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Topic Genre Skills Grammar
Tell me
about it
Listening :
Understanding the
construction of
report text
Responding the
construction of
report text
Understanding the
text of report.
Speaking :
Making the dialog by
using the
expressions of
pleasure and
Presenting the text
of report text orally
Reading :
Responding to the
text of report
Identifying the
components of the
report text
Using the grammar
point of present
simple tense
riting :
!inding out the
specific information
Making "ritten text
of report.
Making the dialog by
using the
expressions of
form of
Unit 3 Report Text Tell me about it
What is a report ?
A report is written for a clear purpose and to a
particular audience. Specific information and
evidence and presented, analyzed and applied to a
particular problem or issue. The information is
presented in a clearly structured format making use of
sections and headings so that the information is easy
to locate and follow. Reports can be used in
textbooks, encyclopedias, reference books, etc. A
report text has its own generic structure, having two components !"# general classification and
!$# description. Reports are principally not the same as descriptive text focuses on a specific
things and its specific features% a report deals with things in general.
%asic competence
#. Spoken &ycle
Understanding the construction of the report text.
Responding to the spoken monolog report text of text.
Responding to the expressions of pleasure and displeasure.
Conducting the dialogs by using the expression of pleasure and displeasure.
Presenting the text of report orally.
%. ritten &ycle
Responding to the text of report text.
Identifying the components of the report text construction.
Responding to the expressions of warning.
Using the grammar point of simple present tense.
inding out the specific information.
!aking written text of report text.
Spoken &ycle
Building knowledge of field
Activity 1
In pairs, study the animals below and then answer the questions.
1. Do you know the animals above?
2. Do you know that those animals are endangered?
3. Do you know anything about those animals?
4. Do you know what makes them endangered?
'eneric structure of a report
". 'eneral classification starting classification of general aspect of thing, animal, public
place, plant, etc. which will be discussed in general.
$. (escription (escribing the thing which will be discussed in detail% part per part,
customs or deed for living creature and usage for materials.
)anguage features
". Report texts usually use simple present tense, and seldom use past tenses !if the thing is extinct#.
$. *se of ad+ectives, ad+ectives phrases in describing especially the ,ualities.
-. The language is neutral or should ob+ective no expression of opinions, no refrence to the reader
!not using ./0, .we0 or .you0#, except in spoken texts.
1. *se of .be0 is, are, was, were, for the classification.
2. *se of verb .have0 have, has, had, to give detailed description.
3. *se of action verbs related to the topic, especially when describing behaviors !for living things#
"#ssential $rammar Point % &d'ecti(e
Ad+ectives are used in most types of texts, especially in report and description. The use of
ad+ectives should be known to help us understand spoken and written texts and produce them.
4ou will study the function and the use of ad+ective in noun phrase and sentences.
Study these examples.
a. A baby kangaroo is tiny.
!sub+ect noun phrase# !to be# !ad+ective#
b. 'orillas are very powerful.
!sub+ect# !to be# !ad+ective#
c. An apple usually has smooth skin.
!ad+ective# !noun#
d. The flesh of the mango becomes sweet when it is ripe.
5ain 6unction of Ad+ectives
Ad+ectives principally function to describe, ,ualify or modify nouns. The noun which is
modified can be the sub+ect noun !see example a and b# and the one which is put after the
ad+ective !see 7xample c#. Some ad+ectives are sometimes used after linking verbs !see example
Common Forms of Adjectives
". The base of words !no Affixes#
8 9appy
8 Sad
8 'reat
8 Short, etc.
$. :ith a suffix !affixes added to the end of a word#
8;.ful beautiful, wonderful
8;.less careless, fearless
8;.ive creative, imaginative, etc.
8;.ent<ant consistent, significant
8;.ous serious, dangerous
8;.ical<ial critical, potential
8;.ible<able possible, breakable, forgettable
-. ing form !present participle# and =ed !past participle#
8 /nteresting
8 6ascinating
8 7xhausted, etc.
>ositions of Ad+ectives
". After .to be0
7.g. The taste is delicious.
$. ?efore nouns
7.g. 9ouse usually have strong foundations made of solid materials.
-. After .a linking verb0 !certain verb followed immediately by an ad+ective#
7.g. Tigers turned wild when they felt a threat.
