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[Base Class] The Sanguine Knight

Note for DM's: this class is meant to be used in a medium-high magic setting
, where most players have the ability to cast spells. It is meant to compete wit
h said characters, and is much more powerful than the typical martial class beca
use of it. Only allow players to use this in a low magic setting if you are cert
ain they will not get carried away with it.
Class name: Sanguine Knight
Role: This class is a tank, reducing enemy damage by taking half upon himsel
f and recovering from it in just a round or two. It also has many abilities that
deal with manipulating and empowering blood.
Background information and things: Some people study the arcane, learning to
harvest the essence of the universe itself to create things of wonder and beaut
y. Others pursue the divine, drawing upon powers that normal mortals should neve
r be exposed to. And still others find perfection in the blade and things of gre
at worth, maybe introspection and epiphany. The Sanguine Knight does none of the
above. Instead, their studies and passion involves manipulating their physical
bodies, more specifically their blood and icor. This kind of control, and the co
st of it, comes quickly and from one's own body, allowing a Sanguine Knight to p
ursue other, simpler, subjects while he learns to control his abilities. Magics,
especially those of a divine nature, actually tend to disrupt the focus require
d for blood manipulation, so the subjects that are most often pursued by a Sangu
ine Knight are ones of a martial nature, running, jumping, fighting, that sort o
f thing. They also seem to excel at speech crafts, learning to recognize how som
eone is feeling and how to talk to them due to their intimate relationship with
a living body.
The more powerful Sanguine Knights are able to influence the blood of others
, and have mastery so great over their own bodies that they can seemingly recove
r from anything, regrowing even lost limbs after a long enough time.
As adventurers: Sanguine Knights often manifest their powers early in life,
as such they are usually rather young and ambitious. They also tend to see thems
elves as invulnerable, rushing brashly into dangerous situations because they ar
e "assured" they will survive. Good Sanguine Knights tend to be the idealist, us
ing their own body to protect others while their evil counterparts use it as ins
urance against not being killed while they do their evil things.
Characteristics: Their powers manifest very early in their life, becoming mo
re prominent as the Sanguine Knight learns to control them. Usually, though, the
ir control is innate and does not require years to learn. Their wounds progressi
vely heal swifter and they gradually become harder and harder to kill.
Alignment: Having no amounts of training other than what they learned on the
ir own, and having no organization to govern them beyond one they choose, they c
an be any alignment they wish. They tend to be more aligned with neutrality and
evil, due to ideals of grandeur that corrupt their sense of right and wrong and
delude them to their own frailty or shortcomings.
Religion: Though most Sanguine Knights are weary of the gods and worshiping
them, a random blessing could really ruin a guy's day, after all, they do have s
ome gods that they might worship. A little bit. Depending on alignment, they ten
d to worship gods of life, healing or power. Maybe pride or blood.
Races: Anything that lives and has blood flowing through its veins can becom
e a Sanguine Knight, though races that tend to excel are Dwarves, half-dragons a
nd half-giants, or anything else that has high constitution. Elven Sanguine Knig
hts aren't unheard of, but they are still rather rare due to their innate frailt
Other classes: Clerics and druids often have some problems with Sanguine Kni
ghts because they often shun the gods and the natural order, imposing their own
will and justification for things instead. Also, Mages and Sanguine Knights tend
to be at odds since Mages want to poke and prod these people to figure out how
they do their thing, and despite being able to heal Sanguine Knights do not like
being poked or prodded. Other classes are fine, so long as they don't go out of
their way to be annoying.
Abilities: Constitution is even more important for this class than any other
, since they absorb damage for their allies and almost every aspect is based off
of getting the largest bonus you can. Dexterity is a close second, as it is nee
ded for their AC and reflex saves. Charisma could replace it to help them with t
heir speech craft skills.
