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now "1echno|ogy 1ogether" Can Improve 1he

Iacu|ty's Use of 1echno|ogy |n Crder to Impress

and Insp|re our Students at Westerberg n|gh
kUk1 nAkGIS

L1LC 66S

Dk. knCDLS

SUMMLk 2013

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Westeibeig Bigh School teaches ovei 14uu stuuents. 0ui ethnic uistiibution
is S7% White, S4% Black, 6% Bispanic, with the iemaining S% uiviueu among othei
iaces. Aveiage class size is 27 stuuents. WBS opeiates a 4x4 block scheuule.

Westeibeig Bigh School has seven computei labs to help stuuents integiate
technology into instiuction. The laigest computei lab is available to stuuents aftei
school to S:Supm thiee uays a week. Theie aie moie than 6uu computeis in the
school foi use by stuuents. Eveiy classioom is equippeu with 1-4 multimeuia
computeis foi both teachei anu stuuent instiuctional use. Eveiy computei is
connecteu to the Inteinet thiough eithei Etheinet oi wiieless. Stuuents have access
to the wiieless netwoik thiough any technology they may have. The school's libiaiy
is equippeu with 26 computeis to access the electionic caiu catalogue. uiaphing
calculatois, uigital cameias, uigital scannei, LCB piojectois, anu Smait Boaius aie
useu by both teacheis anu stuuents in the classioom. All teacheis aie assigneu a
web page anu aie expecteu to keep it upuateu.

PoweiSchools is a stuuent infoimation system useu by the school to iecoiu
giaues, absences, anu othei uata. PoweiSchools is available foi all stuuents anu
legal guaiuians to stay infoimeu of stuuent achievement. WBS has one full time
Tech Site Cooiuinatoi (TSC) anu two teacheis who teach one class each anu then
spenu the iest of the uay assisting the Tech Site Cooiuinatoi.

WBS has a Biing Youi 0wn Technology Policy. This allows stuuents, who
have completeu the iequiieu papeiwoik, to use technology uuiing lunch anu befoie
school. These stuuents have a special coloieu IB bauge. Teacheis aie to use theii
own uiscietion as fai as allowing technology in theii classioom.

WBS also has a full time Piofessional Bevelopment Cooiuinatoi (PBC) to
help implement ieseaich baseu stiategies to help uiive instiuction. The PBC leaus
the Liteiacy Team, which helps uisseminate goou teaching piactices. Each
uepaitment is iepiesenteu in the Liteiacy Team.

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WBS is veiy foitunate in the amount of technology that is available to both
the faculty anu the teachei. WBS is also veiy foitunate that it has a gieat suppoit
staff. Bowevei, the Liteiacy Team, the PBC, anu the TSC have founu that oui use of
technology is uneven. Biiect tiaining of technology has hau mixeu iesults. Foi
example, the Liteiacy Team anu the TSC teameu up to uo Smait Boaiu tiainings.
The Liteiacy Team anu some of the youngei membeis of the faculty ian with the
pioject anu cieateu amazing flip chaits. Nost teacheis uiu the baie minimum with
the white boaiu in theii classes just to fill the iequiiement. This incluueu teacheis
who feel some unease with technology, as well as expeit teacheis, who uiu not see
the point of using the Smait Boaiu in theii paiticulai subject aiea.

The TSC, PBC, anu the Liteiacy Team have ueciueu that Technology Togethei
appioach woulu be a bettei fit foi WBS. They have baseu theii uecision on the Eight
Founuation Pillais mention in the Technology Togethei Plan. The fiist Pillai states
that technology leaining is uiffeient fiom technology tiaining. As with the Smait
Boaiu example, WBS teacheis woulu be bettei seiveu fiom technology leaining
than tiaining. Tiaining tenus to be specific which uates the tiaining. The seconu
Pillai calls foi teacheis to be technology capable, which in this case means teacheis
will have the ability to function in unknown contexts with new pioblems anu to
auapt to change. Teacheis neeu to fell comfoitable enough to "uive-in" when using a
new technology. We woulu like oui teacheis to become capable of using anu
implementing the evei-changing woilu of technology without feeling they will be
left behinu. With the Thiiu Pillai, we want oui teacheis to think about themselves
(anu theii stuuents) as technology leaineis. They have to take metacognitive
appioach, which means they have leain about leaining again. The fouith Pillai
states that technology leaining is complex anu influenceu by school cultuie. WBS
has access to tiemenuous technology iesouices. The WBS community neeus to
embiace the use of technology anu not make this anothei "put in the binuei pioject".
We, the Technology Togethei Team, feel that this neeus to be a top uown pioject.
The piincipal has to show a stiong involvement in this piogiam in oiuei foi it to
tiickle uown to the faculty. Accoiuing to the fifth Pillai, we neeu to focus on this as
whole school. If the whole school implements this piogiam, the stuuents will
benefit. The WBS leaueiship is vital in making this happen in accoiuance with the
sixth Pillai. Teacheis have to feel comfoitable, encouiageu, anu pioviueu the
necessaiy iesouices to have this happen. The seventh Pillai states that how
teacheis leain is just as impoitant as what teacheis leain. The goal of this Pillai is
to help teacheis cieate goals foi themselves anu show them ways to solve the
technology pioblems that will aiise without fiustiation. Finally, Technology
togethei will enhance teachei piofessionalism anu stimulate changes in school
cultuie. When oui teacheis become technology capable, we will be able to pioviue
highei quality instiuction foi oui stuuents. This piocess is not a one yeai piocess.
It is a cyclical piocess. New technology will constantly be uevelopeu. We owe it to
oui stuuents anu stakeholueis at WBS to be able to pioviue stuuents quality
instiuction that ieflects the woilu they will join aftei giauuation. This is why the
Technology Togethei Team feels that this piogiam must be implementeu at
Westeibeig Bigh School.