Activity 2
Choose the correct adjective to complete these sentences.
". / seldom visit art galleries. /@m not very !interested < interesting#
$. :e had to walk for more than two hours. /t was very !tired < tiring#
-. 9e@s one of the most !bored< boring# people /@ve ever met. 9e never stops talking and
never says anything !interesting< interested#
1. /@m starting a new +ob next week. /@m ,uite !exciting < excited# about it.
2. :hy do you always look so !bored< boring# A /s your life really so !bored < boring# A
Summary of Grammar point
(o not see the notes on the previous page to complete this. &ompare with your friends and
discuss about it.
". The main function of ad+ectives ;;;;;.
$. The main forms of ad+ectives
a) ******
b) *****..
c) *****..
3. The position of ad'ecti(es%
a) ******
b) *****..
c) ******
Activity 3
Listen carefully to the teacher and fill in the blanks to complete the following text.
Today is Sunday. 7ach family BBBBBB in wi+aya@s house is BBBBBB with their activities.
5r. :i+aya is reading a BBBBBBBB in front of the house. /n the kitchen, 5rs. :i+aya is BBBBBB
lunch. The maid, /nah, is BBBBBBBBthe house.
The eldest BBBBBB, ?ima, is washing his BBBBBBBin the yard. ?ima@s sister, Ratih, is in
her bedroom. She is listening to her favorite BBBBBBB. Rian, the BBBBBBBBson , is playing with a
BBBBBcar in the BBBBBBroom. /n the garden, the wi+aya@s BBBBB daughter, 5aya, is BBBBBBB the
plants. 5imi, their BBBBBcat, is in the BBBBBBBB drinking a bowl of BBBBB, and ?obi, their
parakeet, is BBBBBBBB beautifully in its cage. Suddenly there was a BBBBBB noise. 5r. 9adi, the
BBBBBBBB, is cutting the BBBBBB using a lawn mower.
#cti$ity '
+iscuss with the class the following ,uestions based on the report text abo(e.
-. .hat is !r. .i'aya reading/
0. .hat is !rs. .i'aya doing in the kitchen/
3. Is Inah cooking/
1. Is Rian Playing with a doll in the li(ing room/
2. .hat is the function of the text/
3. .hat is Ratih doing in her bedroom/
4. .hat is !imi doing in the backyard/
5. Is 6obi singing beautifully/
7. .hat is !r. 8adi doing/
-9. Is !aya cutting or watering the plants in the garden/
()PR(SSI*+ pleasure and displeasure
(xpression of pleasure is used "hen "e get or feel happy.
(xpression of displeasure is used "hen "e get or feel unhappy.
-. Pleasure, -ispleasure
Pleasure displeasure
It:s really delightful;Ia m delighted I:m
That:s great
That:s wonderful
It:s really a great pleasure
I:m dissatisfied .e are fed up with*
I feel disappointed
<he is extremely displeased
&cti(ity 2
&nswer the ,uestion below orally.
-. 8a(e you e(er used expression of pleasure /
0. 8a(e you e(er used expression of displeasure/
3. .hen should you use it/
!ake dialogs based on expression of pleasure and displeasure. "hen practice it in front
of the class with your partner.
Modeling of text
Activity #
Listen to the cassette talking about whales then answer the question below!
.hales are sea li(ing mammals. They therefore breathe air but can not sur(i(e on land.
<ome whales are (ery large indeed and the blue whale= which can exceed 39 meters in length=
is the largest animal to ha(e li(ed down earth. <uperficially= the whales look rather like a fish=
but there are important differences in its external structure> its tail consist of a pair of broad= flat
hori?ontal paddles= compare with the tail of a fish that is (ertical. It has single nostril on top of
its large broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lays a layer of fat. This is up
to 39 cm in thickness and ser(es to conser(e head and body fluids.
-. The text tells us about*****
&. whales
6. the si?e of whale
C. fish and its habitat
+. the conser(ation of whale
#. the differences between whale and fish
0. The false statement about whale is*******
&. It is large animal
6. Its skin is smooth and shinny
C. Its tail is (ertical
+. It has broad head
#. It has a single nostril
3. 6lubber is the**.
