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DIO 1000 PA
Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

Quick Steps for
Phased Array Mode

Version 2.0 March 2011
SW Version: 2011.03.25
Version 2.0 March 2011 DIO 1000 PA Quick Steps
STARMANS electronics, Ltd. 2010 2/9

STARMANS electronics, Ltd. 2010
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1. Phased Array Mode
1.1 Switching ON Phased Array Mode
To switch ON the Phased Array Mode press the button ? and press the control key
Phased Array.

1.2 Wedge selection
To switch ON the wedge press the button PA WEDGE OFF to the position ON.

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The default wedge is set up for 36wedge.

1.3 Aperture
To find the menu Aperture press the button ? and press the button PA Mode Chan
ALL. The instrument DIO 1000 PA has 16 parallel channels. Therefore when PA
Mode Chan ALL is set up the 16 element probe works as 16 transmitters and 16

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To change the Aperture press the black part of the button PA Mode Chan ALL. The
PA Mode is changed to PA MODE Chan SEL TX-RX as you can see on the
following picture. When is selected this mode here is possible to change the Aperture
of probe.

The aperture is possible to change from 1 to 15 elements. The step is preset up to be
always 1 element. (Note: When the multiplexor for 64 or 128 elements is ready for
the instrument, than will be possible to change also the steps of the Aperture).

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1.4 ACG (Angle Corrected Gain)
The instrument has function of Angle Corrected Gain. To enable the function press
the button ? and then the button PA ACG OFF to the position ON.

When function ACG is ON (on the screen is showed PA ACG DEFAULT) in the S-
scan (sector scan) the gain is automatically corrected for each angle.

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1.5 Basic screen of PA Mode
When the PA Mode is switched ON, on the basic screen of the instrument appears
the following screen. When the wedge is also switched ON the refracted angle in the
steel is showed on the display.

1.6 S-Scan (Sector scan)
Press the S-scan to enable the sector scan.

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When the S-scan function is switched ON then is possible to change the following
functions: PA Steps; Start and Stop of the Sector scan; PA Angle and PA Focus. By
changing the PA Angle is moving the cursor with displayed Gate 1 which is used for
measuring detected defects. (Note: A-scan is displayed bellow the S-scan in the
same time.)

1.7 Material thickness
When is adjusted in the SETTING submenu material thickness then in the S-scan is
displayed this thickness as 1T and doubled material thickness as 2T.

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1.8 Other functions of instrument
Other functions of instruments are the same as for DIO 1000 SFE and can be found
in the Operational Manual for DIO 1000 SFE. For instance on the following pictures
are showed DAC and DGS curves in phased array mode.

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