Alignment: Any
HD: d12
Starting Gold: As a Fighter
Starting age: As a Fighter
Requirement: The Sanguine Knight must be a living creature with flesh and bl
ood. If this ever becomes untrue, all class features are lost, and no further le
vels may be taken until the Sanguine Knight is returned to his original living s
Level Base attack bonus Fort save Ref save Will sav
e Class features
1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Blood Bond, Crimson revelry
2 +1 +3 +0 +3 Con +2, Vital sight, Endurance
3 +2 +3 +1 +3 Resilient blood, Adrenaline Surge
4 +3 +4 +1 +4 Cruor Blade, Diehard
5 +3 +4 +1 +4 Clear blood, Bloodlust
6 +4 +5 +2 +5 Con +2, Blood walk
7 +5 +5 +2 +5 Mettle
8 +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Reinforced blood (1), Crimson Blade
9 +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 Bloody Step, Unflinchable, Battle Surge
10 +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 Con +2, Cripple
11 +8/+3 +7 +3 +7 Strength of Body
12 +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Reinforced blood (2), Ichor Blade
13 +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Remove weakness, Regrow limb
14 +10/+5 +9 +4 +9 Con +2, Body and Mind
15 +11/+6/+1 +9 +5 +9 Impervious to pain, Battle Eupho
16 +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Boil Blood, Reinforced Blood (3)
, Vampiric Blade
17 +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Improved Mettle, Reflexive core
18 +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 Con +2, Eye of the Storm
19 +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Undying
20 +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Blossom of Gore, Reinforced bloo
d (4), Sanguine Blade
Skills: Class skills for the Sanguine Knight (and, of course, their stat mod
s) are; Balance (dex), Bluff (cha), Climb (str), Concentration (con), Craft (int
), Diplomacy (cha), Escape Artist (dex), Handle animal (wis), Heal (wis), Intimi
date (cha), Jump (str), Knowledge; Nature (int), Profession (wis), Ride (dex), S
ense motive (wis), Spot (wis), Survival (wis), Swim (str), Tumble (dex), Use Rop
e (dex)
Skill points at 1st level: (6+Int mod)*4
Skill points each level after: 6+Int mod
Class features:
Weapon and armor proficiencies: The Sanguine Knight is proficient with all s
imple and martial weapons, and all shields and armor. He is also proficient with
any object made out of blood.
Blood Bond (Su)**: At level 1, as a full-round action that provokes attacks
of opportunity in combat, a Sanguine Knight may form a Blood Bond with a willing
, sentient, living creature (who possesses blood or another similar vital liquid
) adjacent to him.
Whenever his bonded partner takes damage, the Sanguine Knight may choose to
suffer an amount of damage up to X (Where X is 1/2 Sanguine knight's level + his
constitution modifier). The original target of the attack reduces the damage th
at would be dealt to them by an amount equal to that taken by the Sanguine Knigh
t (for example: if an ally of the Sanguine Knight would take 20 damage from an a
ttack, a level 8 Sanguine Knight with a constitution of 22 may choose to take up
to 10 damage. He reduces the damage his ally takes by an amount equal to the da
mage he redirected to himself). The damage diverted in this manner may not excee
d 1/2 of the incoming damage.
A 1st level Sanguine Knight may have a single Blood Bond active at once. He
gains the ability to maintain an additional Blood Bond at 3rd level, and every 3
levels thereafter (to a maximum of 7 at 20th level).
A Blood Bond persists indefinitely, or until either the Sanguine Knight or h
is bound partner choose to terminate it as a free action. A Blood Bond cannot be
used if either of the Sanguine Knight or its bonded target is on a different pl
ane or dead.
At level 8, the Sanguine Knight can shift damage between bonded partners ins
tead of absorbing it all himself. The damage can be divided any number of ways,
but it must be equal to all creatures, and the Sanguine Knight must take some of
the damage himself. For example, if a level 8 sanguine knight with 3 blood bond
s absorbs 18 damage from an attack to one of those allies, he may divide it into
thirds so that he and the other two creatures take 6 damage each. This does not
increase the damage that may be absorbed from an attack, it merely redirects it
to multiple targets. All targets of this split must be willing.
At level 10, all creatures that the Sanguine Knight has bonded may communica
te telepathically with one another through their blood, using the Sanguine Knigh
t as their focal point. This communication cannot be detected through normal mea
ns, and it may not be detected by a "Read thoughts" or any magical way to detect
telepathic messages. Only members who have been bonded may communicate in this
way, and they may only do it within 100' of the Sanguine Knight.