&. hole on the head
6. fins on the fish
C. paddle of the tail
+. skin of a fish
#. layer of fat
1. The position of nostril is in;on the*****..
&. skin 6. fin C. tail +. top of broad head #. paddle
2. @* which can exceed 39 m length.A The synonym of the bold typed word is*
&. is about 6. greater C. more than +. bigger #. longer
Activity $
Listen to the teacher carefully% then label the parts of the report.
>iranha fish are the fiercest animals in the world. They live in the fresh water rivers of
South America, from Cenezuela to Dorthern Argentina. This fish hunt in groups, called
schools. They usually eat another fish smaller than themselves. Sometimes >iranhas will attack
and eat each other.
There are about "E kinds of >iranha fish. Fnly four kinds attack man. >iranhas have
large head and short thick bodies. They are usually about $G cm !H inches# long but one kind
can be as much as 3G cm !two feet#. /t lives in the San 6rancisco River from 7astern ?razil. /t is
one of the most dangerous fish.
The most noticeable thing about >iranha fish is the large mouth. The mouth has a lot
of triangular teeth with sharp point. The point piece the skin of the prey. The razor sharp edges
of the teeth chop out pieces of flesh. The teeth of the upper and lower +aws fit together like
scissors. The muscles moving the +aws are big and very powerful.
Fn the back of >iranha fish there is a ridge called a keel. There is another keel running
along its belly. The tail is slender and muscular. /ts tail fins are broad. All these features help
the >iranha to swim fast through the water. The >iranha fish eat a large South American rat8like
animal, called a &apybara, weighing 2G kilos !"GG ponds# to a skeleton in less than 3G seconds.
.oint construction of text
&cti(ity 7
.ork in group. !ake a report based on the information below. Then tell it in front of the class
with your groups.
.hat kinds of animal does a lion belong to/
.ild animals
.here can you find a lion/
In the &frican 'ungle
In the sa(annah
It roams in forest
8ow does a lion mo(e ;life;sur(i(e/
They hunt at their hunting area.
They can run fast like a horse.
Its fangs are very strong.
Its claws are shar.
They can hear voices from 1!! until 1"! meters.
There are #$!!! lions remaining today.
%hat does a lion look like?
It resembles a cat.
The male lion has a mane.
The male is bigger than the female.
%hat does the lion feed on?
(ow does a lion reroduce their young )cubs*?
They are mammals.
They have babies.
Independent of construction of text
Activity &'
(ive a report using a picture of an animal% a plant% or a thing. "hen retell in front of the
class individually.
B attach your picture of an
.hat is it/
!ention parts of the
8abit por beha(ior.
Battach your picture of an
.hat is it/
!ention parts of the
.ritten cycle
%uilding kno"ledge of field
Activity &
Read the text carefully then answer the questions based on the text.
+ tornado is a violently rotating column of air which is in contact with both a
cumulonimbus cloud or$ in rare cases$ a cumulus cloud base and the surface of the earth.
Tornadoes come in many si,es but are tyically in the form of a visible condensation
funnel$ whose narrow end touches the earth and is often encircled by a cloud of debris.
-ost tornadoes have wind seeds of 11! mh )1.. km/h* or less$ are about 2"! feet
)." m* across$ and travel a few miles )several kilometers* before disaears.
0ome reach wind seeds of more than 3!! mh )41! km/h*$ stretch more than a mile
)1.# km* across$ and stay on the ground for do,ens of miles )more than 1!! km*. +lthough
tornadoes have been observed on every continent e2cet +ntarctica$ most occur in the 3nited
0tates. They also commonly occur in southern 4anada$ south central and eastern +sia$ east5
central 0outh +merica$ 0outhern +frica$ north5western and central 6uroe$ Italy$ western and
south5eastern +ustralia$ and 7ew &ealand.
Adapted from:
1. %hat kind of te2t is it?
2. %hat is the generic structure of the te2t?
3. %hat are the language features of the te2t?
4. %hat is the suitable title for the te2t ?
". %hat is tornado?
#. (ow fast does tornado usually go?
.. %here do tornadoes usually occur?
1. %hat is the shae of tornado?
H. %here has e2erts observed tornado?
1!. %here does the information about the te2t come from?
