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Halliburton interview questions

Halliburton interview questions

In this post, you ref top 20 interview questions for Halliburton interview process, Halliburton
interview tricks and tips or free 74 common interview questions & answers.
I. Sample Halliburton interview questions
Please clicking links below for answer samples, answer tips
1. Tell me about yourself?
2. Explain how you would be an asset to Halliburton?
3. What are your greatest weakness?
4. How long would you expect to work for Halliburton if hired?
5. Why do you want to work for Halliburton?
6. Do you know anyone who works for Halliburton?
7. Why should Halliburton hire you?
8. What do you know about Halliburton?
9. Tell me about a situation in which you had to adapt to changes that you had no control
10. Tell us about a suggestion you made that led to improvements in your company.
11. Can you tell me about the last time you took initiative at work? What did you do?
12. Describe a situation in which you were able to meet a tight deadline on time. How did
you prioritize your tasks and schedule?
13. Can you describe a goal that you have achieved? What steps did you take?
14. Can you tell me about a time when you were able to complete a task or project
successfully without supervision or support?
15. What were some challenges you faced on your last job? How did you handle these
16. Can you give an example from your work experience that shows your analytical
17. Can you describe a time when you had to be able to develop a working relationship
quickly with someone?
18. What are the most important factors in building successful business relationships?
19. Describe a situation in which you had to deal with a complex workplace politics.
20. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?
II. Halliburton interview answer tips
1. Writer your job description for Halliburton job position, Halliburton interviewers may
ask you: how to do, how to control, what are common mistakes of each
2. Identify your job specs and attributes for Halliburton divisions then ask questions: How
to do, how to become, what are key skills, qualifications of
3. List all common interview questions and answer them, you can ref: 74 interview
questions and answers.
4. You should know: What are the different types of interviews and how to face them?
Tell me about yourself? Interview answers
This question is commonly asked by most interviewers. It is a simple question; however, as the
first one, it gains you more confidence and helps you create the first impression for the
1. Answer structure:
Make a brief of your personal information: name, hometown, age and family status.
Education: state your main diplomas and certificates in relation to the job.
Experience: state 3 examples of your experience as you think the most suitable for the job.
Point out your strengths and weaknesses: This will help the employer assess you more clearly
whether you are suitable to the position. Also, describe 3 7 strengths on education,
experiences, skills and abilities.
2. Answer tips
Give brief and relevant information: Remember that you have a little time to answer and this
is the first question that impresses the employer. Therefore, try to give relevant information to
the position. You should practice with this question at home. Do not include any irrelevant
information in the question.
Dont make up the information: The employers have many ways to check the accuracy of the
information you provide. As this is the first question, it is easy for them to remember your
Manage your time of answering within 2 3 minutes.
Provide with more details and figures: This makes it easy for the employers to assess you and
may make them impressed. For example, instead of just help increase the sales, you can try
help increase the sales by 24.7% within 3 months.
Provide sufficient evidence: such as degrees, certificates or presentation attached to
your resume.
3. Sample answers
My name is Peter Ho and I am a project coordinator for ABC at present. I have had 06 years of
working with LAMP Technology.
For the past 06 years, I have worked full-time for 2 companies. In addition, I have also got 3
part-time jobs as a technical consultant and storyboard writer.
My current responsibility as a project coordinator is to communicate with clients on projects
(maintenance or hourly projects), assign tasks to team members, and work as a developer and
storyboard writer in my team. By this way, I can control the development of my team and
increase the independence of myself from other.
I am looking for challenges which can improve my abilities and opportunities which may help
other clients with their projects.
Attention is the best description of my strength. As a project coordinator, there are 02 crucial
matters: Deadline & Quality. Thus, I shall try my best to meet the project deadline with the
highest quality exceeding the clients expectation.
Explain how you would be an asset to this organization? Interview answers
Explain how you would be an asset to this organization?
1. Answer tips
When you have made some achievement for the organization, you are truly high appreciated.