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Technology Togethei uoes not mean that teacheis aie iequiieu to teach
technology. Teacheis neeu to teach theii cuiiiculum. Bowevei, technology can aiu
stuuent leaining by showing a photogiaph fiom a vacation that a teachei took with
a uigital cameia in a geogiaphy class to using Excel to help solve a algebiaic
equation. Teacheis can use uata fiom assessments in a piogiam such as Eumouo to
help uiive theii instiuction. Teacheis can mouel uigital age woik anu leaining by
cieating a PoweiPoint. Some teacheis will have stuuents mouel how to cieate a
PoweiPoint. All teacheis neeu ieminu stuuents of Inteinet safety in oiuei foi oui
stuuents to be goou uigital citizens. Finally, the moie capable a teachei feels
towaius technology, the moie avenues foi piofessional giowth anu leaueiship will
open uue to the pievalent use of technology in touay's woilu.

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Technology Togethei encouiages cieativity anu innovation. Because
teacheis will be challenging themselves to use new cieative anu innovative
technology, stuuents will be exposeu to moie technology. Teacheis will be
encouiageu to seek out new ways of teaching familiai mateiial. The use of
technology can encouiage communication anu collaboiation. This can occui in a
Web 2.u enviionment oi just with a think-paii-shaie of question askeu in a teachei
maue PoweiPoint. The moie teacheis unueistanu that technology can help with
stuuent leu classes, the moie stuuents will be able to leain how to ieseaich moie
efficiently. This in tuin will allow them to be able to uo ciitical thinking especially
about theii souices in theii ieseaich. Because of teacheis using technology moie,
moie oppoitunities foi teaching uigital citizenship will aiise. Finally, stuuents, like
the teacheis, will be encouiageu to become technology capable which will help them
leain about how technology woiks.

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Aftei ieviewing the suiveys given to both stuuents anu teacheis at the enu of
the last school yeai (Appenuices A anu B), the Togethei Technology Team at WBS
woulu like to see its teacheis cieate multimeuia uocuments that stuuents woulu be
alloweu to access at school anu at home. This coulu be as simple as cieating a
PoweiPoint to be useu as a stuuy guiue to cieating a classioom blog. We want
teacheis to woik at theii own level. Accoiuing to the suiveys, stuuents finu
technology engaging anu woulu like to see moie of it. Stuuents also inuicateu that
this shoulu sometimes be a shaieu iesponsibility between teacheis anu stuuents.
They know in some cases they coulu teach the teachei anu woulu like to see moie
teacheis ask them foi help.

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Weeks laclllLaLlon and managemenL locus for sLaff learnlng
LlLeracy 1eam MeeLlng durlng 84 erlod of Sprlng SemesLer
1 - 4
(llrsL monLh)
LlLeracy 1eam presenLed plan for
1echnology LogeLher wlLh 1SC and uC
1he school wlll noL seek and exLernal

rlnclpal presenLed owerolnL for
lnLroduclng 1echnology 1ogeLher.
AdmlnlsLraLlon, LlLeracy 1eam, 1SC, and
uC admlnlsLered surveys Lo help
deLermlne whaL Lhe Lechnology focus of
Lhe school should be.
3 - 7
8ole AllocaLlon:
rlnclpal SLlnLson wlll Lake Lhe
1echnology 1ogeLher Lead. ln
Lhls role, he wlll ln effecL acL as
encourager Lo sLaff Lo Lake rlsks.
1he rofesslonal uevelopmenL
CoordlnaLor wlll acL as Lhe
1echnology 1ogeLher laclllLaLor.
1he LlLeracy Leam wlll acL as
menLors ln Lhelr respecLlve
1he 1ech slLe coordlnaLor wlll flll
Lhe role of lC1 experL

