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OUR REF : SMI/3139/2012

YOUR REF : FAL6/2012/16/RC

DATE : 30
Principal: CMA CGM MALAYSIA! SDN" #$D"
Lot 4, 3
Floor, Westport Business Centre,
42920 Pulau Indah, Port Klang,
elangor !arul "hsan, #ala$sia%
In re&erence to the a'o(e Principal)s in*uir$ and our &urther anal$sis o& the &acts o& the
case, +e here'$ list 'elo+ the result o& the anal$sis pertaining to cargo sto+age,
sto+age re*uire,ents and handling o& the cargo in a re&rigerated container +hich led to
cargo deterioration and ree&er container ,al&unction due to i,proper sto+age o& the
,entioned cargo%
-% Cargo +as noted pac.ed in gunn$ sac.s and 'loc. sto+ed in (er$ tight sto+age
inside the ree&er container as +e &ound on the spot o& inspection on -9
20-2% 0lso noted no su&&icient spaces 'et+een sto+ed 'ags to &acilitate proper air &lo+
&or (entilation%
2% Chestnuts su&&er &ro, tiredness, causing deterioration in the appearance o& the nuts%
Chestnuts respire and during the respiration process ,oisture and gases are gi(en o&&,
+hich i& not controlled '$ proper air circulation, +ill cause heat and ,ould to de(elop%
Chestnuts under re&rigeration +ill, i& properl$ sto+ed and dunnaged, and proper
te,peratures ,aintained, +ill re,ain in sound condition &or se(eral ,onths% 1here is a
ris. o& deterioration i& no proper storage is ,aintained throughout the storage and process that is &ro, har(est to into gunn$ sac.s and storage until
stu&&ed into re&rigerated container% "2cessi(e heat during storage caused chestnuts to
OUR REF : SMI/3139/2012
YOUR REF : FAL6/2012/16/RC
DATE : 30
ger,inate% 3nce the process o& deterioration has 'egun, it is di&&icult or i,possi'le to
arrest% Chestnuts are lia'le to in&estation and should 'e &u,igated 'e&ore ship,ent%
Because o& its considera'le i,pact and pressure4sensiti(it$, pac.ages o& this cargo
,ust 'e secured in such a +a$ that the$ are pre(ented &ro, da,aging each other%
u&&icient spaces 'et+een pac.ages or trenches ,ust 'e pro(ided +ith proper securing
to pre(ent slippage or tipping%
Care ,ust 'e ta.en during sto+ing to ensure that the cargo is not onl$ +ell secured 'ut
is also (er$ +ell (entilated% We opine that the cargo sto+age +as i,proper that is 'loc.
and tight sto+ inside container to ,a2i,ise space +ithin the container +hich resulted in
no proper air &lo+ and (entilation to the chestnuts%
3% Ph$sical inspection o& the ree&er unit did not sho+ an$ irregularities% 5o+e(er, +e
+ere pro(ided +ith the te,perature log as +ell as the e(ent data &or the su'6ect transit%
4% !ue to the tight sto+age o& the gunn$ 'ags +ithout an$ spaces or trenches 'et+een
the sto+ed 'ags, air tends to 7short circuit8 or &lo+s past the 'ags rather than through
the,% I& air gaps or spaces are le&t in a sto+, the$ pro(ide an easier route &or air&lo+
through the cargo% 0ir that does not go through the cargo cannot re,o(e respirator$
heat and air ,o(ing through cannot reach &urther parts o& the cargo%
9% 0s highlighted in para 2, a'o(e, due to tight sto+age o& the cargo, 'loc.ed the air
circulation +ithin the container and &urther ha,pered the air &lo+ o& the ree&er unit '$
' the (ent openings% Without proper air circulation the chestnuts started to
respire gi(ing out ,oisture and gases , the 'ags +et and ,old to de(elop%
:% !uring the process into a ne+ container, 'ags o& chestnut +ere noted
+ith lots o& &ungi ; ,old and se(eral 'ags noted in +et ; da,p condition +hilst content
noted so&t +hen pressed indicating shrin.age o& the pulp% We opine that due to such
OUR REF : SMI/3139/2012
YOUR REF : FAL6/2012/16/RC
DATE : 30
condition the chestnuts are not &it &or hu,an consu,ption and should 'e dee,ed as
total loss% We suggest to destro$ the cargo in #ala$sia so as to ,itigate loss%
Inner si<e o& ree&er container : 3=)08 2 >):8 2 =)48
i<e o& gunn$ sac. : /;0
?unn$ sac.s in a ro+ : 0ppro2i,atel$ -0 sac.s in a ro+ 'ut +as noted
in rando, and did not ha(e a proper pattern or order%
Fro, o'ser(ation it can 'e noted that the sac.s +ere stac.ed +all to +all +ithout an$
spaces in 'et+een the container inner +alls%
1here should ha(e 'een spaces or trenches 'et+een ro+s &or proper (entilation 'ut
none +as noted% +as rando, and co,pact%
1he gunn$ sac.s +ere unstu&&ed starting &ro, the container doors and in+ards,
stac. +ise &ro, top to 'otto,%
We are o& the opinion that tight sto+age 'loc.ed air (entilation o& the ree&er thus
causing ,al&unction to the ree&er% 1he cargo sto+age pattern and the +a$ the cargo is
placed on the container 14'ar &loor directl$ a&&ects the air &lo+ inside the ree&er
container% It is there&ore o& high i,portance that stu&&ing guidelines are strictl$ &ollo+ed% o& the air&lo+ as a conse*uence o& incorrect sto+age o& re&rigerated cargo
,a$ create short circuits and lead to un+anted hot spots inside the cargo area% 0ir
al+a$s the path o& least resistance% 0ir should not 7short circuit8 or &lo+ past the
cargo 'ut rather through the cargo%
In this instance, i,proper cargo sto+age 'loc.ed air &lo+ (entilation o& the ree&er unit
thus causing it to ,al&unction during transit and ulti,atel$ resulting in cargo da,age%
E,-.t D/t/ A./01232
We +ere pro(ided +ith the @ee&er 1e,perature Log and the "(ent !ata &or the
su'6ect transit%
OUR REF : SMI/3139/2012
YOUR REF : FAL6/2012/16/RC
DATE : 30
We ha(e anal$<ed the te,perature &ro, the 3-
3cto'er 20-2 to the ti,e o&
inspection on the -9
/o(e,'er 20-2 that re(ealed irregularities +here the
0lar, -9 triggered indicating te,perature too &ar &ro, set point had triggered
-39 ti,es, 0lar, 4 indicating "(a 0ir triggered 2 ti,es, 0lar, 2 @eturn 0ir
te,perature ,al&unction - ti,e and 0lar, 92 pro'e error triggered 3 ti,es%
?enerall$ the ,ost &re*uent triggered alar, throughout the transit is 0lar, -9
+here the co,pressor tries to sta'ili<e the internal air circulation 'ut due to tight
sto+age o& the cargo causes irregular air &lo+%
R--4-5 T-67-5/t85- L9:
We ha(e anal$<ed the 1e,perature Log and noted the irregularities hence +e ha(e
e2tracted the ,ost highest; hu,id te,perature that is stated 'elo+ :4

