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Preliminary clinical results with 11-months

follow-up of intrastromal correction of

presbyopia (intraCOR ) using the FEMTEC®

femtosecond laser system

Luis Antonio Ruiz, MD
Centro Oftalmológico Colombiano, Bogotá

Introduction Until now, more than 200 presbyopic eyes under-

Since the early years of refractive surgery, new went intrastromal refractive surgeries with the
procedures for minimal invasive correction of FEMTEC® femtosecond laser system. All treatments
ametropia were investigated [e.g. 1] and several were performed at “Centro Oftalmológico Colombi-
attempts have been directed towards the surgical ano” in Bogotá, starting in October 2007.
correction of presbyopia [e.g. 2]. However, current
techniques for correction of presbyopia have certain The age of the patients ranged from 41 to 66 years
limitations, although more than 26 million people with an average of (53.5 ± 6.2) years.
alone in the US suffer from this disease [3] and Depending on the refractive properties as well as on
almost everyone over the age of 51 is affected [4]. the individual biomechanical and geometrical prop-
This article summarizes the worldwide first, still erties of the cornea, a customized pattern for each
preliminary clinical results of an ongoing pilot study eye was calculated and the intrastromal laser
concentrating on non-invasive, intrastromal correc- treatment was performed subsequently with treat-
tion of presbyopia (intraCOR™), performed by ment times between 18 and 30 s. The calculation
means of a FEMTEC® femtosecond laser system was supported by means of Finite Element Modeling
(Fig. 1, 20/10 PERFECT VISION AG, Heidelberg, [e.g. 5] using a spatial 3D grid adapted to the indi-
Germany). vidual curvature of the cornea (Fig. 2). With respect
to the intrastromal character of the performed sur-
geries, a certain distance of the interaction volume
to the corneal surface and the endothelium was
kept, not allowing for an anterior or posterior sur-
face incision and hence significantly reducing the
risk of healing issues.

Fig. 2: 3D Sketch of corneal FEM model used for the

calculation of individual treatment patterns
Fig. 1: FEMTEC® femtosecond laser system setup at the
Centro Oftalmológico Colombiano, Bogotá For a quantification of the refractive effect gener-
ated by the intrastromal surgery, the eyes were
examined before and in defined periods after the
Study Objectives and Design treatment. The examinations included the determi-
nation of manifested refraction, Near Uncorrected
The general purpose of this study is to quantify the
Visual Acuity (Near UCVA) obtained by Jaeger read-
feasibility of non-invasive intrastromal corrections
ings as well as Distance UCVA and Distance Best
of ametropic eyes(*). The first phase of this study
Spectacle Corrected Visual Acuity (Distance BSCVA)
focuses on the non-invasive correction of presbyo-
obtained by means of Snellen readings under con-
sistent photopic conditions.

Principle of intraCORTM treatment similar pattern consisting of several ring structures
By means of the femtosecond laser a customized was applied.
pattern is applied into the cornea inducing a local Up to now this group consists of 62 eyes. 46 eyes
reorganization of the biomechanical forces. A sketch have a follow up time of 3 months and 2 eyes were
of the principle is depicted in Fig. 3. In dependence already examined 11 months post op.
of the applied pattern the corneal surface can be
locally flattened or steepened. Before the treatments, the Near UCVA of the pa-
tients was J8.3 ± 2.7 on average according to Jae-
ger readings. After 1 day follow-up time, the Near
UCVA increased significantly and even better values
towards the end of the current observation period
were observed. The mean values of every observa-
tion period are summarized in Table 1(a). Pre op
examinations reveal J-readings down to J12 with an
average of J8.3 ± 2.7 in Jaeger lines. 1 day post op,
the mean visual acuity increases to a value of J2.1
± 1.7. The post op visual acuity shows a good sta-
Fig. 3: sketch of customized intrastromal treatment bility with only minor changes in the later examina-
pattern tion periods.
In general, the patients showed an increase in
In presbyopia treatment, the applied pattern leads Near UCVA, occurring within some minutes up to a
to a locally well defined central steepening of the few hours after the treatment. The induced increase
cornea, resulting in a central increase of refractive has been found to be stable within the observed
power, as shown in Fig. 4. As the refractive power follow-up time of up to 11 months as shown in
change is only centrally induced, a significant in- Fig. 5. In this depiction, the number given at the
crease of near vision is evoked whereas the dis- horizontal scale indicates the number of eyes exam-
tance vision is only minimally affected. ined on the specific follow up date.