1echnology 1ogeLher 1eam (11C)
conducLed a school analysls of Lechnology
by admlnlsLerlng:
1eacher Surveys
SLudenL Surveys
ulscusslon board Loplcs on
locus Croup lunches wlLh
rlnclpal and sLudenLs

All faculLy and sLudenL body were lnvolved
ln Lhe school analysls.
8 - 10
(second monLh)
School Lo Career and Culdance
Counsellors are lnformed of how Lhls
program wlll affecL sLaff developmenL
keep sLaff lnformed of plans for Lhe
followlng year Lhrough emalls durlng Lhe
summer. 1eachers are remlnded LhaL Lhls
wlll noL add exLra Llme Lo schedules due Lo
lL Laklng place durlng LaLe-1ake ln's and
ueparLmenL meeLlngs
Cycle 1 (SemesLer 1, flrsL half (81))
1 - 3 ConsolldaLe plans for lmplemenLaLlon and SLaff developmenL day: lnLroduce Lhe
(llrsL weeks) clarlfy roles and meeLlng Llmes elghL foundaLlonal plllars,
CompeLency/CapablllLy and lnvolve sLaff
ln Cycle 1 lndlvldual sklll goal seLLlng LhaL
flLs lnLo Lhe school's plan
4 - 9 lmplemenL menLorlng sLraLegles
ConducL regular Leam meeLlngs:
rofesslonal Learnlng 1eams on
laLe Wednesdays wlll dlscuss wlll
develop ldeas for learnlng new
Lechnology. L1s wlll research
new ldeas.
rofesslonal Learnlng 1eams wlll
be glven Llme durlng
ueparLmenL meeLlngs Lo reflecL
as a group Lo reflecL on whaL
worked and whaL dldn'L. 1hey
wlll keep a log of Lhelr flndlngs.

uurlng hls dally blackboard
announcemenLs, Lhe prlnclpal wlll share
lnformaLlon from Lhe followlng 1each
1echnology LogeLher owerolnLs.
ercelved usefulness
8ole models and paLhways Lo
Self-efflcacy (ChapLer 4)
LxploraLory learnlng and
playfulness (ChapLer 4)
ulscuss wheLher sLudenLs need Lo
be LaughL compuLer skllls

rlnclpal, wlLh help from Lhe 111, wlll
make announcemenLs on blackboard uslng
Lools such as glogsLer, self made vldeo
wlLh a fllp cam, ow1oon, slldeshare, eLc.
showlng LhaL he ls ln Lhls wlLh Lhe Leachers

1hls lnformaLlon wlll be relnforced by Lhe
LlLeracy Leam members durlng
deparLmenL meeLlngs and Lhe uC durlng
prep perlod meeLlngs (one meeLlng a

(LasL week)

LvaluaLe Cycle 1. 8evlse plans for Cycle 2

Sharlng and celebraLlng achlevemenLs by
havlng Lhe prlnclple posL Leacher and
sLudenLs work ln hls blackboard
announcemenLs. rlnclpal wlll posL work
from all levels of experLlse.
8eflecLlng on learnlng
Cycle 2 (SemesLer 1, lasL half (82)
(llrsL week)
ConsolldaLe plans for lmplemenLaLlon

Cycle 2 goal seLLlng. Lncourage Leachers
Lo add Lo Lhelr sklll goals a pedagogy and
meLacognlLlve goal.
2 - 9 lmplemenL menLorlng sLraLegles
ConducL regular Leam meeLlngs
rofesslonal Learnlng 1eams on
laLe Wednesdays wlll dlscuss wlll
develop ldeas for learnlng new
Lechnology. 8esearch new ldeas.
rofesslonal Learnlng 1eams wlll
be glven Llme durlng
ueparLmenL meeLlngs Lo reflecL
rlnclpal wlll conLlnue encouraglng
announcemenLs ln blackboard.

LlLeracy Leam wlll acL as menLors wlll Lhe
goal of helplng Leachers help Lhemselves.
A blackboard dlscusslon called Pow do
l..?" wlll be creaLed. Answers by menLors
wlll noL be wrlLLen buL should conslsL of
web llnks LhaL help explaln Lhe answer Lo
as a group Lo reflecL on whaL
worked and whaL dldn'L. 1hey
wlll keep a log of Lhelr flndlngs.

Lhe quesLlon ln order Lo Leach Lhe
Leachers how Lo flnd Lhelr own soluLlons.

