C-(2 and $"(.
Micro.a+e Engineering* ransmission lines, 9aveguides, (icrowave )etwor#s,
(icrowave Resonators
Antennas and Propagation* (axwells equations, ,lane 9aves, ,lane 9aves Reflection,
1 ( .ay'in, /&mm,nicati&n systems 0&hn Wiley, 1
editi&n, !002
! 03 %r&a'is and M (alehi, $igital c&mm,nicati&ns 4ata Mc3raw".ill, 5
editi&n, !00-
6 $M %&zar, Micr&wave Engineering, 0&hn Wiley 7 (&ns, !005
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (EEE)
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati
Syllabus for Systems Part of PhD Written Exam
1. Electric Circuits and Networks
)odal and mesh analysis. )etwor# theorems* heveninCs, )ortonCs and "uperposition and (aximum
,ower ransfer theorems, "tarC-elta transformation. "teady state sinusoidal analysis using phasors.
!inear constant coefficient differential equations+ time domain analysis of simple R!C circuits,
"olution of networ# equations using !aplace transform* frequency domain analysis of R!C circuits.
@Cport networ# parameters* driving point and transfer functions. "tate equations for networ#s, three
phase circuits.
2. Electrical Machines
"ingle phase transformer Cequivalent circuit, phasor diagram, tests, regulation and efficiency+ three
phase transformers connections, parallel operation+ autoCtransformer+ energy conversion principles+
-C machines Ctypes, windings, generator characteristics, armature reaction and commutation, starting
and speed control of motors+ three phase induction motors principles, types, performance
characteristics, starting and speed control+ single phase induction motors+ synchronous machines C
performance, regulation and parallel operation of generators, motor starting, characteristics and
applications+ servo and stepper motors.
3. Power Systems
%asic power generation concepts+ transmission line models and performance+ cable
performance, insulation+ corona and radio interference+ distribution systems+ perunit
quantities+ bus impedance and admittance matrices+ load flow+ voltage control+ power factor
correction+ economic operation+ symmetrical components+ fault analysis+ principles of
overcurrent, differential and distance protection+ solid state relays and digital protection+
circuit brea#ers+ system stability concepts, swing curves and equal area criterion+ 8D-C
transmission and 12C" concepts.
4. Power Electronics and Drives
"emiconductor power diodes, transistors, thyristors, triacs, $3s, (3"15s and .$%s Cstatic
characteristics and principles of operation+ triggering circuits+ phase control rectifiers+ bridge
converters Cfully controlled and half controlled+ principles of choppers and inverters+ basis concepts of
ad;ustable speed dc and ac drives.


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