At level 12 the Sanguine Knight learns how to aid in making the bodies of hi
s allies more durable and helps them heal faster. From this point on, the Sangui
ne Knight grants all creatures bonded to him quick healing 3 and DR 2/-. These b
onuses are untyped, and stack with abilities, enhancements and spells that grant
similar effects.
At level 16 the Sanguine Knight learns how to use the senses of his allies t
o dodge out of the way of incoming attacks. From this point on, the Sanguine Kni
ght gains a +1 dodge bonus to his AC for every creature he has bonded. This bonu
s stacks with other dodge bonuses and functions within an anti-magic field, even
though blood bonds are normally disabled within them.
Finally, at level 18 the Sanguine Knight knows how to perfectly bolster his
allies, granting all creatures bonded to him a +2 untyped bonus to their constit
ution while he gains a +5 temporary hit points for creature he has bonded. Damag
e comes from this pool of health first and the pool is recharged at the end of t
he encounter. He may also, 3 times a day, spend a full round action to heal a bo
nded creature as per the spell Heal and instantly cure all attribute damage deal
t to the target.
Crimson Revelry (Su)**: Starting at level 1 the sanguine knight's body enter
s a heightened state of self preservation and learns how to heal his wounds durr
ing the chaos of combat. Each round, at the beginning of his turn, a Sanguine Kn
ight regains 1 hit point per class level. This ability only functions if a livin
g creature within 200ft (other than the Sanguine Knight himself) took lethal dam
age in the previous round. For damage to activate this ability, it must be letha
l or harmful in intent: while an enemy's attack, a trap, or an ally slashing open
his side with a dagger would be sufficient to trigger this ability, a creature p
ricking its finger merely to draw blood is not enough.*
*Yes, this clause is to prevent player shenanigans with low-damage effects.
At level 13, this effect triggers as long as a creature other than the Sangu
ine Knight is damaged, it does not matter if they are alive, dead, undead or a c
*And THIS tidbit was added in just in case you have a DM that hates using li
ving things at higher levels >.>
Con +2: The Sanguine Knight's body is much tougher than any normal variant o
f the species, granting him a +2 to his Constitution score at level 2 and +2 eve
ry 4 levels after. This ability score boost is added in partnership with and doe
s not consume his normal ability score bonus granted by leveling up.
Vital Sight (Su)**: A Sanguine Knight is attuned to the blood around him. At
level 2 he may see living creatures within 200ft as if he had Blindsight, altho
ugh this ability does not help him distinguish terrain, colors, non-living creat
ures, or anything else Blindsight would normally do. Additionally, he can immedi
ately recognize if a creature within this range is unwounded (full hit points),
wounded (less than full hit points but more than half), critically wounded (belo
w half hit points), dying (-1 to -9 hit points) or dead.
Finally, a Sanguine Knight can detect blood on the ground even days after it
has been shed. He may follow even the faintest trail of blood as if he had the
Track feat, provided the blood has been shed within a period of time equal to on
e week + one week per point of his Knowledge; Nature skill.
This ability requires line of effect to function: a Sanguine Knight can feel
the heartbeat of the kobold skulking in the corner, but the one behind the wall
remains a mystery.
Endurance: The Sanguine Knight gains the feat Endurance at level 2.
Resilient blood (ex): The Sanguine Knight's blood and immune system are extr
emely resilient to all poisons and diseases, granting a +6 bonus against these a
t level 3.
Adrenaline Surge (ex): At level 3 the Sanguine Knight becomes more powerful
as he becomes bloodied, pumping raw strength into his body via his willpower. He
gains +4 Dexterity and Strength for 1 round/ level while he is below 50% health
(rounded down). At the end of this ability's duration the Sanguine Knight becom
es winded like a Barbarian that has come out of a rage for five rounds. After he
is done being winded, this ability can be used again.
At level 9 this ability becomes Battle Surge and increases the Dexterity and
Strength bonus to +6. He also gains an extra +2 untyped bonus to his AC until t
he end of the duration.
At level 15, this ability becomes Battle Euphoria and increases Dexterity an
d Constitution* (As Strength of Body is now in effect) bonus to +8. He also gain
s a +4 untyped bonus to his AC until the end of the duration.