1eachers wlll be asked Lo do done
Lechnology asslgnmenL ln whlch Lhey don'L
know how Lo use Lhe Lechnology. 1hey
are Lo Lransfer Lhe process Lo Lhe sLudenL
and have Lhe sLudenL Leach Lhem.
1eachers are encouraged Lo lle" lf Lhey
know Lo use Lhe sofLware buL know lL ls
new Lo Lhelr sLudenLs.
10 LvaluaLe Cycle 2 Lo prepare for Cycle 3 School's Web ueslgn class wlll creaLe a
school wlkl LhaL wlll serve as a scrapbook
and resource for Leacher pro[ecLs ln Lhe
nexL semesLer. Lach semesLer Lhe new
class wlll add Lo lL.

7,5)1,% =&53-

Teacheis aie encouiageu to collaboiate within theii PLTs to cieate ieachable but
ambitious technology goals. The Technology Togethei Team feels that PLTs woulu
pioviue auequate suppoit anu encouiagement especially when the Nentois fiom
the Liteiacy team aie helping othei PLTs. Piofessional Leaining Teams aie small
gioups of teacheis insiue uepaitments that teach a similai subject (i.e. ueogiaphy
teacheis in Social Stuuies, ueometiy Teacheis in Nath). 0n late-take in Weunesuays
(which occui twice a month), PLTs will be biainstoiming goals. 0n Bepaitment
Neeting Nonuays (twice a month but not on the same week), teacheis will use
about 1u minutes to ieflect on theii piogiess. This infoimation will be kept in the
PLT Log. The ieflection sheets aie posteu in the >1,)?*#/ @%&/%,--A0,3<*#/
7,5)1,%- section of this uocument.

9B5;<3,- &6 2?*33 =&53-

Teacheis aie encouiageu to cieate multimeuia piojects that will enhance theii
stuuent's leaining. We have bioken up some iueas of skills teacheis might want to
use accoiuing to ability:

Novice Cieate a PoweiPoint
Cieate a "newslettei" ielateu to a ceitain subject
Take uigital photogiaphs of ieal woilu application of
theii cuiiiculum anu uisplay to class.

Inteimeuiate Cieate "histoiical photogiaphs with Photoshop.
Cieate a web page using wix.
Embeu a multimeuia pioject into teachei website.
0se a Quality Webquest
Embeu a cuiiiculum ielateu game to teachei website.
Embeu a ielateu TEBTalk to theii teachei web page
Recieate an histoiical conveisation in twittei speak
(14u chaiacteis)
Expeit Cieate a Wiki
Cieate a Woiu piess
Film an Euit a movie
Cieate a Flash Animation
Cieate a quality Webquest
Cieate a mobile app
Cieate a poucast

Teacheis aie encouiageu to uevelop theii own goals. Teacheis aie also ieminueu
that stuuents cieating any of the above is even bettei teaching. Teacheis will iecoiu
theii goals in theii PLT logs. Teacheis aie encouiageu to shaie this at eveiy
uepaitment meeting.

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Teacheis in cycle 2 will be askeu to incoipoiate a peuagogy anu metacognitive goal

Examples of peuagogy goals:
Integiate ICT in my teaching
0se moie constiuctivist appioaches to ICT integiation

Examples of Netacognitive uoals.
To be piepaieu to leain with anu fiom my stuuents
To not be conceineu about making mistakes with technology
To attempt solving technology pioblems befoie seeking assistance.

Again, teacheis will be askeu to keep tiack of this in theii PLT logs.

2<,)*6*) 2$,<- 5$ +02

1. The competency capability Nouel fiom the Technology Togethei woikbook
will be maue into posteis anu will be uisplayeu in all bieak iooms.
2. Piincipal will auuiess many of the iueas of Technology Togethei concept in
his blackboaiu announcements. Liteiacy team will ieinfoice uuiing
uepaitment meetings; the Piofessional Bevelopment Cooiuinatoi will uo this
uuiing the iequiieu piep peiiou meetings. This time is alieauy blockeu so it
will not put fuithei uemanus on teacheis.
S. Recieational uoals will be uone infoimally. The piincipal will cieate a
uiscussion boaiu topic calleu "0sing Technology at Bome" wheie teacheis
can shaie theii accomplishments at home such as installing a blue-iay playei,
leaining a new cameia, oi winning a Supei Bowl on Nauuen. Any technology
is alloweu. This will help encouiage the faculty to see how technology is useu
in the ieal woilu.
4. Piincipal will also cieate a helpuesk uiscussion boaiu unuei Black Boaiu
entitleu "Bow uo I.". The puipose of this boaiu is foi teacheis to pose
questions on how to uo ceitain piojects. 0thei teacheis may answei with
specific questions but mentois will only answei with a website link that
shows how to solve the pioblem. The intenueu goal of this uiscussion boaiu
is to be busy at fiist anu then uie a slow ueath of not being useu foi teacheis
will stait figuiing out how to solve these pioblems without help.
S. The Web Besign class will cieate an E-Poitfolio foi the school collecting the
teacheis woik. It will seive as both a sciapbook anu a iesouice guiue foi
teacheis. Teacheis who pioviue examples will get a "shout-out" on both
blackboaiu anu the moining announcements.
6. When any obseivei sees any technology integiation in classiooms, they neeu
to iepoit the who anu what to the Piincipal who will make an effoit to give
them a "shout-out" on blackboaiu. Foi novice teacheis, the piincipal shoulu
give a special encouiaging shout-out uuiing his live appeaiances on the
moining announcements.

