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Schedule St Peter – St Paul Russian Orthodox Church

Moscow Patriarchate Representation

The Twenty Fifth Sunday Harold’s Cross Rd., Dublin 6W, Ireland
after Pentecost
Sunday November 29 , 29 29 November 2009
9.00 Confessions and 9.00
Divine Liturgy Evangelist Matthew
in Dublin and Waterford. .

Thursday, December 3 ,3
18.00 Vigil Service and 18.00
Confessions. .

The Entry into the Temple of

the Most-Holy Theotokos
Friday, December 4 ,4
9.00 Confessions and 9.00
Divine Liturgy. .

Holy Apostles Philemon and

Arkhip of the 70 70-
Saturday, December 5 ,5
9.00 Confessions and 9.00
Divine Liturgy in Cork. .

The Twenty Sixth Sunday

after Pentecost
Sunday, December 6 ,6
9.00 Confessions and 9.00
Divine Liturgy. .
29 2009 .

Tel: (353)1-4969038, Fax: (353)1-4640976,

Banking: AIB Bank, sort code 93 12 68, account 18106032, Charity: CHY14529
Very Rev Fr. Michael Gogoleff, tel.: (44) 1225-858792 , fax: (44) 1225-852211,
76 Dovers Park Bathford BA1 7UE
, ,
Rev Dr. George Zavershinsky, mobile tel.: (353) 087-9845907, e-mail:
Rev Fr. Nikolay Evseev, mobile tel.: (353) 086-1009531, e-mail:
1 4
From the Epistle of Apostle . . said to him, ‘Take care of him; : ;
Paul to Ephesians (4:1-6). (4:1-6). and whatever more you spend, ,
Brethren, I, the prisoner of the , , , when I come again, I will repay , , -
Lord, beseech you to walk wor- - you.’ So which of these three do . , -
thy of the calling with which you , -
you think was neighbor to him , -
were called, with all lowliness , -
and gentleness, with longsuffer- - who fell among the thieves?” ? -
ing, bearing with one another in , And he said, “He who showed : .
love, endeavoring to keep the , - mercy on him.” Then Jesus said : ,
unity of the Spirit in the bond of to him, “Go and do likewise.” .
peace. There is one body and . ,
one Spirit, just as you were - From the Gospel according to -
called in one hope of your call- ; St. Mathew (11:9-13). (11:9-13).
ing; one Lord, one faith, one , , - The Lord said: “So I say to you, :
baptism; one God and Father of , , ask, and it will be given to you; ? ? , -
all, who is above all, and , seek, and you will find; knock, , .
through all, and in you all. , . and it will be opened to you. For , -
From the Epistle of Apostle . . everyone who asks receives, and : ,
Paul to Corinthians he who seeks finds, and to him
(1 Cor. 4:9-16). (1 . 4:9-16). , -
who knocks it will be opened. If
Brethren, I think that God has , , , - a son asks for bread from any
displayed us, the apostles, last, , - .
father among you, will he give
as men condemned to death; for - :
we have been made a spectacle him a stone? Or if he asks for a
to the world, both to angels and fish, will he give him a serpent
- ;
to men. We are fools for Christ’s instead of a fish? Or if he asks
, . .
sake, but you are wise in Christ! for an egg, will he offer him a
, -
We are weak, but you are strong! scorpion? If you then, being evil,
You are distinguished, but we ; -
, ; - know how to give good gifts to
are dishonored! To the present , -
hour we both hunger and thirst, , . - your children, how much more
, will your heavenly Father give ,
and we are poorly clothed,
and beaten, and homeless. And , , the Holy Spirit to those who ask -
we labor, working with our own , Him!” .
2 3
hands. Being reviled, we bless; . , said to him, “You have answered : -
being persecuted, we endure; be- ; , rightly; do this and you will ; ,
ing defamed, we entreat. We ; , ; live.” But he, wanting to justify . ,
have been made as the filth of , , himself, said to Jesus, “And who
, :
the world, the offscouring of all . is my neighbor?” Then Jesus an-
swered and said: “A certain man ? -
things until now. I do not write
went down from Jerusalem to :
these things to shame you, but as , ,
my beloved children I warn you. . Jericho, and fell among thieves, -
For though you might have ten , - who stripped him of his clothing, ,
thousand instructors in Christ, , wounded him, and departed, ,
leaving him half dead. Now by
yet you do not have many fa- ; ,
chance a certain priest came
thers; for in Christ Jesus I have . . -
down that road. And when he
begotten you through the gospel. : -
saw him, he passed by on the ,
Therefore I urge you, imitate me. , .
other side. Likewise a Levite, , . -
From the Gospel according to - when he arrived at the place, , ,
St. Luke (10:25-37). (10:25-37). came and looked, and passed by
At that time, a certain lawyer , ,
on the other side. But a certain
stood up and tested Him, saying, , , : . ,
Samaritan, as he journeyed,
“Teacher, what shall I do to in- ! , - , ,
came where he was. And when
herit eternal life?” He said to - , , -
he saw him, he had compassion.
? : -
him, “What is written in the law? So he went to him and bandaged , , -
? -
What is your reading of it?” So his wounds, pouring on oil and ; ,
? : -
he answered and said, “ ‘You wine; and he set him on his own ,
shall love the LORD your God , animal, brought him to an inn,
with all your heart, with all your , - and took care of him. On the
soul, with all your strength, and next day, when he departed, ; , -
, -
with all your mind,’ and ‘your , he took out two denarii, gave , ,
neighbor as yourself.’” And He , . them to the innkeeper, and

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