Cruor Blade (Su)**: At level 4, the knight learns to ise the blood of his en
emies as a weapon. The first time each encounter that a Sanguine Knight deals le
thal damage with a melee weapon to a foe that possess blood, the blood clings to
his weapon, turning it into a Cruor Blade. Treat the Cruor Blade as being the S
anguine Knight's normal melee weapon, but increase its reach by 5' and he gains a
+8 untyped bonus to resist all disarm attempts made against this weapon.
At level 8, this weapon applies bleeding damage to whatever it damages equal
to the Sanguine Knight's Con bonus. This effect may be applied multiple times,
each time adding 1/2 the original amount of bleeding damage.
At level 12, enemies that take lethal damage from this weapon are dealt 1d3+
1 constitution damage from excessive bleeding (Fortitude save DC10+1/2 Sanguine
Knight's level+Constitution bonus for half). This weapon may also be used to mak
e touch attacks or spells (i.e., may be used to make touch attacks such as Shock
ing grasp, cripple or blood boil as a ranged touch attack).
At level 16, this weapon has a lifestealing effect, healing the Sanguine Kni
ght for 1d6/ 5 levels damage and dealing that much extra damage per swing to all
creatures. The reach range is also increased to +10'.
Finally at level 20, the Cruor Blade deals splash damage on critical hits to
creatures within 10" of the target, dealing 25% of the damage rolled to each cr
eature (after applying strength, enchantment and critical modifiers).
The weapon remains a Cruor Blade for as long as it remains in the Sanguine K
night's grasp, or until 5 rounds have passed since it last dealt lethal damage to
a target.
At level 12 the Sanguine Knight may choose to take their weapon's base damag
e as untyped sacrificial damage as an immediate action to coat his blade in his
own blood, granting the appropriate effects listed above.
Diehard (ex): At level 4 the Sanguine Knight gains the feat Diehard, regardl
ess of whether or not he meets the requirements.
Clear Blood (ex): At level 5, the Sanguine knight learns how to control the
very flow of his blood. This further enhances the Sanguine Knight's resistance t
o diseases and poisons, making him immune to all normal varieties and adding a f
urther +2 against ones of magical origin (bringing the total to +8).
Bloodlust (su): At 5th level, the Sanguine Knight is thrown into a minor fre
nzy at the sight of blood, hitting those already damaged harder and more often.
When attacking a living enemy that has already been damaged, the Sanguine Knight
gains +1 to hit and damage against it for every 10% of its maximum health it is
missing. If the target is taking Bleeding damage, this bonus is increased by a
further +2. This bleeding bonus may only be applied once per target enemy, regar
dless of how many times they are bleeding.
At level 10, add half of this attack and damage bonus when fighting enemies
that are not living. Against living creatures, add an extra +1 damage per 10% of
health missing.
Finally, at level 20 the Sanguine Knight gains +1 attack and damage for ever
y 10% HP a non-living creature is missing, and gains +2 attack and +3 damage on
living creatures for every 10% of their maximum health they are missing.
Blood walk (su): At level 6 the Sanguine Knight moves with the blood that ha
s been spilled, seeming to twist and jump in it at speeds that make it appear th
at he is phasing within it. When this character is moving towards a living creat
ure that has taken damage this encounter, or he is following a trail of blood, h
e adds +30 to his base movement and may make a concentration check (DC Attacker'
s attack roll (+5 to the DC if moving through an occupied space)) to avoid any p
rompted attacks of opportunity. The Sanguine Knight may also move through spaces
occupied by creatures with no penalty, as long as he is moving directly towards
a damaged creature*. He cannot, however, stop on an already occupied space.
*Note, this does include special movement types such as charge or bull rush.
You may move through tiles occupied by creatures while carrying out these comba
t maneuvers.
Mettle (ex): Beginning at 7th level, if a Sanguine Knight makes a successful
Will or Fortitude save that would normally reduce the save's effect, he suffers n
o effect from the spell at all. Only those spells with a saving throw entry of pa
rtial or half are affected by this ability, and only for purposes of Will and/or Fo
rtitude saves with these descriptors.
Reinforced blood (ex): Starting at the eighth level and on every fourth leve
l after that, the Sanguine Knight begins to reinforce the blood of his being, ev
entually changing the nature of his genetic structure to something greater.