7,)1#&3&/*,- ED5*35.3, 6&% =&53-

A ueuicateu Tv Piouuction Lab
The Laigest Computei Lab plus the Web Besign lab contain the latest
veision of the Auobe Suite.
All computeis have Niciosoft 0ffice anu all teacheis have access to
the softwaie to install on theii own computeis.
Flip cameias aie available foi checkout foi classioom use
Bigital Cameias aie available foi checkout.
Scanneis aie locateu in all computei labs.

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At each half semestei, teacheis will be askeu to complete this foim uiscussing just
one of the technologies they employeu. (Resouice 6b)

Scaffold for 8eflecLlon
WhaL dld you

WhaL happened?

WhaL lnslghLs dld
you galn abouL
yourself as a
compuLer learner?

WhaL else
would/could you

=&53 4,63,)$*&#

Buiing iefection time uuiing uepaitment meetings, teacheis will, as a PLT, fill out
the goal iefection sheet. Teacheis shoulu iotate who completes the foim each

Specific uoal Bow uiu you
uo it.
Bow uiu it go. Recommenu to
othei teacheis
in the gioup.
Skill uoal

Peuagogy uoal


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The piincipal will incoipoiate into is uaily blackboaiu messages the following
hanuout. Be will also incluue it the teachei hanubook.

SLraLegles Lo develop sLudenLs' meLacognlLlon
ln pracLlce

kesource 44 || 8ox S.3

!)($% 1he followlng sLraLegles were summarlzed from *+$ ,)-.$/( "-0 1-2(34.(5)- )6
7$(".)8-5(5)- (apaleonLlou-Louca, 2003).
Ident|fy|ng "what you know" and "what you don't know": AL Lhe beglnnlng of a research
acLlvlLy chlldren need Lo esLabllsh whaL Lhey already know and verlfy, clarlfy, expand, or
replace Lhls wlLh more accuraLe lnformaLlon by researchlng Lhe Loplc.
|ann|ng and organ|z|ng strategy: lL ls lmporLanL for chlldren Lo assume lncreaslng responslblllLy
for plannlng and regulaLlng Lhelr learnlng, as lL ls dlfflculL Lo become self-dlrecLed when
learnlng ls planned and monlLored by someone else.
Generat|ng quest|ons: Learner-generaLed quesLlons lnvolve a hlgh degree of meLacognlLlve
lnvolvemenL as learners are lndependenLly monlLorlng and regulaLlng Lhelr own
comprehenslon, enabllng Lhem Lo become more self-aware and Lake conLrol of learnlng.
Choos|ng cons|stency: Pelplng sLudenLs explore Lhe consequences of declslons and provldlng
non[udgmenLal feedback abouL effecLs of behavlors and declslons may asslsL sLudenLs Lo
percelve Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween Lhelr cholces, acLlons, and resulLs.
Sett|ng and pursu|ng goa|s: MeLacognlLlve asslsLance may be provlded by helplng sLudenLs
deflne personal goals and [usLlfylng reasons for declslons, hlghllghLlng relevanL percepLual or
concepLual facLs and arranglng Lhe envlronmenL so each sLep of Lhe problem can be dealL
wlLh separaLely.
Lva|uat|ng the way of th|nk|ng and act|ng: lndependenL reflecLlon and evaluaLlon may be
asslsLed wlLh Lhe developmenL of crlLerla LhaL enable sLudenLs Lo Lhlnk and ask quesLlons of
Lhemselves durlng a learnlng acLlvlLy, such as ldenLlfylng and self-correcLlng errors, and
dlsLlngulshlng whaL was helpful or hlnderlng.
Ident|fy|ng the d|ff|cu|ty: lnsLead of glvlng excuses, sLudenLs can be encouraged Lo ldenLlfy Lhelr
dlfflculLles ln order Lo develop aLLlLudes and enhanced ablllLles Lo lmplemenL approprlaLe
araphras|ng and e|aborat|ng students' |deas: Pelplng sLudenLs organlze Lhelr LhoughLs and
communlcaLe effecLlvely may be asslsLed by paraphraslng whaL ls sald, exLendlng ldeas,
puLLlng LhoughLs ln order, and clarlfylng quesLlons.
Labe||ng students' behav|or: Labellng sLudenLs' cognlLlve processes helps sLudenLs become
consclous of Lhelr own acLlons (e.g., hlghllghLlng when a sLudenL makes a plan of acLlon or ls
Debr|ef|ng the th|nk|ng process: Closure acLlvlLles focus sLudenL dlscusslon on Lhe Lhlnklng
process and develop awareness of sLraLegles LhaL can be applled Lo oLher learnlng slLuaLlons.
rob|em so|v|ng and research act|v|t|es: locuslng sLudenL aLLenLlon on how Lasks are
accompllshed wlLh problem-solvlng and research acLlvlLles can provlde opporLunlLles for
developlng meLacognlLlve sLraLegles.
ko|e-p|ay|ng: 8ole-playlng and dramaLlzaLlon help sLudenLs undersLand how oLher people Lhlnk,
feel, and acL ln a parLlcular slLuaLlon, Lhus helplng Lo reduce egocenLrlc percepLlons.

