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European Cuisine

European food has a distinct flavor and rich history. The food in Europe can be characterized by four
categories: meats, sugar, cereals, and fats. Meats include tripe, fish, blood sausages, and wild game.
Brought from India and the New World, cane sugar became a necessary ingredient in European recipes
and foods. Europeans loved the sweet taste and the demand for sugar cane grew at the end of the 17th
century. Cereals are the most important ingredients in European cuisine. Flour, bread, wheat, oats, and
other grains provide people with the most nutritious and healthy meals. During the 18th century,
though, new crops rose to popularity. Maize and potatoes were brought from the New World and
became favorite foods in Northern Europe. Rice and pasta especially grew famous in Spain and Italy.
Peas and beans are still a staple food in Europe. However, their popularity diminished over time as
potatoes and cereals took their place as the main foods. The most used fats in Europe are olive oil, lard,
and butter. Today, fats are indispensable as they are almost always used when cooking. Coffee, tea,
alcoholic beverages, and chocolate are the most well-known drinks in Europe. Since water was not being
purified until recently and was not safe to drink, it was not considered a beverage for a long time.
Instead, wine, beer, ale, gin, and whiskey were the most popular drinks in Europe. Coffee, chocolate,
and tea were brought from Africa, America, and Asia. Today, all of these drinks are popular, but pure
water is consumed a lot more than it was a few centuries ago.


Austrian food is rich in texture and has a unique flavor. Austrian cuisine was influenced by the countries
surrounding it. These countries are Germany, Hungary, and Italy. The most consumed meats in Austria
are chicken, beef, and pork. Pastries, sweets, jams, and cakes are also Austrian favorites. Some famous
Austrian dishes are Wiener Schnitzel and Apple Strudel. It is believed that the Wiener Schnitzel originally
came from Milan, Italy and was introduced to Viennese cuisine in the 16th century.


The Belgian cuisine is a mix of German and French food. Belgian food was also influenced by the Franks,
Spanish, Vikings, and Austrians. Belgians love to use spices such as saffron, black pepper, ginger, and
cinnamon. Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink, and Belgian chocolate is considered among the
famous and best in the world.


Traditional Norwegian food is smoked salmon. It is cooked many ways and is served with dill, egg and
different kinds of sauces. Other kinds of fish that are commonly eaten are smoked herring, sardines, cod
and mackerel. Whale meat and horsemeat are often used to make Norwegian sausages.
Fiskesuppe - popular dish in Norway

The English have healthy and filling meals everyday. Because England began to trade with India in the
18th century, India had a great influence on English food. The food became more flavorful with many
herbs and spices. Tarts, cakes, pastries, pies, and pudding are very common in English cuisine. Toast,
coffee, and cereal are also often eaten, especially during breakfast.


The food of Wales has been strongly influenced by English food. Dairy cattle and beef are commonly
raised and there are many sheep farmers in this land. Welsh cooking often uses seafood ingredients,
especially near the coast. The leek is the national vegetable and can be found in many Welsh recipes.
The food in Wales is diverse and full of contrasts and extremes. Throughout their history, the Welsh
would often cook outside or over fireplaces.
Cawl - popular dish in Wales


Finnish food is very similar to Swedish and Nordic food. Germany and Russia also influenced the cuisine
of Finland. Since the climate is harsh and most of the seasons are cold, there are not a lot of fresh
vegetables or fruit. Spices and herbs are also hard to find during the winter. Fish plays a major role
because there is a lot of water surrounding Finland. Mushrooms, meat, potatoes, and dairy products are
some of the most popular foods.


Spanish food is a blend of Roman, Greek, and Celtic food. The Greeks and Romans introduced grapes,
wine, and olives. Meat pies and fish came from the Celts. Ingredients such as garbanzo beans, lentils,
and green beans are often used in dishes. Potatoes, rice, almonds, sesame seeds, onions, tomatoes,
eggs, red bell peppers, and olive oil make up most Spanish dishes and offer Spaniards tasty meals.
Cozido - popular dish in Spain


French cuisine has a rich history of sophisticated dishes and plentiful feasts. Because of the rich soil,
many herbs, fruits, grains, and vegetables are grown in France. Brandy and wine are the most popular
French alcoholic drinks. Cheese is very important for French cuisine and is used in numerous dishes.
Veal, chicken, goose, duck, mutton, and pork are great meats that French dishes have to offer.