-At level 8 he absorbs one point of Constitution damage from every attack th
at would damage it. The Sanguine Knight also becomes immune to bleeding damage (
Including taking standard/ full round actions while in the negatives for hitpoin
-At level 12 he has damage resistance 5/magic and absorbs 2 points of consti
tution damage. He also gains SR equal to 10+Character level. This SR can be acti
vated or deactivated at will as a free action.
-At level 16 he absorbs 4 points of constitution damage and his blood gains
his alignment*. Finally, DR is raised to 10/alignment.
-At level 20 he counts as an Intelligent Ooze** and is immune to constitutio
n damage and drain. Finally, DR is raised to 15/alignment.
*This means that his DR is changes to /Opposed alignment(s) (A NG SK would h
ave DR/ evil while a LE one would have DR/ Good or Chaos), his cruor blade gains
an alignment (this replaces the alignment enhancement on the base weapon, if an
y), any weapon or item made from his blood has his alignment and he counts as a
magical humanoid, if he did not before.
**Note, for the purposes of fluff and stuff, the Sanguine Knight retains his
normal appearance and biology.
As a final note, all of the DR's are a Supernatural effect, and as such do n
ot function in an AMF or Dead Magic Zone.
As a note, constitution draining is not prevented until level 20. This stat
protection does not apply to any stat other than constitution.
Bloody Step (Su)**: At level 9, the Sanguine Knight may move through a wound
ed creature's blood, emerging at the location of another creature. As a standard a
ction he may teleport from any adjacent living creature with less than its maxim
um number of hit points to a location within 100ft that is adjacent to any livin
g creature. If he so chooses he may make his exit a violent exit, which causes s
evere internal bleeding: a creature so affected must succeed on a Fortitude save
(DC 10 + the Sanguine Knight's class level + the Sanguine Knight's Constitution mod
ifier) or take 1d6 untyped lethal damage per class level (maximum 20d6 damage at
20th level) and be stunned for 1 round. On a successful save the damage is redu
ced to 1/2 it's normal value.
If the creature the Sanguine Knight teleports adjacent to is unwounded, he m
ust choose the violent exit option, and it deals 1 point of untyped lethal damag
e even on a successful save.
Unflinchable (ex): After dealing with pain and other damage for so long, the
Sanguine Knight has grown used to the labor and distortion of high-stress situa
tions, and can even function normally if near death. Starting at level 9, the Sa
nguine Knight no longer is affected by any flinching, staggering, stunning or ex
haustion effects. His full attacks may not be disrupted in any way, and successf
ul AoO do not disrupt his bull rush, grapple or trip attempts. This does not rem
ove the need to sleep, but does remove penalties from staying up for too long.
Cripple (su): At level 10 the Sanguine Knight's skills begin to branch out i
nto conteol of other's blood. Three times a day, after making a successful Touch
attack against a living enemy, the Sanguine Knight can attempt to take control
of an enemy's blood. He must succeed with a concentration check (DC10+target's l
evel+target's fort save) to succeed. If he succeeds he may enforce his will on t
he target's blood at any time, twisting it painfully in their veins and giving t
hem a -4 pain penalty to their actions and reducing their movement speed by 10'.
To end this effect the Sanguine Knight must release his control or the Sanguine
Knight must become incapacitated or dies. He does not need to end the effect to
temporarily pause the effects. As a free action he may disable or activate a cr
ipple that he is currently maintaining.
All targets that have supernatural/ spell/ psi-like abilities or caster leve
ls suffer a 65% spell failure rate while under this effect. If a spell or supern
atural ability takes multiple rounds to cast, or is maintained by concentrated c
hanneling, then this 65% failure rate applies every round the effect/ spell is m
aintained. This attack may be delivered as part of a full attack once per round,
replacing one attack in the iteration at its normal attack bonus.
Strength of Body (ex): At level 11, the strength of the Sanguine Knight begi
ns to surge. All parts of the body are connected, meaning that the endurance and
durability of the flesh is, in fact, just a different aspect of the strength of
one's muscles. Understanding how to manipulate this, the Sanguine Knight replac
es his Strength score with his Constitution score.
