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CAMPBELLFORD -- A Campbellford

man who was atemptng to test out his

new homemade pallet Adirondack chair
yesterday at Crowe River had those
plans squashed when his testcles be-
came stuck between two slats of wood.
Afer several unsuccessful atempts
to free himself from both the chair and
the embarrassing situaton, the mans
yells for help were fnally heard by an-
other local, Jef Pearson, who was en-
joying a few pops with friends Brian
Doc Seymour and Trevor Tinney near-
Fortunately, Mr. Pearson was carrying
his cell phone with him and, afer he
had fnally managed to contain his
laughter, called 911.
The Campbellford Fire Department
was quickly dispatched and had to re-
sort to using a reciprocatng saw in
order to delicately extricate the man.
An ambulance was also called to the
scene and the man was sent to Camp-
bellford Hospital to be checked out.
The 58-year-old man -- who did not
want to be identfed for obvious rea-
sons -- had headed out to Crowe River
around mid-afernoon to cool
of from the sweltering
weather and test out his new
pallet Adirondack chair that
he had just fnished building
in the morning. These pallet
chairs are becoming quite
popular in the Trent Hills area
because they are cheap and
easy to make (two pallets and
50 screws are all thats re-
quired to build one) and look
elegant on the deck, by the
pool or on the beach.
The man had picked an isolated spot
at the crowded Crowe River and un-
loaded his chair and a cooler of bever-
ages. With no one around, and the heat
and humidity pushing the temperature
to 37 C, he decided to peel of all his
clothes and go for a refreshing swim.
While out in the cool water, however,
the mans testcles apparently had
shrunk. When he returned to his chair
and sat down, his plums slipped
through the slats. As he lay there drying
of in the hot sun, the litle fellas ex-
panded back to normal size -- which
created a problem when he
tried to get up from the chair
and put his clothes back on. It
was then he (painfully) realized
there just might be a design
faw in his chair.
Despite frantc atempts to
free himself, the man fnally had
to yell for some assistance.
For Campbellford Fire Chief
Tim Web Blake, it ranked
among one of the strangest
calls hes dealt with in all his
years associated with the local
fre department.
It was the weirdest thing Ive seen in
a while, for sure, Fire Chief Blake told
the Warkworth Journal in a phone in-
terview. Just when you think youve
seen it all, something like this comes
Perhaps the toughest job for the fre-
fghters was trying to maintain the ex-
pected level of professionalism while
dealing with such a bizarre call.
First and foremost, we always try to
act with professionalism regardless of
the situaton, Fire Chief Blake ex-
plained. Whether its rescuing a be-
loved cat from a tree or someone whos
goten their foot stuck in a sewer grate,
we are always expected to conduct
ourselves in a professional manner.
But I have to admit, it was prety
darn tough doing that in this case.
Some of the (frefghters) had difculty
maintaining their composure. Afer all,
you dont see something like this every
If theres an important lesson to be
learned here, Fire Chief Blake added,
its this: Guys, if youre building your
own Adirondack chair, do yourself a
favour and make damn sure you dont
leave too big of a gap between the slats
of wood. You sure dont want to have
us show up to get you out of your
-- with fles from Canadian Press
Campbellford mans testicles get stuck in slats of wood of
homemade pallet Adirondack chair while at Crowe River
A Campbellford man who made his own pallet Adirondack chair similar to the one
in the photo on the lef, painfully discovered that its important not to leave too big
of gaps in the slats of wood. The man got his testcles stuck in the chair while sun-
bathing in the nude at Crowe River. He had constructed the stylish chair from some
free pallets he had picked up at Precision Wood Products in Campbellford. On the
right, the man is seen leaving PWP Friday afernoon with the load of pallets he had
been given by owner Douglas Runions. (Submited photos)
Weirdest thing Ive
seen in a while.

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