Reading: The That Not

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Look at the pictures.

How are they related to the

title? How do you think the objects in the pictures
can be used in the
school? Read quickly and
a. Look at the sentences (A-l)
that have been
removed from the article and underline the
Iinking words at the beginning of each sentence
he most basic change that witt take ptace in
ctassooms ofthe future is the actuatidea we tend tO
of the ctassroom have basicatty remained the same. 5
Yes, artwOrk covers the watis, but not att pupits can
see it due to the positiOning Of the desks. smati
changes have been made,hOweven tthe blackbOard,
in many cases, has now been reptaced by the more
practicat whiteboard and oHPs have started t0 1o

[ ]

from the past wOuld be the sight Of cOmputers in
thOSe Same ctassroOms.They are fast becoming the
main sOurce Of information as wett as the main 15
means Of presentation of information during tess6ns.
Computers are,indeed,the ctassrooms of the future.

While that witi suti cOnunue,mOst Of the
curricutum witt, in fact, be fol10wed ontine. This is
due to various factors. As access t0 0ntine materiats 20
increases and many sch00is face shortages Of
teacher,, it makes sense to take advantage of the
tatest technO10gy. 25
he basic skilis needed tO ptay interactive
computer games wilt also be used tO encOurage
chitdren to explore and cOllect educationat
informarion. hreedimensiOnal views Of cities, for
exampl(, tOgether with the tatest software, witi 30
make it possible to walk through Paris in the
company of a professiOnal guid
he curricutum of the future willinctude sharing
of projects between schoOts both nationally and
internationatty as well as ontine ctasses. 35

TeaChers witt aLo nnd their`classes'

grOwing,with tessons anywhere at any time through
the uSe Of video wingows connecting them airectty
to children from al1 0ver the worid.
which suggest: contrast, time, emphasis,
addition, result and consequence.
Now read the article and match the missing
sentences (A-l)to
the gaps (1-7).
There is one
extra sentence that you do not need to use.
There is an example (0).
How did the linking words help you to make
your choices?
As parents generatty prefer tearning tO be at 40
school rather than at home, together With the fact
that pupils enjoy cOmpany and tike to share
tearning with their ctassmates, tife wilt continue as
usual for pupits as they wili stilt need to attend
school.EE]Teachers might not atways g
e the 45
tessons, but they witt still be there tO encOurage
and supervise pupits. Furthermore, the old system
of rows Of pupits facing th
front of the ctassroom
witt no doubt be reptaced by circtes of desks and
chairs tO encourage face_tO_face discussion. 51o
Projects and artwork wili be shOwn on cOmputer
SCreens,white fettow pupits and visitOrs witi be able
to try out the multimedia programs prOduced by
pupits. Added to the usual pens and pencits,simple
VideO prOduction and use Of sOftware witi become 55
part of everyday tife for schOol children.
The tatest rnObile phones will allow children to
access cartoons and exchange videos with friends.
E51EThiS technology Of cOurse,witi need tO stay in
the ptayground so as tO stOp phones ringing in the 6o
wrong place at the wrong time!
OutSide the ctass
00m pupits will be able
to record information using digital cameras and
video record rs fOr their tocat history projects,fOr
example,which can then be put onto computer the 65
minute they return to sch001
Furthermore, pupits
studying drama witi be able to learn about tighting
and cameras as they produce short ptays or films.

Children wili b able tO measure theirtevet

of prOgress throughout the training. unden
ater 70
filming Of swimmers wilt atso hetp children see what
to do and enabl
teachers tO give advice on
Particutar probtems.
he cost Of such technology is Obv10usty high.
Despite this,there is no doubt that cyber ctassrooms 75
are s10wly becoming a reatity worldwide.


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