Remove weakness: Becoming ever stronger, the Sanguine Knight can change the
state of his body, removing most weak points with the precision of a surgeon. At
level 13 the Sanguine Knight permanently gains an ability to negate 75% of all
critical hits and sneak attacks. This ability does not stack with the armor and
shield enchantment Fortification.
Regrow limb (su): At level 13 if the Sanguine Knight somehow loses a limb an
d survives the encounter, he may spend the next ten minutes regrowing that limb.
He goes into a trance-like state of concentration during this time. At the end
of this process, the limb will be fully regrown and usable. This does not heal a
ny damage dealt from the loss of the replaced limb.
Body and Mind (ex): At level 14, the strength of the Knight's body can be us
ed to reflect his inner world's stability, forcing those that wish to attack his
mind to get through that instead of his willpower. The Sanguine Knight gains th
e feat Steadfast determination, but with the added effect that he cannot fumble
will saves as well.
Impervious to pain (ex): After being hit and punished so many times, the San
guine Knight has become not only used to pain, but almost welcomes it when it co
mes. At level 15, this gives him an immunity to the effects of pain, physically
or magically induced (Immunity to spells/ enchantments like agony, pain, maiming
, overwhelming, etc and mundane effects like being cut, massive damage, torture,
etc. Your DM decides what constitutes a "pain" effect, but the above effects ar
e certainly on the list).
Blood Boil (su): Three times per encounter at level 16 the Sanguine Knight m
ay make a touch attack against a living enemy to, literally, boil their blood. T
his ability deals 14d8+level+Con mod damage to the target and knocks it unconsci
ous for 3 rounds. A fortitude save (DC10+1/2 level+Con) is allowed for half dama
ge and to remain conscious, though the creature will be staggered instead. This
attack may be delivered as part of a full attack once per round, replacing one a
ttack in the iteration at its normal attack bonus.
Improved Mettle (ex): At 17th level, a Sanguine Knight's mettle ability improv
es. He still takes no effect on a successful Will or Fortitude save that has the
partial or half descriptor, but henceforth he takes only the partial effect or half
the damage on a failed save.
Reflexive core (ex): At level 17, the Sanguine Knight's body becomes the per
fect vessel of movement and form as he finally masters every last part of it. Fr
om this point on, he adds his Constitution modifier to all dexterity based skill
s and gains a dodge bonus to his armor class and reflex saves equal to half his
constitution modifier (rounded down).
Eye of the Storm (su): At level 18 a Sanguine Knight has such mastery over h
is blood that he may manifest it in the air around him as a swift action, creati
ng multiple shifting, slashing rings to protect himself from harm and damage tho
se that would try to get too close. This active ability grants a +5 bonus to AC
and deals 8d8+Sanguine Knight level+Con mod points of untyped damage each round
to enemies that are in melee distance and lasts 1 round for every 2 levels of Sa
nguine Knight. He may use Eye of the Storm once per encounter.
Undying (ex): The greatest of Sanguine Knights do not fall from one or even
one hundred blows. Their body's durability allows them to hold on to life long p
ast the point where any lesser man or woman would have fallen apart, allowing hi
m to stand at the gates of hell themselves and keep on fighting. The Sanguine Kn
ight is not killed once he reaches -10 hit points, instead his threshold is equa
l to 10+2*Con Score. Spells that would kill the Sanguine Knight in one blow (Suc
h as Disintegrate and Power Word Kill, Finger of Death, etc) only set him to -20
HP as long as he was in the positive before the spell affected him. Spells such
as petrify which change the composition of the character without technically "k
illing" him will still have their full effect.
If the Sanguine Knight does reach a point where he would die, instead he may
absorb up to 30 health from every blood bonded ally and instantly heal himself
of that much damage. He may not reduce an ally below 1 health with this ability.
Blossom of Gore (Su)**: Once per encounter, as a full-round action, a Sangui
ne Knight may pull the essence from his enemies and feast upon it, bolstering hi
s own strength and potentially creating ensnaring fields of splattered viscera.