Near UCVA (Jaeger lines)

8 standard deviation

a) b) 12
pre 1D 1W 1M 3M 6M 9M 11 M
(62) (61) (60) (59) (46) (26) (17) (2)

Fig. 4: True net power Fig. 5: Efficacy and stability: Near UCVA change after
change as obtained by intrastromal correction of presbyopia
Pentacam Scheimpflug
a) pre op examination For a closer look at the gain in visual acuity in near
b) post op examination vision, the cumulative percentage distribution of
c) difference between Near UCVA based on Jaeger readings is shown in
pre op and post op. Fig. 6. For this evaluation only eyes with a follow up
c) time of at least 6 months were taken into account
(n = 36). Additionally, for all eyes only the data
from the most recent examination were used, here.
The diagram shows a significant shifting of the dis-
The analysis of these preliminary results focuses on tribution towards smaller J-readings. After surgeries
one specific group of eyes. All patients suffered more than 94 % of the treated eyes show a Near
from fully developed presbyopia and were addition- UCVA of J2 or even better. More than 80 % result in
ally slightly hyperopic (approx. 0.5 D). On all eyes a a Near UCVA of at least J1.

The corresponding mean values of the depicted
Cumulative Distribution of Near UCVA
data and standard deviations are given in Table
100% 1(b). The average gain of Near UCVA 3 months post




op is 6.2 ± 2.8 lines (n = 46) and after 9 months,


80% ≥ 6 M (36)
for which already data of 17 eyes exists, the in-

pre op (36)

60% crease is even higher (7.2 ± 2.5).



40% One important indicator, that needs to be consid-
ered when using this new technique for the in-

trastromal correction of presbyopia, is safety. Any
approach for improving near vision is only viable if
the Distance UCVA and Distance BSCVA are either
or ter

or ter

or ter

or ter

or er

or ter

or er

or ter

or er

or er

or ter

unaffected or, at worst, only minimally affected.
J7 bett

J5 bett

J3 bett

J2 bett

J9 bet

J8 bet

J6 bet

J4 bet

J1 bet
J1 r be

J1 be


Intrastromal correction of presbyopia affects dis-



tance vision in a minor way. The next diagram

Fig. 6: Refractive outcome distribution of Near UCVA (Fig. 8) shows the cumulative distribution of Dis-
according to Jaeger readings, pre op and after the
maximum observation period of at least 6 months
tance UCVA for pre op observation and follow up
periods between 1 month and 9 months.
In Fig. 7 the effect on the visual acuity can directly
be seen. This diagram shows the cumulative change Cummulative Distribution of Distance UCVA
9 M (17)
in Near UCVA related to the pre op examination 100%
6 M (26)
data. For purposes of clarity, only follow up data
80% 3 M (46)
between 1 month and 9 months are depicted.
1 M (59)
pre (62)
Cumulative Change of Near UCVA
1 M (59) 40%
3 M (46)
80% 6 M (26) 20%
9 M (17)
60% 0%

























0% 20
Fig. 8: Cumulative distribution of Distance UCVA of


patients undergoing intrastromal presbyopia correction















The depiction reveals that the Distance UCVA is only










minimally affected by this treatment method. The






average change of Distance UCVA, given in Table

Fig. 7: Change of Near UCVA (according to Jaeger 1(c), proves the high stability.
chart) after intrastromal correction of presbyopia

No eye shows a decrease of Near UCVA after treat-

ment and all eyes but one showed an increase in
Near visual acuity with the maximum being an in-
crease of 12 Jaeger lines.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
mean Near UCVA Change of Near UCVA Change of Distance UCVA Change of Distance BSCVA
[Jaeger lines] [Jaeger lines] [Snellen lines] [Snellen lines]
Pre op (n = 62) J8.3 ± 2.7 - - -
1 day post op (n = 61) J2.1 ± 2.7 6.2 ± 2.8 -0.2 ± 1.3 -0.5 ± 0.7
1 week post op (n = 60) J2.3 ± 1.6 6.0 ± 2.5 +0.2 ± 1.2 -0.2 ± 0.6
1 month post op (n = 59) J2.0 ± 1.4 6.3 ± 2.6 +0.1 ± 1.4 +0.1 ± 0.5
3 months post op (n = 46) J1.6 ± 1.0 6.2 ± 2.8 +0.2 ± 1.3 +0.0 ± 0.6
6 months post op (n = 26) J1.4 ± 0.9 5.2 ± 2.8 -0.5 ± 1.4 +0.0 ± 0.0
9 months post op (n = 17) J1.1 ± 0.2 7.2 ± 2.5 -0.1 ± 1.5 +0.0 ± 0.5
11 months post op (n = 2) J1.0 ± 0.0 9.0 ± 0.0 -1.0 ± 0.0 +0.0 ± 0.0
Table 1: Mean values for Near UCVA and the change of Near and Distance UCVA as well as Distance BSCVA
related to pre op data according to Jaeger and Snellen chart readings, respectively

