EFD Faction Paper

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1here have been bold clalms abouL Lhe beneflLs of proposed alLernaLlve fuels over
LradlLlonal energy sources over Lhe pasL few years. ln Lhe wake of Lhe so-called cllmaLe
change", we have been led Lo belleve LhaL we musL dlverslfy our energy source ln a bld Lo
reduce green house gas emlsslons and also for Lhe supposed economlc galns Lo be had.
1he LruLh ls LhaL alLernaLlve fuels are noL all Lhey are cracked up Lo be. 1hey are lronlcally
unsusLalnable by all sLandards. 1he green agenda has made us belleve Lhey wlll save our
envlronmenL, buL Lhls ls noLhlng farLher from Lhe LruLh.
1he Lurope of lreedom and uemocracy parLy (Llu) belleve LhaL Lhls dlrecLlve ls compleLely
unnecessary and quesLlons why Lhe Lu should lnvesL ln such lnfrasLrucLure, when we could
be looklng aL monopollzlng and explolLlng LradlLlonal energy sources ln Lhe Lu, ln Lurn
reduclng rellance on 8ussla for oll supplles. 1radlLlonal energy sources can conLlnue Lo be
rellable lf Lhe correcL lnvesLmenL ls made.
Lven lf Lhe Lu does wlsh Lo develop lnfrasLrucLure for Lhe provlslon of lncreased alLernaLlve
fuel usage, Lhe Llu belleve Lhls proposal ls Loo sLrlcL and falls Lo conslder dlfferenL
capablllLles of member sLaLes. 8y placlng a seL number of recharglng polnLs Lo be made
avallable ln each member sLaLe, erodes SLaLe soverelgnLy and Lhe ablllLy for SLaLes Lo declde
for Lhemselves Lhe levels of lnvesLmenL and need for such recharglng polnLs.
1he Llu belleve Lhls dlrecLlve ls absoluLely unnecessary and wlll creaLe more problems Lhan
beneflLs for member sLaLes. lL compleLely breaks down SLaLe soverelgnLy for member sLaLes
Lo declde upon Lhelr own energy pollcles.
laclng Lhe currenL pollLlcal slLuaLlon wlLhln Lhe Luropean unlon one has Lo come Lo Lhe
concluslon LhaL Lhe ofLen proclalmed Luropean unlLy ls noLhlng buL a farce. 8ased on Lhls
facL Lhe Llu ls of Lhe oplnlon LhaL Lhe proposed dlrecLlve ls a wasLe of money, Llme and

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1he Lurope of uemocracy and lreedom are flrmly commlLLed Lo proLecLlng Lhe securlLy of
Lhelr clLlzens. As much as we belleve ln Lhe power of lndlvldual Member SLaLes, we fully
recognlze securlLy as a common prlorlLy, and are wllllng Lo Lend a helplng hand Lo make
Lurope a safer place. We are deeply concerned abouL Lhe lncrease ln Lerrorlsm and serlous
and organlzed crlme, such as human and drug Lrafflcklng. 1he LerrorlsL aLLacks LhaL
Lraglcally sLruck Spaln and London afLer 9/11 are proof of Lhls, and so are Lhe sLaLus of
source, LranslL, and desLlnaLlon counLrles mosL of Lhe Member SLaLes currenLly hold. 1he
Llu wlll noL be a powerless bysLander whlle Lhese aLroclous crlmes are commlLLed aL our
doorsLep. We wlll sLrlke back.
We belleve Lhls proposal Lo be an excellenL sLepplng sLone. We need " #$%&%'()&% "'*
+"$,-').%* .($"(%/0 (+"( "11-2. (+% )'&%.()/"()-' -3 #-(%'()"1 4$),%. 5%3-$% (+%0 "$%
4-,,)((%*6 7% '%%* " 4-,#$%+%'.)&% ,%4+"')., (+"( +%1#. 1"2 %'3-$4%,%'( "8(+-$)()%.
*- (+%)$ 9-5. 2)(+-8( 8''%4%.."$0 $%.($")'(.6 7% '%%* " 4-,,-' 3$",%2-$: (+"( #$%&%'(.
(+% .#)11)'/ -3 -8$ 4)();%'.< 51--* "'* #$%.%$&%. (+%)$ *)/')(06 =+). #$-#-."1 ). "11 (+"( "'* 2%>
(+% ?@A> 2%14-,% )( "44-$*)'/106
B-2%&%$> 2+)1% 2% "/$%% 2)(+ (+% "),. -3 (+% CDE #$-#-."1> (+%$% "$% .()11 .-,% )..8%. (- 5%
@)$.( -3 "11> we belleve Lhls proposal should be appllcable Lo boLh passengers and crew. noL
lncludlng Lhem would resulL ln a loophole LhaL could be used Lo Lhe perpeLraLors'
advanLage, and LhaL would [eopardlze Lhe securlLy of all parLles lnvolved.
Second, we would llke Lo expand Lhe scope of Lhe proposal Lo all lnLernal Lu fllghLs ln
addlLlon Lo fllghLs enLerlng and exlLlng Lhe Lu, as lL would be nalve Lo assume LhaL LhreaLs
can only come from ouLslde.
neverLheless, we musL ensure Lhe securlLy of Lhe daLa aL durlng Lransfer Lo safeguard our
clLlzens' prlvacy. 8reaklng lnLo compuLers neLworks and uslng Lhem as a cover for serlous
lllegal acLlvlLles ls a common pracLlce. 1hls Lles ln wlLh our concern abouL Lhlrd counLrles
galnlng access Lo our daLabases: we wlll noL sell our clLlzens' prlvaLe lnformaLlon Lo Lhe
hlghesL bldder.

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