All living opponents within a 30ft radius must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + th
e Sanguine Knight's class level + the Sanguine Knight's Constitution modifier) or be
immediately reduced to -10 hit points. If even a single enemy fails this save,
the Sanguine Knight regains hit points sufficient to return him to his normal ma
ximum number of hit points, and all opponents within a 15ft radius of a creature
who has failed its save must succeed on a Reflex save (at the same DC) or be im
mobilized for 3 rounds. A successful Reflex save reduces this to a single round.
A successful Fortitude save against the first effect results in 10d6 points
of untyped lethal damage, although this damage cannot reduce a target below -1 h
it points.
**Denotes a skill that (at least conceptually (Cruor blade only)) was create
d by Djinn_in_Tonic
Class/ new feats
Blood of my Blood
Requirements: Blood Bond, +4 BAB, Neutral or Good character
Effect: The maximum damage that can be absorbed by a Blood Bond is doubled,
though only up to 3/4 of incoming damage can be diverted in this way. You may li
nk one more target via Blood Bond than you normally are allowed to.
Normal: You may only take up to 1/2 level+con modifier, up to 1/2 of an atta
ck's damage maximum.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, gain anoth
er bond and add 5 to the maximum amount of damage you can absorb (it still canno
t go higher than 3/4 of the damage dealt).
Heart of my Heart
Requirements: Blood of my Blood, +6 BAB
Effect: The Sanguine Knight may split off up to 10 points of his Crimson Rev
elry to one blood-bonded target every round as a free action. This target may be
changed at any time, though only one target may be affected at any one time.
Normal: Only you benefit from Crimson Revelry.
Soul of my Soul
Requirements: Heart of my Heart, +9 BAB
Effect: If at any time a Blood Bonded ally is targeted by an effect that req
uires a saving throw and the Sanguine Knight has a higher base value, he may rep
lace their base save with his. This is a free action. Only one base save may be
modified per turn.
Normal: Your base saves are only usable by you.
You're going to regret that
Requirements: Sanguine Knight level 6
Effect: Your blood becomes a powerful acid, damaging those that come in cont
act with it. Enemies that strike you in melee range are dealt 1d6/3 level+Con re
taliation damage. This damage is acidic in nature, and can be affected by energy
resistances or immunities.
Normal: Your blood is normal and does not damage anything that is not specif
ically harmed by the blood of your race.
All blood is sort of the same...
Requirements: Sanguine Knight level 9
Effect: Crimson Revelry activates even if you are the only one to have taken
damage last turn.
Normal: You only heal from Crimson Revelry if a creature other than yourself
has taken damage this turn.
Natural healer
Requirements: 18 Constitution, some form of natural healing over time*
Effect: All incoming healing is increased by your Con modifier. *Healing ove
r time such as Regeneration from a spell or racial feature, Crimson revelry or Q
uick healing are only increased by 1/2 of your con modifier rounded down. This d
oes not add to life stealing effects.
Normal: You only heal the amount rolled or the amount regenerated normally,
without applying your con modifier.
Blood Weapon
Requirements: A race with blood, 16 con
Effect: A weapon made of your own blood is formed at the cost of 5 health. Y
ou must be proficient with the chosen manifested weapon. It counts as a masterwo
rk version of the manifested weapon and has its critical range improved as if it
had the improved critical feat applied to it (This does not stack with the feat
improved critical). At level 1 this is a normal masterwork weapon, at level 3 y
ou may apply any +1 enchantment. Every 3rd level afterwords, the enchantment bon
us is increased by another +1, to a maximum of +6 at level 18.
This weapon manifests at the same rate you may draw a different weapon, and
this feat is modified by quick draw.
Normal: You must rely on normal weapons instead.
Life Feast
Requirements: Sanguine Knight, +11 BAB
Effect: You passively consume some of the damage you deal to other creatures
, healing 1d6+1 health every time one of your blows lands. This effect is not mo
dified Natural Healer.
Normal: Your attacks do not heal you without the Vampiric enchantment.
Scent of Blood
Requirements: Bloodlust
Effect: The Sanguine Knight gains +2 Attack and Damage on a target enemy for
every effect they are bleeding from. This includes bleeding damage over time, a
nd constitution damage from bleeding.
Normal: You only gain the bonus once, no matter how many times they are blee
War bonds
Requirements: +4 BAB, Blood Bond class feature, Neutral or Evil alignment.