Actiity !
In pairs, match each of the following words with its meaning. "hen, complete each
sentence with the suitable word.
1. clouds a. corong
2. debris b. angin toan
3. funnel c. awan
4. mile d. mil
". tornado e. reruntuhan
1. + ... 1.#1 kilometers.
2. -ost tornados are in the shae of ..
3. The of things in which the tornadoes run through usually
flies around the tornado.
4. ..has been observed in all continents e2cet +ntarctica.
". Tornados usually are in contact of with cumulonimbus and cumulus ...
Expressing warning
It is used when we are going to give warnings to other people.
Informative notice
Out of order ( for a machine that is not working )
Sold out ( the tickets are sold out )
Do this
lease !ueue other side.
"eep right.
Don#t do this
$o smoking.
$o parking.
Don#t distur%.
Silence. Examination is in progress.
&atch out
'ook out %ehind (ou.
&atch (our head.
&atch (our step.
)eware of pickpockets
+ake good care of (ourself.
)e careful.
+ake care., please.
Actiity #
Answer the following question
-. .ave (ou ever used expressions of warning/
0. &hen should we use the expressions/
Actiity $
%atch these warnings with the situations gien.
&arning Situation
-. &atch (our step, please. a. 1our sister has 2ust learned how to
0. "eep swimming near the seashore. %. %. (our friend is cheating during the
3. %eware of the pickpockets. c. someone is standing in the middle of
the street.
4. )e careful or the teacher will catch (ou. d. 1our grandma is standing on an
5. 'ook out6 * car is %ehind (ou. e. In a crowded supermarket.
Actiity &
%ake a dialog using expressions of warning.
Modeling of text
)ead the following text. "hen find some difficult words and make sentences based on
the words.
6arth8uake is a sudden shaking of the earth9s surface that often causes a lot of
damage. It is the result of a sudden release of stored energy in the 6arth9s crust that creates
seismic waves. 6arth8uakes may haen naturally or as a result of human activities. 0maller
earth8uakes can also be caused by volcanic activity$ landslides$ mine blasts$ and nuclear
+t the 6arth9s surface$ earth8uakes can be seen from the shaking or dislacement of
the ground. 0ometimes$ they cause tsunamis$ which may lead to loss of life and damage of
roerty. There are two tyes of earth8uake that occurs naturally$ they are tectonic and
volcanic earth8uakes. Tectonic earth8uakes are earth8uakes that are caused by tectonic lates
getting stuck and utting a strain on the ground. The strain becomes so great that rocks give
way by breaking and sliding along fault lanes. :olcanic earth8uakes are earth8uakes which
are caused by the movement of magma in volcanoes. In volcanic regions earth8uakes may be
caused both by tectonic faults and by the movement of magma in volcanoes. 0uch earth8uakes
can be an early warning of volcanic erutions.
The si,e of an earth8uake is usually reorted using the ;ichter scale or a related
-oment scale. 6arth8uakes which are 3 on the ;ichter scale or lower are hard to notice.
%hereas$ those which are . on the ;ichter scale causes serious damage over large areas.
Adapted from:
7rammar in action
#imple Present
IC7R?J K s<es in third person
4ou spe&k 7nglish.
'o you spe&k 7nglishA
4ou do not spe&k 7nglish.
(#) 1 epe&ted Actions
*se the Simple >resent to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be
a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. /t can also be
something a person often forgets or usually does not do.
Activity 7
a. Write the correct form of the given verb. Use only the present perfect tense
/ * tennis. ! play#
She * tennis.!not, play#
The train * every morning at E A5.! leave#
The train * at H A5.! not, leave #
She always * her purse. ! forget#
9e never * his wallet.! forget#
7very twelve months, the 7arth * the Sun.!circle#
(#) + F&cts or ,ener&li-&tions
The Simple >resent can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is true
now, and will be true in the future. /t is not important if the speaker is correct about the fact. /t is
also used to make generalizations about people or things.
b. Write the correct form of the given verb. Use only the present perfect tense
&ats * milk.!like#
?irds * milk.! not, like#
&alifornia * in America.!be#
&alifornia * in the *nited Lingdom.!not, be#
:indows * made of glass.!be#
:indows * made of wood.!not, be#
(#) . #cheduled )vents in the !e&r Future
Speakers occasionally use Simple >resent to talk about scheduled events in the near future. This
is most commonly done when talking about public transportation, but it can be used with other
scheduled events as well.
