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Who is proposing the topic?

Identify the topic

Proposed by a group
A group can contact game
designer to discuss the
potential of a game
Automatically suggested by cityHUB(Informational)
When overlapping issues develop
over an area, an invitation is sent out
to those actors and the game
designer to discuss the potential of a
game and identify the topic for
games to occur
Mapping relationships
Relationships provided by players
Game designers research the relationships
cityHUB can cull those whose
interests have a stake in suggested
Registered users will have
hashtags/keywords with
their account to generate
list of stakeholders
Citizens can register through Facebook
Professionals register through Linkedin
Mapped Relationships are uploaded back to INFO
Application (Template from Play the City)
Describe the Initiative
Number of events which will be described as
Approximate number of people participating Does the game allow for more players to join
List of collaborators
Market Parties
Government Agencies
Game Flow
Players add program to the
gameboard, following the
conditions mentioned in the
condition cards and trying to
complete their mission
Government Official
Creates a narrative using his condition cards.
They have to respond to the way the other
players use their moves and try to steer the
game in order to complete the game mission
Techincal Advisors Suggest the right moves to the players
Game Twitter
Tweets about the condition changes and
the way they influence the player moves
Game Master Follows the game and updates the program chart
Vote for the best projects and evaluate the
players. They are able to allow areas to expand
or shrink
Game Development
Is the urban question a specific policy issue? Has this issue been dealt with in the city (Past Projects, Plans, Initiatives
Length of time frame
Determine number of
rounds and length of
time for each
Actors involved Map out relationships
Is the urban question multiple policy issues?
Quick Game Development
Actor brings Urban Question
Determine who
participates in
these issues
Map out the relationships
Determine Players
Determine Player Strengths (Abilities)
Player Development Game Rules
What can each player do?
Freezing Favela (playthecity)
Sequence Rule Play in Sequence
Accessibility Rule
Play your initiative in such a way
that it is possible to enter it and
do not block others entrance
Respect Rule
Players need to respect formerly
made decisions concerning basic
needs such as needing cold or warm,
or asking for noise or quiet.
Rule of Collaboration
We advise you find partners who
can join in your initiative. This will
help you earn a better position in
the game and in the
implementation later; builder
cheaper, energy saving etc.
Rule of Use Do not repeat but diversity existing activities in the favela
Conflict Rule
In conflicting conditions where players
cant come up with a common decision,
the game master takes over. The role of
the game master is not to decide but
clarify conflicting conditions and call for
public voting to decide.
Rule of Iteration
We propose to play Freezing Favela in minimum tree
sessions, concerning the organic collection of diverse
initiatives. All outcomes will be illustrated. We
propose to finalize our decisions and in a public final
session at the end of january 2013.
Rule of Finance
Mediamatic, the curator, will pay a max amount of 600 for each
initiator. If your favela costs less money to erect, the curator will pay just
enough to realize your favela. Please check through the construction
menu and select items you need.
Rule of Tax
After building the city, if any of the citizens
starts earning income from their activities 30%
of the income will be returned to the curator,
Rule of Rules
Always try to solve things without
having to refer to the Rules of Play
As Mediamatic, the curator, is the
legal responsible party for
developments, implementations of
some activities can be altered by
Temporary Brussels
Sequence-Priority Rule
Play in Sequence. When multiple
*Enterprises compete for the same space
on the site, the *Area Manager can give
priority to the proposal which has most
public events and can engage more public
to use Ninoofsepoort.
Accessibility Rule
Place your initiative in such a way that it
is accessible. To do so you can reroute
pedestrian and cycle paths, as long as
you dont limit access to other projects.
Conflict Rule
If players cant reach a common decision during
a conflict, the *Game Master brings the issue to
a public vote.
Respect Rule
Players need to respect decisions made earlier
in the game concerning basic needs such as
energy, water and discomfort caused by noise,
smell or pollution.
Prosumption Rule
Players need to balance the consumption and
production levels of their interventions.
Consumption levels can't exceed production in
consecutive rounds.
Play Noord
Public Polls
By using props you can vote on each others projects.
The top 3 projects selected by the public get promotion [by 20% expansion]
The last 3 projects selected by the public leaves the game.
By using veto-props you can object to projects.
A Veto can be activated by two players: the policy maker
and the activist. An activist needs approval of 5 other
players while a policy maker needs the approval of the
local government.
Pioneer Rule
Decisions made in former rounds need to
respected. Players that have built projects in
former rounds can object to conflicting projects
in their immediate surrounding.
A joint project of min. 3 players delivers
20% more extra sq meters
A single player actually represents several
investors, meaning the player has more
resources than an individual investor of his
role. He thus represents the interests of like-
minded people.
Where the River Flows
Army Corp of Engineers ARBOR Study Released
Public Comment from Sept 20 to Nov 18, 2013
Study Evaluates alternatives for restoring 11 miles of River while
maintaining existing levels of flood risk management
4 Alternatives Proposed
Alternative 10 Cost: $375 Million
Alternative 13 Cost: $453 Million
Alternative 16 Cost: $804 Million
Alternative 20 Cost: $1.08 Billion
Army Corp Tentative Selection Alternative 13
Public's Choice Alternative 20 Groups that Support Alternative 20
Arroyo Seco Foundation
Northeast Los Angeles Riverfront Collaborative
Friends of the Los Angeles River
Gilbert Cedillo, LA City Councilmember
Mitch O'Farrell, 13th District
Environment Now
LA River Revitalization Corporation
The Trust for Public Land
Save LA River Open Space
Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority
Arroyo Seco Neighborhood Council
LA Bicycle Coalition
Urban Semillas
Urban Question
There are two outcomes to
the LA River, what are the
steps to take to pursue if
either one is selected?
Game Development
Game Board The Cornfield Arroyo Seco Area This selection highlights the choice of either Alternative
To develop the best possible outcomes
from each Alternative
Alternatives will be choosen and further public meetings will be conducted. This will
be drawn out over a couple of years.
Game World
Can the process be simplified to a series of rounds where players begin to discuss
proposals, ideas, and conflicts to simulate the years long process of further
revitalizing the Los Angeles river?
Players assume roles to play out these discussions
Participants can assume roles in Government,
Advocacy, Developers, Experts, Neighbors
Roles are defined by their abilities in the game Government roles can hold

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