List the abilities that you have, show that you are capable of learning from your
manager/coworkers and also from the failures and the success. Through which your abilities
are increased gradually and you could surely become an expert in
Let your employer know that a property only worthy when there is loyalty. And describe your
loyalty as well as your expectation of career promotion
You can also compare the importance of abilities according to A, B, Cin your field. As the
position of an expert, what you will learn from the company and what you can do to improve
the competitiveness of your company.
2. Answer samples
Sample 1:
Wishing to improve my knowledge and being firm in my own path and responsibilities are my
most valuable assets, and I hope these are valuable to my company as well. With my adequate
knowledge and experience in this position, I think I am quite suitable to be such a valuable
asset to your company.
Sample 2
Communication skill, thats my most precious asset. I am capable of bringing everyone in the
team together under a positive environment. My passion and enthusiasm can be of great use
for companies which focus much on teamwork.
What are your greatest weakness? Interview answers
What are your greatest weakness?
No one is without weakness; Dont hesitate to answer questions like this.
1. Answer structure
You can answer in these following ways:
a. Turn your strength into weakness.
I am a perfectionist, so I do not like to handle my work to others because they often get the
work done not as fast and qualified as I do.
This answer is only appropriate if you are a good employee, not a manager.
b. Turn your weakness into opportunity:
You can turn your weaknesses into opportunities for you to learn and overcome challenges, for
I am a perfectionist and I often require people to work as myself, but I realize that if I tolerate
then my employees cannot make any progress. Thus, I decide to handle my work so that my
employees have the chance to experience and face with difficulties.
2. Answer tips
Do not show that you are a perfect person, yet do not mention too specifically.
Assess the weakness
- List 3 5 your true weakness.
- Give solutions to your weakness.
- Consider whether these weaknesses are related to the job or not?
- Select some weaknesses to practice for the interview.
3. Answer samples
- Perfectionist: I can be described as a perfectionist; however, that could be my weakness. I
focus too much on details and this often gives much pressure on my subordinates; however, I
am trying to resolve this weakness. Stepping back and looking at a bigger scenario should be a
better way of moving on than going straightforward and focusing on smaller details.
- Not good with customers: I am not very good at communicating directly with customers; as a
result, Id like to sit at back office. But dont misunderstand. I like people, too, just not the best
salesman in the world, or even a good salesman. I feel it will be much better to take a
supportive role than an initiative one.
- Hate paperwork: Working with paperwork is really frustrating to me. I always have
difficulties dealing with this. I think it will be easier for me to do all my paperwork at a certain
time rather than complete each of them at different times. Thats too hard to keep up with.
How long would you expect to work for us if hired? Interview answers
How long would you expect to work for us if hired?
1. Answer structure
The purpose of this question is to know how devoted you are to this company.
Give out your long-term goals.
Answer that you will work your best to achieve your career goals as well as contribute your
strength to the company.
2. Answer tips
Do not give a specific number, the interviewer do not prefer the candidate who plans to
work for this company in a certain amount of time.
Do not answer too generally, such as: Id like to work in long term. You should give out the
reasons for developing your career in sync with the future of the company.
3. Answer samples
Sample 1
Id like to work for your company because I want to be part of a reputable company. I want to
develop my career by contributing my effort to the success of the company. For the moment, I
have no concern about how long I will stay, but rather focus on how I can improve my
performance and advance in career within your company.
Sample 2
You can believe that Im a loyal employee. Unless there is no room for me in the company or
no opportunity of developing my career, there is no reason for me to leave my company.
Why do you want to work here? Interview answers
Why do you want to work here/ for us/ for this organization?
This is a simple but very important question, which shows that whether you learn thoroughly
about this company or not. It can be an advantage if your expectation matches with the
current value available in the company.
1. Answer structure:
The answer extent of this question include:
I just found out the job recruitment and I do not have much information about the company.
I am interested in and impressed by the company so I apply for this position.
Emphasize the strengths of the company, for example: is the number one brand in; has the
technical level of.; is the number one in the field of ..
2. Answer tips:
Study thoroughly the company that you are going to apply in to see what advantages they
have for the customers and staff.