"',5- 6&% 21&I)5-*#/ 5#' >,3,.%5$*#/ 2$(',#$ E)1*,D,;,#$- 05#'&($H

The following will be shaieu in Cycle 2 uuiing a uepaitment meeting anu will also be
incluueu in the Faculty Banubook:

ldeas for showcaslng and celebraLlng
sLudenL achlevemenLs

kesource 68 || 8ox 6.1
! LlecLronlcally publlsh sLudenLs' work ln a class or school newsleLLer, or on a wlkl
or webslLe.
! 1ake phoLos of sLudenLs' work or a class fleld Lrlp and lnvolve sLudenLs ln uslng a
daLa pro[ecLor Lo presenL Lhe phoLos aL a school assembly.
! uL LogeLher a vlrLual arL exhlblLlon for parenLs.
! CreaLe a dlglLal exhlblLlon dlsplayed on class compuLers as screen savers or
deskLop lmages.
! use sLudenLs' dlglLal audlo producLlons for Lhe school's on-hold phone message.
! Sell sLudenLs' creaLlons as parL of a school fund-ralser.
! Pave sLudenLs creaLe dlglLal porLfollos and Lake Lhem home aL Lhe end of Lhe year
as a memenLo Lo show famlly and frlends.

>%,5$*#/ 5# 9J@&%$6&3*&

This hanuout will be given to teacheis at the beginning of the yeai. It will also be
placeu in the faculty Banubook. Any teachei who cieates one by miuteim in the
seconu cycle anu has it appioveu by Piincipal can sleep in on the last late-take in
uay of the yeai.

9#' &6 7,%;AK,5% 9D53(5$*&#

At the enu of each semestei, teacheis will be askeu to complete a suivey
expiessing how they feel about the piogiam. Teacheis will also be askeu to tuin in
theii PLT Logs at the enu of the school yeai foi evaluation by the Liteiacy Team.

Teachei obseivations will also keep tiack of technology integiation.

Stuuents in the 1u
, 11
, anu 12
giaues will be askeu to also uo a suivey at
the enu of the school yeai. The ieason foi omitting the fieshmen is to so that the
suivey mainly focuses on stuuents who weie piesent at WBS the yeai befoie. All
suiveys can be founu in the appenuix.

The Technology Team Nembeis will also uo an enu of the yeai evaluation.
This foim is incluueu in the appenuix.

Append|x 8:
Student re Survey: Su|tab|e for o|der students

kesource 3c || Iorm 3.1c

[noLe LhaL Lhls verslon of Lhe survey ls parLlcularly beneflclal where sLudenLs Lhemselves are Lo
be engaged ln Lhe meLacognlLlve process].

!"#$%&"'() +'# )&,-$(&): Cur school ls lmplemenLlng a program called '1echnology 1ogeLher'
where we wlll be learnlng abouL new ways we can use compuLer Lechnology Lo supporL Leachlng
and learnlng. We are very lnLeresLed Lo know more abouL whaL 9:; Lhlnk abouL Lechnology and
Lhe role lL plays ln helplng you learn. 1he followlng survey wlll help us flnd ouL your ldeas. ?our
responses are confldenLlal and you are noL asked Lo provlde your name.
We have used Lhe Lerm Lechnology" Lo refer Lo loLs of dlfferenL Lypes of compuLer Lechnology -
boLh sofLware and hardware, such as deskLops, lapLops, LableLs, and moblle compuLers.