The results of Distance BSCVA are shown in Fig. 9 Outlook
for the eyes which had undergone intrastromal cor- This status report shows the preliminary outcome of
rection of presbyopia and the mean change of this an ongoing clinical study. The promising initial re-
value is given in Table 1(d). sults will need to be further supported by a larger
number of procedures performed at several clinical
sites in the near future. Parallel to the very success-
1,4 ful investigation of intrastromal presbyopia correc-
tion, further treatment strategies for non-invasive
Distance BSCVA (dec)

correction of other forms of ametropia (myopia,

1,0 hyperopia, astigmatism) are currently under inves-
tigation. The preliminary results of these treatments
are equally promising for using the FEMTEC® laser
0,6 average system for all kinds of such intrastromal correc-
standard deviation tions.
For this purpose, the currently used FEM modeling
will be refined with the goal of calculating an ideal
0,0 intrastromal pattern for each kind of ametropia.
pre 1D 1W 1M 3M 6M 9M 11 M
(62) (61) (60) (59) (46) (26) (17) (2)
[1] Machat JJ (Ed.), “Excimer Laser Refractive Surgery: Prac-
Fig. 9: Cumulative distribution of Distance BSCVA of tice and Principle”, Slack Inc. (1996)
patients undergoing intrastromal presbyopia correction
[2] Alió JL, Chaubard JJ, Caliz A, Sala E, Patel S, “Correction
of presbyopia by technovision central multifocal LASIK (pres-
The diagram and table show that the average value byLASIK)”, J Refract Surg. 22(5), p.453-60 (2006)
of 1.15 (pre op) slightly decreases 1 day post op to [3] “Products, Technologies, Markets and Opportunities in
1.02, but 1 month after the treatment the average Ophthalmology Surgical, Device and Drug Markets Worldwide,
value is the same as before treatment. The drop at 2007”, MedMarket Diligence, LLC, Report #G125 (2006)
11 months post op is only due to the limited num- [4] “2007 Comprehensive Report on The Global Refractive
ber of examined eyes for this observation period Surgery Market”, Market Scope, LLC (2007)
(n = 2). Both of these eyes have kept the same [5] Hennighausen H, Bille J, “Computer simulation of corneal
BSCVA as pre op (1.0). curvature change caused by intrastromal ablations using a
pico-second lasersystem” SPIE 2330 (1994)

The preliminary results of the ongoing clinical study Acknowledgement
for an intrastromal correction of presbyopia using The author is grateful to the team of 20/10 Perfect
the FEMTEC® femtosecond laser system are very Vision AG for supporting this study and for their
promising and motivate to proceed with this study. helpful contribution to this project.
This non-invasive technique inheres a huge poten-
tial to improve the near vision instantaneously by
several lines (acc. to Jaeger chart) whereas signifi-
cant long-term down-sides are not seen so far. An
average gain of 6.2 ± 2.8 Jaeger lines is achieved in
Near UCVA after 3 months post op by inducing only
minor effects on the Distance UCVA. Further information
The laser induced biomechanical response of the Luis Antonio Ruiz, MD
cornea, which subsequently leads to the beneficial Centro Oftalmológico Colombiano
refractive effect on visual acuity mostly manifests Carrera 20 No. 85-11, Bogotá, Colombia.
itself within some minutes up to a few hours post Tel.: +57-1-236 00 00
op and shows a high stability towards longer obser- 20/10 PERFECT VISION AG
vation periods. In Distance BSCVA minimal changes manufacturer of the FEMTEC® femtosecond laser
occur after the treatment. This effect is only tempo- system
Am Taubenfeld 21/1, D-69123 Heidelberg, Germany
rary resulting in an unchanged average value
Tel.: +49-6221-7502-0
1 month post op. website:

Note: The procedure software module, being used in this study, is currently neither FDA nor CE Mark approved


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