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Simple Future

Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to."
Although the two forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, they often
express two very different meanings. hese different meanings might seem too
abstract at first, but with time and practice, the differences will become clear.
!oth "will" and "be going to" refer to a specific time in the future.
"will # verb$
%ou will help him later.
Will you help him later&
%ou will not help him later.
FORM Be Going To
"am'is'are # going to # verb$
%ou are going to meet (ane tonight.
Are you going to meet (ane tonight&
%ou are not going to meet (ane tonight.
)omplete *ist of Simple Future Forms
USE 1 "Will" to Express a oluntar! A"tion
"+ill" often suggests that a spea,er will do something voluntarily. A voluntary
action is one the spea,er offers to do for someone else. -ften, we use "will" to
respond to someone else.s complaint or re/uest for help. +e also use "will"
when we re/uest that someone help us or volunteer to do something for us.
Similarly, we use "will not" or "won.t" when we refuse to voluntarily do
0 will sen# you the information when 0 get it.
0 will translate the email, so 1r. Smith can read it.
Will you help me move this heavy table&
Will you ma$e dinner&
0 will not #o your homewor, for you.
0 won%t #o all the housewor, myself2
A: 0.m really hungry.
!: 0%ll ma$e some sandwiches.
A: 0.m so tired. 0.m about to fall asleep.
!: 0%ll get you some coffee.
A: he phone is ringing.
!: 0%ll get it.
USE & "Will" to Express a 'romise
"+ill" is usually used in promises.
0 will "all you when 0 arrive.
0f 0 am elected 3resident of the 4nited States, 0 will ma$e sure everyone
has access to inexpensive health insurance.
0 promise 0 will not tell him about the surprise party.
5on.t worry, 0%ll (e careful.
0 won%t tell anyone your secret.
USE ) "Be going to" to Express a 'lan
"!e going to" expresses that something is a plan. 0t expresses the idea that a
person intends to do something in the future. 0t does not matter whether the
plan is realistic or not.
6e is going to spen# his vacation in 6awaii.
She is not going to spen# her vacation in 6awaii.
A: +hen are we going to meet each other tonight&
!: +e are going to meet at 7 31.
0%m going to (e an actor when 0 grow up.
1ichelle is going to (egin medical school next year.
hey are going to #ri*e all the way to Alas,a.
+ho are you going to in*ite to the party&
A: +ho is going to ma$e (ohn.s birthday ca,e&
!: Sue is going to ma$e (ohn.s birthday ca,e.
USE + "Will" or "Be Going to" to Express a 're#i"tion
!oth "will" and "be going to" can express the idea of a general prediction about
the future. 3redictions are guesses about what might happen in the future. 0n
"prediction" sentences, the sub8ect usually has little control over the future and
therefore 4SES 9:; do not apply. 0n the following examples, there is no
difference in meaning.
he year <<<< will (e a very interesting year.
he year <<<< is going to (e a very interesting year.
(ohn Smith will (e the next 3resident.
(ohn Smith is going to (e the next 3resident.
he movie "=enith" will win several Academy Awards.
he movie "=enith" is going to win several Academy Awards.
0n the Simple Future, it is not always clear which 4SE the spea,er has in mind.
-ften, there is more than one way to interpret a sentence.s meaning.
-o Future in Time .lauses
*i,e all future forms, the Simple Future cannot be used in clauses beginning
with time expressions such as: when, while, before, after, by the time, as soon
as, if, unless, etc. 0nstead of Simple Future, Simple 3resent is used.
+hen you will arri*e tonight, we will go out for dinner. Not Correct
+hen you arri*e tonight, we will go out for dinner. Correct
he examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as:
always, only, never, ever, still, 8ust, etc.
%ou will ne*er help him.
+ill you e*er help him&
%ou are ne*er going to meet (ane.
Are you e*er going to meet (ane&
A.T,E 1 'ASS,E
(ohn will 2inish the wor, by >:?? 31. ACTIVE
he wor, will (e 2inishe# by >:?? 31. PASSIVE
Sally is going to ma$e a beautiful dinner tonight. ACTIVE
A beautiful dinner is going to (e ma#e by Sally tonight. PASSIVE
1ore About Active ' 3assive Forms

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