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With a view to share some valuable inormation! with all Team members
""ML! #lease in$ atta%he$ hereun$er! a brie on & ' TEC"NI(UES TO

To$a+,s ast-#a%e$ liest+les or%e us to #ush our min$s an$ bo$ies
the limit! usuall+ at the e.#ense o our #h+si%al an$ mental

well-bein/* When we be%ome stresse$! our bo$ies swit%h to a mo$e

%alle$ the ,i/ht or li/ht res#onse,! whi%h is %hara%teri0e$ b+

in%rease$ heart rate! bloo$ #ressure! hi/her breathin/ rate! et%*
time! these rea%tions in%rease %holesterol levels! $isturb
a%tivities! $e#ress the immune s+stem an$ leave us eelin/

&Rela.ation te%hni1ues are /reat tools or $ealin/ with stress an$

#romotin/ lon/-term health b+ slowin/ $own the bo$+ an$ %almin/ the

min$!& sa+s Ashish 2erma! "+$eraba$-base$ rela.ation an$ wellness

trainin/ %onsultant* &Use$ $ail+! these te%hni1ues %an lea$ to a

healthier outloo3 towar$s stressul situations an$ a $e%line in

stress-relate$ $isor$ers su%h as an.iet+! hi/h bloo$ #ressure! hi/h

%holesterol! $iabetes! insomnia! et%*&

"ere are some te%hni1ues +ou mi/ht want to %onsi$er 4 -

5* 6ee# breathin/

A sim#le but ee%tive metho$ o rela.ation* &It wor3s well in

%on7un%tion with other rela.ation te%hni1ues su%h as Pro/ressive

Mus%ular Rela.ation! ima/er+ an$ me$itation or re$u%in/ stress!&
Ravi Tri#athi! a +o/a tea%her base$ at 8an#ur* "ere,s how to $o it4

* Inhale - Close +our mouth! loosen +our shoul$ers! an$ inhale as

slowl+ an$ $ee#l+ as +ou %an*

* "ol$ - 8ee# the air in +our lun/s as +ou slowl+ %ount to 9*

* E.hale - Release the air throu/h +our mouth! a/ain slowl+
to 9*

* Re#eat - :o over the inhale-hol$-e.hale %+%le ;-5< times*

=* Pro/ressive Mus%ular Rela.ation >PMR?

This is /oo$ or +our bo$+! es#e%iall+ when +our mus%les
tense* It re1uires slowl+ tensin/ an$ then releasin/ ever+ mus%le

/rou# in$ivi$uall+! rom the toes all the wa+ u# to the a%e* &It
useul or %almin/ nerves beore an im#ortant #resentation or

#erorman%e an$ or 1uietin/ $own when +ou are hi/hl+ stresse$!&
Ashish 2erma*

@* Me$itation

&The %on%e#t behin$ me$itation is to %ons%iousl+ rela. +our bo$+
o%us +our thou/ht #ro%esses on one #arti%ular thin/ or a
#erio$* Aour min$ thus remains o%%u#ie$ an$ $iverte$ rom issues

%ausin/ +ou stress!& sa+s Tri#athi* Follow these ste#s4

BCD Sit %omortable an$ 1uietl+*

BCD Close +our e+es*

BCD Rela. +our bo$+ mus%les >+ou %an use a te%hni1ue li3e
Mus%ular Rela.ation or this?*

BCD Fo%us on +our breathin/*

BCD Ereathe in $ee#l+! then e.hale* Count +our breaths >/ives +ou

somethin/ to $o with +our min$! hel#in/ avoi$ $istra%tion?*

BCD Re#eat this or 5< or 5; minutes*

F* Sel-"+#nosis

&This is when +ou h+#notise +oursel* Airmations are oten use$
#ositive statements we re#eat to ourselves to %ounter stress an$

un#leasant thou/hts* An o an airmation is ,I eel
an$ alive* I love how I eel,!& sa+s 2erma* Sit $own at a 1uiet!

%omortable #la%e* Rela. +our bo$+* Ima/ine waves o rela.ation

runnin/ $own +our bo$+ rom +our hea$ $ownwar$s! washin/ awa+
Feel the mus%les in +our bo$+ as waves o rela.ation wash

over them*

Ne.t! utilise su//estion to $ee#en the state o rela.ation* Aou %an
this b+ sim#l+ sa+in/ to +oursel4 ,I am tire$ an$ slee#+* I %an
m+ arms an$ le/s /ettin/ heavier* I am be%omin/ more an$ more
On%e +ou eel %om#letel+ rela.e$! a$$ the airmations +ou have

#re#are$ too*

;* Ao/a

I +ou have trie$ it! +ou alrea$+ 3now that it %an hel# +ou a%hieve

+our /oals with more o%us an$ renewe$ s#irit* &Ao/i% breathin/

re$u%es bloo$ #ressure an$ brin/s intense rela.ation* Furthermore!
/ives +ou im#rove$ a##earan%e via better #osture! mus%le an$

s3in-tone! i #ra%ti%e$ re/ularl+* Eones an$ mus%les are
an$ 7oints be%ome more le.ible* It is also ama0in/ to see how mu%h

more #ositive a #erson,s outloo3 on lie be%omes within 7ust a ew

months o #ra%ti%e!& sa+s Tri#athi*

9* Ima/er+

Aou ma+ have noti%e$ how #arti%ular environments %an be ver+!
while others %an be e.tremel+ stressul* This is the i$ea behin$
use o ima/er+ in stress re$u%tion* &Aou use +our ima/ination to

re%reate a s%ene! #la%e or event that +ou re%all as bein/!

sae! #ea%eul! beautiul an$ ha##+* Aou %an brin/ all +our senses

into the ima/e b+! or instan%e! ima/inin/ soun$s o runnin/ water
bir$s! the smell o %ut /rass! et%* Use the ima/ine$ #la%e as a

#ea%eul retreat rom stress an$ #ressure!& sa+s 2erma*

'* Musi% or Su//estion C6s

Another a##roa%h is listenin/ to %almin/ musi% or rela.ation ta#es*

Soothin/ musi% has a lot o #ower to inluen%e +our thou/hts an$

eelin/s* &It ta3es no eort rom +our si$e to listen to these*

Moreover! the+ %an be ver+ wel%ome at the en$ o a lon/ $a+!& sa+s

2erma* o su%h au$io C6 titles are Ao/a Ni$ra - Com#lete

Rela.ation b+ Ao/a%har+a Arun3umar >a##ro.imatel+ Rs 5;<? an$ Ra/as

or Rela.ation >a %olle%tion o In$ian %lassi%al musi% b+ various

artists or a##ro.imatel+ Rs =G;?*

With %ontinue$ #ra%ti%e in the te%hni1ues enumerate$ above! +ou ma+

e.#erien%e renewe$ ener/+! better %on%entration! better abilit+ to

$eal with #roblems! more ei%ien%+ in $ail+ a%tivities! less

in$i/estion! hea$a%hes! nausea! an$ less re1uent emotional
li3e an/er! an.iet+! %r+in/! an.iet+! a##rehension an$ rustration*

Soun$s /oo$! $oesn,t itH

Than3s I Re/ar$s!


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