Food in Germany is important to its culture. The most popular meats in Germany are pork, veal, and
beef. Germans love to smoke or pickle meat since it gives a great flavor to the food. Germans typically
eat breads, sausages, meats, vegetables, and cheeses. Potatoes are essential to German cuisine and are
found in many dishes. Breakfast is made up of jam, eggs, cheese, and meat. The most famous German
dish is considered to be Sauerkraut.

Greek cuisine is very old and began thousands of years ago. Most of the foods eaten by Greeks today
were influenced by the foods eaten in Ancient Greece. However, the Romans and Persian also had an
effect on Greek food. Pasta and sauces were brought by Romans, and the Persians introduced pastries,
sweets, and yogurt. Greek dishes often include fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, cheese, and bread. Olives
and soup are well-known in Greece as well.


The Anglo-Normans brought peas, beans, and wheat to Ireland in the 12th century. The main staple
food in Ireland is the potato, which was introduced to the Irish in the late 1500s. Irish cuisine is full of
meats such as goose, mutton, chicken, beef, and pork. Because Ireland is surrounded by bodies of
water, seafood such as oysters, scallops, mussels, lobster, and salmon are quite common in Irish dishes.
Biscuits, pancakes, muffins, and porridge are often eaten for breakfast in Ireland.


France, Austria, and the former Yugoslavia had a great effect on the cooking techniques and food of
Italy. Italian cuisine is based on a few dishes. These famous dishes are pasta, lasagna, ravioli, and pizza.
Italian food is very spicy and often includes ingredients such as crushed red pepper, black pepper, red
bell pepper, and green bell pepper. Cheese is also an indispensable ingredient. A few types of Italian
cheese are romano, parmesan, mozzarella, ricotta, and gorgonzola.


The food in Portugal is often filling, rich and full of flavor. It is very much like the food of the
Mediterranean. The former colonies of Portugal contributed many different spices that include piri piri
(small, spicy chili peppers), as well as cinnamon, black pepper, saffron and vanilla. Olive oil is also one of
the common bases of the foods of Portugal.


Throughout history, the food of the Netherlands has been closely linked to the food of northern France.
This can be seen throughout the Netherlands in Dutch restaurants and the cuisine of the Southern
region. Around the 17th century, many of the most popular dishes today became available for the upper
class. These foods contained lots of meat, nuts, cheese and fruits as well as wine.


Throughout history, France had a strong influence on the culture and cuisine of Denmark. Other
influences came from countries such as Greece, Italy and Spain. American culture has begun to have an
influence on those who live in Denmark.
Millionbf - popular food in Denmark


Some of the traditional dishes of Sweden are hundreds of years old, but are still an essential part of the
everyday meals of the people. There is a very long coast and many rivers and lakes. This makes seafood
and fish a large part of the Swedish diet and most Swedes love seafood including salmon that is usually
marinated or smoked. A common Swedish breakfast is a sandwich made of different kinds of soft
breads, cottage cheese, cream cheese, cold cuts, eggs, goat cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes or toast. All
this is often served with juice, coffee and honey.


French foods have influenced Scottish cuisine way back to the time of Mary Queen of Scotts. Much of
her staff, including the cooks were French and it is thought that they brought many French ingredients
and cooking styles with them. Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, there was a lot of immigration of
Italians to Scotland and in later years those from Pakistan, India and the Middle East also traveled to
Scotland. The addition of these cultures has dramatically affected Scottish cooking.


The food of the Swiss is unusual in that it has so many regional influences from the cuisine of its
neighbors. This includes the French, German and Italians. Historically, Switzerland was a farming
country, and the most popular crops and foods include cheese and potatoes as well as chocolate.