Are you:
! Male ! lemale

Pow old are you:
WhaL grade/year are you
uo you have access Lo a
compuLer aL home?
! ?es ! no
Pow ofLen do you use Lhe
compuLer aL home?
! Lvery day .. Pow many hours a day? _____________
! 1wo or Lhree Llmes a week
! Cnce every couple of weeks
! never
uo you have access Lo Lhe
lnLerneL aL home?
! ?es ! no
Are you allowed Lo go on
Lhe lnLerneL?
! ?es, anyLlme l llke
! ?es, buL wlLh resLrlcLlons . lease explaln_____________
! no
WhaL do you use your
compuLer aL home for?
(mark all LhaL apply)
! laylng educaLlonal games (e.g. maLh or
! laylng non-educaLlonal games
! WrlLlng sLorles
! uslng e-mall
! uslng soclal neLworklng slLes such
as lacebook
! ulglLal phoLos
! LlsLenlng Lo muslc
! 8esearchlng lnformaLlon
! CLher (please glve examples)

Whlch of Lhese
Lechnologles do you have
regular access Lo? (mark all
LhaL apply)
Moblle/cell phone
! M3 player
! ulglLal camera
! ulglLal vldeo camera
! lad or slmllar
! Wll, laySLaLlon slmllar
! SmarL phone wlLh lnLerneL access

lease respond Lo Lhe followlng slx quesLlons uslng Lhe followlng scale, where 1=
sLrongly dlsagree and 3= sLrongly agree.
Pow confldenL would you feel dolng Lhe followlng:

1. l have been encouraged Lo use Lechnology by
my famlly

1. SLarL up a compuLer and open a documenL
or program

2. l llke Lo 'play around' wlLh Lechnology

2. Move, copy or organlze flles

3. l have been encouraged Lo use Lechnology by
my Leachers

3. lnsLall sofLware from a Cu-8CM or from

4. l Lhlnk lL ls easy learnlng abouL new Lechnology

4. SeL up a compuLer by plugglng lL all

3. l would choose Lo use Lechnology ln my spare

3. use Lhe help funcLlon of a program

6. lf l need asslsLance ln uslng Lechnology Lhls
asslsLance ls easy Lo geL

6. use more Lhan one program aL once (mulLl-

7. When l succeed wlLh a Lechnology Lask lL ls
because l know whaL Lo do

7. 1each a compuLer sklll Lo oLhers

8. My Leachers are able Lo help me lf l have
dlfflculLles wlLh a compuLer Lask

8. use a scanner

9. uslng Lechnology makes me more popular wlLh
people my own age

9. use a dlglLal camera

10. l am more moLlvaLed by lessons whlch lnvolve
use of Lechnology

10. llnd a Web slLe glven a speclflc u8L (Web

11. Learnlng Lo use Lechnology wlll enhance my
fuLure [ob prospecLs

11. SeL up an address book ln your e-mall

12. l ofLen Lhlnk abouL Lhe way l go abouL learnlng
new Lechnology

12. llle e-malls lnLo mall boxes

13. l llke Lo explore Lhe feaLures of sofLware

13. erform a Web Search for speclflc

14. Cnce l geL on Lhe compuLer l flnd lL hard Lo sLop

14. Save lmages from Lhe Web

13. l glve up easlly when problems occur when
uslng Lechnology

13. Modlfy Lhe appearance of a phoLograph
uslng a graphlcs program

16. uslng Lechnology helps me Lo learn

16. use a spreadsheeL

17. When someLhlng goes wrong wlLh a compuLer l
generally see lL as someLhlng l've done

17. SeL up a 8log (Web Log)

18. l prefer Lo be shown by someone else whaL Lo
do on Lhe compuLer

18. CreaLe and edlL a dlglLal vldeo

19. Pavlng Lo learn someLhlng new wlLh Lechnology
lsn'L scary

19. roblem solve when someLhlng goes
'wrong' wlLh Lechnology

20. lL ls Ck lf Leachers don'L know how Lo do
someLhlng wlLh Lechnology because we can
flgure lL ouL LogeLher

20. 8ecord an audlo flle

21. When l can'L do someLhlng wlLh Lechnology lL ls
because l haven'L been shown how Lo

21. use an avaLar Lo move around ln a 3u
vlrLual envlronmenL.

22. uslng Lechnology helps me feel more confldenL

22. Pow would you descrlbe your overall
confldence wlLh Lechnology skllls

23. lf l was glven a new plece of sofLware or a new
Lechnology 'gadgeL' LhaL l'd never seen before,
l could use Lhls even lf Lhere was no one around
Lo Lell me whaL Lo do

WhaL do you llke mosL abouL uslng Lechnology aL school?

WhaL don'L you llke abouL uslng Lechnology aL school?

WhaL would you llke Lo see done dlfferenLly wlLh Lechnology aL school?