Effect: The Sanguine Knight's attacks become more viscous as he bonds with h
is allies, using some part of their strength as his own. For every bond the Sang
uine Knight possesses, he deals 1 extra damage on all melee attacks. Additionall
y, the Sanguine Knight may form one additional bond.
Shield me
Requirements: +6 BAB, War Bonds, Neutral or Evil alignment
Effect: When the Sanguine Knight takes damage from a source he is aware of,
he may split off a number of the damage dealt to all of his allies instead of ta
king it himself equal to the amount of damage that he could absorb from them. Th
e damage diverted must be divided equally among all bond members. Damage diverte
d cannot reduce the targets of the blood bond below 1 HP.
Normal: Blood Bonds can only divert damage to the Sanguine Knight, not away.
Bloody tyrant
Requirements: +9 BAB, Shield me, Neutral or Evil alignment
Effect: Calling through the blood of his allies, the Sanguine Knight uses th
eir bodies to enhance his supernatural powers. For every bonded member within 40
' of the Sanguine Knight, the SK's effective level of his class abilities that d
eal damage or have a save DC is increased by +1. This bonus cannot raise his eff
ective level higher than +4.
Spoiler: Epic levels and feats
HD: d12
Skill points/ level: 6+int
Level Class features Con progression
21 Blood bond (8) --
22 -- --
23 Bonus feat --
24 -- +2
25 Blood Bond (9) --
26 Bonus feat --
27 -- --
28 -- --
29 Bonus feat, Blood Bond (10) --
Blood Bonds: The Sanguine Knight continues to gain blood bonds, increasing t
he base bonds he may hold. At level 21 and every 4 levels after, the Sanguine Kn
ight gains a new blood bond, increasing their base number of bonds to create and
give out (as marked in the table, the number does not take into account additio
nal bonds from Blood of my Blood or War Bonds).
Bonus feats: At level 23 and every third level after, the Sanguine Knight ma
y choose a new epic-level feat that he qualifies for to take as a bonus feat. Bo
nus feats may be selected from the epic barbarian list, or any feat present in t
he class list/ epic progression class list.
Con progression: The Sanguine Knight continues to gain a constitution bonus.
At level 24 and every 6 levels afterwords, he gains a further +2 bonus to his c
on that stacks with all other sources.
Spoiler: Epic Sanguine Knight feats
Blood shared is blood strengthened
Requirements: Blood bond (7 beings) Class Feature. Base Con 25.
Benefit: You gain +1 Con for every 3 beings you have a Blood Bond with.
Special: The Constitution Bonuses from the Sanguine Knight Class and Inherit
Bonuses from con books do not count when calculating the Con score to qualify f
or this feat.
Master of the Blooded Blade
Requirements: Sanguine Blade class feature.
Benefit: The reach bonus granted by the Curor blade is increased by 5ft per
5 points of Constitution Modifier. Additionally, the bleed damage is doubled and
cannot be healed by normal means, and it bypasses immunity to bleeding damage,
albeit at half the normal rate. The bleed damage is treated as ability damage fo
r methods of removing it, however immunity to ability damage does not prevent or
remove it. This only affects the Hitpoint bleeding damage, the constitution dam
age remains unmodified.
Permanency of Blood
Requirements: Sanguine Knight, level 24
Benefit: The Sanguine Knight and all creatures bonded by him are treated as
if under the effects of the spell indomitability at the beginning of every encou
nter. This effect only happens once per person per encounter, but does not preve
nt the further application of indomitability from a magic, supernatural or psion
ic source.
Sigil of blood
Requirements: Blood Bond class feature, Crimson revelry class feature or a s
ource of natural healing (regeneration, fast healing, etc), Level 21
Benefit: You may place a visible mark of blood on a creature that you have b
onded. When active, this mark will writhe and twist, as if alive. Whenever you b
enefit from the effects of Crimson Revelry or any natural healing, your marked a
lly will heal with you. You may place three sigils at any time, though only one
per creature. These sigils will disappear once a marked creature or the sanguine
knight they are linked to die.
Additionally, the Sanguine Knight gains Fast Healing 2 for every active sigi
l, or increases their already present fast healing by 2.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time, you may place 2 a
dditional sigils.

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