The train le&ves tonight at 3 >5.
The bus does not &rrive at "" A5, it &rrives at "" >5.
:hen do we /o&rd the planeA
The party st&rts at E oMclock.
:hen does class /egin tomorrowA
(#) 0 !ow 1!on2Continuous 3er/s4
Speakers sometimes use the Simple >resent to express the idea that an action is happening or is
not happening now. This can only be done with Don8&ontinuous Cerbs and certain 5ixed
/ &m here now.
She is not here now.
9e needs help right now.
9e does not need help now.
9e h&s his passport in his hand.
'o you h&ve your passport with youA
A'3)B P5AC)%)!6
The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as always, only, never,
ever, still, +ust, etc.
4ou only speak 7nglish.
(o you only speak 7nglishA
AC6I3) 7 PA##I3)
Fnce a week, Tom cle&ns the car. Active
Fnce a week, the car is cle&ned by Tom. Passive
Actiity '
(n)oy reading the following text
hat is a kangaroo/
& kangaroo is an animal found only in &ustralia= although it has a smaller relati(e= called
a wallaby= which li(es on the &ustralian island of Tasmania and also in Cew $uinea.
Dangaroos are marsupials. & female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her
body. & baby kangaroo is (ery tiny when it is born= and it crawls at once into this pouch where it
spends its first fi(e month of life.
Dangaroos eat grass and plants. They ha(e short front legs= but (ery long and (ery
strong back legs and a tail. These they use for sitting up on and for 'umping. Dangaroos ha(e
been known to make forward 'umps of o(er eight meters= and leap across fences more than
three meters high. They can also run at speeds of o(er 12 kilometers per hours
The largest kangaroos are the $reat $rey Dangaroo and the Red Dangaroo. &dults
grow to a length of -.39 meters and weight o(er 79 kilos.
Activity *
Analyze the generic structure of the story above.
General classifications
.oint construction of text
Activity &'
+ork in pairs. )earrange the jumbled paragraphs into a good and meaningful text. "hen%
put it into the chart.
& common windmill consists of a high steel tower on top of which re(ol(es an air motor.
The parts of the air motor are fixed onto the wind shaft and are automatically held into the wind
or furled according to whether water should be pumped of if the mill needs to be protected from
the wind.
&n ordinary 5Efoot windwheel de(elops less than -;-9 horsepower.
& windmill is a machine for con(erting wind energy into mechanical energy.
& windmill is used for grinding grain= pumping water for irrigation and in the past few
years for generating electricity.
Independent construction of text
Activity &&
Complete the text below.
$ood morning= my friends. Today I:m going to tell you about a computer. .ho has a
computer at home/ Raise your hands. $oodF That:s wonderfulF .ell= can I ask you what
computer is used for/ Gou= Hina= can you answer my ,uestion/ Ges= that:s rightF To process
data= to store data= to type. Can anyone else add anything/ .hat about you
Cow= I:ll tell you about a computer. & computer system is made up of a number of interE
connected systems. The heart of the computer is the central processor unit called CPU. &re
you following me/ Ikay= let me continue. The CPU perform the necessary calculations and
controls the input and output units. The CPU is di(ided into three parts. The memory unit stores
the data and programs. The control unit selects data and instructions from the memory unit=
interprets them= and controls the calculations. &nd the third is the arithmetic unit. It performs
addition= subtraction= and compares data.
The input de(ice
BContinued by yourself )
.ell= I think that is all my short report about a computer. I hope you will understand it
(ery well. if you ha(e any ,uestions= I:ll be happy to answer it during the break time. Thanks
you (ery much.
Instructor: -rs. Suhanto 0astared1a, M,Pd.
UCIJ#R<IT&< P$RI &+I 6U&C& <UR&6&G&
PRI+I P#C+I+ID&C 6&8&<& IC$$RI<
KH. C$&$#H +&+I IIIE6E34 <UR&6&G& E KH. +UDU8 !#C&C$$&H LII <UR&6&G&

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