Append|x C: Check||st for |mp|ementat|on p|ann|ng

! ls lC1 ldenLlfled as a prlorlLy ln your school's annual plan?
! ls Lhe 12-18 monLh perlod you have ldenLlfled for lmplemenLlng 1echnology 1ogeLher
relaLlvely free from ma[or dlsrupLlve evenLs or agendas?
! ln lnLroduclng 1echnology 1ogeLher Lo your school, have you:
! oslLloned lL as a school prlorlLy?
! Lmphaslzed LhaL lL wlll meeL everyone aL Lhelr own level and provlde loLs of
pracLlcal ldeas and supporL?
! Conveyed enLhuslasm, buL also a degree of expecLaLlon and accounLablllLy?
! Consldered how expllclL Lo be (aL leasL lnlLlally) abouL Lhe meLacognlLlve
! Wlll all sLaff be encouraged Lo be dlrecLly lnvolved (preferable) or wlll you lnlLlally focus
on a smaller group? Wlll you lnclude Leacher aldes and admlnlsLraLlve sLaff?
! When wlll you faclllLaLe a dlscusslon around your lC1 fuLure vlslon"?
! Wlll your school have an exLernal parLner?
! lf yes, wlll Lhey conducL Lhe school analysls?
! lf no, who wlll coordlnaLe Lhe school analysls?
! Who wlll parLlclpaLe ln Lhe school analysls dlscusslon? When wlll Lhls occur?
! Pave you reglsLered your school on Lhe 1echnology 1ogeLher webslLe so you can access
Lhe onllne Leacher survey? When wlll Leachers compleLe Lhls?
! Are all school execuLlves on board?
! Who wlll be your 1echnology 1ogeLher faclllLaLor?
! Who wlll be your companlon menLor(s)?
! WhaL roles wlll your lC1 experLs play?
! ls everyone aware of Lhelr roles?
! Pow wlll you meeL and work LogeLher as a Leam?
! Pow and when wlll Lhe lnlLlal goal seLLlng process Lake place? Who wlll play whaL roles?
! WhaL menLorlng sLraLegles wlll you lnlLlally Lrlal?
! Pow wlll you manage sLaff release Llme?
! Whlch reflecLlon and dlscusslon sLraLegles wlll you plan Lo Lry?
! Pow and when wlll you showcase and celebraLe Leachers' and sLudenLs' achlevemenLs?

Append|x D:
Student ost Survey: Su|tab|e for o|der students

!"#$%&"'() +'# )&,-$(&): 1hls pasL school year has seen Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe 1echnology
1ogeLher rogram. 1he school leadershlp ls lnLeresLed Lo see how you feel abouL Lhe program.

Are you:
! Male ! lemale

Pow old are you:
WhaL grade/year are you

1. What was the most exciting technology pioject you uiu this yeai. What
maue it inteiesting.

2. What teachei suipiiseu with theii use of technology. Bow.

S. Foi ietuining stuuents, how uiu the use of technology compaie to last yeais.

4. Technologically speaking, what changes woulu you like to see at WBS foi
next yeai.

Append|x I: Lnd-of-term eva|uat|ve quest|ons for fac|||tators, CMs, and schoo|
kesource 71 || Iorm 7.2

Are we managlng Lo engage all school sLaff?
Are we bulldlng a sense of colleglallLy and muLual supporL?
Pow mlghL we besL moLlvaLe Lhose who mlghL noL be on board?
Are Lhere elemenLs ldenLlfled Lhrough our school analysls whlch are lmpacLlng on how lC1 ls
belng lnLegraLed and how Leachers are learnlng?
WhaL can we do abouL Lhese lssues?
Are Lhe sLraLegles we are uslng Lo menLor sLaff conslsLenL wlLh Lhe meLacognlLlve approach?
Are Lhe sLraLegles achlevlng whaL we hoped?
Pow mlghL we do Lhlngs dlfferenLly?
Are Leachers carrylng Lhrough on Lhelr goals?
Are Lhey lmplemenLlng useful lnlLlaLlves ln Lhelr classrooms?
Pow can we prompL Leachers Lo embrace more challenglng goals ln Lhe nexL cycle and Lake
anoLher sLep up Lhe learnlng ladder?
ls our approach developlng capablllLy as well as compeLency?
Are sLaff evldenclng LhaL Lhey undersLand Lhe dlfference?
Where mlghL we focus our efforLs Lo enhance capablllLy?
uo we need Lo vary our sLraLegles Lo keep sLaff moLlvaLed?
WhaL dlfferenL ways can we engage Lhem ln reflecLlon and dlscusslon?
WhaL, lf anyLhlng, do we need Lo do or change Lo supporL each oLher as a coordlnaLlng Leam?


ISTE. (n.d.). NETS for Students. Retrieved July 16, 2013, from

ITSE. (n.d.). NETS for Teachers. Retrieved July 16, 2013, from

Phelps, R., & Graham, A. (2013). Technology Together: Whole School Professional
Development for Capability and Confidence. Eugene, Oregon: International Society for
Technology in Education.

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