Famous brand.
High quality products.
Is highly rated in the list of companies employees want to work for.
Career promotion opportunities.
Companys development ability.
3. Answer samples
Sample 1: Your company is introducing, as I think, a new wind in ABC region. I am sure your
success in this region will be guaranteed and Id like it very much to have an opportunity to
develop my career with the company in this region.
Sample 2: Working in your company is not only offering me the opportunity to work in a highly
professional environment, but also giving me the opportunity to work for one of the most
successful and reputable firms. I wish to have such opportunity to help with the company goals
and sharing my broad experience with your experts as a team.
Do you know anyone who works for us? Interview answers
Do you know anyone who works for us?
1. Answer structure
You can answer as follows:
I am familiar with someone in this company.
I am acquainted with Mr. A or Ms B who are working in the position of in this company.
I know Mr. A or I am closely related to Mr. B in this company. We work together sometimes
but we are clear in work.
2. Answer tips
Many companies have the policy which is not to recruit relatives and friends of employees.
Such policies can be in text or sometimes they are implicit policies which even employees do
not aware.
These policies are often widely used in small and medium companies.
You should only mention someone who is really familiar.
3. Answer samples
As far as I know, there is no relative or friend of mine working in your Company. Ive known
that certain familiar relationship with a colleague or a customer sometimes affects negatively
on the performance of a company. Certain companies have their policy of preventing such
effect from happening. However, part of any employees duties is establishing relations with
other colleagues and more importantly, with potential customers. And such relationships may
lead to some businesses with the company as well. You can count on me that my relationship
shall be only for the benefit of the organization only and none shall be for personal interest. It
is essential to have a wide relationship, and I shall utilize such for the interest of the company.
4. Related docs:
Why should we hire you? Interview answers
Why should we hire you?
1. Answer structure
List 3 5 abilities that you think are necessary for this job (from better to worse)
Show your sense of responsibility, cooperation, progressiveness, and your readiness to face
with challenges, which can help you to develop the company.
2. Answer tips
You should prepare for this question in the following steps:
Prepare 3 5 abilities that you think are necessary for your work, including: knowledge,
experience, skills and qualities.
Assess the importance of each ability and state from the better to worse.
You should note the qualities, although they are not related to work sometimes, they still are
essential factors which belong to company culture or specify for the job.
Do not list too many abilities, although all abilities may be related sometimes, too much
information will not highlight your greatest strength.
3. Answer samples
Sample 1
I am an enthusiastic and hard-working person. In addition, as Im used to handling many
responsibilities at the same time, I can deal with high pressure very well. And I think, being
helpful is one of the most important requirements for working in a team, and Im absolutely
very helpful.
Sample 2
Sincerely, I think I am the most suitable person for this job. I know that there are many young
applicants who may have just the ability to take over this responsibility, but not everyone has
what it takes to give the best performance. I myself am a perfectionist, as I always try my best
for the best performance at work.
What do you know about us? Interview answers
What do you know about our organization? or What do you know about us?
1. Answer structure
Give 2 3 pieces of information you know about the company, which are appeal to
customers and candidates.
Give out your skills, abilities, experiences and knowledge which can be suitable and
Ask questions about the company, such as advantages compared to the opponent firms;
career development opportunity, companys ability to expand etc.
2. Answer tips
Some contents you can mention include: products and services, sales compared in the
industry, brand, management, history and culture of the company.
Show your knowledge but do not prove that you know everything. Give the information to
show your recent learning efforts.
Do not give personal comments such as: I think the CEO is well-known for dressing fashionably;
or the boss of the company is a powerful person.
Include active information about your research; Dont be passive, for example: The
receptionist said that the company is well-known for
3. Answer samples
Sample 1:
If the company is a large and famous one, it is better if you check their website and find out
about the companys profile as well as success/achievement and other details.
Sample 2:
I think your company is the best in IT industry. It provides a perfect working environment for
employees, thanks to which, it may maintain a very good service in IT industry.

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