!ate et 1e,p uppl$ 1e,p @eturn 1e,p
2=;-0;20-2A-300hrs to
42%0BC CDE>%-BC to CDE -4%4BC CDE24%0BC to CDE2=%0BC
0-;--;20-2A-900hrs to
42%0BC CDE4%9BC to CDE 29%0BC CDE>%0BC to CDE=%9BC
09;--;20-2A0000hrs to
42%0BC CDE24%0BC to CDE
CDE=%9BC to CDE--%=BC
-0;--;20-2A-200hrs to
42%0BC CDE-0%-BC to CDE
CDE9%4BC to CDE->%3BC
Based on the chart a'o(e, it is noted that the te,perature had &luctuated &ro,
cool to hu,id during transit and the return air te,perature had reached the
hu,id range indicating that i,proper air &lo+ that caused the suppl$
te,peratures to rise%
erious te,perature irregularities started on 3-;-0;20-2 at 0900hrs +ith a high
te,perature o& -4%4FC% Fro, then on it +as noted the te,perature &lunctuated
OUR REF : SMI/3139/2012
YOUR REF : FAL6/2012/16/RC
DATE : 30
an$+here 'et+een 4%4FC Clo+estE to 24%0FC ChighestE on 4;--;20-2 and
1he return air +as &acing irregularities &ro, the (er$ 'eginning o& transit on
22;-0;20-2 at 0300hrs Clo+est te,peratureE up to 2=%0FC Chighest te,peratureE
on 2=;-0;20-2 at -300hrs%
Based on the te,perature Log and "(ent !ata readings, it can 'e concluded
that i,proper sto+age o& cargo a&&ects the return te,perature +hich rises
a'nor,all$ high and that causes the rise o& the suppl$ te,perature and
su'se*uentl$ a&&ecting cargo and resulting in cargo loss%