Throughout its history, the island of Cyprus has been invaded and occupied by many different
civilizations. Because of this, the traditional cuisine of Cyprus has been affected by the different people
who have lived there. While the food in this country does carry strong Turkish and Greek influences, it is
also widely affected by the climate, history and geography. Fast food and other kinds of western cuisines
have also carried a strong influence on the day to day eating habits of the people in this country.


Turkish food is usually not spicy, but some regions do enjoy spicy dishes. Sauces and seasonings are
often used but tend to be light and simple and don't overpower the natural flavors of the foods. Most
common seasonings include garlic, cinnamon, mint, dill and parsley. Yogurt is often used in meals with
both meat and vegetables. Vegetables, wheat and rice are often the basis of Turkish foods. Eggplant is
the favorite vegetable of the country and zucchini is a common second in addition to cabbage, beans,
and artichokes that are made with olive oil.

This is a list of European cuisines. A cuisine is a characteristic style of cooking practices and traditions,[1]
often associated with a specific culture. European cuisine (also called "Western cuisine") refers
collectively to the cuisines of Europe and other Western countries.[2] European cuisine includes cuisines
of Europe, including (depending on the definition) that of Russia,[2] as well as non-indigenous cuisines
of North America, Australasia, Oceania, and Latin America, which derive substantial influence from
European settlers in those regions. The term is used by East Asians to contrast with Asian styles of
cooking.[3] This is analogous to Westerners referring collectively to the cuisines of Asian countries as
Asian cuisine. When used by Westerners, the term may refer more specifically to cuisine in Europe; in
this context, a synonym is Continental cuisine, especially in British English.

The cuisines of Western countries are diverse by themselves, although there are common characteristics
that distinguishes Western cooking from cuisines of Asian countries[4] and others. Compared with
traditional cooking of Asian countries, for example, meat is more prominent and substantial in serving-
size.[5] Wheat-flour bread has long been the most common sources of starch in this cuisine, along with
pasta, dumplings and pastries, although the potato has become a major starch plant in the diet of
Europeans and their diaspora since the European colonization of the Americas.

Pt (UK /pte/ or US /pte/; French pronunciation: [pte]) is a mixture of cooked ground meat and
fat minced into a spreadable paste. Common additions include vegetables, herbs, spices, and
either wine or cognac, armagnac or brandy. Pt can be served either hot or cold, but it is considered to
develop its fullest flavor after a few days of chilling.[1]

Guacamole (/wkmoli/; Spanish: [wakamole] or [wakamole] ( listen)) is an avocado-
based dip that originated with theAztecs in Mexico.[1] In addition to its use in modern Mexican cuisine it
has also become part of American cuisine as a dip,condiment and salad ingredient.[2][3] It is
traditionally made by mashing ripe avocados and sea salt with a molcajete (mortar and pestle). Some
recipes call for tomato, onion, garlic, lemon juice, chili, yogurt and/or additional seasonings.
Foie gras ( i/fwr/, French for "fat liver") is a food product made of the liver of
a duck orgoose that has been specially fattened. By French law,[1] foie gras is defined as the liver of a
duck or goose fattened by force-feeding corn with a gavage, although in Spain[2] and other counties
outside of France it is occasionally produced using natural feeding.[3]
Foie gras is a popular and well-known delicacy in French cuisine. Its flavor is described as rich, buttery,
and delicate, unlike that of an ordinary duck or goose liver. Foie gras is sold whole, or is prepared
into mousse, parfait, or pt, and may also be served as an accompaniment to another food item, such
as steak. French law states that "Foie gras belongs to the protected cultural and gastronomical heritage
of France."[4]
The technique of gavage dates as far back as 2500 BC, when the ancient Egyptians began keeping birds
for food and deliberately fattened the birds through force-feeding.[5] Today, France is by far the largest
producer and consumer of foie gras, though it is produced and consumed worldwide, particularly in
other European nations, the United States, and China.[6]
Gavage-based foie gras production is controversial due to the force-feeding procedure used. A number
of countries and jurisdictionshave laws against force-feeding or the sale of foie gras.

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