I.408-.;- 94 th- 2t9</:- 6-th9=2 9. th- 5-t85. /35 t-67-5/t85-"
Whereas the suppl$ air te,perature pro(ides in&or,ation a'out +hether the
re&rigeration unit is, the return air te,perature allo+s conclusions to 'e dra+n
a'out the te,perature o& the cargo%
1he prere*uisite &or this is that the air actuall$ &lo+s through the cargo and on the
te,perature o& the cargo% Gn&ortunatel$ the ,ethod used to sto+ the goods in the
container o&ten does not allo+ this to happen% 1$pical sto+age errors include in
particular the circulation '$passes as interruptions o& &lo+ as caused '$ the cargo
'eing sto+ed too densel$, e2ceeding the ,a2i,u, sto+age%
0n e(enl$ distri'uted, 'ut loosel$ pac.ed cargo +ith a nu,'er o& s,all circulation
'$passes can also ,ean that no cold air circulates at the rear o& the container Cat the
1he in&or,ation that the return air te,perature o&&ers +ith respect to the te,perature o&
the cargo +ill thus depend largel$ on the +a$ in +hich the cargo has 'een sto+ed in
the container% I& there are serious circulation '$passes, the return air te,perature +ill
'e (er$ close to the suppl$ air te,perature%
I& the air&lo+ through the cargo is good, the return air te,perature +ill 'e (er$ close to
the te,perature o& the cargo% ince the air that &lo+s through the cargo space ,ust
OUR REF : SMI/3139/2012
YOUR REF : FAL6/2012/16/RC
DATE : 30
al+a$s re,o(e the heat co,ing &ro, outside the container as +ell as an$ heat caused
'$ ripening or cooling processes, the return air te,perature should usuall$ 'e higher
than the suppl$ air te,perature +here the cargo te,perature is 'eing ,aintained%
0s a general rule o& thu,', appro2i,atel$ 900 W o& heat enters a 40H container &or
each -0BC di&&erence in te,perature co,pared +ith the a,'ient te,perature% When
operating in lo+ te,perature ,ode +ith a 404&old circulation o& air, this leads to a
te,perature increase o& appro2i,atel$ 0%: BC o(er the suppl$ air te,perature, +hen
operating in chilled ,ode +ith an =04&old circulation o& air, the increase is
appro2i,atel$ 0%3 BC% With greater di&&erences in te,perature co,pared to the a,'ient
te,perature, this (alue increases accordingl$, and a te,perature increase o&
appro2i,atel$ 3 BC can thus 'e e2pected &or a 90 BC te,perature di&&erence Cinside 420
BC, outside D30 BCE% ince the circulating air e2changes heat +ith the cargo this is also
the range in +hich the cargo te,perature ,a$ nor,all$ (ar$ according to the location
o& the cargo +ithin the container%
5o+e(er, i& there are areas +ithin the container in +hich no air or (er$ little air is a'le
to circulate, these areas ,a$ e2perience considera'le increases in te,perature%
1o su, up, +e ,aintain the conclusion +e dre+ in our sur(e$ report dated -9

Fe'ruar$ 20-3, that the ,al&unction to the ree&er ,achiner$ +as due to i,proper
sto+age o& the cargo +here'$ the air circulation +ithin the container +as 'loc.ed due
to tight cargo sto+age%
0ppendi2 - 4 1e,perature Log 22
3ct% 20-2 to -9
/o(% 20-2
0ppendi2 2 4 "(ent !ata &ro, 3-
3ct% -0-2 to -9
/o(% 20-2
Issuer warrants has exercised due diligence and care with respect to the information and professional judgment embodied in this report.
This report reflects only the findings at time and place of the inspection and testing. Issuer expressly disclaims any further indemnity of
any kind. This report is not a guarantee or policy of indemnity with respect to the goods or the contractual performance of any party.
Any party relying upon this report must aware that Issuers activities were carried out under their general term and conditions.
Issued at P3@1 KL0/?, #0L0II0 on 30
Januar$, 20-4
OUR REF : SMI/3139/2012
YOUR REF : FAL6/2012/16/RC
DATE : 30

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